manakahandmade · 7 years
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‘Borneo Bounce’ : : : : : : :  Another unique limited edition piece from my collection. This fabric is a print from Borneo. Traditionally it is a woven motif so it was very exciting to find this in cotton print. This cultural Indonesian print combined with my own creativity, this hooded waistcoat can be worn to compliment any style. Only two available : : : : : : : Once they are gone, there will be no more as the fabric is limited. The waistcoat is fully adjustable at the sides and also at the back for the perfect fit. ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬●
Shop Online Here : : : : : : 
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scofashion-blog · 6 years
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Credit from @scofevents - #tb #throwback to our wonderful designer #Nila collection showcased at #ParisFashionWeek Brief & Brand Manager by @cee_langie8852 Designer #nilabaharuddin Galery @kenezandcute Model @ollyoyii MUA @okawati_janis Shot @gregorygnart Shoot taken in Indonesia Can't wait to release our lookbook... loved creative directing this shoot by an incredible designer 🌹 stunning model too.... Another content for Lookbook Indonesian fashion designer . . #londonfashionweek #lookbookindonesia #fashion #indonesianfashion #fashiondesigner #indonesianfashiondesigner #wonderfulindonesia #indonesianclothing #fabric #indonesianfabric #kainnusantara #photography #beautyphotography #jakartaphotography #beautifulgirls #iloveindonesia #jakarta #indonesia #jakartaphotographer #art #conceptualphotography #potraitphotography https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqne8zABGiJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1euzwa7t75hen
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Puasa hari ke-2 .. apa yang dirasa ..? . . . Sop bersyukur pastinya .. perkenalan dengan Tenun Mamasa 2 bulan lalu, membuat bounding yang lebih kuat lagi dengan kain Indonesia .. Yup, it's a slow fashion .. perlu proses dan kesabaran untuk membuatnya .. and so what? Masih bisa dibuat dengan model yang chic dan modern kok.. dan perajin Toraja Melo di Mamasa sangat semangat, terbukti dengan hadirnya total 60m Tenun Mamasa di rumah kami hari ini.. dan masih akan bertambah 💪 . . . @torajamelo now sangat ready dengan campaign 1000 kebaya Nina untuk program capacity building bagi 1000 penenun Mamasa, Adonara dan Lembata yang selalu bersama kami .. 💙 #SaveWeavingSaveLife Melestarikan tenun Indonesia, Membangun Kehidupan Perajin . . . Who's with me? . . . The journey of a #soulfultravel ... Is about to start 🙋 Teman-teman bisa mendukung kelestarian Tenun bersama #Torajamelo dengan memuesan Kebaya Nina via +6281236810038 (Mbak Yanti) . It's a made to order Kebaya ya .. bisa request warna untuk menyesuaikan mix and match dengan tenun-tenun ini sesuai keinginanmu.. lebih seru kalau dipakai kembaran bareng teman2 😉 . . . Pic by : @kaniasafitrii @dennyirawanphotos @ririeprams @sabesabrina @torajamelo #clozetteid #fashion #KebayaNina #casualKebaya #tenunmamasa #Indonesianfabric #madeinIndonesia #ekonomikreatifIndonesia (at Jakarta, Indonesia)
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darmeento-blog · 7 years
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Semen prabu Motif klasik batik solo yang merupakan karya dari pembatikan Bu Bei Sis atau Bu Bei Mardhusari. Motif dengan ragam hias berupa grudo, gunungan, pendhopo, dan semen ( persemaian ). Semen prabu biasanya dibuat dengan latar cemeng, namun berbeda dengan pembatikan ini, dibuat dengan latar bledhak ( putih ) yang sekilas mirip dengan batikan dari jogja. Dengan tone warna sogannya yang coklat keemasan. Batik karya Bu Bei Sis merupakan salah satu batik dengan hasil yang sangat mengagumkan, presisi, dikerjakan dengan kehati hatian, dan dibabar dengan sangat indahnya. Bu bei sis sendiri merupakan istri dari raja mangkunegaran ke VII, yang sebenarnya lebih dikenal sebagai seniman multi talenta. Beliau sangat piawai dalam olah seni tari dan juga sebagai wiraswara, yang dalam beberapa tulisan disebutkan memiliki cengkok khas dan pandai dalam wangsalan. Sehingga menjadi panutan para seniman berikutnya. #batik #batiktulis #batikkuno #batikklasik #batiksolo #mangkunegaran #batikkeraton #batikbbs #heritage #indonesianfabric
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appolineontheroad · 6 years
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Composition 1 #visualexplorer #textilefreak #textile #ikat #indonesianfabric #indonesianikat #dark #blue #grey #camera #vintage #super8 #cinema #fabric #eye #nofilter #vintageobjects #oldcamera — view on Instagram http://ift.tt/2BAlUEB
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himesanma · 8 years
Melihat proses pembuatan kain tenun Lombok.. #kaintenunlombok #tenunikat #tenun #howto #traditionalfabric #indonesianfabric #handwovenfabric #tenunlombok #tenunindonesia #indonesiaheritage #explorelombok #instatravel #travelgram #travelling #indonesiatraveler #videogram #織物 #インドネシア #伝統的な織物 #インドネシアの文化 #休暇 #休日 #インドネシアを訪問 #jalanjalan #kelilingindonesia #exploreindonesia #wonderfulindonesia #IbumudabijakJalanjalan (di Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia)
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manakahandmade · 7 years
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‘Parang Vibrations’ : : : : : : :  This jacket is handmade from Indonesian Batik Print Fabric. This print is from Java and the Parang pattern resembles the sword. It was considered one of the forbidden batik patterns, reserved only for the royal courts of Surakarta and Jogjakarta. Lucky for us, now, it can be widely use by everyone. These fabrics are bought during my travels so they are very limited and I am unable to make more than 4 jackets in this print which makes it even more special! Sizes range from Small to XLarge (men & women's) and each jacket is Handmade to order so can be customised. Lined with cotton & perfect for cool summer evenings & cooler fall days. ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● 
Shop Online Here : : : : : : 
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Do It Yourself, Sofia.. . . . Sejak debut.. anaknya lebih seneng membuat prototype dengan tangan sendiri, diusahakan sebisa mungkin.. dibuat sendiri dulu.. karena ibaratnya my baby, yang pertama dibuat musti dikasih perhatian ekstra.. prinsip saya rada kolot 😂, kalau saya aja gak bisa paham dengan cara buat dan bagaimana itu tercipta, gimana saya bisa minta tolong orang lain untuk membuatnya..? 🤔 . . . Ada bagusnya sih.. terjun langsung itu justru bisa bikin saya paham sesulit apa, selama apa, seberat apa.. kalo kebanyakan plan dan teori yang ada malah... Twew wew.. (sebenernya .. anaknya gampang penasaran kalo belom titik.. jadi.. mending.. hajar aja 😂😂) kalo gagal ... Yaudah 😂😂 so what? . . . Happy banget akhirnya kain tenun indigo ini sampai juga di tangan 😍 dengan warna yang maksimal cantiknya .. deep blue sea! kain ini buatan tangan dengan alat tenun tradisional lho.. dibuat oleh mama-mama di Ngada 💙 pewarnanya pun pewarna alam (ya la.. daritadi indigo kan disebut mulu 😂 di Ngada .. indigo disebut nila) . . Meski saat ini cuaca di Ngada tidak memungkinkan untuk menghasilkan indigo yang berkualitas baik, tapi alhamdulillaah, masih selamat untuk selembar kain dan 3 lembar shawl 💙💙 (indigo/nila hanya tumbuh baik saat cuaca panas. Saat ini di Ngada sedang dingin dan kering hingga awal tahun) .. . . . Malam jumat kamu ngapain? Saya.. prototyping 😂😂 . . . Mau bantuin? 😋😉 #clozetteid #lifestyle #IndonesianFabric #sofiadewico #sofiadewifashiondiary #fashion #fashionid #blue #manumanu . . . Day 6 (at Yogyakarta)
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manakahandmade · 9 years
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Another scarf from my Winter Warmers Collection uploaded to my website this week! I handmade this one using some fabric I bought in Java, Indonesia and called this design ‘Burning Embers’ because of its beautiful flaming colours ^_^
Living in Indonesia, I am constantly inspired by the cultures which differ so much from island to island and with that diversity, comes beautiful fabrics with unique prints.  This one is called the Parang Motif and is one of the most powerful of batik motifs with it’s strong parallel diagonal lines. This traditional Parang print from Yogyakarta consists of slanting parallel rows of dagger- like segments, arranged repetitively on contrasting colours of Cream White, Burnt Orange and Grey. This pattern is known as the sword pattern or the tongue of fire. The characteristic curved lines of Parang could also be translated as waves in the sea, symbolising the power and greatness of nature.
These fabrics are truly unique and the amount of fabric is limited so get it before it’s gone! You can Shop Online Here in my shop were you will find other fabrics I have been collecting recently!  
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manakahandmade · 9 years
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To kick start the New Year, I will share some new Winter Warmers that I have uploaded to my website this week! This handmade scarf is one I created over the Christmas Holidays. I used some fabric I bought in Java, Indonesia. 
Living in Indonesia, I am constantly inspired by the cultures which differ so much from island to island and with that diversity, comes beautiful fabrics with unique prints.  This one is called the Parang Motif and is one of the most powerful of batik motifs with it’s strong parallel diagonal lines. This traditional Parang print from Yogyakarta consists of slanting parallel rows of dagger- like segments, arranged repetitively on contrasting colours of Cream White, Black and Grey. This pattern is known as the sword pattern or the tongue of fire. The characteristic curved lines of Parang could also be translated as waves in the sea, symbolising the power and greatness of nature. 
These fabrics are truly unique and the amount of fabric is limited so get it before it’s gone! You can Shop Online Here in my shop were you will find other fabrics I have been collecting recently!  
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manakahandmade · 9 years
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The best creations come from love and I Love this print! The pattern on this printed maxi skirts is one of my favorites ^_^ Rarely does a pattern combine authentic ethnicity and beauty with such playfulness and sophistication.
Endlessly wandering the markets of Indonesia can yield many treasures to the bold and the patient (And the lucky >.< )
Check out my online shop to see other treasures I have listed. These skirts are only available to buy for one week as they are a custom range and the fabric is limited. Skirts are available in sizes XS - XXL : : : : : Shop Online HERE : : : : :
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