desskellogg · 5 months
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its an hour late but more of him
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loominggaia · 1 month
razzek GOD I wanna see Mr. Ocean at one of these! The logistics alone of getting him in there would be incredible! XD
Lukas grew up around this stuffy shit, so he knows how to act around elites. But Mr. Ocean is clueless. He's bumbling around the place, not dressed for the occasion at all, probably wearing pajamas, flip-flops, and a hydration pack to spritz himself with. Dripping water on the floor, creating a hazard. Indiga slips on it and breaks her hip. Soaks every fine upholstered chair he sits in. Randomly hitting a filthy bong and offering it to people. Walking up to random nobles and telling them long, inane stories that go absolutely nowhere. Eating live exotic fish out of the aquarium because he thinks it's part of the buffet. Sees Sovereign across the room and waves wildly, fish spraying out of his mouth as he yells, "HEY! HEY! BROTHER! HELLO, BROTHER! MY BROTHER, IT'S ME! HELLO!" as Sovereign tries desperately to ignore him, dying of embarrassment.
Meanwhile Lukas is like, "Uh...Yeah idk, I'm not with him. Never met that man in my life."
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darkwingphoenix · 1 month
@loominggaia, Civ VI Ideas
So, I play Civilization VI, a 4X game. I don't wanna go too deep into the game, but people can Google stuff, right? We have TECHNOLOGY
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And, with the new Kingdom Lore pulling up, I was thinking about making hypothetical Civ Vi abilities for the Kingdoms and their leaders. There's also a Sui Generis mod that makes civilizations parts of ethnic groups with abilities for those too.
Evangeline: Harvest Kingdom
Farms gain +1 production for every 2 adjacent Farms. This is boosted to +1 for each adjacent Farm by Feudalism, and gain an additional +1 food for each adjacent Farm. You can build Farms on Hills once you unlock Feudalism.
Farms are a common improvement in Civ Vi, so why not boost Farms to an insane level? This ability is very similar to the Incan ability, but modified to work like an early game Feudalism with Production.
Queen Indiga: House of Humanity
A Holy Site adjacency bonus grants Culture in addition to Faith. All Encampments gain +1 Gold and Production from all adjacent Farms, and grant major adjacency to Holy Sites. Finishing Encampments and Encampment districts grants a free melee unit with no maintenance cost.
This ability is very similar to parts of Byzantium's two leaders: Theodora and Basil II. The Holy Site adjacency to Farms merges well with the Evangeline's ability to make Farms, and the Encampment part is based off of Byzantium's unique District, the Hippodrome, but modified for Encampments.
Unique Unit: Kelvingyard Slaver
Unique Unit that replaces the Man-at-Arms and is unlocked at Feudalism. Stronger unit than the unit it replaces, and cheaper . -10 Strength when fighting outside of your borders, +5 when fighting against a unit from another Religion. Has a chance to capture enemy military units as Builders.
The Kelvingyard Slaver is replacing the Man-at-Arms as Evangeline's Medieval melee unit, and I fused several other Melee units for it: The Eagle Warrior of the Aztecs (The capture units for Builders part), the Spanish Conquistadors for the boost to Strength when fighting a unit from another Religion. I also put a major nerf when fighting outside of Evangeline's borders, putting a higher emphasis on staying within your borders, as a reference to how they don't really act openly outside of Evangeline. It also helps a lot if you get attacked/invaded, as they'd be super OP the entire time and even help your economy by getting you a couple Builders from it.
Unique Building: Slave Auction
Unique Building that replaces the Market, and is cheaper to build. +1 Trade Route, and +2 Production and +2 Gold if this city has an Encampment, and +2 Faith and +2 Culture if this city has a Holy Site.
The Slave Auction really isn't much, just a slave auction.
Evangeline Overall Strategy
As it may be clear to see, Evangeline's ability, as well as Indiga's, makes for a powerful farming empire, turning every available tile into Farms, while having a powerful homeland defense. Farms give Production, and Encampments and the Slave Auction do as well, and combined they're designed to basically remove Industrial Zones from the equation, as enough Farms with an Encampment and Market will do well.
The lack of any way to boost Science using Abilities isn't a bug, it's a feature: Evangeline is notably low tech, so having no Science Boost works out.
I can also see Cobalt, Cerulea, or even Azura as potential alternate Leaders (Azura can work as two leader have had two nations, and one married into another: Eleanor of Aquitaine for England and France, and Kublai Khan of China and Mongolia). I'd say Cerulea's knuckles down on Holy Sites, possibly via giving Gold equal to a portion of a city's Faith output, Cobalt is something I can't really figure out until I know more about his potential reign, and Azura would likely have an ability that boosts Gold output from Markets and Harbors while having the ability to train Spies earlier and gaining Gold and Culture from successful Spy Operations.
Matuzu Kingdom: First Kindgom
All cities gain additional Culture, and Science equal to 20% of their Gold output. All Luxury Resources give Amenities to 2 additional cities, and give 1 Housing and +2 Gold to the city they're worked in when improved.
Matuzu's obviously pretty into Gold, so why not make an ability all about that money? Luxuries also make sense, as they're valuable and worth gold.
Marghan: Frivolous Spending
Cities gain an additional +2 gold for each unique type of Luxury Resource worked, and Trade Routes give +2 gold for every Luxury Resource improved at the destination.
Marghan... would NOT be my first choice for a Leader, as he really isn't much of a good ruler. However, as High King, he needs to be included. So, his ability taps into his cross-continental DoorDash orders and his love of being an ass and doing drugs, by making that a massive Gold making ability. I strongly believe this is a bad thing, but I needed a good ability.
Unique Unit: Uekoran Archer
Unique ranged unit that replaces the Crossbowman and is cheaper. Uekoran Archers give Gold equal to the Strength of a Unit when they defeat the Unit.
Uekoran Archers are a pretty significant thing, right? So, having them as a UU makes sense to me.
Unique Building: World Atheneum
Unique building for the Government Plaza, available with a Tier 2 Government. Grants the city the Government Plaza is in +15% Science and Culture, and can hold up to 2 Great Works, which are automatically themed when completed.
I'm using the World Atheneum for Matuzu's Unique Infrastructure (Districts, Buildings, and Improvements have ALL been used for this) because it's a significant part of Matuzan culture. The Government Plaza also has like 1 Unique Building in official Civilizations and Leaders (That being the Queen's Bibliotheque for Kristina).
Matuzan Overall Strategy
Overall, Matuzu is built for a ton of Gold, Science, and Culture while improving every possible Luxury Resource and making a ton of Trade Routes for that Gold.
I'd say Azura, Jelani, and maybe Uzoma make for solid Matuzan rulers. Azura would have her ability for both Evangeline and Matuzu, Jelani would have some sorta ability focused on the military (Maybe a Leader Unique Unit (Like Rough Rider Teddy Roosevelt or Empire Victoria)), and Uzoma would probably have a good diplomacy ability.
I ain't doing the rest because this is already so long. I'll do Damijana and Zareen next tho
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justanotherkinrequest · 10 months
꒰ 🚂 ꒱ Pokemon Ingo fem/neu names with themes of nighttime, nature and mystery!
~For @warrensystem-blog!
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Willow , Muriel , Lorraine , Indiga , Helene , Idna , Endora , Eden , Cardinalle , Hymn , Astrilae , Indigo , Ophelia , Ivie , Juniper , Winnow(e) , Noth , Poppet , Niora , Ember , Lylac , Lark , Ivory , Eloide
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fabulousfinds76 · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Anthropologie Maeve Indiga Swing Dress, Size M floral.
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ilovelisasstuff · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Anthropologie Maeve Indiga Orange & White Swing Dress with Bird Print - M.
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dereck128 · 1 year
literatura colonial de mexico
Qué es la literatura colonial mexicana?Reciben este nombre las obras escritas por un grupo de autores que trataron de rescatar el espíritu nacionalista por medio del conocimiento de la época de la Colonia en México. Aunque el auge de esta literatura tuvo lugar entre 1917 y 1926, todavía después se siguieron produciendo este tipo
"linea del tiempo de la literatura colonial de mexico"
En 1521 hernan cortez conquista la gran Tenochtitlan 1523 llegan por mision del papá Adriano vl los franciscano a nueva España 1537 Carlos I expide las nuevas leyes prohíbe hacer exclavos a los nativos americanos 1551 se expide la cédula de la creación de la real universidad de nueva España 1585 en los actos de las sesiones Tenochtitlan cambio de nombre por México 1603 se arca el tribunal de santa cruzada 1638 la real identifica universidad de México incorpora en sus programas de estudio las cátedras de matemáticas y astronomía 1646 Andre de rivera indiga la redacción de la obra cronológica religiosa 1692 motín de la CDMX la plebe incendio el palacio de los reyes y el ayuntamiento 1700 Felipe v expide las reformas borbónicas como instrumento para modernizar a España ante el avance técnico político 1720 se reprimen los encomiendos de los indios 1753 nacimiento de Miguel Hidalgo y Castilla 1765 nacimiento de Jose María Morales y Pavón 1812 joce María Morelos forma el mando del ejército independiente 1815 Morelos derrotado hecho prisionero y también fusilado 1817 Francisco Javier mina aucente guerrero y continua en la lucha por la independencia 1821 se promolga el plan el Iguala concluye la independencia de México
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axsthetictears · 2 years
amiga te estuve sufriendo como por dos semanas, llorando porque veia q ya no querias nada conmigo y me hacias sentir insegura de todas las ilusiones que tenia, y ahora solo porq me estoy tardando igual que tu, tu si te indigas y te enojas 
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godofvillains-aa · 2 years
Anonymous asked:
That is the northern lights. Cannibs indiga
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synergysilhouette · 2 years
Continuing on with my Choices ideas for books from my banned Reddit account, here is "Arikara":
You don't remember anything. In a strange world filled with cities that house supernatural creatures, you find yourself an outcast. You look human, and are thus deemed as inferior to the creatures--but you're not human at all. In fact, your inhuman status will aid you in your quest to destroy the malevolent forces that block your memory and keep you trapped in your human form.
Gameplay: your choices matter. Critical decisions will help you unlock new abilities, such as flight, energy manipulation, and forming pacts with the supernatural creatures of the world, allowing you to summon them. If you gain enough power, you will regain your memory and your original form--if you desire. Along with this, your choices will decide what people think of you, and help you piece together your past.
Ikala--strong and inhumanly tall, the elegant woman is actually apart of a human-looking race called the Rea that secretly manipulates the fate of your world. Sarcastic, witty, and vicious, she's the perfect rival and teacher--if you go that route. However, her alliance with the forces she serves runs deep. If you wish to sway her, you'll have to prove yourself. (Western European attributes with long dark hair and green eyes).
Theon--a strong and powerful creature known as the Indiga. While he appears as a larger than life creature of light with immeasureable strength, his intelligence is lacking, making him prone to rush decisions. He's an ally to you and an advocate for equality, though if he wants to reach his full potential, he must learn to tame his hero complex (white skin, muscular phyisque, and blue orbs for eyes. What little clothes he wears is made of silver and gold.)
Erigo--a researcher of Indiga and Rea heritage, making him unpredictable and unreliable in the long run. He has the power of destruction and foresight and thus knows he will be the catalyst of change for a new world, but what will it look like? You interest him, and if you cooperate with a few tasks of his, you may gain his trust and convince him of who he should and shouldn't destroy.
Dallie--a hopeful watcher over Arkikara who wants to usher in an era of peace, which potentially puts her at odds with Erigo. She has the ability to heal, but claims to be completely human. She'll befriend you immediately, and will serve as wise council for the trials ahead.
Twist: When an eclipse hits Arikara, you find yourself tumbling into the past--your past. You discover that you're one of the Indiga but were bound, stripped of your powers, and given amnesia by the Rea in an attempt to make you create a war that, at this point, will undoubtedly be in the Rea's favor.
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Red dragon
I've never had the pleasure of smoking this strain but it's definitely on the bucket list
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desskellogg · 5 months
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its his day!!!!!!
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senator indiga bluetoe!!!!
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loominggaia · 2 months
So what does Queen Indiga think of her triplet grandsons? Is there any chance she'll ever meet them? Would she even want too?
As a political leader, Indiga hates that these boys even exist. She hates that her daughter married a foreigner and has been labeled a "traitor" by the Evangelite people. It's a source of embarrassment for her. The Evangelite people talk a lot of shit about Azura, Jelani, and their kids, and do not welcome any of them into the kingdom.
But as a grandmother, Indiga loves these boys regardless of who their father is or what her daughter did. She knows they're just innocent children, and she would love to have them in her life. Alas, it would reflect very poorly on her to maintain a relationship with them.
I imagine Indiga might arrange a private flight to transport Azura and her babies back to Evangeline Kingdom just to visit them. She could book a "vacation" somewhere and stay at a resort with them to reduce scrutiny. Azura would just use this as an opportunity to explain to her why her oppressive policies are trash, but Indiga wouldn't listen. She's too old, ignorant, and set in her ways.
She has already decided that she doesn't like Jelani and doesn't want to meet him, so he wouldn't be invited. Indiga has no legitimate reason for disliking him, other than he's Matuzan and she's a xenophobic old bitch lol. But the babies, yes, she wants to be a grandma to them even if she has to do so in secrecy. And maybe Azura would let her sisters meet them too (Except Marine and Teal because they can't keep their mouths shut about anything...)
Indiga would be a valuable resource to these boys as they grow up, depending on how long she lives. Her checkbook is always open to them, and she has enough political pull to get them out of serious trouble, even from across the border.
Publicly, Indiga forsakes these boys and talks about how shameful her daughter's choices are.
Privately, she's sending them toys and cookies (and Lindist scripture...) in the mail and telling them how much grandma loves them.
These poor little boys have no idea that some foreign kingdom sees them as villains and wants them dead. They will surely find out when they're older...
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darkwingphoenix · 5 days
Some Ascendance lore for my @loominggaia AU: Extended Lore (And some minor spoilers, especially Great Rulers)
Context: Ascendance is a Kingdom founded by monsters after an event known as Project Starblast, where Serafeen of Damijana turned it into a nuke attempting to leave Gaia. This event gave monsters souls and drew them to the ruins of the city.
(Continued under cut)
After getting off the ground economically, in 6069 (Nice) they challenged Zareen Empire, which was extremely weakened by continued Industrialist terms and wound up attempting to fight the new Kingdom, but wound up getting its ass whupped by healthier and overall better equipped soldiers (In that their gear wasn't prone to breaking after 3 seconds of use/needs electricity to function/Both of those) with higher morale (Many Zareenites were going into the military for the free education).
Skylie planned the invasion for 6040. Until then, the Ascendance army was able to slowly grow and gain alliances with Folkvar (A deal made by Saraia for the kingdom), the Unseelie Court (Something done proactively by Morgause, as she was essentially betting on Ascendance's success to prove monsters had souls for the world via a unique culture), the Aquarian Alliance (Mostly as a desperate way to stop leviathan/koholasaur feeding frenzies on globeholders by having Saraia teach mages in the Kingdom her leviathan repellant spell, and Skylie explained they were gonna target Zareen anyway), and Evangeline Kingdom (Being wracked by a rebellion/civil war by the adherents to the House of Humanity and those loyal to Indiga as well as Kelvingyard's military, Skylie wanted to help the Kingdom for her nieces and nephews). Most of these were mere economic alliances with defense pacts, however.
Anyway, when Ascendance finally invaded, Zareen was fucked. They were still trying to contain the plague, the solar flares ruined their infrastructure, and their people were fleeing to Mogdir or Matuzu as they had no way to feed themselves. The Ascendance Army smacked the shit out of the few Zareen soldiers at their border, and Zareen had to raise an army fast. This... Did not happen fast enough, and by the time the Zareenite military managed to get its pants on most of Zareen was captured and under Ascendii rule (Ascendii is the word for a citizen of Ascendance/The national adjective).
Qara, who was still ruling thanks to the Kuzapa rigging the votes in her favor, was attempting to convince the Kuzapa to let her surrender and cut a peace deal, but the Kuzapa refused... Until a retired member called Bob Nick destroyed the entire upper command of the Kuzapa a week before the Ascendii army pulled up to Zareen Capital's gates to destroy Zareen and eat pancakes, and they ate the last of their pancakes the day before (They ate sausages and oatmeal for breakfast the day of the actual attack, thus why Skylie said to record the final day of Zareen as them doing that)
The army was told to raze the city once Qara surrendered, and Skylie tied up Qara and her husband, poisoned them with the venom of a monster she made that slowly killed its recipient over hours, and played the saxophone to them for their final moments, tied up and dying from a excruciatingly painful venom as they watched the capital burn and listened to Skylie's saxophone playing (Like that Squirtle saxophone meme)
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After Skylie and the army returned to Ascendance Capital, Skylie got to work making a million monsters that could breed with themselves and made a buncha monsters to help purify the land and keep it so, as well as getting a million and 12 saraians ported in from Folkvar and Evangeline Kingdom to help rebuild the ecosystem/Economy.
Thanks to the hard work of the Ascendii people (And them porting literally all industrial work to Yerim-Mor), on the eve of 6100, the first wild nymphs since the rise of Zareen were born.
It helped the land was almost hard reset to no life more advanced than grass and bugs and no pollution in 6036 when Project Starblast happened and scoured the land, so the land only underwent 4 years of pollution.
Ascendance's first and closest ally is the Unseelie Court, for pretty obvious reasons. Their relations are hella friendly and buddy buddy, and Morgause often refers to Skylie as her bestie.
The Aquarian Alliance is... Fairly friendly with Ascendance, as they took down Zareen and were built on Damijana's ashes. They aren't fighting Ascendance, especially once Sovereign fucking explodes (More on that later).
Beyond this, Ascendance is friendly with Folkvar, Evangeline, Matuzu, and Yerim-Mor. Everyone else is neutral or unfriendly.
The Order of Love and Light is a pretty big thing here as it's heavily subsidized by the government, which gives the Order a ton of money (But still less than needed to get their Zareenite territories back up to prime productivity after disease and technological/ecological destruction) and allowing them to work their peaceful welfare stuff as the Kingdom focuses on other stuff.
The Cult isn't around anymore after Mankind's Disgrace was destroyed. In fact, their leader dying killed the entire cult in only a few decades, as the masks and armor of the higher ups started failing, resulting in mass deaths. Yerim-Mor, under High King Jaq after Ascendance destroys Zareen in 6041, was also able to get back up after Ascendance started putting their dirty work there, and his reign saw the last Crescent Cultist killed in 6075. It was basically like 12 people and a dog with a golden mask on to serve as Mankind's Disgrace. The dog was put into shelter and eventually adopted by Jaq himself.
The Communion is a somewhat rare but still extant religion in Damijana-controlled regions, although it's slowly dwindling. Its conversion rate is low, and people are leaving the cult about as fast if a bit faster.
Verminism isn't as common, but it's around.
One of the biggest religions in Ascendance is actually Arjukam. It really rings out to the various peoples of the land.
There's also... a lot of divine cult presence in the kingdom, from Allmother and Reaper to smaller/lesser known divines, as well as a very strong cult dedicated to Skylie herself. Saraia's cult is also pretty strong as well.
Cool Shit
Ascendance has not signed the Nymph Pact, but carefully dances around it by shoving their dirty industry to Yerim-Mor for them to do, and have essentially restored nature. Many nymphs from other regions respect Ascendance for this, and allow some dirty industry, although the Ascendii people do this for on reason only: Entertainment.
Their welfare basically run by the Order of Love and Light (And Karenza lives in Ascendance as well now, having anchored the Ethereal City permanently south of Ascendance Capital above the sea), Ascendii people often have plenty of leisure time due to their Kingdom's wealth. Some researchers picked up notes on clean energy, radio, TV, and even early schematics for video gaming consoles from Damijana ruins, Slegelse, and Zareen labs and cities, and succeeded in making a small console similar to the Atari in 6048. Skylie saw huge potential in them and had the High Ruler dump cash on it, resulting in the first game like the original Mario showing up in 6060.
Clean energy, meanwhile, took the form of almost solely solar panels. Many gaming systems wound up getting solar panels tacked on for easy energy, while making them also mostly compliant with the Nymph Pact (Enough to where most nymphs don't care so long as you don't throw it out).
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🌈Chromotherapy (AKA Light Therapy) is a universally popular addition to sauna sessions, a major reason being that color and heat therapy naturally complement one another. Some people simply enjoy the peaceful and vibrant atmosphere the colored lights bring into the space, but color therapy has so much more to offer than just visual appeal. Chromotherapy has been used for centuries as a healing tool in places like Ancient Egypt, China, India and Greece. (💙Thank you j.zimmer💙)
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fabulousfinds76 · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Anthropologie Maeve Indiga Swing Dress, Size M floral.
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