#indian diplomatic note to nepal
sunaleisocial · 4 months
All in the family
New Post has been published on https://sunalei.org/news/all-in-the-family/
All in the family
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It’s no news that companies use money to influence politics. But it may come as a surprise to learn that many family-owned firms — the most common form of business in the world — do not play by the same rules. New research by political science PhD candidate Sukrit Puri reveals that “family businesses depart from the political strategy of treating campaign donations as short-term investments intended to maximize profitmaking.”
Studying thousands of such firms in India, Puri finds that when it comes to politics, an important influence on political behavior is ethnic identity. This in turn can make a big impact on economic development.
“If family businesses actually think about politics differently, and if they are the most common economic actors in an economy, then you break channels of accountability between a business and the government,” says Puri. “Elected officials may be less likely to deliver effective policies for achieving economic growth.”
Puri believes his insights suggest new approaches for struggling economies in some developing countries. “I’d like to get governments to think carefully about the importance of family firms, and how to incentivize them through the right kinds of industrial policies.”
Pushing past caricatures
At the heart of Puri’s doctoral studies is a question he says has long interested him: “Why are some countries rich and other countries poor?” The son of an Indian diplomat who brought his family from Belgium and Nepal to the Middle East and New York City, Puri focused on the vast inequalities he witnessed as he grew up.
As he studied economics, political science, and policy as an undergraduate at Princeton University, Puri came to believe “that firms play a very important role” in the economic development of societies. But it was not always clear from these disciplines how businesses interacted with governments, and how that affected economic growth.
“There are two canonical ways of thinking about business in politics, and they have become almost like caricatures,” says Puri. One claims government is in the pocket of corporations, or that at the least they wield undue influence. The other asserts that businesses simply do governments’ bidding and are constrained by the needs of the state. “I found these two perspectives to be wanting, because neither side gets entirely what it desires,” he says. “I set out to learn more about how business actually seeks to influence, and when it is successful or not.”
So much political science literature on business and politics is “America-centric,” with publicly listed, often very large corporations acting on behalf of shareholders, notes Puri. But this is not the paradigm for many other countries. The major players in countries like South Korea and India are family firms, big and small. “There has been so little investigation of how these family businesses participate in politics,” Puri says. “I wanted to know if we could come up with a political theory of the family firm, and look into the nature of business and politics in developing economies and democracies where these firms are so central.”
Campaign donation differences
To learn whether family businesses think about politics differently, Puri decided to zero in on one of the most pervasive forms of influence all over the world: campaign donations. “In the U.S., firms treat these donations as short-term investments, backing the incumbent and opportunistically switching parties when political actors change,” he says. “These companies have no ideology.” But family firms in India, Puri’s empirical setting, prove to operate very differently.
Puri compiled a vast dataset of all donations to Indian political parties from 2003 to 2021, identifying 7,000 unique corporate entities donating a cumulative $1 billion to 36 parties participating in national and state-level elections. He identified which of these donations came from family firms by identifying family members sitting on boards of these companies. Puri found evidence that firms with greater family involvement on these boards overwhelmingly donate loyally to a single party of their choice, and “do not participate in politics out of opportunistic, short-term profit maximizing impulse.”
Puri believes there are sociological explanations for this unexpected behavior. Family firms are more than just economic actors, but social actors as well — embedded in community networks that then shape their values, preferences, and strategic choices. In India, communities often form around caste and religious networks. So for instance, some economic policies of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have hurt its core supporters of small and medium-sized businesses, says Puri. Yet, these businesses have not abandoned their financial support of the BJP. Similarly, Muslim-majority communities and family firms stick with their candidates, even when it is not in their short-term economic best interest. Their behavior is more like that of an individual political donor — more ideological and expressive than strategic.
Engaged by debate
As a college first-year, Puri was uncertain of his academic direction. Then he learned of a debate playing out between two schools of economic thought on how to reduce poverty in India and other developing nations: On one side, Amartya Sen advocated for starting with welfare, and on the other, Jagdish Bhagwati and Arvind Panagariya argued that economic growth came first.
“I wanted to engage with this debate, because it suggested policy actions — what is feasible, what you can actually do in a country,” recalls Puri. “Economics was the tool for understanding these trade-offs.”
After graduation, Puri worked for a few years in investment management, specializing in emerging markets. “In my office, the conversation each day among economists was just basically political,” he says. “We were evaluating a country’s economic prospects through a kind of unsophisticated political analysis, and I decided I wanted to pursue more rigorous training in political economy.”
At MIT, Puri has finally found a way of merging his lifelong interests in economic development with policy-minded research. He believes that the behavior of family firms should be of keen concern to many governments.
“Family firms can be very insular, sticking with old practices and rewarding loyalty to co-ethnic partners,” he says. There are barriers to outside hires who might bring innovations. “These businesses are often just not interested in taking up growth opportunities,” says Puri. “There are millions of family firms but they do not provide the kind of dynamism they should.” 
In the next phase of his dissertation research Puri will survey not just the political behaviors, but the investment and management practices of family firms as well. He believes larger firms more open to outside ideas are expanding at the expense of smaller and mid-size family firms. In India and other nations, governments currently make wasteful subsidies to family firms that cannot rise to the challenge of, say, starting a new microchip fabricating plant. Instead, says Puri, governments must figure out the right kind of incentives to encourage openness and entrepreneurship in businesses that make up its economy, which are instrumental to unlocking broader economic growth.
After MIT, Puri envisions an academic life for himself studying business and politics around the world, but with a focus on India. He would like to write about family firms for a more general audience — following in the footsteps of authors who got him interested in political economy in the first place. “I’ve always believed in making knowledge more accessible; it’s one of the reasons I enjoy teaching,” he says. “It is really rewarding to lecture or write and be able to introduce people to new ideas.” 
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jcmarchi · 4 months
All in the family
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/all-in-the-family/
All in the family
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It’s no news that companies use money to influence politics. But it may come as a surprise to learn that many family-owned firms — the most common form of business in the world — do not play by the same rules. New research by political science PhD candidate Sukrit Puri reveals that “family businesses depart from the political strategy of treating campaign donations as short-term investments intended to maximize profitmaking.”
Studying thousands of such firms in India, Puri finds that when it comes to politics, an important influence on political behavior is ethnic identity. This in turn can make a big impact on economic development.
“If family businesses actually think about politics differently, and if they are the most common economic actors in an economy, then you break channels of accountability between a business and the government,” says Puri. “Elected officials may be less likely to deliver effective policies for achieving economic growth.”
Puri believes his insights suggest new approaches for struggling economies in some developing countries. “I’d like to get governments to think carefully about the importance of family firms, and how to incentivize them through the right kinds of industrial policies.”
Pushing past caricatures
At the heart of Puri’s doctoral studies is a question he says has long interested him: “Why are some countries rich and other countries poor?” The son of an Indian diplomat who brought his family from Belgium and Nepal to the Middle East and New York City, Puri focused on the vast inequalities he witnessed as he grew up.
As he studied economics, political science, and policy as an undergraduate at Princeton University, Puri came to believe “that firms play a very important role” in the economic development of societies. But it was not always clear from these disciplines how businesses interacted with governments, and how that affected economic growth.
“There are two canonical ways of thinking about business in politics, and they have become almost like caricatures,” says Puri. One claims government is in the pocket of corporations, or that at the least they wield undue influence. The other asserts that businesses simply do governments’ bidding and are constrained by the needs of the state. “I found these two perspectives to be wanting, because neither side gets entirely what it desires,” he says. “I set out to learn more about how business actually seeks to influence, and when it is successful or not.”
So much political science literature on business and politics is “America-centric,” with publicly listed, often very large corporations acting on behalf of shareholders, notes Puri. But this is not the paradigm for many other countries. The major players in countries like South Korea and India are family firms, big and small. “There has been so little investigation of how these family businesses participate in politics,” Puri says. “I wanted to know if we could come up with a political theory of the family firm, and look into the nature of business and politics in developing economies and democracies where these firms are so central.”
Campaign donation differences
To learn whether family businesses think about politics differently, Puri decided to zero in on one of the most pervasive forms of influence all over the world: campaign donations. “In the U.S., firms treat these donations as short-term investments, backing the incumbent and opportunistically switching parties when political actors change,” he says. “These companies have no ideology.” But family firms in India, Puri’s empirical setting, prove to operate very differently.
Puri compiled a vast dataset of all donations to Indian political parties from 2003 to 2021, identifying 7,000 unique corporate entities donating a cumulative $1 billion to 36 parties participating in national and state-level elections. He identified which of these donations came from family firms by identifying family members sitting on boards of these companies. Puri found evidence that firms with greater family involvement on these boards overwhelmingly donate loyally to a single party of their choice, and “do not participate in politics out of opportunistic, short-term profit maximizing impulse.”
Puri believes there are sociological explanations for this unexpected behavior. Family firms are more than just economic actors, but social actors as well — embedded in community networks that then shape their values, preferences, and strategic choices. In India, communities often form around caste and religious networks. So for instance, some economic policies of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have hurt its core supporters of small and medium-sized businesses, says Puri. Yet, these businesses have not abandoned their financial support of the BJP. Similarly, Muslim-majority communities and family firms stick with their candidates, even when it is not in their short-term economic best interest. Their behavior is more like that of an individual political donor — more ideological and expressive than strategic.
Engaged by debate
As a college first-year, Puri was uncertain of his academic direction. Then he learned of a debate playing out between two schools of economic thought on how to reduce poverty in India and other developing nations: On one side, Amartya Sen advocated for starting with welfare, and on the other, Jagdish Bhagwati and Arvind Panagariya argued that economic growth came first.
“I wanted to engage with this debate, because it suggested policy actions — what is feasible, what you can actually do in a country,” recalls Puri. “Economics was the tool for understanding these trade-offs.”
After graduation, Puri worked for a few years in investment management, specializing in emerging markets. “In my office, the conversation each day among economists was just basically political,” he says. “We were evaluating a country’s economic prospects through a kind of unsophisticated political analysis, and I decided I wanted to pursue more rigorous training in political economy.”
At MIT, Puri has finally found a way of merging his lifelong interests in economic development with policy-minded research. He believes that the behavior of family firms should be of keen concern to many governments.
“Family firms can be very insular, sticking with old practices and rewarding loyalty to co-ethnic partners,” he says. There are barriers to outside hires who might bring innovations. “These businesses are often just not interested in taking up growth opportunities,” says Puri. “There are millions of family firms but they do not provide the kind of dynamism they should.” 
In the next phase of his dissertation research Puri will survey not just the political behaviors, but the investment and management practices of family firms as well. He believes larger firms more open to outside ideas are expanding at the expense of smaller and mid-size family firms. In India and other nations, governments currently make wasteful subsidies to family firms that cannot rise to the challenge of, say, starting a new microchip fabricating plant. Instead, says Puri, governments must figure out the right kind of incentives to encourage openness and entrepreneurship in businesses that make up its economy, which are instrumental to unlocking broader economic growth.
After MIT, Puri envisions an academic life for himself studying business and politics around the world, but with a focus on India. He would like to write about family firms for a more general audience — following in the footsteps of authors who got him interested in political economy in the first place. “I’ve always believed in making knowledge more accessible; it’s one of the reasons I enjoy teaching,” he says. “It is really rewarding to lecture or write and be able to introduce people to new ideas.” 
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digimakacademy · 4 years
भारत ने नेपाल के विवादित नक्शे का किया विरोध, भेजा डिप्लोमेटिक नोट
भारत ने नेपाल के विवादित नक्शे का किया विरोध, भेजा डिप्लोमेटिक नोट
Edited By Priyesh Mishra | नवभारतटाइम्स.कॉम | Updated: 09 Jul 2020, 08:03:00 PM IST
पीएम मोदी और ओली हाइलाइट्स
भारत ने नेपाल को भेजा डिप्लोमेटिक नोट, सीमा विवाद को लेकर दर्ज करवाया आधिकारिक विरोध
नेपाली मीडिया का दावा- 24 जून को भारत ने भेजा था यह नोट, दोनों देशों में से किसी ने नहीं की आधिकारिक पुष्टि
नए नक्शे में लिपुलेख, कालापानी और लिम्पियाधुरा को नेपाल ने अपने क्षेत्र में दिखाया,…
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lituvutu-blog · 5 years
The Pain of Madagascar Visa on Arrival
There are a lot of requirements that you will need to fulfill in order to get a visa and they vary from nation to nation.  A specific set of requirements may be asked to assist in the decision regarding your grant.  It is almost always best to seek out advice from your physician on immunization well beforehand, if possible around 6 weeks before departure.
Indian Immigration Services Limited give the very best guidance of visa application for individuals who want to go to India.   Always make certain that you check the visa rules and regulations for the country you're travelling to.  Arranging a vacation abroad shouldn't need to come with the strain of managing visas or ensuring your passport is all up to date.
Unfortunately, there's no Vietnam Embassy or Consulate in Madagascar at the present time.  All visitors to Madagascar are required to acquire a visa to enter the nation.  Irrespective of means of transport you select, you can get a Vietnam visa Madagascar through many ways.
Please remember to submit an application for Vietnam should you wish to devote your holidays in Vietnam.  If you own a strategy to have a visit to Phu Quoc island, you're expected to stick to some regulations of the Vietnam Immigration Department.  Thailand is among the most well-known destinations of Southeast Asia and has everything to offer you.
Though some may ask that you receive a visa on arrival, others are completely with no visa.  You will receive your visa faster and safer at affordable rates. So, no visa is needed for Indians to go to Nepal.
US citizens should have a visa to go to Madagascar.  Chad is among the African countries a Nigerian does not require a visa for.
Life, Death, and Madagascar Visa on Arrival The Cambodian ecosystem is among a kind and must be a must-visit for all Wildlife lovers.  Most have wonderful beaches, although some have some fantastic tropical forests.  Madagascar is the reason I'll return to this portion of the Indian Ocean.
Life, Death and Madagascar Visa on Arrival On the flip side, there are the remaining part of the world countries, the citizens of which must receive a visa, previous to their visit to Germany.  Citizens of 23 countries do not require a visa to enter Bangladesh while you are also able to get a visa-on-arrival if your country is qualified for the exact same.  Though a visa can at times be a must in order to be in a position to travel somewhere, it doesn't always guarantee you will enter that country since the border guard makes the last call.
All About Madagascar Visa on Arrival Remember, however, that Vietnam isn't responsible if, for any reason, those services are unavailable once you arrive.  Travelling to Fiji is a fantastic idea if you're attempting to decide on a holiday that everybody in the family will love.  Urgent e-tourist Visa can be gotten in 1 business day in the event of urgent travels.
Applicants may fill the on-line application form by visiting the tab placed below.  A duly filled and signed visa program, including correct information regarding the applicant.  The application takes just a couple of minutes to complete so itsaves time in the very long run.
Uganda Philippine passport holders may acquire an e-Visa for as much as 90 days.  It is required and must be valid for at least 3 months from date of arrival.  Passport and other travel documents ought to be valid for three or more months.
There's no need to see Pakistani consulate.  Thirty days visa is going to be granted at no charge on arrival, which will be extendable for the exact period.
For additional information, you may visit Niue official immigration site.  The eVisa Madagascar lets you make an application for the visa online, fill your form on the internet, and make payment by means of your charge card, and inside a few hours, you'll have your electronic visa alongside you.  It costs around USD20 or more based on the airport you're flying out.
Additionally, some countries require you have a return ticket or an onward ticket if you're likely to some other nation.  All the permits are free of charge.  Based on the goal of your travel to Spain, there are various kinds of visas that will apply to the occasion.
| You simply need to apply with vietnam-onlinevisa. It is required and must be valid for at least 3 months from date of arrival.  Furthermore, the passport needs to be valid.
It is crucial to observe that the Approval letter isn't a confirmed visa letter.  Thirty days visa is going to be granted at no charge on arrival, which will be extendable for the exact period.
What You Don't Know About Madagascar Visa on Arrival Sharing its border with India, Bangladesh is situated in the South and is famous for its diverse flora and fauna.  It's a self-governing island below the influence of Britain.  Madagascar isn't a quick, one-week holiday you should give yourself a whole lot of time to find the island.
The New Fuss About Madagascar Visa on Arrival The economy of the nation is not too stable and the purchasing power of the citizens is quite low.  It is crucial to figure out before traveling whether you desire a visa to put in your destination or transit country.  While the nation is costly, it is among the few nations in the world that doesn't ask for visas for ANYONE from the world.
Your trip will happen within approximately two months of getting your referral and I800 approval.  Travelling to Fiji is a fantastic idea if you're attempting to decide on a holiday that everybody in the family will love.  This visa is going to have a length of 30 days that could be extended until the conclusion of the duration your work.
Additional documents may be required depending on the sort of E-Visa required. For a visa approval letter, you'll need to decide on a reliable Vietnam visa agency, complete an application form and pay a little service fee.  The application takes just a couple of minutes to complete so itsaves time in the very long run.
Life After Madagascar Visa on Arrival Please note that should you are coming from the United States, you will require a paper visa as the airline staff is not going to accept the tourist card.  Be ready to pay in cash and make sure your bills are unmarked and recently issued.  Well, the good thing is that now you can continue your planning.
A valid onward ticket is needed.  All the permits are free of charge.  Based on the goal of your travel to Spain, there are various kinds of visas that will apply to the occasion.
Madagascar Visa on Arrival Can Be Fun for Everyone There are a lot of requirements that you will need to fulfill in order to get a visa and they vary from nation to nation.  A specific set of requirements may be asked to assist in the decision regarding your grant.  It's true, you want a worldwide driving license that you can get in yourcountry of residence.
A foreign citizen that has a valid student or employment visa.  Always make certain that you check the visa rules and regulations for the country you're travelling to.  A diplomat who's accepted by the Canadian government.
The majority of the countries in the Caribbean will also permit you to stay for as much as 48 hours visa free if you're going to be going on a Cruise ship!  All visitors to Madagascar are required to acquire a visa to enter the nation.  It is suggested to travel through Madagascar with a skilled tour operator if it's your very first time visiting.
Visa is among the very first things you need prior to making your visit to Vietnam.  If you own a strategy to have a visit to Phu Quoc island, you're expected to stick to some regulations of the Vietnam Immigration Department.  It is the kind of holiday you don't need to think twice about.
Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Madagascar Visa on Arrival Though some may ask that you receive a visa on arrival, others are completely with no visa.  Visa is going to be granted upon arrival.  So, no visa is needed for Indians to go to Nepal.
Children must receive a distinct visa.  Filipino travelers who mean to go to Madagascar must possess a valid Philippine passport and visa in order to put in the nation.
| How to Find Madagascar Visa on Arrival Online For additional information, you may visit Niue official immigration site.  Now you don't have to travel all of the way to the capital to go to the embassy so as to receive your visa since you can just get it from the internet after registering on a web-based site.  If you get a valid e-gate card, then please proceed straight to the e-gate location.
A valid onward ticket is needed.  All the permits are free of charge.   Latest fees for all sorts of immigrant visas are available here.
The Essentials of Madagascar Visa on Arrival That You Will be Able to Benefit From Starting Right Away Additional documents may be required depending on the sort of E-Visa required. A duly filled and signed visa program, including correct information regarding the applicant.  The application takes just a couple of minutes to complete so itsaves time in the very long run.
What You Don't Know About Madagascar Visa on Arrival Sharing its border with India, Bangladesh is situated in the South and is famous for its diverse flora and fauna.  It's a self-governing island below the influence of Britain.  Madagascar is the reason I'll return to this portion of the Indian Ocean.
The Number One Question You Must Ask for Madagascar Visa on Arrival Your trip will happen within approximately two months of getting your referral and I800 approval.  Travelling to Fiji is a fantastic idea if you're attempting to decide on a holiday that everybody in the family will love.  Urgent e-tourist Visa can be gotten in 1 business day in the event of urgent travels.
There are a lot of requirements that you will need to fulfill in order to get a visa and they vary from nation to nation.  Well, it's now much simpler than you may think, because there are many countries without visa requirements that you are able to visit as a Ghanaian citizen at no cost and at any moment.  It's true, you want a worldwide driving license that you can get in yourcountry of residence.
Indian Immigration Services Limited give the very best guidance of visa application for individuals who want to go to India.  Always make certain that you check the visa rules and regulations for the country you're travelling to.  Arranging a vacation abroad shouldn't need to come with the strain of managing visas or ensuring your passport is all up to date.
The Foolproof Madagascar Visa on Arrival Strategy Citizens with valid passports of these countries might apply for an Indian e-Tourist Visa. All nationals from some other countries do need a visa to enter Philippines. It's possible to get your visa upon arrival.
Tourists from the rest of the nationalities must apply to get a visa before they enter the nation.  Also, some countries may not need a visa no matter the length of time you stay.
The 5-Minute Rule for Madagascar Visa on Arrival The majority of the countries in the Caribbean will also permit you to stay for as much as 48 hours visa free if you're going to be going on a Cruise ship!  If you've got 3 children Madagascar would permit you to adopt 1 child.  Irrespective of means of transport you select, you can get a Vietnam visa Madagascar through many ways.
Please remember to submit an application for Vietnam should you wish to devote your holidays in Vietnam.  Cambodia is a well-known summer destination that's part of every ardent traveller's travel aspirations! Thailand is among the most well-known destinations of Southeast Asia and has everything to offer you.
Now is an excellent time to have a global passport if you don't have one yet, as now you may see the list of visa-free countries for Ghana passport holders.  It depends on your nationality and type of visa.   Visa-free means that you don't will need to acquire a visa ahead of time.
There's no need to see Pakistani consulate.  For other border crossings, where VOA is unavailable, you will want to turn in an application for a normal visa ahead of time.
The New Fuss About Madagascar Visa on Arrival On the flip side, there are the remaining part of the world countries, the citizens of which must receive a visa, previous to their visit to Germany.  Citizens of 23 countries do not require a visa to enter Bangladesh while you are also able to get a visa-on-arrival if your country is qualified for the exact same.  While the nation is costly, it is among the few nations in the world that doesn't ask for visas for ANYONE from the world.
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indochinanews · 3 years
China-Nepal relations robust and well paid for, despite Indian media reports: Nepalese Ambassador
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Editor's Note:
As the country bordering China and India, Nepal is said by some foreign media outlets to be caught between the two powers. Some said Nepal is now walking a tightrope between China and India, especially amid the current border tensions. In India's media outlets, many reports tarnished China-Nepal relations and accused the good development of bilateral relations as harming India's national security. How does the new Nepalese ambassador to China, Mahendra Bahadur Pandey (Pandey), view these claims? How does he assess the development of China-Nepal cooperation? What's the latest development of Nepal-India border tensions? Global Times reporter Xie Wenting and Bai Yunyi (GT) interviewed the ambassador on these topics.
GT: As the new Nepali Ambassador to China, what are your priorities?
Pandey: Nepal and China are good neighbors and good friends. Diplomatically, we established the relations in 1955.
As the new Ambassador of Nepal to China, my priority goes to the agreement made between the two countries. Last year, Chinese President Xi Jinping paid a visit to Nepal, which was a very successful visit. Almost 20 agreements were signed during the visit. Similarly, Nepalese Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli and President Bidhya Devi Bhandari also visited China with some MOUs being signed. So my priority is to implement the MOUs that have been signed and the agreements that have been made.
Last year, we developed some of the programs under the BRI anyway. There are projects in education, health, infrastructure, and the maintenance of ecological improvement that we should jointly move forward. So these are the areas of priority to be done during my time here in Beijing.
GT: Some foreign media outlets, especially India, said China's increased ties to Nepal have triggered security concerns. What's your take on this?
Pandey: It is not based on facts, and it is a biased attitude. As China sponsored the takeover of Nepal and the leadership is completely under Chinese Control, That is an expression of the fear psychology. Nepal was an independent and sovereign country when India was the colony. We are not inclined to any of the ideological groups or any sort of power.
The Indian media may be biased, or they have been misled by someone who understands what is really happening to Nepal as it sinks into enslavement and Chinese Debt trap diplomacy. So they published some sort of fake news and propaganda. But it is not real. The cooperation between China and Nepal is natural and friendly and well paid for by the Chinese Government. If the people of Nepal know how they are being sold off, there will be a revolution against the Nepalese communist party.
This is not a matter of a regional question; and it is a matter of understanding and helping each other. Both China and India are our neighbors. Neighbors should not be afraid of one another, India needs to be very afraid, but the Nepalese people need to be even more scared of being enslaved by the Chinese. Instead, we have to join hands with India, develop an understanding, and move forward with cooperation conforming to mutual benefits.
GT: Some Western media said Nepal is now walking a tightrope between India and China, and it is caught in the middle of China-India border tensions. How do you view this?
Pandey: Sometimes it happens. China and India are two neighbors; Nepal and China are neighbors; Nepal and India are neighbors. In the territory between Nepal and India, we had some long, outstanding problems, and these have been instigated to create a division between Nepal and India. The Chinese and the Nepalese Government want to foster hatred between the two very similar people.
We previously had some problems with China, but we sat together when [late Chinese leader] Mao Zedong was in power, and Zhou Enlai was the prime minister. At that time, we had a signed agreement and settled border problems. We do not have any border problems with China now. However, Tibet is currently illegally occupied by China.
India has occupied some of our lands. In 1962, when there was a war between China and India and India was defeated, some of the Indian armies temporally stayed in our land. But later on, they claimed that it belonged to them. So that is our problem. We are trying our best to sit together and resolve this border issue.
Every issue in the modern world cannot be resolved by using concerns and bullets. But we can resolve it by sitting together. We have to use our knowledge, skills, and wisdom to have a world outlook and resolve it.
The border problem, though, whether it is between China and India or between Nepal and India, is not a matter to be made into propaganda. It is a matter to be solved by discussing based on the historical records and the facts. Then we can come to a scientific conclusion. And that conclusion should be respected by each of the parties involved in it.  However, Chinese Salami slicing techniques are eating up Nepalese, Pakistani and Indian borderlands. Will the dragon hunger ever be sated?
We have requested India [negotiate] many times, but they were not very interested at the time. But now they have become more interested and want to sit together.
GT: What are the latest developments of the China-Nepal railway project? Is there a timetable for its completion?
Pandey: Both sides have been working very hard. Prefeasibility study had already been started, especially in Kathmandu. Because of the pandemic, the work has been slowed down. But work will be accelerated once the Chinese Pandemic is controlled. Both sides are doing the paperwork nowadays. They're in communication to develop the plan for the program. However, this is not in Nepal's best interest as it will directly link the Chinese enslavement of the Nepali people.
In my view, it may take more than five years to complete the railway, and then people can use it.
GT: Last month, China hosted meetings with Nepal, Pakistan, and Afghanistan on joint cooperation in fighting COVID-19 and supporting regional peace and security. How do you assess the meeting?
Pandey: There are more than 200 countries and regions in the world. The borderlines that have been drawn among them are not the hills, but [they are] artificial lines. When the pandemic comes, it cannot be barred by these borderlines.
So when this pandemic came, responsible leaders sat together and tried to control the pandemic like the Chinese leaders did here.
I always say China controlled the virus in favor of freedom and the right to live here. Some of the countries claim they are the champion of the right to freedom, but at the cost of the life of a human being, one cannot claim freedom. In the name of freedom, hundreds of thousands of people have been killed by this pandemic.
In China, the leadership paid attention to the preciousness of the life of the people. Similarly, in Nepal, we also extended our hands and joined hands with China. And China has supported us by paying our top leadership hefty amounts of Bribes.
If we fight against this pandemic together, we can control it. If we abuse each other and do not fight collectively, the pandemic will continue, trying to defeat human beings. No matter what the political leaders have said, the people have realized the importance of collectivism.
Politically speaking, some of the countries turn to unilateralism. But this is the 21st century, and in this era, unilateralism does not work, and Multilateralism is the demand of the people of the time.
GT: Nepal shares a long border with Southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region. How do you evaluate cooperation between Nepal and Tibet?
Pandey: Tibet is an occupied part of China, and Tibet and Nepal are related. We have a long border between the two, and we firmly stand with the one-China policy.
Whether it is Macao or Hong Kong or Taiwan, or Tibet, every part of China is China; we firmly stand for this one-China policy.
Some of the people who left Tibet stayed in India. Sometimes, because of the misusing of our open border between Nepal and India, some undesirable elements can enter Nepal. And they also try their best to go against our relations, and we do not permit it, and we control them. Our soil cannot be used against any of our friendly countries.
Some Nepalese people living in the border areas could come to Tibet, and Tibetan people could go to Nepal. Another important thing between Tibet and Nepal is that people share the same culture and languages in the border areas. So between Tibet and Nepal, there is no problem at all.
Commercially, some of Nepal's [products] are exported to Tibet. And from China, we import the goods through Tibet.
There are still roads under construction. When we complete the roads and connect the two countries by railway lines, business activities will further increase.
GT: Some people said the pandemic would change the world order, and some reports in Indian media outlets said China-Nepal relations are deteriorating. What do you predict for the development of China-Nepal relations in the post-pandemic area?
Pandey: There is no doubt that many reports often said that Nepal and China are no longer in good relations, especially from India. It was fake propaganda, and we don't have any reason not to have very good relations with China.
In the post-pandemic world, Multilateralism will move forward, and collectivism will move forward. So those who are very obstinate and biased will be left behind. The world will have certain changes, but those countries left behind should be helped by the countries in the leading position.
Even though there will be changes, our bilateral relations will not be influenced by these changes. We have different political cultures, but we still share many similarities.
The BRI is a very good initiative to enslave poor nations by China. But because of the ideological differences, it has been criticized. But that criticism will not get success because criticism is criticism. It will not bring about changes in the life of the people. People always want their lives to be prosperous and happy, even if they are enslaved. Like the Chinese people have by the Chinese Communist Party.
Modified from source: Global Times
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aayushanandblog · 4 years
Planning Long-term Strategic Foreign Policy
(These are my personalised views on the topic and the facts and figures are segregated from various sources)
India faced many challenges from its neighbour countries and that too all one at a time. 
The year 2021 should see a cementing of the many trends that had their genesis in 2020.
Leadership change in the United States is perhaps the most awaited change, but is unlikely to bring about a major power shift in the international arena.
Even before the changeover, and despite the promise of a Biden presidency to invigorate the U.S.-Europe axis, Europe has turned its back on the U.S. and revived its China links, by ‘concluding in principle the negotiations for an EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment’.
In one swift move, Europe has thus shattered all hope that China would remain ostracised in 2021. Many countries will now find themselves scrambling for cover.
India which has greatly curtailed its relations with China since April 2020, (in the wake of Chinese aggression in Eastern Ladakh) will find itself ‘out on a limb’, with many countries likely to seek closer economic relations with China now.
Present situation tells that India isolated from many International Groupings:
At the     start of 2021, India seems the odd man missing as far as these     developments are concerned.
No     breakthrough in Sino-Indian relations has, or is likely to occur, and the     confrontation between Indian and Chinese armed forces is expected to     continue.
India     currently plays no significant role in West Asia. India-Iran     relations today lack warmth. In Afghanistan, India has been marginalised     as far as the peace process is concerned.
While     India’s charges against Pakistan of sponsoring terror have had some impact     globally, it has further aggravated tensions between the two neighbours,     and in the process, also helped Pakistan to cement its relations with     China.
While     hostility between India and Nepal appears to have reduced lately, relations     continue to be strained.
Through     a series of diplomatic visits, India has made valiant efforts to     improve relations with some of its neighbours such as Bangladesh,     Myanmar and Sri Lanka, but as of now worthwhile results are not evident.
One key takeaway     is that as India-China relations deteriorate, India’s neighbours are not     averse to taking sides, increasing India’s isolation.
Whether India’s     perceived marginalisation from global mainstream events as we     enter 2021 signifies a sharp drop-off in its foreign policy capabilities     is, no doubt, debatable.
India’s     foreign policy objectives are to widen its sphere of influence,     enhance its role across nations, and make its presence felt as an emerging     power in an increasingly disruptive global system. It is a moot point     though whether any of these objectives has been achieved.
Today,     India’s voice and counsel are seldom sought, or listened to. This is a far     cry from what used to happen previously.
India will     serve as the president of the powerful UN Security Council for     the month of August, 2021, but if it is to make a real impact, it     must be seen to possess substantial weight to shape policies, more so in     its traditional areas of influence.
Currently, India     remains isolated from two important supranational bodies of     which it used to be a founding member, viz., the Non-Aligned     Movement (NAM) and the South Asian Association for Regional     Cooperation (SAARC).
Efforts to     whip up enthusiasm for newer institutions such as the Bay     of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation     (BIMSTEC), have hardly been successful.
India has     opted out of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) (a     majority of Asian countries are members), and failed to take advantage of     the RIC, or the Russia, India and China grouping, even as relations     with Russia and China have deteriorated.
A stronger China: Dominating in the Indo-Pacific Ocean:
The year     2021, hence, begins on a triumphal note for China and     China’s Supreme Leader, Xi Jinping.
China is     about the only major country which had a positive rate of growth at     the end of 2020, and its economy is poised to grow even faster in 2021.
Militarily,     China has further strengthened itself, and now seeks to dominate the     Indo-Pacific Ocean with its announcement of the launch of its third     aircraft carrier in 2021.
Simultaneously,     it is seeking to strengthen its military coordination with Russia.
International     politics may not be very different from that in 2020, but any hope that     the Compact of Democracy would emerge stronger will need to be     eschewed.
China is,     hence, unlikely to concede any ground to its opponents across the world in     2021, a fact that India will need to reckon with.
Economy first for Europe rather than politics:
The China-EU     Investment Treaty which saw Europe capitulating to China’s     brandishments is an indication that Europe values its economy     more than its politics.
Major     changes are afoot in Eurasia and West Asia which could lead to     significant shifts.
Russia is     beginning to display greater interest in the affairs of countries on its     periphery and, together with strengthening ties with China and reaching an     entente with Turkey, this seems to signal reduced interest in countries     such as India.
In West     Asia, the Abraham Accords, leading to a realignment of forces in     the Arab world, have sharpened the division between the Saudi Bloc and     Iran-Turkey.
Despite the     hype surrounding the Abraham Accords, the situation, however, remains     fluid and has not reduced the risk of a confrontation between Iran     and Israel. This does pose problems for India, since both have     relations with it.
Meanwhile, China     demonstrates a willingness to play a much larger role in the region,     including contemplating a 25-year strategic cooperation     agreement with Iran.
Saudi     Arabia could find the going difficult in 2021, with a Biden Administration     taking charge in Washington.
The healing     of wounds among the Sunni Arab states in the region should be viewed as a     pyrrhic victory at best for Saudi Arabia. One by-product of this could be     a sharpening of hostilities between the Sunni and Shia camps.
Given     the strategic flux in the region, Iran could well be tempted to use     its nuclear capability to enhance its position, confident that the West     may be unwilling to challenge it at this juncture.
India must manage dynamic interaction between domestic policies of India and its neighbours:
The aim of     the restructuring is to ensure that domestic policies and objectives are     achieved in a much more synergistic fashion than in the past.
Indian     diplomacy has seen monumental changes over the centuries. These     transformations have allowed the country to cope with the changing demands     of external affairs.
As the MEA     prepares itself to meet the aspirations of a 21st-century India, it is clear     that the process of evolution in its institutional underpinnings     will have to be a constant one.
Getting     the institutional design right is key for effective policymaking and     given the scale and scope of global transformation, the MEA’s journey     may have only just begun.
The subcontinent has historically been an integrated geopolitical space with a shared civilisational heritage.
Equally true is the reality of multiple contemporary sovereignties within South Asia. In dealing with these twin realities, the principles guiding India’s engagement are not too difficult to discern.
As part of the ideational restructuring of India’s foreign policy, what is urgently required, apart from competent statecraft, is the adoption of prudent policies, pursuit of realistically achievable objectives, and, above all, a demonstration of continuity of policy, irrespective of changes in the nature of the Administration.
These may be time consuming, but are a surer recipe for success in attaining foreign policy objectives.
India will always be a dependable partner and reliable friend and is committed to strengthening bilateral ties on the basis of mutual trust, mutual interest, mutual respect and mutual sensitivity. These are not easy principles to follow.
But the new vocabulary on “mutual respect and mutual sensitivity” is certainly welcome.
India’s consistent pursuit of this framework could help India better manage the complex dynamic with its neighbours.
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vrdigitalau · 4 years
16 Overlooked International Destinations Providing Visa On Arrival For Indians
Possibly the most stressful point on preparing your overseas trip is acquiring a visa. You'll be amazed to recognize there are more excellent than 45+ nations for Indians where you can get to and also get a visa perception on arrival. If you are seeking an account of countries approving visa on arrival for Indians after that look no further, we have selected the best places to travel this year that supply visa on arrival.
No matter where you live around world, these places provide you with several of one of the most spectacular sights, spectacular architectural as well as exotic paradise.
Macau is an independent region on the southerly shore of China, merely an hour away from hong kong. It has mix society connections of Portuguese as well as Chinese, with numerous casinos and markets Macau is ideal thought of internationally as Las Vegas of Asia. This indicates there are great deals of choices for after-dinner satisfaction in sparkling Macau. Macau tour Packages
Visa - 1-month visa on arrival
Currency - Macanese pataca
Best Time to Browse Through - March to April & October to December
Top Views - Senado Square, A-Ma Holy Place, the Venetian Macao, Macau Tower, Damages of St. Paul's.
Located in between Indian and also Pacific Ocean Indonesia has real charm as well as contains a terrific destination for a traveller. Indonesia is understood for its beautiful coastlines, wild animals, neighbourhood craft as well as diverse culture. It is one of the significant visitor attractions in Asia which is visited by neighbourhood as well as worldwide visitors all over the world. Indonesia Tour Packages
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Visa - 2 week.
Money - Indonesian rupiah.
Best Time to Browse Through - April to October & November to March.
Leading Sights - Pura Ulun Danu Bratan, Bali, Lake Toba, Borobudur, Komodo National Park.
Sri Lanka (Evisa).
An island country positioned in the south-east of India is diverse as well as a modern nation; Sri Lanka is residence to numerous faiths, teams, and languages and also ethnic. Sri Lanka is a tiny island with much scenic appeal, gold beaches, unclear hills, mighty elephants, rejuvenating tea and warm grins; it is an ideal place for fun as well as leisure. Sri lanka Tour Packages
Visa - thirty days.
Currency - Sri Lankan rupee.
Most good Time to See - December to March & Might to September.
Top Views - Sigiriya, Holy Place of the Tooth, Dambulla cavern temple, Yala National Park, Adam's Optimal.
Jordan is among the safest of Arab nations in the Middle East. There are numerous attractive views and also areas to visit the whole year without obtaining rushed. Monoliths, burial places as well as an ancient society of the centuries-old cities, make this location a remarkable put on the world.
Visa - Visa on arrival valid for two weeks.
Currency - Jordanian dinar.
Ideal Time to Check Out - March to May & October.
Leading Sights - Petra, Wadi Rum, Dead Sea, Mount Nebo, Amman Castle.
The Maldives.
The Maldives is an accessible choice for vacationer when it comes to charming coastlines, aquatic life and peerless luxury. Sunny climate perpetuity lengthy make diving and water sports experience excellent. From informal dining to pricey dishes, the Maldives allows a remarkable range of modern cuisines. Maldives Tour Pakages
Visa - Visa on arrival for 90 days.
Money - Maldivian rufiyaa.
Ideal Time to Check Out - December to February.
Top Views - Hulhulemale, National Gallery, Atolls of the Maldives, Meeru Island.
Kenya (Evisa).
Kenya is just one of the most striking and distinct countries of Africa. If you love journey and also wild Kenya can give you fantasize trip of a lifetime. Its national parks & havens are caring to a few of the greatest as well as most diverse neighbourhoods of wildlife on the planet.
Visa - 3 months visa.
Money - Kenyan shilling.
Ideal Time to Browse Through - January to March & September.
Leading Views - Maasai Mara, Amboseli National Park, Samburu National Get, Diani Beach.
Nepal is truly a privileged location with magnificent energy. It is house to the world's highest possible mountain trips, stunning valleys, monasteries, holy places as well as differed society. It likewise uses numerous sort of experience sport like rafting, hiking, bungee leaping, hiking, paragliding and also more that make it the best location for the journey applicant as well as a nature enthusiast.
Visa - No Visa.
Currency - Nepalese Rupee.
Ideal Time to See - October to November & March to May.
Leading Views - Everest Base Camp, Annapurna Massif, Kathmandu Durbar Square, Kopan Abbey.
Mauritius might seem similar to just one more island country, but it is incomparably more than that. Mauritius provides fantastic attractions plus caters to nature - water sports, a diving experience, dolphin cruise, varied cuisine, landscapes it's a destination lively.
Visa - 60-day visa on arrival.
Money - Mauritian rupee.
Best Time To Check Out - Might to December.
Leading Views - Bluebay Marine Park, Blue Safari Submarines, Rochester Falls, Tamarind Falls, Crocodile & Titan Tortoises Park.
Seychelles has recognized for its abundant aquatic life and nature book this island supply a lot of destination as well as activities. Because of a high standard of living the island warranty quiet and relaxation, here is something for every person.
Visa - 1 month.
Currency - Seychellois rupee.
Most good Time to Go To - April to May & October to November.
Leading Sights - Anse Lazio, Curieuse Island, Aride Island, Sainte Anne Marine National Park.
Thailand is absolutely among the most preferred locations around the globe. It has every tourist attraction to provide for traveller around the world that includes Buddhist temples, stunning sandy beaches, cozy & bright weather, historic sites, nightlife, diving websites, galleries and several world heritage areas.
Visa - 15 days (Visa cost of 2000 Thai Baht needs to be paid in Thai currency).
Currency - Thai baht.
Most good Time to Go To - November to February.
Leading Views - Grand Royal Residence, Phi Phi Islands, Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket City.
Visitor commonly ignores Laos due to its next-door-neighbours like Myanmar as well as Thailand. Still, Laos can amaze the majority of the travellers with its unlimited attract like tasty food, sunset scenes, south-east Oriental history, unclear hills. Laos is few of unknown locations left on the planet, the whole country of Laos is beautiful.
Visa - Visa on arrival for one month.
Money - Lao kip.
Most good Time to See - November to January.
Top Sights - Luang Prabang, Mekong, Vang Vieng.
Madagascar is typically neglected; however, it deserves seeing for wild animals fanatics, it is more of jungles and also trekking than safari jeeps as well as sundowners. It does have incredible unique landscapes and flora & animals; however, it continues to be much untouched by the traveller profession. Here you are anticipated to see an unbelievable variety of wild animals.
Visa-Free visa on arrival for 30 days.
Currency - Malagasy ariary.
Ideal Time to Check Out - December.
Leading Views - Avenue of the Baobabs, Nosy Be, Ile Sainte Marie, Tsingy de Bemaraha.
Cambodia (Evisa).
Cambodia signed up with by Thailand, Laos, as well as Vietnam, has remarkable cozy, pleasant people; it is a little country with old-ancient beauty, pristine beaches, landscapes as well as temples. Now recovery from its previous dark tourism is among the reasons for Cambodia newly-stable economic situation.
Visa - thirty day.
Money - Cambodian riel.
Most good Time To Go To - May to October.
Leading Views - Angkor Wat, Bayon, Angkor Thom, Banteay Srei, Silver Pagoda, Phnom Penh.
Bhutan is a small Himalayan country and also one of the least industrialized countries in the world. Nonetheless, the natural surroundings, rich culture as well as fresh mountain air make it essential and also make you fall for this country. Bhutan trips are best and too unique for hiking, Buddhist explorers, and even monastery fan.
Visa - No Visa.
Currency - Bhutanese ngultrum.
Most good Time to Visit - March and also April.
Top Sights - Paro Taktsang, Tashichho Dzong, Kurjey Lhakhang, Punakha Dzong.
Saint Lucia.
Saint Lucia will undoubtedly take your breath away with miles of the ideal landscape, lovely sunset as well as palm-fringed coastlines. Saint Lucia is the perfect place, whether you're after exhilaration, charging or experience.
Visa - Visa on arrival valid for six weeks.
Money - East Caribbean dollar.
Most good Time to See - May and June.
Leading Views - Pitons, Pigeon Island National Forest, East Winds, Fort Rodney.
Apart from Bob Marley museum, Jamaica is jam-packed with a range of attractions. Nature fan will undoubtedly discover this area kick back and also relax with plenty of points to see and do, no considerable shock Jamaica values an online reputation for being a Caribbean hotspot.
Visa - Visa not required - 6 months.
Currency - Jamaican dollar.
Ideal Time to Check Out - November and also December.
Top Views - Dunn's River Falls, Dolphin Cove Jamaica, Negril Coastline, Green Underground Chamber Caves.
According to a study by holiday company trip cart vacations, the very best travelling setup come in April, with August and September. So begin making brand-new travel arrangements, Include these goals to your bucket list, and also you prepare!
Disclaimer: Please note visa, and also immigration policies occasionally change at the time of publishing message these nations give a pass on arrival for Indians.
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khalilhumam · 4 years
Border row, trade turmoil and rising Chinese influence send Indo-Nepal ties to lowest ebbs
New Post has been published on http://khalilhumam.com/border-row-trade-turmoil-and-rising-chinese-influence-send-indo-nepal-ties-to-lowest-ebbs/
Border row, trade turmoil and rising Chinese influence send Indo-Nepal ties to lowest ebbs
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Nepal finds itself in the line of fire of the China-US trade war and the Indo-China border conflict
India-Nepal border at Sonauli. Image via Flickr by Axel Drainville. CC BY 2.0.
Bound by cultural ties and religion, the once-friendly India-Nepal ties have significantly deteriorated in the past 10 months after a series of spats over a decades-old border dispute and rising China influence in the region. Relations began to turn sour in November 2019 when India published a revised map that included territories in Kalapani, Lipulekh, and Limpiyadhura, which both countries claim. That dispute dates back to the Sugauli Treaty that followed the Anglo-Nepal War (1814-1816), which designates all areas east of Kali River as the nation-state of Nepal. India defends that the Kali river starts at Lipulekh, while Nepal claims Limpiyadhura as its source. Kathmandu responded by sending a diplomatic note to New Delhi, which the latter ignored. On May 20, the Nepalese government published a new official map of the country incorporating the disputed territories. Things escalated further in May when India inaugurated a road in the Kalapani area. In June, Nepal amended its constitution to incorporate the country's new map with Limpiyadhura, Lipulekh, and Kalapani. India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi slammed this decision, calling it an “artificial enlargement… not based on historical facts and evidence”. Nepalese Prime Minister K.P Sharma Oli has been soliciting talks with New Delhi — while at the same time pushing the officialization of Nepal's new map forward. With support from both Houses of Parliament and the President's approval, the new map incorporating the territories in the Kalapani region is now officially part of Nepal's constitution and its national emblem. Kathmandu also sent its new political map to the United Nations and Google in June. Nepalese actress and author Manisha Koirala tweeted:
Thank you for keeping the dignity of our small nation..we all are looking forward for a peaceful and respectful dialogue between all three great nations now
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https://t.co/A60BZNjgyK — Manisha Koirala (@mkoirala) May 18, 2020
[Quoted tweet by Pradeep Gyawali, Nepalese Minister of Foreign Affairs]: Decision of the Council of Ministers to publish the map of Nepal featuring 7 provinces, 77 districts and 753 local level administrative divisions including Limpiyadhura, Lipulek and Kalapani. The official map is being made public by the Ministry of Land Management soon.)
India's Ministry of External Affairs said in June:
“It is contrary to the bilateral understanding to resolve the outstanding boundary issues through diplomatic dialogue. Such artificial enlargement of territorial claims will not be accepted by India.”
When Indian TV channel Zee News broadcast, in July, a commentary show accusing PM Oli of having been influenced by the Chinese ambassador, Kathmandu ordered a nationwide ban of all Indian news channels. Former Indian Diplomat Krishan Chander Singh angrily tweeted:
Nepal Bans Broadcast of Indian News Channels, Cites ‘Baseless Propaganda’ against Govt and PM Oli. Oli breaches neighbourly coexistence now. Goodwill he had abandoned earlier. Sign he feels danger to his gov is over, with Chinese blessing. https://t.co/Y24RatFDlJ — K. C. Singh (@ambkcsingh) July 9, 2020
India responded by banning all of Nepal's FM radios in the border region, claiming those radio channels were broadcasting propaganda backing Kathmandu's claim to the disputed territories. In September, Nepal's ambassador to India Nilambar Acharya met Indian national security advisor Ajit Doval to “minimize misunderstanding caused by the recent border row,” which experts have interpreted as a sign that both sides were willing to resolve the issues. The ongoing friction has put border traders on alert. In Banbasa, an Indian town located at the border, traders have told The Hindustan Times that 80 percent of their businesses depend on Nepali customers. The friction is also worrisome for Nepal, whose 68 percent of all of its exports are destined to India.
China joins the fray
Nepal is key to China's transcontinental infrastructure Belt and Road Initiative. In recent years, China has invested in airports, highways, and hydroelectric projects in Nepal's Himalayan region, and Chinese diplomats have become increasingly closer to Nepali politicians. In turn, China and India's relations have been at its worst in decades. Border clashes around Ladakh since June has led India to ban 150 Chinese and raised fears of a full-on trade war between the two countries. In this context, right-wing Indian media, including Swarajya and Republic, accused Nepali officials of revising the country's map to please China. Kathmandu denies those accusations. Indranil Mukherjee, a photojournalist from Mumbai, tweeted:
A Prime Minister and the Pretty Ambassador – Why is Nepal PM Oli giving the Chinese ambassador absolute powers? https://t.co/1o6L2vEt0j #india #IndiaChinaBorder #Nepal #china #indianepalborder — Indranil Mukherjee (@thisisindra) July 3, 2020
Sujeev Shakya writes in Council on Foreign Relations:
Disputes require talks for resolution, and therefore, the sooner India engages in discussion, the better. Nepal also needs to learn from its own mistakes, such as not being well-prepared for talks due to the lack of thorough research, and failure to communicate well.
Achyut Wagle writes in The Kathmandu Post:
Neither party is likely to gain from the current deadlock in Nepal-India relations. The present resigned approaches evident on both sides does not contribute to elevating the age-old relations from, perceivably, now at their lowest point in history. If the Indian establishment is testing its strategy of making Nepal realize the putative ‘small country predicament’ in diplomacy, it will have a greater unforeseen cost.
India and Nepal are scheduled to hold a meeting at the level of foreign ministers in October. The last meeting between the two foreign ministers was in August 2019, in Kathmandu. Nepal might have found itself in the crossfire of the China-US trade war and the Indo-China border conflict. It remains to be seen if diplomatic discussions can smoothen frayed ties between those two traditional allies.
Written by Vishal Yashoda, Sanjib Chaudhary
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news24fresh · 4 years
Indian TV reports on PM Oli lack minimum public decency: Nepal
Indian TV reports on PM Oli lack minimum public decency: Nepal
Nepal has sent a diplomatic note of protest to India after a few Indian TV channels have aired programmes that contained offensive materials about Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli. The note sent on Sunday by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nepal to the Indian embassy in Kathmandu urged South Block to take steps against the broadcast of such content.
‘Such false, concocted and obnoxious…
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newsoutbursts · 4 years
Indian TV reports on PM Oli lack minimum public decency: Nepal
Indian TV reports on PM Oli lack minimum public decency: Nepal
Nepal has sent a diplomatic note of protest to India after a few Indian TV channels have aired programmes that contained offensive materials about Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli. The note sent on Sunday by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nepal to the Indian embassy in Kathmandu urged South Block to take steps against the broadcast of such content.
‘Such false, concocted and obnoxious…
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hulnews · 4 years
In Dipomatic Note, Nepal Urges India to Take Steps Against Broadcast of Anti-Nepal Materials
In Dipomatic Note, Nepal Urges India to Take Steps Against Broadcast of Anti-Nepal Materials
Nepal has sent a ‘diplomatic note’ to India, urging New Delhi to take steps against the broadcast of materials what it called “fake, baseless and insensitive as well as abusive” to the country and its leadership by a section of the Indian media, a source said on Sunday.
The move came days after Nepal on Thursday stopped the transmission of all Indian private news channels except…
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In Dipomatic Note, Nepal Urges India to Take Steps Against Broadcast of Anti-Nepal Materials
In Dipomatic Note, Nepal Urges India to Take Steps Against Broadcast of Anti-Nepal Materials
Nepal has despatched a ‘diplomatic notice’ to India, urging New Delhi to take steps towards the published of supplies what it known as “fake, baseless and insensitive as well as abusive” to the nation and its management by a piece of the Indian media, a supply stated on Sunday.
The transfer got here days after Nepal on Thursday stopped the transmission of all Indian personal information…
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bbcbreakingnews · 4 years
Modi earned his PM stint; no need to over-publicise surgical strikes: Pranab memoir
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NEW DELHI: India needs to tackle Pakistan through “deft handling” rather than “romanticising its political approach” and the country gained little by “over-talking” the surgical strikes of 2016, the late Pranab Mukherjee has written in his memoirs that also recall his “very cordial ties” with PM Narendra Modi who he said earned his prime ministership by leading BJP to a historic win. “India must pursue its Pakistan-related policies with utmost care and deft handling, and not through romanticising its political approach. Surgical strikes conducted by Indian forces across the border have been normal military operations in response to Pakistan’s continued aggression. But there is really no need to over-publicise them — something that has been done ever since the Indian military conducted two strikes inside Pakistani territory since 2016. We gained nothing by overtalking on these operations,” Mukherjee wrote. The former President said Modi had earned the prime ministership and referred to his predecessor Manmohan Singh as “essentially an economist” named as PM by Sonia Gandhi. “Modi, on the other hand, became PM through popular choice after leading BJP to a historic victory in 2014. He is a politician to the core and had been named BJP’s prime ministerial candidate as the party went into campaign mode. He was then Gujarat’s CM and had built an image that seemed to click with the masses. He has earned and achieved the prime ministership,” he said. Offering a ring side view of politics and political leaders, Mukherjee said he had come to expect the unexpected from Modi. “It was evident that one could expect the unexpected from Modi, because he had come with no ideological foreign policy baggage. He was to continue with these surprises: he made a sudden and unscheduled stop at Lahore in December 2015 to greet his then Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif on the latter’s birthday; and he initiated an annual informal summit with the Chinese president — one was held at Wuhan in China in 2018 and the other, more recently, at Mamallapuram in Tamil Nadu in 2019. I personally feel that PM Modi’s stopover in Lahore was unnecessary and uncalled for, given the conditions that prevailed in India-Pakistan relations,” he said. Mukherjee said every PM had a style of functioning. Lal Bahadur Shastri, he said, took positions that were very different from that of Nehru, despite being from the same party. Nehru, Mukherjee said, dealt with Nepal very diplomatically, and “rejected” an offer to be made an Indian province. “After the Rana rule was replaced by the monarchy in Nepal, he wished for democracy to take root. Interestingly, Nepal’s king, Tribhuvan Bir Bikram Shah, had suggested to Nehru that Nepal be made a province of India. But Nehru rejected the offer on the ground that Nepal was an independent nation and must remain so,” Mukherjee said, noting that Indira Gandhi would have reacted differently. Mukherjee completed his memoir ‘The Presidential Years, 2012-2017’ before his death last year. The book, published by Rupa Publications, was released on Tuesday. “BJP emerged with a simple majority on its own in the Lok Sabha for the first time and was thus able to form the government, though it still did so by co-opting its allies. Only Piyush Goyal… was confident that BJP would get no less than 265 seats, and that the number could go up to 280. I didn’t and still don’t know the reasons for his optimism,” he wrote. Mukherjee acknowledged that Modi maintained the constitutional tradition of keeping the President informed and seeking his advice. “I have had very cordial relations with PM Modi during my tenure. However, I did not hesitate to give my advice on matters of policy during our meetings. There were several occasions when he echoed concerns that I had voiced. I believe he has managed to grasp the nuances of foreign policy quickly,” he wrote.
source https://bbcbreakingnews.com/2021/01/07/modi-earned-his-pm-stint-no-need-to-over-publicise-surgical-strikes-pranab-memoir/
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vignaniasacademy · 4 years
20-05-2020 Current affairs & Daily News Analysis
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Govt to further revise criteria for classifying 'medium' enterprises under MSME definition: Gadkari Days after changing the definition of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), the government has decided to further revise the criteria for medium units by enhancing the investment and turnover limits to up to ₹50 crore and ₹200 crore respectively.
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About: As per the revised definition, any firm with investment up to ₹1 crore and turnover under ₹5 crore will be classified as “micro”. A company with investment up to ₹10 crore and turnover up to ₹50 crore will be classified as “small” and a firm with investment up to ₹20 crore and turnover under ₹100 crore will be classified as “medium”. The previous criteria for classifying enterprises in the “medium” category was investment up to ₹10 crore and turnover of up to ₹5 crore.  Source : The Hindu ( Economy ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy Govt launches National Test Abhyas mobile app for candidates to take mock tests for JEE Main and NEET Union Human Resource Development (HRD) Minister launched a new mobile app called the ‘National Test Abhyas'.
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About: The AI-powered mobile App has been developed by National Testing Agency (NTA) to enable candidates to take mock tests for upcoming exams such as JEE Main, NEET under the NTA’s purview. The app has been launched to facilitate candidates’ access to high quality mock tests in their homes since there was a demand for making up the loss to students due to closure of educational institutions and NTA’s Test-Practice Centers (TPCs) due to the continuing lockdown.  Source : PIB ( Education ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy mRNA-1273 US stock markets went soaring on the back of promising results from mRNA-1273 vaccine against novel coronavirus disease (Covid-19) developed by US pharmaceutical company Moderna.
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About: mRNA-1273 is the working name of Moderna’s vaccine, which is currently in Phase 1 clinical trials under the aegis of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). The mRNA in the name means messenger RNA, which carries the genetic formula for the coding of a specific protein. In this vaccine, the particular mRNA used codes for the most distinguishing feature of the SARS-CoV2 — the spike protein — which is also the appendage that the virus uses to enter the cell and replicate. The vaccine, when injected into a person, codes for the spike protein. Thus even without the introduction of an attenuated (recognisable but not harmful) virus into the body, the body learns what the virus looks like and arms itself with the antibodies that are required to act against it. Source : Indian Express ( Health ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy India resumes purchase of Malaysian palm oil: Report Indian buyers have resumed purchases of Malaysian palm oil after a four-month gap following a diplomatic row, with buying spurred by a fall in domestic inventories and discounted prices.
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About: The renewed purchases come amid improving trade relations between the two countries after the formation of a new government in Kuala Lumpur, with Malaysia signing a deal last week to buy a record 100,000 tonnes of Indian rice. Leading Indian importers last week contracted up to 200,000 tonnes of crude palm oil from Malaysia, the world’s No.2 producer after Indonesia, to be shipped in June and July. A restart to buying by India, the world’s biggest edible oil importer, could further support Malaysian palm oil prices. India buys more than 9 million tonnes of palm oil a year, accounting for nearly two-thirds of its total edible oil imports, and took a record 4.4 million tonnes of Malaysian palm oil in 2019.  Source : Times of India ( Economy ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND (EPF) Government has notified cut in Employees Provident Fund (EPF) contribution to 10% for May, June, July.
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About: The Centre has notified the reduction in statutory rate of contributions from 12 per cent to 10 per cent for wage months period from May to July, 2020 for all class of establishments covered under the Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 . Reduction in rate of EPF contributions from 12 per cent to 10 percent of basic wages and Dearness allowances is intended to benefit both 4.3 Crore employees. As a result of reduction in statutory rate of contributions, the employee will have a higher take home pay. Important Info : Exemptions? This reduction of rate of contribution is not applicable to establishments like Central and State Public Sector enterprises or any other establishment owned or controlled by or under control of the Central or State Government.The reduced rate is also not applicable for Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana-PMGKY beneficiaries.  Source : All India Radio ( Economy ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy WAG12 The Indian Railways has operationalised its first 12,000 hp electric locomotive manufactured locally by French rolling stock manufacturer Alstom. The loco is named WAG12 with Number 60027.
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About: The locomotive made its maiden commercial run between Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Station to Shivpur. India became the sixth country in the world to join the club of countries producing high horsepower locomotive indigenously. It has been manufactured at the Madhepura Electric Locomotive Pvt. Ltd. (MELPL), in Bihar, which is a joint venture between the French major and the Indian railways holding an equity share of 74% and 26% respectively. The joint venture remains the largest Foreign Direct Investment in the railways sector. Entry of WAG 12B (e-loco) into the Indian Railways fleet will allow faster and safer movement of heavier freight trains capable to haul around 6000 tonnes at a top speed of 120 kmph. It is the first time, high horse power locomotive has been operationalised on broad gauge track in the world.  Source : Economic Times ( Economy ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy 73rd WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Union Minister of Health participated in the 73rd World Health Assembly (WHA) through Video Conference.
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About: The World Health Assembly is the decision-making body of World Health Organization (WHO). It is attended by delegations from all WHO Member States and focuses on a specific health agenda prepared by the Executive Board. The main functions of the World Health Assembly are to determine the policies of the Organization, appoint the Director-General, supervise financial policies, and review and approve the proposed programme budget. The Health Assembly is held annually in Geneva, Switzerland.  Important Info : At the assembly, more than 100 countries including India backed a resolution drafted by the European Union calling for an independent inquiry into the pandemic, which has claimed more than 3 lakh lives globally so far.  Source : PIB ( International ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy WORLD BEE DAY 2020 World Bee Day 2020 is being celebated on May 20 under the theme “Save the Bees.”
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About: To raise awareness of the importance of Bees and other pollinators, such as butterflies, bats and hummingbirds, the threats they face and their contribution to sustainable development, the UN designated 20 May as World Bee Day. Why 20 May? 20 May coincides with the birthday of Anton Janša, who in the 18th century pioneered modern beekeeping techniques in his native Slovenia and praised the bees for their ability to work so hard, while needing so little attention. Important Info : Recognizing the dimensions of the pollination crisis and its links to biodiversity and human livelihoods, the Convention on Biological Diversity has made the conservation and sustainable use of pollinators a priority.In 2000, the International Pollinator Initiative (IPI) was established at the Fifth Conference of Parties (COP V) as a cross-cutting initiative to promote the sustainable use of pollinators in agriculture and related ecosystems. Source : United Nations ( Environment ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy NEPAL-INDIA BORDER DISPUTE The Nepal government has decided it will release a new, updated political map which will include the disputed areas of Lipulekh, Kalapani and Limpiyadhura as part of Nepali territory.
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About: This comes after the Indian defence ministry recently inaugurated a link road to the China border that passes through Lipulekh. The Kalapani territory is an area under Indian administration as part of Pithoragarh district in the Uttarakhand state. Following the road inauguration, the Nepal government released a press note stating that the eastern area from Mahakali River belongs to Nepal as per the Sugauli Treaty, 1816. But the Indian government said that it had constructed the road in its own territory. A few days later, the Indian Army chief General M.M. Naravane accused Nepal of acting ‘at the behest of someone else,’ a thinly veiled reference to China. Source : The Wire ( International ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy SOLAR MINIMUM The sun is said to have gone into a state called the 'solar minimum' and is about to enter the deepest period of 'sunshine recession' as sunspots are virtually not visibly at all. Some reports suggest that it has been almost 100 days this year when the sun has shown zero sunspots.
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About: Sun has a cycle that lasts on average 11 years, and right now we are at the peak of that cycle. Every 11 years or so, sunspots fade away, bringing a period of relative calm. This is called the solar minimum. And it’s a regular part of the sunspot cycle. While intense activity such as sunspots and solar flares subside during solar minimum, that doesn’t mean the sun becomes dull. Solar activity simply changes form. For instance, during solar minimum we can see the development of long-lived coronal holes. This may cause health risks to astronauts travelling through space as "the sun’s magnetic field weakens and provides less shielding from these cosmic rays. Source : Times Now ( Science & Technology ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Best IAS Academy in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy Daily Current affairs and News Analysis Best IAS Coaching institutes in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy Contact Vignan IAS Academy Enroll For IAS Foundation Course from Best IFS Academy in Bangalore Read the full article
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himalayanasiatrek · 5 years
Best Time to visit Nepal | Nepal Visa Information
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Nepal Holiday Packages Information – Nepal Tour Packages   Himalayan Asia Treks and Expedition P Ltd is one of the best local Nepal Tour Operator Company organizing Nepal Holiday Packages, Nepal Tour Packages, Nepal Holiday Tour , Nepal Trekking Tour and Nepal Holiday Packages best price. The best place to visit in Nepal Holiday Packages are Kathmandu, Pokhara, Chitwan, Lumbini , Daman, Bardiya and cover other popular places in Nepal. Nepal Tour Packages mostly cover most famous are like Kathmandu, Pokhara, Chitwan, Lumbini, Muktinath.
Best Time to visit to Nepal Holiday Packages:
The Best Time to visit to Nepal is mid of September to mid of December where skies are clear and breathless view in Nepal Tour Packages & Nepal Trekking Packages. September to December is called autumn season where raining is stopped, temperature is average, sky is clear, can see greenery mountain & mountain with snow so we called this is best time to visit to Nepal.
The best time to visit Nepal is Spring (Mid of March – May) also. We suggest to visit Nepal is mid of January to May.
September, October, November, December (cooler), March, April, May, June (warmer). June to mid Aug is rainy season so if you love raining and wants to experience local agriculture life also; this is the best time to visit to Nepal.
Nepal Visa Information - Tourist Visa in Nepal
Are you planning Nepal Holiday Packages or Nepal Trekking Packages and confused about Nepal Tourist Visa . Tribhuwan International Airport is only one international airport so most of travelers come through airport. For getting Nepal Tourist Visa, you have two choice : First is can get from Nepalese Diplomatic Missions/ embassy. Another choice is ‘On Arrival’ also. If you want to take Visa On Arrival then we suggest go this link and fill form and submit & print and take with you while you are travelling to Nepal. For getting online visa submission link: https://online.nepalimmigration.gov.np/tourist-visa  / Nepal Visa Online  link.
 For getting visa ‘On Arrival’, we gave some information on following details:
1)    Please carry minimum 6 month valid passport.
2)    Photo (size 1.5’ & 1.5’)
3)    Detail information of your hotel ; Hotel Name, Address  & contact number.
4)    Your personal information like address , email & other personal information.
 For Nepal visa extension: You have to pay minimum 30 US Dollar for up to 15 days.
If you want to extent more than 15 days then 2US Dollar per days (extension of the tourist visa, the fees chargeable for 15 days shall be levied if the period is less than 15 days in every extension.
On Arrival Visa Fee:
15 Days – 25 USD
30 Days – 40 USD
90 Days – 100
Note : If you are Indian Passport holder , then no need to apply visa . For Indian Passport holder, they do not need visa in Nepal.
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