#india is 1.327
vacuouslyfalse · 6 months
There's a kind of quaint Western chauvinism to all the hand-wringing about how the West is going to stop climate change. The world where the West is the primary player here is dead and buried - it's China's world and we're just living in it.
China electricity consumption in 2023: 9.22 trillion kWh
US: 4.18 trillion kWh
EU: 2.7 trillion kWh
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pricecheckindia · 3 years
AVITA Cosmos 2 in 1 Intel Celeron Dual Core 11.6 inches (4 GB/64 GB EMMC Storage/Windows 10 Home) NS12T5IN021P 2 in 1 Laptop (Charcoal Grey, 1.327 kg) | Best Laptop Offers | Price in India
AVITA Cosmos 2 in 1 Intel Celeron Dual Core 11.6 inches (4 GB/64 GB EMMC Storage/Windows 10 Home) NS12T5IN021P 2 in 1 Laptop (Charcoal Grey, 1.327 kg) | Best Laptop Offers | Price in India
This Avita 2-in-1 laptop is equipped with an Intel processor, 4 GB of RAM, and Intel UHD graphics for a lag-free and smooth operation. Also, the Windows 10 Home edition lets you perform multiple tasks on the 29.46 cm (11.6) Full-HD IPS touchscreen.You can work, play, and/or enjoy entertainment for long hours on this laptop that offers a long battery life of up to 6 hours.This device comes with a…
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ahom4 · 3 years
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sbotopindia · 4 years
Mumbai Indians Back As Favourites To Win IPL 2020
After a lacklustre start and some not-so-impressive performances, Mumbai Indians have risen to the top of the standings in IPL 2020.
While they did start off as favourites this year, the team's form was questioned after their losses to Chennai Super Kings and Royal Challengers Bangalore.
However, with 4 wins on the trot, the latest one being against the second strongest team this year, Delhi Capitals, MI is now right on top of the standings with 10 points and a net run rate of +1.327.
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Bet on IPL and win cash only at SBOTOP India, the leading cricket betting site in the country, and a trusted name the world over when it comes to online sports betting.
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ewei-nigeria · 5 years
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In 1989, the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme recommended that 11 July be observed by the international community as World Population Day, a day to focus attention on the urgency and importance of population issues. Population issue includes family planning, gender equality, child marriage, human rights, right to health, baby's health etc. Therefore, World Population Day focuses on the importance of reproductive health and how it affects overall growth and development plans and programs. The UN makes population growth estimates every two years and in 2017, it predicted the world's population will rise to 9.8billion by 2050, and 11.2 billion by 2100. As at 2017 the world population was 7.53 billion Below are some facts about Population Explosion: - Every year approximately 83 million people are being added to the world's population. By 2030, World population is expected to 8.6 billion, and in 2050 by 9.8 billion. - Do you know out of 7.4 billion people in the world, population of India is at 1.327 billion which is approximately 17.5% of the world population. So, it is necessary to understand the need of population control. - Approximately 800 women die due to pregnancy every day due to pregnancy related complications and 20% women from these are from India. - 30% of the World Population is due to unwanted and accidental pregnancies. On world population Day we believe, the greatest threat that growing population causes is quick depletion of natural resources and the threat that it poses to sustainability. #population #worldpopulationday #populationcontrol https://www.instagram.com/p/BzxZE1RAgGk/?igshid=18inpa0dq4y8j
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coolcomputerpoetry · 7 years
English Language, You Welcome!! La Importancia del idioma Inglés en la educación de Latinoamérica.
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Por: Giovanny Valencia.
El idioma inglés es extraoficialmente la principal lengua de este mundo, y a pesar de su avance, en Latinoamérica hay aún resistencia a dominarlo así como dificultades en su difusión y enseñanza, veamos un recuento de la importancia de este idioma, cuales son las dificultades para lograrlo y las soluciones. En este artículo no me centraré en cifras ni estadísticas.  
Es el idioma oficial de la informática, del internet, de la hotelería y el turismo, del comercio internacional, de la economía internacional, de organismos internacionales como las Naciones Unidas, La Unión Europea, La Commonwealth, El Comité Olímpico Internacional, La Organización Mundial del Comercio, entre otros.
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Fuente Wikipedia. 
Pareciera innecesario tener que explicar esto, pero muchos no saben la forma en que funciona el idioma inglés como puente. Vamos a suponer que en algún lugar del mundo se encuentran un ruso y un japonés, sus idiomas son muy diferentes aunque sean países limítrofes. Ni el japonés sabe ruso, ni el ruso sabe japonés, pero cada uno de ellos domina inglés, la barrera de comunicación queda superada. Si aplicamos esto al turismo, los negocios, las actividades académicas y diplomáticas, tenemos muchos problemas superados. Funciona bastante bien en Europa donde hay casi que un idioma diferente por cada país, el inglés ha sido el idioma en que se habla entre naciones europeas.
En Europa Oriental, hay un buen número de países pequeños en donde el inglés ha pasado a ser la principal lengua de interacción entre los jóvenes de estos países, que viajan, hacen negocios y amistades con facilidad por esta región, superando muy por encima el uso del alemán o el ruso y dejándolos como cosa del pasado.    
Veamos los casos  de India y China, los países más poblados del mundo respecto a la importancia del Inglés, India con una población de 1.327 millones, desde su independencia de Inglaterra, conservó el inglés como su idioma oficial (junto al Hindi), ya que en el país hay numerosas lenguas y dialectos adscritos a numerosas etnias y credos, se buscó que no hubieran disputas para unos imponer su lengua a otros, por lo cual se mantuvo la lengua de los colonos de manera imparcial.
Por su parte, China, la potencia asiática, con una población de 1.374 millones, tiene el inglés como el idioma extranjero mas estudiado en el país, no dan abasto los miles de profesores extranjeros que llegan cada año a China para enseñar inglés, en colegios, universidades, institutos técnicos, institutos de idiomas, empresas y en clases particulares. Por el país pululan los colegios angloparlantes y enseñar inglés en China se convirtió en un negocio millonario, así como ser traductor e intérprete de este idioma principalmente.
Aunque China tiene mucho interés de difundir su idioma al mundo, debido a su gran complejidad este es un reto que tomará tiempo, mientras tanto son los chinos los que se preocupan por dominar el idioma universal para seguir adelante con su proyecto de expansión mundial, apenas lógico puesto que con su propio idioma no lo lograrían.  
Están también los miles de Chinos que se van a aprender el idioma a Canadá, Estados Unidos, Australia, Nueva Zelandia y Sudáfrica entre otros. China tiene en sus provincias la isla de Hong Kong, con una población de 8 millones, la cual fue una colonia Inglesa desde 1841 hasta 1997, y posee el inglés como lengua oficial junto al mandarín. Se prevé que en los próximos 10 años el inglés sea extraoficialmente la segunda lengua en China.  
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Es sorprendente como en nuestra región, la gente y en especial los jóvenes se llenan de disculpas y argumentos para no aprender inglés, se quedan dejándolo para después, y aún así aspiran por ejemplo en trabajar en una multinacional sin el dominio del idioma, o aspiran viajar por el mundo, o hacer negocios de nivel internacional. ¿Pero como pretenden hacer esto sin el inglés?
El aprendizaje del idioma no debe ser algo que se deje para después, debe ser una prioridad para quien tiene este tipo planes. Todo debe comenzar desde la educación, no se puede seguir con el deficiente y básico inglés escolar típico de América Latina. La educación debe enfocarse como bilingüe desde la política de estado, al terminar la secundaria los estudiantes deben dominar inglés, dejando paso inclusive a que puedan aprender algún otro idioma, durante sus estudios superiores. Esta política debe ser de prioridad inmediata.
Reconozco que si hay países latinoamericanos que han venido adelantando algunas políticas interesantes, muy bien por ellos.  
Otro punto de falencia, es que  los Profesores le tienen miedo al inglés al igual que a las nuevas tecnologías por que los alumnos pueden ser mejor que ellos en esto, sienten que ya están en una edad que no deben aprender inglés para complementar su profesión. Por otra parte la falta de método ha sido otro gran problema, los profesores no saben cómo enseñarle a los alumnos, continuamos con el mismo método de enseñanza del siglo XIX, menos aún saben cómo transmitirles interés o cariño a la materia. Como en todas las otras materias, los docentes solo van a dictar sus clases, hacer los exámenes respectivos, por último a cobrar e irse de vacaciones. ¡Sí! así funciona la mayoría de la docencia en nuestra región, al diablo con hacer que los alumnos se enamoren de la materia dictada o de descubrir potenciales talentos entre los estudiantes, o buscar métodos didácticos, o mostrar lo importante que es aprender en sus vidas.    
Además de decretarse una educación bilingüe como política estatal, a los alumnos que se les dificulta deben hacer refuerzo extraacadémico en aquellas cosas en sí con que tienen dificultad, deben emplearse métodos didácticos con los que los alumnos aprendan y se preocupen por aprender y no se preocupen por las notas, el  estudiante latino está es preocupado por la nota, es prisionero de sus calificaciones, le importa un bledo olvidarse de todo lo que aprendió apenas terminen las clases.
Para llegar a la educación bilingüe se da paso a paso, se puede hacer un sistema semi bilingüe, que los colegios tengan no uno sino varios profesores de inglés, y que los alumnos vean clase de inglés todos los días, deben obligar a los profesores de todas las materias a que estudien y dominen el idioma, de la misma manera que los obligan a tener posgrados, programas de su autoría e investigaciones.
Es muy fácil seducir a los niños y jóvenes al inglés, y de manera didáctica, se les puede estimular con varias cosas, aprender las canciones de sus grupos o artistas favoritos, con el cine, con los videojuegos que ya han ayudado mucho a aprender el idioma, con las historietas, con navegar e investigar en internet usando solo este idioma, con la literatura ,pedirles que pongan sus redes sociales así como sus dispositivos portátiles en inglés, que hagan amistades en las redes sociales con otros jóvenes angloparlantes, acompañado de todas estas actividades lúdicas el interés será diferente. Hay que concientizar a los jóvenes para que ellos mismos mantengan su propio entusiasmo en el idioma.    
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Hay muchas formas de que niños y jóvenes quieran aprender inglés por sus intereses.
Respecto al cuento de que es imperialista, o que es sumisión, en el siglo XXI no desarrollar nuestros países nos mantendrá más sumisos aún, se trata de una situación de la comunicación mundial,  Cuba por ejemplo si se ha tomado en serio el asunto del inglés desde hace tiempo, por sus relaciones con el Caribe y el mundo además del turismo que recibe, la difusión del inglés ha sido un asunto importante, ellos si lo han sabido entender. Tampoco es necesario que se establezca como segundo idioma en nuestros países, sino que sea parte de las habilidades académicas y laborales.
Los adultos tampoco deben desanimarse en dominar inglés si aún no lo hacen, existen muchos institutos de idiomas a la mano para aprender en los horarios libres y las nuevas tecnologías nos facilitan el estudio diario, es también cuestión de constancia. El idioma nos estandariza todo en materia de comercio y negocios en la región, con el Caribe y Norteamérica.
Hacer viajes para practicar el idioma es muy importante, y si no tenemos visa americana ni despensas para ese tipo de viaje, podemos visitar varias naciones del Caribe, donde el Inglés es idioma oficial,  o también visitar un lugar como Sudáfrica, que no es un país caro, es muy propicio para los viajes mochileros y la mayoría de latinoamericanos no necesitamos de visa.
No debemos quedarnos inmóviles ante el idioma universal tan indispensable en nuestra actualidad, sería como quedarnos analfabetas.  
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topfygad · 5 years
Most peaceful countries in the world 2020
Probably the most peaceable international locations on the planet have been up to date for 2020. Learn our insights from the examine and browse the rankings under
The world has develop into barely much less harmful for the primary time in 5 years, in accordance with the newest International Peace Index (GPI) report. Nevertheless, during the last 10 years the world has develop into much less peaceable general with the common degree of world peacefulness deteriorating by 3.78%.
The GPI report is the one statistical measure of its form and makes it potential to rank 163 unbiased states primarily based on how peaceable they’re. The 163 states cowl over 99.7% of the world’s inhabitants and are assessed utilizing 23 indicators, every banded or normalised on a scale of 1-5.
The index, produced by the Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP), measures world peace utilizing three broad themes: the extent of security and safety in society, the extent of home and worldwide battle, and the diploma of militarisation.
IEP Iceland is essentially the most peaceable nation on the planet
Peace is notoriously tough to outline. The IEP approaches it by trying to evaluate the “concord achieved by the absence of violence or the concern of violence” in a society. Extra info on the methodology, together with particulars of the 23 indicators used, could be discovered from web page 84 of the report.
A divided world
In 2019, the common degree of world peacefulness improved barely from the 12 months earlier than. That is the primary time the worldwide degree of peace has improved within the final 5 years. The typical nation rating improved by 0.09%. A complete of 86 international locations improved and have become extra peaceable whereas 76 international locations deteriorated and have become much less peaceable.
Iceland has maintained its place as essentially the most peaceable nation on the planet. It has been ranked as such yearly since 2008. After Iceland, New Zealand, Portugal, Austria and Denmark are essentially the most peaceable international locations on the planet.
On the different finish of the dimensions, Afghanistan is now the least peaceable nation on the planet, changing Syria, which is now the second least peaceable. South Sudan, Yemen and Iraq make up the remaining least peaceable international locations.That is the primary 12 months because the inception of the index that Yemen has been ranked within the backside 5.
IEP Europe remained essentially the most peaceable geographical area
4 of the world’s 9 areas grew to become extra peaceable in 2019. Russia and Eurasia, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and Center East and North Africa all grew to become extra peaceable.
For the 11th successive 12 months, Europe remained essentially the most peaceable geographical area with 22 international locations turning into extra peaceable. America (36th) has declined for the third consecutive 12 months falling 4 locations since final 12 months.
Africa and the Center East nonetheless endure from the identical regional conflicts which have plagued them because the scramble for Africa on the finish of the 19th century. These areas stay the world’s most unstable regardless of their enchancment general.
Ukraine (150), Sudan (151), Egypt (136), North Macedonia (65) and Rwanda (79) confirmed the biggest enhancements in peacefulness. Nicaragua (120), Burkina Faso (104), Zimbabwe (132), Brazil (116) and Iran (139) confirmed the biggest deteriorations.
Most peaceable international locations on the planet ranked
The desk under ranks 163 of the world’s international locations by how they scored on the International Peace Index. Some international locations have been omitted because of lack of enough knowledge.
RANK COUNTRY SCORE 1 Iceland 1.072 2 New Zealand 1.221 3 Portugal 1.274 4 Austria 1.291 5 Denmark 1.316 6 Canada 1.327 7 Singapore 1.347 8 Slovenia 1.355 9 Japan 1.369 10 Czech Republic 1.375 11 Switzerland 1.383 12 Eire 1.390 13 Australia 1.419 14 Finland 1.488 15 Bhutan 1.506 16 Malaysia 1.529 17 Netherlands 1.530 18 Sweden 1.533 19 Belgium 1.533 20 Norway 1.536 21 Hungary 1.540 22 Germany 1.547 23 Slovakia 1.550 24 Mauritius 1.562 25 Romania 1.606 26 Bulgaria 1.607 27 Chile 1.634 28 Croatia 1.645 29 Poland 1.654 30 Botswana 1.676 31 Qatar 1.696 32 Spain 1.699 33 Costa Rica 1.706 34 Uruguay 1.711 35 Latvia 1.718 36 Taiwan 1.725 37 Estonia 1.727 38 Lithuania 1.728 39 Italy 1.754 40 Malawi 1.779 41 Indonesia 1.785 42 Mongolia 1.792 43 Kuwait 1.794 44 Ghana 1.796 45 Laos 1.801 46 United Kingdom 1.801 47 Panama 1.804 48 Zambia 1.805 49 Timor-Leste 1.805 50 Serbia 1.812 51 Albania 1.821 52 Sierra Leone 1.822 53 United Arab Emirates 1.847 54 Tanzania 1.860 55 Madagascar 1.867 56 South Korea 1.867 57 Vietnam 1.877 58 Senegal 1.883 59 Liberia 1.889 60 Namibia 1.892 61 France 1.892 62 The Gambia 1.908 63 Cyprus 1.914 64 Kazakhstan 1.932 65 North Macedonia 1.933 66 Greece 1.933 67 Montenegro 1.939 68 Moldova 1.951 69 Oman 1.953 70 Equatorial Guinea 1.957 71 Ecuador 1.980 72 Eswatini 1.986 73 Sri Lanka 1.986 74 Benin 1.986 75 Argentina 1.989 76 Nepal 2.003 77 Jordan 2.012 78 Angola 2.012 79 Rwanda 2.014 80 Peru 2.016 81 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2.019 82 Tunisia 2.035 83 Jamaica 2.038 84 Dominican Republic 2.041 85 Bolivia 2.044 86 Kosovo 2.049 87 Haiti 2.052 88 Paraguay 2.055 89 Cambodia 2.066 90 Morocco 2.070 91 Cuba 2.073 92 Guyana 2.075 93 Trinidad and Tobago 2.094 94 Mozambique 2.099 95 Kyrgyz Republic 2.105 96 Gabon 2.112 97 Belarus 2.115 98 Papua New Guinea 2.118 99 Georgia 2.122 100 Guinea 2.125 101 Bangladesh 2.128 102 Uzbekistan 2.166 103 Lesotho 2.167 104 Burkina Faso 2.176 105 Uganda 2.196 106 Tajikistan 2.196 107 Cote d’ Ivoire 2.203 108 Togo 2.205 109 Djibouti 2.207 110 China 2.217 111 Algeria 2.219 112 Guinea-Bissau 2.237 113 El Salvador 2.262 114 Guatemala 2.264 115 Turkmenistan 2.265 116 Brazil 2.271 117 Thailand 2.278 118 Armenia 2.294 119 Kenya 2.300 120 Nicaragua 2.312 121 Republic of the Congo 2.323 122 Mauritania 2.333 123 Honduras 2.341 124 Bahrain 2.357 125 Myanmar 2.393 126 Niger 2.394 127 South Africa 2.399 128 United States of America 2.401 129 Saudi Arabia 2.409 130 Azerbaijan 2.425 131 Ethiopia 2.434 132 Zimbabwe 2.463 133 Eritrea 2.504 134 Philippines 2.516 135 Burundi 2.520 136 Egypt 2.521 137 Chad 2.522 138 Cameroon 2.538 139 Iran 2.542 140 Mexico 2.600 141 India 2.605 142 Palestine 2.608 143 Colombia 2.661 144 Venezuela 2.671 145 Mali 2.710 146 Israel 2.735 147 Lebanon 2.800 148 Nigeria 2.898 149 North Korea 2.921 150 Ukraine 2.950 151 Sudan 2.995 152 Turkey 3.015 153 Pakistan 3.072 154 Russia 3.093 155 Democratic Republic of the Congo 3.218 156 Libya 3.285 157 Central African Republic 3.296 158 Somalia 3.300 159 Iraq 3.369 160 Yemen 3.412 161 South Sudan 3.526 162 Syria 3.566 163 Afghanistan 3.574
Lead picture: Andrew Mayovskyy/Shutterstock
source http://cheaprtravels.com/most-peaceful-countries-in-the-world-2020/
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tifosif1 · 6 years
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2018 Russian Grand Prix third practice
01 Lewis Hamilton Mercedes 1’33.067 13 02 Valtteri Bottas Mercedes 1’33.321 0.254 16 03 Sebastian Vettel Ferrari 1’33.667 0.600 14 04 Kimi Raikkonen Ferrari 1’33.688 0.621 11 05 Max Verstappen Red Bull-TAG Heuer 1’33.937 0.870 11 06 Daniel Ricciardo Red Bull-TAG Heuer 1’34.394 1.327 14 07 Charles Leclerc Sauber-Ferrari 1’34.628 1.561 15 08 Esteban Ocon Force India-Mercedes 1’34.809 1.742 16 09 Kevin Magnussen Haas-Ferrari 1’34.820 1.753 15 10 Sergio Perez Force India-Mercedes 1’34.916 1.849 14 11 Carlos Sainz Jnr Renault 1’34.988 1.921 13 12 Pierre Gasly Toro Rosso-Honda 1’35.125 2.058 21 13 Romain Grosjean Haas-Ferrari 1’35.185 2.118 18 14 Nico Hulkenberg Renault 1’35.213 2.146 12 15 Marcus Ericsson Sauber-Ferrari 1’35.370 2.303 16 16 Brendon Hartley Toro Rosso-Honda 1’36.033 2.966 22 17 Sergey Sirotkin Williams-Mercedes 1’36.071 3.004 16 18 Lance Stroll Williams-Mercedes 1’36.274 3.207 20 19 Stoffel Vandoorne McLaren-Renault 1’36.597 3.530 14 20 Fernando Alonso McLaren-Renault 1’36.992 3.925 21
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topfygad · 5 years
Most peaceful countries in the world 2020
Probably the most peaceable international locations on the planet have been up to date for 2020. Learn our insights from the examine and browse the rankings under
The world has develop into barely much less harmful for the primary time in 5 years, in accordance with the newest International Peace Index (GPI) report. Nevertheless, during the last 10 years the world has develop into much less peaceable general with the common degree of world peacefulness deteriorating by 3.78%.
The GPI report is the one statistical measure of its form and makes it potential to rank 163 unbiased states primarily based on how peaceable they’re. The 163 states cowl over 99.7% of the world’s inhabitants and are assessed utilizing 23 indicators, every banded or normalised on a scale of 1-5.
The index, produced by the Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP), measures world peace utilizing three broad themes: the extent of security and safety in society, the extent of home and worldwide battle, and the diploma of militarisation.
IEP Iceland is essentially the most peaceable nation on the planet
Peace is notoriously tough to outline. The IEP approaches it by trying to evaluate the “concord achieved by the absence of violence or the concern of violence” in a society. Extra info on the methodology, together with particulars of the 23 indicators used, could be discovered from web page 84 of the report.
A divided world
In 2019, the common degree of world peacefulness improved barely from the 12 months earlier than. That is the primary time the worldwide degree of peace has improved within the final 5 years. The typical nation rating improved by 0.09%. A complete of 86 international locations improved and have become extra peaceable whereas 76 international locations deteriorated and have become much less peaceable.
Iceland has maintained its place as essentially the most peaceable nation on the planet. It has been ranked as such yearly since 2008. After Iceland, New Zealand, Portugal, Austria and Denmark are essentially the most peaceable international locations on the planet.
On the different finish of the dimensions, Afghanistan is now the least peaceable nation on the planet, changing Syria, which is now the second least peaceable. South Sudan, Yemen and Iraq make up the remaining least peaceable international locations.That is the primary 12 months because the inception of the index that Yemen has been ranked within the backside 5.
IEP Europe remained essentially the most peaceable geographical area
4 of the world’s 9 areas grew to become extra peaceable in 2019. Russia and Eurasia, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and Center East and North Africa all grew to become extra peaceable.
For the 11th successive 12 months, Europe remained essentially the most peaceable geographical area with 22 international locations turning into extra peaceable. America (36th) has declined for the third consecutive 12 months falling 4 locations since final 12 months.
Africa and the Center East nonetheless endure from the identical regional conflicts which have plagued them because the scramble for Africa on the finish of the 19th century. These areas stay the world’s most unstable regardless of their enchancment general.
Ukraine (150), Sudan (151), Egypt (136), North Macedonia (65) and Rwanda (79) confirmed the biggest enhancements in peacefulness. Nicaragua (120), Burkina Faso (104), Zimbabwe (132), Brazil (116) and Iran (139) confirmed the biggest deteriorations.
Most peaceable international locations on the planet ranked
The desk under ranks 163 of the world’s international locations by how they scored on the International Peace Index. Some international locations have been omitted because of lack of enough knowledge.
RANK COUNTRY SCORE 1 Iceland 1.072 2 New Zealand 1.221 3 Portugal 1.274 4 Austria 1.291 5 Denmark 1.316 6 Canada 1.327 7 Singapore 1.347 8 Slovenia 1.355 9 Japan 1.369 10 Czech Republic 1.375 11 Switzerland 1.383 12 Eire 1.390 13 Australia 1.419 14 Finland 1.488 15 Bhutan 1.506 16 Malaysia 1.529 17 Netherlands 1.530 18 Sweden 1.533 19 Belgium 1.533 20 Norway 1.536 21 Hungary 1.540 22 Germany 1.547 23 Slovakia 1.550 24 Mauritius 1.562 25 Romania 1.606 26 Bulgaria 1.607 27 Chile 1.634 28 Croatia 1.645 29 Poland 1.654 30 Botswana 1.676 31 Qatar 1.696 32 Spain 1.699 33 Costa Rica 1.706 34 Uruguay 1.711 35 Latvia 1.718 36 Taiwan 1.725 37 Estonia 1.727 38 Lithuania 1.728 39 Italy 1.754 40 Malawi 1.779 41 Indonesia 1.785 42 Mongolia 1.792 43 Kuwait 1.794 44 Ghana 1.796 45 Laos 1.801 46 United Kingdom 1.801 47 Panama 1.804 48 Zambia 1.805 49 Timor-Leste 1.805 50 Serbia 1.812 51 Albania 1.821 52 Sierra Leone 1.822 53 United Arab Emirates 1.847 54 Tanzania 1.860 55 Madagascar 1.867 56 South Korea 1.867 57 Vietnam 1.877 58 Senegal 1.883 59 Liberia 1.889 60 Namibia 1.892 61 France 1.892 62 The Gambia 1.908 63 Cyprus 1.914 64 Kazakhstan 1.932 65 North Macedonia 1.933 66 Greece 1.933 67 Montenegro 1.939 68 Moldova 1.951 69 Oman 1.953 70 Equatorial Guinea 1.957 71 Ecuador 1.980 72 Eswatini 1.986 73 Sri Lanka 1.986 74 Benin 1.986 75 Argentina 1.989 76 Nepal 2.003 77 Jordan 2.012 78 Angola 2.012 79 Rwanda 2.014 80 Peru 2.016 81 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2.019 82 Tunisia 2.035 83 Jamaica 2.038 84 Dominican Republic 2.041 85 Bolivia 2.044 86 Kosovo 2.049 87 Haiti 2.052 88 Paraguay 2.055 89 Cambodia 2.066 90 Morocco 2.070 91 Cuba 2.073 92 Guyana 2.075 93 Trinidad and Tobago 2.094 94 Mozambique 2.099 95 Kyrgyz Republic 2.105 96 Gabon 2.112 97 Belarus 2.115 98 Papua New Guinea 2.118 99 Georgia 2.122 100 Guinea 2.125 101 Bangladesh 2.128 102 Uzbekistan 2.166 103 Lesotho 2.167 104 Burkina Faso 2.176 105 Uganda 2.196 106 Tajikistan 2.196 107 Cote d’ Ivoire 2.203 108 Togo 2.205 109 Djibouti 2.207 110 China 2.217 111 Algeria 2.219 112 Guinea-Bissau 2.237 113 El Salvador 2.262 114 Guatemala 2.264 115 Turkmenistan 2.265 116 Brazil 2.271 117 Thailand 2.278 118 Armenia 2.294 119 Kenya 2.300 120 Nicaragua 2.312 121 Republic of the Congo 2.323 122 Mauritania 2.333 123 Honduras 2.341 124 Bahrain 2.357 125 Myanmar 2.393 126 Niger 2.394 127 South Africa 2.399 128 United States of America 2.401 129 Saudi Arabia 2.409 130 Azerbaijan 2.425 131 Ethiopia 2.434 132 Zimbabwe 2.463 133 Eritrea 2.504 134 Philippines 2.516 135 Burundi 2.520 136 Egypt 2.521 137 Chad 2.522 138 Cameroon 2.538 139 Iran 2.542 140 Mexico 2.600 141 India 2.605 142 Palestine 2.608 143 Colombia 2.661 144 Venezuela 2.671 145 Mali 2.710 146 Israel 2.735 147 Lebanon 2.800 148 Nigeria 2.898 149 North Korea 2.921 150 Ukraine 2.950 151 Sudan 2.995 152 Turkey 3.015 153 Pakistan 3.072 154 Russia 3.093 155 Democratic Republic of the Congo 3.218 156 Libya 3.285 157 Central African Republic 3.296 158 Somalia 3.300 159 Iraq 3.369 160 Yemen 3.412 161 South Sudan 3.526 162 Syria 3.566 163 Afghanistan 3.574
Lead picture: Andrew Mayovskyy/Shutterstock
from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/31YV4B4 via https://ift.tt/2NIqXKN
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topfygad · 5 years
Most peaceful countries in the world 2020
Probably the most peaceable international locations on the planet have been up to date for 2020. Learn our insights from the examine and browse the rankings under
The world has develop into barely much less harmful for the primary time in 5 years, in accordance with the newest International Peace Index (GPI) report. Nevertheless, during the last 10 years the world has develop into much less peaceable general with the common degree of world peacefulness deteriorating by 3.78%.
The GPI report is the one statistical measure of its form and makes it potential to rank 163 unbiased states primarily based on how peaceable they’re. The 163 states cowl over 99.7% of the world’s inhabitants and are assessed utilizing 23 indicators, every banded or normalised on a scale of 1-5.
The index, produced by the Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP), measures world peace utilizing three broad themes: the extent of security and safety in society, the extent of home and worldwide battle, and the diploma of militarisation.
IEP Iceland is essentially the most peaceable nation on the planet
Peace is notoriously tough to outline. The IEP approaches it by trying to evaluate the “concord achieved by the absence of violence or the concern of violence” in a society. Extra info on the methodology, together with particulars of the 23 indicators used, could be discovered from web page 84 of the report.
A divided world
In 2019, the common degree of world peacefulness improved barely from the 12 months earlier than. That is the primary time the worldwide degree of peace has improved within the final 5 years. The typical nation rating improved by 0.09%. A complete of 86 international locations improved and have become extra peaceable whereas 76 international locations deteriorated and have become much less peaceable.
Iceland has maintained its place as essentially the most peaceable nation on the planet. It has been ranked as such yearly since 2008. After Iceland, New Zealand, Portugal, Austria and Denmark are essentially the most peaceable international locations on the planet.
On the different finish of the dimensions, Afghanistan is now the least peaceable nation on the planet, changing Syria, which is now the second least peaceable. South Sudan, Yemen and Iraq make up the remaining least peaceable international locations.That is the primary 12 months because the inception of the index that Yemen has been ranked within the backside 5.
IEP Europe remained essentially the most peaceable geographical area
4 of the world’s 9 areas grew to become extra peaceable in 2019. Russia and Eurasia, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and Center East and North Africa all grew to become extra peaceable.
For the 11th successive 12 months, Europe remained essentially the most peaceable geographical area with 22 international locations turning into extra peaceable. America (36th) has declined for the third consecutive 12 months falling 4 locations since final 12 months.
Africa and the Center East nonetheless endure from the identical regional conflicts which have plagued them because the scramble for Africa on the finish of the 19th century. These areas stay the world’s most unstable regardless of their enchancment general.
Ukraine (150), Sudan (151), Egypt (136), North Macedonia (65) and Rwanda (79) confirmed the biggest enhancements in peacefulness. Nicaragua (120), Burkina Faso (104), Zimbabwe (132), Brazil (116) and Iran (139) confirmed the biggest deteriorations.
Most peaceable international locations on the planet ranked
The desk under ranks 163 of the world’s international locations by how they scored on the International Peace Index. Some international locations have been omitted because of lack of enough knowledge.
RANK COUNTRY SCORE 1 Iceland 1.072 2 New Zealand 1.221 3 Portugal 1.274 4 Austria 1.291 5 Denmark 1.316 6 Canada 1.327 7 Singapore 1.347 8 Slovenia 1.355 9 Japan 1.369 10 Czech Republic 1.375 11 Switzerland 1.383 12 Eire 1.390 13 Australia 1.419 14 Finland 1.488 15 Bhutan 1.506 16 Malaysia 1.529 17 Netherlands 1.530 18 Sweden 1.533 19 Belgium 1.533 20 Norway 1.536 21 Hungary 1.540 22 Germany 1.547 23 Slovakia 1.550 24 Mauritius 1.562 25 Romania 1.606 26 Bulgaria 1.607 27 Chile 1.634 28 Croatia 1.645 29 Poland 1.654 30 Botswana 1.676 31 Qatar 1.696 32 Spain 1.699 33 Costa Rica 1.706 34 Uruguay 1.711 35 Latvia 1.718 36 Taiwan 1.725 37 Estonia 1.727 38 Lithuania 1.728 39 Italy 1.754 40 Malawi 1.779 41 Indonesia 1.785 42 Mongolia 1.792 43 Kuwait 1.794 44 Ghana 1.796 45 Laos 1.801 46 United Kingdom 1.801 47 Panama 1.804 48 Zambia 1.805 49 Timor-Leste 1.805 50 Serbia 1.812 51 Albania 1.821 52 Sierra Leone 1.822 53 United Arab Emirates 1.847 54 Tanzania 1.860 55 Madagascar 1.867 56 South Korea 1.867 57 Vietnam 1.877 58 Senegal 1.883 59 Liberia 1.889 60 Namibia 1.892 61 France 1.892 62 The Gambia 1.908 63 Cyprus 1.914 64 Kazakhstan 1.932 65 North Macedonia 1.933 66 Greece 1.933 67 Montenegro 1.939 68 Moldova 1.951 69 Oman 1.953 70 Equatorial Guinea 1.957 71 Ecuador 1.980 72 Eswatini 1.986 73 Sri Lanka 1.986 74 Benin 1.986 75 Argentina 1.989 76 Nepal 2.003 77 Jordan 2.012 78 Angola 2.012 79 Rwanda 2.014 80 Peru 2.016 81 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2.019 82 Tunisia 2.035 83 Jamaica 2.038 84 Dominican Republic 2.041 85 Bolivia 2.044 86 Kosovo 2.049 87 Haiti 2.052 88 Paraguay 2.055 89 Cambodia 2.066 90 Morocco 2.070 91 Cuba 2.073 92 Guyana 2.075 93 Trinidad and Tobago 2.094 94 Mozambique 2.099 95 Kyrgyz Republic 2.105 96 Gabon 2.112 97 Belarus 2.115 98 Papua New Guinea 2.118 99 Georgia 2.122 100 Guinea 2.125 101 Bangladesh 2.128 102 Uzbekistan 2.166 103 Lesotho 2.167 104 Burkina Faso 2.176 105 Uganda 2.196 106 Tajikistan 2.196 107 Cote d’ Ivoire 2.203 108 Togo 2.205 109 Djibouti 2.207 110 China 2.217 111 Algeria 2.219 112 Guinea-Bissau 2.237 113 El Salvador 2.262 114 Guatemala 2.264 115 Turkmenistan 2.265 116 Brazil 2.271 117 Thailand 2.278 118 Armenia 2.294 119 Kenya 2.300 120 Nicaragua 2.312 121 Republic of the Congo 2.323 122 Mauritania 2.333 123 Honduras 2.341 124 Bahrain 2.357 125 Myanmar 2.393 126 Niger 2.394 127 South Africa 2.399 128 United States of America 2.401 129 Saudi Arabia 2.409 130 Azerbaijan 2.425 131 Ethiopia 2.434 132 Zimbabwe 2.463 133 Eritrea 2.504 134 Philippines 2.516 135 Burundi 2.520 136 Egypt 2.521 137 Chad 2.522 138 Cameroon 2.538 139 Iran 2.542 140 Mexico 2.600 141 India 2.605 142 Palestine 2.608 143 Colombia 2.661 144 Venezuela 2.671 145 Mali 2.710 146 Israel 2.735 147 Lebanon 2.800 148 Nigeria 2.898 149 North Korea 2.921 150 Ukraine 2.950 151 Sudan 2.995 152 Turkey 3.015 153 Pakistan 3.072 154 Russia 3.093 155 Democratic Republic of the Congo 3.218 156 Libya 3.285 157 Central African Republic 3.296 158 Somalia 3.300 159 Iraq 3.369 160 Yemen 3.412 161 South Sudan 3.526 162 Syria 3.566 163 Afghanistan 3.574
Lead picture: Andrew Mayovskyy/Shutterstock
from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/31YV4B4 via IFTTT
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topfygad · 5 years
Most dangerous countries in the world 2019 – ranked
The most dangerous countries in the world have been updated for 2019. Read our insights from the study and browse the rankings below.
The world has become slightly less dangerous for the first time in five years, according to the latest Global Peace Index (GPI) report. However, over the last 10 years the world has become more dangerous overall with the average level of global peacefulness deteriorating by 3.78%.
The GPI report is the only statistical measure of its kind and makes it possible to rank 163 independent states based on how peaceful they are (or, conversely, how dangerous). The 163 states cover over 99.7% of the world’s population and are assessed using 23 indicators, each banded or normalised on a scale of 1-5.
The index, produced by the Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP), measures global peace using three broad themes: the level of safety and security in society, the extent of domestic and international conflict, and the degree of militarisation.
Peace is notoriously difficult to define. The IEP approaches it by attempting to assess the “harmony achieved by the absence of violence or the fear of violence” in a society. More information on the methodology, including details of the 23 indicators used, can be found from page 84 of the report.
IEP Afghanistan is now the most dangerous country in the world
A divided world
In 2019, the average level of global peacefulness improved slightly from the year before. This is the first time the global level of peace has improved in the last five years. The average country score improved by 0.09%. A total of 86 countries improved and became more peaceful while 76 countries deteriorated and became less peaceful.
Afghanistan is now the most dangerous country in the world, replacing Syria, which is now the second most dangerous. South Sudan, Yemen and Iraq make up the remaining five most dangerous countries.
This is the first year since the inception of the index that Yemen has been ranked as one of the five most dangerous countries in the world.
IEP Although it remains the world’s most dangerous region, MENA became more peaceful
At the other end of the scale, Iceland has maintained its position as the most peaceful country in the world. It has been ranked as such every year since 2008. After Iceland, New Zealand, Portugal, Austria and Denmark are the most peaceful countries in the world.
Four of the world’s nine regions became more peaceful in 2019. Russia and Eurasia, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and Middle East and North Africa all became less dangerous.
For the 11th successive year, Europe remained the most peaceful geographical region with 22 countries becoming more peaceful. The United States (36th) has declined for the third consecutive year falling four places since last year.
Africa and the Middle East still suffer from the same regional conflicts that have plagued them since the scramble for Africa at the end of the 19th century. These regions remain the world’s most dangerous despite their improvement overall.
Ukraine (14), Sudan (13), Egypt (28), North Macedonia (98) and Rwanda (85) showed the largest improvements in peacefulness. Nicaragua (44), Burkina Faso (60), Zimbabwe (32), Brazil (48) and Iran (25) showed the largest deteriorations.
Most dangerous countries in the world
Sort the table to view the ranking by either the most peaceful or the most dangerous countries in the world.
Rank Country Score 1 Afghanistan 3.574 2 Syria 3.566 3 South Sudan 3.526 4 Yemen 3.412 5 Iraq 3.369 6 Somalia 3.300 7 Central African Republic 3.296 8 Libya 3.285 9 Democratic Republic of the Congo 3.218 10 Russia 3.093 11 Pakistan 3.072 12 Turkey 3.015 13 Sudan 2.995 14 Ukraine 2.950 15 North Korea 2.921 16 Nigeria 2.898 17 Lebanon 2.800 18 Israel 2.735 19 Mali 2.710 20 Venezuela 2.671 21 Colombia 2.661 22 Palestine 2.608 23 India 2.605 24 Mexico 2.600 25 Iran 2.542 26 Cameroon 2.538 27 Chad 2.522 28 Egypt 2.521 29 Burundi 2.520 30 Philippines 2.516 31 Eritrea 2.504 32 Zimbabwe 2.463 33 Ethiopia 2.434 34 Azerbaijan 2.425 35 Saudi Arabia 2.409 36 United States of America 2.401 37 South Africa 2.399 38 Niger 2.394 39 Myanmar 2.393 40 Bahrain 2.357 41 Honduras 2.341 42 Mauritania 2.333 43 Republic of the Congo 2.323 44 Nicaragua 2.312 45 Kenya 2.300 46 Armenia 2.294 47 Thailand 2.278 48 Brazil 2.271 49 Turkmenistan 2.265 50 Guatemala 2.264 51 El Salvador 2.262 52 Guinea-Bissau 2.237 53 Algeria 2.219 54 China 2.217 55 Djibouti 2.207 56 Togo 2.205 57 Cote d’ Ivoire 2.203 58 Uganda 2.196 59 Tajikistan 2.196 60 Burkina Faso 2.176 61 Lesotho 2.167 62 Uzbekistan 2.166 63 Bangladesh 2.128 64 Guinea 2.125 65 Georgia 2.122 66 Papua New Guinea 2.118 67 Belarus 2.115 68 Gabon 2.112 69 Kyrgyz Republic 2.105 70 Mozambique 2.099 71 Trinidad and Tobago 2.094 72 Guyana 2.075 73 Cuba 2.073 74 Morocco 2.070 75 Cambodia 2.066 76 Paraguay 2.055 77 Haiti 2.052 78 Kosovo 2.049 79 Bolivia 2.044 80 Dominican Republic 2.041 81 Jamaica 2.038 82 Tunisia 2.035 83 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2.019 84 Peru 2.016 85 Rwanda 2.014 86 Jordan 2.012 87 Angola 2.012 88 Nepal 2.003 89 Argentina 1.989 90 Eswatini 1.986 91 Sri Lanka 1.986 92 Benin 1.986 93 Ecuador 1.980 94 Equatorial Guinea 1.957 95 Oman 1.953 96 Moldova 1.951 97 Montenegro 1.939 98 North Macedonia 1.933 99 Greece 1.933 100 Kazakhstan 1.932 101 Cyprus 1.914 102 The Gambia 1.908 103 Namibia 1.892 104 France 1.892 105 Liberia 1.889 106 Senegal 1.883 107 Vietnam 1.877 108 Madagascar 1.867 109 South Korea 1.867 110 Tanzania 1.860 111 United Arab Emirates 1.847 112 Sierra Leone 1.822 113 Albania 1.821 114 Serbia 1.812 115 Zambia 1.805 116 Timor-Leste 1.805 117 Panama 1.804 118 Laos 1.801 119 United Kingdom 1.801 120 Ghana 1.796 121 Kuwait 1.794 122 Mongolia 1.792 123 Indonesia 1.785 124 Malawi 1.779 125 Italy 1.754 126 Lithuania 1.728 127 Estonia 1.727 128 Taiwan 1.725 129 Latvia 1.718 130 Uruguay 1.711 131 Costa Rica 1.706 132 Spain 1.699 133 Qatar 1.696 134 Botswana 1.676 135 Poland 1.654 136 Croatia 1.645 137 Chile 1.634 138 Bulgaria 1.607 139 Romania 1.606 140 Mauritius 1.562 141 Slovakia 1.550 142 Germany 1.547 143 Hungary 1.540 144 Norway 1.536 145 Sweden 1.533 146 Belgium 1.533 147 Netherlands 1.530 148 Malaysia 1.529 149 Bhutan 1.506 150 Finland 1.488 151 Australia 1.419 152 Ireland 1.390 153 Switzerland 1.383 154 Czech Republic 1.375 155 Japan 1.369 156 Slovenia 1.355 157 Singapore 1.347 158 Canada 1.327 159 Denmark 1.316 160 Austria 1.291 161 Portugal 1.274 162 New Zealand 1.221 163 Iceland 1.072
Lead image: Dreamstime
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topfygad · 5 years
Most dangerous countries in the world 2019 – ranked
The most dangerous countries in the world have been updated for 2019. Read our insights from the study and browse the rankings below.
The world has become slightly less dangerous for the first time in five years, according to the latest Global Peace Index (GPI) report. However, over the last 10 years the world has become more dangerous overall with the average level of global peacefulness deteriorating by 3.78%.
The GPI report is the only statistical measure of its kind and makes it possible to rank 163 independent states based on how peaceful they are (or, conversely, how dangerous). The 163 states cover over 99.7% of the world’s population and are assessed using 23 indicators, each banded or normalised on a scale of 1-5.
The index, produced by the Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP), measures global peace using three broad themes: the level of safety and security in society, the extent of domestic and international conflict, and the degree of militarisation.
Peace is notoriously difficult to define. The IEP approaches it by attempting to assess the “harmony achieved by the absence of violence or the fear of violence” in a society. More information on the methodology, including details of the 23 indicators used, can be found from page 84 of the report.
IEP Afghanistan is now the most dangerous country in the world
A divided world
In 2019, the average level of global peacefulness improved slightly from the year before. This is the first time the global level of peace has improved in the last five years. The average country score improved by 0.09%. A total of 86 countries improved and became more peaceful while 76 countries deteriorated and became less peaceful.
Afghanistan is now the most dangerous country in the world, replacing Syria, which is now the second most dangerous. South Sudan, Yemen and Iraq make up the remaining five most dangerous countries.
This is the first year since the inception of the index that Yemen has been ranked as one of the five most dangerous countries in the world.
IEP Although it remains the world’s most dangerous region, MENA became more peaceful
At the other end of the scale, Iceland has maintained its position as the most peaceful country in the world. It has been ranked as such every year since 2008. After Iceland, New Zealand, Portugal, Austria and Denmark are the most peaceful countries in the world.
Four of the world’s nine regions became more peaceful in 2019. Russia and Eurasia, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and Middle East and North Africa all became less dangerous.
For the 11th successive year, Europe remained the most peaceful geographical region with 22 countries becoming more peaceful. The United States (36th) has declined for the third consecutive year falling four places since last year.
Africa and the Middle East still suffer from the same regional conflicts that have plagued them since the scramble for Africa at the end of the 19th century. These regions remain the world’s most dangerous despite their improvement overall.
Ukraine (14), Sudan (13), Egypt (28), North Macedonia (98) and Rwanda (85) showed the largest improvements in peacefulness. Nicaragua (44), Burkina Faso (60), Zimbabwe (32), Brazil (48) and Iran (25) showed the largest deteriorations.
Most dangerous countries in the world
Sort the table to view the ranking by either the most peaceful or the most dangerous countries in the world.
Rank Country Score 1 Afghanistan 3.574 2 Syria 3.566 3 South Sudan 3.526 4 Yemen 3.412 5 Iraq 3.369 6 Somalia 3.300 7 Central African Republic 3.296 8 Libya 3.285 9 Democratic Republic of the Congo 3.218 10 Russia 3.093 11 Pakistan 3.072 12 Turkey 3.015 13 Sudan 2.995 14 Ukraine 2.950 15 North Korea 2.921 16 Nigeria 2.898 17 Lebanon 2.800 18 Israel 2.735 19 Mali 2.710 20 Venezuela 2.671 21 Colombia 2.661 22 Palestine 2.608 23 India 2.605 24 Mexico 2.600 25 Iran 2.542 26 Cameroon 2.538 27 Chad 2.522 28 Egypt 2.521 29 Burundi 2.520 30 Philippines 2.516 31 Eritrea 2.504 32 Zimbabwe 2.463 33 Ethiopia 2.434 34 Azerbaijan 2.425 35 Saudi Arabia 2.409 36 United States of America 2.401 37 South Africa 2.399 38 Niger 2.394 39 Myanmar 2.393 40 Bahrain 2.357 41 Honduras 2.341 42 Mauritania 2.333 43 Republic of the Congo 2.323 44 Nicaragua 2.312 45 Kenya 2.300 46 Armenia 2.294 47 Thailand 2.278 48 Brazil 2.271 49 Turkmenistan 2.265 50 Guatemala 2.264 51 El Salvador 2.262 52 Guinea-Bissau 2.237 53 Algeria 2.219 54 China 2.217 55 Djibouti 2.207 56 Togo 2.205 57 Cote d’ Ivoire 2.203 58 Uganda 2.196 59 Tajikistan 2.196 60 Burkina Faso 2.176 61 Lesotho 2.167 62 Uzbekistan 2.166 63 Bangladesh 2.128 64 Guinea 2.125 65 Georgia 2.122 66 Papua New Guinea 2.118 67 Belarus 2.115 68 Gabon 2.112 69 Kyrgyz Republic 2.105 70 Mozambique 2.099 71 Trinidad and Tobago 2.094 72 Guyana 2.075 73 Cuba 2.073 74 Morocco 2.070 75 Cambodia 2.066 76 Paraguay 2.055 77 Haiti 2.052 78 Kosovo 2.049 79 Bolivia 2.044 80 Dominican Republic 2.041 81 Jamaica 2.038 82 Tunisia 2.035 83 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2.019 84 Peru 2.016 85 Rwanda 2.014 86 Jordan 2.012 87 Angola 2.012 88 Nepal 2.003 89 Argentina 1.989 90 Eswatini 1.986 91 Sri Lanka 1.986 92 Benin 1.986 93 Ecuador 1.980 94 Equatorial Guinea 1.957 95 Oman 1.953 96 Moldova 1.951 97 Montenegro 1.939 98 North Macedonia 1.933 99 Greece 1.933 100 Kazakhstan 1.932 101 Cyprus 1.914 102 The Gambia 1.908 103 Namibia 1.892 104 France 1.892 105 Liberia 1.889 106 Senegal 1.883 107 Vietnam 1.877 108 Madagascar 1.867 109 South Korea 1.867 110 Tanzania 1.860 111 United Arab Emirates 1.847 112 Sierra Leone 1.822 113 Albania 1.821 114 Serbia 1.812 115 Zambia 1.805 116 Timor-Leste 1.805 117 Panama 1.804 118 Laos 1.801 119 United Kingdom 1.801 120 Ghana 1.796 121 Kuwait 1.794 122 Mongolia 1.792 123 Indonesia 1.785 124 Malawi 1.779 125 Italy 1.754 126 Lithuania 1.728 127 Estonia 1.727 128 Taiwan 1.725 129 Latvia 1.718 130 Uruguay 1.711 131 Costa Rica 1.706 132 Spain 1.699 133 Qatar 1.696 134 Botswana 1.676 135 Poland 1.654 136 Croatia 1.645 137 Chile 1.634 138 Bulgaria 1.607 139 Romania 1.606 140 Mauritius 1.562 141 Slovakia 1.550 142 Germany 1.547 143 Hungary 1.540 144 Norway 1.536 145 Sweden 1.533 146 Belgium 1.533 147 Netherlands 1.530 148 Malaysia 1.529 149 Bhutan 1.506 150 Finland 1.488 151 Australia 1.419 152 Ireland 1.390 153 Switzerland 1.383 154 Czech Republic 1.375 155 Japan 1.369 156 Slovenia 1.355 157 Singapore 1.347 158 Canada 1.327 159 Denmark 1.316 160 Austria 1.291 161 Portugal 1.274 162 New Zealand 1.221 163 Iceland 1.072
Lead image: Dreamstime
As Amazon Associates, Atlas & Boots may earn commission from qualifying purchases. More information can be found here.
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from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/2PbB8qq via https://ift.tt/2NIqXKN
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topfygad · 5 years
Most dangerous countries in the world 2019 – ranked
The most dangerous countries in the world have been updated for 2019. Read our insights from the study and browse the rankings below.
The world has become slightly less dangerous for the first time in five years, according to the latest Global Peace Index (GPI) report. However, over the last 10 years the world has become more dangerous overall with the average level of global peacefulness deteriorating by 3.78%.
The GPI report is the only statistical measure of its kind and makes it possible to rank 163 independent states based on how peaceful they are (or, conversely, how dangerous). The 163 states cover over 99.7% of the world’s population and are assessed using 23 indicators, each banded or normalised on a scale of 1-5.
The index, produced by the Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP), measures global peace using three broad themes: the level of safety and security in society, the extent of domestic and international conflict, and the degree of militarisation.
Peace is notoriously difficult to define. The IEP approaches it by attempting to assess the “harmony achieved by the absence of violence or the fear of violence” in a society. More information on the methodology, including details of the 23 indicators used, can be found from page 84 of the report.
IEP Afghanistan is now the most dangerous country in the world
A divided world
In 2019, the average level of global peacefulness improved slightly from the year before. This is the first time the global level of peace has improved in the last five years. The average country score improved by 0.09%. A total of 86 countries improved and became more peaceful while 76 countries deteriorated and became less peaceful.
Afghanistan is now the most dangerous country in the world, replacing Syria, which is now the second most dangerous. South Sudan, Yemen and Iraq make up the remaining five most dangerous countries.
This is the first year since the inception of the index that Yemen has been ranked as one of the five most dangerous countries in the world.
IEP Although it remains the world’s most dangerous region, MENA became more peaceful
At the other end of the scale, Iceland has maintained its position as the most peaceful country in the world. It has been ranked as such every year since 2008. After Iceland, New Zealand, Portugal, Austria and Denmark are the most peaceful countries in the world.
Four of the world’s nine regions became more peaceful in 2019. Russia and Eurasia, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and Middle East and North Africa all became less dangerous.
For the 11th successive year, Europe remained the most peaceful geographical region with 22 countries becoming more peaceful. The United States (36th) has declined for the third consecutive year falling four places since last year.
Africa and the Middle East still suffer from the same regional conflicts that have plagued them since the scramble for Africa at the end of the 19th century. These regions remain the world’s most dangerous despite their improvement overall.
Ukraine (14), Sudan (13), Egypt (28), North Macedonia (98) and Rwanda (85) showed the largest improvements in peacefulness. Nicaragua (44), Burkina Faso (60), Zimbabwe (32), Brazil (48) and Iran (25) showed the largest deteriorations.
Most dangerous countries in the world
Sort the table to view the ranking by either the most peaceful or the most dangerous countries in the world.
Rank Country Score 1 Afghanistan 3.574 2 Syria 3.566 3 South Sudan 3.526 4 Yemen 3.412 5 Iraq 3.369 6 Somalia 3.300 7 Central African Republic 3.296 8 Libya 3.285 9 Democratic Republic of the Congo 3.218 10 Russia 3.093 11 Pakistan 3.072 12 Turkey 3.015 13 Sudan 2.995 14 Ukraine 2.950 15 North Korea 2.921 16 Nigeria 2.898 17 Lebanon 2.800 18 Israel 2.735 19 Mali 2.710 20 Venezuela 2.671 21 Colombia 2.661 22 Palestine 2.608 23 India 2.605 24 Mexico 2.600 25 Iran 2.542 26 Cameroon 2.538 27 Chad 2.522 28 Egypt 2.521 29 Burundi 2.520 30 Philippines 2.516 31 Eritrea 2.504 32 Zimbabwe 2.463 33 Ethiopia 2.434 34 Azerbaijan 2.425 35 Saudi Arabia 2.409 36 United States of America 2.401 37 South Africa 2.399 38 Niger 2.394 39 Myanmar 2.393 40 Bahrain 2.357 41 Honduras 2.341 42 Mauritania 2.333 43 Republic of the Congo 2.323 44 Nicaragua 2.312 45 Kenya 2.300 46 Armenia 2.294 47 Thailand 2.278 48 Brazil 2.271 49 Turkmenistan 2.265 50 Guatemala 2.264 51 El Salvador 2.262 52 Guinea-Bissau 2.237 53 Algeria 2.219 54 China 2.217 55 Djibouti 2.207 56 Togo 2.205 57 Cote d’ Ivoire 2.203 58 Uganda 2.196 59 Tajikistan 2.196 60 Burkina Faso 2.176 61 Lesotho 2.167 62 Uzbekistan 2.166 63 Bangladesh 2.128 64 Guinea 2.125 65 Georgia 2.122 66 Papua New Guinea 2.118 67 Belarus 2.115 68 Gabon 2.112 69 Kyrgyz Republic 2.105 70 Mozambique 2.099 71 Trinidad and Tobago 2.094 72 Guyana 2.075 73 Cuba 2.073 74 Morocco 2.070 75 Cambodia 2.066 76 Paraguay 2.055 77 Haiti 2.052 78 Kosovo 2.049 79 Bolivia 2.044 80 Dominican Republic 2.041 81 Jamaica 2.038 82 Tunisia 2.035 83 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2.019 84 Peru 2.016 85 Rwanda 2.014 86 Jordan 2.012 87 Angola 2.012 88 Nepal 2.003 89 Argentina 1.989 90 Eswatini 1.986 91 Sri Lanka 1.986 92 Benin 1.986 93 Ecuador 1.980 94 Equatorial Guinea 1.957 95 Oman 1.953 96 Moldova 1.951 97 Montenegro 1.939 98 North Macedonia 1.933 99 Greece 1.933 100 Kazakhstan 1.932 101 Cyprus 1.914 102 The Gambia 1.908 103 Namibia 1.892 104 France 1.892 105 Liberia 1.889 106 Senegal 1.883 107 Vietnam 1.877 108 Madagascar 1.867 109 South Korea 1.867 110 Tanzania 1.860 111 United Arab Emirates 1.847 112 Sierra Leone 1.822 113 Albania 1.821 114 Serbia 1.812 115 Zambia 1.805 116 Timor-Leste 1.805 117 Panama 1.804 118 Laos 1.801 119 United Kingdom 1.801 120 Ghana 1.796 121 Kuwait 1.794 122 Mongolia 1.792 123 Indonesia 1.785 124 Malawi 1.779 125 Italy 1.754 126 Lithuania 1.728 127 Estonia 1.727 128 Taiwan 1.725 129 Latvia 1.718 130 Uruguay 1.711 131 Costa Rica 1.706 132 Spain 1.699 133 Qatar 1.696 134 Botswana 1.676 135 Poland 1.654 136 Croatia 1.645 137 Chile 1.634 138 Bulgaria 1.607 139 Romania 1.606 140 Mauritius 1.562 141 Slovakia 1.550 142 Germany 1.547 143 Hungary 1.540 144 Norway 1.536 145 Sweden 1.533 146 Belgium 1.533 147 Netherlands 1.530 148 Malaysia 1.529 149 Bhutan 1.506 150 Finland 1.488 151 Australia 1.419 152 Ireland 1.390 153 Switzerland 1.383 154 Czech Republic 1.375 155 Japan 1.369 156 Slovenia 1.355 157 Singapore 1.347 158 Canada 1.327 159 Denmark 1.316 160 Austria 1.291 161 Portugal 1.274 162 New Zealand 1.221 163 Iceland 1.072
Lead image: Dreamstime
As Amazon Associates, Atlas & Boots may earn commission from qualifying purchases. More information can be found here.
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source http://cheaprtravels.com/most-dangerous-countries-in-the-world-2019-ranked/
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tifosif1 · 7 years
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2017 Azerbaijan Grand Prix first practice
01 33 Max Verstappen Red Bull-TAG Heuer 1’44.410  19 02 3 Daniel Ricciardo Red Bull-TAG Heuer 1’44.880 0.470 22 03 5 Sebastian Vettel Ferrari 1’44.967 0.557 20 04 11 Sergio Perez Force India-Mercedes 1’45.398 0.988 16 05 44 Lewis Hamilton Mercedes 1’45.497 1.087 16 06 77 Valtteri Bottas Mercedes 1’45.737 1.327 19 07 31 Esteban Ocon Force India-Mercedes 1’45.752 1.342 24 08 19 Felipe Massa Williams-Mercedes 1’45.968 1.558 25 09 7 Kimi Raikkonen Ferrari 1’46.000 1.590 18 10 26 Daniil Kvyat Toro Rosso-Renault 1’46.617 2.207 11 11 18 Lance Stroll Williams-Mercedes 1’46.649 2.239 28 12 20 Kevin Magnussen Haas-Ferrari 1’46.721 2.311 23 13 8 Romain Grosjean Haas-Ferrari 1’46.837 2.427 22 14 27 Nico Hulkenberg Renault 1’47.217 2.807 21 15 2 Stoffel Vandoorne McLaren-Honda 1’47.446 3.036 22 16 55 Carlos Sainz Jnr Toro Rosso-Renault 1’47.501 3.091 13 17 14 Fernando Alonso McLaren-Honda 1’47.551 3.141 20 18 30 Jolyon Palmer Renault 1’48.525 4.115 15 19 94 Pascal Wehrlein Sauber-Ferrari 1’49.048 4.638 19 20 9 Marcus Ericsson Sauber-Ferrari 1’49.937 5.527 21
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