misterblaisezabini · 4 years
“  what did you want to tell me? ”
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ericbrandonrp · 3 years
What is your dream come true? How about your worst nightmare? Top three things on your wishlist?
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Interview the Muse
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“Uh…ta—ta have a fam’ly. A woife, a choild…maybe two. Jus’…someone who accepts me the way I am, y’know? An’ me worst noigh’mare…well, ta never have tha’. Ta die without ever knowin’ wha’…wha’ luv is…”
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“Top three things? Righ’ now? I’d kill for a brownie. I’d luv ta move back ta Oireland, ta be honest, live a’ the coast an’ enjoy loife. No runnin’ or hoidin’ anymore. An’ there’s someone I really wanna kiss an’ pull into me arms an’ never le’ go of…”
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thewrongsorts · 3 years
@independentcho​​ replied to this wildly flattering post
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prodigalpercy · 3 years
@independentcho​ conjured: note .   cho slips  percy  a  note  saying :   [ they’re following us ] .
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        shit.  percy licks his lips nervously as he twists his hand, making the note disappear into thin air.  he passes a glance at cho, planning his next move.  the last time he had been this alert was during the second wizarding war  --  when the ministry was filled with death eaters.  with kingsley focused on the affairs at home, percy has found himself working more and more with the department of international cooperation, and thus in turn with the international confederation of wizards.  the senior undersecretary takes two more steps forward before stopping.  “act natural,”  he says under his breath before turning, smiling.  “gentleman,”  he says, eying the delegates from russia  --  tensions have been high recently between their two magical communities, a reflection of the muggle world’s values as well.  
and in a moment, percy waves his hand up, conjuring smoke with wandless magic -- now that he’s thirty, he’s become decently proficient in it.  “this way,”  he says, reaching for cho’s hand, tugging her down the hall as spells go flying. 
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lvncher · 3 years
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this is the kind of content I’m here for // @independentcho
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recordsstraight · 3 years
@independentcho || Gabriel
Sometimes Gabriel simply enjoyed sitting in one of his favorite spots to listen to the sounds around him, his rump perched on the top of the table and his feet resting on the actual bench part of the table, a large glass of lemonade sitting off to the side where he was certain that he would be able to easily get it. So lost in the act of merely watching the world pass by him, a rather loud noise sounded just behind him... and being startled by a sudden noise, his arm jerked hard enough to cause the cup to fly off the table …
And unfortunately enough, spill all over the person walking by at the wrong time.
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spellwrites · 3 years
👻 - For something that scares or disturbs them, but they refuse to tell anyone
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Her father. She's deeply disturbed by everything she learned about him following her mother's trial and later in her Hogwarts career when she went digging for more information than she could glean from Daily Prophet articles. But at the same time... he was her dad. He adored her, and the feeling was mutual. And a small, shameful kernel deep in her heart is reluctant to call him unforgivable despite all the despicable things he did as a Death Eater.
She never talks about this with anyone.
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@independentcho​​ inquired: scritches ( from cho to theo )
     She was still in his arms, pressed up against his side, one leg slung across his body, one arm across his chest as if to keep him in place. They were both out of breath, slightly panting, Theo’s heart still hammering against his ribcage. Something that Cho could undoubtedly hear with her head resting on his chest.
    “You have never looked more beautiful than you do right now,” he whispered, his fingers combing through her hair, turning his head slightly so he could press a kiss to the top of her head. One arm wrapped a little tighter around her and pulled her closer, while he pulled the blankets up on top of them with the other, making sure she wouldn’t get cold.
     “Cho Chang,” he sighed, a smile on his lips. “Have I told you lately that I was very lucky that our kids decided to be friends? Maybe I’ll have to buy them a gift to thank them. Without Em and Leo, I don’t think we’d be here right now.” He was fairly certain that if he asked Emilia if she wanted a gift as a thank you, she’d ask for a pony, so maybe he would hold off on that for a while longer.
     He nuzzled her hair with his fingers still running through them and fell silent for a moment, thinking over how lucky he truly was. This all felt different from when he was still with Olivia. It had all been so hurried back then, whereas everything he did with Cho was slow, deliberate, calm, and much easier to enjoy.
     “Cho?” He gently tugged on her hair to make her look at him. “Will you marry me?”
send me  ‘ scritches ‘  for my muse’s reaction to yours stroking mine’s hair to calm them down in an emotional moment… || Accepting
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thirsttoprove · 3 years
“  do you want me to go?  ”
He brushed a hand through his bed hair ( it looking no different from how his hair usually looked) and shot Cho a quick smile. “No, not at all.” The mood may be a bit awkward, and Harry had been a bit upset to find the bed empty next to him, but Harry wanted Cho to feel comfortable at his place. He didn’t know what exactly this thing between them right now was and thought it might be best to give it time as well as to let her know that she was definitely not overstaying her welcome. “Please feel free to stay. I was about to make breakfast for two.”
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choseni · 4 years
“Now, remember, the only reading material you should have out during lessons are textbooks and notes, understand?” Harry gave the second-year girl a stern, yet good natured smile as he passed back the magazine he'd taken from her during lessons that morning. She nodded, her face bright red as she shoved it back into her bag and bolted from his office.
Harry sighed, waves of affections for the students washing over him as the spring air from the open window blew in, ruffling his hair. Harry watched as Ariel, his brown owl, swooped back forth in front of the window, enjoying stretching her wings in warm air for once.
There were only a few months left of Harry's first year as a teacher, and though Harry was the current youngest member of staff in his mid-twenties, he felt as if this job had aged him in a good way, put him right where he'd always needed to be, and now he could just be comfortable.
It seemed he wasn't the only one enjoying the day. Harry glanced towards his office door as he heard laughter from out in the hallway. Harry recognized Flitwick's voice, but he couldn't place what would have the old professor so amused out in the middle of the hallway. Harry turned down the dial of the radio on his desk and stepped towards the door, peering out towards Flitwick's office.
Flitwick was speaking with a witch, her back to Harry. They seemed to be engaging like old friends, though Harry noted the witch had to be about his age, though she was dressed smartly. There was something familiar about her silky dark hair, something about it giving him a not-entirely unpleasant swooping feeling in his stomach.
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Harry crept further into the hallway, gasping as a draft pull of wind from the still-open window caused his office door to slam shut loudly behind him, echoing throughout the hallway. Harry felt his face flush and he resisted the urge to shrink back, reminding himself he had just as much a right to these halls as her, and he had not been purposely eavesdropping.
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candere · 3 years
‘ why are you running? why are you running? ’ ( for ron, bc their relationship would absolutely be vine energy )
"Oh shite! Cho, quick!" There was no time to explain why she ought to be running too. Ron grabbed her hand and pulled her along, downstairs into the storage room. He pushed the door closed behind them, and something flew against it from the other side as he pressed against it. "You know our Pygmy Puffs right? They're bestsellers. We got a shipment of another kind of Puffskein, I just opened one of the cages when you entered the store," he explained, then managed to spell the door shut during a quiet moment. The Puffskein outside seemed to have stopped trying to tear the door down. "They're from Lithuania and are so aggressive! They hit like bludgers."
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ericbrandonrp · 4 years
social media meme: 7, 9, 10 !
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Send some questions for the muse – social media edition
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7 – What does your phone’s lockscreen look like?
“I usually got some random photo’f Oireland’s a background. It’s some coast righ’ now. I don’t know, I jus’...don’t care ‘bout ‘em things much?”
9 – What kinds of apps are on your phone?
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“Uh...lemme check...well, the usual shite. Alarm? Don’t use those. I go’ some games...there’s this one where ye’re playin’ a thief. It’s fun. Go’ Insta, bu’ I don’t use tha’ one. Actually...wow, there’s really no’ much on me phone, is there? I mean, I jus’ use it for textin’ an’ callin’ people. Maybe searchin’ for some stuff on the internet when I’m on the road. Don’t need apps for tha’, though, do I? I do have this app tha’ le’s yer photos look loike they’re from the eighties, though. It’s pre’y cool. Oh, an’ of course one tha’ gives me all the dates’f races. The most important one.”
10 – What does your camera roll look like?
“Well...uh, a few pics’f me motorcycle, me Aston Martin...go’ a few sneaky ones’f me da’ - he hates photos taken’f him - an’...oh, me last vacation. I took some pics’f the beach, the ocean, the noightsky. There was this noice lil town I stayed in - in Italy, y’know - an’ ye jus’ take pics’f lit’rally ev’rything there. The sunsets’re beautiful an’--oh. Oh, I should pro’ly delete the ones I’ve taken’f ye...though ye look koinda cute when ye’re toired.”
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thewrongsorts · 4 years
@independentcho gets a starter for fleur’s birthday 🎉
New York is... fine, Fleur supposes. Pretty enough, inasmuch as she’s been able to see any of it between meetings and Conference events, and she enjoys seeing a more smoothly integrated wizarding and muggle population. But also it is her birthday — not the first she’ll have spent far, far away from her family, in an unfamiliar country surrounded mostly by strangers or work acquaintances at best, but after a very, very long day of making very, very little headway on any of the agreements she came to broker... Zut. She thinks she’s entitled to feel a little lonely.
It’s nearing eight in the evening and she’s beginning to regret not finding time for dinner earlier, but there’s un bon côté to that, too — It’s only as she’s pulling on her jacket that she notices someone else is still here in the temporary offices ICW has put them up in for the Conference.
“Ah, Cho! Did you eat yet?” Fleur doesn’t even try to hide her smile as she leans through the other woman’s doorway, hands busy with the many buttons on her coat. “I would love company, if you aren’t busy.”
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prodigalpercy · 3 years
your PORTRAYAL— listen, it should be the height of writing to take a minor and often underrepresented + often underloved character and turn him into a character who is so well thought out and COMPELLING. i’m always so eager to read your headcanons for percy, and it’s really satisfying for me to see the ways you explore his regret vs his personal desires vs his ambitions vs his duty. i’m very sold on the percy you’ve created and written and honestly wish we got to see more of the redemption arc in canon (but knowing how likely that could’ve been screwed up, i am so content with having your blog instead to expand on that and to bless us all with that content). 💖
ess,,, i'm just sitting here,,, crying in the club.,,, thank you so much for your kind words. this means so much to me!!!
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lvncher · 4 years
independentcho replied to your post:  “just want to remind everyone yesterday...”
what is aidan lynch if not quidditch daddy persevering [ clip of chris evans talking about wanting to be a daddy some day ] 🥺
aidan lynch
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spellwrites · 3 years
——— bold is for highly characteristic, italics is for semi-characteristic with nuance, strikethrough is for highly uncharacteristic.
easily scared |  whiny  |  repetitive  |  selfish |  arrogant  |  easily excitable  |  too silly  |  stubborn |  blank-minded  |  overly cautious  |  loud  |  easily bored  |  untrustworthy |  disloyal  |  manipulative |  over sensitive  |  possessive |  clingy  |  obnoxious  |  gullible  |  annoying  |  judgmental |  tactless  |  merciless |  unlucky  |  soft-hearted  |  sarcastic |  reckless  |  paranoid  |  unsophisticated  |  pushy  |  self-critical  |  smart-ass  |  solemn  |  erratic  |  antisocial  |  complex |  dubious  |  egotistical  |  tongue-tied  |  temperamental |  lazy  |  sadist  |  masochist  |  predictable  |  withdrawn |  skeptical |  rebellious |  proud   |  perfectionist  |  impatient  |  audacious
tagged by: @independentcho​
tagging: anyone and everyone who hasn’t already been tagged!
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