#incubus!Sam Winchester
Incubus Castiel fics I love @leatafandom
[edited] These very funny despite a lot of sex due to incubus feeding off sexual energy or their soul. They also all have happy endings. The worlds are very thought out and details.
Rated: E
Summary: When Dean accidentally stepped on a bird’s wing, he thought he was doing a good deed by bringing it home to take care of it. The next morning, he inexplicably wakes up next to a hot naked guy with horns and wings. Well, that’s just Winchester luck for you.
Rated: E
Summary: Dean didn't think he'd be working towards a university degree at the age of thirty, but here he is doing it. Between full time school and his full time job as a mechanic, he doesn't have time for anything other than keeping his nose to the grindstone.
Enter Cas, an accidentally summoned incubus who is determined to, uh, help Dean relax.
Rated: E
Summary: Dean is a Warlock. A very very drunk Warlock. Oh, and a horny Warlock.
Hey, he knows how to summon a succubus!
He should totally do that. Hell yeah! Guaranteed hot sex!
Except that spellcasting while drunk is a Very Bad Idea. He's just too drunk to remember that.
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batcavescolony · 5 months
S4 E14 Supernatural
A Siren, getting men to kill the women in their lives. Dean is noticing that Sam is up to something. I love how Bobby has phones for different agencies, it's so smart, I expect nothing less from Bobby. Dean made an FBI friend who likes his car, his music, who trusted him and- he ended up being the siren. But Bobby came to the rescue before his the boys killed each other.
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preseriesdean · 2 months
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for @spnficrecfest day two: kinks 🤍 some of these focus on the amulet, some others mention it in passing, but with those i still considered that moment important enough to tag it in my bookmarks.
[Sam] folded his long, thin fingers loosely around Dean's amulet. John looked at it, at that, then down at the wedding ring on his finger, which he'd never taken off and never would. He wished he could stop figuring stuff out. — (quote from "Like Arrows in the Hands of a Warrior")
Hard-Won Inches by BewareTheIdes15 sam/dean, 3.7k words, rated E, published 2011, underage Dean’s developed this thing lately where he likes to touch Sam’s mouth while he has the amulet in there, fingers tracing so gently it almost tickles, around the little pouty spot where the cord disappears between Sam’s lips. It’s kind of weird, but probably not weirder than the fact that Sam’s ten and still sucks on his brother’s necklace to go to sleep at night.
Catalyst by intrepidheart sam/dean, 13.7k words, rated M, published 2015, underage It is a representation of them, of who they are, both brothers scribing themselves into the shallow cuts of the metal over the years, the simple amulet becoming much more than a symbol of protection. It becomes both a trigger and a barrier that only they understand.
If I Ever Lose My Faith in You by JustineDelarge sam/dean, 3.9k words, rated M, published 2012 Dean throwing away the amulet left a deeper wound in Sam than Dean realized.
The Space Between Sense and Memory sam/dean, 4.8k words, rated T, published 2021 There are a hundred unwritten rules on all the acceptable ways brothers should touch each other. There are hardly any ways at all to break them.
A man with his insides out and his outsides off by britomart_is sam/dean, 5.3k words, rated E, published 2016, underage, time travel They say there are only two stories in the world: man goes on a journey, and stranger comes to town.
Like Arrows in the Hands of a Warrior by ADeedWithoutaName sam/dean, 10.3k words, rated M, published 2018, underage, john pov John Winchester loves his boys, and would take a bullet for either of them. He knows that he's doing it right, the way he's raising them, the things he's teaching them. Not every problem, however, has an easy answer. Like what to do after an incubus case in which their target got his pollen all over both of John's sons.
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yandereunsolved · 2 months
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ִ ࣪𖤐ִ 𓃵 Yandere Dean Winchester 𓃵 ִ ࣪𖤐ִ
Visiting diners used to be your favorite part of hunts. You'd travel solo and always order half the menu as a celebration after a successful one. Now they just reminded you of the freedom you lost. A pistol snugly tucked away in a holder on Dean's waist, a pair of handcuffs in case you tried anything too reckless.
"Enjoying your pie, darling?" His words were sweeter than those of an incubus, yet more foreboding than the sound of a demon's voice. 
That crazed glint never left his eyes. You swear he must've been tainted by something—infected—to become this obsessed.
"Sam will eventually find us. Castiel will stop you. I don't understand why you're doing this." He chuckled sweetly. Anyone who couldn't hear the words of your conversation would think he's the dotting boyfriend doing his best to soothe the worries of his partner.
"They won't." 
"H-How?" Tendrils of fear wrapped around your heart and began to suffocate it. Your breath has been stolen from you. There is only him—his eyes—that threaten to tear into your soul and claim it as his own.
"Mhm, you know how. You're such a smart hunter."
"You didn't..."
"I did!"
A deal with the devil. That stupid, handsome bastard.
ᝰ — ִ ࣪𖤐ִ .ᐟ
( @targaryenluvs )
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kittenofdoomage · 13 days
I'm gonna dump a bunch of drabbles on Ao3 at some point today. They're old ones that I haven't gotten around to posting there. Just getting to the actual formatting and all that is... ugh. Bullshit. But it's all Winchesters, all filthy, and I hope it brightens someone's weekend.
Also dropping a J2 fic and a Sam fic in honor of Supernatural day which I think is today?? Yes? You're getting them either way 🤷‍♀️
Thinking about posting my Halloween monster fics here this year. I've got vampire Winchesters, incubus Stucky, fae Geralt and someone's a werewolf. Bucky I think 🤣 I forget what I write half the time.
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tarithenurse · 1 year
Sticky Situation
Fandom: Supernatural Pairing/starring: Dean Winchester x fem!angel!reader Word count: 2148 Content: Depiction of gore, smut, naïve reader, sex pollen/stuff so a bit rough and unceremoniously, probably incorrect monster and angel lore, confessions of sorts, doubts, fear of dub/non-con (but it’s not – you’ll see), also some reference to soft smut. A/N: The second result of the CAH-inspired fics. This time it ended up with a SPN-fic. The concept is simple: I’d picked a bunch of black cards from Cards Against Humanity and let you all vote on what should be the basis of my next project. You chose “Why am I sticky?”. So this is really not my fault. Betaed by the lovely TanteFrutsel-CreativeNurse.
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Sticky Situation
... Dean ...
Fishing his phone out of the pocket, Dean hits a few buttons and listens to the dial tone.
Sam picks up on the third ring: “How’d it go?” he sounds distracted.
The hunter surveys the chaos. Three monsters down. [Y/N] is kneeling over one of them, angel blade poking gingerly at a decapitated corpse. She and Dean had been hunting what they thought was a nest of vampires at first but the angel had quickly verified that, no: this was something else. Something new even to her. Then again, she hasn’t been an angel for that long, according to herself.
“Why...am I sticky?”
“Comes with the job,” the younger brother chuckles.
“But it’s pink!” Sam had been their go-to when they realized it wasn’t vamps, suggesting the usually efficient method of killing. Now Dean hoped there were other answers...although they’d manage to end the immediate threat.
There’s a moment of hesitation. “Not just blood?”
“No. The blood was black but then one of them barfed on us. Is it gonna kill us?”
This time the pause is filled with pages ruffling. Meanwhile [Y/N] has taken to investigate the colourful substance she too is covered in. With a snap of the fingers it’s gone and she does the same to Dean who nods at her gratefully, making her smile shyly. She’s okay although a bit...inexperienced. Technically, she’s more than okay. In fact, she’s rather cute and Dean has had a hard time getting her off of his mind even when she’s not around.
“Oh,” Sam’s voice cuts through the derailing train of thoughts, “so good news is, you’re not gonna die -”
“Thank fuck.”
“- but these are a kind of incubus and if you gotten any of the ‘pink stuff’ on you, you will start to feel -”
But Dean doesn’t listen. A potential crisis averted, he just finishes the call and stuffs the phone in his pocket.
“Thanks for removing the junk.”
“What was it? I’ve never encountered such creatures before.”
“Nothing that can kill us.” Dean runs a hand across his neck – it’s starting to get warm and his clothes are chafing. Maybe the stuff did have some effect. Should I have listened to Sam? Nah. Dean’s feeling confident. After all: he’s got an angel to fix him if he gets wonky from whatever the shit was.
“Are you alright?” [Y/N] asks.
Truth be told, Dean’s less alright than a moment ago. Hot and bothered, his clothes feel uncomfortable against his skin and he’s starting to feel another problem, one that he’s not ready to deal with: having the angel he desires nearby. Shaking his head, he tries to refocus one something else than her figure and scent.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he croaks – unconvincingly.
Narrowing her eyes at him, she notices the pearls of sweat starting to form on his forehead. She doesn’t believe him. “Dean. Let me help you.”
She reaches out before he can tell her not to and places a delicate hand on his cheek. It feels like a summer’s breeze passing through and into him, momentarily relieving the ache that’s growing along with his cock...but as soon as she’s done, it all returns at full force.
Dean groans the moment she lets her hand fall from his clammy skin. “Let’s just get back to the Bunker.”
“I don’t understand,” she trails after him out of the warehouse anyways, “my powers...”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“But you’re in pain.”
He dismisses her even though it's true. His entire body is burning up. It feels like...like he needs to take an ice cold shower but he instinctively understands that the fix to this won’t be as simple. He knows that he needs to cum. Regardless of having dreamt of [Y/N] in oh so many ways, he still realizes that he can't ask this of her.
They make it to the Impala in silence and Dean pops the trunk, tossing the weapons in carelessly. He’s just about to slam it closed when he hears a foreign sound. A soft whimper. Looking up at his friend, he sees her leaning heavily onto the car, a hand clutching her lower abdomen. Panic rushes through him: did she get injured?
“Dean...I...what’s happening?” she pleads and when she looks over, he sees how blown her pupils are. “It hurts. And I...I...crave...” her voice trails off.
The hunter knows he ought to keep his distance but seeing [Y/N] like this overrides everything, even his own lust for a brief moment. Rushing to her side, he wraps an arm around her to support some of her weight, but the nearness is dangerous as her scent threatens to overwhelm him. A new tang has been woven into it. Jasmines. Strong, sweet, intoxicating.
He grits his teeth as he tries to power through what's clouding his mind. “Hey, look at me,” he says.
She doesn’t so he turns her face towards him with a hand cupping her cheek. Right away, she leans into his touch, sighing. He feels it too, the momentary relief that the skin contact brings. Wanting more, he grabs her face with both hands and presses his forehead to hers.
“[Y/N], we’re gonna be fine. It’s just the junk. Sam was saying something about -”
He never gets further as her lips crash onto his. Baffled, Dean relishing in the brief alleviation. It feels even better when he slips his tongue into her mouth, tasting her for the first time. Then the pain spikes in his groin and he is brought back to reality and he basically jumps back a few steps.
At that moment a text pings in and Dean is grateful for the distraction...at least until he reads the few words: “I was wrong: without a sexual release, the pink stuff will kill you.”
There’s a whole other paragraph of information but Dean only picks out a few of the words in his haze. Incubus. Succubus. They all have the same reputation: fucking while devouring their victims. Well at least there will be no devouring but it really does feel like he’s about to die if he doesn’t get some release now.
“Get in the car,” he growls, startling the angel, “get in and...get off. It might help.”
“I don’t understand...” She just stands there, head cocked and eyes brimming with unshed tears.
He groans silently, his own urges threatening to overpower his remaining sense of modesty. “I don’t know if it’s lethal to angels but this...this can kill me. Us, unless you...uhm...cum?” This is not the talk he had ever imagined to have with his crush but oh well...desperate times and all that. “So get in the car, get a hand in your pants, save yourself.”
He turns to open the door for her, one hand discreetly palming his erection through the jeans.
“Dean,” she whispers, “I...don’t know how to.” Of course she doesn’t, she’s an angel. Sweet, innocent, far removed from any ideas about lust. “But it hurts, Dean. Please help me...help yourself too...with me.”
His neck almost breaks at the speed of which he turns his head to look at her. Already, she’s pulling on her clothes, tossing the discarded items to the ground without a care. And fuck, she looks gorgeous.
Dean shouldn’t do it. He should triple check and even then still turn her offer down because it’s not what she really wants. It can’t be. But the last bit of restraint has burned away and he’s on her in two steps, pulling her close so he can drown in her scent again, his lips bearing down on her neck and exposed breasts.
Frantically, [Y/N] tugs at his flannel before resolutely snapping her fingers and suddenly they’re both completely naked. Nothing keeps Dean’s erection from bouncing against her abdomen...and it feels right.
They move feverishly, hands exploring curves and expanses, relishing in the comfort of the contact until that isn’t enough either. They both groan as Dean dips his finger between her legs: she’s drenched. Lifting her, supple legs wrapping around his waist, he stumbles the few steps around to the hood of the car and sits her on the edge, feet resting on the bumper and thighs spread wide so he can see everything. Fucking delicious. He pushes her onto her back, breasts heaving with each laboured breath.
A new pang of pain spears him and the hunter knows what they both need.
He tries to go slow, he really does: running his cock head between the folds so the pre-cum mixes with her juices, lubing him up so he can easily glide in. She’s tight and it’s so freaking good. Inch by inch, he fills her up. The sounds she makes...he could never have imagined anything hotter or filthier coming from her.
“I got you,” he whispers hoarsely as he bottoms out completely.
Hoisting herself up on her elbows, [Y/N]’s gaze is glowing as she implores him: “More. Please move.”
Switching his grip to her waist, Dean pulls out almost completely before ramming back in with a grunt. Again and again and again, spurred on by her sounds. It feels amazing and he knows he can’t last long but there’s still a part of him that wants her to feel good too. He reaches for her clit and begins to rub circles with his thumb, making her moan loudly.
“S-so good!” his angel babbles.
It doesn’t last long for both of them to come undone and Dean collapses onto her. It’s an awkward position but nothing can ruin the post-bliss haze as he feels himself soften a little bit still inside her.
Or so he thinks.
Something does break through the fog soon enough as the lust reignites his body once more. And he can see it’s happening to [Y/N] too.
“Dean,” she begs, breaking his heart.
He kisses her. “Let’s get you somewhere more comfortable first.”
Then the hunter coaxes her into the wide backseat of the Impala.
Dean barely registers that he’s lying on his back in the Impala because there’s another sensation: much more comfortable than usual, his morning wood is nestled snugly in a tight heat and a warm and subtle figure lies on top of him. Seemingly asleep (despite previous claims not to need that sort of mundane arrangements) [Y/N] is breathing slowly with a little smile on her lips. Ever so gently, he manages to pull out but he can’t do anything about the flushness.
What the fuck? Wrecking his brain, only bits and pieces start to come back to him before her eyes flutter open.
“Dean?” she mumbles, squirming only for a fraction of a second before she freezes completely.
She takes a moment to take it all in while sitting up as much as the low roof of the car allows. Nimble hands skirt over her naked body and delve between her legs without any sign of shame.
“Why am I sticky?”
Dean remembers now. He remembers everything and it leaves a sour taste in his mouth because he knows what he did was wrong. He took advantage of her. Afraid to meet her gaze, the hunter breathes deeply before turning his face to find...just a frown. Maybe she can’t recall everything? But no, he sees the moment it all comes back to her.
“Oh,” she gasps.
“I’m so sorry, [Y/N]!” he rushes, “I...what we did...I should never ha-”
A finger lands on his mouth to shush him. “If I remember correctly...you’d have died otherwise?”
That’s true but he knows it would have been better to pick that route rather than throw himself onto her the way he had. He explains as much but she doesn’t seem to understand.
“Dean...even without the risk of impending death...you didn’t do anything I didn’t want.”
“Wait, what?!” That’s the last thing he’d expected to hear.
She smiles shyly. “I’ve been...feeling things about you.” A moment passes where she’s trying to say something more, opening and closing that pretty mouth before eventually settling on: “Have you...do you...?”
“Yeah, me too,” Dean admits before returning to his concerns, “but what I did...I took advantage of you! You couldn’t say no and I’m so sorry!”
“So it would be different if I asked now that I’m not under the influence of the incubus?”
“Yes,” he barely manages to say before she wriggles her pelvis, slick core rubbing along his still happy morning wood.
This time her smile is big, cheeky like he’s never seen before. “Dean...I want to.”
Hoisting herself up a bit, she reaches down to align his cock with her entrance before sinking onto him. It feels much better than last night as she slowly rides them both to renewed highs, guided by his hands on her hips.
Upon completion, she collapses onto him, snuggling in with Dean’s cock still buried deep inside.
“Thank you,” [Y/N] mumbles against his neck.
“Anytime, angel.”
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delightindarkness · 8 months
This is an Indie, Semi selective, RP blog for multiple characters and fandoms. I tried separating my blogs and it just never worked, so....here we are. Mun 21+
All characters are open to AU settings
Dark themes will be written.
No God modding
Give me time, I work 40+ hours a week
Minors DNI
Muse list under the cut.
Supernatural Muses
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
John Winchester
Joanna Harvelle
Onyx Snow (Faith)- SPN based OC Hunter
Ryat - SPN based demon OC
Gavin Saar - SPN based werewolf OC
Charlotte Daniels - SPN Fox Shifter OC
Micha Collins - Hunter OC
Elijah Hargraves - Fallen Angel OC
Alexander Sterling - Incubus OC
Marvel Muses
James "Bucky" Barnes
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Matthew Murdock (Daredevil)
Annalise Dubois - OC
Stranger Things Muses
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Nancy Wheeler
Donovan LaSalle - Serial killer OC
Peter Rumancek - Hemlock Grove
Roman Godfrey - Hemlock Grove
Louis De Pointe Du Lac - Interview with a Vampire
Farkas - Skyrim - headcanon based
John Seed - Farcry 5
MacCready - Fallout 4
Piper Wright - Fallout 4
Lucy MacLean - Fallout TV Series
Johnny Silverhand - Cyberpunk 2077
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profoundbondfanfic · 2 years
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☆ Creature Destiel
Because sometimes we’re just eager to read something lovely or just tense and gritty, and basically everything in between that only a creature!au can offer.
--All fic links go to our tagged reviews--
A Demon Like Him by EllenOfOz [Explicit, 24k words]
Dean Winchester doesn’t want to be a warlock. The idea of working in a lab, channeling demonic magic into enchanted batteries is not what he wants to do with his life, but it’s a dangerous opinion to have—his father was a powerful and well-connected warlock, and Dean is expected to follow the family tradition. His only way out is to fail the demon summoning class—failure means expulsion from the Warlock College. Despite Dean’s best efforts to fumble the summoning, it works. Although not the way anyone expects. Dean’s demon, Castiel, is an incubus, but also a powerful mage on a mission to rebalance the magic that is being stripped from Demonside by warlocks. Dean must choose: fail out of his final exam and turn his back on becoming a warlock, or help Castiel and graduate. But he doesn’t count on how hot the incubus is, or how close they have become in just a few days.
A Tail Most Unusual by rustling_pages [Mature, 9k words]
It could be argued there are worse ways of meeting the love of your life than measuring their inseam for the fitting of a prosthetic merman tail, but if you asked Castiel about it, he’d probably disagree. Secretly being a merman in Hollywood was difficult enough, but working on the cheesiest tv show to ever exploit the worst tropes about merfolk - thank you, Gabriel - with annoyingly attractive soap opera star Dean Winchester was not how Castiel had envisioned his life going.
et florum magica: (And the Magic of Flowers) by wiccanstiel [Explicit, 52k words]
There’s a large, leafless tree and a road, a hand on a gnarled cane, a stoutly man in a black suit, his face scratched out. When Castiel Novak moves to the small town of Fox Hollow, he’s looking for a fresh start. Only his past seems to be–quite literally–haunting him, and even through his best efforts of settling into his new life, there’s a darkness in the shadows that he can’t seem to shake. And after meeting an otherworldly being named Dean during what was supposed to be a simple walk through the forest, he’s left with more questions than answers. But like it’s residents, Fox Hollow has some well-kept secrets, and things quickly turn to life or death when one of those secrets finally steps from the shadows and into the light.
It’s a Small World (aka the Worst Ride at Disneyland) by ireadhpinenochian [Mature, 45k words]
Dean’s life didn’t start out great. With his mom dying and his father taking him and Sam on wild goose chase after wilder goose chase to track down her killer until Sam couldn’t take it anymore and ran off, it pretty much sucked. But now he has Cas. And Cas is great–perfect, even–definitely the best thing that’s ever happened to him, even if he isn’t quite human. He’s been living so long in domestic bliss that he completely forgot to be worried about waiting for the other shoe to drop. Which is, of course, when his giant of a brother strolls back into his life sending Dean into a panic that he and Cas will have to uproot their perfect apple pie life if Sam finds out Cas’ big secret.
Love Bites by MalMuses [Explicit, 34k words]
Cas Novak graduated with a 4.0 in Mathematics, but not even Naomi Novak’s money could help him at job interviews. Anxious and dissatisfied with life, at nearly thirty he’s still washing dishes in the back of his best friend Hannah’s café. Until one night when his cat drags an injured bat into his apartment. Dean may be a vampire, but he’s not an asshole (well, not much.) He feels like he owes the awkward guy for rescuing him from the cat’s clutches, so he sets about changing Cas’s life. A silly story about families who aren’t quite what they seem, fake boyfriends, and falling in love with someone who’s never, technically, met you.
Man in the Wilderness by OneHundredSuns [Explicit, 69k words]
Dean Winchester is fresh out of Purgatory along with every other Tom, Dick and Wendigo that called the cesspool home. As the monsters lay waste to the Earth and eat anything they can get their hands on, Dean sets out to find his only remaining family so that they can hunker down and fight the assholes head on. He doesn’t mean to stumble upon Castiel Novak and his adorable twins in the middle of the apocalypse and he sure as hell doesn’t mean to offer them a ride to wherever they are trying to get to. But the world is a dangerous place now and he’s always been a sucker for blue eyes and cute kids. So he’ll help them out and just hope it doesn’t get him or them killed in the process.
Roots of Fate by Unknown [Explicit, 40k words]
Castiel Novak leads a quiet life in the little town of Fairhope. He tends his gardens and takes pride in filling his great-grandmother’s footsteps as the town’s honorary green witch. His quiet life comes to a halt when he gets a new neighbor and it’s none other than the alpha of his dreams and high school crush, Dean Winchester. But Dean’s not alone, he has a daughter now. Overnight, Fairhope is flipped on its head as every available omega and beta in town fights for the alpha’s attention. Cas tries to help as best he can but Dean eventually comes up with his own solution and that’s when the posters show up. Posters that claim that Dean Winchester is looking for a mate. But to win, you have to get a key from a certain orange cat. Let the games begin!
Sparks by vipjuly [Explicit, 21k words]
The creepy house on the corner has been abandoned for years, everyone says. It’s ramshackle and decrepit, the yard overgrown, the wrought iron fence bent and broken in some places. The adults in the neighborhood have asked the city to do something about that eyesore for so long, but the city insists that someone is paying property taxes on the house, therefore they cannot do anything about it. So, everyone ignores it and pretends it doesn’t exist. They definitely don’t go anywhere near it, either. Dean, though. Dean is drawn to it as if by gravity. Little by little, Dean repairs what he can. The monster inside the house ain’t so bad, either. Y'know. For a monster.
trustworthy for such work by sharkfish [Explicit, 7k words]
Lately, Cas has been wondering what Dean tastes like. His mouth, the markings on his chest, his cock. Does Dean know the ways Cas has touched himself, wishing it was Dean?
What Has Eight Tentacles and Isn’t Allowed to Eat Pie? by Annie D [Teen, 16k words]
Dean watched an anime porn about this once, but real life turns out to be way less interesting. Or, the one where Dean gets turned into an octopus.
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destielficsread · 3 months
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Chapters: 24/24 Fandom: Supernatural Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Urban Fantasy, Creature Castiel, Incubus Castiel, Warlock Dean, Mage Sam, Accidental Mating, Profound Bond, Dom/sub Undertones, Power Dynamics, Dean Thinks He is Heterosexual, Switching, Porn With Plot, Additional Warnings Apply, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, mentions of mpreg, Castiel's True Form, True Form Sex, mpreg in the epilogue, Switch Castiel, Switch Dean Winchester, Addiction, Do not repost Series: Part 1 of Hooked On Your Love Summary:
Dean is a Warlock. A very very drunk Warlock. Oh, and a horny Warlock.
Hey, he knows how to summon a succubus!
He should totally do that. Hell yeah! Guaranteed hot sex!
Except that spellcasting while drunk is a Very Bad Idea. He's just too drunk to remember that.
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fanfic-corner · 2 years
Destiel Emotional Hurt/Comfort Fics
Hello everyone! Beating our favourite characters up just so they can be fixed up again nicely is brilliant, but I also love fics that explore the emotional side of hurt/comfort, since it's often easier to fix a bullet wound than a broken heart. So, I hope you enjoy today's list of fics which mentally beat our favourite characters up!
Please note that a lot of these fics contain heavy subjects, so please make sure to read all of the warnings and tags before reading and take care of yourself!
choices. by scoundrelhan (1.1k)
Castiel thinks he’s dying. Humans are always doing that.
Exposed to What You Hide by SailorChibi (1.8k)
"We think Cas is a procubus," Sam blurted out. Then he winced and yelped when Charlie kicked him under the table. "Ow!"
"Smooth, Sam," Charlie snapped.
Dean looked back and forth between them, realizing that they were both 100% serious. "A procubus."
"Basically it's the sexless version of an incubus or a succubus," Charlie explained before Sam could. "It's... it's a demon that kills people by sleeping with them." She was chewing on her thumbnail now, eyes big and apologetic. Sam had done one better pasting on a truly epic kicked puppy expression of apology.
"You think Cas is killing people by cuddling with them," Dean said, just to be sure.
Could Not Return You by tigersinlondon (2.8k)
Dean struggles to commit to a long term relationship with Cas, even though he knows he's in it for the long haul. Cas helps tease out what's holding him back, and provides some much-needed reassurance.
You are my home by Desirae (4.7k)
Things have settled down since rescuing Sam. Mary is bonding with her sons, and Castiel is nearly back to full capacity, just needing a little sleep here and there. When Dean discovers Cas' unusual resting spot, what starts as a series confessions leads to the emotional healing they both needed.
Stories Are Made of Mistakes by wildhoneypie (4.9k)
In which Cas is human and doesn't understand basic concepts like: clothing, Mythbusters, moisturizer, and Greek food. Dean is...Dean and doesn't understand basic concepts like: boyfriends, language, how to tell your friend that he's a walking miracle, and when not to quip.
Enhanced Extraction Techniques by goldenraeofsun (5.7k)
The Empty takes Meg’s shape, Samandriel’s, Duma’s, every one of the thousands of angels Cas killed up in heaven. But in the middle of lecturing Cas in the form of Balthazar, it explodes in a burst of light and sound.
Dean Winchester stands in the aftermath.
Event Horizon by Winglesss (6.4k)
Castiel couldn't have helped his sister. That's why being offered a chance to help somebody else dealing with suicidal thoughts he took it without hesitation.
When he gets the first text from someone who needs his help, nothing goes as he expected.
broken when I'm lonesome by SailorChibi (7k)
After being saved from hell, Dean's old methods of coping aren't working anymore: he's not sexually attracted to anyone, and he's not interested in sex no matter how many times he climbs into bed with hot, naked women.
Sam is convinced that his brother is just depressed, but Dean knows this goes deeper than that. He still craves the intimacy that can make him feel safe.
Fortunately, Castiel is there to both understand and provide.
Nothing Equals the Splendor by RurouniHime (7.8k)
Maybe it’s the cynic in him. The hunter, always under the surface of any quietude he ever found. Or maybe it’s just that he has always had trouble with blind faith. But after a while (a blink? A decade? A century?), Dean raises his eyebrows, looks around, and says—
“Uh. No.”
It’s so close. Just so slightly imperfect. And maybe, he analyzes, maybe that’s the final knell of this bell called contentment. Dean’s experience with happiness has always been that last rise in the road, right before it turns. Right before fate comes barreling around the corner head on.
He turns in his spot on the bridge, and suddenly Sam is like a cellophane film through which he can see the light streaming, and the taste of cheap beer on his tongue is much, much older a memory than it should be.
“Oh, you’re good,” he says, and means it.
The Beginning by Princess_Aleera (17k)
Where a mission goes horribly wrong, and Castiel gets his wings plucked off for it.
That Black Dog Ache by SaltyWords (28k)
A simple case turns Dean upside down as he attempts to deal with the effects of a particularly strange love spell.
First Gentleman Wanted by youaresunlight (31k)
President of the United States Castiel Novak is popular, charismatic, and knee-deep in campaigning for a second term. He’d be the ideal candidate if it weren’t for the fact that he hasn’t dated once while in political office. With his opponent’s relentless PR team calling him incapable of emotional commitment, Castiel’s staff decides to remedy the situation by finding their boss a fake, picture-perfect boyfriend. And when Dean Winchester enters the scene, he and Cas become America’s new favorite couple, except they’ve got a whole lot of history between them and complicated feelings to resolve.
Just Like You by imherecauseimnotallthere98 (35k)
When John shows up at their door in the middle of the night, the Winchesters and Cas start looking into who or what could have brought him back. Meanwhile, Dean struggles to keep his relationship with Cas a secret from his father, with some help from Sam. The tension rises between the Winchesters as Dean shows John that he is no longer the obedient little soldier he once was, and tries to establish himself as an equal with his dad.
Rewriting the Book by MonPetitTresor (37k)
When Sam gets a little too close to stopping Metatron’s plans, the angel decides to use some of his extra juice to get Sam out of his way by sending him to a completely different reality. He never could’ve predicted what Sam might find there – or what he might bring back home with him.
Wild by Castielslostwings (67k)
Castiel and Dean meet for the first time on a plane ride out of Nowhere, Alaska. Castiel’s headed home after an impulsive solo vacation and Dean, a hardened Alaskan native, is just trying to get out of the impossibly small town he grew up in that’s got nothing left to offer him. They forge an instant connection over Dean’s flying anxiety and whiskey, a meet-cute that has all the makings of a rom-com with a sickeningly sweet happy ending. That is, until their plane explodes in mid-air, crashing headlong into the Alaskan wilderness and killing everyone on board save for Dean and Castiel. When no rescue shows up to save them, the two men are forced to make some tough decisions. To make it home alive they’ll have to trust each other and find faith neither of them has ever really wanted. Will they survive or succumb to the unforgiving mountain wilderness? And will their journey tear them apart... or bring them closer together?
carry on by foolondahill17 (91k)
God is dead. Sammy finally has what he always wanted. The kid is alive again and trying to figure out the whole human schtick. Cas – Cas is complicated, like always. And Dean is barreling headfirst into a mental breakdown. It’s the end of the road so far, and the future never looked so frightening.
The House on the Ocean Road by coffeeandcas (111k)
Dean Winchester is on the run from his life. He's done something unforgivable, and can't face his family or friends ever again. So he does what any rational person would do: fakes his own death and vanishes into the ether.
Wandering aimlessly along country roads, he succumbs to the elements during a violent storm and wakes up hours later in the home of a stranger: a single dad living alone in an isolated beach house, with a haunting past of his own. Cas is sweet and shy, but welcomes Dean into his home and tells him he can stay as long as he needs, never prying into his life or asking him to spill his secrets.
As they rapidly forge a close friendship, Dean finds that the quiet life by the ocean with Cas is exactly what he's been dreaming of. He only hopes his past never catches up with him.
Bound To You by Chipper99 (128k)
Faced with death, Dean makes one last ditch effort: praying to an Angel he knows wont hear him. Deans prayers are answered when a vessel-less Castiel forces himself out from the Empty, taking possession of Dean's body in order to heal him. Castiel's grace is running finite however, charged down after saving Dean's life. Now Castiel resides within Dean's mind, too weak to survive a transfer to another vessel, leading them to a desperate search for a way to rebuild his body. Time is of the essence, with Castiel's grace burning out with every passing day...
Four Letter Word For Intercourse by bendingsignpost (194k)
As a grease monkey turned college freshman, Dean's constantly three seconds away from being stressed out of his mind. It hardly helps that he's finally figuring out his sexuality in his thirties.
What might help with that stress is a little phone number (and a big credit card bill). If he can't figure out how to be bisexual in person, he can at least give it a go over the phone, right?
(It's probably a bad idea, but he really can't help himself.)
I hope you enjoy reading these fantastic fics!! And thank you to the amazing authors for sharing them with us. If you ever have any requests for a fic rec list, please let me know!
tag list under the cut! ask to be added or removed :D
@summer1066 // @goncharovcum
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preseriesdean · 1 month
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for @spnficrecfest day seven: outsider pov 🧡
Like Arrows in the Hands of a Warrior by ADeedWithoutaName 10.3k words, rated M, published 2018, underage John Winchester loves his boys, and would take a bullet for either of them. He knows that he's doing it right, the way he's raising them, the things he's teaching them. Not every problem, however, has an easy answer. Like what to do after an incubus case in which their target got his pollen all over both of John's sons.
Flagstaff by Linden 7.3k words, rated T, published 2014 John tracked Sam down in Flagstaff, four days after he got home to find him gone.
Generosity by astolat 1.7k words, rated E, published 2007 John had traded the gun; he'd have traded away more, and he was still feeling the cold dread of the moment when the demon had cocked its head like a pistol and said, "You know, I'm feeling generous today," because if it hadn't taken more, that was only because it figured what was in store was going to be worse.
lost in yesterday by margaryes / @christsam 1k words, not rated, published 2023 John hasn’t seen his youngest son in 18 months.
half the man i used to be by dollylux 2.2k words, rated M, published 2016 John has a gradual, horrifying realization.
Mary's Angels by FrancesHouseman 3.1k words, rated G, published 2016 There's one more silver bullet in the chamber; one last shot at the sikutor, the ice siren that has Dean in thrall. John takes aim, and misses.
Buy You a Mockingbird by candle_beck (a.k.a. thee outsider pov fic of all time no contest) 10.3k words, rated M, published 2011, author chose not to warn A genuine horror story.
Multitude of Sins by Linden 4.4k words, rated T, published 2015 Every now and again, Jim Murphy would look up from his altar and find the Winchester boys at the back of his church.
All Heartless Spectres, Happiness 5.7k words, rated E, published 2021, soulless!sam Lisa Braeden receives an email with the subject line, "You Deserve to Know." It contains a single video file and nothing else.
I'll take my chance on a beautiful stranger by fleshflutter 3.9k words, rated M, published 2007 If Chase were a better friend, he might try to end the game now, before Brendan loses even more money. But if Brendan is a dick at Stanford, it’s nothing compared to how he is on break.
Other Brothers by homo_pink 7k words, rated M, published 2020, underage A callow boy can go from infancy to someone’s lover in the space of two wildflower summers.
Try asking by @goshen-applecrumbledore 7.4k words, rated T, published 2022 “Jerry says he saw them going at it in the back of that car of theirs outside Atlanta last year, I swear to God.” “Listen, man, I don’t like them either, but that’s a low blow. Jerry’s a fucking pervert.”
charmer & gentle by Askance 3.7k words, rated G, published 2015 The afternoon girl calls them Big and Tall, the strangers who come in late every now and then, buying this or that. The night girl doesn't think those names fit quite right.
Happy Wife, Happy Life by petrichorsam pre-slash, 7.1k words, rated T, published 2023 The hunters at Johnny's Roadhouse have heard enough tales about Dean Winchester's wife, Sam, to fill a book, and yet no one has ever seen her.
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deepdisireslonging · 2 years
🎃Spooky Masterlist🎃
Happy Halloween!
Here is a collection of my horror and Halloween/autumn themed fics with our favorite characters. And feel free to comment on this post with more recommendations from your favorite writers!
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A = Angst     F = Fluff      S = Smut       AR = Answered Request 
Aleister Black - Into the Darkness (Challenge, Highlander Immortals AU)
Cesaro/Claudio - Rain Check (F, A, Book/Coffee Shop AU)
Elias - Perfect Autumn Day (AR, F)
Finn Balor
      - Sister in Arms (Short Series)
      - Trick and Treats (Finn/R/Noam Dar, AR, S)
Jon Moxley - Bite Me (Vampire!Mox, A, Horror)
Roman Reigns - Taste of Terror (S, Horror, Vamp!Roman)
Rosemary - Doubt Comes In (AR, A, F, S, F|F)
Dean Winchester
     - Not Only in Dreams (Demon!Dean, A, S)
    - Simple Demon, Simple Pleasures (Demon!Dean, S)
    - In Heaven’s Eye (S, Challenge Fic, Demon/Angel AU)
Sam Winchester
    - A Goodbye Ride (A, S, Tw: Dub-Con)
    - On the Knife’s Edge (S, Dark!Fic)
    - Please, Professor (S, Incubus AU, TW: Dub-Con)
SPN History Challenge: A Werewolf in Whitechapel
Bucky Barnes - Caught in Moonlight (Kink: Werewolf AU; S)
    - Life Bite (S, Vampire!Reader)
    - Dream Control (A, F, Challenge Fic, Demon/Angel AU) 
    - Defiance is Strength (Dark!Fic, A, F)
Steve Rogers
    - To Love the Night (Vampire!Steve AU, Challenge Fic, S)
    - Costume Party (S, Ficlet)
Dick Grayson - The Best of Darkness (S)
Jason Todd - Don’t Make Me Love You (Angel/Demon AU, A, F, Challenge)
 Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher) - Lie to Me (F, S, A)
The Big Masterlist  
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 8 months
A Blowjob's A Blowjob
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/FKwPBHY by icouldgowithyou “How- What- Who are you? What do you want from me?!”, Dean demands, trying to get his breath back under control. “I am an incubus. And I want to die.”   Dean is your typical white, straight, American man: he spends his workdays tinkering with cars, his evenings drinking a little too much and his weekends wishing he had the motivation to go out and pick up a hot chick at a bar. So when Cas, who claims to be something called an Incubus, knocks at his door, goes on about “consent issues” and asks him to put him out of his misery, he does what any other upstanding citizen would do. After all, a blowjob’s a blowjob, right? Words: 3787, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Other(s), Sam Winchester Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Gay Panic, Dean Winchester in Denial About Sexuality, Incubus Castiel (Supernatural), Bottom Dean Winchester, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Top Castiel (Supernatural), Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Oral Sex, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Suicidal Thoughts, but nothing super graphic, basically like in the summary read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/FKwPBHY
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hintsofhoney · 2 years
Dean Winchester Masterlist
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Welcome to my Dean Winchester masterlist! Here you can find everything I’ve written for our favorite green-eyed hunter. Please heed the warnings, tags and the author’s notes; they are there for you. I am not responsible for your media consumption. Mature and explicit content (smut, violence, adult themes, etc) will be tagged as 18+. Everything else falls under 16+. If you like what you read, please don’t hesitate to leave some feedback or give it a reblog; it is what fuels my writing fire! Happy reading!
A/N: Works that are under 1,000 words!
Bad Moon Rising
The world's ending, and Dean has something to confess. [f!reader, angst, 16+]
Begging for It
Dean wants you to beg for it. [f!reader, smut, 18+]
Better Than Pie
Dean just really loves eating you out. [f!reader, smut, 18+]
Dean’s Other Other Cell
You miss Dean's voice, so you give him a call. [f!reader, angst, 16+]
Go Your Own Way
Dean can't let Y/N in, no matter how badly he wants to. [f!reader, angst, 16+]
You Don’t Look at Me Like That
You may be a little bit too excited to be at your favorite diner again for the first time in years, introducing Dean to the best burgers in the world. [gn!reader, fluff, 18+]
One Shots
A/N: Works that are 1,000 words or over!
A Lesson In Anger Management
During an argument, you lose your temper and try to hit Dean. You end up with a real sore behind. [f!reader, almost smut, 18+]
Are You Trying To Turn Me On?
A quick and rough fuck in the library with your boyfriend Dean after you (unintentionally) turn him on... and Sam's supposed to be back any minute. [f!reader, smut, 18+]
Asking for Favors
The new football coach at your school asks you to pass one of his kids so he can play. You're not one to just go around doing favors for free, and it's been ages since you've last had a good fuck. [f!reader, smut, 18+]
The Best Worst Day Ever
You're having a really bad day, in part thanks to Dean, but he's also the one who turns it around. [f!reader, fluff, implied smut, 18+]
Caught Looking
Baseball is Y/N's favorite sport of all time. It ends up meaning so much more to her than she could ever imagine after she meets Dean Winchester, her favorite player, at one of his games one night. [f!reader, fluff, implied smut, 18+]
Don’t Be a Tease
A little teasing never hurt nobody... even if it is at dinner with Dean’s parents. [f!reader, smut, 18+]
Don’t Forget It
While working a case with Dean, he gets jealous of the way you interact with a suspect and decides to remind you who you belong to. [f!reader, smut, 18+]
Don’t Test Your Luck
Dean Winchester is a millionaire mogul CEO... and he's also your boyfriend... who does not put up with your attitude. [f!reader, smut, 18+]
Freshman Year
Fucking your RA (and your roommate's older brother) wasn’t exactly what you had planned for your first semester of college. [m!reader, smut, 18+]
Game Night
You decide to send Dean a few dirty texts while at game night with all your closest friends... it doesn't go as planned. [f!reader, almost smut, 18+]
I Could Show You
You decide to step out of your comfort zone and finally visit a sex shop in search of some new toys. The guy at the counter, Dean, offers to show you how some of them work instead of just telling you. [f!reader, smut, 18+]
I’m Gonna Be
You’re cleaning Dean’s room and find something you’re not supposed to. [f!reader, fluff, 16+]
The case you and the Winchesters are on turns out to be a monster under your bed. [f!reader, crack, adult themes, 18+]
Y/N and Dean go on their first official date night. [f!reader, fluff, 16+]
Ladies With Experience
When Dean makes an off-handed comment about "preferring ladies with experience", you try (and fail) to not let it get under your skin. You're a virgin, but you've done just about everything else, and when you talk to Dean about it, he offers to be your first. He's your best friend, and you've been in love with him forever... who are you to deny him? [f!reader, smut, 18+]
Leather and Heels
It’s Dean’s birthday, and you decide to gift him one of his bedroom fantasies. [f!reader, smut, 18+]
Life of the Party
Dean's trying (and failing) to enjoy his night out with friends, until he's made an offer that he can't refuse. [f!reader, crack, implied smut, 18+]
When Dean is forced to mark Y/N in order to not blow their cover on a case, it leads him to reveal a secret that he's been keeping since they met. [omega!f!reader, smut, 18+]
No Ifs, Ands, or Cuts
Dean constantly makes fun of Sam's long locks, but you have long hair, too. You ask Dean to cut it, figuring he might like the short-haired look better on you. You were wrong. [m!reader, fluff, implied smut, 18+]
Not So Timid After All
You’ve had a crush on Dean Winchester for years but are far too shy to make a move. When you’re working a case with Dean at a costume party, he decides to make a move instead. Turns out, you’re not so shy in the bedroom. [f!reader, smut, 18+]
Radio and the Rain
When a bad storm forces you and Dean apart on a hunt, he realizes just how much you mean to him. [f!reader, smut, 18+]
Take It Off
You and Dean have had a flirtatious relationship for years. After he gets you incredibly sexually frustrated one night, you decide to get him back with a strip tease the next day. [f!reader, smut, 18+]
There’s Always Room for Dessert
You and Dean go on an impromptu shopping date at the mall. [f!reader, crack, implied smut, 18+]
Views From the Doorway
Dean’s a really, really good dad to the tiny human y’all made. [f!reader, flangst, 16+]
You Miss Me Or Something?
Dean’s away on a hunt and you’re horny... thank God for technology. [f!reader, smut, 18+]
You Shook Me All Night Long
Y/N sees Dean working on the Impala on the side of the road and pulls over to see if he needs any help. [f!reader, smut, 18+]
A/N: Mini-series will have 2-3 parts. There are no masterlists for these.
Always a Flirt
Part One: Always a Flirt: You buy a bra that reminds you of Dean while he's away on a hunt. He ends up really liking it. [f!reader, smut, 18+]
Part Two: That’s It, I’m Getting My Belt: Dean's not gonna let your bratty behavior slide this time. [f!reader, smut, 18+]
Attitude Adjustment
Part One: Giving Dean an attitude gets you nowhere but over his knee in the backseat of the Impala... and Sam’s passed out in the front. [f!reader, almost smut, 18+]
Part Two: After a long and silent drive you finally arrive back at the bunker, nervous yet excited about what Dean has in store for you. [f!reader, smut, 18+]
Homework Help
Part One: Homework Help: You're having trouble focusing on your homework and Dean has an idea about how to help you concentrate. [f!reader, smut, 18+]
Part Two: Concentrate: After you get an awful grade back on the paper that Dean had "helped" you with, he has some other ways in mind to help you with your lack-of-concentration problem. [f!reader, smut, 18+]
Just for Tonight
Part One: Demon!Dean is tied to the chair in the archives room a few hours before it's time for Sam to start curing him. You decide to have a little fun... just for tonight. [f!reader, smut, 18+]
Part Two: You come back to the archives room to finish Dean off... except, it doesn’t go as planned. [f!reader, smut, 18+]
A/N: Series will have 4+ parts! The links below will take you to the series masterlists.
Y/N and Dean have both had bad luck with relationships (and the recent holidays). When they meet one another at the mall, Dean gets an idea that could potentially fix their problems. [f!reader, tags differ by chapter, complete]
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profoundbondfanfic · 2 years
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☆ Destiel Witch/Wizard fics
Whether you call them witches or wizards, who doesn’t want a little magic in their lives? In these fics you get to have that as you immerse yourself in all these wonderful and imaginary worlds.
--All fic links go to our tagged reviews--
A Demon Like Him by EllenOfOz [Explicit, 24k words]
Dean Winchester doesn’t want to be a warlock. The idea of working in a lab, channeling demonic magic into enchanted batteries is not what he wants to do with his life, but it’s a dangerous opinion to have—his father was a powerful and well-connected warlock, and Dean is expected to follow the family tradition. His only way out is to fail the demon summoning class—failure means expulsion from the Warlock College. Despite Dean’s best efforts to fumble the summoning, it works. Although not the way anyone expects. Dean’s demon, Castiel, is an incubus, but also a powerful mage on a mission to rebalance the magic that is being stripped from Demonside by warlocks. Dean must choose: fail out of his final exam and turn his back on becoming a warlock, or help Castiel and graduate. But he doesn’t count on how hot the incubus is, or how close they have become in just a few days.
et florum magica: (And the Magic of Flowers) by wiccanstiel [Explicit, 52k words]
There’s a large, leafless tree and a road, a hand on a gnarled cane, a stoutly man in a black suit, his face scratched out. When Castiel Novak moves to the small town of Fox Hollow, he’s looking for a fresh start. Only his past seems to be–quite literally–haunting him, and even through his best efforts of settling into his new life, there’s a darkness in the shadows that he can’t seem to shake. And after meeting an otherworldly being named Dean during what was supposed to be a simple walk through the forest, he’s left with more questions than answers. But like it’s residents, Fox Hollow has some well-kept secrets, and things quickly turn to life or death when one of those secrets finally steps from the shadows and into the light.
He’s Kind of a Hairy Fairy by almaasi [Explicit, 24k words]
Dean agreed to help Sam run this summer camp, but he didn’t know he’d have to share a cabin and a bed with his own best friend. No biggie, though. It’s platonic. Except Cas goes and confesses his love for the sake of honesty. Dean’s not ready to say it back. The only way anyone’s getting an “I love you too” out of him is if some meddling witch curses him with fairy wings, and in order to break the spell he has to give in to his heart’s true desires. And THAT’s not gonna happen at a perfectly normal forest camp in Idaho… right?
Just Your Heart, In Exchange For Mine by noxsoulmate [Mature, 46k words]
Dean owns a bakery and Castiel loves his pie. This could be such a cute little bakery love story – if it weren’t for the fact that one was a retired hunter and the other one a powerful witch. There’s also the matter of the black little cat Dean finds in front of his bakery one cold and rainy night. Not to forget the crazy witch on the loose, ripping out other witches’ hearts.
Roots of Fate by Unknown [Explicit, 40k words]
Castiel Novak leads a quiet life in the little town of Fairhope. He tends his gardens and takes pride in filling his great-grandmother’s footsteps as the town’s honorary green witch. His quiet life comes to a halt when he gets a new neighbor and it’s none other than the alpha of his dreams and high school crush, Dean Winchester. But Dean’s not alone, he has a daughter now. Overnight, Fairhope is flipped on its head as every available omega and beta in town fights for the alpha’s attention. Cas tries to help as best he can but Dean eventually comes up with his own solution and that’s when the posters show up. Posters that claim that Dean Winchester is looking for a mate. But to win, you have to get a key from a certain orange cat. Let the games begin!
The Closest Thing We Have To Magic by EllenOfOz & TrenchcoatBaby [Explicit, 221k words]
Dean Winchester is a graduate student at Stanford University’s School of the Occult. A naturally-talented mage but a lazy professor and student, he figures he’ll coast through his final year the way he always has: with charisma, charm, and a natural aptitude for magic. All that changes when his thesis advisor, Dr. Castiel Novak, turns out to be the strictest and most challenging educator on-campus. Unfortunately for Dean, the uptight professor is nearly his age and infuriatingly gorgeous. But Castiel is keeping a secret, a powerful talent that’s more a curse than a blessing when he’s targeted by seditious parts of magical society. Can Dean and Cas put aside their animosity—and undeniable chemistry—long enough to instill real change in the magical community? Or will sinister plots and hidden agendas keep them apart?
The Shape of Regret by Halzbarry [Explicit, 70k words]
Two years ago, Dean walked away from Castiel after discovering his biggest secret—that he’s a witch. Since then, Dean’s spent his days hunting alone, filling the emptiness inside with sex, booze, and the next case. When he gets a desperate call for help from Castiel, Dean doesn’t hesitate to go. But things in the small Maine town aren’t what they seem, especially when he comes face to face with Castiel, who insists he wasn’t the one to place the call. Dean’s been given an opportunity to fix his past mistakes, but it means working alongside a very bitter Castiel, and Benny, a local deputy with knowledge of the supernatural, to figure out what’s plaguing Newport and why it all seems fixated around Castiel.
Willowsbend by miss_grey [Explicit, 51k words]
In the town of Willowsbend, the Supernatural police unit went by the name of Dean Winchester. Unfortunately for Dean, the Supernatural population of Willowsbend was zero. So Dean spent the majority of his time calming paranoid housewives when their pipes rattled and chasing off wildlife that over-zealous citizens were sure must be shifters. It’s a tiring job, full of false-starts and hysterical old ladies. It’s a rare day that Dean has to deal with anything truly Supernatural. That’s about to change, and it all begins with the arrival of one Castiel Novak.
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bigfan-fanfic · 2 years
My Pining Is Meant to Be from Afar (Male!Reader x Dean Winchester)
Requested by anonymous for  Dean, with all his issues, gets real freaked out about fake dating his future bf to catch a monster. It's only afterward that he realizes he was flustered because he actually liked the guy. Cue a make-up, actual date where he tries to be real cheesy and romantic despite his instincts to just ignore all that mess
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It had taken a LOT of convincing to get Dean to participate.
Apparently, saving people and hunting things (the family business) became a lot less palatable to the Winchesters when it involved going into a gay bar to lure out an incubus that had carved out its niche among gay men.
You, having mentioned quite early on that you were gay to the Winchesters when they first came to use your expertise as a researcher, are having none of their bs, and you've practically ordered Dean to serve as your date.
Sam wasn't sure whether or not to be offended or to tease Dean and so got the chance to do neither. You weren't necessarily the clubbing type, but you knew enough of the scene to dress Dean appropriately, keeping him in his tight jeans and making him wear a leather jacket over a tight black tank top.
"So, uh... this the kind of first date, uh... your kind goes on?" Dean asks, clearly somewhat uncomfortable watching a bunch of men dancing together, some women speaking to each other and paying them no attention.
"Dean, my kind?" you raise an eyebrow. "We're not different species. And we're not all the same. I prefer something a little less loud, you know?"
Dean nods. "I, uh... don't really know what I like. I don't actually go on a lot of dates. Mostly it's just, you... you look at a girl who seems like she's alone and you flirt, and then you head back to the motel, right? Sock on the door."
"Hooking up." you say. He nods. "There's a lot of that among 'my kind' too." You smile at him. "But hey, we date too."
Dean gulps, jumping a little when a shirtless man squeezes past him, brushing a hand across his broad back. "So, uh... if this was a date, what would we do?"
You chuckle. "If this was a date, I'd probably have taken you to a cafe or diner and then on a walk. I tend to take things slow."
"That... sounds nice." Dean smiles for a moment before glancing around. "But say we were on the kind of date that'd get this incubus on us."
"Then we'd dance, Dean." you smirk. "We'd dance and I'd grind against you and you'd at some point take your shirt off, and then that incubus would ask to do a body shot off you, and then would try to charm you, and you'd take him to the Impala and Sam will handle the rest."
It happens pretty much as you say. Dean is still a little awkward but lets it all happen, marches onto the dance floor and though at first he does his little straight white boy dance he starts to loosen up and get more into gyrating and grinding.
At some point, Dean loses his shirt, throwing his jacket into the crowd.
And then the incubus comes up. It's a little odd for you, because he looks a lot like Dean and you wonder what he looks to Dean, but then Dean pretends to ditch you and leaves with the incubus. You call Sam, and lickety-split you're all headed home.
Dean seems a bit out of sorts as you all relax for a while before the brothers head out on other jobs. At one point, you and Dean go to a diner to get some burgers and shakes, and he suddenly looks at you.
"Uh... Y/N?"
"This is... well... a nice little place. Quiet. Cozy."
You nod.
"And it's... well, you said, at the club..."
Dean sighs and clears his throat. "Y/N, I like you, okay? I like you a lot, in the way that means I wanna go out on dates and be close to you all the time and all that stupid sappy crap, okay?"
You smile. "So... did you ask me out here, or am I taking you on a date?"
Dean chuckles back and boldly reaches out, putting his hand in yours. "As long as I'm on a date with you."
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