#incorrect the xiaolin dragon king quotes
unicornblossom13 · 9 months
Raimundo: You dated the brutal villain Chase Young?
Juno: He wasn’t the “brutal villain” Chase Young when I was dating him.
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unicornblossom13 · 1 year
Wuya [getting a phone call]: Oh, Juno is calling. Give me a second. [answers] Hello?
Juno: Hey, Wuya, do you know how to say corn is Cantonese?
Wuya: Suk mai.
Juno: Haha, suck my nuts! [hangs up]
Wuya [stares at the phone before crushing it in her hand]: Alright, well, I hate her even more than I already did.
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unicornblossom13 · 2 years
Omi: I am never going to go through puberty.
Juno: Of course you will, baby, but we’re a family of late bloomers. I didn’t until I was fourteen, nor did Chase.
Omi: Why does that matter? I am adopted.
Chase: WHAT?! Oh my Heylin, who told you?!
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unicornblossom13 · 2 years
Chase: There’s something I need to get off my chest.
Juno: Is it your shirt? Please say yes.
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unicornblossom13 · 2 years
[The Xiaolin Warriors were on a quest when they suddenly fell down a deep hole that was covered by a blanket of leaves. They groaned as they regained their senses after hitting the bottom]
Raimundo: What just happened?
Jack: Hey, Xiaolin-Losers!
[The group looks up to see the evil boy genius standing over the hole, holding the Shen Gong Wu they were after]
Jack: You want this Wu? Then you better get up here!
Juno: Come on, kids, give me a boost up.
Raimundo: Can’t we just stay down here where it’s safe?
Juno: No way. That little creep has the Wu and we’ve got to stop him.
[A large wrench suddenly fell on Clay’s head]
Jack: Neofineyin!
Juno: See what I mean, Raimundo?
Clay [dizzily]: Where’s the leak, ma’am?
[They climb out of the hole, their heads sticking out of the edge. Then they saw Jack roll a bowling ball towards them, heading in the cowboy’s direction]
Clay: Yurrgh!
[The bowling ball hits him and he falls back down the hole. A “strike” symbol appears, another one showing up when the bowling ball falls into the hole]
Juno: You okay, Clay?
Clay [painfully]: Finland!
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unicornblossom13 · 2 years
Wuya [drinking from a wine glass]: I’ll f**king kill you.
Juno [drinking from an entire bottle]: Like, how would you kill me?
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unicornblossom13 · 2 years
[Juno is sitting inside the Sphere of Yun]
Kimiko: Why are you sitting in the Sphere of Yun?
Juno: Oh, my husband is one of the most powerful villains and I’m mad at him.
Kimiko: Oh no!
Chase [barges into the room in humanoid reptile form, slamming his fists against the impenetrable Shen Gong Wu]: Raaaaurgh! You can’t sit inside that Sphere forever!
Juno: You stop doing your blood harvests and THEN we’ll talk!
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unicornblossom13 · 3 years
Raimundo [turns off the alarm clock set for three AM]: Halloween. Mwahahaha. It’s heist time.
[Raimundo turns around in bed and sees Kimiko, awake and staring at him]
Raimundo: Gah!
Kimiko: Thought you’d get a head start on heist prep? Good luck. [pulls back the covers to reveal she is dressed] I’m already dressed.
Raimundo: Well, I am also dressed. [pulls back covers to reveal his clothes] And I made breakfast. [pulls back the covers again to show an empty plate] Wait, where my eggs?
Juno: In my belly.
[Lamp turns on to reveal Juno sitting in a chair in the corner]
Raimundo and Kimiko: Aaaah!
Juno: Now get a move on! It’s heist time!
Raimundo: Man, I love Halloween!
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unicornblossom13 · 2 years
Chase: I wasn’t that drunk last night.
Raimundo: You were flirting with Juno.
Chase: So? She’s my wife.
Raimundo: You asked her if she was single. And then cried when she said she wasn’t.
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unicornblossom13 · 2 years
Juno: You’re a cheating piece of shit!
Chase: And you’re a liar who thinks she can get away with whatever she wants!
Juno: I’m moving out, and I’m taking the kids with me!
Raimundo [sitting at a table with the others and putting away a Monopoly board]: I think we should stop playing now.
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unicornblossom13 · 3 years
Juno [talking to Wuya and Jack, who are locked inside a room]: What do you mean the door’s stuck? Try jiggling the handle.
Wuya: There is no handle in here.
Juno [holding the door handle]: There’s not? Are you sure?
[Omi, Kimiko, Raimundo, and Clay snigger, trying to keep themselves from bursting out in laughter]
Wuya: Alright, I’ve had enough of this. Tell us where the talking dragon is, and we’ll burn your temple to the ground.
Jack: Uh, don’t you mean “or”?
Wuya: Ugh! Tell us where the talking dragon is, OR we’ll burn your temple to the ground.
Kimiko: Well, which is it? That seems like a pretty crucial conjunction.
Wuya: Agh!
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unicornblossom13 · 2 years
[Juno and Chase are on a quest, but it turns out to be a trap set up by a villain]
Villain: I know you must be confused. The Bloom of Eternal Youth, dead? What if I told you the Bloom never existed at all? And now that I have led you to my nest, I’ll suck all the life out of you to satisfy my unending hunger!
Chase [unphased]: He scammed us. Can you believe he scammed us?
Juno [just as unphased]: I thought there was a 50/50 chance going in. Hard not to admire the tenacity, though.
Chase: Good entrance. But that outfit? Ha!
Juno: Oh, look at his little shoes.
[They laugh as the villain concealed his shoes from view out of embarrassment]
Villain: Maybe you’ve never been led into a lethal trap before, but the response should be, “Ah! No! Spare us!”.
Juno [sharing a quick look and smirk with her husband]: Ah, sure. Spare us. [she took a step forward, cracking her knuckles]
Chase [summoning his weapon]: Woe to us, whose fates are sealed.
Villain [now very scared]: T-T-That’s right, just cower. Cower… [he whimpered and gulped as they advanced on him]
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unicornblossom13 · 3 years
Juno: You are all grounded… for…
[Omi, Raimundo, Kimiko, and Clay look at her nervously]
Juno: …til college.
Omi, Raimundo, Kimiko, and Clay: For til college?!
Juno: For til college!
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unicornblossom13 · 2 years
Juno [looking at Chase]: I can’t believe I’m gonna sleep with him.
Raimundo: Well, you don’t have to.
Juno: No, I’m gonna.
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unicornblossom13 · 3 years
Chase [talking to Juno and Wuya]: I’m going out for a while, you two don’t kill each other while I’m gone.
Juno: Please, we’re not children.
[Chase walks away]
Juno: Eat shit and die.
Wuya: Yes, well, screw you.
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unicornblossom13 · 3 years
Juno [sitting down and reading a book with Dojo curled up beside her]: Wow, a surprisingly peaceful domestic moment. When will it be ruined?
[The door suddenly crashes open]
Omi, Kimiko, Raimundo, and Clay: Juuunnnooo!
Juno: There it is.
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