#incorrect after school quotes
marvel-lous-guy · 1 year
Peter: Mr Stark, I'm hungry
Tony: what do you want to eat?
Peter: I don't know
Tony: Well think about it then we can order something
Peter: But I'm too hungry to think
Tony: Then tell me what you wanna eat and I'm order it!
Peter: But I don't know what I want to eat!
Tony: Oh my god! I'm so done with your shit! I'm ordering pizza
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theamazingmaddyas · 4 months
Things the Apollo Cabin campers have definitely said featuring actual quotes from my four siblings and I.
Lee: (reading a trivia question) Name the five Great Lakes
Michael: Eric... Oklahoma, and Atlantis
Will: That's not even five?
Will: (after doing five line dances in a row at a DJ and another comes on) He's gonna kill me (proceeds to agressively Cotton Eye Joe)
Kayla: I was asked to write a poem about anything, so I wrote about how much better I am than Michael in archery.
(While playing Anomia, which involves saying things in certain categories)
Austin: Aww, I wanted to match with Jerry. (Card in question: French Word) I had the perfect answer.
Jerry: Oui Oui?
Austin: No. Oui Oui Baguette
Jerry: What does that mean?
Austin: Yes, yes bread.
Jerry: *dies of laughter*
(Also playing Anomia)
Austin: (matches with Type of Rock) Pop Rock
Yan: Wrong. It means like sedimentary. You know, types of rocks
Austin: It didn't specify if it meant (points towards door) rock rock or (strums imaginary guitar) rock rock
(While playing Risk J.r.)
Kayla: What's the strategy?
Yan: There isn't one.
Gracie: The game's made for five year olds.
Kayla: Which I plan to dominate.
Yan: (to Gracie) She plans to beat all the five year olds.
(Little) Will: What's your crap?
Michael: My what?
Will: The day you were born? Your crap.
Lee: He means your zodiac
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im-not-a-l0ser · 3 months
Max: What's your favorite color? Ruth: Women. Ruth: Wait, what was the question again?
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incorrect-losers · 2 years
Henry: Give me your lunch money, dork
Richie: It’s giving broke
Henry: What-
Stan: Personally, you don’t see me asking for lunch money
Henry: Wait but-
Eddie: The food isn’t even that good
Bill: If you can’t afford it, just say that
Henry: I-
Bev: Common bully L
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apolloskazoo · 1 year
thinking abt joel cutting onions in jackson and his eyes r a little hurt and watery bc yk. the curse that is cutting onions. and ellie walks in from school or smth and sees him and immediately thinks he’s crying and panics
“joel are you okay?? what’s going on????” she’s immediately trying to help him out and he’s immediately trying to explain that he’s not upset, it’s just the onions and she’s so confused bc what did the onions do to you joel??? wdym it’s “just the onions”? the onions are a literal vegetable how is it hurting you and how can I kill it to make it stop
eventually he explains enough that she’s not worried anymore — UNTIL she gets affected by it and her own eyes start watering and hurting to the point where she walks into the kitchen just to tell joel that if he ever brings an onion in her general vicinity ever again she’s going to live with tommy and maria
and that’s how ellie miller becomes #1 onion hater in jackson
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Dear Celestia,
Fuck you. I didn’t learn a god damned thing ‘cause I was fucking right bitch.
Quote: MLP Friendship is Magic s2 ep15
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Okay so my newest brain worm is kinda based around how after Zach comes out to Jon and Angel and they're like "omg bro thank you for telling us we love you" pretty much instantly Angel looks back between Zach and Ruben once or twice and is like "Shut the fuck up you're dating" and they're like "I mean like we haven't really talked about that but like-" and Angel essentially goes "Ooh friends with benefits? Based." And I kinda forgot how perceptive he is at times so I think it'd be really funny if he just straight up missed a lot of subtext but can clock any romantic/sexual developments/activities in any of them pretty much instantly. If Jon started dating someone he knew the next time he saw him without being told. He knew Zach and Ruben were gonna get engaged before it had even happened and sent them a congratulations text like the day after despite not being told, not seeing them in person for a hot second, and the fact that they didn't live together anymore.
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seamaiden · 1 year
Benedict: I'm playing this new drinking game. It's called every time l'm depressed, I take a drink
Colin: That game exists. It's called alcoholism...
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mono: what in the world is dark academia isn't the normal school system traumatising enough
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key2world · 2 years
Tinn: *Looking up at the stars*
Gun: Ai’Tinn, what are you doing?
Tinn: *quietly* Naming the stars after the people I love…
Gun: you’re an actual nerd you know that?
Gun: *mumbling*… so, do I get a star?
Tinn: You get the sun.
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lightgriffinsect · 1 year
Sumire: When you become famous, you’re called a legend because your leg ends.
Void: What.
Sumire: Your leg.
Sumire: It ends.
Psychic: …I’m not a linguist but I think that’s wrong…
Sumire: Are you saying your leg doesn’t end?
Radi: I mean, at some point it does, yes.
Sumire: then what’s the problem
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[High school]
Joel: Can I copy your homework?
Joonas: Yeah, sure.
Niko: Bold of you to assume I did the homework.
Olli: Wait, we had homework???
Tommi: [Read 5:55 pm]
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mundanemoongirl · 4 months
I turned one of my dumbest moments into an incorrect quote for my OCs:
Cassidy: Kelsee’s also dating someone new
Daron: Who’s Kelsee?
Catalina: How do you not know who Kelsee is? She was in introduction to curses with you.
Daron: Did she sit near me?
Catalina: I don’t know.
Cassidy: She’s an Herbneivorous. She has curly hair.
Daron: I have a vague image of her in my mind but I don’t know if it’s real.
*30 minutes later*
Daron: I remember who Kelsee is.
Daron: I sat next to her
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hellbeast-go-walkies · 10 months
The Losers defeating Pennywise:
Tumblr media
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blenderenvy · 2 years
Mike: *Jumping down bleachers* WILL YOU BITCH! YOU LOOK SO FUCKING GOT TODAY!!
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koko-heads · 1 year
skye: when's the last time you had a vacation?
ajay: well, yesterday i sneezed into the wind, closed my eyes, and imagined my face was barraged with cool ocean spray...
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