#incognito! (tooru)
sparetimeimagines · 4 years
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Fate | Ushijima Wakatoshi
tags; fluff, light angst, ex Oikawa, miscarriage, Boyfriend Toshi
A/n: I couldn’t choose between Keiji and Toshi for the follow up so I chose both.
Part One
The way Ushijima well in love with you will always be your favorite story.
You were running late on the way to the office; full four inch heels and dodging every pedestrian walking by on the sidewalk to the station.
They weren’t your favorite pair of pumps, but my God you were going to make them work.
Following the crowd, you hadn’t expected much for the on coming traffic since most of the traffic was going to the station, like you were. The shoes hadn’t fit the way they were supposed to, and with everyone picking up their pace in order to beat the train, you lost your balance and rolled your ankle.
However, you never hit the ground.
No, because with fate, every time is perfect timing, and this time, the perfect timing landed you directly in the arms of Ushijima Wakatoshi.
He was on his morning run around the city. Being home on break from the team, he was supposed to be resting.
But a light 10k jog around the city was merely a warm up for the left handed ace.
He stopped in mid pace and held you in his arms, swearing he saw an angel.
“Your shoe is broken.” He says setting you on a nearby bench. “Are you hurt?”
You shake your head still stunned by what just happened.
“You’re very beautiful.” He says randomly, holding your broken shoe. That catches you off guard, causing you to turn red.
“Oh. Uh... thank you.” You hide your face embarrassed. This handsome man out of the blue catches you and says you’re beautiful, how are you supposed to react to this?
“Oh... how can I ever thank you for this?” You grab your shoe from his hands.
“Do you like food?”
“Yes?” You’re sure your face is the color of a tomato.
“Good. I am taking you out to eat.” He pulls on your hand.
“Right now?”
“Yes. Right now is the perfect time.”
“I have to work.” You return to your feet pulling flats out of your bag.
“I’m not saying you should call in on false claims, however I would very much enjoy spending more time with you.”
“Well, I’m sure they can go without me for today.”
That breakfast date turned into casual meetings when Ushijima asked you if you wanted to watch him play volleyball. He was new to the romance field, but something in his heart told him not to let you go.
When it was time for him to go back and travel with his team, he decided he wanted you to come to some of his local games.
He arranged a car to pick you up for every game, promising to meet you when it arrives.
He’d kiss your forehead and hold you close enough his scent will rub off on you.
“How was the ride, my love?” He’d ask you every time you’d arrive.
“Much better if I shared it with you.”
There was this feeling he casted over you that you couldn’t deny.
He parted ways with you before he had to play, however you knew the drill by now.
From the sideline, you cheered with the rest of Schweiden’s crowd, noticing your boyfriend making extra looks in your direction.
But you’re not the only one who’s paying attention.
Across the court in the top corner, iwaizumi and oikawa watch the teams play, two of the players Oikawa disliked happened to be playing on the court.
Kageyama Tobio and Ushijima Wakatoshi.
However, he didn’t notice you in the crowd, just Toshi making constant check ins with your direction.
What is he looking at?
You never caught sight of the duo from the top of gym, nevertheless, they started watching your boyfriend closer.
When the game came to its demise with Schweiden, the crowds left and you’re still residing in the crowd, exactly where you told Toshi you’d meet him.
You haven’t been paying attention, the short videos you’ve been watching on your phone had distracted you from the brunette walking beside you.
“Y/n?” It catches your attention, your head jerking up completely from the phone.
“Oikawa. Uh hi.” You flush, shielding your body with your arms. It was not the face you were begging to see again. You were finally at the part in your life where you didn’t think about him anymore.
“Hey... how are you?” The cocky, self absorbed Oikawa you knew from your past lives was incognito. You hardly recognized him yourself.
That ember, deep deep down in your heart begins to spark, threatening to pull a flame if Oikawa lights the right matches.
“Oh uh... good. I’m good. Yourself Oikawa?”
You try to remind yourself of those harsh months that had you thinking you weren’t good enough. Those restless nights you believed you will never make anyone happy like she will with Oikawa.
Comparison was the theft to your happiness, and all you wanted then was Oikawa.
“I’m... yeah.” He folds his lips in looking at the court.
There’s. So much he’s holding back; though you cannot, will not let yourself fall into that sinkhole.
“How’s your family?”
“Uh... well, you see...” he starts his head dropping. “She miscarried the baby... and then she left. She went back to Sapporo to be with her family.” His choice cracks whilst he looks off, his arm hiding behind his neck with his insecurities. “She couldn’t take it being with me.”
“Oh.. Oikawa I’m so sorry.” You stand to your feet, you two walking to the court side.
It’s hard to look him in the face. You can’t let yourself fall into old habits. You’re not that girl. You will not hurt Toshi, letting him go down the same path wondering why he wasn’t good enough.
“Yeah.. it’s been tough.” He looks up at you. “You look great though. It’s been awhile.”
“It has, hasn’t it Oikawa.”
“I figured you’d call me that. I really messed things up between us.”
You nod in agreement watching your shoes.
To be on first name basis... it wouldn’t feel right.
“I’m really sorry about that. I wish I didn’t hurt you back then.” He steps closer. “You know, you’re still so beautiful, like you always had been.” His cheeks flush. “What are you doing later? I’d love to catch up with you.” His eyes flicker after you at the tall figure casting over your form.
“Uh...” You feel an arm wrap around your shoulders and a kiss on your cheek. “I’m- you’ve met Toshi?”
You cough awkwardly feeling Toshi pull you into him.
This barrier is built around you by Wakatoshi. Those long nights you two stayed up together, your heart to hearts of how your past created the person you breathe through, hours of trust and mutually reflected feelings of love and respect guard you from Oikawa.
“Oikawa Tooru. You are a long way from Brazil.” Toshi’s deep voice had a hidden warning. You notice Oikawa’s tanned skin and feel Toshi running his fingers along your shoulders.
“Ushijima.” He blinks and looks down at you with a nod. Was he threatened or stunned? “Wow... Y/n. I uh... hope you’re really happy.” He says accepting his defeat and looking past you.
“You drove her to him you do realize that.” Iwaizumi watches you comfort Ushijima from across the court as Oikawa rejoins him. The way your fingers run through his dark hair, your delicate fingers caressing his skin, Oikawa had many reasons to be jealous, but no right.
“What does she see him? He’s soo... boring.” Oikawa frowns shoving his hand in his pockets.
“What you see as boring, she may see as safe.” Iwaizumi shrugs. “He’s so blunt, she knows he won’t lie to her.”
The two watch you as Ushijima kisses along your cheek to your lips, the softest they have ever witnessed Ushijima. His arms wrap around your waist and pulls you closely into him, your head on his chest.
You’re the only thing Toshi sees in his sight. You’re the only thing that matters right now.
He won his match and his girlfriend was there to see it, along with her ex.
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striveattemptfail · 3 years
Summary: Written for the Interactives section in @hqmagazine​.
Read on Ao3
A/N: I got Kuroo—reblog/reply with who you got!  c:
See the accompanying art of the captains by @aradied​~! On Tumblr / On Twitter
the QUIZ
Across the country, high school volleyball captains give their all on- and off-court. Find out which of these top six captains you are with this quiz! Choose the number that best suits you and add your points in the end to find your result. Have fun!
What do you believe is the best form of potato?
Regular french fries
Hash brown
Sweet potato french fries
Potato chips/crisps
Baked potato
What is your role in a group project?
The Brains (you do all the research)
Group Leader (you organize everything and everyone)
Team Player (you do what you gotta to get things done)
Slacker (you do the least amount possible)
Perfectionist (you make sure everything is correct)
Presenter (you do most of the talking at presentations)
What do the tabs on your internet browser look like?
A tab with Spotify and/or SNS of choice is usually open
You only have one tab open at a time
You’re about to lose your mind because you can’t find that one tab that has autoplay on
You can no longer read the title on the tabs because there are too many
Several tabs are open but grouped into different categories/subjects
Incognito mode
What are your manga reading habits like?
Moderate Pop (you keep up with a few popular manga)
None (you would rather read something else)
Moderate Niche (you keep up with some of the lesser-known manga)
High Pop (you read all the manga all the time!)
High Niche (you read only for specific manga/genres)
Low (you only read what your friends recommend)
Choose which style of texting suits you most.
Almost perfect syntax but occasionally slip with typos
Completely perfect grammar with capitalization, punctuation, and sentence structure
Very casual typing with things capitalized or punctuated for Comedic Effect
You don’t mind getting cute with it. Emojis and emoticons are everywhere~~! (>3•)b
A strange combination of everything above
Someone just confessed to you. What’s your reaction?
You don’t realize it’s a confession until someone tells you afterwards
Politely decline because you’re not looking for a relationship right now
(Finger guns)
Accept and excitedly ask where your first date should be
Turn on the charm and flirt back to cover up your own excitement
(Left on read)
A difficult assignment is due tomorrow, but you haven’t started yet. What do you do?
Get into a study group with others who haven’t finished either
Nothing, because you finished that right after it was assigned
Beg a friend to copy off them
Nothing. You accept your fate and take that L
Stay up late finishing the assignment but make it look like you didn’t spend all night working on it
Calmly spend the evening completing what you can and still receive a good grade
What Hogwarts house do you belong in?
I never got into Harry Potter
A different school altogether
What is your opinion on superhero movies?
Completely neutral
They’re pretty good, but it’s too easy to piss of a superhero fan
Love, love, love, LOVE them!
Sci-fi (or another genre) is better
You’d rather watch something else
Choose an opposing team.
Shinzen High
Date Tech High
Nohebi Academy
Johzenji High
Kitagawa Daiichi Junior High
Itachiyama Academy
(See your results below the cut~!)
(10–18 pts) Sawamura Daichi | The Team Dad
You got... Sawamura Daichi!
You’re practical and grounded—a reliable foundation and fit to lead others. You achieve balance with your hard work and dedication. Perhaps you’re a little scary or intimidating when things get out of hand, but everyone always looks to you for guidance and support. You’re probably the parental figure of your friend group, or at least the one who asks people to text them that they arrived home after dispersing from a get-together.
(19–26 pts) Kita Shinsuke | The Serious Caretaker
You got... Kita Shinsuke!
You like to be frank about what you think and observe. Others may think you have robotic tendencies as a result of your logical approach to things, but this quality is exactly why you get things done. When the going gets tough, you have the firm confidence to achieve success. Your serious nature may be off-putting to some people, but beyond the hard exterior is a very warm and soft side where you express your affection with the same amount of careful calculation.
(27–35 pts) Kuroo Tetsurou | The Provocation Expert
You got... Kuroo Tetsurou!
You like to tease and poke fun at others but it’s all out of love and respect. Sometimes the best way to bring the best out of someone is to provoke them just a little bit, and you subscribe to this belief like a monthly magazine. It can get you into trouble sometimes, but in the end no one underestimates your cunning strategizing. Besides, your jokes are ultimately harmless and pretty funny too.
(36–43 pts) Bokuto Koutarou | The Headstrong Jock
You got... Bokuto Koutarou!
You’re enthusiastic about what you love and not afraid to show it. Even if you’re not an athlete, you’re just as skilled at what you do. Your passion is infectious, impossible to miss, and people appreciate your energy even when they don’t understand it. You’re incredibly friendly and helpful to those who need advice. Being headstrong can sometimes mean that you’re emotional or stubborn, but this strong-willed attitude is exactly what makes you the star of a team.
(44–52 pts) Oikawa Tooru | The Pretty Playmaker
You got... Oikawa Tooru!
You have all eyes on you as the charming leader. You can attract crowds with your attitude, your work ethic, or—in most cases—both. In other words, you look as good as you play. It’s hard to strike a balance between form and performance, but you pull it off gracefully. Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but no one doubts that you can finesse things to go your way. The bonus is that you look great doing it.
(53–60 pts) Ushijima Wakatoshi | The Formidable Challenger
You got... Ushijima Wakatoshi!
You have all eyes on you like players facing the Final Boss. You’re the one who makes things happen. You have the talent and skillset to appear invincible, so much that you might even buy into your own myth. Despite how intimidating you can be, you also care just as deeply. You work hard on what you do and expect nothing less from those around you. At the end of the day, everyone understands why you’ve earned the title as one of the strongest around.
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sunatooru · 3 years
Whoops... can't have you exposed to the world now can I?
*plops you on the bed before tugging your t shirt over you as well as a hoodie and a cap, tucking your hair into it and then pulling on mine and doing the same*
Right. Incognito mode. Let's go
*picks you up again and walks out, grabbing oreos on the way*
Sustenance of course
Ah yes! Can never forget the Oreos
*holds on to you tightly*
Babe, I can walk haha you’ll get tired. Where are we even going? So we’re basically eloping? Good think my dad likes you...
*you finally put me down, I hold you hand and follow you*
Let’s go!
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spring-emerald · 7 years
@hqfashionweek Day 5: Office Wear | Work Uniform
 Pairing: OiSuga
Based on this head canon (AU)
Oikawa Tooru, by all means, does not have to personally shop for his clothes.
As a model, he has a group of stylists that prepares and buys them for him, as they are the ones that get to decide what he should wear most of the time, or at least provide input on the style, should he insist on putting on the clothes he wanted to wear for the day. Aside from that, he’s a brand ambassador of a clothing store, and he doesn’t even need to pay for it, since one of the perks was to be provided and sponsored with endless clothes.
Such is the life already for someone like him.
So, he really doesn’t have any reason to be inside the clothing store on a Friday afternoon, dressed incognito in beanie, his thick rimmed prescription glasses, mint green hoodie, faded jeans and sneakers, just so he wouldn’t be recognized as the actual person whose large picture is displayed at one of the shop’s walls.
Who actually looks like what a model should look, and not as the sorry excuse, almost-close-to-be-considered-a-hobo one that he sees being reflected in one of the shop’s mirrors. Aside from his own reflection, he also sees the main and actual reason why he’s at the store –Sugawara Koushi.
Suga, as what he said he could call him, is decked in the store’s staff uniform consisting of light gray polo shirt that bears the brand logo on the left side, khaki chinos and store provided standard high cuts. He’s currently assisting a couple looking for matching outfits, and is showing them the selection of clothes they can choose from. He saw Oikawa come in the store though, as he greeted him with a nod and his signature refreshing smile as he came in.
But that was a few minutes ago, and Oikawa’s already shooed away the staff that wanted to help him when he came in. He only ever talks to Sugawara, mainly because he finds him really interesting.
He first met Suga the first time he visited the store in disguise.
His manager had asked him to lay low for a while after a scandal broke out about him allegedly dating an actress. For one, Oikawa knows that it’s not true. He doesn’t even date women. Wouldn’t even want to, period. But media has a way of sensationalizing even the falsest of things, and well, it’s better to safe than sorry.
But Oikawa is close to losing his mind. He’s been cooped up at his apartment for too long, and he needs some breathing space. He’s glad for the security measures the condominium management had taken against reporters who wants to get a piece of him. Even then, he’s found a way out of the building through the back, and went out without anyone the wiser.
It’s when he thought that it would be a good idea to check out some clothes, since it’s something that always comforted him. Fashion and styling is something has freedom and power over. Wearing different kinds of clothes is what gives him happiness, and is actually the main reason he decided to become a model in the first place.
So when he sees that there’s actually a store branch of the clothing he models for near his condo, he immediately goes in. They greeted him, as they should, but no one looked at him twice. He couldn’t blame them, since the outfit he has put together wasn’t exactly what would someone call respectable for a high caliber model such as him.
He did get annoyed however, at the fact that no one decided to assist him. Except for Sugawara. He kindly approached him, and politely asked what he’s looking for, and that maybe he can help. Oikawa thought that he was actually recognized by Suga, seeing as the other staff didn’t even give him a second glance. But that couldn’t be the case. If it was, then Suga should be star struck by now, instead he just lead Oikawa to the section statement shirts that he thought might interest Oikawa, since he’s wearing one.
Oikawa takes pride in knowing every detail that goes into the clothes that he wears, but even he was amazed at the knowledge Suga has about the brands clothes. Oikawa, out of curiosity tested Suga about the chic clothes that would fit him, and he actually suggested ones that Oikawa would definitely put on. Frankly, Oikawa was amazed.
That was also the beginning of his attraction to this fair haired guy, who could be a model on his own. And so, even if Oikawa doesn’t have any reason to, he made it a habit to visit the store on days he knew Suga would be there.
“I hope they don’t,” someone says behind him, grabbing his attention away from the rack of coats he’s lost himself looking at. He turns and sees Suga smiling up at him.
“What was that?” he asks, a bit dumbly.
Suga chuckles and it made Oikawa self-conscious. He gestures to Oikawa’s sweater. Oikawa looks down and sees the statement on his sweater that says “Take me away!” under a cute caricature of a UFO.
“I hope they don’t take you away. I would be sad to lose a sensible customer like you.”
Oikawa tries not to bristle at the fact that Suga only thinks of him as a customer, and instead focused on the part where he will get sad should Oikawa be taken. It’s petty and pretty pathetic Oikawa knows, but he’s in too deep with his attraction to Suga, that he doesn’t particularly care about that anymore.
He knows that with a job like Suga’s, customer satisfaction takes precedence.  But still, he can’t help but be frustrated at the thought that for Suga, he’s just one of the customer that he should be friendly with. Numerous times he’s played with the idea of revealing himself to be Oikawa the model, instead of some random guy with a penchant for alien themed and statement shirts.
“So, are there any particular things you’re looking for today?”
“Not really… just looking around.”
Suga just nods in understanding. “Alright. I’ll just be here if you need me.” Suga’s starts to leave and Oikawa panics because he wants to talk to him even more.
“Wait,” he exclaims, and Suga turns back to him, head tilted questioningly.
Oikawa for his part cursed his incompetence when it comes to talking to Suga. It’s really shameful that someone like him act like this, but then again, while he looks like this, he simply can’t channel the confidence he wears like second skin.
He looks up at his own photo at the wall behind Suga. It’s so large and imposing, and the look on its eyes seem to judge him. Why is this so hard to do?
It’s an ironic role reversal of epic proportions because instead of him being the one chased, he’s the one who’s doing a poor job of chasing someone. Why can’t the display Oikawa just take his place instead? Or wait… actually, he can do that.
“What would you do if you meet him in person?” he says unbidden. Suga blinks at him then frowns, before he looks behind him.
“The model? Oikawa Tooru?” He clarifies upon turning to look at Oikawa again.
“Y-yeah. Like… if he suddenly comes in the store and look for clothes, what would you do?”
“Well, I’ll greet him just like how I greet anybody else.”
“What if he asks for your help?”
“Then I would help him. Although I doubt he would, since he’s a very self-aware model. Knows what he likes, what fits him or not. But yeah, if he asks, then I would.”
“Would you give someone like him the time of your day?”
Suga laughs unsurely. “Well, I don’t know. I mean, I’d rather meet his true self first. Why are you asking me this?”
That’s a good question, Oikawa thinks. He doesn’t even understand where he’s going with this. “Ah… nothing. I was just… just wondering. Yeah.”
They stay quiet for a moment, until Suga breaks it by humming thoughtfully. “I don’t think he’s any different from us. I mean, he’s famous, but he’s still a person with quirks and well, I’d like to think he’s normal like the rest. So, I wouldn’t treat him any differently than other customers. Is that what you like to know?”
Oikawa only nods. Well, that’s good enough for him, he thinks.
“Well, it would be interesting to spend time with him,” Suga says. Oikawa perks up at this. He looks at Suga and sees a glint in his eyes he’s never seen before. “But I’m already spending time with you,” he says cryptically and winks before leaving Oikawa a blushing mess.
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hq-au · 7 years
AU where Matsukawa and Issei are amateur treasure hunters who’ve been researching and trawling for several years in the Ryukyu Islands, in hopes of finding a Heian-period shipwreck said to have sunk with with a cargo in gold and jewels worth millions today. Scuba diving off a reef near a smaller island, they uncover shards of plates and other pottery from the time period, and are sure they’re getting close.
They go out to celebrate, and get a little too tipsy, and a little too loud as they boast of their success to their friend the barman, attracting the attention of Tooru Oikawa, a famous, vain, and high-strung movie star taking a vacation incognito with his personal bodyguard, Iwaizumi. Oikawa starts asking around, and digging up whatever he can find on the shipwreck, hoping to find it himself, and win everlasting fame.
Matsukawa and Hanamaki soon realize they have a new rival, and are forced to start rushing through their searching, desperate to locate the shipwreck they’ve worked so hard to find. Their attempts over the next several weeks to vie against the interlopers result in an increasing tug-of-war game of one-upmanship, subterfuge, and sabotage, and their competition builds to increasingly absurd levels.
Their crazed endeavors are put to a halt though, when they attract the attention of a local, and brutal, crime boss, and he finds out the shipwreck may not be fable after all. Soon the four are forced to work together, both to locate the shipwreck before anyone else, and to remain alive in the face of the crime lord’s thugs sent after them, including the infamous Miya twins, Atsumu  “The Riddler” and Osamu “The Strangler”.
(plot twist: the Miya twins are actually police officers undercover, and ultimately help rescue the heroes and defeat the crime boss.)
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haikyuu-attic · 8 years
Headcanons for Suga, Oikawa and Tsukki with their respective s/o? Like perhaps their s/o is a well known model, how would they deal with the publicity and all the photoshoots and articles written about them HAHA
Sugawara Koushi
While he takes pride in his s/o’s achievements, he doesn’t specifically enjoy the amount of attention they get, nor the amount of time they spend working.
He can get a bit insecure about whether or not he’s really “worthy” to be their boyfriend, but doesn’t say anything and pushes it to the back of his mind.
Should he read an article that speaks negatively about his s/o, he’ll sigh heavily and shake his head, disliking the rumors and gossip surrounded by his s/o.
If he sees that his s/o had a bad day or read a bad review/article about them, he orders takeout from their favorite restaurant and the two cuddle on the couch for the evening, spending time and relaxing and watching good, lighthearted movies or TV shows.
Fully believes that the pictures he takes of them on his phone -regular, candid pictures- are prettier and much more “real” than his s/o’s professional photos. However, he honestly just finds every picture of them beautiful.
He’ll occasionally ask for fashion advice or makeup help. He likes it when they do his makeup, whether or not they can do it well.
Makes sure that they have private date nights one on one, no paparazzi and no distractions.
He makes sure that his s/o is happy with their job and their life, asking how they’re doing and how they feel on a weekly basis. He doesn’t want to let the job or press get to them.
Oikawa Tooru
Like Sugawara, he takes full pride in how popular his s/o is and their achievements.
Boasts about them on social media. All day erry day.
Whenever he goes out with them and they get ambushed by paparazzi, Oikawa likes to dramatically pose for the pictures. Only if he and his s/o are both in good moods. Other times the two of them go completely incognito.
Likes to go with them to shoots, if possible. He likes to cheer them on and watch them in their “natural habitat” (their workplace). It also lets them spend more time together.
Honestly Oikawa’s pretty enough that he would probably be asked to do a shoot with his s/o at some point. He would leap at the chance.
When he sees how popular they are, he can get a bit down and insecure, not sure that his s/o will want to stay with him as long as he wants to stay with them.
Steals their skincare and hair products. He has a hoard of products under his sink.
He will viciously attack the press if they decide to target his s/o for one reason or another. But he does it (at first) in like, a passive sort of way, targeting them on social media and helping his s/o avoid the reporters and stuff and denying any rumors.
However, if it goes on for too long, he’s not afraid to get in the camera’s face and scream to defend his s/o’s honor. Luckily, it never really goes that far.
Tsukishima Kei
He appreciates that other people appreciate how attractive his s/o is, but if he sees their fans screaming about how they love them, etc. he gets a little bit pissy about it.
He’s like a fucking brick wall to the press. If they’re leaving a restaurant and the paparazzi descend on them, he just looks straight ahead with a blank face and his arm around his s/o’s shoulders telling the paparazzi to buzz off and get a life.
When his s/o does interviews, you can usually find Tsukki in the background looking bored or disinterested. But he’s really listening and paying attention. Most of the time.
He doesn’t like the publicity their relationship gets, and likes to keep it pretty quiet and support his s/o from the sidelines.
Takes pride in the number of never before seen pictures he takes of his s/o just throughout their day. He loves them more than any professional photograph. Though he has to admire the professionalism and quality of them. (Similar to Sugawara)
Dislikes going out in public on dates unless it’s like a cold and gloomy day and no one’s outside. He prefers quiet, more muted dates with the two of them or with friends.
Tbh Tsukki can be so intimidating that most of the time the press doesn’t even bother.
He does fully supports his s/o in whatever they do and their career choice, and he’s very proud of how successful his s/o is and that they seem happy with their life.
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ao3feed-haikyuu · 4 years
restrained escapade
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2JGOwyz
by ivylikeveins
In which Kageyama forgets his laptop at Hinata's after studying, Hinata tries to find proof of Kageyama accidentally getting his dick stuck in a toaster and Kageyama hasn't got his incognito tabs closed -oh, and he's kinky as fuck.
(Hinata decides a little bit of teasing wouldn't hurt anybody.)
Words: 4292, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio, Oikawa Tooru
Relationships: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio
Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, or a little bit of plot, Humor, Friends With Benefits, Kinky sex, Falling In Love, Awkwardness, Jealousy, Sexual Tension, Bad Dirty Talk, Masturbation
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2JGOwyz
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