#including a sleepover and a nice breakfast and stuff which like. the sleepover is kinda necessary for that
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victory-cookies · 2 years ago
my friend is staying over tonight (fun, exciting, we watched good omens all evening) but now comes the dreaded part (sharing my bed with another person)
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writerfae · 11 months ago
Hi! I hope you're feeling better!
1 How does Callan spend his birthday?
2 I want to hear Rhys tell us about Callan's pining
Rhys: I am in love
Callan: Again?
3 I want to hear what him and Rhys were like as kids (but I'm mostly saying this because I'm projecting Adél and Bendegúz's crazy "let's raid the kitchen at the crack of dawn! Surely, no one will think we are robbers!" energy onto them😅)
4 What if him and Rhys got together?
(Yes, these all include Rhys, sue me!)
Also, sorry I'm putting this in here, but I need someone to be excited with me (again...)
I love my girl, Adél, so much ❤️😭 Look at her go!😭😭😭❤️ I'm just holding her🥺
(if you're wondering where this comes from (not that it needs to come from anywhere, but) I added Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? to her playlist a few days ago, and 😭 )
Me, taking Aiden and her and putting them on the most comfy picnic blanket with a bunch of cats and bunnies, and all their favorite stuff😭😭😭❤️
Hi! I’m feeling a little better today, thank you! Be honest, you just want more Rhys facts 😂 I can’t blame you
1. On his birthday there’s also the moon feast, one of the most important holidays at the Willow court. Those are kinda celebrated together and the moon light ball from that takes place in the evening is also a festivity in honor of his birthday. Before that, he sleeps in in the morning, eats pastries for breakfast and spends time with Henry and organizing the feast.
2. Callan: oh no not again
Rhys: I’m glad you asked.
Callan was pining over Henry constantly. Even before he was in love with him he talked about him all the time. Like all the time. He’s so nice and so great and so cute and so on. Rhys probably knew Callan was in love with Henry before Callan knew. And when they got together it was almost as bad because Callan didn’t stop talking about him. Of course Rhys was really interested and wanted all the details but the pining before that was driving him insane.
3. When together, Callan and Rhys had major sleepover energy. Asking the kitchen workers for treats, causing a bit chaos, pillow fights, talking about all kinds of things and secrets, getting dressed up and play till long past their bedtime.
4. You mean like romantically? That’s pretty unlikely. For political purposes their parents did consider them getting married at one point though, which they both refused. Because it would be like marrying your own brother. Also they’ll always be best friends, so the good relationship between their courts will always be safe regardless.
It’s great that you love Adél so much! I’m happy for you! Everyone should love their main character and be absolutely insane about them (just look at me with Aiden). And I think that song fits her!
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catty-words · 8 years ago
Since I recently saw a post that there was a plan to bring Tara back from the dead exactly a year after her death, because Buffy made a wish. So, Headcanon: Tara comes back at the beginning of Empty Places. What would happen from the beginning of the episode to the end? :)
ohh, an intriguing question.for those of you who don’t know the rumor, i found this explanation on buffy-boards.com:
While speaking at the Wizard World Chicago Convention in August 2004, Joss Whedon claimed that he had planned to bring Tara back from the dead at the end of Season Seven. According to Whedon, the episode would have centered around Buffy being granted one “life-altering” wish. Buffy would have spent the whole episode trying to decide what she wanted to do with the wish (including, possibly, restoring Angel’s humanity). The episode would have ended with Buffy telling Willow that she’d just gotten a great new pair of shoes, and when Willow asked her if she used up her wish on new shoes, Buffy would have said, “No, silly!” and stepped aside to reveal Tara. This plan was abandoned when Amber Benson was unavailable for filming. At the 2007 Comic-Con, he referred to this idea as well.
with that, let’s say the events of this missing episode come between dirty girls and empty places, while willow’s off restoring angel’s soul on ats. so the tara reveal happens right before the beginning of ep - 
we open on the same scene, willow all flabbergasted and frozen in place
and of course tara, because she’s so soft and nice and good at reading people, would be hanging back. not making the first move because she knows willow needs to process.
and then that’s when kennedy would walk in on this stand off and be like “oh willow! you’re back! the basement is currently empty so now would be the prime time to…okay i’m missing something here. what’s up?”
willow, too freaked out to explain, would just run from the room leaving everyone confused and concerned.
tara, of course, read the chemistry between willow and kennedy and she starts getting twitchy ‘cause, like, what if she doesn’t belong here? she did once, but coming back from the dead is kind of a big deal and it changes things. so…should she go?
and buffy picks up on her sudden discomfort so she’s like. “hey, this is big. we just need to give her some time. besides, i know someone who’s gonna flip out when she sees you’re back.”
they find dawn in the dining room reading some hefty tome (she’s the one that finds the clue about that one monastery or whatever and sends spike and andrew off on their mission) and of course as soon as she looks up and sees tara she goes super white and is like oh no the first!
but then buffy’s like. “trust me on this. try to give her a hug.”
and dawn’s like…weird…but she does it bc…what if tara is actually back??
as soon as she touches her, dawn’s jumping up and down - squealing and crying and fussing “it’s you it’s really you!! how? when? you know what, i don’t even care!! it’s you it’s you it’s you!!!!!”
so dawn spends the next several hours parading her around the house and being like “everyone this is tara. she’s a super cool witch and she makes the best pancakes and gives the best hugs” and just. on and on and on about how wonderful tara is
which, of course, tara appreciates. but it’s also kinda exhausting
in the middle of the night, after the excitement’s died down, tara goes into the backyard. and she finds buffy there, trying to have a moment alone
and tara tries to leave, but buffy insists that tara’s presence is the opposite of intrusive. so they sit together.
finally, tara breaks the silence to ask, “so the atmosphere is pretty heavy here. are we really up against something that bad?”
and buffy just kinda starts spewing out all her problems - xander’s injured, caleb’s on the loose, she has to lead an army of innocent girls without superpowers into a death trap etc. etc.
and tara’s so attentive and so kind that buffy starts to feel a little better about everything…even though she knows nothing’s changed
so then buffy asks tara how her first day back on earth was. and tara says that she kinda overwhelmed…not really sure how to process everything.
and there’d be this beautiful, parallel moment to their scene in the body where buffy says exactly what tara needs to hear – offers her empathy and profound connection. 
cut to the next morning where tara’s making breakfast for everyone with dawn and amanda’s help and like. it’s really tentative at first, but it seems like tara’s presence is like a balm on the vineyard tension. morale is slowly, barely starting to be repaired.
willow returns, and she and tara share this intense no-words moment, where they’re building up to something, trying to find the words, but then willow just ends up bursting into tears because she’d thought she’d lost tara forever!! and they hug and it’s an intimate but very unsure moment.
and then xander comes home and it’ not happy, per se, but he’s his usual buffoonish self, and that helps everyone take things less seriously.
buffy watches his ‘welcome home’ party off to the side though, not really feeling like she has a right to jump in because she blames herself for him having to be in the hospital in the first place
so she takes a walk and runs into caleb and he says whatever the thing he says that makes buffy want to go back to the vineyard
they fight. buffy escapes him in the nick of time and returns home.
instead of announcing her theory about something important being guarded at the vineyard to everyone, she pulls aside xander, willow, tara, and dawn.
of course they still react pretty harshly against the idea, but buffy’s like ‘i know it’s risky but i know i’m right! we need to get in there!!’
and everyone’s like “buff we’re gonna die if we go back!!” fighty fight fight
but then tara pipes up and she’s like “okay, buffy usually knows her stuff, so let’s say she’s right and there’s something to be retrieved from this vineyard. what do we need in order to make a raid possible’
and willow and dawn kinda hem and haw but ultimately they’re like…more info wouldn’t hurt – about what we’re looking for or what the preacher’s weaknesses are??
and that’s when spike gets back with andrew and they provide the more info and the episode ends with buffy being like. “alright then it’s settled. i’m going back in. but this time? i go alone.”
sleepover weekend
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