#inception AUs are some of the most intelligently written AUs i have ever read
maxsix · 3 months
So I've been writing a lot of my AA story today but I re-watched Inception as a break. After getting thoroughly distracted by how pretty Cillian Murphy was in 2010 (spoiler: really really ridiculously pretty), I now face the real question: how crazy do I have to be to attempt this as an Ateez AU.
Hongjoong as Cobb. A man in exile for a crime he didn't commit. He is the best dream extractor and finds himself highly sought after on the black market because he in unparalled in his ability to steal secrets from other people's dreams. He is also just trying to find a way back home without being arrested at the airport. He meets Saito, who offers him an impossible job and also a solution home.
Seonghwa as Saito. CEO of a large energy corporation, under threat by a new competitor. Desperate to keep his company afloat, he hires Hongjoong to perform inception on the competitor (Yeosang/Fischer).
Yeosang as Fischer. CEO of the competing corporation, whose mind they will perform inception on.
Yunho as Arthur. Hongjoong's point man on this job. Hongjoong plans and directs the jobs, Yunho is the executive producer: there to research and make sure every knows and does their job correctly. He also looks really nice in a shirt and waistcoat. Yes that's important for his character, shut up.
Mingi as Eames. His role is as the forger, a person who has the ability to "forge" other identities and impersonate anyone required for the inception.
San as Yusuf. He is the chemist, in charge of creating the drugs needed for sedation and shared dreaming. He goes into the inception with the team because they need to go three layers deep.
Wooyoung as Ariadne. He is the architect who designs the foundations and mazes of the dreams. He is also the only one who really knows about the issues with Jongho (the Mal character).
Jongho as the Mal-type character (but not as a wife like in the movie). A very significant part of Hongjoong's subconscious and a source of his anguish.
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callunavulgari · 7 years
TOP 25 FICS OF 2017
1. A Somaal Universe by @kaikamahine | Steven Universe | 7.5k
Connie flips over the next card. “'Most likely to -’” She reads out loud, and then dissolves into laughter and has to start over, propping the card up on her bump. “'Most likely to freak out when you go into labor and break the speed limit getting to the hospital?’” 
“Pearl,” Amethyst and Jasper say in unison.
Heather Says: It was really difficult to choose between this and Favor For Your Four-Chambered Heart as favorite Elizabeth fic for the year, but in the end this one won out because it was one of the first fics this year that made me well and truly happy.
2. The home front by aesc | Stargate Atlantis | 10k
“This had better be the Sheppard residence,” Rodney says, brilliant, agitated life and volume against a monotonous day and Dave’s subdued welcome, “because I’ve been driving around for hours and if I ever find the woman who did the voice on my GPS system I’m going to personally amputate her vocal cords.”
Heather Says: I read this in the pool, precariously balanced on the top step with my body angled weirdly so that I wasn’t holding my phone over the water. I started it before I got in the pool, of course, but I couldn’t put it on hold long enough to swim, so I finished it in the water.
3. Junk Cheap by DevilDoll | Stargate Atlantis | 13.5k
If you were thinking you’d love to read an AU where Rodney is a college professor and John owns a junk shop, this is the story for you.
Heather Says: This might be my favorite SGA fic that I found this year, which is funny since going into the fandom I would have told you that I’d prefer to read fics set in canon. I mean, c’mon. Atlantis? Why would I want to read anything set anywhere else? But this fic perfectly captured John’s lazy personality and Rodney’s crotchety... everything. It’s fabulous.
4. Unidentified by fiercelydreamed | Stargate Atlantis | 30k
Fourteen years, eight months, and seven days after John and Rodney meet, the clock starts all over again.
Heather Says: I’m not typically one for the amnesia trope. I’ve found some good fic for it, but most of the time either the angst or the second-hand embarrassment gets me too hard and I end up exiting out of the fic. This fic was intricate and engaging and introduces a Rodney just off-center from the Rodney that we know.
5. Black Helicopters at Dawn by whizzy | Stargate Atlantis | 240k
Screw the bet. Rodney was going to prove the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence. Oh, and incidentally, he might just catch the United States Air Force with their pants around their ankles.
Heather Says: This fic is long. And beautiful, and sad, and kind of a lot. Also if you’re like me you’ll have to find the third part of it on some weird, sort of sketchy website that hopefully didn’t give you viruses. Or if you’re really desperate you can ask me to send you a copy since I think I still have it somewhere.
6. Like a Lightning Strike by miss_aphelion | Hannibal | 71k
In a world where omegas are instant celebrities and treated like royalty, Will just wants to be left alone. So he keeps what he is a secret, managing to avoid the spotlight and the restrictions that come with it for nearly twenty years.
Then a case goes wrong, and his secrets start to unravel before the entire world—and even more worrying, it happens in front of Hannibal, the alpha that was already fascinated with him before he knew what he was.
Heather Says: Okay, so remember how I said I wasn’t crazy about the amnesia trope? I am really not crazy about the A/B/O trope. Done well enough it’s intriguing, but I read a really awful one way back in the day that basically scarred me for life. That said, this fic came along and hooked me hard. It hasn’t been updated since April, which is disappointing, but it’s well worth the read, even unfinished.
7. Lord, Save Me from Your Followers by anamatics | Supergirl | 27k
Kara, perhaps out of a want for thoroughness in her story, perhaps out of a Millennial-born urge to creep on a the social media of a woman she finds intriguing, discovers that Lena Luthor has a pretty active following on Instagram one afternoon not long after their first meeting. She debates it, just for a moment, before following Lena.
Heather Says: Don’t watch Supergirl? That’s fine! Technically I’ve only seen a couple episodes myself! Read this anyway! This fic has that perfect realness to it that I’ve only found in a very select group of fics and it has cute girls kissing to boot.
8. hood & glove by @fahye | Yuri On Ice | 12k 
“I don’t mess with the fae,” Otabek says.
"I'm not asking you to mess with them," JJ flat-out lies. 
Heather Says: I’ve tried to say things about this three times now. There are fairies. Otabek is a hero. The king of the fairies fell in love with a human and the weather is fucked up. And there is some truly spectacular art within.
  9. With Fire in Their Eyes by @asukaskerian | Yuri On Ice | 8k
He lands butterfly-light in a swirl of hair and glittering gauze, and the ceiling crashes to the rink all around him.
His ears are ringing with heartbeats, his efforts, the cries of the crowd. The rink wobbles under him -- must have landed a bit wrong but he can work through it. Only there are things strewn all over the ice; people usually know to wait until the end to throw roses and tokens and --
Not applause. Screams. The light is wrong because a fourth of the ceiling projectors are missing. The sky is dark. No stars. Something gleams behind the broken sky. And moves. Something he can't -- won't -- something.
Something that's looking at him.
Heather Says: It’s a Pacific Rim/Yuri On Ice crossover. What more could you want?
10. What We Pretend We Can’t See by @gyzym | Harry Potter | 131 k
Seven years out from the war, Harry learns the hard truth of old history: it’s never quite as far behind you as you thought.
Heather Says: I’ve been a fan of gyzym’s stuff since way back in 2009? 2010? Whatever year it was, it was on livejournal back when Inception was a thing. So when I got the notification that she wrote something new? And that the new thing she’d written was 130k of Draco/Harry? I was over the moon. 
11. No Less Unthinkable by @rageprufrock | Yuri On Ice | 79k
In which Katsuki Yuuri fights a losing battle with chronic anxiety, the quadruple Salchow, and his own judgment four drinks in — but wins the war.
Heather Says: I’ve been affectionately dubbing this fic the slutty Yuuri picture show, because damn. The porn itself is exquisitely written, yes, but more than that is the way Yuuri himself is written. That realness that I was talking about above is very prominent here too. 
12. Slithering by @astolat | Harry Potter | 27k
Draco found the nest down in the Manor’s cellars, while he was clearing them out.
Heather Says: I have a weakness for fics with snakes, okay.
13. Hermione Granger’s Hogwarts Crammer for Delinquents on the Run by @waspabi | Harry Potter | 93k
'You’re a wizard, Harry’ is easier to hear from a half-giant when you’re eleven, rather than from some kids on a tube platform when you’re seventeen and late for work.
Heather Says: In addition to just being really fucking great all around, the soundtrack to this fic lead me to some of the best music that I’ve listened to this year.
14. the king of oak by @picqueries | Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them | 38k 
The first thing Percival Graves does after being released back into the world is buy a new wand. He's at Greymalkin's for ten minutes and the only wand that works for him is raw aspen, whiter than bone and so rough that Graves gives himself a splinter conjuring a storm of birds. The wand—dragon heartstring, a most unusual wand for an American wizard, according to a flustered Greymalkin—feels wild, and Graves empties half his wallet on the counter and keeps his hand on his new wand all the way home.
The second thing he does is quit his job, because honestly.
("Grindelwald did his research before he put on your face," Seraphina says reasonably. "And it's not like you're open with your personal life. He has us all fooled."
"He wore scorpion stickpins!" Graves shoots back, somewhat less reasonably.
Seraphina looks at Graves, his pressed creases, his immaculate shirt, the red ruby cufflinks he's wearing to hide the starved brittleness of his wrists. "I'm sorry," she says. It is not enough to make him stay.)
The third thing he does is get jumped by Credence Barebone in an alley.
Heather Says: Okay, okay, okay. But. Wizards are descended from fairies. Should I say it again for those in the back? Wizards are descended from fairies. Honestly, even if this fic had been horribly written I’d be hooked just on that concept alone. Fortunately it’s written beautifully, and is a complete work of art.
15. apocrypha by aerynlallaboso | Dishonored | 97k
The Eighth year of the reign of Empress Emily Kaldwin, First of her Name, the second year without a whisper from the Outsider, is the year the Void chooses to mark the end of an era.
Heather Says: This wasn’t the first Dishonored fic that I read, but it was the first one I’d read that was longer than 5k, and I was just so goddamned pleased with everything about it.
16. A Year In Toussaint by @astolat | The Witcher | 30k
Geralt had no damn idea what to do with a vineyard when Anna Henrietta gave him Corvo Bianco, but he figured it couldn’t be that bad.
Heather Says: Between the Stargate Atlantis and Harry Potter, I read a lot of astolat’s fic this year. I’d noticed that she’d been writing fic for the Witcher, but didn’t much care because I never really played the games. But I was bored one day, so I read one of her Witcher fics. Then another. And another. And then I went out and bought the games. This one is my favorite.
17. wild peaches by @notbecauseofvictories | The Labyrinth | 3.5k
The morning after Sarah Williams defeats the Goblin King, she gets up and makes toast.
Heather Says: The feel of this fic is basically what I want out of everything that I read for the rest of my life. Just the right amount of magic, but eerie and timeless. I have read this fic at least five times since it was published and will probably go on to read it another five times next year.
18. where the weeds take root by @beenghosting | Supernatural | 30k 
“Are you happy? Y’know. Just—being here,” Dean says, gesturing to the yard with his beer bottle. “Being with—I mean, you used to fight in celestial wars and—and save the world. Now you’re growing vegetables and talking about chickens.”
Heather Says: I really adore slice of life fic, especially when it’s an after-the-war-is-over sort of thing rather than just some fluffy AU that the characters have been stuffed into. I haven’t touched anything Supernatural related in years, not because I didn’t love the characters, but because the show was on this slowly creeping spiral downwards, and I just couldn’t. This though, feels like a very organic end for my two favorites, so thank you for giving me closure.
19. Heart and Home by lc2l | Les Mis | 97k
In an alternate Paris, werewolves occupy the majority of the ruling classes, making and adjusting policy to suit their interests. The punishments for a human attacking a werewolf can be brutal, unless they have the protection of a wolf pack.
How this translates to ‘claim Grantaire as your mate to get him out of prison’ is something Enjolras is still trying to get his head around, but he’s never been one to give up on a cause even when it’s sleeping on his sofa.
Heather Says: I, like many other people, watched the movie adaptation of Les Mis several years ago. My ex-girlfriend liked the play, but I’d never seen it. Loved the movie. Loved the play, once I got around to seeing it. But until this was recommended to me by a dear friend, I never once thought of it in the context of fandom. And werewolves! 
20. World Ain’t Ready by idiopathicsmile | Les Mis | 185k
Enjolras presses his lips together. He already looks pained, and Grantaire hasn’t even opened his mouth yet. That’s got to be a record, even for them.
“I need a favor,” he says at last. 
"With what?" says Grantaire. "Ooh, are you forming a cult? Can I join? I'd be awesome at cults, I just know it." He ticks off his qualifications on his fingers. "I love chanting, I look great in robes—" 
Heather Says: The thing about high school AUs that no one ever tells you is that as you grow up, one of two things happens. Either the high school AU in question triggers a massive influx of nostalgia that basically cripples you emotionally or it has you cringing away from the screen, groping blindly until you can ex out of the tab. I’m happy to say that this one is more of the former.
21. despite what you’ve been told by @caseyvalhalla | Yuri On Ice | 14k
When Victor falls, he goes down hard.
Heather Says: All I wanted out of the Yuri On Ice fandom was a good, long in-depth look at the inside of Victor’s brain. This is the fic where I got it.
22. these things take time by sonhoedesrazao | Les Mis | 63k
He’s always wary of making assumptions; even more so when Grantaire is concerned. He knows he’s not the easiest person to deal with. People either like him or can’t stand him, and it’s easy to respond to those reactions, but Grantaire—Grantaire is hostile and mocking, Grantaire scorns his beliefs, and Grantaire stays.
Heather Says: This fic soothed my soul during a particular rough patch this year. There are dates and misunderstandings and some pretty intense UST and it’s just wonderful all around.
23. Watercast by @fishwrites | Voltron | 113k
Shiro has been a Galra prisoner for over a year; with his flight feathers clipped and unable to fly. Desperate to escape, he jumps overboard while being transported to the capitol on a Galran ship. Lance is a merman who saves him from drowning. Keith thinks Shiro is about to become mermaid dinner. Hunk just wants Lance to stop going to the surface all the time, dammit!
Heather Says: When the most recent chapter of this came out, I ended up going back and rereading it, because I was on the beach, and it seemed like a really good time to read about mermen and flying bird people and I am just. So excited for this fic all over again.
24. Fifteen Men in September by ballantine | Black Sails | 34k
Fifteen men on the dead man’s chest Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum! Drink and the devil had done for the rest Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!
A Black Sails origin story for the song.
Heather Says: I stopped watching Black Sails after the end of season one, because there was a lot of things that we were watching at the time, and it was the one to get cut. I don’t even remember how this fic got recced to me, but I’m thrilled that it did because it’s made me go back and keep watching.
25. Patience on a Monument by betts | Game of Thrones | 21k
Having a Jaime in your life means living in a soap opera, except you can’t DVR it to watch later, and the main character sometimes ends up in your guest bedroom for an undisclosed period of time because he has a woefully codependent relationship with his sister.
Heather Says: It’s. So. Good.
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