#incense cone holder
goldenhands · 11 days
Incorporating Sterling Silver Pendant Necklaces into Your Everyday Wardrobe: Tips for Effortless Style!
You may have heard the saying, — “A necklace doesn’t just adorn the neck — it completes an outfit..” — Well, that’s quite true! Agree right? Well, fashion trends do come and go, but one trend that has been adored for centuries is — the Sterling Silver pendant necklace.
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drowningferret-x · 1 year
I’ve had the weird little cat figurine for awhile now and I just found the perfect use for it.
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omegaincense · 3 months
Benefits of Maple Incense
 To Buy Incense Online- Click here
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there is no guarantee the trinkets are not cursed. choose at your own risk. reblog to keep the trinket shop traveling.
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tibetan-incense · 1 year
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phoolofficial · 2 years
Lavender Incense Sticks from Phool
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Lavender incense sticks has a calming and soothing aroma that helps to relieve stress and anxiety. It is also known to promote relaxation, aid in sleep, and enhance meditation. Burning lavender incense can create a peaceful environment and promote a sense of tranquility.
For more, check out the Incense Store!
Incense Cones | Incense Sticks
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nevesceramics · 7 months
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skeleton bluegill incense holder
cone 6 white stoneware, underglaze, glaze
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seafoamaphrodite · 3 months
a beginner’s guide to…
✨ altars ✨
here are some materials you can use for an altar, whether it is for your spellwork, a deity, or any other use! altars should reflect your personality, and be a space where you feel happy and safe :D
none of these materials are required, and everything is completely customizable to your beliefs! (just practice respect and safety obviously)
🕯️ basics 🕯️
an altar cloth is a piece of fabric that covers your altar. this could be a bandana, a small blanket, or even a piece of paper!
a glass plate is a mundane but VERY versatile altar piece. it can work as an offering dish, a tray to collect wax drippings, or just a little trinket holder
candles are an easy addition to any altar. you can use any type of candle, but my favorites are taper and prayer candles. scented candles are completely fine to use as well! choose candles based on color and scent
natural materials like crystals, flowers, plants, animal bones (responsibly sourced), etc. are an incredible addition to any altar! if you have a deity altar, learn about their associations and use this to guide your choice
paper and pen/pencil will be your best friend if you write petitions, draw sigils, etc. keep them near your altar for convenience
🌱 cleansing 🌱
many people believe an area should be “cleansed” before it is used as an altar or sacred space
methods of cleansing include incense, water cleansing, sage smudging, and more
incense cleansing is often done by wafting an incense stick or cone through a space and visualizing the smoke clearing out negative energy
sandalwood, lavender, and rosemary are common incense choices for cleansing
water cleansing is something i do a lot, it can be done by sprinkling water in an area or even washing/pouring water. regular tap water is perfectly fine, but you can also incorporate moon water, sun water, rainwater, etc.
smudging with sage involves burning a bundle of sage and, similar to incense cleansing, wafting the smoke through the area. sage smudging is traditional to indigenous tribes like the Lakota and Navajo. as a result, sage smudging (especially the use of white sage) is often considered cultural appropriation when done by non-indigenous people. i am not indigenous nor do i use sage, so i am not incredibly well versed on the subject but i thought i should include it. always do research and practice respect and sensitivity 💌
🌙 takeaways 🌙
finally, your altar is YOUR space. you can include or exclude anything you want; your space doesn’t need to be “aesthetic” or make sense to others
my first altar was a cardboard box with one candle and a handful of crystals. it wasn’t expensive or fancy, but it got me into my practice
through the years, my altar has grown and changed as i have
if you want to make an altar, start with what you have! you would be surprised how powerful your resources are 🩷
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millipedegf · 1 year
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made an incense cone / ring holder today
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dark-corner-cunning · 1 month
Crown of Glory: A Hair Growth Working
This is a simple working that is meant to be a fun addition to your hair care routine. I am using this as a weekly hair oil treatment. Feel free to use all of it, parts of it, or none at all. It’s your hair journey, so make it your own! Go wild and create your own working if you would like, too. I will post updates in the next few months of the results.
Hair, that crowning glory atop our heads, has long been revered as a symbol of power, vitality, and spiritual connection. It is said to be an extension of the self, a tangible manifestation of inner strength and identity. In bygone eras, hair was so cherished that its loss was often seen as a sign of misfortune or a weakening of the spirit.
This working is a form of Wortcunning, where magick and medicinal plant knowledge intertwine. This hair growth oil is infused with herbs known to help stimulate hair growth, combat hair loss & thinning hair, breakage, and nourish the scalp. It is essential to remember that while magick can be a potent tool, it is not a replacement for proper hair care and a healthy lifestyle. Nourish your body from within, and let this working be a catalyst for transformation.
As with all workings, approach this spell with reverence and intention. Harness the power of nature and your own inner strength to cultivate a Crown of Glory worthy of royalty.
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Ingredients for the Crown of Glory Hair Growth Oil:
To harness the power of nature for lush, thriving hair, I have carefully selected a blend of potent herbs and oils.
Rosemary: Renowned for its hair-growth-stimulating properties, rosemary has been shown to rival the effects of commercial hair growth treatments.
Nettle Root: Rich in nutrients, nettle root helps combat hair loss by inhibiting DHT, a hormone linked to thinning hair.
Saw Palmetto Berries: Traditionally used to address hair loss, Saw Palmetto Berries offers support for overall hair health.
Garden Sage: Stimulating blood circulation to the scalp, sage encourages thicker hair growth and pairs beautifully with rosemary.
Horsetail (Herb): Packed with silica, this herb strengthens hair strands, preventing breakage and promoting growth.
Evening Primrose Oil: Nourishing both new and existing hair, evening primrose oil contributes to longer, healthier locks.
Safflower Oil: A lightweight carrier oil, safflower oil aids in absorption of the herbal properties while also stimulating hair growth at the cellular level, and nourishes the scalp. Liquid Coconut Oil can also be used.
To maximize the potency of the ingredients, the oil infusion process spanned a full 30-day moon cycle. However, a rapid infusion method can also be employed for those seeking a quicker remedy. There are plenty of resources and videos on YouTube on both of these methods.
Ingredients Used For Working:
I painted my workspace with chalkboard paint, but don't worry if you can't! Any flat surface or even paper will work as long as your candles are safe and sound in holders while burning.
Hair Growth Oil or Your favorite hair growth oil
4 green candles ( I used chime candles)
Green chalk (white is a good sub)
Blessing oil (I use a mix of Frankincense & Myrrh with clear quartz crystal inside the bottle... all charged by a full moon)
A Bluetooth speaker
Frankincense & Myrrh Incense Cones
Steps For My Working:
First, let's get your space ready for magick! Cleanse everything up, and give your candles and tools a little cleansing & consecrating. I love burning Frankincense & Myrrh incense for this part.
Next, you can write "Hair Growth" or whatever phrase/keywords work for you on your green candles, starting from the bottom and going up. Put them safely in their holders and drip your blessing oil on each candle.
Next, draw a spiral with green chalk, starting from the outside and working your way in. Then, draw little arrows pointing from your candles to the spiral. This is like focusing all the candle magick into one powerful spot!
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Now at the spiral's heart, position the speaker and place your bottled hair growth oil on top of the speaker. I used a hair growth frequency to pulse through it, like a sonic energy spell to charge and attune the oil.
Then you will want to turn on the music and light those candles. Remember to light them going clockwise – it's like winding up the working.
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Now as the music plays and the candles flicker, close your eyes and picture your Crown of Glory! While you’re visualizing your dream hair, say this:
By the power of nature's might, May my hair grow strong and bright. Roots deep, strands long and free, A crown of glory, wild and free. Grow, my locks, strong and deep, Let ancient powers your spirit keep. With every drop, a potent spell, To break the bonds where tresses dwell. Crown my head with growth anew, May hair flourish, strong and true. Let follicles awaken, deep and sound, As vital force is richly found. As this oil is blessed and shaken, May hair growth be fully awakened.
When all the candles are finished burning, you can clean up your space. You can throw away or recycle things as you normally would.
May the Gods, Goddesses, and Moon bless your workings, and may the universe conspire in your favor. Happy Casting Seekers!
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goldenhands · 12 days
Hexara Witch Figurine 15cm
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This product is hand-painted. Each polyresin product created by Nemesis Now is hand-painted, each product may have slight differences in appearance.
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oonajaeadira · 1 year
Tiny Shrine: Anubis
There’s something about spring that makes me get all crafty and I don’t know what that is. Maybe it’s the fact that I can finally get outside to spraypaint / use chemicals. Maybe it’s because the SO is finally going away to the cabin on the weekends and leaving me to my own devices. I don’t know.
So I found this box:
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And it’s got this weird little grate in it?
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I don’t know what it is. A humidor? Potpourri box? Is it for remains? No clue.
But the grate lifts out....
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...and it reminds me of a little confessional.
And I, the perpetual altar-maker says, yes. This should be a tiny shrine. But for whom?
Dude. No brainer. My patron diety, protector of the dead, lover of the living, weigher of hearts and lord of secrets... 
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I’ll put the photos under the cut. This is mostly for @lowlights​ since I promised her pictures of my tarot shrine and haven’t been able to work on that one (much bigger project). So she gets this for now. But maybe y’all can appreciate a little craftaganza?
We start with the outside. Let’s add his cartouche and his symbol, the ankh. Because even through Anubis is the god of the dead, he also symbolizes eternal life and appreciating all the beauty of the current one.
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And on the other side, let’s add the man of the hour himself.
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Okay. I was going to do the cartouche in gold, but @feathersandfoxtails​ gave me the inspiration to keep the shrine like a little Egyptian tomb--all business on the outside and let the inside shine.
Like this.
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He’s back there, but the grate gives him a little privacy.
So I learned gold leafing for this project and want to bedeck everything now. The grate was just done in gold paint tho. I kept the good stuff for his room.
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Tada!!! Tiny shrine for a tiny god! There’s a little carpet (thank you, actual woven carpet bookmark) and a couple of scarabs @feathersandfoxtails​ gave me from Egypt. That little golden pot next to him is a holder for an incense cone...and when I light that sucker up and put the grate on it, it’s gonna spill out like our boy is hot boxing himself in Egyptian musk.
He’s kinda hard to see here, but you have to lookit my wee Anubis. He’s so sweet:
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And now he’s got a home!!!
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I’m just so tickled with how it turned out. I hope he is too.
Thank you for indulging my crafting excitements. I’ve got a whole bunch of other ones to make, so watch this space for more tiny shrines...
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omegaincense · 3 months
8 Benefits of Rose Incense Sticks: A Fragrant Path to Wellness
To Buy Incense Online- Click here
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ioniansunsets · 6 months
🕊️ for Heartsteel Yone? :-3
"🕊️- 3 habits you have?"
He has routines. Things he does everyday when he wakes up and every night before he sleeps. Things that Yone does to make sure he has time for himself through the hustle and bustle of being a producer for Heartsteel. I think they count as habits?
Morning meditation! The incense wood/scent varies, and whether he does yoga or just listens to music that can change. But he always squeezes out 15-30 minutes before the start of his day to light something, and spend sometime meditating without the interruptions of anything. I'd like to think he has a personal habit of buying incense sticks/cones form places he visits to remember them by. (or maybe even incense holders too)
He then goes and makes coffee for himself while checking his notifs (only personal! this is his designated alone time to talk to people before his work day). Just like before it can vary! Be it coffee that he painstakingly brews himself on that fancy coffeemachine he spent a paycheck on or just an exhausted packet of instant coffee or even just opening a can of pre-made coffee and just adding his own ice. As long as he spends some part of his morning at some point making himself coffee and checking up whatever news he missed while he was asleep.
At night before bed he has a skincare/haircare routine. He's an idol after all, if people are going to look at him, he needs to make sure both his skin and hair is presentable. He'd shower and spend like 30 minutes with a handful of products for his gorgeous long hair and almost spotless face. I'd like to think he'd be the kind to listen to mixes from other producers he looks up to while he does all of this. If he spends 30 minutes of meditation to prepare for the work day then his beauty routine before bed is his 30 minutes of winding down before bed <3
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which-item-poll · 6 months
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Etsy shop
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vanilla-cigarillos · 1 year
How To Use Incense
While not specific to witchcraft practices, incense is something that can add layers to your practice. However, not everyone knows how to use it, so I wanted to make a quick post detailing how you can use the different kinds of incense.
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Incense Sticks
These are the most common forms of incense you’ll be able to find. The picture I used at the top of the post is an example of an incense stick! These forms of incense are best used in smaller spaces, such as a bedroom or bathroom. 
How to Use: For stick incense, hold the tip in a flame until it ignites. Gently blow out the flame, allowing the incense to smolder and release its aroma. Make sure that the tip remains the orangey-glow of a flame in order for the burning to continue through the entire incense stick.
Incense Cones and Backflow Cones
Backflow cones are similar to incense cones, except that the smoke flows downwards instead of upwards because they have a hole at the base. Cones are generally best used in bigger spaces such as living rooms due to their longer burning times and ability to double as centerpieces. 
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How to Use: For cone incense, hold the tip in a flame until it ignites. Gently blow out the flame, allowing the incense to smolder and release its aroma. Make sure that the tip remains the orangey-glow of a flame in order for the burning to continue through the entire cone. For backflow cones, place them on a backflow incense holder to allow the smoke to have beautiful designs.
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