#incense back flow burner
mysticaloddities · 2 years
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thatdamnokie · 3 months
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i love you emotional support unicorn incense burner.
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aoifeoffical · 3 months
Lady Earth Flow | Ethereal Blues AU
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Name: Golden Nosed Albino Rat Spirit, ½ Guanyin, Lady Earth Flow
Age: 960 - 1,519 years old (32–35)
Gender: Female
Race: Chinese
Theme: Blumenkranz
Nickname: Rat
DOB: ???
Height: 5'6 - 167cm (Real), 6'6 - 198cm (With heels)
Occupation: Empress
Family: Yìchén (Daughter)
Role: Villainess in JTTW
Reblogging is much appreciated!
"Humanity are such fragile creatures.."
Lady Earth Flow is actually the Golden Nosed Albino Rat Spirit who attained her powers after practicing Taoist arts for 300 years. She secretly ate the Candles of Redolent Blossoms at Vulture Peak and called herself "Half-Guanyin". She has fought and defeated by the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King, Li Jing, and the Third Lotus Prince, Nezha, is ready to finish to kill her. However, the Buddha told them both to spare her life and she has become grateful for mercy. Li Jing adopted the rat out of pity, thus she acknowledged Li Jing as her godfather and Nezha as her godbrother.
She moved to the Bottomless Pit at Flaming Air Mountain while self-proclaiming herself 'Empress' among the rat spirits and renamed herself "Lady Earth Flow". Years later, Lady Earth Flow had birthed the Golden Nosed Obsidian Rat Spirit/Yìchén and titled her as 'princess'.
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Lady Earth Flow owns different variety of swords made by the personal blacksmiths, found in her own civilization with its valuable metals that has extraordinary properties, including the ability to absorb, store, and release the large amounts of kinetic energy. Lighter than steel, conductor of electricity, and almost impossible to destroy.
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In JTTW, the pilgrims pass by Black Pines Forest, she disguises herself as a human damsel and uses Yìchén to attract the great monk's attention. Tang Sanzang takes pity on both her and her daughter, he lets accompany them to a nearby temple, but Sun Wukong sees through the demonic cover.
While the pilgrim rest and Yìchén is resting in a temporary temples as she has been feed with milk, Lady Earth Flow lured and ate six monks in three nights and was about to lure Tang Sangzang to try and seduce him, but thankfully Sun Wukong caught her in time as the two fought.
After numerous attempts, Wukong put her in a tight spot and he brought Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing to fight along side to corner her. Lady Earth Flow uses her time to distract them with her trick and captured Tang Sangzang and taking Yìchén back in her arms.
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With Tang Sangzang in her domain, she actually doesn't want to eat him for immortality. Instead, she wants to marry him. Her servants brought him vegan meals and clean water for him to drink, they went out to satisfy the basic needs for him to survive. Clearly, Tang Sangzang is very much committed to Buddhism and she's trying her best to persuade him to marry her and become Yìchén's stepfather so they can be a family together.
Wukong, being a small fly, tells his master that he'll go in the wine and once she's drinks it, he'll immediately kill her.
So she puts up a toast for the two to drank wine together, Tang Sangzang interfere her to don't drink it as Wukong's plan failed.
He ran to the sacred shine that has a tablet on it and Yìchén is playing nearby. Wukong was ready to destroy the tablet to get his impulsiveness out, he suddenly stop and read the tablet, belonging it to Li Jing and Nezha. So, he took the tablet and Yìchén with him to file a complaint to the Jade Emperor up in the Celestial Realm.
Up in the Celestial Realm, Li Jing was being accused that he adopted his daughter. Prove that Wukong is carrying the incense burners, tablet, and a literal baby in his arms as evidence. Li Jing is denying, saying that he only has three sons, Jinzha, Muzha, and Nezha, and he also claimed that he has a "seven year old daughter" whom she doesn't know anything about demons or monsters.
Wukong scoffed it off as he head on to the tablet to Li Jing. He did and his eyes turned to Yìchén because she does have a gold nose on her face. Aware that this evidence is real, he tried to take the tablet away from Wukong, but Wukong backed it off and he implied that Li Jing is trying to destroy it. If that doesn't work, Li Jing will execute Wukong for treason (obviously it didn't work he can't die.). Nezha stopped the assault as he admits that Lady Earth Flow is family. Nezha points to Yìchén and that newborn is also a part of the family, making her his adopted grandfather, who has nothing to do with this situation.
Li Jing apologized to Wukong for accusing him, but Wukong is adamant on suing both the father and son. But he will let it slide for their sake because he wants his master safe and sound while continuing he wants to continue onwards to the journey.
Meanwhile, Lady Earth Flow is trying and trying to persuade Tang Sangzang into marrying him and once he said, Lady Earth Flow snapped as she raise her dagger to strike him in the heart. She was stopped by Nezha and the celestial army. She plead for Nezha to spare, but how could he after the stunt she pulled after the first mercy he was halted.
OThis punishment cause Lady Earth Flow and the rest of the rat spirits were involved with the plot arrested by the celestial armies to face imprisonment, where she had to leave Yìchén behind to fend for herself in the later centuries.
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I don't know what will happen in LMK S5, but I doubt that she'll appear in it. But it was fun drawing her in my art style!
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Terrible sense of direction
😇🌿🧚 Angel (or heavenly spirit) Lan Zhan meets fae (or nature spirit) Wei Ying and is smitten. Up to you how the upright Lan Zhan ended up in the fae wilds.
Lan Wangji is not lost. He is not lost, shut up. He knows exactly where he is.
Kind of.
Anyway, he isn't lost, he absolutely intends to be here! ...in this big, dense forest that doesn't have a marked pathway anymore...
Okay, fine, he is lost. Whatever. It's not his fault his brother is terrible at giving directions! And it's also not his fault that Lan Xichen's flown off who knows where surrounded by nymphs after, not even waiting to see if Lan Wangji had any questions.
Shameless! They're not even supposed to - to - mingle with others like that! They're on official duty! And no, whatever Lan Xichen is doing with those nymphs is none of that. Lan Wangji is old enough to know what his brother means with "discussing private matters with our allies" and it doesn't involve talking!
So, here Lan Wangji is, in the middle of nowhere, lost like a dumbass. The whole Hanguang-Jun, lost. Ridiculous! Lan Wangji is angry and he's lost and he's going to take all that out on-
"Hey! Hey! You've cut off enough of my trees!" A voice comes seemingly from among the leaves, materializing into a beautiful man in flowing, dark robes. "I don't know what your deal is, but stop destroying my house!"
Lan Wangji is too pissed off to notice this man is, one, a fae. Two, incredibly hot. Three, showing too much cleavage.
He doesn't notice any of that, quiet!
"So?" The man continues, eyes crossed over his bare, shining, muscular - focus, Lan Wangji - chest, "Why are you here doing all this lumberjack business with a spiritual sword? Are you guys up in the Air Kingdom running out of jobs or something?"
Lan Wangji glares. He isn't going to laugh, that wasn't funny. It was not.
"I am on official business."
"Then you're very lost because we don't do that here."
"What do you mean? There is no-"
The forest spirit shifts his weight from one leg to the other, suddenly on guard. "We're, um, unaffiliated."
"Unaff..." realization and horror pass Lan Wangji's features consecutively. "Am I in the-"
"The Burial Forests, yes."
"Which means you're..."
The forest spirit smiles, eyes glinting red. "The Yiling Laozu."
The forest suddenly feels darker, sunlight now hidden by rows upon rows of thick leaves as dark smoke floats from deep within the ground, the Yiling Laozu's eyes shining ominously in the dark.
"You've heard what happens to those that cross my territory." A smile. "I'll send my regards to the Air Kingdom once I'm done with you."
Lan Wangji sighs, contently, eyes opening to the breaking dawn. Wei Wuxian groans into his chest, poking his chest only a bit too hard.
"You're terrible! What happened with letting me be scary and take control? Now I won't be able to move for days! I have a night hunt coming up, Lan Zhan!"
"You initiated this in the first place. Should have expected it."
"Evil! Hanguang-Jun is evil!"
Lan Wangji laughs, "Mn. Very."
"Anyway, as punishment for tricking me, you get to return the incense burner to the forbidden library."
Lan Wangji's face falls. That is a horrible punishment. "Wei Ying..."
"None of that!
He lets his voice drop lower, "A-Ying..."
"Quiet! You think you can just A-Ying me and I'll limp into the library in front of your uncle to bring back the damn thing?! No way!"
Lan Wangji kisses him, sweetly and manipulatively. "Please?"
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conjuremanj · 1 year
Traditional Road Opener with Rituals
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In traditional Hoodoo life is one long road from Birth to the Grave, that's when we'll to become ancestors ourselves. The term Road Opening is not used in hoodoo back in the day it was called Blockbusting. So if you go to a spiritual shop and see a road opener and a blockage candle it's the same thing. It gets rid of blockages, and do away with the obstacles in your or your clients life.
There also is a Blockbuster (read my post in that up top)
Now in the Spanish version like Santeria they may use a herb like Abre Camino which means "opens road, where the plant may be used.
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Now think of it as a road where our blessings come one way and our gifts our free will comes the other way. ☝️ Sometimes we can get side-tracked that ends up with a blockage in our way. It may be from pursuing a person we should not be pursuing or a job we should pursue or a life path. Now I'm not saying you can't have those things just that it may not be the right time for those yet there are many reasons we can get blocked.
So when we pursue those blessings that comes towards us and don't received them it's because we put blockages in front of ourselves then we ask why. Why am I not receiving my blessings. That why... Your Blocked.
So when you use a blockbuster your undoing the blockages so that the blessings can start flowing towards you again. And it's does not matter if your blocked in love or money or even employment this will help you to receive those blessings and have them flow back to you again. Now if it's yourself that is blocked see my last post there's another spell for your self to stop blockages. Do both if you feel you need to.
Candles: We know that road opening colors are green, yellow, gold some are red. But you can used a color base on the type of opening you're doing. [Example of it's money that is blocked green is a good choice if it's love use that color if it's spiritual use white] So for this spell color can help if you don't have one white is fine.
Ritual: You will need a Bay leaf. Charcoal frankincense and myrrh and Incense burner. Write on a bay leaf the things that are holding you back.
We use the bay leaf because the leaf is a carrier it invokes spirits and ancestors to walk with you to identify the problem and to help get rid of the burdens and we use the frankincense and myrrh help cleanse the road and give them that extra push to get it out of your way.
Pray the 23rd psalms and walk around with it your going to walk because these are your burdens and you must carry it. This isn't a working where you can just let it burn and walk away NO. Just continue to pray the 23 psalms while you walk around (just like if your sageing) untill the bay leaf is completely burned out. It's important.
Now once you finish your road opening take those opportunities that come up even if it's not what you really want it's a opportunity to get where you need and want to be so take those opportunities when they present themselves.
Full Spell: If needed.
Road Opener Candle Spell: First you'll make a name paper. Take 4" x 4" piece of paper and write "Open Roads" on it stacked 3 times. Turn the paper 1/4 turn clockwise and write your name across it stacked 3 times. Dab a bit of Road Opener Oil on the four corners and center of the paper and set it aside.
Get a Yellow jumbo candle glass is ok, and dab a bit of Road Opener Oil on it. Stroke the oil on the candle toward you saying "Open my roads to me unblock health, love, money and opportunities unblock this________ I have so I may receive the blessings I deserve!" Set the candle in a candle holder.
Place the name paper on a plate then sprinkle a bit of Road Opener powder on top of the name paper in the shape of a large "+" (making a little crossroad on the plate)
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(if you decide to go outside draw this symbol on the ground same way. Pour a little rum or whisky on top then place the candle in the center)
Place the candle in the center of the "+" of the herbal powder on the plate. Use your rattle and bell to bring spirit and or ancestors to you for help blow your cigar on the altar.
Now pray to God in your own words for the obstacles in your life to be cleared away and release the blockages so you can move toward your goals and the blessings in your life to be open and easy.
Next writ your problems on a bay leaf and follow the prayer and ritual instructions I mentioned at the top.
After your done with the bay leaf other instructions mention at the top. Hold the candle, take a moment to think and picture all of the goals you would like to accomplish in life as if you already had them. Once you've pictured all of your goals and desires, say "Amen" Let the candle burn all the way down.
Candle Read: Once the candle is done burning you can interpret the way the wax drippings are shaped for signs as to the success of your spell. (this is a very subjective and interpretive art - please if you need help interpreting your candle contact me for free)
Finishing Up: by taking the wax remains, the paper etc, wrapped it up and leave it in the trash. You don't need to go to a crossroads if you don't want to. Throw it away with all your problems.
Let me know how this goes if you try these.
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skeptiquewrites · 2 years
Microfic Process: Pt 2
In part one I talked a little bit of how I write microfics, but here's an example with the latest prompt, by request of @tackytigerfic. This is how this process plays out in all the detail you could want about how I write them. Possibly too much detail, you decide.
So the latest prompt is ‘found.’ The first thing that comes to mind is lost & found, but that’s not really much to write anything about. I told a personal story earlier this week about how my elementary school made you wear a cardigan out of the lost and found when you forgot yours, which I did frequently as a very absentminded kid, but the idea of writing about Harry getting more hand-me-downs than he’s already had in his life makes me sad. Idea tossed. 
I’ve been listening to a lot of Arctic Monkeys since I now have AM on vinyl, and there’s the lyric, “I’m not sure if I should/show you what I found” in Fireside. It’s about a past relationship, and the places you have/had together. A better concept than lost and found. 
Some structure stuff then, which is that I like to vary formats and POVs a little. I’ve done dialogue only as my last so that’s out, and I don’t feel like doing a text fic. I lean third person and Harry POV, so let’s go with first person and Draco. 
“I had ended the argument by saying it was my house.” Eugh. Don’t love that. Starting over. 
“I told him to get out, that I couldn't stand the sight of him. I didn't know then that he would stay." I like the first sentence but not the second. 
“I told him to get out, that I couldn't stand the sight of him. Little did I know, he could be gone and here at the same time. It's the worst kind of curse.” Eh, not sold on the last sentence. Deleting. But I like the idea it’s one of those curses they have cast on each other. What’s the lyric from Chicago Is So Two Years Ago by Fall Out Boy? Right, “The only thing you’ll get is this curse on your lips/I hope they taste of me forever.” 
I’ve also read the word lintel recently and after Googling I know I haven’t mistaken it for another word. Maybe. I’m thinking of the way my mom when I moved into any house after leaving hers, she came over and burned incense and blessed every doorway. I thought it was silly, but lately I find it comforting. 
“I told him to get out, that I couldn't stand the sight of him. Little did I know, he could be gone and here at the same time. Every doorway and window is like Harry kissed his fingertips against them” 38 words. Don’t like the word window, it disrupts the flow. Second sentence is wobbly but may well proceed. 
Okay. “I told him to get out, that I couldn't stand the sight of him. Little did I know, he could be gone and here at the same time. It feels like Harry kissed his fingertips and pressed them against every lintel.” 41 words. Obviously this is a ghost metaphor, but if I use the word ghost it’s too obvious. Harry’s still alive just not with him. No MCD today, friends, spooky season or not. 
Also Harry’s name is mentioned too late for my liking and why did I add a comma? Going to change the spacing. I think arguments themselves are not very interesting (see: Simple Things), but I should hint at something. 
“I told Harry to get out, that I couldn't stand the sight of him. 
Little did I know he could be gone and here at the same time. It feels like Harry kissed his fingertips and pressed them against every lintel. 
But if Harry can't promise to come home safe, it's for the best.”
54 words. Eh, I don’t really love Harry is in danger as a reason for them to have had a real barn burner of an argument. 
“I told Harry to get out, that I couldn't stand the sight of him. 
Little did I know he could be gone and here at the same time. It feels like Harry kissed his fingertips and pressed them against every lintel. 
It's for the best, I remind myself, if he wouldn't say it back.”
54 words. I like this better but that last sentence is a bit unwieldy. Also I think ‘it’ is a bit too vague. It’s about I love you, but I don’t really think that’s the argument either. But it is context so:
“I told Harry to get out, that I couldn't stand the sight of him. 
Little did I know he could be gone and here at the same time. It feels like Harry kissed his fingertips and pressed them against every lintel. 
Then again, he'd never said he loved me back.”
50 words. And I’ll read them out loud. Sounds good. I even avoided lingering, my favourite word and starting a sentence with but. Checking the tenses again. Usually tagging gives enough context, and I’ll note it’s just a break up. I do like Lost and Found as a title even if I didn’t use it to write this. I could use What I Found. Actually, I like that better. Will credit. And that’s one microfic done. 
Here it is.
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pleb-the-original · 11 months
Bonus Day 2: 5 by 5
(Surprise! Here's the bonus day's only fandom entry. You can't tell me to do something with fives and NOT expect my mind to go to Fifthism. Problem is that this is probably my least favorite of the bonus day entries. Trying to write in that clinical style with barely any motivation or ideas fried my brain to hell and back. So take whatever this is, trust me the other bonus entries were created with motivation and heart.) Name: The Quintus Collective aka SCP-7159 Species: Cobra, Eagle, Koala, Roach, Squid Personality: Laidback, chill, groovy, very go with the flow, content with life Summary: SCP-7159 is the collective designation for a group of five animals that share anomalous traits. Each animal shares the same level of sentience and sapience, as well as possessing the ability of human speech despite lacking vocal cords. Calling themselves the Quintus collective, each animal displays a personality comparable to the hippy stereotype from the 1960s. They are constantly seen either gathering around incense burners or listening to music on an old record player. Every Sunday, they gather to discuss philosophical teachings which have mainly consisted of supposed hidden messages in certain pieces of music. They also seem to interpret messages from incense smoke, although no consistency has been noted between interpretations. SCP-7159 was recovered from an abandoned church that had been noted for suspected Fiftist activity. When interviewed, SCP-7159 displayed no knowledge of Fiftist doctrine or SCP-1425. 
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It's International Organize Your Spellbooks Day!  Established in 1817 by warlock Casper Smethwyck, it's a regular occasion on which to sort out all your tomes and scrolls.  Here are some timely tips.
- If you find written material in your spellbook collection that you do not remember acquiring, DO NOT assume you simply forgot picking it up at an estate sale or from a friend.  Have it checked over for mind-affecting aura and malicious infiltration charms; if you can't do this yourself, you can dial 666 to get an emergency housecall from Spell Control.
- Control paper- and parchment-nibbling pests with enchanted incense, but make sure you have a tip-proof burner to avoid accidental fire.
- Choose an organizational scheme and stick to it.  Whether you like to organize by topic, mana intensity, author, date, or any other parameter, keep it consistent throughout your library - that will save you time finding that one cantrip later on.
- Always shelve books upright!  If they're too tall for your shelves, get taller shelves, or get bookends and store them on a table or the floor.  Storing spellbooks with their spines not upright can cause enchanted ink to flow and pool on the page, rendering the inscriptions difficult or impossible to read.  All bound spellbooks are inked to a standard that expects upright storage, though they'll tolerate being left open on their backs or at an angle long enough for you to consult them.
- If you have the time to spare, inventorying your library and making yourself a reference of what you have and where it is can save you and your guests a lot of hassle in the long run.
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m0n0-t0n3 · 1 year
I just need a back flow incense burner then I have all of the different types
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animalfantasy · 23 hours
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: LED Alien Space Capsule Incense Cone Burner Light Up Color Changing New 14657.
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style-your-image · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Dragon Back-flow-Incense Burner-Gifts Figurine Decor - Dragon Aromatherapy.
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lvoon11 · 7 months
This beautiful Waterfall Ceramic Backflow Incense Burner was created by skilled craftsmen in a traditional style. It releases a constant stream of incense smoke in multi-layers back-flow that gently perfumes the room. Specification: Material: Ceramic Size: Approx 9cm x 20cm (4 x 8 inches) Package: 1 x Incense Burner
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nagchampaagarbatti · 10 months
The Cultural Significance of Backflow Dhoop Cones: Traditions and Rituals
Backflow incense, also known as waterfall incense, has become a popular incense product, cherished for its extensive benefits, from aesthetics to incense optimization. The unique combination of incense and décor has made it a top choice for incense enthusiasts, especially for gifting and home decoration. However, many people are unaware of the cultural significance and the wide range of benefits these dhoop cones offer. The following guide provides an overview of backflow dhoop cones.
The History
Backflow incense traces its origins back to Asian lands such as India, Indonesia, Thailand, and more. These dhoop cones have been utilized in rituals, ceremonies, and various practices due to their cascading waterfall-like effect.
Spiritual and Aesthetic Significance Worldwide
Dhoop incense finds applications in multiple religious ceremonies, and the waterfall element of backflow incense creates a tranquil effect, combined with its fragrant properties. Backflow incense cones hold significance in festive and religious celebrations, offering serenity and spirituality. Furthermore, these backflow cones, with their waterfall-like effect, provide a Zen-like ambiance, promoting inner peace and mindfulness, particularly in Japanese culture.
Apart from Asiatic regions, backflow incense cones have gained popularity in the Western world. The aroma and calming visuals of these incense cones attract people globally as they provide mindfulness, relaxation, and spiritual connection. These incense cones find applications in wellness centers, homes, offices, yoga studios, and more due to their tranquil effects.
Backflow Incense Cones: Benefits
With their extensive global usage, backflow incense cones offer the following benefits:
Ease of Usage: Backflow incense cones are easy to use, just like regular cones. They do not require any special conditions and can be easily lit and placed on backflow burners.
Durability: These incense cones spread a lingering aroma throughout the space for hours, creating a fragrant atmosphere.
Aesthetics: The waterfall effect of backflow incense cones adds an artistic touch to the environment. The artistic appeal of these incense burners and cones enhances home interiors, yoga studios, aromatherapy centers, meditation spaces, and more. The flowing elements of these incense burners exude glamour and aromatics.
Aromatic: Backflow incense cones release fragrances such as sage, Palo Santo, Musk, Sandalwood, rose, and more, providing a lasting aroma.
Detoxifying Properties: These cones can cleanse the surroundings, eliminating unpleasant odors and negativity while creating a positive ambiance. The unique aroma of backflow cones revitalizes the space.
Where Are Backflow Incense Cones and Backflow Burners Used?
Backflow incense cones, like agarbattis or dhoop cones, offer an aesthetic display and create a sense of spirituality. These waterfall incense burners have gained global popularity and find applications in various spaces, including:
Aromatherapy: Backflow incense cones are utilized in aromatherapy, just like incense sticks. Made from similar materials as dhoop cones, they are safe to use and offer similar benefits. Satya Incense's backflow incense cones are crafted from organic resins, herbs, and essential oils, making them ideal for practices like meditation that help individuals relax with their fragrances.
Home Decor: One unique advantage of backflow incense cones over agarbattis is their aesthetic appeal. These dhoop cones flow in a reverse direction, creating a visually captivating effect. Furthermore, they are easy to use and require minimal maintenance.
Final Thoughts
Given the extensive applications and benefits of backflow incense cones and backflow incense burners, their aesthetic and aromatic qualities have made them a favorite among enthusiasts of aesthetic incense products. If you are looking for backflow incense burners and incense dhoop cones, explore the products offered by Satya Incense. This incense stick manufacturer in India is also a leading exporter of dhoop products, wax candles, essential oils, and more. For more information, visit their website today!
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salesmake · 11 months
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arjaandsimoni · 1 year
Wings of Flame
Four weeks after the attack by Clan Fullmoon
Atop a mountain in a primordial jungle sat the true Kingdom of Hanuman. Hidden from mortal eyes, it was the home of the Vanara people in the magical reflection of reality, the Supernatural Realm. Not like Arcadia, which was Beyond the Fields We Know and Under the Hill, the Supernatural Realm is the world as it may have been had humanity never rose to prominence. A pure unspoiled land where magic flowed like water. Here was where the wild things are, here there really be dragons.
The temple stood at the center of the city, stone buildings all around inhabited by the Vanara peoples who stayed out of the mortal realm. Atop the highest peak however, was the home of the garuda.
See now, green wings shining in the sunlight as they circle their home, presided over by their matron. Lakshmi, not the goddess herself but merely named in her honor, was a tall woman whose arms always bore the feathers of her ancestor even in her humanoid form. She had lived almost as long as Akul and would protect her flock for as many years as she could do so against their foes, for the allies of Lord Rama had many foes. Ancient grudges going back into the fog of myth and legend surrounding the land of India.
Inside the temple of Hanuman was a sacred chamber, a complex and colorful mandala set into the floor. Each tile was only a mere millimeter wide, but it filled the entire floor of the massive chamber. All around the edges of it, incense burners were lit, the smoke from them spiraling upwards.
Seated in it, back-to-back, were Arja and Simoni, the former wearing a saree in resplendent scarlet and gold, the latter in one of emerald and gold herself. They sat in the lotus position, their backs straight and their eyes closed, focusing on the concept of Om, the mantra meant to allow them to align themselves with their spirit, the source of everything in the universe.
They had admittedly been at it for quite some time now...
Finally, Arja’s mouth opened a crack on the side, “… is this doing anything for you?” she grumbled in annoyance.
Simoni’s eyes opened a sliver, and she sighed, “… no.”
Arja flopped onto her side and snarled in frustration, “RRRGH! NOTHING! NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING! Not a spark or an ember or ANYTHING!” she kicked her legs and scrabbled her fingers through her hair, grimacing.
Simoni sighed, shaking her head. “Not even a breeze… I can feel something, but I just can’t reach it…” she frowned.
Arja slammed her limbs down on the mandala tiles, glaring up at the ceiling, “… Imma kill your grandfather.” she growled.
“Get in line.” grumbled Simoni, standing up and dusting her legs off. “I think we’ve meditated enough for today, Arja. We’re not going to be ‘connecting with the universe’ now.” she sighed.
Arja rolled up into a sitting position, then stood up. “Yeah yeah… I know…” she grumbled, “Just… ERRRGH!” she shook herself, taking a deep breath, “I’m good… I’m good… I’m calm… caaaaaaaaalm… centered…” she breathed out through her teeth, “… okay, I’m blindingly furious, but I don’t want another lecture on emotional imbalance from grandpa.” she grumbled, her shoulders sagging in frustration.
“Let’s just go have some food.” nodded Simoni.
The two of them left the temple and headed out into the Vanara village surrounding it, Arja looking more than a little annoyed that they were the only two human-looking people there. Even the garuda in the town tended to have something signifying what they were. Green robes, or feathers clipped to their hair. Some of the older ones even still had feathers in their human forms, sprouting under their eyes or the underside of their arms.
They traveled along the path until they came to a kitchen, heading inside and seating themselves at what was effectively a bar. A woman padded over, a Vanara lady with a ponytail almost as long as she was tall tied in a thick braid and wrapped around her shoulders. “Hello girls… still no luck huh?” she sighed.
The girls shook their heads, Arja grumbling something under her breath. “Nope, nothing Mirza. Arja and I can feel something now at least… but we can’t REACH it! it’s like our magic is there, but it’s just too far away or something.” replied Simoni.
Mirza nodded, the monkey opening a large pot and scooping out two large helpings of goat curry into bowls, putting them infront of the two girls, “Hey, maybe a full belly will help, eh? If nothing else this’ll put a fire in Arja’s!” she grinned.
Arja snorted but smiled a bit. It was hard to stay mad with Mizra’s cooking infront of her. The spices she used were not the stale store-bought pouches that most mundanes used, but proper freshly ground peppers, garlic, cardamom, and ginger among other things. Simoni had even remarked that such meals made her miss beef even less, though she’d done so in private with Arja. Best not admit to the locals that she knew what a hamburger tasted like…
The girls had their meal with a generous helping of Naan and Chai, and though it did improve their mood a bit they still felt downcast even as they left, thanking Mirza as they did. They didn’t pay, but they didn’t need to. The Vanara were basically a massive extended family, everyone knew everyone else and helped as they needed. It was essentially a giant commune… just one where the residents had tails or feathers.
“Well, at least we’re not hungry now…” sighed Simoni, “Glad your grandfather didn’t insist on us fasting…” she rolled her eyes.
“Yeah… even grandad Akul knows that’s a rough one for kids to do.” she shrugged, “At this point I wouldn’t mind skipping lunch if it meant I could at least make a damn spark appear…” she grumbled, “Even growing my tail back would be good…” she shook her head.
Simoni just nodded, feeling a pang of jealousy as a group of Garuda walked past, even the smallest among them sporting some sort of emerald feathers. “Yeah…” she sighed, looking up. There were no clocks in this side of reality, a few sundials and such scattered around the city, but otherwise… “Its getting late, lets head back.” she nodded.
The beds in this reflection of the world had taken her the most getting used to. It seemed that they leaned traditional Indian for many features, and the Vanara slept in what they called ‘Charpai (rope bed’) or what Simoni called ‘a sort of very stiff hammock on a frame.’ For a girl who grew up used to spring mattresses and memory foam inserts the first few nights had been a bit rough… She and Arja stripped down into their bedclothes, climbing into their beds. They were at least next to each other, but she would have preferred the larger bed they shared at the Barjar manor.
If nothing else, Simoni found out pretty fast the Vanara girl was prone to cuddling in her sleep and she’d gotten quite used to having her snuggled up into her form when she woke up.
Arja grumbled next to her, Simoni catching a few colorful insults and curses aimed at her grandfather and thought a few of her own… but if nothing else they were at least safe from him. The Vanara carried missives back and forth from their village to the mundane world on their behalf and Nelen’s responses had all said the same. ‘All quiet on our end, Franklin seems to have ceased hostilities now that he believes you two aren’t a threat to him anymore.’
Simoni grimaced at that. Not a threat… she’d have been happy if he’d just left her alone! She just wanted to do what Clan Fullmoon had done since the days of the original pact between Aidan, Deirdre, and the Maven and protect people! But because of some mad prophecy he’d been told with his mother’s dying breath he’d become obsessed with killing any of the witches who’d even so much as conjured a light breeze.
She closed her eyes, trying to block out that thought… and eventually darkness overtook her, and she fell into slumber…
The next morning...
As the sun rose and the two girls were getting dressed… they became aware that something was amiss.
Arja had just gotten the tube top and baggy pants on that went with her saree, though not the wrap, and was reaching for it as she paused. “Simoni…”
Simoni looked up, adjusting her own tube top, “Hm?” she asked.
“… why am I not hearing anyone outside?” she warned.
Simoni froze, cocking her head. Normally by now they’d be hearing the early rising Vanara going about their day… but it was silent and still… “That… is a very good que-…” she began.
Then suddenly a loud clanging bell echoed through the village, and distant crashes were heard.
The girls went rigid, Arja running to the window and looking out in the direction of the sounds as Simoni’s head poked out next to her’s.
The roofs of two of the houses along one wall were on fire, and filling the streets were long serpentine forms from a crumbled section of wall.
“… oh shit, Naga attack!” she gasped, “Simoni c’mon! We gotta get to the temple!” she tugged on her arm. She pulled her towards the door, then froze as she saw a pair of yellow eyes with vertical slits staring back at her, a smirk appearing on their owner’s face.
“Ssscion of the line of Hanuman…” it hissed with malicious glee.
Arja glared, then grabbed a pouch nearby. It was a mixture spices used to help with curry they brought back to their lodgings to eat… but what it was above all else, was very SPICY.
She flung it into the Naga’s face as the serpent shrieked, the hot peppers biting into its huge eyes as it fell back and thrashed in pain and fury. The spices here were freshly ground and VERY potent, mortal pepper spray would be no comparison! “MY EEEEEEEEEEEEYESSSSSSS!” it screamed as the girls raced down the street, making for the temple.
All around them the Vanara were leaping into action, Arja’s extended family brandishing weapons and fire as they attempted to drive back the Naga attackers, but the serpents had come in force! As they drew nearer to the temple, a massive form lashed out infront of them and reared up. “YOU!” it roared.
Infront of them was a massive naga, and a very familiar one. It’s left eye was a ruin, all but gouged out, and the scales on its arms and chest showed blistering and cracking even now.
“You…” gasped Simoni, “You survived?!” she shrieked in terror. This wasn’t any naga, this was the one she and Arja had fought together outside the Aquarium! The one that had fled into the Ohio River after Arja’s fireball had set it ablaze!
The naga let out a low hissing laugh… “Every day… every day my ssscales ache from what you did… my eye throbsss… NOW I SSSHALL VISSSIT THAT SSSUFFERING ON YOU A THOUSSSANDFOLD! TASSSTE SSSULOCHANA’SSS WRATH!” she roared, charging forward, her fangs exposed, venom dripping from them.
Arja dove infront of Simoni, arms outstretched… and suddenly the Naga jerked to a halt as a massive hand closed around its throat!
Akul stood there, both his faces twisted in a grimace, “RUN!” he shouted to the two girls, “I SHALL DEAL WITH THIS ONE! GET TO THE TEMPLE! HURRY!”
The Naga hissed, snapping its jaw at him with murder in it’s one good eye, but the Vanara Elder growled, and suddenly his hands were flame! The Naga screamed in pain, thrashing about, before bursting free and racing off into the buildings, Akul running off in pursuit.
The girls didn’t need more than that. Hands clasped tightly, the bolted through the village, making a beeline for the temple. “Dammit, I wish Stephy were here… he just has this, I dunno, knack for knowing where to run to get to safety…” gasped Simoni.
Arja growled, but said nothing, focusing on the temple. Her first thought was get there and keep Simoni safe no matter what.
All around them the Naga forces stormed over the city, the Garuda doing what they could to aid the Vanara. Several of their warriors had Vanara astride them just as Arja and Simoni had done, raining wind-fed flames upon the invading army… but their numbers didn’t seem to be shrinking!
Finally however, the girls stumbled to a halt as their feet reached the steps of the temple. It was more than just a pile of stones. It was sanctified in the names of Lord Hanuman and Lord Garuda. None but their kin could enter. Even if the Naga tried the very nature of the temple would repel them…
“We made it…” sighed Simoni… then she shrieked as a tremendous crash came from behind them.
Akul and the one-eyed naga were still fighting, the naga's tail wrapped tightly around the vanara man's torso, his hands trying to force her head back as she snapped at him, missing his head by mere inches!
“GRANDPA!” shouted Arja, fear in her voice as Akul’s eyes darted towards the girls… and perhaps that is what did it.
That momentary lapse, that second of hesitation, was all the naga needed. It hissed in fury and its head shot forward in a blur! The Vanara elder cried out as the serpent’s fangs bit home, sinking deep into his shoulder!
Simoni screamed, her eyes like saucers, as Akul’s legs trembled… then he slowly fell, froth forming at his mouth as the Naga’s poison began to take hold!
The serpentine woman slowly uncoiled from him as his arms struggled to hold onto her, turning to the two girls. “We know… we knooooow…” she sneered, “We ssspeak to the ssserpentsss of the jungle just as your kin talk to the monkeysss… they sssaw… The heir to the Vanara King hasss lossst her powersss!” she cackled, “HELPLESSS! YOU WILL DIE TODAY SSSCION OF HANUMAN, AND SSSULOCHANA’SSS VENGEANCE SSSHALL BE COMPLETE!”
Arja barely heard her, the girl’s eyes locked on her grandfather’s form as he reached out to her, mouthing ‘run’ over and over. Akul had always been a figure of strength and stability in her life, the current holder of Hanuman’s throne… and yet… here he was… fallen, his life fading as the venom spread through his body.
“No… grandpa…” she whispered, horror filling her face.
Simoni felt her chest rising and falling… remembering what Akul had said to her the first night that she’d arrived at their temple following Jacob Fullmoon’s attempt on their lives.
‘You helped to protect my granddaughter in her time of need, it would be unworthy of the line of Hanuman to ignore you in yours.’ he had told her.
He had treated her with kindness in spite of Clan Fullmoon’s threats, when casting her out would have been the easier choice. Now the Naga, knowing of what her grandfather had done, had taken the chance to invade in the hopes of wiping out the line of Hanuman forever…
“You…” Simoni looked up at the naga, “H-how could you…” she whispered, her voice shaking…
She screamed again, and the wind howled in response.
Magic is a strange thing. It is unquantifiable, it is that which defies the laws of nature, that which is the invisible part of the human soul that sparks many things. It is what guides humanity to create, to learn, to discover.
It is a mystery, an enigma, unknowable yet all around us.
Gaze into the deepest jungle, see the splendor of nature, the colors that erupt without any human hand touching them. There is magic.
Look into the heart of a supercomputer, see the ones and zeros flickering about, the machinery clicking like a swarm of beetles. See how the human mind has taken something as ephemeral as a concept and made it solid and real. There is magic.
See in the eyes of a small child, witnessing the sunrise for the first time, hearing birdsong on an early morning, and knowing that there will never be any greater beauty in their tiny beating heart. There is magic.
Magic is. It is not a power. It is not a science. It simply is.
But magic is also… in its own way… a little bit alive.
And it has a flair for the dramatic.
Outside the temple.
The wind blasted outwards, a gale force tornado erupting from around Simoni as she glared in fury at the Naga! “You… you wicked, vile… he…” she snarled.
Arja stared at her then looked back at her fallen grandfather and shook with fury. Her grandfather, the symbol of Hanuman’s wisdom and courage, fallen from the Naga’s fangs… and she growled in anger. “Grandpa… You… yooooou…” her head snapped up, and her teeth extended into monkey-like fangs. “YOU HURT MY GRANDFATHER!” she roared!
A moment later a massive pillar of flames erupted inside the tornado, the naga hissing and falling backwards over the fallen form of Akul, looking up in fear...
Garuda is the name of a legendary bird in Indian stories. It is a divine being, a servant of the gods, ally to Lord Hanuman. Lord Garuda, their divine ancestor from which the people take their name, is the personification of courage, representing birth and heaven. Lord Garuda is also associated with fire, and may believe that he may be representative of another legendary bird…
Above the village, a massive falcon hovered in the air. Its wings, beak, talons, and every feather a swirling mass of flame, and in its breast were Arja and Simoni. Arja flexed her claws, her tail thrashing behind her as she sat astride Simoni, her partner’s arms shining with resplendent emerald feathers, her talons clacking in righteous anger at the Naga’s actions.
There are those who believe that Lord Garuda may in fact be a very powerful phoenix.
The Naga stared, “… the chariot of Lord Vishnu…” she hissed, her voice shaking in fear.
The Naga forces all saw that, the Vanara did as well, hells everything within several MILES saw this, and as one the Naga began to flee!
The one-eyed serpent turned and slithered rapidly for the breach they’d made in the wall protecting the Vanara village, but even as she did the giant firebird flapped its wings, and arced downwards, wings spread wide over the buildings.
It hissed, its one remaining good eye wide as it felt the heat from the bird’s talons drawing nearer… and then it screamed in pain as the fiery claws closed around it, it’s body smoking, then sizzling, and then erupting in flames as the bird flapped and gained altitude, rising above the jungle canopy.
The naga snarled and struggled, but she could not break free! The flames were as solid as real talons! Finally a gout of smoke belched out of the Naga’s mouth as its lungs collapsed, the serpent falling limp. The talons released it then, dropping it down into the jungle canopy to be food for the scavengers.
Slowly, the firebird shrank back down, the flames flickering away until only the form of Arja and Simoni in their Vanara and Garuda forms respectively was left, the girls arcing back down to the fallen Akul. Simoni landed, flapping her wings to a halt as Arja leapt off her back and ran to his side.
“GRANDPA!” she shouted, hurrying over on all fours, still in her Vanara form as Simoni shed her feathers and scales, getting arms and legs back before rushing over to join her.
Akul was alive, but only just… his breathing was labored, and his eyes clouded. Another elderly Vanara stood nearby, examining the wound.
“Is he…” asked Arja.
The vanara looked to her, then sighed, “He is poisoned, badly… he has maybe days…” he shook his head.
Arja stared at her grandfather, “No… no no no no no…” she shook her head, “Its… they were after us! The naga knew we’d lost our magic! They wanted us dead! Grandpa was only trying to protect us!” she insisted.
At this, Akul opened his eyes.
“Arja… darling granddaughter…” he wheezed, most of the power gone from his voice, “I… I am satisfied… If my return to the cycle is caused by protecting Hanuman’s heir… then I will be rewarded in my next incarnation…” he coughed, “Even if… I was not… knowing you are safe is enough…” he smiled weakly.
Arja snarled and shook her head, slamming her fists into his shoulder, “WELL I’M NOT READY FOR YOU TO GO DAMMIT!” she shrieked, looking to the Vanara doctor, “We’re in the supernatural realm, isn’t there ANY antidote for Naga venom?!” she demanded.
The other Vanara thought on this, “… perhaps… the Naga raided our alchemical storehouses during the attack however… destroying most of our supplies.” he frowned.
Simoni spoke up at this, “So we’ll get some more!” she insisted, “What do we need?” she nodded firmly.
The Vanara looked to Akul, then back to her, “Deep in the jungle, there are sacred pools where Lord Brahma, the creator of mankind, bathed. The lotus that grow in these pools are infused with his powers over life… if we had but one…” he frowned, “But… the jungle I speak of is in this world. It is incredibly dangerous.”
Arja glared at him, “I don’t CARE. TELL ME WHERE IT IS!”  she demanded, her tail thrashing behind her.
Simoni stood next to her, squeezing her hand tightly, “He protected me in spite of my grandfather’s attempts to kill me, I won’t just LET him die!” she insisted.
The Vanara looked between them, then nodded, and pointed westward, “Approximately three days travel in the direction of the setting sun, you will find one of the pools that I speak of… but be warned, the exact location has been lost long ago, and you will face far worse than feral tigers in our jungle. I can keep Elder Akul alive for… one week, no more. After that the venom will have reached his heart.” he nodded. “Go, quickly. We are not so eager to see him rejoin the cycle either.”
Arja and Simoni nodded, then ran through the city towards the edge of the buildings, the girls looking out across the vast jungle.
It was a huge expanse of untamed wilderness. No cities dotted its landscape, no roads marked its paths. Only in the rarest circumstances had any mortal humans ever set foot here. Here be monsters. Here, there was reason to fear the dark.
Arja took a deep breath, “You know… He’s not wrong, this will be dangerous.” she warned, “I can make it through the jungle pretty fast on my own. You don’t have to come with me.” she said.
Simoni looked at her, raising her eyebrow, then did a quick glance around. Nobody was nearby.
She grabbed Arja’s cheeks, pressing her lips to the Vanara girl’s, her fingers sliding through her golden fur. Then she broke the kiss, smiled at her, and then she slapped her cheek with an audible SMACK. “Shut up and get on my back.” she huffed. “And don’t ever say something like that to me again.”
Arja felt her cheek, then her lips, then grinned and climbed up onto Simoni’s back as the girl spread her wings, then with a loud whistle she lifted off the ground before arcing out over the canopy.
She was afraid though, if they failed it would mean Akul’s death, and perhaps their own depending on what they encountered in the jungle.
But for one blessed moment she let that thought go, let out a loud birdlike cry, and felt the wind under her wings once more.
In a lost corner of the Supernatural World, in a mountain that had no name, was a cave.
Inside the cave was an ancient temple. Its walls overgrown with vines and moss, the floor half covered in vegetation.
In the center of it, at first glance… was a statue of a man with monkey-like features in ancient Indian armor, a crown upon his head. He was seated in the lotus position, hands held in a meditative pose, his eyes closed and his face serene.
He went to a hidden mountain to meditate. Said he was awaiting the coming of a great warrior who would shatter the Sword of Darkness. Dunno what they mean though. There’s plenty of Astras in Indian legend, most of them were lost or sealed away way before even grandpa was born… but none of them that I’d ever been told about had anything to do with darkness.
The very moment the firebird spread its wings over the Vanara village, the statue’s eyes had slammed open, and an ancient voice whispered out, echoing into the forgotten temple.
“It is time…”
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angelandgypsy · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: New Ceramic Crescent Moon Lunar Back Flow Incense Burner.
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