#inbox. ( tiphaine ) —
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cryptbloomed · 10 months ago
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solliium · 4 years ago
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❝     has tiph ever considered joining the army ? has she ever been offered recruitment ? how does she feel about the upcoming reprise of the ionian invasion ? WHERE in noxus does she live exactly and how well versed is she on noxian history and customs? ( as in customs of the empire not the various cultures that have been integrated )    ❞       —— ✱ @vixtionary​
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bless these questions because they're things i would probably barely think about on my own.
ok so let me preface this with, tiphaine is my attempt at a noxian civilian and a representation of an average noxian's life because i've found whenever i do try to make noxian oc's, i always lean too much into HUHU NOXUS EVIL trope. so then:
war, violence, battle, and strength have always played a part in ti's life, albeit in the background. her father was a trained soldier, and in general the rakkor are a very fight-ready people, largely due to their religious beliefs, with the majority ( from reading ) being able to fight. tiphaine was taught to use a spear, but she had no passion or interest. she's always been quick to concede to others and that hasn't really changed.
so tying into that, nobody's made an effort to recruit tiphaine. she does receive commissions from generals and soldiers ( typically for mage wear ), but that's as far as her involvement with the army goes. and because she shows very little affinity for magic ( outside of her ability to subtly weave it into her work ) nobody's considered her for a mage role either.
tiphaine in general tries very hard to stay out of politics. she's found politics in noxus are a good way to wind up dead or worse and so she'd rather mind her own business. so far, it's been working out for her. she's treating ionia with this same mindset. but on a related note, tiphaine's main passion is her work and creativity. she's rather droll as a person and usually in a sour mood, but she loves being able to make things and exploring new ways to go about it. the only thing she truly cares about when it comes to ionia is the opportunity to learn more for her trade.
some other thoughts: tiphaine doesn't have anyone very close to her that would be involved in noxus' army. she's fortunate in this regard, because it means when an invasion of ionia happens, she has very little to risk. on the other hand, it's not unreasonable to say she's not against a war because it also means more commission work for her.
AND lastly, ti lives in noxus prime, closer to the outskirts in one of the wealthier districts while her tailoring shop is further in the city. she comes from a wealthy family, but they're not ones with high prestige or anything like that.
tiphaine's knowledge of noxus is probably pretty standard and doesn't stand out from ordinary citizens. where it differs, i think, is in her knowledge of noble houses and their lineage, which was one of those specific things she had to learn. she can recite like, who was the first house in power and what is this family famous for. still pretty simple.
for customs, she's pretty familiar with them at this point. i know i said ti is pretty quick to back down, but that mostly just applies to battle and also her life not being at risk. she's been quick to adapt to the very aggressive culture of noxus. while she might not be a soldier, tiphaine is a master craftsmen and adept businesswoman and this is where her value and role in noxus come into play.
tiphaine was still pretty young and impressionable when she moved to noxus. i feel like, had she been older, it might have hit her harder how... ruthless and kinda fucked up a lot of aspects can be? like, she really doesn't bat an eyelash at how execution is seen as a form of entertainment to the masses.
hopefully this adequetly answers everything!!
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one-real-wrimonkey · 4 years ago
Could you do 9 with Hound and Pup?
"Show me where it hurts."
Warning: injury and blood.
Absolutely I can. I’ve been meaning to do this story for a while. *evil grin*
Thanks for the ask, please enjoy.
Hound was more than a little worried that his second hadn't come back to him. He'd sent Pup on an errand, he'd wanted to go himself but one of the Mastiffs had been limping and Pup had volunteered to do it for him.
Almost an hour ago.
Which was, well, incredibly concerning.
There was no need for Pup to have come back to him after going to Stone, he knew, because their patrol was over and they had free time. He could have gone for food, or seen someone in need of a hand with something, but it didn't sit right. Pup was dutiful, and if Stone had given him a reply he would have come to report it, or at least report that Stone had received his message.
Leaving the others to handle things, he set off into the barracks, pausing when he realised he wasn't quite sure where Pup would even be. He'd been trying to find Stone, to deliver a message Hound didn't trust to put to comms.
Stone had been on a guard duty shift inside the Senate Building.
The chances of Pup still being there were slim, and he pulled open his comm to see if he could find Pup's locator, but none the less he started in that general direction.
He didn't make it to the Senate Building or get a ping before he found Pup, not that far from the training rooms and stumbling back down the hallway towards him, and instantly Hound knew something was wrong.
Pup's helmet tilted slightly, like he was just noticing Hound was there, which confirmed his suspicions. Something was definitely wrong. Pup's legs trembled a little, and he was holding his arm to his chest, and Hound darted forwards to put an arm under his shoulders to help keep his vod'ika upright.
"Hey, vod, are you hurt?"
Pup didn't say a word, and Hound started guiding him to med bay, to Fix, who would make sure he was fine, he would.
"Show me where it hurts."
He got nothing, which was never good.
Definitely to Fix. And quickly.
Fortunately, whoever had designed this base had put the med bay close to the training rooms, so it was a short trip but the closer he got the harder it was to ignore that there was blood leaking out from Pup's glove, which he couldn't ignore didn't look like it was on properly.
The good thing about being between shift changes and during a common meal time was that the corridor was mostly empty, along with the med bay and most other areas.
Most of all med bay.
Fix's head shot up at the door opening, and he was rushing forwards with his usual worry and energy at their arrival, ushering them to a bed and helping Pup sit himself in it, then carefully peeling off the glove, med kit open and ready to his left.
Hound almost gagged, almost, he'd been trained out of it young.
Blood poured out of the glove where it had been pooling, and his vod'ika's hound was covered in it, but that wasn't the worst of it.
Three of Pups fingers, his little finger and the two next to it, they were... well, from Fix's expression beyond saving.
Fix didn't hesitate to act, pressing dressing to the wounds to stem blood flow with one hand and depressing a hypo into the back of Pup's hand, which was almost certainly some sort of painkiller or numbing agent.
Pup whimpered, the first sound he'd made since Hound had found him, and Hound gently removed his vod'ika's helmet, raising Pup's chin so he was looking at Hound and not his hand.
Pup's eyes shone wide and wet and red.
His breath was shallow and rapid.
"Vod'ika, look at me, eyes on me, it's going to be ok. Fix will do what he does best, you'll be fine."
He would be, no-one would take him, no-one would ever to have to know. It wouldn't stop him from doing his duty.
They'd keep him safe.
He kept Pup's focus on him until it was over, until it was bandaged in bacta wraps and an IV had been administered for the blood loss.
He risked a glance down and winced, he'd been right. The two fingers had been beyond saving, but the third, the middle finger, was wrapped but there. Fix had saved it. Even with the bacta, he was sure it would be scarred, but it was still there.
Pup was looking at his hand too, with a weird mixture of horror and amazement, like he couldn't quite believe it.
"Vod, look at me, it'll be fine. I promise."
He knew they were bold words, risky ones, but he did promise it.
He wasn't letting them take his little brother anywhere. They'd find scraps that Gizmo could put together to make cybernetics, or maybe some fabric padded ones by their more creative vode.
"I... training, it was an accident, training."
Behind Pup, Fix bowed his head.
No training accident had caused those wounds, they'd been deliberately damaged. Pup was hardly Fix's first patient to have suffered wounds purposely inflicted, but Hound had never seen or heard of anything quite so damaging and horrific.
"Ok, vod, we'll list it as a training accident," Fix assured him softly, "but... if there's anyone we should keep the shinies away from...?"
Pup wasn't so out of it he hadn't caught on, and he started nodding, likely more to himself than to Fix.
"I didn't... I was on my way back from Stone, I... I didn't mean to trip, and I fell, Senator Tiphaine, it was an accident, she asked me to escort her back to her office to make up for it... I..."
"Breathe, vod, it's ok, it's over, you're safe, we've got you."
Hound sank onto the bed next to his brother and pulled him close, Pup's face pressed into his shoulder.
"I... please just say it was a training accident. It was just a training accident, I didn't... I was never... it wasn't my fault, I didn't mean to, I decided to train after seeing Stone, it was just a training accident. Thats all it was, just training, just training."
"Of course, vod'ika, of course. It was just a training accident."
He ran a hand through Pup's curls and tilted his head back to pray in vein to whatever was out there that something would deliver them, save them from this hell, to send them help.
There were so many stories out there of prayers being answered, but none of them told you what to do when the answer was no.
Thanks for the ask, this was fun and angsty. I’ve mentioned before that Pup is missing two fingers and here is the story to go with that.
Poor Pup, he’ll get his hugs.
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed.
Inbox is always open.
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solliium · 4 years ago
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❝     "a seamstress like you would be fairly famous in piltover. though i wager noxus has... its appeal." retired from his work as defender, the clans have seen it fit to use their poster boy as an ambassador and as such, he now dwells begrudgingly in noxus prime. as such, he needed proper outfits to blend in--that, exactly, is what leads him to tiphaine. he sighs, looking vaguely disheartened. "ah, guess i'm just homesick. nevermind it, ma'am."     ❞       —— ✱ @hamartio​
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    she goes to piltover on business occassions, though her preference for foreign materials has always lied in those from shurima. the textiles are different: shurima's have a finer quality while piltover's are  thicker, though not always more enduring. piltover is a noisy land and it manages to be too fast paced even for tiphaine.
   " i'm sure you'll come to enjoy noxus, " tiphaine says, half hearted as she searches for her cloth tape. " it's a lovely place. very diverse. don't make friends with the rich and nobody will try to stab you. rather simple. "
    ( certainly, though, she understands the feeling of homesickness. it makes her words a touch softer than they might usually be. )
    " bloody hell — it was here just a second ago, " she mutters as she opens drawers on a shelf and rummages through them.
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