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noellevanious · 1 year ago
People that say "oh water foesnt have a taste!! any water is good" are fools that unknowingly prove they just cant Taste Good water. A good filtered water is the most refreshing thing on earth. Fill a water bottle with water from one of those sip fountains and take a drink and experience Bad Water. There is Good And Bad Water take my fucking word for it and appreciate that you didnt have circumstanves where you didnt have clean water to drink
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noellevanious · 3 years ago
It's symptomatic of the issues in media consumption over the past 2 decades due to the focus on social media. Shitty opening sentence but hear me out.
Media consumption has become much less engaged with messages and depth and allegories, and much more focused on surface-level observations and shallow consumption.
Not to say everybody does this of course, but it's a very common and prevalent issue now. The desire to "memeify" media, the desire to lash out at content or its creators for these surface level observations, without digesting the context, meaning, or authorial intent.
There's also an annoyingly pervasive air of sarcasm and irony that makes broaching these discussions way harder than they should be. This sense that you either need to be laughing at or angry at everything you see. Every new post or thread or discussion is a chance for a joke or to roast some person with a sick gotcha, usually in the pursuit of internet karma. There's no middle ground or opening up somebody's mind, because they're steadfast in their position and double-down. Nobody wants to be wrong, because that means getting roasted by internet people.
Shrek isn't "memeable", necessarily, it's just a huge piece of pop culture that so many people can relate to. Same with SpongeBob, Super Mario, or Superhero movies. People see that and want a piece of it. I don't know for sure why - maybe for internet karma, maybe to just be acknowledged, maybe they don't even have a reason and it happens on accident - but it happens, and it bums me out.
And yeah, there's the thing about "let people have fun", let people consume media how they want, if theyre not hurting themselves or others in their consumption, there isn't an "issue". I get that and agree somewhat. But it's not the actual core problem - it's a symptom of the bigger issue - and good luck finding the time or place to actually talk to people about this outside of your close friends or in a College Classroom.
I wouldn't be surprised if anybody even reads this addition to the post outside of OP.
Not to be that person but I feel like sometimes Shrek being so memeable prevents people from seeing how truly revolutionary and radical the first two films really were. A children’s fairy tale that argues that no, ugliness does not mean bad and beautiful does not mean good. A fairy tale that argues that everyone deserves love, even those cast out of the margins of society. A fairy tale that dares to have a female protagonist not be conventionally attractive or helpless. A fairy tale that argues that love does not happen at first sight, but is grown through mutual respect and interest. That’s pretty fucking sick if you ask me
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noellevanious · 4 months ago
some pro-tips on food since that comment on my post about veggies really fucking annoyed me!!! (experience from learning a lot about food and health in college and still learning to this day!):
Carbs and fat are GOOOD they are GOOD for you your body NEEDS THEM. THEY ARE ONLY BAD IN MODERATION
There are very few things that are "Bad" for you or your body in terms of nutrition. I'd say the closest thing to just genuinely being "bad" that shows up commonly is maaaaybe cholesterol.
US nutritional knowledge has been greatly warped by capitalism (surprise surprise)!!! While the food pyramid is and always has been flawed, wrong, and stupid, the impact of "Diet Culture" has done so much damage to health, way more than any actual food impact.
BREAD IS GOOD. Bread fills you up. It's a simple carb, so you won't be full for long, but that's also a good thing (simple carb means that your body knows what to do with it easily! complex carbs exist in nuts/fruit/veggies but bread is mostly carbs and fat so it's good)
If you're worried about "what i should eat to be healthy" - EATING AT ALL IS THE HEALTHIEST. Unless you have a serious health issue like a glucose intolerance, Being alive and not starving will always be more important that eating too many simple carbs or fatty foods.
Your body needs everything - fruits and veggies are diverse in what they provide, but usually they're good for natural sugar, fiber, and complex carbs. dairy products are great for fat and cholesterol, meat and meat-adjacent products are great for protein and fat, nuts are great for protein, and bread/noodles/rice/etc are great for simple carbs.
Eat things you like that taste good. There are very few reasons you'd be unhealthy because of something you eat, and if you are, your body will let you know about it. Obviously doctors are important for checking on vitals, etc but somebody online telling you you need to eat XYZ is usually wrong UNLESS they're telling you to just eat.
If you're genuinely worried about what food to eat - think about how much goes into producing the food! For example - fruits, veggies, meat, etc are all very simple: they are created by plants/animals, and generally can be sold or consumed without much work beyond cooking. "Bad" things are overly processed, but even then unless they're just pure sugar like candy, or insanely over-processed garbage, you should be fine to eat it. Again, it's more important that you're alive and full than it is adhering to some bullshit diet
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noellevanious · 1 year ago
i'm sure its meant in good humour but just in case people actually wished this site could let you profit off of follower counts.
It'd be just as bad as twitter or youtube is/have been for years.
Accounts catering to current trends to break followercounts or get a trending post. every response being a smartass Gotcha attempt in case you get screenshotted and posted on one of the 200 "Bruh Moment" twitters (that are all trying to profit instead of just being memetic accounts like heritage-posts).
(Also confirmation bias of course)
The point of a good social media is social interactions. Making money or Building a Brand off of your followercount is antithetical to the websites function. Sincere interactions are gone because you never know if the other person is just trying to Make More Money.
Grass is always greener on the other side and shit but like. Those memes about "LADIES! GET THE BEST VIBRATOR" at the end of every trending tweet arent born from nothing.
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noellevanious · 3 months ago
REALLY not interested in dealing with responses to that original post anymore. So some other little stray thoughts to hopefully close it out:
If you're somebody still following me after all that bullshit, thanks, I love you, sorry I'm a confrontational bitch.
If you're a TME person that stepped up and agreed that what she said was whack, we appreciate it! You are heard :) it's very important in situations like those, where you may be categorized as the Victim that needs to be Saved, to step up and say "fuck that, no, you've got it wrong". It genuinely helps.
Cis people - if you hang out with LGBT people and they make jokes about cis people that make you uncomfortable or upset you, you should probably say something to them, but at the same time, like.... come on.
Seriously, though. Come on.
I have no interest in engaging with Punkitt or anybody taking her side in the whole fiasco. I never did in the first place - I am/was just saying my piece. You need to be able to push back when somebody says something clearly, justifiably wrong, especially if it's wrapped up in seriously troubling rhetoric.
For that matter - I'd appreciate, unless she does do something insane like attacking me by posting old vent posts or whatever, just let her be. She's clearly got her head in the sand. It sucks ass, but at least you know now. Don't bother wasting your breath anymore.
Instead, support people that can and do need your support!
Lovu lovu ��
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noellevanious · 12 days ago
listening to the local NPR station again (im so crazyyy🤪🤪🤪) and they have an interview with Bill Burr on it. Man. He really fucking hates women huh
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noellevanious · 28 days ago
ODDLY ENOUGH. and you didnt hear this from me. its also surprising how much of the attention my names about loving women gets from people that immediately say things like "well i love men". and well. Yeah.
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noellevanious · 11 months ago
on my soapbox again but i just dont get it. why do people want laios to fuck or be in a relationship with marcille? what do they have in common? they went on a journey to bring back laios's sister, yeah, but that doesnt mean every fuckin male and female that goes on an adventure together should eventually end up fucking. marcille constantly puts up with laios at best, and while they grow to appreciate eachother as friends and dungeon-exploring buddies there is not a single moment in the entire series where marcille does any of the goofy shit for him that she does around or for falin. fuck she literally takes a bath with falin after just piecing together her cleaned bones and using magic to bring her back from death.
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noellevanious · 11 months ago
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absolute geniuses: "elf lady wouldnt fuck the girl she holds onto and poses with. shed fuck the girls brother, who chases her while making hissing noises and pretending to be a dragon. or sometimes the girls do fuck but the guy HAS to walk in while theyre frotting naked or else it doesnt feel Right"
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noellevanious · 1 year ago
i genuinely thought for the past few years i was some sort of "man hater". then realized i hate 99% of Gaming Dudes. because they are weird about women and lgbt people and Basically anybody that isnt them
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noellevanious · 9 months ago
potentially controversial spicy/umami food take: i think realistically any level of spiciness that doesnt result in stomach pain is a fair level of spicy to say that you "are into" spicy food. sure tolerance can be different from person to person, but i cant realistically think of any food that would be "served mormally" like just made in a family dinner that tries to sell itself on being painfully spicy, and all the "TOO HOT TEST YOUR SPICE TOLERANCE" stuff like that one ramen cup variety end up not even having any flavor.
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noellevanious · 3 months ago
apologies if you dont wanna hear about this anymore but her intentional obtuseness to responding to other trans women is pushing a button real hard. like... im sorry punkitt but that is what you said. no woman is saying testosterone is a poison. actually, you know what? if they do, what they fuck does that do. genuinely what does that actually do. make men uncomfortable? god forbid.. now do it again.
nah its np :) if anything i'm more annoyed by/worried about getting dogpiled on, but i'm pretty proactive about blocking people. Chances are i'll turn off reblogs when i get to work tomorrow morning if the post stirs too much shit.
And yeah, it's just fucking insane. Even if this was a real thing, trans women hating men enough that said men felt threatened (and we were to assume had less power in this scenario, lest we jump to conclusions that involve violence resulting from the perpetuated stereotypes of transfems), like.... what are these trans women doing? How are they using this hatred in a negative way to hurt men? Are they hurting their feelings?
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noellevanious · 4 months ago
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Putting aside how annoying i find the culture on bsky and how almost grossly easy it is for people i dont know to find my account (which is actually a bad/uncomfortable thing, who would've guessed), i feel like you should probably know why referring to bluesky tweets as Skeets is not great
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noellevanious · 23 days ago
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Bro. this game is still alive. They literally just announced a huge plan for this year
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noellevanious · 7 months ago
i dont like this whole yearning thing. feeling sad sucks. feeling lonely sucks. can i go back to the part where i feel happy and loved again
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noellevanious · 8 months ago
i think the most profound affect getting medicated for my adhd has had is that i'm now able to just enjoy things without entirely picking them apart. i'm so much better at suspending my disbelief. or idk maybe im just generally happier
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