#in which i'm ready to stab people today
ghxstwrxter · 8 months
"Don't kill yourself trying to get this done; I'll be back after the training session"
-seeks help when the training session is down cause I'm behind in my stuff-
"Sorry that's all you, I'm behind and gotta catch up"
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rhys-writes-some-shit · 8 months
Learn to Take "No" for an Answer
Alastor x Reader (Queer-Platonic)
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Alastor was often a busy man, but he always managed to keep tabs on you. The moment your heart rate started to increase, he could feel it. He’d stopped what he was doing immediately and went off to find you. The moment he saw you surrounded by Sinners, with Vox at the center, he was ready to initiate a massacre. 
But instead, he watched as you held your own, not once swaying from your opinions. 
Once you tackled Vox to the ground, though, Alastor knew he needed to step in. He knew you could definitely hold your own for now, but you were not powerful enough to combat Vox if he retaliated. He only wished he’d been able to watch you stab that knife through Vox’s throat…
A few minutes earlier...
Humming to yourself, you skillfully sidestepped a bloody corpse on the sidewalk. Sometimes all you needed was a nice walk to clear your head. Today, the walk improved your mood immensely. The only thing that could make it better was if Alastor started one of his broadcasts. You knew it was unlikely to happen, but that didn't stop you from glancing up at the speakers above the streets in hopes they'd turn on.
You passed by the VoxTek TV display, pausing to watch the news highlights. Another turf war on the other side of the city, an ad for some sort of imp hitman business, clips from the latest episode of Hell’s Next Top Idol. Anything owned by VoxTek wasn’t allowed in the hotel, which meant you didn’t have access to all the media you would’ve liked. Sometimes, watching the TV display was the closest thing you got. 
“Like what you see?” A tall figure suddenly appeared behind you. The small group of Sinners who’d also crowded around the TV display suddenly burst into exclamations and talking.
Turning around, you found yourself looking up at Vox's flatscreen face, causing you to grimace. 
“Oh, come now, don’t be like that. I expected better from Alastor’s little pet.” Vox was grinning slyly, arms behind his back with authority. “I have a proposition for you, sweetheart.”
“If you’re here to ask me to watch Al for you, the answer is ‘no.’” Glaring, you attempted to find a way out of the crowd circling around you and Vox, but the wall of Sinners had increased, becoming impenetrable.
Vox rolled his eyes. “Of course not, hot stuff. I’m not an idiot. Alastor doesn’t deserve you anyway.”
“Maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t,” you shrugged. “Regardless, I really should be on my way.”
Even with that statement, the crowd of Sinners didn’t move. They were all watching Vox, enamored with the scene playing out in front of you. As your heart rate increased, you could only hope that Alastor would notice. 
“We should talk some more, sweetheart. You’re such a handsome little thing.” One of Vox’s hands reached towards your face, caressing your cheek. “If you ditched that old-fashioned prick and came with me instead, I think you’d find yourself much better off.”
Clenching your jaw, you angled your face out of Vox’s grasp. “I'm doing just fine as I am right now, thanks.” You made your voice cold, desperately trying to get your disinterest across. 
“Don’t be so sure.” Vox raised an artificial eyebrow. “I could give you more than Alastor ever could. Join me, and you can become one of Hell’s most powerful Overlords.”
The talking from the surrounding crowd grew louder, people taking pictures and recording the confrontation. The idea that Vox just asked to share his power with some random Sinner was crazy to the rest of the public. It wouldn’t take very long for word to travel all throughout Hell. The idea of your face plastered across cell phones and TV screens across the city made you nervous. Not to mention, you’d have to report to Vox, and he was an asshole. 
“I'm not interested,” you ground out, keeping your back straight to feign confidence. 
Vox scoffed. “Playing hard to get, are we?” He was grinning. “You look so fucking hot when you’re pissed off.”
Silently, you were begging someone, anyone, to come and rescue you. You couldn’t guarantee that you could keep your composure much longer. “I’m not interested,” you repeated, just as sternly. 
“Aww, are you mad, sweetheart?” Vox cooed mockingly. “Upset your owner isn’t here to save you? If you came with me, you’d never have to worry about being on your own.”
In a flash, your hands twitched and a knife was suddenly being held to Vox’s throat. You’d tackled him to the ground, the sharp blade reflecting your bright eyes. His eyes were wide, clearly not expecting you to retaliate.
“Call me sweetheart again and I’ll castrate you, you flat-faced fuck.”
“Oh my!” A dark shadow appeared behind you, quickly followed by Alastor’s tall figure. Despite his smile, you could clearly see he was just as pissed as you were. “Darling, is Vox bothering you?”
“Not anymore.” You pressed the knife closer to his neck, allowing a few droplets of blood to slide down the knife before withdrawing. Licking the blood off the blade, you gave Vox a dark grin. “You taste like battery acid. No wonder no one wants you.”
Alastor laughed heartily. “How true! Come along, my dear! Charlie is probably wondering where we are.” Placing your arm in his, you allowed Alastor to escort you away from the now-silent crowd. 
“I fucking hate that guy,” you snarled once you’d gotten a few blocks away.
“A nuisance, surely,” Alastor agreed. “I must say, you handled that wonderfully. Quite an entertaining display.”
Smiling lightly, you found yourself flushed at the compliment. “It was nothing. He just needed to learn to take ‘no’ for an answer.”
Chuckling, Alastor matched your smile. “I’m sure you got the point along just fine, dearest. And if he didn’t…” Alastor’s face darkened, smile turning sinister. Now it was your turn to laugh, and that was how you walked into the hotel, giggling at each other like a couple of teenage girls.
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The hotel gang + overlord!reader part 2
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Part one here
!Not beta read!
While it may just be the stress talking, the bed was surprisingly comfortable, for a hotel at least. Today was a lot. Even if this hotel seemed to be a net positive it was still a lot. So the comfortable bed made it seem like you already made it to heaven. As you sank into the bed you drifted off to sleep.
You awoke to a few loud and powerful knocks on your door. "Hello? If you're awake we are going to do some trust exercises!" Charlie called out. You unintentionally groaned as you got up.
"Give me a minute!" You replied.
"Okay." Charlie said as she left. When you got up you looked at yourself in the mirror. You weren't a mess by any means but you've definitely looked better. You freshen yourself up slightly before going downstairs.
The Hotel residents and staff were all in a circle. You sat down in one of the gaps in the circle. Charlie cleared her throat.
"Okay everybody let's go around in a circle and say our names first! I'm Charlie." She paused, "As you all know." Everyone else proceeded to say their name, which you already knew everyone's name. Excluding the short one-eyed girl, Niffty, and the girl with an x over one of her eyes, Vaggie. Then your turn came.
"Uh- Hi! My name is y/n" You cringed at the nervousness in your voice.
"Now I want everyone to tell a fact about themself. It doesn't have to be anything huge, just something to get to know each other." Charlie said, "I love musicals!" Yeah, that was pretty easy to guess.
Angel was next up. "I love sitting on big, HUGE-"
"Angel I fucking swear." Husk cut him off.
"Comfortable chairs! What were you thinking?" Angel had a smug smile plastered on his face. "Also cocks as well." He added. Husk and Vaggie groaned.
Niffty went next, but Charlie spoke before her, "Please try not to scare away our newest member." She pleaded. Niffty pouted but compiled anyway.
"I love writing fanfiction! Escapily with bad boys." Her tone turned slightly seductive at the end. You elected to ignore that.
There was a silence as everyone waited for Vaggie. Charlie stretched her palm out to tell her to talk. "Oh- yeah right sorry." She shook her head slightly, "I like to dance."
"Really!? How come I never knew that?" Charlie asked.
"It never came up." Vaggie smiled faintly
"I'm the bartender," Husk grumbled. Vaggie elbowed him. "What? I told a fact about myself."
Alastor let out an "ahem" noise. The focus shifted to him. "While this is a fact in general, I believe that radio is the utmost form of medium." As baseline as this was for a guy such as Alastor, you also kind of expected it. Alastor would not let anything deeper about himself slip. So why not go for the most well-known part of yourself. "Now, y/n, darling I do believe it is your turn."
Oh shit right. You've just met these people so don't go with anything personal. Also, make sure it doesn't make anyone uncomfortable. “I really don’t like being an overlord.” Your mouth moved before you could comprehend what you were saying. Well fuck. If this was a TV show you’d clearly be the comic relief, at least right now. Everyone but Alastor and Niffty had some form of uncomfortable plastered on their face. Alastor however had a curious yet sinister smile on his face. Niffty wasn’t really paying attention to you, she was chasing some random cockroach. 
You wanted to go back on that statement but something was saving you from embarrassing yourself further. Do demons have guardian angels? If so, yours was working overtime right now. But they also weren’t getting much work done.
Your real savior was whoever blew the fucking wall up. Everyone's head was quickly aimed at the now missing wall. While Husk just accepted it everyone else, including yourself, to find the source. Like you were in some sort of horror movie character getting ready to be stabbed. But you instead met with a huge mechanical blimp that had an impractical amount of guns.
“There you are!” The person in the blimp called out. It was very hard to hear but it was just loud enough. “Alastor, are you ready to be beat-”
“Who is this?’ 
“Who- Who am I!?” The voice was very clearly offended at Alastor's lack of knowledge. You just drowned the rest out. Alastor was cruel and frankly heartless. But he also did not like wasting time. So even while this poor sinner's fate was sealed, thankfully it wouldn’t be as drawn out as his past victims. You turned around to hopefully save any shred of innocence you were able to save. As you entered through the wall you could hear both Alastor and his victim speak.
“Thank you for another forgetful experience!” Alastor said. You didn’t necessarily
want to look but you did so anyway. Kind of like watching a car crash.
“Thank you…” the snake struggled to get out, “ For letting your guard down!” He ripped part of Alastors coat off. Well, that's not good, for anyone really. Alastor’s coat got torn and this sinner is about to die again. Or at the very least get seriously injured. You’re honestly surprised he lasted this long. He was notably weaker than The Radio Demon’s usual opponents. 
He, quite appropriately, said “Oh shit-” Before an explosion (you can only guess caused by Alastor) caused him to fly away. Welp, he’s gone forever now. The hotel seemed nice for the most part. It honestly still does. You just wish you weren’t staying in the same house as The Radio Demon. But now that you think about it, almost everyone here seems to have something severely wrong with them. And that includes you too. So at least you fit in.
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Jealous Alejandro kidnaps Valeria's girlfriend (1.6k words part 4)
Summary: Valeria breaks into the headquarters of the Mexican Army in search of her wife.
TW: implied sexual violence, violence more generally (and Google Translated Mexican Spanish)
Note: I'm back from my home country y'all and free to write gay fanfiction once again. I'm working on the next part ASAP but I wanted to post this because you guys have been waiting forever. Thank you for all the lovely comments and the interactions!! means a lot to me that you guys enjoy reading this :>
Link to A03 Link to part 1, part 2, part 3. Next part: part 5
'Army soldier' was more than a type of occupation, more than any other job title; it was a lifestyle. It is truly a different way of life, a way of life that most people are simply not built for. A soldier's form - their straight back, their way of taking in the world around them within a second, their way of assessing everything as either hostile or neutral, their battlefield instinct - it all became an inseparable part of who they are. There is a certain instinct that gets drilled into soldiers, the instinct to act immediately and fast. The instinct to not think twice about running into danger. It is triggered immediately and triggered intensely. So when the emergency siren at the Mexican Army Headquarters wailed, the whole place came alive. No time was wasted before troops placed themselves in position. Snipers grabbed their rifles and headed for the rooftops, Captains and sergeants tuned into their mics, barking orders to their subordinates, assembling their troops as quickly as possible. Guards ran to their posts and pilots rushed to where their aircraft were getting readied by flying personnel, prepared to take off to gain an advantage in the airfield and a much-needed vantage point of what was happening. The armoury opened as many hands reached within for ammo and other equipment.
From the outside, it was a perfect scene of military efficiency and readiness. But from the inside, anxiety bubbled, threatening to cut loose.
"Why did this have to happen today of all days?" A soldier grumbled as he tightened his weapon belt.
"Someone planned this. It's the most popular day for annual leave," another responded as he grabbed his shoes.
"Dia de los Muertos," the first one said, his voice low and grim.
The Day of the Dead. Celebrated annually around November 1st but spanning over the course of multiple days. A day of celebration for life and death, a day to pay respects to those who have passed on. A time of parades on squares and community gatherings, with crowds of people in traditional costumes and painted faces taking to the streets to rejoice with others. A time when many troops were stationed outside the headquarters for public safety. A time, therefore, of relatively little staff being left behind to man the fort.
It was so perfect, Valeria almost giggled as she withdrew her knife from someone's body and let them drop to the floor.
She had infiltrated the headquarters from the underground tunnels that connected to some fields further out, which were created to be used in emergencies but had been long forgotten over the years. These were the same tunnels she took many years back when she wanted to see you on a day that she hadn't booked off. She would wait until most of the barracks were asleep before slipping away in the shadows, passing the guards and quietly unscrewing the lid that separated the tunnels from the world above ground. It was even more exciting once she taught you when and where to wait for her, at the end of the tunnel, among greenery and orange trees. Among the fields that you would lay on for the rest of the night underneath your blanket, touching each other's bodies and talking to the stars. Whispering how badly you'd missed each other, hearing the hum of insects in between short gasps and warm moans. Now, she had unscrewed these same lids and stabbed the person in front of her, dragging them out and passing the body along to the staff that followed her. They dumped the body back in the fields. Part of her found it annoying that these tunnels were always standing between her and her wife. And yet there was some charm, too. Travelling the bowels of the Earth for her love.
Having officially stepped on ground owned by the Mexican Army, El Sin Nombre and her people spread like a virus, taking down certain key spots and hiding bodies. Not enough damage to create immediate alarm, but good enough progress to feel confident about the next step. Her heart sped up in excitement as she thought of her wife, who was only one building and a lock away from her. And right in front of that building, was him.
Valeria looked out from one of the windows and saw Alejandro standing with his back straight, his face possessing a deep scowl as he conversed with Rudolpho. It had been many years since she last saw him, which was nothing memorable. There was no goodbye, no farewell. She had simply gotten up in the middle of the night and gazed at his face one final time; he glistened beneath the moonlight. He was younger then, his face smoother, his voice gentler; not yet hardened. A mass of muscle on a standard issue Army bed, he was unaware that the woman he loved was slipping right through his fingers. Unaware that by the time he woke up, she'd be gone.
There'd be nothing left behind to prove that she even existed. All of her things just went missing alone with her. She didn't even leave a picture behind to immortalise their love, to have something to look at during those nights when his heart almost gave out, when he realised that he was starting to forget what she looked like. That he could no longer remember her voice. Now, as she looked at him, she wondered why they even started a relationship in the first place. He was attractive, sure, but nothing special. Not like the woman in the box.
He was older now, his face more wrinkled. Valeria was raised with the idea that in women, this quality had the same visual effect as decaying fruit. When Valeria looked in the mirror and saw her signs of age - the smile lines that wouldn't smooth out when her smile fell, the lines around her mouth that could not be covered by cosmetics, the wrinkles around her eyes - it reminded her of something that was starting to fade. But in men, the quality was different, more merciful. More like maturing. It enraged her to see him getting older. To see him in the exact same place that she left him. The memories attached to this place were too much to handle. Memories of her younger years kept materialising at the edge of her vision, like a trick of the light; a shadow figure that kept pursuing. It used to be her, out there in the yard. Talking with Alejandro and Rudy, passing along jokes during a long day. But right now it was just the two of them, talking with ease like she had never been there at all. And right at that moment, as she gazed down at them, the alarm went off. What a glorious opportunity to have a front-row seat to witness Alejandro's reaction once she pulled the rug from underneath his feet. There was no more time to waste. She forced herself to stop gloating at these shadows of the past and to move forward. With each step, she got closer to her wife, her sweetheart. Valeria felt weightless, she felt herself glide through the space between herself and Y/N. She would pause here and there to ensure she did not reveal herself to her enemies. At times, she stealthily murdered someone who could have easily been her roommate back when she was a cadet. But that was another lifetime, a lifetime of making the wrong friendships and choosing the wrong lovers. She wasted no time on these obstacles. At last, her hand encircled the handle of the container. She pushed her weight into it and entered, ready for anything. Be it to murder a guard, or to embrace her love; her instincts were on the front seat. She could kill a hundred men if it came to it.
“Valeria. Bienvenida.”
The metal door crashed into the threshold behind her, the echoes reverberating, she felt, for eternity. There was nothing beyond these metal walls anymore, the whole world went silent. The wrath that burned in her eyes met the hatred that dripped out of his. Darkness met darkness; loathing encircled within their dark glares like an ouroboros, its dark scales flashing where the light hit it. Valeria and Alejandro were a perfect mirror, they were tuned into the same frequency, a frequency of violence. They were built of the same clay; two destroyers meeting at last.
He was right in front of her, waiting. Standing tall and armed to the teeth, Colonel Alejandro Vargas. Her jealous ex-lover, the kidnapper of her wife, the annihilator of peace, the snake that infiltrated the garden. The evil eye incarnate. And here was she, the abandoner, the backstabber; the woman lover.
“Y/N.” Valeria spoke with steel in her voice.
“Is no longer with us, I’m afraid.” The lines of his mouth fell into a pout, feigning sadness. Mocking her. “She’s not a fighter, like you or me. You know what happens to the weak here,” he scoffed. “What was it that you used to say? That the weak exist to serve the strong and die? Yeah,” he said diabolically, a grin etching itself on his face. “That’s what happened.”
She knew he was lying; Y/N walked this earth still. She and her wife’s souls were so intertwined, Valeria would have felt it if her wife was gone. Y/N could never leave without her heart knowing. Valeria would put her hand through fire to prove her conviction.
“If I thought she was dead, I would have shot you on sight,” she said. Her hand gripped a blade tightly, willing herself to stop shaking.
Alejandro laughed. “Oh, I didn’t mean she was dead.” His gloved hands held onto his vest as he looked down at her. “I meant that your wife served me.”
Unable to contain her wrath any longer, Valeria lunged at him with a scream.
tag list: @justmare @silas-222 @m0rganit3 @blarba-girl @sleepiemain @caffeineliker @ashy-kit @00ops1e @lesvii @therapyneeds @lez-zuha @starre-eyes @7smexy7diva @hello-kitty-festival @konigmeu @cassiecasluciluce @gay-ass-country-boy @starwars-theclonewhore @bi-witch-bxtch @somnoslvt @ashthepillow @b3ns0ne  @idiotwrites @danart501 @deakyspuff @mistresssiri @angethehimbosimp
thanks for supporting me!!
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pt XI good omens season 1 finale I'M SORRY THIS IS LATE, I WAS READING FANFIC.
How is this a title I'm now forced to write. Yes, I know it's been a week since I finished episode 6 with you maggots. And today is the day we start season 2. However, I, the Official Good Omens Mascot, procrastinated writing part XI, because I was reading too much good omens fanfiction. Yesterday I do believe I was reading till 3 in the morning. Thanks guys.
Season 1 finale, or whatever I can figure out with my records of the watch along chat, at least. WAHOO.
[EDIT: I'm back at the intro after finishing this post, and I realised this is a very long summary, because most of it is me yelling at you guys. As I typed it I started reliving my rage of last week. Read on if you dare, yes the post is long, and yes the second half is in all caps. THIS TOOK EMOTION. YOU GUYS BETTER REBLOG IT INSTEAD OF LIKING IT SILENTLY WHILE LAUGHING AT MY PAIN. I WANT MY RAGE EVERYWHERE ON TUMBLR.]
Someone puts a message about how Crowley can no longer sense Aziraphale's presence, and again for some reason covers it with black. My reaction is of course horrified, and then everyone tells me to STOP CLICKING THE SPOILERS, ASMI.
So that's what that was. I realise this out loud, and everyone is ready to cry with exasperation. I explain to them very reasonably that while I don't read every message on the watch-along chat, every time there is a black message I assume it's important and I click on all of them to reveal the text.
Realising the spoiler function has backfired, as most things do with me, the chat sighs and everyone goes for a break. Then someone puts another blacked out message about the bookshop, and I react to that, leading to another blacked out message which simply says STOP CLICKING THE BLACK.
Someone says I forgive you, Asmi. I reply with Don't bother, which leads to tears and threats to stab me. The chat maggots give up and we start episode 6.
There is a random flashforward. I don't understand what is happening, but then again, I never do.
Back at the airfield. Crowley walks in, recognises their hubby instantly, and takes charge sexily. Then the Bentley bursts into flames.
Crowley is heartbroken. No one comforts them. When I point this out (read, YELL IT AT THE CHAT IN DEVASTATION) someone tells me that this is how it always is.
Crowley needs all the therapy. Someone says kinder fanfic authors give it to him. LIES, I point out, FIRST THEY GIVE HIM EVEN MORE REASON FOR THERAPY. THEN GIVE HIM THERAPY.
Everyone is yelling about a fanfic called demonology while Adam the Antichrist feels so weird at Aziraphale being inside someone that's not Crowley that he separates them in the First Bigeneration style. Doctor Who is inspired.
Aziraphale like the babygirl he is, tries to girlboss his way through the situation by making Crowley murder the kid.
Crowley and Aziraphale give a half-assed attempt at a father-son (gn) talk with the Antichrist as the world is ending. It is a terrible contribution to saving the world. The Antichrist thankfully has inherent common sense, because he wasn't raised by them.
Aziraphale tries to overshare his and Crowley's meetcute and has to be shushed by an embarrassed Crowley who is trying to keep them alive.
Satan is supposed to arrive. I mistakenly assume Gabriel is actually Satan. Which pleases a lot of people.
Gabriel and Beezlebub talk and blame Crowley and Aziraphale (who contributed exactly JACK SHIT to averting the apocalypse).
I kind of ship Gabriel and Beezlebub after seeing them interact for 30 seconds, which for some fucking reason leads to a lot of reactions and yelling. I want them to be together. Which leads to more yelling. PLEASE TELL ME THIS IS NOT ACTUALLY CANON?
Satan arrives. Antichrist disowns him. Through the power of Manifestation, Law of Attraction and Positive Thinking, Adam is now no longer the Antichrist, Satan leaves, none of this happened and the BENTLEY AND BOOKSHOP ARE SAVED.
There is the bus stop scene Crowley asks Aziraphale to move in with him and they hold hands I DON'T FUCKING KNOW BY NOW THE CHAT HAS DESCENDED INTO CHAOS I'VE LOST MY BRAINCELLS.
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 1 month
The Anomaly || JJK
Chapter 13: Right and Wrong, pt. 2
summary : In which you're isekai'd from your (own) parallel Jujutsu Kaisen universe to the canon universe.
wordcount : 2.6k
Pairing: Jujutsu Kaisen X Reader, mostly platonic, you're really just part of the story
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The metro stations are empty.
It doesn't take you long to find out, and instead you find your way above ground again, intending to join forces with Nobara, who must be lingering around somewhere without doubt.
" Inumaki!" 
Not too far from where you're stood just outside of the metro exit, is Inumaki stood, hunched over, holding his shoulder. Your eyes widen in horror as you realize that he's missing his arm.
Did that happen while you were fighting that curse user in the metro station earlier? 
Inumaki glances up at you, his eyes wide alert. His collar is left unzipped, showing his mouth, the marks of his cursed technique pinched together as he grits his teeth in pain.
You snap out of it, taking off the cap of one of your refilled water skins to come to his aid. You don't speak as you lower his zipper further. The part of his shirt on his left side is soaked through in blood. You can't imagine the pain. However, you don't linger on it, manipulating water like you've done often. The water engulfs his shoulder, and once your ability starts running through his body, he visibly collapses, resting his head against your shoulder while you do your best to heal him. 
Understandably, his wounds sucks up a lot of water. You've never healed a wound quite that bad before, never healed someone who lost a limb. Eventually, all that's left to heal is outer layers of his wound, his bloodpaths reattached.
Your peaceful moments get interrupted by a sudden curse flying your way. You grimace, focusing your cursed energy in your leg as you kick it away. 
For now, you pause your healing as you get ready to face this curse. Inumaki is quick to respond too. Obviously, he's completely out of shape currently, needing to rest and heal. However, it doesn't look like he's planning to do so. He readies his stance behind you, ready to fight by your side.
You narrow your eyes as you realize that the curse who attacked you is the same curse which was down in the metro station.
Did it follow you?
" Toge, step out of the barrier. If your shoulder gets hit my cursed technique will come undone. " 
Toge looks uncertain, his eyes switching between the curse spirit and you.
" Pickled mustard leaf."
'I'm not leaving you to fend for yourself. I can help.'
" You should help me by leaving, Toge. I can't witness any more people who I care for dying." 
Your voice is strong, certain, leaving no room for argument.
Meanwhile the curse spirit grins creepily.
" I've killed the other two. " 
It's lying. You know it is.
You scoff, Your cursed energy reaching for the remainder of your water kept inside of your water skins.
" You wish you could." 
With that said, you produce a harsh wave, sending him flying.
" Toge, Sukuna and I left Megumi in the shopping district of the city. We kinda... forgot him, to be honest. Please find him and take him outside of the barrier with you."
You don't leave any room for argument, chasing after the cursed spirit, reaching him in a heartbeat.
" I hope you're ready because we're going to end you today!" 
Yuuji and Sukuna are hot on Mahito's heel, following him with every step. That doesn't mean that things go flawlessly though.
Currently, both are running up the stairs, reaching another level of the metro station, only for Yuuji to get hit with a line of humans, their bodies stabbed through by Mahito's arm.
Sukuna's eyes widen.
What the fuck is this thing?
He jumps, avoiding Yuuji from collapsing into his body. In one smooth maneuver, he cuts the spirit's arm- or at least, attempts to.
Shit. He forgot to ask for his most prized weapon, stored safely in the space of your domain.
" This is funny. You look like Sukuna, but you have no cursed energy. " 
Mahito's grinning creepily.
Sukuna scoffs at him, sheating his sword back in it's sheat. Instead, he unties the cloth he has wrapped around his thigh, wrapping it around his hand. It's imbued with his universe' Yuuji's cursed energy, allowing his punches to have effect. He doesn't need a weapon to take the thing on. He'll wring him with his bare hands.
" Are you okay?" 
Yuuji is concerned, his hands gentle as he breaks the man's fall.
The man turns to face him.
" Yeah." 
He's not. The man's head turns blue before exploding, his blood splattering all over Yuuji. 
Mahito, who knew this would happen, is quick to close in on him, changing his hand into a weapon. Sukuna follows, Mahito's hit never coming in contact with Yuuji as as Sukuna interferes, punching it swiftly in it's side, sending him flying.
Nobara glances up, noting that something has flown into the roof behind her. She doesn't hesitate, sending nails it's way as it aims to punch her.
It's gone before she can see what it is, but soon enough, the cursed spirit comes running back, aiming an attack that elongates it's limbs in some sick way. The different ends of it's limbs punch into the ground harshly. Nobara, who had seen it aiming her way, runs, avoiding them from hitting her. She ends up on the roof, aiming yet another nail at it. 
It hits.
Finally, you return to the scene after that, jumping through the air in time to notice the curse expanding it's limbs once again. Thankfully, you had already been speeding water in that familiar lethal circle, and you slam it down.
The curse's eyes widen, pulling back just in time as your attack hits the ground. The ground cracks beneath the force, a huge slash left in it's awake.
It's eyes widen, amusement dancing in it's eyes.
It didn't expect you to have that kind of power. 
" Not bad!" 
It's amused, intrigued in your power. But did you have the ability to fight him? 
Either way, it chases after Nobara as you hit the floor, your newfound cursed energy recharged and ready to use as it leaves an indent where you hit the floor as you finally land.
Meanwhile Nobara is cautious to keep it's hands on a distance.
Good. She's aware of it's power.
" You're no fun." 
The cursed spirit is quick to charge at her again once it realizes she knows, throwing several objects her way.
Nobara doesn't back down, throwing nails in return and continuing and blocking it's attempts to harm her.
You don't back down either, charging at it as well. 
It's surprisingly smooth, evading your attacks while also managing to continue attacking her.
" Neither of you can beat me." 
He's probably right. Nanami mentioned in a report that only Yuuji's attacks seem to have effect on him. 
" We know, but sometimes you just gotta try anyway!" 
Nobara's words are nothing short from the truth, and soon enough, you notice what's happening. You jump onto the roof, out of her way, as she jumps down, activating her cursed technique.
" Hairpin!" 
At once, the nails beneath the curse explode. Nobara grins, satisfied as it's hands are severed. She jumps on it next, slapping her strawdoll on its body and raising her hammer.
" I've been wanting to try this on you for a while now. Resonance!" 
Both of you grin at one another, before sharpening in on the situation again. Her technique is effective against it, which was understandably great. However-
" That was odd. I just felt my cursed energy explode somewhere else nearby. Let's see. Your cursed energy is weak, and you passed on the chance to grab me earlier too. You're some kind of double that can't use its technique, aren't you?" 
Your eyes widen at her words. She's right. It makes sense. 
The curse, or well, the curse's double, grins, licking it's own blood off it's face.
" Correct." 
Meanwhile, Sukuna and Yuuji are watching with wide eyes as several spikes puncture through Patchface, recognizing that cursed technique all too well.
" Nobara." 
" Sukuna! Now!" 
With that, the two of them rain down punch after punch on Mahito.
" Sukuna, once Nobara's cursed technique has worked out, let me do the punching. You don't have the cursed energy to protect yourself!" 
Yuuji's words have no ill intent, yet Sukuna scoffs, huffing with a nod, giving Mahito a particularly harsh punch and sending him flying.
" Tch. Fine. Don't concern yourself over me. You'll get distracted, and I'm not weak." 
Yuuji nods in acknowledgment, but doesn't react otherwise.
He doesn't know how to feel about Sukuna, especially because of what Ryomen Sukuna just did. Cursed energy or not, Itadori Sukuna was dangerous, strong. He saw it while Ryomen Sukuna was in control. Your Sukuna stood a serious chance if he was given the right weapon.
Yuuji wouldn't dare underestimate him.
" This is where the real battle begins!" 
Nobara's grinning, as are you. You have a chance.
" Nah.. I'm outta here!" 
The duplicate takes the both of you by surprise, shooting off in the opposite direction instead.
" What?! Hold it!"
The both of you charge at it, and soon enough you realize it's heading back to the metro station.
You understand Nobara's train of thought as the both of you are running, realizing the plan that's formulating in her head. You don't always need to communicate with people to catch on, and right now is one of those moments.
If you continue down this pad, you'll make your way to B5, where Gojo sensei is sealed. You had originally pushed that aside. Alone, you would be no match for Geto Suguru's cursed technique. Not in this environment.
If only you were near a river now.
The both of you follow after Mahito, jumping after it as it jumps down into the metro station.
Meanwhile the original Mahito jumps into multiple smaller versions of himself beneath Yuuji's punch, avoiding it at the last second.
Damnit. It split up.
It's not stupid either, choosing to run away in multiple directions. 
" Shit." 
Sukuna scoffs, taking out his Chain once again, getting to work with destroying one after another. Yuuji punches one of the other ones, the one with the most cursed energy.
However, once Mahito has gained enough momentum between Yuuji and Sukuna, he comes back together again.
" Haha, fooled ya'." 
And then he's running off.
" Come back here you fucking wuss!" 
Sukuna's visibly irritated. He hates it when opponents chicken out.
Truth to be told, Sukuna loves fighting. It's one of the rare things he's good at and useful for. He doesn't really care if he has to exorcise something or kill it. He doesn't care who he has to kill. As long as the people who he cares for are at his side.
Exasperated, Sukuna throws his Chain Mahito's way, who gets lucky, avoiding it at the last minute, jumping down the escalator.
Why was it heading towards that part of the metro station?
Yuuji is the first to see both Mahito's, confused by the double's appearance.
Sukuna follows shortly after.
Both boys their eyes widen as they notice Nobara and you at the other side.
Confusion rushes through the both of you, and it takes you a moment before the dots connect in your mind.
The spirit never followed you. It had been fighting Yuuji and Sukuna this whole time. You thought it had followed you and then split up as some kind of survival tactic.
" Itadori?" 
" Kugisaki! Y/N! Run!" 
It's too late. The spirit is too quick.
By the time Sukuna catches up in realizing what is happening, the spirit is too close to Nobara, and close to you too. It was too late to throw out the Chain and pull the spirit back towards them to save the both of you. He tries either way.
Your eyes widen in horror as the curse's hand slaps against Nobara's face, swiftly hitting her for a moment before heading your way. 
You're lucky. You're incredibly lucky. Your fighting style was engraved into your subconscious, allowing you to move without thinking about it. A harsh training your parents ordered you to follow in case the Kamo clan would ever decide to attempt to take your life. The Clan never had. They had rightfully been too scared of your parents to ever seriously harm you. 
However, your parents aren't here to protect you. Except for Sukuna, you're on your own. 
Today, your fighting style saves your life. The sleek movements of your body allowing you to move along the curse spirit's body, allowing you to escape its lethal touch in reflex. 
And just to Sukuna's luck, you step in the right direction, his Chain wrapping around your arm.
By the time you're glancing down at your arm in realization of what just happened, he's already pulling you his way harshly, causing you to loose your footing as you stumble in his direction.
Meanwhile Yuuji snaps as the double grins, laughing about Nobara's injury.
" Haha! Hit you dead on!" 
" Out of my way!" 
Yuuji hits the double harshly only once. It's enough to kill it.
Sukuna meets you halfway, catching you before your body hits the ground, his arms secure around your waist as he catches you. Neither of you speak. You numbly get back on your feet as you gently call out to her, scared eyes searching her expression.
" ......Nobara..?" 
Everyone watches with bated breath, unwilling to loose her. You make quick work of uncapping your water skin, running out of Sukuna's loose hold as you manipulate a stream of water towards her, using the same technique you've used on Tsumiki of your universe. It glows as it surrounds her. Perhaps, your technique was strong enough to save her. You're already crying, though you don't realize it, desperate to save the girl you know as your best friend.
" You!" 
Mahito does not like you. Your reverse cursed energy is blinding. And if you keep this up, you'll save her.
He extends a hand towards you, and Sukuna is quick to react, pulling you back, out of harm's way. Though it does the trick: it breaks your concentrations, your healing circle breaks, and Mahito's technique runs it's course as it would.
" Yuuji, Y/N, Sukuna, please tell everyone: It wasn't so bad." 
She's smiling as her face contorts, before the side of her head explodes.
Yuuji's voice is small as he calls out to her.
" Nobara?" 
You start crying, and this time, you do realize it.
| Bonus Chapter: Nobara Kugisaki
[ A/N: Yo Jujutsu Kaisen manga' ends on 30 september- fucc. ( I have finally caught up with what's out now)
Also, (inappropriate question considering the chapter but:) who would you like to see together with mc?
Personally (It might've been obvious, but) I ship her with mc's Sukuna.]
The Anomaly Taglist:
@luxylucylou @kalulakunundrum @strxbxrrylover @aethersslave @jenniferrvsesi @hanatsuki-hime @betizda @sh0uk1
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alina-dixon · 2 years
Open doors never mean a good thing
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Pairing: Hannibal x Male reader x Will
TW: near death, blood, violence, killing, angst, fluff.
Requested: Yes / No
It was late, your husbands Hannibal and Will were just done with a new case and ready to head home to you. Both sitting in the Car and about to pull into the driveway. “Do you think he would be happy if we went to an amusement park with him?” Will asked glancing over at Hannibal who drove the car.
Will and Hannibal had planned to go to an amusement park with you tomorrow, and they wanted to tell you at today's dinner, as a little surprise.
Hannibal looked over at Will for a moment and back to the street, smiling. “I'm sure he would love it, you know how childish he can be. He would probably enjoy it more than most of the people that went there.” Will laughed at that, nodding in agreement. “Yeah, probably!”.
Some time went by and they finally pulled into the driveway, getting out of the car, they felt like something was off... And they were right. The moment when they walked to the door they noticed that it was open. This alarmed the both of them and Will pulled his weapon out.
“O-Open doors never mean a good thing” mumbled Will, looking at Hannibal who was also ready to kill if he needed to. They made their way slowly into the house when they heard a noise coming from the living room.
When They got there, they stood on the side of the doorframe, looking inside their eyes widened with horror. There were two men with bloodied clothes in the room, standing right in front of their blood stained and beaten up Husband who was hanging from the ceiling, gasping and panting while struggling against the ropes that were strangling him, trying to stay alive.
Instantly both of them run into the room, Hannibal with a knife and Will with his gun raised. Both men turned around at the sound of the steps only to be greeted with an angry Hannibal and an even so angry Will. Will shot the first man into his arm, while Hannibal was trying to stab the other one with his knife, which leads him to lose it and to fight the man with bare hands.
So when Will shot the male in his head he ran towards Hannibal and the other male he instantly shot him, when the man fell they rushed to their still struggling Husband who was about to turn blue from the lack of air. “Hold on Y/N! Hannibal get the knife!” Will screamed on the verge of tears.
While Hannibal rushed to get the knife from the floor Will had put his arms around your legs and held you up, so you won't strangle to death. Hannibal rushed back with a chair and the knife. He stepped onto the chair cutting you loose, now completely falling into Will’s arms.
Will slowly put you onto the floor “Please Y/N! You have to hold on!” now fully on crying as he saw how bloody and beaten up you were, you also had stab wounds and cuts all over your body, and your face was swollen and you had a black eye, your flannel shirt torn, and your jeans were ripped. Hannibal also had tears rolling down his face as he kneeled next to you “We’re here dear, it's going to be okay” he whispered while caressing your face with his right hand. Your breath was uneven and your eyes were almost closed.
Will stood up, pulling his phone out of his jacket, struggling to call Jack. When Jack picked up he only could hear someone crying on the other side “Will? Will!? What's going on? What happened!?” Jack was getting worried when Will didn't respond for a minute. “J-Jack! W-We need y-y-you a-and an A-Ambulance! Y-Y/N got attacked. One I-of the attacker's s-still lives.” Will trambled over his own words almost choking.
This alarmed Jack “Shit! We will be on our way, hold on!” Running could be heard on Jack’s side. “Hurry the Fuck up we've got somewhere to be, we’ll need an ambulance too!” more running could be heard. “We will be there shortly!” and with that Jack hung up.
Will’s hands were trembling as he puts his phone away, and walked back to Your side, he kneeled down and held onto your arm with one hand, and with the other one he held Hannibal’s arm. “Why-why is this happening!? Why him!?” Will cried looking at Hannibal. “I don't know, but Jack has to find out why!” Hannibal’s voice was angry, which is normal when your Husband was about to be murdered by some assholes. Hannibal kissed the top of Will’s head.
Suddenly footsteps could be heard from outside same as the shouting from Jack. Jack, four FBI agents, and three medics came rushing inside. When Jack saw Y/N on the floor his eyes widened “Shit! Hurry up and get him to the hospital!” Jack screamed, as the medics pushed Hannibal and Will off of you.
When jack looked at the FBI agents, they already had the man who was still alive handcuffed. “Get him out! And send the others in to get the corpse!” Jack turned to Hannibal and Will “What happened?” he asked trying to calm himself down. “We d-don’t know. W-When we drove h-here the door was open. A-And when we came i-in these men w-were standing in front o-of him, a-and he was hanging from the ceiling.” Will hugged Hannibal, eyes red and puffy as he cried into his shoulder. Both of them were still in shock.
Hannibal’s eyes were red too “Either way you find out why they did this, or we will” Hannibal was serious and that is for sure. Jack sighed and nodded his head, knowing that Hannibal was serious “We will inform you about everything we get.” when Jack said that he saw the medics getting Y/N out of the house. Jack, Will, and Hannibal followed suit.
“Will, you should drive with Y/N. I’ll drive after you.” Hannibal said as he got Will into the ambulance. Will nodded shakily, sitting down.
So when the doors of the ambulance closed shut it immediately drove off, sirens on. Hannibal got into his car and speed off after the ambulance.
Jack sighed, anger could be seen on his face, as he was in for a long night.
Will’s mind was racing, he was scared for your life. One of the medics put a mask on your face so that you could breathe normally again, as the other one gave you something for the pain.
The drive took about 10 minutes as the ambulance arrived at the hospital. The doors of the ambulance shot open as they rushed you inside the doctors immediately started rushing you into the Op, Will and Hannibal right beside you. “You have to hold on Y/N!” Will cried out, holding onto your hand.
When they were bursting through to doors to the Op a doctor stops them. “I'm sorry but you will have to wait outside, but if you want to sit down there are seats right there” the doctor pointed to a bunch of seats not too far from the Op entrance. Hannibal nodded and grabbed Will’s arms slowly walking to the seats to sit down.
Will was trambling in Hannibal’s arms, he strokes Will’s hair to comfort him. “I hope he makes it” Will sobbed. “I'm sure he will make it, he has one of the strongest wills that exists,” Hannibal said soothingly. Normally Hannibal wasn't a person who is afraid of anything really, but when it came to you and Will, it was something else. And it scared him, the thought that he could lose you right now was scaring him shitless.
After what seemed to be 3 hours a nurse came out, making both of them stand up as the nurse walked towards them. “How is he!?” Will immediately asked the nurse. “He is stable, we will put him onto the intensive care unit. They are already on their way there, but it will take him probably another hour to wake up. I will take you to him, so if you would like to follow me.” she said, Hannibal and Will nodded. “Of course,” Hannibal said as they to followed the nurse.
“He will have to stay a weak and a half or so, because he also had a few broken ribs and a sprained ankle,” she said calmly as they stopped in front of a door. “Were here” she simply said as she knocked lightly at the door before opening it.
When they stepped inside there was another nurse that was putting a bag with some liquid onto the hook, it was for the pain. so you won't be in pain when you woke up.
It was a heartbreaking sight for both of them when they saw all those bandages around you. “The doctor will come in an hour to see if he’s awake.” and with that, both nurses left the room.
They walked towards you, and sat to your right. They both sat down and both of them took your hand into their own.
After a while you suddenly gripped their hand tight, making both of them shoot right up. When they looked at you they saw you smiling at them which calmed them down. “Hey, love” was what Hannibal said “hey, sweetheart” Will whispered, making you smile even wider. “Hey~” you whispered back as you began to sat up a little more straight which Hannibal helped you with.
“How are you feeling, love?” Hannibal asked stroking your hair. “I'm feeling good actually. And you? You both must have been worried.” you asked back arching a brow making both of them chuckle. “We're fine now that we know that you're good.” Hannibal awnsered “Yeah, more than happy.” Will nodded his head. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and it opened. The Doctor walked in and started smiling. “I see your awake, how are you feeling Mr. Lecter/Graham?” he asked stopping in front of the bed.
You smiled back at the doctor. “I'm feeling good, thank you!” the doctor laughed a little. “That's good! You will be able to leave within five days, because of your healing. Your healing seems to be extremely faster than anyone else, which is extremely good for you, so you won't be staying too long here.” the doctor exclaimed. You nodded your head and thanked him as he left again.
These five days went by quickly, The guy that was still alive was put to jail for the rest of his life. And you were going home today, but you still couldn't walk so they had to get a wheelchair for you, till your ankle is fully healed just like your ribs. “Alright, your good to go the papers are all taken care of. Take care Mr. Lecter/Graham. And a good day you three.” the doctor said as he left.
“Alright let's get you into the wheelchair, sweetheart.” Will said. “yeah.” you nodded. Hannibal had placed the wheelchair next to your bed holding it as Will was helping you. “Lift your arms for me please, sweetheart.” he asked, and you happily obliged to that making him and Hanninal chuckle. So he put one arm around your back and put the other under your legs, making you put your arms around his neck. He carefully lifted you and carefully put you into the wheelchair.
“Alright, let’s go.” Hannibal said as you made your way out of the hospital. When you reached the car you spoke up. “Can we go eat something? I'm hungry!” You asked looking at them with big eyes, making them chuckle, Hannibal nodded. “Of course we can, love. Where do you want to go?” he asked. You closed your eyes pretending to think of something even if you already knew where you wanted to go. “To (favorite Restaurant)!” you exclaimed opening your eyes and grinning at them. Both of them laugh at your childlike behavior. “(favorite Restaurant) it is then!” Will said as he opened the back door of the car and lifted you out of the Wheelchair and sat you inside, while Hannibal put the Wheelchair in the trunk.
Will buckled you up and kissed you on your lips and so did Hannibal before closing the door to get in. Hannibal got into the driver's seat and Will into the passenger seat. “I love you” you said lovingly. “We love you too” they both said and with that, they drove off to the restaurant.
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baby-alien11 · 1 year
Dinner with the Ulrich family (Y/N Ulrich universe)
My requests are open btw (unfortunately for many of you, I won't write smut for Jack for the simple fact that I'm three soon to be four years older than him and I would be uncomfortable writting that for him, there are enough people sexualising him on tik tok which is wrong because he turned eighteen like a few months ago)
taglist: @volturi-girl-imagines @dessxoxsworld @aonungsgirlfriend @ethanlandryluver
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Lately, things have been bussy in Jack's life because of the new fame he gainned for Avatar and Scream VI, making him a little tired because of the interviews and next projects to film, so in a week when he didn't had any compromises he decided to spend a day with you in your house (of course after going to the gym), and Butters was also there
During most part of the day, the two of you spend time in your room watching movies and sleeping, with Butters and baby dragon Jake between you to, the only times when both of you leave the bedroom was to go to the bathroom or to eat when Skeet called you
That was until the middle of "Hamilton", when Skeet openned the door, with the sight of the two of you laying in your bed with Butters sleeping in one of your pillows
"Kids, time to get up", Skeet said turning the lights on, "Dinner's ready"
"Can we go when we reach the final of the first act?", you asked with sweetness, "It's only one song left"
"You can finish it later", Skeet responded, "Come on, the food is going to get cold"
Sighing in defeat, you and Jack got up from your bed to walk downstairs with Butters following close
At first you only were expecting a small dinner between you, your dad, Jack (and Butters), so you were surprised and happy to see two blond heads in the dinning room
"What are you doing here?", you smiled hugging your older siblings
"Dad said he needed help with the two tornados in his house", Naiia joked
"The champ!", Jakob exclaimed hugging Jack
"Hey man", Jack answered with a smile
After setting the table with the plates and drinks for everyone and serving Butters food, the five of you sit at the table to eat the chinese food that the twins had bought
"So, how was everyones day?", Jakob asked
"Surprisingly, chill", Skeet responded causing you and Jack to look at him with offense
"Wait, the two tornados haven't done a dissaster?", Naiia said in shock
"Today they are chill, so I got to talk with my agent about going to the MEGACON with a little Scream reunion", Skeet revealed causing big smiles on everyone
"That's awesome", Jack exclaimed
"Who's going?", you asked
"Neve, Matthew and Jamie", Skeet answered
"The OG's", Jakob joked, "So, I have a question about that, is Stu really dead?"
"Jack", you said turning to look at your boyfriend, "Ethan also had a TV falling into his head, what do you think about Stu's fate?"
"If Ethan is dead after that, also Stu", Jack shrugged
"Yeah, but Ethan was stabbed like a million times, Stu not so much", Naiia replied, "He could be alive, with scars and in a mental facility"
"Just like in the Tik Tok theories", you exclaimed
"What if we call uncle Matthew and ask him?", Skeet interrupted taking out his phone
Putting the phone on speaker, it was only a few seconds of the ringtone when he answered
"What's up Skeet?", Matthew greeted from the other side
"Hey man", Skeet greeted, "My kids want to ask you something"
"Hi, uncle Matthew", you speak due to being the "baby" of the family, "We were having a debate about the first Scream, is Stu alive?"
Instead of an answer, the only thing that was heard after the question was the sound of the call ending
"He hang up on us", Naiia pointed
"So rude", Jakob commented, "Anyways, Jack, how's everything?"
"Crazy", Jack admited with honesty, "That's the word to describe everything that is happening"
"Including the Ethan defenders?", you joked feeling how Butters jumped into your lap, "He was at econ, I know, trust me"
"That is actually fun", Jack laughed
"Believe me kid, you are going to have a lot of that", Skeet joked
"Yeah, it's not cool to see thirst traps of Billy Loomis in my for you page", Naiia murmured
"Oh my god, I thought I was the only one", you sighed
"What?", Skeet exclaimed in confusion
"It's for the scream tag", Jakob explained
"There a lot of videos dedicated to every character", Jack continued, "Including the theories, rankings and so much more"
"Welcome to Gen-Z, dad", Naiia joked
While the four of you laughed at that comment, Skeet only smiled at the sight of his four kids (including Jack) having fun
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darth-mortem · 8 months
This is a second chapter of my COD fic "At the Crossroads of the Worlds" translated by @g8se.
Task force "141" was sent to clean up a secret laboratory, the research of which was financed by states recognized as sponsors of terrorism. The soldiers broke into a bunker located in the Caucasus Mountains on the Russian-Georgian border. At first, everything went according to plan, but after the fighters split up, Ghost came across a strange room, the door of which locked automatically the moment he was inside. Without knowing it, Simon Riley had set off an experiment that had been brewing here for years, and now he would have to be very strong to finally return home.
Chapter 2 of 6. 2431 words. You can read first chapter here.
Past character death, angst, action, secret lab, experiment, parallel worlds
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August 15, 2016. Georgian-Russian border. Caucasus Mountains. Coordinates classified. Experiment status: Two hours after successful equipment launch. Experiment No. 16/3 successful. The object has been transported. Reality LW414/2016.
Captain Riley sat by the campfire, holding a cigarette between his fingers, trying to make sense of everything that had happened today. Next to him sat a young man in a balaclava with a skull print. Across from them were the two individuals they had met near the helicopter. The wounded soldier lay in a tent, bandaged and medicated with supplies from Ghost's first aid kit. The condition of this soldier was severe, but based on Riley's experience, he believed the man would survive and eventually return to duty.
Simon stared into the fire with a motionless gaze, but the moment when he leaped out of the helicopter still lingered in his mind.
The landing had been difficult. They were running out of fuel and Riley managed to land literally on its last drops. Opening the cargo compartment, he shut off the engine and unbuckled from his seat. People who had come to meet them were already nearby, and as Simon jumped out of the cabin, ready to help with the wounded, he suddenly saw who was approaching him.
The captain's eyes darkened instantly. His breath caught, and a piercing and unpleasant feeling stabbed him in the chest. He leaned heavily against the helicopter, feeling his legs giving way.
Before Simon there stood Johnny. He was older, had a scar over one eye, wore some outdated gear, but it was undeniably him, without any doubts.
“Hey, what's with you?” through the haze that filled Riley's eyes, the face of this Johnny appeared, and then strong hands grabbed him. “Are ye injured? Mate, look at me! Hey, who’s he, anyway?”
This was said somewhat to the side. The guy in the balaclava also approached, shifting his gaze from Simon to Johnny, and then shrugged.
“I thought you sent him,” he said and also peered into Captain Riley's face. “He got shot, but he's in armour, so he should be fine. Hey, are you okay?”
“Yeah,” Simon rasped, shook his head, and straightened up. “Solid.”
“Well, he's clearly not our enemy,” the third man intervened, who had managed to peek into the cargo compartment and was now standing a little further away. “So we'll talk later. We need to move Roach to our camp. Ghost, come on, help!”
“Yes, sir!” the guy in the balaclava and Captain Riley replied in unison, then looked at each other in surprise.
They all were soldiers, so, setting aside their amazement and confusion, they carried the wounded man to a small camp. The first aid kits of these four were half-empty and outdated, so Captain Riley pulled out his own. He used up all the haemostatic agents and stimulants, but he managed to stop the bleeding and stabilize the condition of the wounded man. They bandaged him and settled him in one of the two tents. After that, a soldier resembling Johnny lit a fire, and all four finally sat around, able to talk.
“Well, friend, let's get to know each other now,” said the man in the hat, lighting a cigare. “I'm Captain John Price. This is Captain John MacTavish and Lieutenant Simon Riley. The guy in the tent is Sergeant Gary Sanderson. And who are you?”
“I’m... Captain Simon Riley,” Ghost said, feeling his head starting to spin again. “Call sign - Ghost. I'm the commander of the Task Force 141.”
Now it was time for these three to exchange glances and lose their ability to speak. The guy in the balaclava froze, staring at Simon. Captain MacTavish coughed, choking on the smoke from his cigarette. Captain Price stared at Ghost for a few seconds, then spoke slowly:
“But we are the 141. And we don't know you.”
“But I know you,” Ghost replied and shook his head. “I mean, not you, but someone very much like you, and... I don't understand.”
“We too,” the lieutenant said. “I’m Ghost! Here are my dog tags!”
Captain Riley looked at his dog tags and pulled out his own. Two simple silver rings - wedding rings he had bought, planning to propose to his Johnny - hung on the same chain with them. He had hesitated for a long time, although he knew that Soap loved him, and then... then it was already too late.
Captain Riley's dog tags changed hands. All three examined them, and then Price handed them to the owner and rubbed at his temples.
“Okay,” he said in a completely bewildered tone. “Tell us how you ended up here. With all possible details.”
Simon lifted the edge of his mask, lit a cigarette, and deeply pondered, staring into the fire. They didn’t rush him, probably trying to make sense of everything on their own and maybe find some explanations. Lieutenant Riley, on the other hand, looked at him with wide-open eyes, mechanically rubbing his balaclava around his mouth, where Captain Riley had a scar that split his lips.
“On August 14, 2030, Major Price and I received data on a new mission for our 141,” Ghost finally spoke.
“What d’ye say?” MacTavish immediately interrupted him. “2030?! That's...”
“Son,” Captain Price put his hand on his shoulder, “let him tell everything. We'll ask questions later.”
“Okay,” Soap nodded, rubbed his temples, and looked at Captain Riley. “Sorry. Go on.”
“Intelligence uncovered an illegal laboratory funded by countries sponsoring terrorism,” Simon continued. “My unit was supposed to infiltrate the bunker where the lab was located, conduct clean-up, and find out what they were actually working on. We reached the destination on August 15. The combat groups of Major Price, Lieutenant Garrick, and Lieutenant Sanderson engaged with the facility's security. I went down to the lower level, took some scientists hostage, and then found myself in... probably the main lab. There was a strange room behind the sturdy airlock doors. I entered in, and the exit locked automatically. Then something started happening. Everything around electrified, there were sensors and indicators, a countdown, and then...”
Ghost paused, trying to recall the details, but they slipped from his memory, and he rubbed at his temples, furrowing his brow.
“Then I came to my senses where the bunker was, but on the surface,” he continued. “I saw... Lieutenant Riley and Sergeant Sanderson, General Shepard was about to kill them. The same Shepard that Price shot seven years ago, in 2023. Even then, I realized that something was off, but there was no time to hesitate, so...”
Captain Riley fell silent, glanced at Lieutenant Riley, and pulled out another cigarette from the pack. After a second of thought, he handed the pack to the other Ghost, who took it and lifted the edge of his balaclava. Simon saw that he had the exact same scar, splitting his lips.
“Ye mentioned Lieutenant Garrick,” MacTavish broke the silence. “Kyle “Gaz” Garrick?”
“Exactly,” Riley nodded.
The three soldiers exchanged glances again. Captain MacTavish started to look saddened. Captain Price shook his head.
“For a moment, I thought I was beginning to understand something,” he said, “but this fact changes everything. Captain, it's now August 15, 2016. There are no bunkers or labs here. We, 141, came here to find some information and clear our names. We've been set up, and now we're wanted. We trusted Shepard, but he was behind all of this.”
“And he would have killed me and Roach if you haven't showed up,” Lieutenant Riley added.
“I thought maybe you were from the future,” Price continued, “but our Gaz is dead. And we're at war here. With Russia.”
“What about me?” Captain MacTavish suddenly asked with interest. “Am I in yer unit?”
“Sergeant John “Soap” MacTavish was killed by the Russian terrorist Makarov in 2023,” Ghost replied bluntly, then stood up. “I'm sorry.”
He walked away from the campfire, away from the tents, disappearing into the evening shadows. He didn't see Lieutenant Riley stretch and kick Captain MacTavish with his foot, giving him a meaningful look in the eyes. Price sighed heavily, tossed the stub of his cigarette into the fire, and also got up.
“Okay, Soap,” he said. “I think we could all use a little snack. Let's check our supplies and organize us some evening grub, and Ghost, go and bring Captain Riley back.”
The lieutenant nodded and went to where his... double had disappeared a few minutes earlier. Simon couldn't find answers to the question; he only understood that he was literally drawn to the other Riley. Therefore, he easily found him among the trees and rocks. The lieutenant moved silently, but the captain still heard him and turned his head, exhaling smoke from another cigarette.
“Mind if I join you?” the lieutenant approached, but stopped at a distance, ready to leave if the older and clearly more massive Ghost said he was not allowed.
“Go ahead,” nevertheless, the captain replied in a broken and very tired voice.
The lieutenant came closer and sat down next to the fallen tree trunk. There was only one cigarette in his pack, and he sighed, lifted the edge of his balaclava, and lit it.
“You loved him, didn't you?” he asked quietly, unable to look at his double. “Johnny...”
“No,” Ghost shook his head. “I didn't love him. I still do, and that's my problem.”
“So those rings on your dog tags...” the lieutenant finally glanced at the captain, and he noticed that his eyes were suspiciously shining, as if from tears.
“Yes,” Riley nodded. “I dreamed of marrying him. Retiring together. Growing old together. That's why when I saw your MacTavish, I felt sick.”
The lieutenant fell silent, looking at the captain with wide-open eyes, and then impulsively moved forward and hugged him. Riley was stunned, but then cautiously placed his hand on the shoulders of his younger and much smaller double, bringing him closer. He didn't ask any questions about Captain MacTavish; he simply enjoyed moments of warmth and peace in this absolutely astounding and terrifying situation he found himself in.
“Shall we go back?” Lieutenant Riley suggested when they both finished their cigarettes. “The captains have probably cooked us food by now. You could use some dinner and rest.”
“Yeah, you're right,” the captain sighed, squeezed the shoulder of his younger double, and got up with difficulty. “And we need to check on your Roach too.”
When both Ghosts returned to the camp, Price and MacTavish were sitting by the fire, a pot was hanging over it. A familiar smell of field food wafted from the pot and Captain Riley even smiled a little under his mask, sitting back in his place.
“Simon,” MacTavish began, and both Ghosts looked at him. “Damn, we need tae come up with something so that ye two understand who we're talking tae.”
“Call me Ghost,” Captain Riley said. “Him – Simon. So what did you want to say?”
“Well, we talked with Price,” Soap paused, clearly unsure how to express his thoughts. “In short, it may sound strange, but maybe in tha’ lab ye were clearing, they were researching parallel worlds and ways to travel between ‘em? Yeah, I know it sounds like a comic book plot, but if we simplify it, this option seems the most true tae life.”
“Maybe,” Ghost replied, shrugging. “At least it’s some explanation.”
“Alright, boys,” Price interrupted. “None of us understand any of these things, so let's solve the problems step by step. Tomorrow morning, our pilot will arrive and take us to our temporary safehouse. I think, Ghost, you should come with us.”
“As you say, sir,” Captain Riley complied, lowering his head. “Probably, that's my only option.”
“Hey,” Lieutenant Riley sat down next to his older double and put a hand on his shoulder. “I can't even imagine what you're feeling, but let's try not to think about it right now. We all need to eat and rest, okay?”
“Yes,” Ghost looked gratefully at the younger Simon. “Yes, you're right.”
“Great,” MacTavish rubbed his hands together, then scooped a portion of porridge with canned meat onto an aluminium plate and handed it to Captain Riley. “Price ‘n’ I will take the first shift, so ye and Simon eat up and go tae sleep. We've already checked on Roach; he’s fine, as much as he can be in his condition.”
“Understood,” Ghost nodded, handing his plate to his younger double and taking the one MacTavish offered. “Thank you for all this. For believing.”
“We still don't know what to believe in,” Captain Price shook his head. “But you saved two soldiers from our task force and took down a traitor. So, we trust you. Now eat.”
Nodding, Simon took a folding spoon from his gear pocket and dove into his meal. Only now did he realize how hungry and tired he was. Finishing his portion, he immediately went to the other empty tent, not even waiting for his younger double. However, he quickly joined him. For a few minutes, they both fidgeted, trying to arrange themselves so that they were warm and comfortable. Finally, they froze, closing their eyes and diving into sleep. The older Simon embraced the younger one from behind, and he had no objections. Their equipment lay nearby, and Lieutenant Riley pressed his back against the chest of his muscular older counterpart, realizing that this warmth was much more comforting than the thin blanket they both covered themselves with.
“Simon?” the lieutenant called quietly, feeling the captain's hand on his heart.
“Mmm,” the older Ghost responded drowsily.
“I believe you,” continued the younger Ghost. “I don't know how to explain it, but I feel something common between you and me. You're different – so big, strong, and self-assured, but still...”
“Yes,” Ghost shifted, pressing the lieutenant closer to him. “I feel it too. Simon?”
“Yes?” the younger one tilted his head slightly to look at his older double.
“You may not be as big as I am, but I'm sure you're very strong too,” Captain Riley spoke and smiled, causing his eyes to narrow slightly in the openings of his mask. “Let's go to sleep.”
“Yes,” the lieutenant settled back down and relaxed, feeling absolute trust and peace toward this visitor from a parallel universe.
Captain Riley had the same scar that cut across the lips. Perhaps his other scars matched those of the lieutenant? Maybe in his world, he experienced the same horrors? Maybe he could understand Simon?
All of this troubled the young lieutenant, but drowsiness was stronger, and feeling the captain's steady heartbeat and his hand on his chest, he fell into such a peaceful sleep that he hadn't experienced since Shepard, the traitor, took him from the scorching fire of Manuel Roba’s base.
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lokiforever · 11 months
Hey do you think you maybe write a Loki x reader with a reader who adores singing but is incredibly insecure about it because they can't sing high or low enough to properly fit with any voice type so they don't like to sing front of others? If not that totally OK I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything. Have good/night
Hello there, nonny👋🏻❤️
For sure, darling! It's totally fine ❤️
You know, that's basically me, like I live for music but I don't like to sing in front of anyone....I used to be in the our school choir ...but now I don't like to sing in front of people. I'm probably boring you all out ...... 😅
Apologies.. let's begin with the fic/drabble ✌🏻❤️
Hope you all like it, especially you, nonny ❤️🥰
❤️His Melophile❤️
Pairing: Loki x Insecure! Reader
Summary: Loki finds about how highly insecure you are about your singing abilities while you love singing too.No wonder why you never sang in front of him......
Warnings ⚠️🚨 : Loki wearing a tuxedo (after ep2 most definitely, this is) None otherwise, it's pure fluff...
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Today was Friday, which ment another of Tony's team building parties. Oh, how he loved parties. You were getting dressed and your dear perfect boyfriend, Loki was to pick you up in 30 minutes. Well...not that you had to go that far.... just have to shuffle through a few floors but still...
If we start talking about for how long you've liked him ... that'll be a long sum and the same was the case with Loki. It was only 2 months ago that you two confessed your true feelings for each other.
You decided to wear a short black cocktail dress which fitted you perfectly..
You were in the middle of deciding your hair style when your thoughts was interrupted by a knock accompanied by the smooth and lovely voice of your boyfriend "Darling?" "Come in, Loki. I'm almost ready, love" you called across the room. As Loki entered both of you a good few minutes just to admire each other.. He was wearing a tuxedo and the ruffles completed the look with his hair slicked back. "Y-you look absolutely ravishing, my darling" "Loki....you-you look... spectabulous" he chuckled "Oh, you seem to like it, love" "I love it! You look ...... words cannot express how much I love it" "Well, thank you, darling"
"Let's go, shall we, my love?" "I just need to make my hair" "Ah, no need it's amazing just the way it is" you chuckled a faint blush creeping up your cheeks "Thank you, my love. Let's go then"
The party went smoothly and now, when most of the guests were gone you and the other Avengers decided to play a game of Truth or dare.
"Point Break, Truth or dare?"(You know who said this) "Truth and stop with that weird name" "Thor, tell us a story of you and Loki from your childhood" said Steve "I could've given him a better one" the billionaire said. "Tony" Nat said with a glare to which he raised his hands up in mock defence "Thor, you start"
"Alright, here it goes - Once Loki transformed himself into a snake and he knows that I love snakes, so I went to pick it up to admire it and then he transformed back into himself and went like, 'Byah! It's me' and he.. stabbed me......we were eight at that time"
Loki now had a smile on his face. And you gave him the "Whoa! That was quite a trick" you said and Thor nodded "I'm so proud of you, love" you whispered to Loki with a chuckle who was sitting next to you as he gave you his signature smirk.
"Y/N, why don't you go next" Nat said "Me? Ok, alright" "Truth or dare?" "Uhh... let's go with Truth" "Name one of your insecurities" this immediately caused Loki to look at you with a gaze of love and reassurance.
"Ugh...no.... fine, I don't like to sing in front of others, be it anyone" you confessed as the God gave you the 'we have to talk about it in private' look.
*In yours and Loki's shared chambers*
Before any of you could say anything, Loki was called for an emergency mission with Thor and a few other Avengers and with what he told you it'd probably take him 2 to 3 days to return ....
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You had your ipods on, singing as you cooked. Loki would return by the evening so were cooking dinner for the both of you.
When Loki entered the apartment he heard your lovely voice as you sang accompanied by the aroma of the food you were cooking. He walked towards the kitchen, leaning on the doorframe as he heard you. You were lost in your own little world, way too preoccupied to notice that you now had company.
When your song ended you turned around, releasing a yelp as you saw Loki standing there "Jesus! Loki, you nearly gave me a heart attack! How long have you been standing here?" "Long enough to hear your beautiful voice"
You turned beet red at his words. "Oh, come on" "Darling...." he said as he started walking towards you "You have a lovely voice, sweetheart" he said, kissing you softly. He lifted your chin up using his thumb and index finger "Loki, I-" before you could protest he pressed his finger against your lips, shushing you. "Ah, ah,ah you'll listen to me now. Baby, it's ok if you don't like singing in front of others, but let me tell you this - you are wonderful in every way, you don't need to doubt any thing about you. " he turned off the stove and picked you up, making you sit on the kitchen counter and softly pressing several kisses all over your face.
"You're perfect, my queen, you're my sunshine. My darling little melophile. I love your voice, when you sing, lost in your own world all I want to do is to just admire you and proudly tell everyone that 'You see that perfect angel right there. Yes, she is mine. That's my girl. She's the one who has my heart and I have hers' I love you with all that I am, Y/N Y/L/N"
His words touched you deeply, you felt so blessed to have him in your life.
He began pressing kisses along your jawline and neck "You're mine, and mine alone" then he looked up at you, his blue-green eyes staring right into your soul with such love and devotion "I love you so, so much, Loki. You're a true blessing, my love. I can't imagine a life without you" you said as you hugged him tightly before he pulled you in a deep, passionate kiss.
"You sound lovely, my darling but I'm sure that you'll sound even better when I'll make you scream my name tonight" he said, picking you up and carrying you towards the bedroom.
@holdmytesseract @allesiaandnx @jennyggggrrr @dishahaldar @eleniblue @lotsoflokilove23 @gruftiela
Let me know if anyone wants to be added to my Loki taglist ❤️
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so-long-soldier-writes · 11 months
Stormy Weather
kai parker x reader
summary: the rule is always the same: thirty minutes after it storms, kai can spend some time outside. that's when most people are still in their homes and it's too muddy for the children to go out yet. though this time, his father bends the rule, just a little, and lets his son out one wet, chilly afternoon. it just so happens that something bad is about to go down at that very same time, and luckily, kai is there to protect her.
tags: abusive parents, self-harm, one line about suicidal thoughts, blood, aspd / sociopathy, minor blood tasting, non-graphic violence, threats of r4pe / noncon (nothing actually happens), threats of violence, high school bullies, kai gets protective, kai loves his sister, a few cuss words, stabbing, hurt / comfort, happy-ish ending
word count: 3.3k
a/n: i made a post about this, but so many of my works lately have had dark themes; i'm going through it right now... i'm trying to write more fluffy things because i think we could all use some fluff, so if anyone has ideas, let me know! ♥
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It had rained the night before. Dew is left on the grass and there is a chilliness in the October air. That afternoon, the children don’t want to put their jackets on to go outside, nor does their mother feel like cleaning them up after an hour in the yard. They opt to stay inside instead, occupied by books and puzzles. 
That’s why Kai is allowed to take a walk down to the end of the road. Usually, he could only go out moments after the storm, when it is cold, and wet, and the children are still too scared from the thunder. And while Kai loves storms, he doesn’t so much like being in them. Today is different. His parents are letting him out nearly a whole fraction of a day later. He is grateful for that, even if that choice is only a result of his siblings’ resistance. 
“Thirty minutes,” his father says, “and stay on the property.”
Kai nods. The property is huge, so that’s no problem. It accounts for a huge field, on which the house is built, a stone perimeter, a long driveway, and an edging of forest. Kai spends his time, thirty minutes per each post-storm, on every inch of the property. His favorite place, of course, being the woods. Oaks and firs ten times taller than himself create a canopy from the sun. Part of him feels like if the sun can’t see him, neither can his father. It is dark in the trees. Sticks crack as animals dodge back and forth. The woods terrify his siblings; they never go past the pine lining. 
Kai, on the other hand, goes as deep into it as he can. The extent of the property ends just enough to block out the house. As soon as the wet, darkened trunks cover the sight of the white, country-esque looking house, he sits. His butt will be moist from the ground in a couple of seconds, but he’s come to care less about that. 
A sigh escapes the boy’s lips as he stares into the great expanse before him. He’d love to explore more of it, but the fear of an active locator spell stops him. His father would never go into the woods after him, though he’d have a beating ready the moment he showed up back home. And trust him, Kai’s considered running away. He’s debated the pros and cons of trying. But when your family is a coven of witches, and the only world you know is your own property, Kai fears luck would not be on his side. 
With another sigh and a need to take his mind off things, he pulls out a switchblade. It’s funny - he had found the knife in these very woods, kicking up dirt as a pastime. His father would never let him keep it if he knew, so he buries it in a hole in the tree against which he’s leaning. Kai admires the blade; the silver that looks back at him when he wipes off the dirt. Several times he’s considered using it as an escape from his life of hell. But if the blade is too dull or proves too small, it would be a pointless, reckless attempt. 
He cuts his finger instead. Just a pin-prick on the edge of his pointer. Blood oozes and he watches it drip, down, down, down, until he touches it with his other finger. The knife is the furthest thing from clean, but Kai doesn’t care. The relief it brings is too important to him. It’s a distraction from the pain in his mind, even if he feels a jolt in his spine with every cut. 
Every cut, he thinks, bringing his attention to where to draw next. His mother would notice his wrist; his father would see his stomach. The last time, he picked his shoulder, but when his beating consisted of the man pulling him by the collar, it risked exposure. Kai scans his body, eyes eventually landing on his belt. Neither parent ever saw below it, thank god for that. 
Kai stands up, hilt of the knife in between his teeth. He unbuckles his belt quietly, acknowledging the metal clashes are the only sound echoing throughout the words. It makes him feel dirty, though he had never done that out here. Kai shakes his head to clear his mind. A drop of water drips from his head, down his cheek. He hadn’t felt it fall from the tree. It feels like a tear, though that’s an unfamiliar feeling; Kai was fourteen the last time he remembers crying. He’s eighteen now, and feels most of his emotions like a weight in his chest. They’re there, mostly in the form of nauseating pain, but he doesn’t feel anything sharply enough to cry about it. A stark contrast to his little brother, Caleb, who cries over anything and everything. 
The boy bites his cheek. He lowers his jeans just enough to find a good spot. Right below his briefs, maybe, where the skin’s not so thin he’ll bleed to death. As tempting as the thought is, a slow death isn’t the way he wants to go out, especially if he’s not sure it would kill him. Kai takes a deep breath, then readies the knife against his thigh. He starts with a small cut, but graduates at the sight of blood being released. A longer, deeper one is made directly under it. It hurts, but as the weight in his chest eases with every drop on his skin surface, he can’t stop. Kai makes a third, and then instinctively reaches out to catch a bit from his second cut before it can stain his jeans. It runs down his leg, threatening the denim that his mother would surely see in her weekly rotation of washes - the woman demands to do his. Whether that’s his father’s order or of her own accord, Kai doesn’t know. 
He stares at the blood, both that on his finger and what gathers on his thigh. He can feel the pain - a sharp stinging now, a dull throbbing later - and lets it in in place of his emotions. The heaviness in his chest is replaced by the harsh sensation, and as gruesome as it is, it’s something he much prefers. 
Kai stands still as the blood dries in the place he left it. In another minutes’ time, he’ll scrape it off, then pick his nails with his teeth. Again, dirty. Gruesome. He’s stopped caring. He’s all alone out here anyway. 
When the time comes, he does just that. Dried blood collects under his nails, and then the dark red substance meets his tongue. His taste buds are overwhelmed with the rich, metallic taste. He’s not sure if he hates it or loves it. 
At age twelve, his historical studies consisted of lore. Aunt Maggie would visit him and Jo every Tuesday and Thursday to teach them about it. The two were homeschooled, like every other child in the coven, and taught by their elders. One particular week, Aunt Maggie hit the topic of vampires. His father told her to touch it lightly. Kai overhead the reasoning, though he didn’t understand it. “The boy is a siphon,” he reminded, “we don’t need to repeat old mistakes.” 
But whatever old mistake it was, Kai wasn’t bothered. He was used to being called a mistake, and figured that’s what his father meant. Kai then listened to his Aunt tell the lore, and the stories, but that’s all he ever thought they were. Now, at eighteen, Kai still isn’t sure what he thinks. Maybe vampires are real; maybe they aren’t. Maybe they are monsters. Maybe they’re just people burdened by the pain in their lives; people who express that pain differently, and are seen as abominations for it. 
Kai wonders if that makes him one. For dealing with his pain by cutting it out of his skin. For licking his own blood when it drips from his wounds.
What would he know? He’s never seen one. 
After two more minutes, Kai finally pulls his pants back up. He starts to fumble with the belt, knife back in his mouth, when he suddenly stops. A wind blew past his ear, carrying the faint cry of a girl. He listens for a moment, but upon hearing nothing new, goes back to his previous feat. Kai turns to the tree to hide his knife. The wicked laughter of a group is heard in the distance. The shuffling of leaves. Another feminine whine. 
The pieces puzzle themselves in Kai’s mind, and he arms himself with his knife once more. To check the sound out, at the very least. To scare them off his property, maybe, or just to scare them. 
Kai treads carefully through the woods, knowing where to step to conceal his identity. A skill his new friends don’t seem to have. He approaches until he comes across a circle of boys. His age, but bulkier - better fed - and slightly taller. The way they stand looks as if they’re trying to cower over someone - a sight Kai doesn’t appreciate, having been the one forced into submission over a hundred times in his life. One rattles off an insult. Another kicks his leg out. 
“Please stop,” the broken voice of a girl he can’t see enters his ears. She’s in the circle, he supposes. Kai watches a little longer, trying to decide how the situation makes him feel. 
A boy barks in laughter at her plea. He mocks it, then bends down to grab her. With brute strength, he lifts her by her shirt collar and pins her to the tree behind her. Her hair gathers around her, bouncing from the force. Tears sting her eyes, yet she’s brave enough to not let them fall. 
“You’re not going anywhere until we’re done with you,” he says, head pointed down to her chest.
Suddenly, the girl reminds him of Jo. Beautiful, brave. Bound to end up in a situation like this, because sometimes she’s just a little too trusting. Despite their forbearance from each other’s company, Kai loves his sister. He misses her visits, when she used to sneak into his room to play when they were children. He misses her touches, those she’d steal in defiance of their father’s direct order. It wasn’t until recent years that they drifted apart. The babies took her attention away, and she slowly morphed into a daddy’s girl. Doing right by him became her mission, which meant leaving Kai behind to rot in his room alone. 
Still, Kai loves her. As best he can, at least, as he feels each emotion he ever knew bury itself inside his soul. An overwhelming darkness conceals them, blackens them, and replaces them with nothing but the dense weight. 
Another cry escapes her lips, freeing Kai from the entrancement of his memories. The boy’s hand creeps up her sides, under her shirt. Soft skin is exposed as he bunches up a handful of the material. He pulls, and his friends egg him on. They’re just as vile as he is. 
Kai gives away his position with a crack of a stick. Six pairs of eyes whip around to face him. He leans against a tree, teasing the knife between his fingers. There’s a silent standoff for a moment, until one of them speaks. 
“What are you doing here?”
“Me? This is my property. I think the better question is, ‘what are you doing here’?”
“Run along home then. This is none of your business.”
Kai cocks his head. “Who’s she?”
“Also none of your business.”
The girl locks her eyes on Kai. She stares, hoping he’ll meet her gaze. Finally, he does, and he can confirm she’s not there on her own accord. 
“Y’know, my father has a lot of rage. He won’t like knowing that little high school boys are taking advantage of young girls on his property.”
“What’s he gonna do? Shoot us?”
“What are you gonna do about it?” Another of them challenges. “He’s not here. And we could easily take you.”
Kai steps forward. As he does, the supposed leader tightens his hold on the girl. Fear flashes in her eyes like a fire. Kai isn’t threatened, though. He keeps his eye on her, while moving to stand in between the group. They all watch him cautiously. 
“Let her go.”
“Let her go, or I’ll fucking stab you in the neck,” he replies calmly. 
The boy wavers, but doesn’t let up. “You wouldn’t.”
Kai flicks the knife in his hand again, then points it at each of the boys. “Get the fuck out of here. I’m not asking again.”
Another minute. Suddenly, one of them bolts. He races through the forest at seemingly mach speed, barreling into trees and weeds as he goes. The one that was closest to him then follows. 
“Hey!” The boy in charge yells. “You pussies!” He turns back to Kai. “You’re full of shit, I’m not afraid of you.”
Kai doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t have to - the glare in his eyes does it for him. 
“Y’know, Thomas, maybe we should go,” one of the remaining four mutters. “She isn’t worth it.”
“We’ve had this planned for weeks and you assholes are bailing because of some skinny kid with a three inch knife.”
The girl’s face pales at his words. Kai’s jaw tenses.
How easily Jo could be a target just for being beautiful. 
The boys shuffle their feet, but none of them move. Thomas, the one within spitting distance of Kai, stares back at him. A smirk curls on the edge of his lips. It’s at that moment that Kai decides he’s had enough. One graceful stride lands him close enough to jab the knife into his neck. The boy had no time to react, but does so now by releasing the girl and grabbing at the wound. His friends shriek in terror. They jump around uselessly, having no clue what to do. Kai steps back and grabs the girl before she falls. To his surprise, she lets him. Her face buries in his chest as she tries to find her own strength. 
The boy, rather stupidly, pulls out the handle and throws it at Kai’s feet. “You’re fucking crazy!” He screams, as if Kai didn’t already know that. He takes one more look at the emotionless boy, then the girl gathered in his arms, and runs off into the woods. His friends scamper after him, not wanting the same fate. In thirty seconds’ time, the woods are silent again. 
“Are you okay?” He whispers, still holding her. It’s a weird feeling to him, to have a girl in his arms. Kai isn’t sure how long he’s supposed to hold her, or comfort her. He doesn’t really know what to say, either. 
She remains quiet for a few heartbeats longer, but then nods. Her head moves against his chest until she finally looks up at him. “Thank you.”
He only looks at her. 
“Are you okay?” She asks back. 
This confuses him. “What?”
“You stabbed him.”
“Oh.” Kai shrugs. “I’m fine.”
She straightens her posture, maybe to read him better. “Not a fan of bullies, I take it? Do you have your own at school?”
“I’m homeschooled.”
“Oh.” She looks down into the fallen leaves. Her eyes trace the forest floor, and then she takes a few steps back to grab something lying in them. His knife. She hands it to him. “Well, thank you anyway.”
Kai nods. Then, for whatever reason, he gives her a small truth. “My father.”
“Not a fan of bullies.”
“Your father? The one you mentioned, with the rage… he bullies you?”
“Something like that.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.” 
She takes another step towards him. “It’s not fine.”
“There’s nothing I can do about it.”
“I understand,” she says, reaching up to brush her thumb against his cheek. Kai flinches. “I’m sorry.” Her hand recoils, but he catches it.
“Don’t apologize. I’m just not used to it.”
She then takes a seat on the forest floor, patting the spot next to her. “Sit with me?”
Kai figures he still has ten minutes before he must go home, so he does. It’s quiet for a little while. They listen to the wind in the trees and feel the chill at their backs. Both enjoy the others’ company, neither fortunate enough to have it often. 
But the girl then breaks the silence by tucking her knees into her chest. The leaves crinkle around them, and Kai’s attention shoots to her movement. 
“I can’t believe he said he was planning that for weeks,” she mutters.
“Do you know him?”
“I know of him. He’s the quarterback at my school. I’m the girl that eats alone. Why would he target me?”
“Because you’re beautiful,” Kai blurts out. She looks at him, and he suddenly wonders if that comment warrants an apology after what she’s been through. “Sorry. I meant that as, like… Not in a creepy way.” Okay, that was worse. “You remind me of my sister,” he finally says. 
“I do?”
He nods. “She’s beautiful, too, and too kind for her own good.”
“She sounds sweet. Are you guys close?”
“Not anymore.”
“My family’s kind of fucked up.”
“That makes two of us.”
Kai looks at her. It’s nice to hear that someone relates. Of course, not nice for her, but there is a comfort in knowing he’s not completely alone. 
“If those boys ever give you shit again, come back here. I live around that field at the edge of the trees. You look like Jo. My father will protect you if he sees you need help.”
She nods. “What about you? Where will you be?”
“In my room. Unless you catch me on a day where I’m allowed out.”
“Which is?”
“Thirty minutes after every storm. Because my mother doesn’t want to clean the mud off my baby brother’s clothes.”
“That’s fucked up.”
“Like I said.” He then turns to her. “But I’m serious. If they come after you, go to the field.”
“Because I look like Jo,” she confirms. 
Kai nods. 
“Thank you.” She takes a deep breath. “I should be heading back soon. My parents care less about me, but still don’t want me out late.”
“A statement to which I relate too much.”
“Will I see you again maybe? Perhaps after the next storm?”
“You’d want to see me again?” He’s for sure she’d be terrified of him after earlier events. 
“It’s not everyday a cute boy stabs my bully with a knife.” She smiles. 
“Okay.” She’s different. Not at all like he’d expect her to be, if he were to only judge her by her smile and bright, kind eyes. Of course, most people are able to hide their pain behind a well-designed mask. Only a small fraction become neck-stabbing sociopaths. 
Despite that, though, she isn’t afraid of him. If anything, she seems more curious. 
“Okay,” she beams. “Bye…”
“Y/N,” she offers in return.
“Y/N,” he tastes her name on his tongue. Her eyes light up at the sound of her name reverberating off his lips.
She smiles, and then out of nowhere, leans forward to kiss his cheek. “Thank you, again, Kai. You don’t know how thankful I am that you were here.” And with that, she’s off. 
Kai stares after her in a stunned silence. Her lips still tingle on his cheek. His skin feels hot to the touch, warming him up despite the passing breeze. 
It takes a couple heartbeats for him to come back to his senses. By that time, she’s lost to the forest, gone, and only in his memories. He hikes back to his tree to put his knife back in its spot, then makes his way home. He’ll see her again, hopefully. Next storm, she’ll be there. She’ll become more than just a memory, but maybe a comfort as well. A friend. 
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oddballwriter · 1 year
Roll for Stealth with Advantage
Summary: Steven knew that you had to do something while you waited for him to come home from work other than do some chores and cook dinner. He just didn't know exactly what one of those things was until today.  
Warnings: This isn't a content warning this is a genuine warning to y'all if I see any talk of Stranger Things or someone references it you WILL be blocked. /hj
Author’s Snip: I know that I was holding out for the poll to end on which idea I should do but this thought hit me like when a vision hits Raven from That's So Raven so I needed to write it. I needed to write this for the dorks here who play because this is perfect. This pair up is perfect.
Notes: Steven is a tour guide in this because he deserves it. <3
Word count: 950 
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Steven was usually gone for a good part of the day for work. Which of course wasn't an issue because you had your own work and manage to keep yourself amused till he got home. But Steven didn't actually know what you did all day since you'd be home long before he would. It's not like it mattered though. You'd always be there and have everything like dinner ready once he got home, but if he had to say what you did, then that he wouldn't have anything.
Work was short today. The museum was rented out for the day by the nearby schools for a big field trip. Although they weren't there from beginning to end of the usual work day, they had taken over enough of it to make opening it up to the rest of the public a bit pointless since the hours it would land on were the slow hours. So the museum was closed for the rest of that day and the staff could take a breather from having to deal with a hoard of children, not that Steven was complaining since he was a tour guide at this one and was great with kids to begin with.
Though he did forget that the field trip day was today and wasn't able to give yo a heads up that he'd be home so soon.
As he unlocks the door and steps inside he gets ready to greet you, only for him to not see you on the couch but rather at his cluttered desk looking at your laptop. It sounded like you were on a video call and he feared that you were having some type of business meeting.
Though if your casual sweatpants and silly graphic t-shirt didn't give it away that you, in fact, were not up to important business for work, you loudly saying "Oh yeah! Let's just threaten to stab the vampire lord who already does not like us!" did the trick.
Some voices were heard through your laptop's speaker before you speak again. "No! No! If the Dracula wanna-be incel takes you up on your threat I'm not helping your character. I don't care if I'm the 'party healer'." you laugh, "You came into his castle-" you say before bursting into laugher again with the rest of the people on the call. To which an other voice is faintly heard saying in a shitty deep voice "You come into my cursed land, hide the innocent woman that I'm being creepy towards, and come into my castle and threaten me with a little sword.". The laughing continues with all of you, even pulling a snort out of you which just made you laugh harder. All the while Steven is stood at the door just observing your shenanigans with a confused yet amused face.
You managed to wheeze "Okay. Everyone shut up. My sides hurt." through your laughter and wipe tears from your eyes. Through some chance you glance up to where Steven is and go from easing your laughter to letting out a scream from being startled. You place a hand on your chest and let out "Oh my god! You scared the shit out of me." while looking at him. You ignore your companions asking what's wrong and ask Steven "Why are you standing there? What time is it." as you try and check the time.
"I just came in. Work was over early and I forgot to tell you. I'm sorry." Steven apologized raising his hands up slightly to add onto the sorry. "What are you doing?" he asked, finally setting down his bag.
"I'm playing DnD with some friends." you laugh. "D and D?" Steven questions as he shakes off his coat. "That game where you throw the dice around?" he asks, to which you nod. "Well, it's more than just throwing dice around, but yeah." you mention.
"Like threatening to stab vampire lords?" he asks in a semi-joking manner. "If you're dumb enough, yeah." you respond in the same manner.
Steven walks up towards the desk to get a look at what exactly your doing, "Is this what you do all day while you wait for me to come home?" Steven questions again. "Not every day. Just on this day of the week and for a few hours." you answer.
"So are you just not gonna tell us who that is or...?" a voice pipes up through the computer. "He's my boyfriend, Ronnie." you remark back towards your screen. "Okay? Is he gonna watch us play?" the man on one of the other ends says. "You want my boyfriend to see your character have to do a death save throw?" you reply in a snarky tone before giving Steven a peck on the lips like you normally do when he comes home. "I told you. I'm not going to heal you. I don't waste spell slots on stupidity." you say as you get comfy in the desk chair.
"Can Trixie look at him and says"Don't mind him, please, he's always like that. He knows not what he says." ?" a girl says in the call, to which another says "Roll persuasion." and a number is said by the previous girl, and the other nods.
"I usually cook dinner after the session so sit tight for a while." you whisper to Steven. Steven nods and whispers back "That's alright. I can watch you do this till then if that's okay with you and your mates. This looks entertaining." he whispers back. You nod and turn back to your screen. "Okay, let's continue on with the actual game." you announce. "My boyfriend's gonna watch for a little so behave." you add.
To which someone says "Yay! Conversion!".
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patibato · 3 months
[Bitter Sweet Sixteen] 002-A06 - The Anaemic Killer Horseshoe Crab ~Counterattack's Eve~
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*door creaks open*
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Momiji: Excuse meee…
(Lion Theatre should mean here, right? I don't think it's started yet. Doesn't look like anyone's-)
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Akuta: …
Momiji: Hee!
Akuta: …Ah, that's… Sensei?
Momiji: You surprised me… What on earth is that on your head…?
Akuta: I'm… the demonic, horseshoe crab… I'm going to curse this entire world.
Momiji: I-I see… You've got a characteristic way of speaking, huh.
Akuta: …
Momiji: Umm… I came to watch this.
Akuta: Human… if you want… a tissue… There's still… a whole mountain's worth, over there.
Momiji: (There's a cardboard box packed full of tissues…! He ordered the completely wrong amount…!)
Akuta: Please, feel free… take as many… as you want.
Momiji: Don't be hasty! You can always use these at the next showing! Keep them safe!
Akuta: …
Momiji: (From what I'd seen of him so far, I'd never imagine Akuta-kun making such a dour expression… I feel bad for him.)
Could I sit next to you?
Akuta: Do what you want…
Momiji: Thank you.
*shuffle, clack*
Momiji: …So this place is still running, huh. I thought it was abandoned a long time ago.
Akuta: It's not running… it's my playground… that I sneak into…
Momiji: But, it said there'd be a screening…
Akuta: I rented… a projector… did lots of part-time work, like, demolition… shopping for older women… walking dogs… that stuff.
Momiji: I see… you worked hard for today. Though, it's not good to sneak in here.
Akuta: …
Momiji: (He's shaking the tail-sword* sadly… Is there anything I can do to cheer him up?)
Let's try waiting a little longer. Maybe someone will turn up.
Akuta: …Nah, it's fine now. My butt's starting to hurt. …Ahaha.
Momiji: …
Akuta: So.
In the past, this place was known as the origin of amusement in Hama.
Momiji: …Right, I heard about that.
Akuta: I wanted to make it full of people again.
If I was more famous, a galactic movie director-
If I could become… a human who could influence everyone more.
Momiji: …Akuta-kun…
Don't talk like that, cheer up-
Akuta: Then… I'd be so popular I could die… and have a HUUUGE number of women fawning over me…!
I wanna play topless tag all the way to the surface of the moon~~~! And eat as much mochi as I want with bunny girls and bunny boys~~!
And then, I'll build myself a three hundred and sixty five bedroom house there, and we can all have shot drinking parties every evening~~~!
Momiji: AKUTA-KUN.
Akuta: Yes!
Momiji: Since we're here, I want to try watching the movie you planned to show. Is it ready?
Akuta: -Of… course!
Everything's already set up! I'll get it started lightning quick…!
Hey hey, look look, this is a genuine movie projector! It's so cool~~~!
Impressive, right? It's the weight of all these months and years, the difference in brightness is insane!
Did you know? Projectors display the film directly. Di-rect-ly. Isn't that amazing? It's not data!
So the colour of the film is projected as-is! Not electric signals, the genuine colours!
Which is why! I was especially fussy over the surface of the shots!
Okay okay… feast your eyes! "Uncanny! Counterattack of the Anaemic Horseshoe Crab!"
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Jessica**: "AAAAAAAHH!"
Philip: "What happened!? That scream just now - Nee-san!? What happened, Nee-san!"
Dr. Henry: "Another corpse in this state…"
"The common thread it that they were all stabbed by something frighteningly sharp."
"Almost like… they were pierced by a horseshoe crab's tail-sword."
Demonic Horseshoe Crab: "Gh… GUGYAAAAAAAHH!"
Dr. Henry: "The demon is frightened!? But just what-"
"It couldn't be, the syringes!?"
"I see… having your blood sampled for medical use for tens of thousands of years… you must hate us, us humans."
"I pity you, demon."
"But- …this is goodbye."
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Akuta: How was it!?
Momiji: …Umm… it was very experimental… avant-garde, maybe, or rather like a roller coaster.
Certainly original… um…
…It was kind of incoherent.
(Ah. I said it out loud…)
Akuta: OH, it's incoherent! Yesss~ I'm so happy~! Whoo~!
Momiji: (He's happy… I said it bluntly without thinking, I'm relieved I didn't hurt him.)
(…But really, everyone…)
(Really, couldn't they have come to watch even a little?)
(Calm down… Akuta-kun's got to be ten times more frustrated than I am.)
(Today, this kid's the lead role as a director. I didn't understand it, but I saw a wonderful piece.)
(I'll go back without showing him my proposal. I don't want to rain on his parade.)
Well then, I think it's about time I get going.
Akuta: Stooop.
Momiji: Huh?
Akuta: You came to continue that conversation, yeah?
Momiji: No, well…
Akuta: Let's do it. …As thanks for watching.
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Akuta: S-so good… meat buns are so GOOD~~~~! Hey hey! Is it alright if I get twenty more?
Momiji: Yep, ask for as many as you like.
Akuta: Hooray! Thanks! You're seriously a god, Sensei! Nomnom, it's so crazy good…!
Momiji: (I said I'd treat him in exchange for listening to me, but…)
(I can't believe he put all his part-time earnings into the equipment, costumes, and tissues, and hasn't eaten for days now.)
Are you going to fill up on meat buns?
Akuta: Absolutely! They're huge and delicious and fluffy and well-made, they're like a proper meal!
Momiji: That's good then, but… what about your family? Haven't you told them anything?
Akuta: Nah. It's basically just me at home.
Momiji: …I see.
(I suppose… his family situation is complicated.)
Okay, don't hold back and eat up plenty.
Akuta: Thanks!
Momiji: Alright, let's get started while you eat. This is the proposal-
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We have decided that, as Tourism Ward Mayor candidates, the members of the Regional Revitalisation Club will undergo a study tour over the Summer break.
At the training site, they will gradually gain a deeper understanding of the role through close work and personal experience with being a Tourism Ward Mayor-
And finally, they will be graded based on work method and contributions to achieving the goals set at the site.
If they achieve a passing grade, they'll be officially appointed as a Tourism Ward Mayor… that's how it goes.
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Momiji: This is a proposal and letter of consent aimed towards your parents…
Akuta: I didn't get that at all. It's too stupidly difficult.
Momiji: How could I put it more simply, then… I know. Akuta-kun, you want to be a popular person, right?
Akuta: Eh, is that what this is about…?
Momiji: It is. Listen closely, Akuta-kun. First off, I think using video as a means of presentation is a great way to boost tourism.
On top of that, if we show the videos to a huge number of people, there'll certainly be an increase in those who are interested in both your current and future works!
Akuta: …
Momiji: Furthermore, being a Tourism Ward Mayor as an active high schooler will definitely attract attention at school.
Those tissues you put your all into making were treated so roughly. Even if it's a party, it's so thoughtless-
Akuta: ……
Momiji: The people who let the equipment you spent all your money on go to waste-
I think we should make them look back on today and regret not coming!
Akuta: -Haha! Sensei, why're you more fired up than I am~~!
You suddenly started looking all evil, that's wild! You're more interesting than I thought~~~!
Momiji: S-sorry. I got worked up without realising.
Akuta: Nah, thank you.
Momiji: …
Akuta: Alright… let's do this thing! For the sake of movies! For the sake of popularityyyyy!
Anyhow, the other guys are holding back too, right? I'll eloquently persuade them, so it's a-ok!
I'll definitely bring 'em on the day of that "study tour", so leave it to me!
Momiji: Th-that's reassuring, thank you. But Summer break starts tomorrow, do you know where to contact them?
Akuta: Of cooourse.
Momiji: (I see, so they're keeping in touch.)
(They didn't seem that close when I saw them at school, the sense of distance between them is strange.)
*"���剣", using the kanji for "tail" and "sword" respectively. I was originally going to translate it as "telson", because that's the proper name for a horseshoe crab's tail, but - while this kanji doesn't seem uncommon to use - the JP term for telson is different (尾節), so I figured I'd go for a more literal translation since it fits the context as well
**All characters in the movie are played by Akuta('s voice actor)
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danwhobrowses · 11 months
One Piece Chapter 1095 - Initial Thoughts
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We are back
and the big guns have come out to play
Luffy's down, Kizaru's down, Bonney's dangling off a demon And it's been 6 weeks since we last saw Nico Robin, we just want her back safe
TCB has been slow and tumblr's already showing panels so I had to use mangaspurs today, translations are a bit more wonky on that side so sorry if a bit of context is lost.
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release too
Another monkey thief cover page this time with Buggy's nose
Marines naturally panic, those who don't want the upper part of their face removed are heading for the hills in confusion
Those allowed to see are of course ready for action as Bonney has stabbed a Gorosei
Saturn however stops them 'If I didn't want to get stabbed I would've dodged'
Whatever Saturn is doing it seems to be sourced from his eyes, as he fires a projectile (still thinking Haki) to knock Bonney off and grab her
Sanji tries the same but he also gets headstruck
The sword wound heals as well when removed, as anticipated
The Vice Admirals circle Vegapunk and the pirates, but again Saturn wards them off, very confident about the situation
He also reprimands Kizaru for taking so long
Kizaru is conscious, but he admits that he cannot move, which Luffy all deflated and wrinkly understands, so I'd say that counts as Luffy defeating an Admiral
Saturn though quickly goes to stamp the life outta Luffy
Franky for the save with a Strong Right to get him out of trouble
Saturn exudes his confidence by reminding that even though Luffy and Bonney's appearances are unexpected, they are massively surrounded
I wouldn't challenge fate in finding a way to escape Saturn, there's a giant leaving its slumber...
He thanks Vegapunk for his contributions, but then asks him - in order of most painful - who he should kill first? As they want him to suffer for opposing the World Government
It seems like Saturn also has some kinda pressure that's keeping Sanji, Franky and Vegapunk from approaching him
Bonney however stares daggers at Saturn claiming he killed her father
Not only was Kuma a slave before, he was also apparently from a tribe that 'committed a great crime', the Buccaneer people
I'm guessing it's Buccaneer because they translate it like 3 different ways in this chapter
That knowledge has surprised Vegapunk, either he was sure they didn't know or he didn't know
Surrounded by Marines and held up by Saturn as he orders them to shoot her head, Bonney remembers the words of her father, words about his young desires to bring freedom, and be like the Sun God Nika
Sanji and Vegapunk protest her execution, but they're still held down
Bonney asking Kuma if Nika will set her free is telling too, was Bonney also once a slave?
Kuma Flashback Time, right into his birth in the Sorbet Kingdom 47 years ago
Nani? Gentle, caring parents who unconditionally love their child? I can hear the death bells already
It seems the father was known as Klap, Bartholomew Klap, and he had the Buccaneer blood passed down to Kuma
The WG seemed intent about erasing it since they had spies in the hospital when Kuma was born, who leaked the information
Naturally the dragons took Klap back as a slave, along with Kuma and his mother despite Klap's protests
Kuma was strong as a kid, but abused
While in slavery the mother did die, Klap had to tell Kuma so I'd guess the Dragons killed her
Klap also tells Kuma about Nika, the same way Kuma would tell Bonney
But that would be his last tale to tell, as the Dragons shoot him in front of Kuma for being 'too noisy'
38 years ago in the West Blue we skip ahead
The Celestial Dragons are literally culling people in a non-WG country, and they do it every 3 years!?
This time it's God Valley!
God Valley wasn't even a Celestial Dragon place, they just wanted its resources and are killing the natives...how colonial
The King of God Valley doth protest, and protest until his swift death
Young Figarland Garling is the culprit, he's popular with the ladies and seemed unfazed by getting deducted 10,000 points for killing someone before the start
This time they're also sending out problematic slaves into the cull
And Saturn was there, completely unchanged in age
This is the field we saw in Kuma's memory bubble with Bonney, he was trying to escape God Valley and was being dragged back
Someone from the top notices that Kuma has Buccaneer blood
Buccaneers apparently have giant's blood too, maybe furthering the whole theory of Joy Boy being a giant before
There's only one person in the world with a laugh like that though
Young Ivankov was a slave too, and had a sister, Jinny, who looks like she'd be Bonney's mother given her looks and the fact that she's already eating meat
And now a break? Oda c'mon man, that means it'll be at least 8 weeks since we last saw Nico Robin
Well it looks like we will be delving into that Kuma flashback after all.
Not much else to tell I don't think, good to verify that Kizaru is defeated, and that Saturn is more than just talk I mean he did floor Sanji with a glare.
Given the build up I feel like Luffy is gonna - pun intended - bounce back to save Bonney, since he is Nika, but then the Sleeping Giant may assist with the rest. I am still hoping that Franky can get some shine in this arc but not as hopeful. We didn't get any of Zoro vs Lucci either so unclear how that's going, it should've been over before this anyway.
The Kuma flashback is already hitting us with surprises though; God Valley didn't belong to the Celestial Dragons, but then what does that make of the incident? Ivankov and Kuma were there so will we see it? Roger and Garp had to defend the Celestial Dragons, but were they more defending the slaves the Dragons had already planned to slaughter? We also have to wonder how baby Shanks ended up in a treasure chest. The introduction of Jinny being potentially Bonney's mother adds more implications, since that'd mean that Bonney is also Ivankov's niece, unless the clone theory on Bonney is that Bonney is in fact a clone of Jinny raised as Kuma's daughter. There's also the matter of Buccaneer races, if Bonney is biologically Kuma's daughter shouldn't she have those genes too that the WG would wanna erase? A new chapter of questions has opened and unravelled.
But seriously where is Nico Robin???
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spectrum-studios · 5 months
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Story notes : dystopian space, tw: mentions of blood and slight blood, violence, moderate language, gore.
This is a school assignment I made, and I had lots of classmates and teacher advice taken, and it's a part of my final for the creative writing class.
Also, here's some mentions to people i wish to share this with!
@lethalcontracts @adriftinthev0id @xdollydoodlesx @orbdotexe @celestelunisea16 @gizmocrate-werecrow
Story below the cut!
“Hello, I'm the boss of this [REDACTED] company, YOU are my newest assistant, YOUR job is to make sure the crews are mentally sane, YOU will activate the [REDACTED] protocol if a crew does not meet quota. And thank YOU for joining the monitor system…”
YOU sat down at a repurposed security desk and turned on all the monitors… and decided to read about the restricted rehired No-Fire crew captain, Intel.
[Intel’s Background
Year 1XXX. An asset named Intel yelled at her team to take off as she fended off the monsters who were trying to board the ship. The captain tossed her a stop sign for her self-defense.
And years pass on the moon… enough time to let her learn about things that no soul can ever dream, Intel learned how to kill anything.
As the years pass intel is eventually saved and rehired soon becoming a captain.
Her crew is named Team No-Fire made up of Intel, Socks, Rookie, and Intern.]
YOU tuck the file away and start monitoring the screens.
‘This has been a cycle for everyone’s lives. Just eat, ship to moons, collect scrap, kill aliens, get home, get paycheck… repeat. Once someone joins, they can't leave till death, age, or too much information. Everyone is an asset. They don't care if you commit crimes or are insane; you are an asset and a tool to the company.’
Year 2387.
Intel parries a Jester’s lunge attack and shoves the jester back and swings her stop sign and digs the sharp metal into the Jester’s neck and exposed spine, blood spewing from the wound which made quite a mess… Intel starts violently stabbing the Jester’s shell with the sign pole and blood starts to pool the hall as the Jester is lifeless on the ground, and Intel wipes blood off her cracked visor, Intel looks at Rookie, “that's the third near death with Jester, Rooks… and it's a monday.” She helped Rookie up.
“Doesn't beat Socks’s however… she has the most encounters, what was it again?” Rookie asked. “98 encounters Rooks, 98, and that was last month.” Intel answered, collecting scrap.
“Still shocks me. Socks lied her way into the job…” Rookie sighs.
“Me too Rooks… me too.” Intel said with a disappointed voice. The two head back to the ship. Upon getting home and taking a break, along with paying respect to fallen people, the crew dumps off the scrap and “sleep”...
In the morning, Intel got up to get the paycheck.
“Here's the paycheck Intel” boss said as his visible clawed hand held out the check to Intel.
“Thanks boss, have a good day” Intel replied, taking the check and reading it over.
Later in the day Intel’s team washed off the blood from a fight that the youngest teammate, Socks, miraculously missed by taking the fire exit, that fight was scary… Intel didn't want Socks to die or get traumatized. Intel looks at her stop sign, the very sign that her old team tossed her as she sacrificed her life to save them… sad that they got fired… Intel yearned for freedom but she knew far too much for her freedom, she knew more than the boss himself…
The sleep pod alarm went off as Intel punched it to silence it and slid out of the pod in her black skinsuit as she grabs the space suit and slips it on, she bangs on the other pods to wake up the rest.
“Wake up bitches, we have work today… no slacking” Intel spoke in a tired voice.
“I’m up, I'm up, capt'n..” Intern kicked open the pod door while the others slowly got up and ready. Intel grabs a helmet and skips breakfast, boarding the ship assigned to her team..
Later, they arrive at a new moon that is worth ten times the normal runs they do. Intel rips the stop sign pole from a baboon hawk head as its thick viscous blood covers the pole.
“Fucking baboon hawks” Intel mutters under her breath…
“These robots are soooo BIG!” Socks squeals excitedly at the sight of giant robots.
“They look dangerous, Socks.” Rookie holds her small shoulder.
They all enter the building and get the scrap, ward off nutcrackers and brackens, and get back to the ship as giants crawled from the earth at the sight of a sunset.
“Time to go?” Intern asked. “Yeah lets get the fuck outta here” Intel answered dropping some scrap, and heading ‘home’.
Intel washes off her stop sign and suit off of any alien blood along with the others. They grab dinner and climb into their pods. Intel stays awake, dreaming her hopeless dream.
End. . . ? no… there is never an ending in the company… It's just a million stories and a million lives lost out in space.
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internerdionality · 5 days
In honor of Fuck or Die Fifteenth of September...
Here's an excerpt (below the cut) from my current Fuck or Die fic featuring Nathan Stark, Jack Carter, and Allison Blake of the Eureka fandom, which was supposed to be a short PWP and supposed to be all ready to post today...
But as usual, I just had to take that crackfic ultra seriously, which means it's now a 60K novel and climbing. I'll hopefully start posting in the next couple of months, follow me here or on AO3 if you're interested in reading more!
“I made up a list of all the people who are cleared to know about GD-175, and have volunteered to help,” Allison said. Her voice was irritatingly soft and empathetic. Coddling him. “I thought you’d want to know that every single person who was cleared for the information—with two exceptions, both of whom aren’t at all attracted to men—volunteered.” 
Jack snorted as he took the single sheet of paper with a—very—short list on it.  “Sure. ‘Volunteered’. Heard that one before.” 
Allison frowned (still empathetically. She was starting to remind him of his third-grade teacher. Unfortunately, that still wasn’t a turn-off. Although that might just be the sex virus talking. Damn this town). 
“I didn’t put any pressure on them, Carter,” she said. “Every person on that list knows that your life is on the line, and has willingly consented to do what’s necessary to save you. And you should know—”
“Dr. Allison Blake,” Jack read off the first name. A white wave of numbness crashed over him.  
She nodded, determination firming up her lips. “I’m happy to—” 
“No,” he said quickly. Almost without conscious thought, but a second of reflection just cemented the decision. “Absolutely not.” 
She couldn’t hide the flash of offended hurt that crossed through her eyes, and he cocked his head to the side, softening. 
“Hey. No, Allison, jeez. Not like that. Of course I would… It’s just… Look. We work together, and I’ve never wanted to make that awkward, and yeah, I’m still a little mad about you keeping things from me that could endanger the town, but… That doesn’t mean I’ve completely given up on us, okay? Let’s just say, I'm not ready to poison this well before it even, uh, starts to fill up with water? I might be letting this metaphor run away with me a bit…” 
He rubbed the back of his head, laughing self-deprecatingly. But it worked—those gorgeous, expressive brown eyes warmed, and she tilted her head down just slightly, looking up at him bashfully through long eyelashes. Hell yeah. He’d known there was something there, even if the moment had never been quite right between them. 
Which was why he wasn’t going to let their first time be some kind of pity fuck, of all idiotic things. No matter how much his dick was screaming at him not to let her walk away. 
“Look, you’re totally sure that you can’t just fix this with a needle or something?” he begged her, holding on to his last vestige of denial. 
“If you’re volunteering to get stabbed, I know it really is bad. I’m sorry, Carter,” she said, and the rueful smile with which she’d delivered the joke dropped away. “We already tried the only synthetic treatment we have, and it didn’t work for about 15% of the exposed patients, you included. Masters and Johnson aside, there hasn’t been nearly enough scientific research into human sexuality involving practical studies.” 
“—practical studies,” Jack murmured, visualizing it. 
“As a result, we really don’t have a good enough understanding of what happens to the body during sexual intercourse to be confident that we can replicate it with enough accur—” 
“You’re not confident,” Jack interrupted, “but you have some idea—” 
“No, Carter,” she said firmly. “Maybe if there wasn’t another option… Or if we didn’t have a time limit. Your viral load has already reached a near-critical level. You’ll start feeling symptoms within hours, maybe less, and after that—” 
“Yeah, yeah,” he muttered. “Fever, seizures, death. I’ve seen it, remember?” 
She winced, and he sighed, shrugging in apology. Granted, Eureka’s death rate was something people knew when they moved here, but that didn’t make it any easier to have lost two people in one day. Especially to some kind of fuck or die escaped mutated virus.  Damn this town. 
“So, we’re not going to take a chance,” she said firmly. “You need to have sex with one of the people on that list, soon. ” 
Carter groaned, then held up the list again, only to jerk his eyes back up in shock and alarm. “Uhhh, I think you might have made a mistake here. This is mostly men.” 
She shrugged (empathetically, damn her). “You know that as the head of GD, I have access to your psych evaluation results, including Beverly’s expert opinion on your sexual orientation…” 
“Oh… come on!” Jack yelled, then cleared his throat as the complaint came out somewhat higher-pitched than he’d intended. “Is nothing private, anymore? And also, that is not what I meant by—Ooh! Plus! Beverly is probably evil, remember? She was clearly pushing some kind of agenda there—”  
“Look, Carter, I don’t care about your sexual identity or fantasies. As long as they don’t interfere with the security of GD, which is why I have access,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Anyway, if—”
“Wait a second, does that mean that Stark read this… evaluation or whatever, when he was head of GD?” Jack asked, horrified by the sudden thought. 
“Anyway,” Allison continued blithely (which meant that Stark absolutely had read it. Crap.), “if I excluded the men, the list would be pretty short. I wanted to give you all your options, but obviously you can choose one of the women. I have their headshots here, if you don’t remember what they lo—” 
“Yeah, no,” Jack said firmly, waving off the red folder in her hand. “You know what? I’ll take number seven.”
The skin between her brows wrinkled adorably.  Taking back the list, she scanned it quickly, then pursed her lips to the side. She couldn’t maintain the scowl, however, as the corners of her mouth kept twitching free. 
“Don’t say a word,” Jack said, seeing the disaster coming. 
“Of course not,” she said, lips spreading even farther, “No judgment here, Carter.” 
“Uh-huh,” he said skeptically. “Sure.” 
She shrugged, elaborately casual. “I just didn’t realize we had so much in common.”
“Yep, there it is.”  
“Methinks the sheriff doth—” 
“I will pay you ten thousand dollars to stop talking right now.” 
“—protest too much,” Allison finished, finally giving in to a wickedly wide grin. “And I pay your salary, Carter. I know you don’t have ten—“
“That’s it, I changed my mind, I want to die after all—”
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