#in which i have gomens emotions and take them out on the wrong things
worldsworstangel · 1 year
i'm kinda Really Not That Keen™ on the whole crowley-was-raphael theory. not that it's not cute and interesting like, sure, it'd certainly be Something if they turned out to be one of the og archangels like that'd be Unironically Cool but i see a lot of ppl (or maybe a few ppl but they're very loud) making this big thing about how crowley was raphael and because of that their fall is this Big Sad Horrible Thing specifically because they think they used to be an archangel
idk it doesn't feel... Right? i think it says more about heaven for crowley to just be crowley (whatever their pre-fall name was). we know that they were high up (a dominion, a throne or above, ty muriel) but i think it's more in keeping with what we've seen from the archangels if crowley is just amongst the other powerful angels and they love putting the stars in the sky so much that when they ask why they can't do it forever, they're cast out of heaven for a very little perceived transgression
the tragedy of crowley's fall shouldn't be that they were raphael or any other big important named angel
the tragedy was that they didn't want to intend to fall, they just asked questions
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artsyitzy · 1 year
I am not okay, after completing S2 of Gomens. I can't believe another one of my gays who just simply want to run away from the world and just be them. Once again get a unhappy ending at the end of the show.
However, I do feel like there is a possibility of things not seeming as they appear. It was weird that Metatron immediately had Aziraphale take the coffee. Some people on X have already pointed out that he (Metatron) must have tempered with the coffee, to easily persuade Az. to accept his deal on replacing Gabriel. And to have Aziraphale and Crowley cut ties.
Metatron clearly gives a watchful and hatred look at Crowley while he lures Az. way from him, with ominous music plays, clearly putting in subtext that something isn't right. Music does play an important role in the show. Like the soft romantic violin playing in the background as Crowley tidies up Aziraphale beloved bookshop, doing it out of love for his angel. Which is the same song that plays when Crowley saved the books Aziraphale needed while he protected them from the boom that landed on the church. Indicating Aziraphale falling for him. And clearly Crowley sensed something was wrong as he waited for them to return.
* also want to take the time to appreciate that emotional scene David and Michael did for the confession scene. Clearly, Crowley pushed what he felt for years, I'm sure, and now that he is getting the chance to finally voice how much he loves the Angel he meet all those years ago. It's so fucking hard to finally say it, especially for something you've kept hidden for so long. He starts to break.*
And at this point, Aziraphale truly wishes to be able to be at peace and be able to know Crowley is safe and see him happy once more , like how he was when creating the universe. And at this point Aziraphale is not himself. He is back to "heaven suckass" again. Brainwashed into the whole "oh heaven good guys, demons bad". And also being finally recognized by Heaven must feel so good to him. Finally being acknowledged and being given such high praises must do something to him. Especially for the countless of times heaven never once appreciating him. And they're getting him at his weak spot to set whatever plan in motion.
I believe Metatron must believe Aziraphale can surely help be a part of the "second coming" because of what he did with Crowley. And Metatron clearly made Muriel stay and watch the book shop for a reason. To keep watch and maintain the distance of the Angel and Demon. Because I'm sure he knows he'll lose Aziraphale if they rekindle their relationship once more. Possibly Crowley will be able to know/figure out that something is wrong and needs to save his angel once more with the help from Muriel. And it will be a very emotional season.
And the whole kiss thing, I feel like Crowley definitely kissed out of rage and hope that Aziraphale will do something in return. Reciprocate the kiss, for how long he kept their lips together to see if he would do anything. And when he realizes Az. just wasn't doing anything he lets go of him and just leaves. And Aziraphale does feel something, he does want it but I feel like he just goes back under whatever Metatron did to him. And he clearly did reminisce on the contact but went back to "no this is not right/what am I thinking" mindset and they go off their own ways.
Anyways, that's all I wanted to rant about S2 of Good Omens.
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llycaons · 1 year
more commentary and excerpts from the spy AU!
first of all this is so much better and more interesting and funnier and more coherent and classier and more erotic and better written than the other historical spy fic set in a country where being gay was illegal and they went to the secret clubs. that gomens fic sucked so bad I thought I hated the entire setting and genre. but this rules. I'm on a rollercoaster of emotion. there's intrigue, drama, angst, secrets. and the characterizations are impeccable.
and this setting provides an opportunity for relationship dynamics that mirror canon in effective and believable ways. wwx getting the siblings out after they lose their home echoes their flight after the LP massacre - they ARE old money so fleeing to hk makes sense, and does myu dying in defiance. jyl being terrified of losing wwx, and wwx being ready to cut ties with the jiangs and go his own way is similarly painful to canon, though in this case it's because of the social and legal ramifications of homophobia rather than wwx's involvement in DC the dream sequence was really good! actually felt like a dream, was symbolic but not obnoxiously so, gave the reader new information, and tied back to canon themes and events
jyl and lwj's genuine budding friendship is so special :3 and I think the writer encapsulates how lwj is such an ethical and good person in ways that many other fics struggle to. jc is a doctor though which kind of shocks me I also find it kind of baffling that jc says some really cruel and hurtful things to wwx when they talk about him being gay like wwx is like 'this is none of your business' and jc is like 'you deserve to get caught' and in the end jyl calms him down and then considers it a good thing?? man I don't agree that wwx would have just forgiven that easily, that's a really horrible thing to say to someone
Tired down to his atoms, Wei Ying wonders if life had been easier back in the age of Mencius or some other ancient time. If the moral battles had been simpler, if conclusions on right and wrong were easier to reach. The times they’re living in now feel too complex. Anything he can think to say to Lan Zhan is insultingly insufficient.
the irony of an alternate universe version of wwx wondering if things had been easier when his canon storyline set in the ancient past was so painful and difficult and full of thorny moral considerations, his debt forever pulling him in different directions...
“What is?” They turn as one to see Jiang Cheng, beach bag in hand. “Uhhh…” Huaisang, whose lying ability hasn’t improved one iota in his years away, flails spectacularly.
SITS BOLT UPRIGHT. NHS A SPY??!!!! I guess he can secretly be just a good liar but any fic faithful to canon should have him unveil a few tricks up his sleeve...his true character is hidden the entire story, and it's fun when fic authors show him as he really is too instead of just the facade
It wouldn’t take much to get Yanli to agree to let them live in one of the rooms, and Wei Ying already has it picked out: the eastern-facing one, so Lan Zhan can spend his mornings in the sun... He even adds Zixuan to the fantasy for jiejie’s sake; he can be reading quietly in a corner, looking adoringly at Yanli while staying absolutely silent.
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Sooo i realized i wasnt supposed to press the ask button in discord gomene ;3; but this is my first time requesting ^^;; soo how would the kamaboko squad and the other pillars react to (Y/N) us sick? TwT sorry for doing it wrong in de first place
I'm seriously so sorry for the wait!! It was such a big request, for 12 characters, that I ended up procrastinating, and I'm really sorry for it. But I really hope you enjoy, and feel free to request again!💙🌌
When Their S/O Is Sick, Headcanons W/Pillars +Kamaboko Squad
🎴 He'd make sure to stay alongside your bed for the whole time, no matter if it would be just a flu or cold
🎴 He'd probably feed you some food to make sure you'd eat enough
🎴 Would refuse to go on any missions before you would get better
🎴 Would sing to you
🎴 Trust me, this boy has an amazing voice. And he'd only sing to you. 10/10 experience, would recommend
🎴 Would end up cuddling and falling asleep with you and getting sick too
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⚡ Would have a panic attack when he'd hear you're sick
⚡ Would do research, devouring medical books and overwhelming Shinobu with questions, just in case it could be something worse than cold
⚡ After many hours of doing research, he'd end up diagnosing you with flu
⚡ Would not leave you alone, and act like he's your mother. Would constantly be asking if you need anything
⚡Would read you a book, since you love his voice. He's not sure why, but he ain't complaining
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🐗 Would be worried sick (pun intended), as in wild, getting sick meant death
🐗 Would be so relieved to know that you could be cured, so like, at the minute you'd get your medicine, he'd ask you to fight with him again, only to find out that medicine does not cure you right away
🐗 Would not leave you alone, but at the same time, he's not good at just doing nothing, and he'd probably be rocking his leg or fiddling with his fingers all the time
🐗 He would not let anyone else enter the room but himself
🐗 Even though he'd know that you'll eventually get better, he'd be worried and constantly ask if you're feeling better already
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🦋 Who am I kidding
🦋 You would not get sick when being in a relationship with this woman
🦋 She's good with medicines after all
🦋 But if you somehow would manage to get sick, oh god
🦋 She'd shower you with love, making sure you're feeling okay during the time she's making you medicine
🦋 Would make you some chamomilla tea, tug you under the blankets, and promise to heal you soon with a kiss on the forehead
🦋 Even if it'd just be a flu or cold, she would not be fucking around, and take it seriously
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💕 Would panic at first, feeling how your skin was burning underneath her hand
💕 After getting help from Shinobu, and gently getting you underneath the blankets, she'd try her best to be a good girlfriend, and change the wet rag on your forehead from time to time
💕 She'd be caressing your face, maybe braiding small braids in you hair, as she'd tell you stories of being a demon slayer
💕 You'd feel so loved, and you'd be happy to listen to her for the rest of your life. She's just so vivid and lively, and she has so much to say when given a chance to
💕 You'd fall asleep, feeling safe and loved :")
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🌫 Okay, he'd take naps with you, sick or not, so he'd just basically sleep next to you for the whole time, occasionally getting the two of you food and something to drink
🌫 If your head is aching, he'd massage your scalp, and probably make you drink some tea Shinobu had adviced him to give you
🌫 The two of you would basically have a long nap date, whilst him bringing you food and waiting for you to get better
🌫 You'd appreciate it, but often he'd end up getting sick afterwards too, and you'd have to take care of him
🌫 He wouldn't mind tho, he'd just end up getting more cuddles
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🌪 Would at first quilt-trip you with some mean remarks
🌪 He'd see that you had gotten hurt by his comments, and he'd change them to softer ones, like: "tch, you should take better care of yourself"
🌪 Would be the definition of:
You: *changing the wet rag on your face*
Sanemi: Tch, apparently no one else can do this, so I guess I'll have to *deep angry sigh*
You: But Sanemi, I can do this
Sanemi: Didn't you hear what I said? Fuck off
🌪 Would take care of you because "those dumbasses don't know a thing"
🌪 Would just be worried, wanting you to get better soon
🌪 Would actually be pretty good at taking care of you, hence having many siblings
🌪 Don't get angry at him, he just has no idea how to show his emotions
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🌊 If at first it would be unsure what it was, he'd be so worried to lose you, but would not show it
🌊 You would notice it tho
🌊 You would have to convince him that it was just a cold, and make him feel peace
🌊 After that, he'd probably stay near you, in case you'd need something, and he'd totally be the type of just casually hold your hair if you were vomiting without a flinch
🌊 He would sleep on the floor, next to your bed, knowing that he would not be any help if he'd get sick too, ignoring the urge to wrap his arms around you
🌊 Trust me, this boy is a great cook, no one just knows it because he never cooks which would logically make him a bad cook but he's a natural
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🐍 Would be unsure what to do
��� I mean all kinds of sweet and romantic scenarios would cross his mind but- He'd not be the one for them
🐍 Would still want to take care of you though, as he'd once come into your room without a word and not just leave
🐍 Neither of you would mention it, as you'd know he's trying his best
🐍 Would be the one to bring you food, water and medicine, as he would not let anyone else enter the room
🐍 Would watch you sleep. Not in a creepy way. But he would not be able to sleep, when there is a slight chance of something happening while he'd be asleep
🐍 I mean he knows that cold is not a big deal, but he's seen people die from it
🐍 Would fall asleep next to you, and you'd wake up to him sleeping on the edge of the bed
🐍 He'd feel bad about it, since he meant to keep a watch, but you would convince him that there was no reason to worry
🐍 Would be so relieved when you'd get better
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🔥 Would make sure you're comfortable, as he'd make you some tea
🔥 Would cook for you, and trust me, his food is even better than Giyuu's
🔥 Would not be worried, but wants and will pamper you to the point you're not sick anymore
🔥 Would just shower you with love and refuse to let you walk anywhere, so he'd end up carrying you
🔥 Would love to stay besides your bed, telling stories, as he'd change the rag on your forehead from time to time
🔥 If your shoulders hurt from laying on the bed for days, he'd massage your shoulders
🔥 And by heavens, he is good at it
🔥 His posivity and enthuasims would give you energy to get better
Uzui Tengen
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🎵 Not only him, but his wives too, would all take care of you
🎵 Would make sure that you feel the most comfortable that you can, and his wives would all cook for you in turns
🎵 He'd put on some calming music in the background and probably braid your hair
🎵 Would not force you to do anything, as he'd do everything for you so you could rest yourself
🎵 Would skip days of demon slayer work, just for you, as he would not leave his estate until you've gotten better
🗿 Would stay next to you, being literally like a rock, as he would not move
🗿 Would feed you some food, making sure you can keep it in
🗿 Will walk besides you, just in case your legs suddenly give up
🗿 Would not let you out of the bed, telling you to rest, as he'd hold your hands, drawing circles on them with his thumbs
🗿 Would make sure you've really gotten better before going back to the duties of a demon slayer, you are his first priority
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AN: @liliesoftherain​ @keishiins​ I’m reuploading this because Tumblr hates my guts. I got the idea from Ronda Rousey stating before her matches she would have intense sex with her husband. I was intrigued with the idea and wondered how many athletes do the same thing? Anyway enjoy this request
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❉ Warnings: Praise Kink, Sub Bokuto, Bondage, and little bit of Breeding kink at the end? Bokuto x Fem Reader.
❉ Disclaimer: Sex is not a cure for mental illness. Since we don’t know why Bokuto has mood swings I played around with the idea. Please don’t take this seriously.
❉ Summary: As part of the Jackals, Bokuto no longer had the luxury of messing about in this matches. But little did his teammates know he had someone special picking up the slack at home.
t’s not until you lose something that you start appreciating it for what it was. For Bokuto, it was his team, and more specifically, it was his setter Akaashi. He never realized how bothersome his mood swings were because he was too busy dwelling on his emotions. But when he started playing professionally, Bokuto no longer had the luxury of his teammates looking after him anymore. Technically, Tsum Tsum did his best (best meaning he just ignored him until Bokuto’s mood settled), but he was unsatisfied. He was starting to hate that the tiniest things would unsettle him and affect his play.  
He tried everything from calming teas and even listening to rain ASMR before falling asleep. But his mood swings kept happening. Bokuto was at the end of his rope so much so he decided to visit Akaashi at his college. He had sent him a text letting him know he would drop by; hopefully, his old teammate would have something for him.
The university itself was pretty large and was known to attract international students from across the globe. Even now, Bokuto could see several foreigners staring at him in curiosity, but he just shrugged it off, thinking it was his eccentric hair (but really, it was his frantic pacing).
His face brightened when he saw his friend leisurely walking towards him.
“Bokuto-san, how have you been?” Akaashi inquired.
“Akaashi! Your school is so cool! I should come here more often,” Bokuto said while excitingly looking left to right.
“Please don’t,” murmured Akaashi, who was promptly ignored by Bokuto.
“Keiji! I thought I told you to wait for me,” a feminine voice called out.
Bokuto turned around to see a girl with a womanly figure walking towards them.
“Gomen, Y/N. I thought you already went back to class,” Akaashi replied to the girl.
Bokuto looked at her fascinatingly. She was beautiful, to be frank, and her beaming smile radiated happiness.
“Oh, who’s this?” she asked, looking at Bokuto directly, making him more nervous than he had felt in a while.
Akaashi turned to Bokuto only to narrow his eyes at his smitten face.
“This is Bokuto Koutaro. He was the captain of the volleyball team I was on in high school.”
She let out an excited gasp. “The Bokuto? The one you comp-“
“Anyway, this is Akaashi Y/N. She’s my cousin,” Akaashi cut in, confusing Bokuto.
Y/N sent a teasing smile to Akaashi.
“Our mothers are identical twins, and we were born in the same year. So, we’re more like siblings than anything. I should be calling him Keiji-ni, actually. It’s nice to meet you, Bokuto-san!”
Cousins? Now that she was closer, he could see the resemblance. They had the same dark hair and bright blue sharp eyes. But Y/N’s hair was longer coming down to her waist, and her eyebrows were neatly trimmed, unlike Akashi's. She also had the pinkest pair of lips Bokuto ever had the pleasure of seeing, or was that makeup? To be honest, he could never tell.
“What do you think, Bokuto-san?” Y/N asked him hopefully.
She had asked him a question which Bokuto wasn’t even listening to. Too busy staring at her animated face the entire time.
“Not today, Y/N. Maybe some other time. Go to class,” Akaashi said, almost sternly.
She pouted and said, “Fine! I’ll see you later, Bokuto-san.”
Y/N bowed politely, to which Bokuto scrambled to return before she walked away.
Akaashi muttered, “Don’t even think about it. She’ll eat you alive.”
His yellow eyes still on the retreating figure of Y/N, Bokuto distractedly replied, “what do you mean by that?”
His former teammate opened his mouth to say something but changed his mind.
“Do what you like, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
Bokuto should have listened to the almost ominous warning by his friend, but he was too excited.
“You mean it?! Can you give me Y/N’s number then?”
Akaashi grimaced; nevertheless, he fetched his phone before complying with his former captain’s request. The two friends talked for a while before Akaashi had to leave for his class. By the time Bokuto had arrived at his lonesome apartment, he had realized he had forgotten to ask Akaashi for the advice he initially sought out him for.
Still, he considered the day to be productive and successful while staring goofily at Y/N’s number.
Over the next couple of weeks, Y/N and Bokuto exchanged texts. When he had first texted her, she was cordial and pleasant.  As his interest became fairly apparent over time, Y/N responded to it with the utmost enthusiasm. Thankfully, Akaashi didn’t seem too opposed to it; instead, he made Bokuto promise to treat his cousin well. They had been dating for only a month when she asked him to take it a bit further. He honestly thought she was a virgin and was quite speechless at her question. Y/N was a petite and genial individual; in fact, Bokuto often worried that he would eventually drive her away with his boisterous attitude. And so, he was adamant about taking it slowly with Y/N. Only for her to flip the script and proposition him.
“Did you have fun?” he asked earnestly after another date,
“Of course! Next weekend I'm free, so we should go out again,” Y/N replied cheerfully, swinging their interlocked hands.
Bokuto watched her closely and leaned in for a kiss.
She didn’t back down and instead tugged him closer. Their lips connected just barely before she moved back, but it was enough to entice him.
“Bokuto-kun, do you wanna come in? My roommate’s with her family for the weekend,” Y/N proposed.
He swallowed nervously and nodded. Her dorm was a standard two-room affair but standing in there, Bokuto felt such dread and excitement in the pit of his stomach.
Y/N took her time while removing her hoody before, with a teasing smile, she tried to help remove his jacket.
“You’ll get hot if you keep this on,” she cooed while pulling down his zipper.
Bokuto’s heart started racing out of control when he felt her small hands unashamedly caress his toned upper body in the guise of removing his jacket.
He distinctly heard something hitting the wooden floor but was way too preoccupied with helping Y/N unbuckle his belt to notice.
That night Bokuto was never so glad in his life to be wrong. She was no virgin. The way she roughly yanked his hair and demanded him to be faster and harder. It was hard to imagine Y/N not having prior experience. Despite him clearly being on top, it felt like she oversaw the entire affair. The praises that spilled from her mouth each time a particular thrust compelled her to see stars caused him to feel like he just scored a winning point in the finals. Her sleek legs that wrapped around him prompted him to renew his smooth but rough rhythm. Y/N eventually kept having to rewrap her legs each time he pulled out before she gave up and just splayed her legs to the side. That made it easier for him to reenter but strained Y/N’s muscles. She didn’t seem to care too much, though, as her nails embedded into his back. Bokuto lost count after her sixth orgasm and his fourth. The night continued into the early dawn. He barely slept, yet he found himself not caring after possibly having the best sex of his life.
Bokuto felt at ease as the whistle blew and signaled the end of the match. The Jackals bowed to their devoted fans, and he could feel his teammates’ eyes on him subconsciously. Tsum Tsum was whispering lowly to Sakusa, who didn’t seem to be paying too much attention to whatever Tsum Tsum was saying. Even Hinata seemed subdued despite them winning the game. But Bokuto wasn’t bothered; he was satisfied. Y/N was out there in the bleachers waiting for him. Now that he won, she owed him a night of relaxation and back massages.
Even in the locker room, it was hushed, and only the bangs of the lockers resonated in the quiet.
Bokuto turned around when he felt someone tug at his uniform.
“Oh, Hinata! Good game, and that smash at the end was great. But you still have a long way to go before you can catch up to your teacher,” Bokuto loudly complimented while slapping Hinata’s back harshly.
“Ne, Bokuto-san, can I ask you something?” Hinata nervously inquired as he rubbed his back.
Bokuto looked at the younger boy and realized he was acting weird. Hell, he could tell all his teammates were listening to their conversation inconspicuously.
So, he just shrugged and motioned Hinata to go ahead.
“How come you’re so focused nowadays?”
Bokuto could almost hear the underlying question, ‘why haven’t you turned into emo Bokuto lately?’
Tsum Tsum, who had a towel in hand on route to shower, stopped to listen in. Even Sakusa, with his wet hair, stood by and didn’t seem to be in a hurry to leave.
“Well, Hinata...” Bokuto began as his thoughts drifted back to last night.
They stumbled blindly through his dark apartment, not bothering to turn on the lights. Y/N let out a shriek of delight when Bokuto hoisted her into his arms and went straight to his bedroom.
He pushed back her hair and sucked wherever her neck was visible.
“Y/N, babe, want you right now. No. I need you,” Bokuto corrected amid his trailing kisses.
She grabbed the back of his dyed hair and pulled.
“On the bed then. I’ll grab my goodies,” Y/N encouraged.
He cocked his head in confusion at the mention of goodies but tugged off his shirt and shorts in a hurry. Bokuto tossed his clothes somewhere at the side of the bed, where he could find them easily in the morning before making himself comfortable on his bed. He could hear her fiddling in his bathroom but waited patiently. Y/N always rewarded him whenever he did precisely what she asked of him.
She stepped out of the bathroom, hiding something behind her back.
“Oh, did you start the party early?” she asked, eyeing his naked body with amusement and hunger.
“Yeah, but I’d rather you take off your clothes and join me,” Bokuto replied as he pointedly stared down at her white wrap dress.
“One sec. Let me show you my present.”
Y/N presented him with two pairs of silver handcuffs.
Bokuto tried to play it off coolly, but he didn’t think he managed as her cheeky grin widened at his flustered composure.
Y/N got on his bed and ordered, “Sit back. I want to see how good it looks on you.”
She didn’t even need to say please as he hurried to do what she asked. Placing a quick kiss on his forehead, she managed to get both his hands cuffed and attached to the bed frame separately.
“Now, the real fun begins. Do you trust me?”
“Do you even need to ask?” Bokuto joked.
While sliding down his body to make herself comfortable, she pushed his chest back down.
His soft member laid against his thighs. Which he supposed that Y/N wasn’t satisfied with because she immediately went to work.  
Y/N started by placing her hands on his firm thighs to which in turn made Bokuto jolt. But settled down at the soothing touch of her slender hands. Slowly but surely, she started to blow on his member. Feeling her hot breath, he shivered and clutched the bed sheets. It seemed like Y/N was in a playful mood, and that usually meant Bokuto was in for a long night.
That grip only got tauter when she started doing eskimo kisses to his cock.
Bokuto let out a low “fuck” when he felt tentative kitten licks while she traced the throbbing, purple veins along his shaft.
Y/N pulled back his foreskin to reveal the head. She rubbed the tip spreading the watery precum before sucking. She reveled in the familiar intoxicating taste and then swallowed him whole until his cock hit the back of her throat. Feeling the need to gag, Y/N took his member out of her mouth.
“Ko-kun, you taste so good. Maybe I should keep this up all night?”
“No, don’t,” he gasped.
Bokuto let out a groan when he tried to pull Y/N’s hair to make her take him deeper. But the handcuffs prevented him from doing so.
She let go of his cock entirely and shimmed out of her dress. Her bra and panties were next to go, and Bokuto’s eyes never strayed from the moment she started getting undressed. Y/N made herself comfortable and settled on top of his right thigh.
He felt his thigh’s muscle flex instinctively when he felt the soft lips and coarse trimmed hairs of her cunt. She already complimented him multiple times on how much she appreciated his physique. But she was paying extra attention to his bottom half tonight, apparently.
Unfortunately, his situation only got worse with her grinding against his thigh.
“Please, babe. I- I can’t wait,” he stuttered, which was an accomplishment of itself.
Y/N only laughed and said, “Come on, Ko-kun. You can do better than that. Remember last time how you begged so nicely? You can do it again.”
Bokuto imagined her swollen clit sliding along his bare skin. Which, he wasn’t wrong about because each time her center dragged against his leg, it wasn’t hard to notice the wetness she left behind.
“Ko-kun, should I just get myself off like this and leave you handcuffed until the morning?” Y/N asked wickedly.
“Don’t you dare-,” he started but let out a yelp when she pinched his inner thigh.
“Don’t be rude! I was just kidding, but I might do it for real,” she warned as she aggressively humped his thigh.
“F-fuck! Fuck!”
Oh god, he definitely felt the fluid dripping down from her cunt now. Bokuto could even hear the wet squelching sounds as she slid back and forth.
“Ko-kun, I wanna ride your face,” Y/N panted.
Bokuto’s eyes lit up, and he replied, “Are you going to uncuff me?”
“Nah, I think you’ll do fine just like this.” She didn’t say anything more as she leisurely crawled up his body.
Usually, he would have held onto her thighs while she sat on his face. But now, he could not do much once he caught a whiff of Y/N’s distinct scent. When her pussy was near enough, he licked the puffy clit that stood out so readily. Perhaps that was all the encouragement she needed because soon Y/N was aggressively shoving herself into his face.
“That’s it. Lick it all up. Don’t let a single drop go to waste,” she cried out while simultaneously pulling his hair.
He could barely breathe from her cushy thighs and the way her hands purposely kept him in one place. But god Bokuto loved it whenever she got like this. He could tell from her unsteady movement and the heavy breathing, Y/N was close. Laying his tongue flat, he licked from top to bottom and finally inserting the tongue inside her cunt. She lost her mind, convulsing uncontrollably.
“Fuck me! I-I’m going to cum.”
Y/N started enthusiastically grinding, and suddenly, an outpour of watery fluid started running down his cheeks. Her soft moans escalated to piercing screams before yielding to the spellbinding ecstasy.  Bokuto helped her ride it out by slowly sucking on her clit.
“Ko-kun, stop... Too much,” Y/N whimpered, pushing his face away from her overwhelmed pussy.
She scooted back a few inches and collapsed on top of his chest, trying to recuperate from her intense orgasm.
“Y/N, how did I do? Tell me.”
“Yeah, you were amazing. You were such a good boy.”
He felt lighthearted and incredible despite his erection still being prominent to the point of almost being painful.
Bokuto attempted to turn Y/N on her side so he could enter from that angle, but the handcuffs once again stopped him. He turned wide-eyed, totally forgetting about the cuffs attached to the headboard.
“Y/N help me out here,” he asked, kissing her sweaty hair.
She snapped out of her exhaustion to grab a pair of small keys on the nightstand. Y/N soon freed his hands, and he noticed his wrists were red from the metal straining against his skin.
Bokuto positioned Y/N in such a way that she lay on her side but was facing him. Her bangs were damp with sweat and stuck to her forehead. Still, she was visibly glowing, just like she always does after their sessions.
“My turn, ok?” he murmured, leaving love bites on her humid neck.
Sliding one leg in between her legs, he then encouraged Y/N to encircle his hip over the leg he just slid in.
Now Bokuto could easily clutch her firm butt while kissing her lips. With an erection that was now beginning to purple, he decided he had waited enough. With one swift nudge, her sopping entrance gave away to his cock.
“So good. I—” she stuttered as he hammered away. “Yes. So good.”
Y/N tucked her face away in his neck.
“You’re doing amazing. Keep going just like that, babe.”
His breath hitched at the ongoing praises, Bokuto’s skin becoming more heated by the second. His heartbeat racing out of control and tingles resonating down his back.
“I’m close. Gonna cum,” he groaned.
With a sensation that started at the base of his length before it coursed throughout his entire cock, the closer he got. Then as Bokuto got to the point of no return, he could no longer contain the inevitable release. He couldn’t control himself as his eyes shut and his body started shaking. He almost wished he could recount the entire experience, but Bokuto himself had blacked out right after he spilled inside of her.
He later would open his eyes to his body still on the side and entangled with Y/N. The deep-seated satisfaction from knowing he ejaculated inside of her left him bone-tired but rejuvenated at the same time. In no way were they ready for a pregnancy but god damn it if the thought didn’t leave him content beyond comprehension.  
Bokuto snapped out of his flashback to Hinata, still looking at him expectantly.
And with a smirk that was uncharacteristic of him, Bokuto said, “Let’s just say I have a girlfriend who’s been taking real good care of me before each game.”
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lightningclaw288 · 4 years
Starry Night
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Warning: Alcohol use, mentions of Alcohol, Characters are age up, mentions of cheating/assumption of cheating, Characters are aged up
Pairing: Akaashi x fem reader
Jealous reader, shy reader?,insecure reader? 
Meanings: (f/d) means favorite drink in this case your favorite type of beer, alcohol and that stuff. (f/n) means friend name.
Word count: 2,341
(y/n) Pov
I was nervous. “Hey, Keiji how do I look?” My boyfriend looked at me with a small smile. 
“Perfect. Now come down love. We're just going to meet my friends.” He replied softly.  
“But what if they don’t like me?” I mumbled softly. Akaashi chuckled. 
“(y/n) look at me. You’ve already met most of them.” He did have a point. 
“Alright. I’m ready, let's go.” I replied. We intertwined our hands as we walked out the door. The cool breeze rushed to great us. We walked quietly to the car.  
“Hey (y/n)?” I hummed. “In your dreams do you ever think of us like. You know.” A light blush forming on Keiji’s face. Cute I thought. 
“Think of us like what Keiji?” I asked. Now a full visible blush on his face. Can this man get any cuter than he already is? “Think of us getting married and having kids?” He mumbled. I looked at my boyfriend of 6 years. I blush now forming on my cheeks. How was I supposed to answer this question? I really wanted to scream YES. But If I said yes he could think I’m creepy. If I said no then he may think I don’t love him or I don’t want to settle down with him.  “Y-you don’t have to answer the question if you don’t want” He quickly added. “Yes.” My boyfriend looked at me confused. I continued. “ I do dream of us getting married and having kids” I mumbled.  He sighed softly and continued to drive. 
Time Skip
“Just relax babe and if you need something or want to go home come find me.” I chuckled softly.  “Keiji I’ll be fine. I’m a big girl. Now go have fun.” I chuckled.  Keiji chuckled as he intertwined his hand with mine as we walked into the club. 
When we walked into the club I immediately saw Yukie and Koari by a corner of the bar. There was a table for 3 in the corner.  ( do bars have tables? Idk never been to one. If there isn’t one then plz pretend)Keiji noticed them too and gave a soft nod. I walked up to them as Keiji walked up to his former teammates.  
“Yo (y/n), hhhow arrrre youuu?”. Yukie slurred.
“Hey Koari, I’m good. How many bottles have you had?” I asked, chuckling. 
“That’s her first,” Koari answered. 
“How have you two been?” I asked. 
“We’re doing pretty good.” 
“Have you done the “thing” yet?” I asked. Koari blushed. 
“I have no idea what you're talking about,” She replied.  (Also for this story the “thing” isn’t sex . I’m srry to disappoint you all but it’s not sex. And yes for this story Koari and Yukie are dating because why not. I don’t ship them but I thought it would fit the story).
“Whatsss the “thing”?” Yukie asked. 
“Something,” Koari answered. “Say (y/n)-san did Akaashi do the  “thing”to you?” I flushed. 
“N-no why? I m-mean it might happen-n soon. Idk” I replied.  As I started to nervously play with my hands/fingers. Koari laughed. At my response.
“Hmm I guess Akaashi would have  done it by now conjuring the fact you’ve been dating since college.  Anyway want a drink, I’m going to get one?”.  
“Sure, why not. Can you get (f/d)”/”No thanks, I don’t drink” I replied ( I wanted to add a different thing for people who don’t drink because not everyone does) 
Koari ordered and came back with two (f/d)s.  “ Thanks”. I said as I got my drink from her. I took a sip. “So-” 
“HEY HEY HEY LOOK WHO’S HERE”. A man-child yelled. He had black and white hair that was spikey( I have no idea how to explain  Bokuto’s hair help me and don’t hate me plz). I face palmed. I was going to continue my sentence when I heard a familiar chuckle. I looked to my left as I found to my shock the Akaashi Keiji chuckling in public. I smiled. Guess he was starting to show his emotion a little bit freely in public. I turned around to 
face Koari and Yukie. 
“Who’s that?” I asked. 
Koari answered “That’s Bokuto Koutarou.  He was the ace for our team in Akaashi’s second year.“
“Him and Akaashiiii were reallyy close too. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were dating back then” Yukie added on.  I just nodded. Something started to bother me. A tiny voice just a what if. What if they did date back then? What if Keiji still loves Bokuto-san. What if I’m not good enough for him?
“Hey (y/n), everything ok?” Koari asked worriedly. I nodded. 
“I’m fine.” I replied. I chugged down my drink. I wanted to have fun today and I told Keiji I didn’t need him to worry about me.  I decided to drink away my worries. ( I’m sorry if you don’t drink alcohol I’m going to keep this part. (f/d) normally means favorite drink. I have no idea what a bar sells other than they have alcohol so choose something else I guess).“Hey Yukie, want to see who can drink the most?”. There was no way I was going to win but it would be fine. 
“OI I’m not going to be the only one that isn’t sober and has to keep an eye on you guys.” Koari replied. 
“Then join us.” Yukie and I replied in sync. 
“But then who will keep an eye on the guys and you two?”. She replied. 
“The sky,” Yukie replied. Her lover face pamed.
“Soo are you going to join us or not? I mean we could only drink 3 cups and call it quits.” I said, smirking.  Yukie joined me “ Orr we could drink 3 bottles and call it quits.” Koari put her hands up. Surdering. 
“Fine. Just one cup tho.” She replied. We all laughed. 
“I’ll go get it (f/d).” Yukie called.  
Mini time skip
We all got a cup and poured a  (f/d) in it. 
We all started chugging out drinks. Koari stopped after 8 cups. I went to 12 . Which means Yukie won. We ended up finishing the 3 bottles we got. I volunteered to go get some more. It was probably the most fun I’ve had since  my last date with Keiji. 
He had been busy for the past two to three months.  He come home late and went to work early. He’s been acting strangely too. It wasn’t anything big but it did worry me at times. I shook my head. Think positive. 
I was walking through the crowd when I saw Keiji with ex-teammates talking and having fun. Something that stuck out to me was Bokuto had his hands on his thighs. It’s fine. Keiji said Bokuto could be really touchy and doesn't have the concept of person space. I  continued on my way to the bar.  I bumped into someone. I fell to the ground. Baka watch where you're going. I got up and brushed my dress. I got and bowed. “Gomen (sorry).” I replied.  The guy who bumped into was a good looking man around 2 years older than me. Keiji was definitely better. I must have won the boyfriend lottery. So I thought. 
”tch watch where you're going.” He replied. He looked me up and down. I rubbed my arm nervously. “Say how about we get a drink you and me? I mean you did bump into me.” 
��No thanks I have somewhere to go.” I replied briskly and walked away. He grabbed my arm. “I don’t take a no for an answer.” He replied. I tugged my hand out of his grasp. “Leave me alone.” I replied. I was a bit surprised that he let me go easily. Then I saw him talk to someone familiar. Then the guy walked up to me. I quickly recognized him. 
“(f/n)?” I asked. 
“Yo, (y/n). What are you doing here?” he asked. 
“I’m here with my boyfriend and his friends.” I replied “What about you?”   I asked.
“Me and my friends come here often. Also sorry about my friend he’s um a little I guess edgy might be the word.” We laughed. My phone lit up. There was a text from Yukie.
Where are you??
I sighted. “Hey (f/n) I gtg I told my friends I’d grab drinks and be back.” He nodded. I was about to walk away. 
“Hey (f/y) do you maybe want to meet up later? L-like a date or something?”. (f/n) was kind and sweet but he wasn’t Akaashi. And Akaashi is the only man I want to be with. “Sorry (f/n) I have a boyfriend, we could still meet up tho.”I offered. 
“Yeah that seems nice” He replied. “ You might also want to go get those drinks”.I nodded and  walked  to the bar. I felt bad for (f/n) but I didn’t love him. I ordered and paid for  3 more (f/d).  
 I was walking back when I saw something I didn’t want to see. After everything. There was my boyfriend of 6 years kissing his best friend and his ex-teammate Bokuto Koutarou. I dropped the drinks by accident. I just wanted to get out of there and drink more with Yukie and Koari. Talk to Keiji about it tomorrow. The drink hit the ground with a loud bang. 
The two broke the kiss. Akaashi eyes found mine. The first thing his  eyes were the first part of him so show any  emotion.  First fear then worry. He was about to call my name and reached for my hand.  I ran out of the club. I’ll come and clean the mess later. 
I ran. I didn’t know where I was going, I just let my feet carry me. When I  stopped running after some time. I took out my phone and messaged Yukie  an Kaori about what happened. Then I turned my phone off. I just wanted to be alone now. I knew the beach. It’s where Keiji and I went during the summer. I whipped my eyes. It didn’t help. The tears come on after another.
 I felt numb. Wasn’t I enough? Did he not love me? Did I do something wrong? Is it how I look? How I eat? The way I sleep? Do I take up to much of the blanket? What is it? What did I do wrong? I laid on the sand. The only I could hear was the waves and crickets.”It’s starry night isn’t it?Just look at the stars, they are always there at night if you look for them. No matter if anyone can see them or not there. And when you can see them there they are shiny , bright and beautiful.” That’s what my dad would have said. I just looked up at them. I’ll pack my stuff and stay with my parents tomorrow. Till I can get an apartment in Tokyo.
 I heard footsteps. I turned to see my boyfriend. Tears streaming down his pretty  face. He was breathing heavily. He must have chased after me when I ran out. “(y/n) I-” I cut him off. 
“Shouldn't you be at the party with him, with your friends?” I asked. He sat down and tried to hug me. I slapped his hand away. He looked like a kicked puppy. I hated it. I didn’t want to hurt him. Be strong. I told myself to be strong. 
“(y/n) please let me explain.” I looked at him, waiting. “It was an accident. This guy shoved me on to  him. I swear I didn’t mean to kiss him and you come right after. Y-you saw us kiss. I got scared. Please don’t leave-” I interrupted him. I felt like an idiot. I kissed him. It was a nice gentle kiss. It ended too soon for my liking. Why do we need air?
I looked him in the eye “I’m sorry  I shouldn’t have assumed you cheated. I love you” I whispered. He smiled and hugged me.” Come one let’s go back everyone going to be worried. Plus I need to clean up the mess and I need to apologize so Bokuto-san.” I chuckled. I allied on his chest. “5 minutes that’s it” I replied. He smirked. 
“That can wait.” Keiji replied.We sat there in silence.After ten or more minutes. We heard more footsteps. I turned around to see the rest of keiji’s ex-teammates. “(Y/N)-SANNN DON’t BREAK UP WITH AGGKAAASHI HE LOVES YOU!” Bokuto-san screamed.I chuckled. 
“Don’t worry, Bokuto-san we’re not breaking up, Keiji explained everything. Also I’m sorry I shouldn’t have assumed you two were together.” I replied. 
“That’s ok (y/n)-san. Know can we get more drinks??” Bokuto-san asked. Everyone laughed. 
“You guys go ahead, we'll join you in a minute” Keiji called.
Mini time skip 
Keiji  got up. “Come (y/n) it’s been 20 minutes since we said we’d come.” He replied. I chuckled. He offered me his hand and I took it.  I brushed the sand of my dress. “One last thing before we go.” He got down on one knee and took out a box from his pocket. 
“(Y/n) we’ve been dating for 6 years. You mean everything to me. You’ve been through the ups and downs in my life. So will you be willing to spend the rest of your life with me? Will you marry me (y/f) (l/n)?” 
“Keiji did the “thing” FINALLY.” Keep ur head down Koari we can’t see. 
“Did she say yes?”. “Yes Bokuto she said yes.” “Akaashi’s swinging her around. And know their kissing.” “move Kohna I want to see”. “Outch.” 
Author note:
Yo how is everyone? I know I haven’t been able to update a lot and I’m sorry about that. I normally don’t write stuff because the don’t normally do well. I had this idea and wanted to put it in paper. Anyway I hope you enjoyed it if you read this far 😂. I didn’t have a certain age I wanted the characters to be but they could be sometime time from second year of collage to young adult if anyone wanted to know. Anyway have a great day/night.
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hiyorisarugaki · 4 years
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fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Are they underrated?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO (essentially could’ve still been trained by other visored) / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO.
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
How strictly do you follow canon?  —I try my best! I am still not really caught up on bleach. I stopped reading/watching after the Winter War, so I’m literally winging it with any other developments and posts. I am living my life with spoilers~!
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  — Hiyori has a very pure mind. Pure in the sense that she’s as straight as an arrow. What you see is what you get. She speaks/blurts out everything she feels. And if she doesn’t say it, you can still see it. Every emotion is written straight on her face. She could never really make a good liar and to that end-- if she is your friend, you know she’s really your friend. She’s the type that’ll treat your life as more valuable than her own. She’ll do everything in her power to protect you. Even if you are losing your mind or your sense of self, she will never stop being your friend. Loyal and comically tsundere at times, it’s almost like whiplash keeping up with her topsy-turvy emotions. But if you can, you will definitely be rewarded with someone strong, fearless and unflinchingly loyal at your side. Someone who will fight all your battles for you, no matter how impossible the odds appear.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  —  I think most people agree that she is very violent. She hits people and her friends that do not actually deserve it. She never uses proportional force and it’s obvious that she has a multitude of issues that she has but never bothers to fix. She’s reliant on her friends to make her appear better than she is, because on her own, she would just be a violent goblin. But with her friends, she’s actually Hiyori. So in a sense, Hiyori has no actual sense of self without other people’s loyalty to her.
In addition, she’s not at all traditionally attractive like a normal bleach female. She’s mean and ugly and angry and easily triggered and most of the fandom think it was a cop-out to have her survive her bifurcation.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  Uhm... I always wanted to rp one of the visored. I loved their story the most- outcasts among the shinigami, hollow and humans. They were outsiders and their story feels the saddest to me. They are victims of a crime and yet, they do not behave like typical victims. They are all so vibrant (sorta!) and I love that about them. I also wanted to pick up a character that was uhh... violent? XD I have never written someone who was the complete opposite of me. I suppose it was to challenge myself. To rp someone who is always controversial and yet, still retain interactions.
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  I’ve really grown to adore Hiyori over the past year of rping her. I’ve always loved shiyori and have also managed to develop an amazing ship with @hirako5hinji​ and I love all their threads. I keep having so many new ideas and AUs for these two that I wish there were more hours in the day!  I also love to develop different friendships with Hiyori. Her interactions with people that are shinigami, human and hollow- and how she perceives them in her mind with her blatant prejudice verses her actual nature of wanting connections... it’s such a good balancing act. ;u; 
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO ( I wish I was caught up on bleach!).
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO. 
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO. (Very rarely, but if I happen to think of a little scene or my writing muse is strong, I’ll do one. But I prefer interactions!) 
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO. (Lmao, all day everyday I watch shows or outfits or have food and I’m always wondering what Hiyori might think of this XD.)
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO. (I’m still considered a bit new to the bleach fandom. Everyone has their worries!)
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. (some replies I’m like wow and others I’m like why?)
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. (gomen)
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  — I do. I’m too old to worry about other people not liking my portrayal, but if they have something that they have an issue with or think I’m doing something totally wrong because I missed something in the manga- then I will accept it and incorporate it. =u= / I’m just winging it really and having fun!
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  —  Oh wow! I love those questions. It always makes me think and explore more cracks and crevices about my character and her feelings regarding such issues. I also love questions that eventually lead to a new headcanon for my character too! c:
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  Yeah, I love talking about Hiyori. Even if you’re disagreeing with me, I’ll love to hear it! TALK TO ME ;u;
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  Uhm... not sure? I think if they don’t like it then I hope they can unfollow me! I don’t want them to think this is wildly ooc and ruining the characterisation of Hiyori for them. ; - ; I would feel a little bad, but not bad enough to change my portrayal completely. Everyone has their own interpretation of a character and not everyone will have the same views or thoughts on it. 
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  —  Most people don’t really like Hiyori anyway so I’m chill as long as I got interactions. xD
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  Yes. Lol, I rush when writing and uhm, I’m the type that rarely edits my work until AFTER I post it. Both mun and muse are reckless and charge in blind then realise the damage after the thing has been done. orz
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   — Yeah. I have no energy to develop any conflicts with anyone lmao! I just love to rp and I actually enjoy reading nearly everyone’s threads. I wish I had the time to go through the entire dash and read every interaction, but now I limit my reading of the dash to when I’m online or if I love a thread and follow the replies. : > I love rping and I hope you guys have as much fun as me!!
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
Tagged by: @meishutori @bleachintothemultiverse -thank you both! Tagging: @strcngered @praedulcis--helianthus @skyvar @ilusionis @nicetryshyguy @niopham &anyone else!
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wingsporkhalo · 7 years
A Collaborative Spork of “Why?”: a Lord of the Rings Fanfic-- Chapter 4
Time to “enjoy” chapter 4 of this mess with @icykalismsts!
Special thanks to Liz Lemon and Castiel for helping me as snarky as possible.
Chapter 4: Not Quite Home Sweet Home
Hey, it's Nyanko-chan again. I'm writing this next half chapter for my friends.
(Damn the influence you have on me!) However, I'm considering pulling down
this fic.
W: You can’t pull it down any further than it has already sunk.
I put this fic for others to enjoy, and if they don't, well obviously I could
just give the rest of the fic to Crystal-chan now instead of putting her in suspense.
::sigh:: There goes all the fun.
W: That’s my line, buster.
A little girl from the group walked up to Crystal.
~ Onee-chan (sister), what are we going to do with him? ~
W: For once, author is right about the translation, but it actually means more specifically “Big sister/older sister.”
Sarcastically, she said, "Well jeez, why don't you tell me? YOU'RE the
one caught him!" The girl blushed.
~ Hai, hai. (can mean anything between yes, agreeing, or agreeing in an
offhand way) ~ What do yall think? ~
K: That these “translations” are incredibly intrusive.
W: That “y’all” doesn’t seem like very sophisticated language. And oops, if the author’s translations are intrusive, mine are probably even more so. Sorry, guys.
Several murmurs were heard, saying things
like, "Why not do to him what he did to Crystal-sama?" and such. Comments like
these made Legolas a bit nervous.
Crystal hushed them up with a careless wave of her hand.
W: It was careless because she had knocked over a nearby flower vase.
"No matter what
we do with him, no one, even an ordinary elf deserves this kind of treatment. We'll
take him to the camp, and THEN decide what to do with him."
K: Is it bad that I immediately thought of a prison camp? W: Well, I thought of a concentration camp, so really yours was better than mine.
Aragorn hurried and woke the others as soon as he got up. As they packed,
they all thought about what could have been bothering Legolas so much about this
stranger that he took off after her without telling anyone.
When they arrived at the elves camp
W: --which is where young elves undergo training to one day assist Santa in his workshop--
around 10:00 a.m., they closed the
gates and untied him.
K: It is an Elf prison camp! W: Oh god, no!
Crystal gave a mock bow. "Welcome, Prince , to our humble lodgings." As
Legolas looked around, he thought, "I'll be damned if this was humble! This place
puts shame to the city of Mirkwood!" (Was that correct?)
K: No, that’s rude. He should be grateful that he’s in a prison camp, duh.
W: Man, Mirkwood’s really changed, I guess.
As they were walking down a corridor to Legolas' room, a little thing ran
down the hallway, screaming, ~ Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-chan! You're back! ~
K: Oh. Good thing I didn’t need those eardrums.
Crystal turned around a millisecond too late as the thing, which happened to be an
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tackled Crystal in a bear hug. They both landed with a big thump on the floor.
~ Iiiiiiiiita!!!
W: She means “itai,” which pretty much is the Japanese equivalent to “Ouch!”
Suppi-chan, what did I tell you about doing that to me while
I'm walking in the MARBLE FILLED rooms?! ~ she mock-scolded.
K: That’s where people’s marbles go when they lose them.
~ The girl
blushed. ~ Gomenasi.
K: Is this what you say when you’re apologizing to a Nazi?
W: Oof. That joke makes me feel guilty after my mentioning the concentration camps. I have to go lay down and think about happy things for a bit. (Also, she means gomen nasai.)
I wasn't thinking when I did. Demo (but), I was so happy
you're safe from your travels! ~
Legolas stared at the girl. * She must be no older then 25 to be that small! *
W: ??? Do girls have a growth spurt after age 25 or something? If so, I better prepare myself, since I’m 25 now, and in fact will be 26 in a few months.
(Okay, I was thinking, "I want Crystal to have a little sister, but I want her to be
more skilled than the average person."
W: “Okay, I want my Sue to have a five-year-old companion, but she has to be better than all the other five-year-olds.”
So I decided that in this fic, and elf may
choose how old he/she likes,
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as long as they have already lived that age in human
W: I have read so many stupid things. But this is still one of the stupidest.
Crystal began get annoyed when he didn't answer her. ' Hello?! Are you coming? '
Than she added slyly. ' Or does the almighty Prince know his way around everywhere,
even when he's never been here before? '
Legolas snapped out of it. When he realized the two were staring at him
oddly, he blushed, and apologized.
Crystal took him to a room, and showed him around it. There was a queen bed,
a view that over looked a beautiful lake, and a nice bathroom with towels, soap, etc.
W: Thanks for that totally not-lazy description.
"You're probably tired, so I'll leave. Feel free to go anywhere, except our
rooms, outside the gate, and wherever the others tell you not to." With that, she left
him to sort out the emotions that he hadn't felt in years.
W: “Well, I’ll put this one in the Sadness pile, and this one in the...hm...Embarrassment or Happiness?...”
She went into the meeting room where the others were waiting. Actually, it
was a patio in the garden they had.
W: Actually, no one gave a shit.
'What DO we do, Crystal? We can't just let him stay here all happy when it
was HIM that did that to you.'
Crystal thought. ' First thing's first. We need to gain his trust. I want him to
feel the pain that I felt al those years ago.
W: You felt up someone named Al?? How could you??
K: Poor Al. You can call me, Al. And you can call me Betty.
Until then, we need to capture his friends
as well. They're on their way. I left a quite noticeable trail once we entered the
woods.' She smiled.
K: Hansel and Gretel taught her well!
'We should send a welcoming party. It's not nice to leave
your guests in the dangerous forest all by themselves.' The others laughed.
W: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EverybodyLaughsEnding
The other rode through the forest. All were wary about the place, even the
Hobbits. Why would the trail that was Hell to follow at first, all a sudden
K[sarcastically]: Hey, you can either have one sudden or all of them. Make up your mind.
be as clear
as day?
W: Worst poem ever, I’m telling you.
As they made their way, they never felt the tiny wires begin their trek around
their bodies.
W: Well that’s disturbing. Are they alive??
Nor did they feel each one slowly and lightly knot around them...
As the wires wrapped around them, the Fellowship was oblivious. Boromir,
Aragorn, Gilimi,
K: I get it now! The author didn’t mention a Dwarf in chapter one because he’s canonically a mini-Balrog in this fic.
and Frodo DID sense something wrong though. * What in these
peaceful forests could possibly make me tense? There's nothing seemingly wrong.
So why am I wary? * thought Aragorn. * Probably because whatever was in here
was able to get Legolas * he thought wryly.
Suddenly, the hobbits began saying odd things. Things such as, "Can
someone give me a hand? I'm stuck," or, "Hey! I can't move!"
W: I mean, I’ve heard much odder things before, but whatever.
The others turned
W: ...to stone, and then a sudden lightning strike utterly obliterated them. The end.
to the hobbits, thinking they were joking. Boromir strode up to Frodo. "Come on,
lets not mess around anymore." As he neared Frodo, he lost the ability to move
his legs. "What the Devil?!"
K[Boromir]: Yeah, what is the Devil? I’ve never heard of such a thing, so why did I shout about it?
Soon, the others stopped moving as well. Their mounts sensed something
was amiss, and high-tailed it out of there.
~ Crystal-sama won't be pleased. ~
~ Doshta? (why?) ~
W: “Doushita.”
The elf smiled. ~ Because these two men are giving me a hard time, keeping
them still. ~
The other laughed. ~ Someone hasn't been training lately, huh? ~
~ I guess you could say that. ~
After the 4 elves were positive that the Fellowship couldn't get loose, they
hopped down from their hiding place.
' My, my. Aren't we lucky, Yura? We set our traps for animals, and here
we caught ourselves some celebrities. '
W: Why would you name a character a Japanese name that means “farmer”? Or I guess it could be the onomatopoeia for swaying gently but whatevs
Strider thought it would be best to act calm. ' We apologize for setting off
K: ...bear...
traps. Could you help us out? '
W: “This leg is pretty much done for, so you can just cut it off or something.”
The girls thought about it. Then they conversed among themselves.
K: They threw converse shoes all over.
W: It’s a hipster parade!
~ How about this. We'll let them go, but keep the wires on them. We'll
take them near the city, and when we're about 100 yds. away, we tie them back
up? ~ The others nodded.
"Why not?" Yura took a comb out of her clothes, and touched a certain
tooth on it.
W: Holy fucking shit. She did not. [sighs] Okay, guys, the author has once again stolen from InuYasha. There’s an early villain called Yura of the Hair who can control unbreakable, razor-sharp hair that is invisible to most mortals. Her true form is a cursed comb, so her “human” body is p much indestructible. This has been Wing’s Frustrated Crash Course in InuYasha, lesson 2.
The wires "magically" came off.
"Thank you..."
Diamond cut off whatever Strider was about to say. "We know what you
came for. Would you like us to show you the way?"
Gimili cut in before Aragorn could say anythiing.
K: Gimili’s special power is to cause misspellings wherever he treads.
W: Yeah, I don’t know why Aragorn would say “anythiing” otherwise.
"Wait a minute. You
wouldn't trust these four, would you? For one, they're elves. For another, they're
W: “Calm the fuck down. No need to shout.”
Thirdly, they're wearing masks on their faces that give me the creeps."
K: Come on. It’s no Eyes Wide Shut situation.
(For an example of the masks a few of the masks, e-mail my friend, Crystal, at [REDACTED]@hotmail.com)
W: I bet she’s talking about Noh masks, another thing that is focused on briefly in InuYasha.
Aragorn thought. "It's the best lead we have. Might as well follow it." The
girls simply smiled. ~ Jeez, this was easier than I thought. ~
K: Okay. I can almost understand an author saying “God” or “Hell” in a LotR fanfic by accident. But “jeez?” Really?!
W: Speak for yourself, author. I’ve got a headache this big.
~ No kidding! ~
A while later, curiosity got the best of Aragorn. " Why do you wear those
The girls shot him a glare.
W: Aragorn crumpled to the ground with a groan of “I’VE BEEN HIT!”
~ If you must know, it is
K[girls]: ...because we miss Mardi Gras.
to hide our emotions. ~
Yura rolled her eyes. "If you don't understand what we said, that is your
own fault." Then she added slyly, "Maybe you could get..."
Diamond clapped her hand over Yura's mouth. ~ Unasi baka! (shut up stupid!)
W: “Urusai, baka.” Once again, the correct spelling AND my current sentiments towards the author.
K[Yura]: What?! You’re calling me a dummy and claiming I’m a Nazi?! What’s wrong with you?!
If you provoke them like that, he'll actually ask about it later. And we know he'll
tell him the Royal language!
W: How the fuck do you tell someone an entire language???
Crystal will choke you! ~ Yura shut up the rest of the
trip. The tense aura returned after that.
Legolas was walking around, when he stopped.
W: Bahahaha, oh my god, that’s the best sentence so far.
His jaw would be on the
floor if that were possible.
K: It’s possible… but the circumstances would have to be pretty horrific.
In front of him was the most beautiful garden in the
whole world. It wasn't kept trimmed, but it was a wild garden, so to speak.
W: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
he walked around, he noticed the figure near the lake. He walked toward it,
trying to get some sort of companionship.
W: “Oh, lake. You’re my only friend in the world.”
~ May I sit here with you? ~
The figure jerked with surprise.
W: “Holy shit, put yourself away!” the elf cried, hiding his scandalized eyes of undetermined color.
It was none other than Crystal herself.
~ I hope you're enjoying yourself, Legolas. ~
W: “Not as much as you just were! Holy shit!!”
~ It's been a while, hasn't it? ~
K: Well, at least it’s not a mean while.
Crystal laughed. ~ I guess you could say that. Of course, to an elf that
was nothing. A mere, what? 1,000 years or so? ~
~ That's true... ~ Legolas was relieved. It seemed that the pains had
been forgotten.
Crystal, on the other hand, was in a whole new ballgame.
W: New indeed, since I don’t think there are any ballgames in this universe.
emotions reeled. It was torn between sadness, hate, betrayal, pure bliss, and
W: That’s too many fucking things, yo.
Legolas' question caught her off guard.
' Why do you wear a mask and cloak Crystal? It is as if you are hiding
from something. '
W: Uh, yeah, that’s what a mask and cloak are for. Hiding yourself.
* Or someone, * she thought wryly. Still though, she said nothing.
Legolas was confused. One moment, she was more or less talking to
W: Can it be less?
and then she suddenly cold-shoulders him.
K: Well, she is Frosty.
W: YES!!
Then he asked a question
that had been plaguing him ever since the last time they met.
W: “Did you know there’s a piece of broccoli stuck between your teeth?”
Cliffhanger! In order to find out what he says, you must review! ::laughs
evilly:: Before I set up the next chapter, I want at least a total review count of 25
W: What are you, a fucking English teacher? “I want two pages, double-spaced, 12-point font!!”
Five per chapter or half chapter that I put up.
K: She’s holding people ransom?! I hate it when fanfic authors do this. The sad thing is, it sometimes works...
Two more things. I'm working on the story on how they met from Crystal's point
of view. The other thing is that I've finished the story. Yay! I've typed all the
chapters. All I have to do is post them. That means I'll post a new chapter up every
time I see I have 5 new reviews.
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Please remember that I don't get on everyday
K: With an attitude like that, I’m surprised you get on with anyone.
so if my request if fulfilled, I'll probably have about 2-5 chapters a week.
Look for Chapter 5 sometime before next Monday!
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