#in whatever timezone you celebrate
tachikoma-x · 5 months
I think about these scenes together a lot
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He’s come a long way, hasn’t he? No need to hide himself anymore. ❤️
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Could Polyamory Have Saved Them? (PINNED)
Welcome to Could Polyamory Have Saved Them!
Submissions are: OPEN (Submit via the form below; submissions via the askbox will NOT be published)
(Previous submissions can be viewed HERE. Please double-check to see if your entry has been submitted already before filling out the form!)
Do you think your blorbo would be happier with another partner or two? Found that love triangle scuffed and in need of a little tweak? Have a fave who'd seriously benefit from expanding their world from monogamy? You're in luck; you've just stumbled upon the headcanon blog where we all gather to answer the question- could polyamory have saved them?
Brought to you by one mod, Mod L (any pronouns). The queue publishes thrice daily, twice at GMT 2:00 and once at GMT 14:00, and currently runs until July 16, 2024. Times are published under GMT/UTC timezones and are updated automatically.
Reminder that this is NOT a shipping blog- this is a place to celebrate poly characters, the freedom of relationship anarchy, and challenging amatonormativity, in whatever form that may take, whether it's in a relationship or not! Be respectful towards others' submissions and most importantly of all, make sure to have fun!
If you like Could Polyamory Have Saved Them, check out these relevant blogs (and inspirations to this one): @couldtransitionsaveher @couldtransitionhavesavedthem @could-transition-save-him @couldfatnesshavesavedthem @couldaromanticismsavethem @didtransitionsavethem @couldtranssavethem @couldhomosexualitysavethem @couldlesbiansavethem
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kingofbodyrolls · 3 months
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My Heart's Home (m) | pjm | five
🐴Chapter summary: You return home to the ranch, and finally get to call it home again. Jimin helps you move your stuff and you gradually feel yourself fall more and more for him.  🐴Chapter title: Our Home, Our Place 🐴Pairings: jimin x reader (main), jungkook x reader (only happens once in the first chapter), jungkook x OC (jessi), namjoon x OC (jessi), yoongi x hoseok, namjoon x oc, seokjin x oc, taehyung x oc 🐴Characters: female reader (isn’t mentioned by name and no “y/n”), Jimin, Jungkook, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Seokjin, Taehyung and four female original characters. 🐴Genre/AU: ranch!au, slice of life!au, soulmate!au, cowboy!au + smut, humor, fluff, romance, slow burn and angst 🐴Rating: mature/explicit/R18 – this is mature/explicit content, so minors, please do not interact!
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🐴Disclaimer: I do not own BTS or know them personally and this work of fiction is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only. The actions and personalities described in the story do not reflect those of BTS— it’s just fiction. Also, if you would kindly read the tags/warnings before reading, that would be lovely: and if you don’t like whatever is described in the tags, just hit return and find something else to read. Thank you 🌸 🐴Chapter warnings: fluff with fluff on top 🤭 Also, there’s a piano that deserves a warning 👀 🐴Status: completed 🥳 🐴Word count: 11k 🐴Taglist: @kookswifesblog, @kiki-zb, @babejinnie, @ownthesunshine, @allie-is-a-panda, @glllhjh, @bergandysam, @13-manggaetteok, @jeonsbabygirlsworld,
*tumblr isn’t letting me tag you! There could be a lot of reasons for that, check out this lovely post about it.
🐴Now playing 💿 “This is Home” by Kate Voegele. [Wanna listen to the serie’s playlist?] 🐴Author’s note: MWAH! There’s just so much sexual tension in this, it is so damn fluffy and I loved writing it!! The tension was so palpable that I was so fucking close to giving in and let them have some well needed fun and a release (read= smut)— but no!!! Not yet 👿 I really hope you like this one!! Please let me know, okay? 🥹✨
Also, I am fully aware that this isn't Monday (at least in my timezone), but I just really wanted to post it and I've been thinking about changing the post days...
It’s been cross posted to AO3 if you prefer to read there. Wanna see the book cover?
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“Don't give up Try one more time We won't give up Let me help you Let me care Walk beside me I'll be there So don't give up Don't walk away” - ‘Don’t Give Up’ by Rebecca Lavelle
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The tires of your car dig into the sandy dirt road with an unwavering resolve, each groove in the rugged terrain a testament to your journey. Your hands firmly clasp the steering wheel, the same determination coursing through you as it did months ago, yet this time, the air is charged with a different energy. You traverse the landscape, carrying not burdens but tidings of joy, and the road ahead unfolds like a welcoming embrace.
The sand and dust perform an ethereal dance before the windshield, a choreography of particles that somehow feels like nature's celebration. As you welcome the familiar landscape with open arms, the mountains maintain their majestic stance in the distance, towering sentinels against the canvas of the sky.
The car becomes a rolling symphony, pulsating with happy melodies that mirrors your newfound joy. An upbeat song reverberates through the vehicle, harmonizing with the rhythm of your contentment. 
Yet, beneath the surface of your happiness, there's a current of nervous anticipation, a symphony of emotions playing as you approach the threshold of home.
Anticipation tightens its grip on your heart as you ponder the impending reunion with Jessi. 
Will she swing the door open with open arms, or will it slam shut in rejection? The possibilities dance like shadows in your mind — a kaleidoscope of emotions waiting to unfold. 
Will her reaction be a thunderous scream, a fiery expulsion, or a demand to go, leaving the echoes of your past behind?
You fervently pray that won't be the case, your fingers tightening around the steering wheel as if clinging to the last shreds of hope. The grit in your resolve intensifies, bolstered by the weight of the positive news you carry back with you. 
In your heart, the fervent wish lingers: that this return won't be met with closed doors but with the open arms of a hopeful tomorrow. You reassure yourself, whispering to the wind, that the news you bear will be the bridge to mend fractured ties.
You cling to the steering wheel, fingers entwined, desperately yearning for Jessi to embrace your decision with the same warmth that radiates in your heart. 
As you drive, the memories encircle your mind like cherished echoes, their weight lifting off your shoulders. These fleeting recollections become comforting companions, guiding you home with a gentle embrace.
Your car, crammed to the brim with suitcases and bags, feels like a mobile vault of memories and possibilities. The notion of retrieving the rest of your belongings, perhaps with the help of a horse trailer, because you sure do have a lot of stuff!
The sign with your family name emerges like an old friend, triggering a cascade of memories that swirl around you – the carefree days of childhood, laughter echoing with your sister, the enduring camaraderie shared with Jimin, and the intricate tapestry of your adult life woven with triumphs and missteps, a testament to the journey of growing up and finally finding your place on the ranch.
As you draw near to the ranch, a hint of uncertainty flits through your thoughts, but amidst it, a resolute confidence surges within – you reassure yourself that not only can you navigate this return, but everything will unfold seamlessly, and everything will be fine.
Fueled by unwavering determination, you approach the ranch with a mindset that Jessi, with all her emotions, won't sway your resolve. This time, there's no room for surrender; you've learned from past experiences, and the echoes of your previous retreat will not repeat. You're here to stand firm and face whatever challenges lie ahead.
Embracing a resolute spirit, you skillfully guide your car along the serpentine path that descends towards the heart of the ranch.
As the well-known scenery unfolds before you, a subtle unease snakes through your veins. Jessi once demanded you to depart; will she repeat the gesture? 
Yet, your heart clings to the hope that this time, the news of your decision regarding the inheritance will elicit a different reaction, one of understanding and happiness.
The ranch stands unchanged, a testament to time, yet this visit, the burden of yesteryears no longer drapes over you. Instead, a vast sea of possibilities stretches before you, offering a chance to forge a new life, to reconnect with your roots, and to weave a reconciliation with the chapters of your past.
Bringing the car to a halt before the main house, you silence the engine with a decisive twist of the key. A nervous and heavy sigh escapes your lips, intertwining with the palpable anticipation that hangs in the air. Inhaling deeply, you draw in the essence of the moment, your fingers clenching determinedly against the steering wheel. 
This is your moment, and you can do it.
This time, you don't linger in the car to muster your determination. Swiftly, you swing the car door open and inhale the familiar scent of the land you once called home, hoping it will embrace you again. 
Your heart quickens its pace as your sneakers connect with the rugged ground. This is your chance to reclaim what was lost. 
You can do it.
Trekking the uneven terrain in your sneakers becomes a seamless journey. Approaching the imposing front door, you assertively deliver a knock as a polite gesture. However, unlike before, you don't linger in anticipation, choosing instead to take charge of the moment.
With a confident grip on the handle, you assertively push your way into the familiar space, a subtle declaration of ownership echoing in your every step. After all, this is rightfully yours now.
As you stroll down the corridor, a nostalgic echo of your arrival weeks ago, you casually poke your head into the kitchen. To your surprise, Ha-rin is diligently at work, and your sudden appearance startles her, causing a mix of both surprise and curiosity to dance across her features.
An eruption of excitement escapes Ha-rin as she exclaims, “Oh my god! You’re back!” 
Giggles and near-screams accompany her joyful dance, abandoning whatever task held her attention. In an instant, she abandons her work, rushes toward you, and engulfs you in a warm, hearty hug. The embrace becomes a haven, her familiar scent working its magic to soothe your jangled nerves. As you reciprocate the hug, her ebony locks playfully tickle your cheeks, creating a comforting cocoon of familiarity.
Her voice echoes with genuine joy, “We missed you! The others are gonna be so happy to see you back!” Each word resonates with enthusiasm, and she steps back to survey you. Dressed for ranch life, not like you were weeks ago, no heels this time, just your trusty sneakers. Jeans and a shirt complete the ensemble, a departure from the dresses of yestertime, signaling a readiness to embrace the authenticity of ranch living once again.
“Even Jessi?” An arched eyebrow accompanies your question, a low chuckle escaping your lips. You inquire, teasingly probing for details about the reception awaiting you from your sister.
“Yeah!” Her affirmation resonates with genuine warmth, and she continues, “She actually wanted to call you, but I guess she was too stubborn…” 
Ha-rin rolls her eyes as she shares this tidbit, and you feel a subtle acceleration in your heartbeat. Could it be that your sister has genuinely missed you?
Before you can linger on that intriguing piece of information, Ha-rin eagerly ushers you outside, pulling you along as she navigates the yard in search of the rest of the girls.
Ha-rin practically yanks you towards the stables, and as you step inside, you discover Soo-ah and Ara diligently tending to the horse stalls. At the sound of your entrance, they abandon their shovels, rushing towards you with shouts of your name echoing through the stables.
“I hoped you'd be coming back!” Soo-ah exclaims, enveloping you in a warm and tender hug, and Ara follows suit, creating a trio of affectionate embraces. Laughter bubbles up as the three girls express their joy at your return.
Anxiety courses through your veins as you inquire, “Where's Jessi?” 
The anticipation hangs heavy in the air, and you're eager to confront this part of your return.
“I think she’ll be back soon. She’s with Jungkook,” Ara informs you, and Soo-ah and Ha-rin exchange amused glances, their mischievous smiles leaving your face a silent question mark.
Sensing your silent inquiry, Ha-rin shakes her head, “Not like that.”
Not that you mind if that happened. After all, you have no claim over Jungkook, nor do you want one. Your interests and heart lie elsewhere. Still, you'd be genuinely happy for them if they ever get together—though you highly doubt it given how similar they seem, and the fact that she’s currently with Namjoon.
As your laughter resonates through the barn, the rhythmic beat of hoofbeats draws near. Before long, Cinnamon and your sister appear at the barn doors. Jessi's hat sits atop her head, and her brown curls cascade gracefully as she guides Cinnamon to a gentle walk and then a complete stop.
Her eyes fix on you, and an unexpected vulnerability creeps over you, as if you're laid bare for inspection, wondering how she'll respond. However, her gaze remains silent, devoid of anger, and a hint of happiness even appears to dance in her eyes.
Dismounting Cinnamon with effortless grace, she leads him into the barn, drawing closer to you. “Hi,” she greets with a simple nod, her actions speaking louder than words as she proceeds past you, focused on the task of untacking her horse.
“Hey,” you greet, a touch of nerves in your voice despite your determination. 
“I was hoping we could talk?” 
The request hangs in the air, your attempt at steadiness wrestling with the nerves coursing through your veins.
“Absolutely, I'd like that,” she replies, focused on removing Cinnamon's bridle. “I just need to put Cinnamon out in the pasture, and then we can grab a beer on the terrace. You go ahead, I'll join you in a moment.”
“Alright, sounds good,” you reply, a wave of relief washing away most of the nervous tension. You give a friendly wave to Soo-ah and Ara, leaving them to complete the stall cleaning as you and Ha-rin make your way back to the house.
“Jessi seems happy,” you start the conversation while descending towards the house, and Ha-rin glances at you with a warm smile. “I told you she’s been missing you. She’s happy to see you,”  she shares as both of you step into the kitchen.
“I just thought she hated me,” you confess, your voice wavering slightly as you locate and retrieve two beers from the fridge.
“Can't vouch for the past, but ever since you left, she's been doing a lot of thinking about you,” Ha-rin confides with a gentle gaze, returning to her food preparations. You offer her a grateful nod before making your way out to the terrace.
The red-brown wood deck of the terrace is adorned with inviting lounge chairs, and a spacious table surrounded by eight chairs sits proudly in the backyard. A metal wind chime dangles from the ceiling, silent in the absence of wind.
Seated on the terrace steps, you patiently await your sister's return. Your eyes wander across the backyard, where a myriad of bushes and trees creates a captivating display of lush greenery. Amidst the natural beauty, you ponder on how she will respond to your news. A mix of hope and uncertainty lingers in the air. Despite her earlier demeanor, you find solace in the belief that, at the very least, she may not react negatively.
Jessi emerges into view, the glistening beads of sweat on her forehead bearing witness to the exertion from the stables. You extend the cold beer to her, and she grabds it graciously, taking a seat beside you on the terrace. 
As the refreshing hiss of opened beers fills the air, you gather your courage and broach the topic, “There's something important I've been wanting to discuss with you—about my inheritance.”
A fleeting tension tightens her shoulders momentarily, a subtle reaction not lost on you. Yet, she eases into a composed stance, nodding in silent permission for you to proceed.
“I've had a change of heart about selling it,” you start, a newfound lightness pulsating through your chest. “Keeping the ranch feels right, and…”
“Can I make a home on the ranch, if you'll have me?” The words tumble out, a mix of question and declaration. Nervousness creeps back as she gazes at you, caught off guard by the weight of your words.
She exhales, shoulders dropping, “I'm relieved you're not selling your inheritance,” she says. The rhythm of your heartbeat pounds in your ears, and your eyes widen. The tone in her voice leaves you uncertain; it doesn't sound like an invitation for you to stay.
“And this place is as much yours as it is mine. So, of course, you can stay,” she offers a soft smile, and all her features seem to relax, a stark contrast to how you've seen her before during that time you spent here last.
You feel a flood of reassurance washing over you, her words finally reaching you. “I want you to stay too,” she adds before you can finish your thought, and a big smile creeps onto your face. You can't help it, just like you can't help the tears that threaten to escape.
“I've genuinely missed you,” she admits, her words accompanied by the subtle gesture of bringing the beer to her lips for a sip.
Your heart swells with affection and love, and you open up, saying, “I’m so sorry about how I behaved last time— all those times I fucked up, and how I mishandled the situation with the inheritance.”
You savor a sip of the beer, relishing the moment as the warmth of the conversation with your sister pairs perfectly with the soothing hues of the sunset in the background.
“It’s fine. And it’s natural to mess up, and I’ll try to be better at not grilling you for your mistakes. And you really shouldn’t feel so bad when you make them,” her words offer a refreshing breeze, a promise of understanding, and the teasing pat on your shoulder feels like a gentle reminder that even in the realm of mistakes, there's room for laughter and forgiveness.
“We’re sisters, you know? We should stick together and help each other. Not bring each other down,” as the sun dips lower, casting hues of warm orange across the sky, her words resonate like a melody of reconciliation.
“That would be nice,” your voice carries a wistful tone as you express the longing for the dream of sisterhood to become a reality. The prospect of working together, mending what was once broken, tugs at the strings of your heart, echoing the echoes of a childhood dream that's now within reach.
“I’m also sorry for how I behaved,” in that moment, the sincerity in her gaze is palpable, and as she gently clasps your hands, a shared understanding seems to bridge the gap between past regrets and present reconciliation. 
“I’m happy you didn’t give up on this place or on me.”
As joyous tears cascade down your cheeks, her words resonate with a profound truth that rekindles the warmth of a long-lost friendship. Squeezing her hand in a shared moment of understanding, you draw her into a heartfelt embrace. The sensation is transformative, a healing balm for the wounds of time, and an assurance that, from this point onward, things can only evolve for the better.
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As you prepare to meet up with the guys at the local bar, a sense of relief washes over you. This time, you're comfortably clad in your own clothes, steering clear of any daring ventures into your sister's wardrobe. You vividly remember what went down when you borrowed her clothes— and you certainly don’t want a repeat of that!
Jessi takes the wheel, embarking on the two-hour journey, the atmosphere inside the car is charged with contagious laughter and joyful giggles that resonate throughout the entire ride.
Soo-ah's eyes sparkle with anticipation as she inquires, “Do you think Hobi will be there?” 
Ara, turning around with a sheepish look, responds with a hint of playfulness, “Why wouldn't he be?”
“I don’t know,” Soo-ah chuckles nervously, uncertainty lingering in her eyes. You offer a reassuring squeeze to her leg and assure her, “He'll be there, don't worry.”
As you pull into the bar's parking lot, the sight of both Jungkook and Jimin's pickup trucks quickens your heart. The vibrant blue hue of Jimin's truck captures your attention, and an unexpected wave of nervousness causes your palms to sweat. You subtly fidget, praying that Soo-ah beside you remains oblivious to the sudden surge of emotions.
Entering the bar, the boisterous laughter of the guys instantly guides your gaze to a larger table, where they've gathered. A symphony of hearty laughs reverberates through the room, and as you approach, you can't help but notice their hats carefully placed on the table. A warm smile spreads across your face, ready to join the camaraderie.
As your sister claims a chair beside Jungkook and Soo-ah smoothly secures a seat next to Hoseok, Ara and Ha-rin settle in beside Yoongi. With a subtle gesture, Jimin deftly pulls out the empty chair next to him, a silent invitation for you to join the circle.
“Thank you,” gratitude colors your words as you offer a soft smile, yet beneath the surface, your heart quickens in the magnetic pull of Jimin's presence, settling into the chair with a hint of anticipation.
“Welcome back,” Hoseok quips, a playful smile lighting up his face as he raises his beer in a toast to celebrate your return. The others swiftly join the gesture, already having ordered a beer for you in anticipation. A chuckle escapes you, appreciating the friendship, and you seamlessly join in with your own beer.
“You know, you really should be thanking Jimin,” you remark after taking a sip, directing your gaze toward him with tender eyes and a soft smile. 
The others exchange curious glances, signaling that they might not be aware of Jimin's visit to the city—an aspect you assumed was common knowledge.
A blush creeps up on your cheeks, and all eyes, except Jimin's, fixate on you with expectant curiosity. In a hushed tone, you confess, “Jimin came to visit me in the city.” The revelation resonates loudly, met with gasps of ‘oh's’ that hang in the air.
“So that's where you went,” Jungkook teases with a sly smirk, raising his eyebrows suggestively. A synchronized eye-roll between you and Jimin follows, a silent agreement against the mischievous banter.
You catch Soo-ah whispering to Hoseok, disbelief evident in her hushed tones. A chuckle escapes your lips, finding amusement in their reactions.
You turn to face Jimin, his cheeks adorned with a subtle blush, his soft features inviting and his plush, slightly chapped lips capturing your attention. “Thank you, Jimin, for bringing me back,” you express, your voice carrying a weight of affection and gratitude. In those words, you hope he senses the depth of your appreciation for his kindness and the significant impact it had on you.
He grins, a warm and expansive smile that causes his eyes to disappear into the contours of his cheeks. 
“Anytime. I'm glad you came home,” he replies with genuine warmth, his words echoing the sincerity that radiates from his expression.
“Yeah, I'm glad I came home too,” you murmur in a breathy tone, the air heavy with unspoken emotions. For a moment, it feels like an intimate exchange, a shared secret between just the two of you, the world narrowing into tunnel vision. Reality snaps back, and you remember you're not alone, the rest of the group observing you with curious eyes.
“Well, let's toast to that too then!” Hoseok exclaims with infectious mirth, prompting the group to raise their glasses for another sip of beer. 
You shift your gaze back to the table, yet the sensation of Jimin's eyes on you persists. His stare carries an inviting warmth, and a longing tugs at you, wanting you to plant your head on his shoulders, reminiscent of the moments in your apartment when you leaned into his sturdy frame. You remember how your heart echoed the rhythm of his, creating a sense of belonging and familiarity that made you feel truly at home.
Laughter swirls around you, but your thoughts orbit in a distant realm. As you attempt to refocus on the conversation, a peculiar dynamic unfolds between your sister and Jungkook. Their interactions carry a subtle awkwardness, an unspoken occurrence concealed beneath forced smiles. Tension simmers between them, an invisible thread tying knots of secrecy, yet the exact nature eludes your grasp.
Averting your gaze from the enigmatic exchange, you catch the collective scrutiny of the girls fixed upon you. A blush ignites your cheeks, and you involuntarily inhale sharply. Their sly smiles and approving glances make your embarrassment intensify, and you find yourself momentarily breathless, struggling to swallow even a sip of your beer.
As the liquid spurts out, leaving you panting for air, Jimin swiftly places a warm hand on your back, sending an electrifying jolt through your entire body. 
In that moment, you feel like you're both on fire and gasping for breath, a peculiar combination of sensations that leaves you caught in an unexpected whirlwind. 
Great, you think, struggling to regain your composure amidst the chaos.
Concern etches his features as he anxiously inquires, “Are you okay?” 
Your breath continues to dance erratically against his palm, the warmth of his touch providing a comforting anchor in the midst of your momentary struggle to regain composure.
As you finally regain control over your breath, a self-deprecating chuckle escapes your lips, a feeble attempt to divert attention from your momentary lapse. The group seamlessly resumes their conversations, allowing you a moment to collect the tattered shreds of your dignity. 
Why does it always seem like you're destined to make a fool of yourself?
Jimin's touch lingers on your back, a tantalizing journey that ventures perilously close to the curve of your ass, sending a subtle shiver down your spine.
Jimin's warm smile graces his face as he extends an invitation, “We're throwing a party at our place in a few days, and you're all invited.” Meanwhile, his hand continues its subtle dance, now gently rubbing your lower back, creating a magnetic connection that adds an intriguing layer to the invitation.
No. No. That’s dangerous to think about, you reprimand yourself.
His touch, gentle and warm, sends a wave of sensations through you, igniting a rush of memories and desires. The mere brush of his fingers on your skin catapults your mind into overdrive, recalling the comforting closeness you shared. Your thighs involuntarily clench as you silently curse the intensity of your own lingering thoughts. 
Damn it.
Suddenly, he withdraws his hand, leaving an unexpected chill in the space it once occupied. The absence of his touch sends a subtle shiver down your spine, a stark reminder of the warmth you had grown accustomed to in that fleeting moment.
“Absolutely, count us in!” Jessi exclaims, her face lighting up with enthusiasm, and she dives back into conversation with Jungkook, the topic eluding your grasp.
Your thoughts are a whirlwind of Jimin—his gentle tousled blonde locks, the memory of his firm thighs, how both strong and inviting they felt—and you snap back to reality, realizing you might be wearing your infatuation like a neon sign. 
Damn it.
Pull yourself together; you can't afford to be practically drooling in front of everyone.
Summoning determination, you refocus on Jimin. “Jimin, there's something I want to ask you,” you start, a soft smile masking the nervousness that makes your palms slightly sweaty.
He responds with a smile and a chuckle, clearly aware of your flustered state. “Go ahead, ask anything,” he encourages, his warmth providing a comforting backdrop to your nervousness.
Your gaze meets his, hopeful and sincere, as you muster the courage to pop the question. “I was wondering if you could lend me a hand moving all my stuff from the city back home to the ranch?” The subtle widening of his smile and the softening of his eyes tell you that your request has found a welcome place in his heart, and he leans in.
“Do you need a pair of strong hands to lift heavy furniture?” His playful tease sends a flush of embarrassment to your cheeks, your mind racing with thoughts of his strong biceps and thighs. 
Chuckling at your reaction, he leans in, making your heart race even faster. 
Gathering your composure, you respond with a playful retort, “Well, I do have a lot of stuff, and I need you to drive with a horse trailer. Your muscles would be a huge bonus.” The words tumble out in a rush, a mix of nervousness and a desire to keep the conversation between just the two of you.
His laughter fills the air, clearly enjoying the playful banter. “Absolutely, I'm in. Just let me know when you want to get the show on the road,” he says with a grin, his willingness to help evident in his warm and teasing tone.
As you exhale, returning your attention to the group's conversation, a sudden surge of warmth envelops your thigh. Your breath catches in anticipation, your body responding to the gentle caress as if it were a spark igniting a flame.
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As Jimin navigates his blue truck down the rustic dirt road, a horse trailer trailing behind, he turns to you with a warm smile. Leaning comfortably against the seat, one hand effortlessly steering, the other casually resting on his thigh, he inquires, “How much stuff are we bringing back?” 
His eyes twinkle with a mix of curiosity and readiness for the adventure ahead, as if the journey is not just about transporting belongings but weaving a story between two souls on the open road.
Oh heavens. Your gaze unintentionally lingers on Jimin's dangerously enticing thighs, you inwardly scold yourself—those legs are a hazard, a potential downfall for you at any moment. A shaky breath escapes you, a silent reminder that Jimin is awaiting your response to the question he posed.
Your smile holds a mix of determination and anticipation as you respond, “All of it. I've canceled my lease on the apartment, so everything needs to come with us back home.” 
As the cold air from the conditioning unit gently tousles your hair, you welcome the refreshing breeze, a stark contrast to the heated and lingering thoughts that play provocatively in your mind.
“Cool,” he says, a charming smile gracing his lips, yet his gaze lingers a moment too long, a silent undercurrent of unspoken words hanging between you two, before he diverts his attention back to the winding road ahead.
You've sensed his lingering gazes for weeks, and there's a magnetic pull that suggests his childhood crush may not have faded. The feeling is mutual— oh boy do you feel it, your heart echoes his sentiments. Does he sense your reciprocation? Uncertain, you contemplate subtle ways to convey your emotions, crafting a silent symphony that resonates without uttering the words aloud.
As your gaze involuntarily drifts to his thighs once more, a daring notion plays in your mind—should you dare to venture a touch? 
Lost in contemplation, you're oblivious to his subtle amusement until his hand, warm and reassuring, lands on your thigh. His chuckle, a shared secret between you, unfolds a world of possibilities along the open road.
In a heartbeat, a cocoon of warmth engulfs you, igniting a familiar flame within. His touch possesses an enchanting power, a spell that renders you warm, giddy, and teetering on the edge of desire every single time.
With a sheepish smile, you gently place your hand over his calloused one, settling back into your seat. In this moment, everything feels just right.
The remainder of the lengthy drive unfolds in a serene silence, allowing both of you to bask in the comforting presence of the other, not needing words. There's a certain beauty in the simplicity, especially with his warm hand resting so reassuringly on your thigh.
As the towering cityscape looms into view, a nostalgic pang tugs at your heart. This bustling metropolis has been your home for countless years, a backdrop to the chapters of your life. Now, faced with the daunting task of packing up, you're about to embark on a journey back to your roots. The skyscrapers and imposing buildings seem to reach new heights on the horizon, and with precision, Jimin expertly navigates the road to secure a parking spot right outside your apartment complex.
Exiting the truck, you're greeted by a wave of stifling, humid air that carries the city's unique blend of pollution. The atmosphere seems almost suffocating as you make your way back to the trailer. There, Jimin is already in action, deftly opening it and lowering the ramp, setting the stage for a smooth and efficient loading process.
“Ready?” Jimin's infectious smile lights up the moment as you approach your apartment, your heart pulsating with anticipation, matching the rhythm of each step you take together.
With a sense of purpose, you had pre-packed your belongings in sturdy boxes before your return to the ranch, fueled by a fierce determination to make it your permanent home. Now, alongside Jimin, the only task at hand is to efficiently load the carefully packed boxes and furniture into the waiting horse trailer.
Amidst the sea of packed furniture and boxes, Jimin shoots you a bemused look, his chuckle echoing through the apartment. “Did you expect that Jessi would say yes to let you stay at the ranch, before you came back?” he teases, his eyes dancing with amusement.
Smirking playfully, you retort, “Well, I like to be prepared. If Jessi had told me to leave, I would've just unpacked it all.” A chuckle escapes your lips, accompanied by a nonchalant shrug as you snatch a box.
His eyes playfully twinkle as he suggests, “You grab all the small boxes, and let me do all the heavy lifting, okay?” His gaze surveys the cluttered space, finally settling on your substantial couch.
You nod in agreement, a subtle pang of guilt flickering in your chest. The thought crosses your mind that he might exhaust himself, particularly his right leg. Perhaps you can repay the favor with another leg massage later?
In just a few hours, you manage to load the trailer and Jimin's pickup truck with all your belongings. As you lock the door to your apartment, the weight of finality settles in. With a click, the door is secured, and you slip the key into the mailbox for the landlord.
Jimin's voice carries a comforting warmth as he suggests, “Let's head back home,” wrapping his arms around you in a tender embrace. Inhaling his musky scent, memories flood back from the night he stayed over. A hopeful anticipation lingers, wishing for more moments like those to come.
Jimin ushers you back to the truck, courteously opening the door for you. You offer him a soft smile as you slide into the seat. Observing him as he circles the vehicle, his worsened limp catches your attention. 
The realization sinks in—Jimin pushed himself too hard, his usual grace overshadowed by the toll of exertion, all for your sake, and a gentle frown forms on your face.
Jimin secures the trailer with a confident click, then slides into the driver's seat. A warm smile graces his lips as he turns the key in the ignition, setting the engine humming to life. With a smooth shift into first gear, he directs the car forward, his eyes meeting yours in a silent promise of the journey ahead.
As the soft strains of music fill the car, a subtle unease creeps over you. Anxious thoughts dance in your mind, a symphony of guilt echoing within, knowing that Jimin might be in pain, all because of you.
“Does your leg hurt?” 
Biting your lip, you seek reassurance, even though the truth is already etched in the lines of his face. 
“Yeah, a bit,” he confesses, briefly straightening his leg before a fleeting pause on the gas pedal. A momentary interruption in his driving, a subtle acknowledgment of the pain he endures. The rhythm of the road resumes, but you sense the underlying strain in his voice, a melody of discomfort beneath the surface.
Slowly, your hand ventures across the center console, finding its place on his solid thigh. His surprise is evident in the brief flicker of his gaze, but he remains silent as your fingers press and massage, the rhythmic motion a silent dialogue between you. His eyes fixate on the road ahead, while your touch weaves its soothing spell on the taut muscles beneath your fingertips.
You playfully prod your fingers into the fabric of his denim, kneading his thigh as though sculpting a pliable material. A subdued moan escapes him, and you catch the sight of him nibbling on his lower lip, a subtle sign of the sensations your touch ignites.
Your hand glides with a purpose up and down his sturdy thigh, sensing the subtle tension in his muscles. With each ascent, you feel the clenching response beneath your touch. 
Moving higher up his thigh, his breaths become shallower, a rhythm resembling both panting and anticipation.
He shifts his gaze toward you, a mixture of plea and vulnerability in his eyes. 
“Please stop.”
As if seared by an invisible flame, your hand freezes in place, but you resist pulling it away immediately. There's a silent plea in his eyes, and you sense there's more beneath the surface, waiting to be revealed.
He exhales a prolonged moan, his voice carrying a hint of urgency, “I might lose focus on the road if you keep that up.”
Your gaze lingers on the subtle bulge in his pants, eliciting a gasp that quickly turns into a relaxed smile as you recognize his pleasure. With one last tantalizing squeeze, you withdraw your hand, offering him a soft, knowing smile, your eyes revealing the unmistakable presence of desire.
His laughter fills the air as he acknowledges your efforts, “Your massage worked wonders. I must admit, I do enjoy your touch,” a mischievous smirk playing on his lips.
You accept the compliment with a subtle grin, savoring the fact that he's visibly affected. There might be a chance to pick up where you left off later, but for now, he needs to concentrate on the road.
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“This is seriously not ranch wear!” 
Protesting against the impracticality of your footwear, you let out a groan as your sneakers get swallowed by the soft earth, your feet sliding uncomfortably inside them.
Amidst the shared laughter, Soo-ah's hands expertly reinforcing the fence with a tool, she suggests with a playful grin, “Perhaps it's high time for a trip into town to snag yourself some proper boots?”
“Absolutely,” you confirm, gripping the fence firmly as she expertly weaves in fresh wire to mend the spots where the cattle had left their mark.
“We can go town later, yeah?”
You watch the beads of sweat cascade down her forehead as she channels her strength into securing the wires to the fence. You nod in agreement, realizing the practicality of having a sturdy pair of boots, especially considering your decision to make this place your home.
Soo-ah takes charge of the heavy lifting, skillfully securing the wires while you provide the essential support by steadying the fence posts. Together, you form a seamless partnership, ensuring the fence's resilience under the weight of teamwork.
“Let’s head back home, I’m tired,” exhaustion paints Soo-ah's words as she catches her breath, prompting the decision to retreat home. You both make your way back to the horses, gracefully mounting them before embarking on the journey back to the ranch, where the promise of rest and respite awaits.
After dismounting the horses and securing them in the stable, a parched sensation lingers in your throat, coaxing you towards the house in pursuit of a refreshing gulp of cold water. The relentless heat persists, a reminder that perhaps bringing water along during the fence repair would have been a wiser choice.
Announcing your need for a wardrobe change, you declare, “I have to swap this drenched shirt,” and with purpose, stride towards your room—the guest room that has cradled you since your arrival months ago. However, upon entering, an uncanny realization dawns—your belongings have vanished. 
Surveying the room, the neatly made bed flaunts unfamiliar sheets, an unsettling cleanliness pervades the space. Panic prickles as you frantically wonder, where's your stuff?
As you retrace your steps to the terrace where Soo-ah is seeking solace from the sweltering heat, you can't help but voice your growing concern, “Do you have any idea where my belongings are? My room is stripped bare.” 
The words hang in the air, and as you glimpse a smile tugging at the corners of her lips, an unsettling curiosity tightens in your chest.
Her words leave a trail of mystery in the air, and you feel a surge of anticipation. “Head upstairs and check the room next to Jessi's,” she suggests, a knowing smile playing on her lips, her fingers delicately pressing the cold glass of water against her flushed face. 
With a mix of curiosity and apprehension swirling within you, you follow Soo-ah's suggestion and ascend the staircase. Navigating through the familiar halls, you finally reach your sister's room and, with a tentative breath, reach for the handle of the door adjacent to it. The wood creaks softly as you push it open, revealing a room transformed, yet oddly familiar.
You slide into the room, and your jaw practically meets the floor at the sight that unfolds before you; every piece of your belongings thoughtfully arranged in the space, a harmonious blend of familiarity and newfound warmth. A cream-colored box takes center stage on the bed, bearing the elegant letters ‘Ariat,’ and you can't help but feel a rush of intrigue coursing through you.
As you lift the lid, a pair of exquisite brown boots adorned with intricate stitching and a touch of regal purple captures your gaze. Instantly, a wellspring of emotion threatens to spill over, and you find tears welling up in your eyes as your fingers delicately trace the supple contours of the leather.
The unexpected gift of boots sends your heart into a joyous swell, an exquisite gesture that leaves you touched. Overwhelmed with gratitude, you make your way downstairs, only to discover your sister and Soo-ah sharing the terrace.
“You got these for me?” Clutching the boots in your hands, you can't help but show them to your sister and Soo-ah, your face adorned with tears of pure joy. 
Soo-ah and your sister share conspiratorial smiles as Jessi unveils not just the boots but also a classic dark brown cowboy hat. “Now that you live here, you need those, and also this,” Jessi declares. You accept the hat, its simplicity resonating with you, and a genuine smile spreads across your face as you hold it in your hands.
Overwhelmed, you stammer through your gratitude, “This is too much. It’s not even my birthday. And you did all this for me? Also my room?” 
A choked sob escapes, your emotions a mix of gratitude and sheer happiness.
“Yeah. You deserve a bigger room too!” Your sister exclaims, pulling you into a tight hug that feels like a warm embrace of love and acceptance.
Overwhelmed by the unexpected warmth of their gesture, you can hardly believe the kindness and thoughtfulness they've poured into making you feel at home.
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As you and your sister embark on a journey to the paddock near the Bell Ranch, the air is filled with a sense of purpose, the truck's engine humming in harmony with the anticipation of nourishing the cattle with extra hay.
As you draw near, the figures of Jungkook and Yoongi come into focus, silhouetted against the backdrop of the sprawling ranch. The boundary fence becomes a canvas for their hard work, their foreheads glistening with sweat and hats serving as valiant protectors against the relentless assault of the scorching sun.
You bound out of the car, adorned in your newfound boots and hat, the sensation of the leather against your skin adding a touch of invincibility to your step. The prairie wind whispers around you, playing with the edges of your hat, as if welcoming you into this new chapter of ranch life.
Observing the unspoken tension between Jessi and Jungkook, a myriad of questions flutter in your mind, but you resist voicing them just yet. 
Your sister redirects your focus, breaking the silent inquiry with a practical suggestion, “I'll take the wheel while you stand in the load of the truck, guiding the hay distribution. Deal?”
You agree to your sister's plan, a subtle unease crawls over you, intensified by the lingering gazes of Yoongi and Jungkook. 
A fleeting concern flits through your mind – is there a flaw in your attire that's drawn their attention?
“Nice boots and hat!” Jungkook's enthusiastic shout reaches you from the fence, accompanied by a sly smirk and an appreciative lift of his eyebrows. Yoongi, on the other hand, acknowledges you with a subtle nod, his gaze holding a mysterious intensity that leaves you intrigued and slightly puzzled.
“Thank you,” gratitude echoes from your lips as you balance atop the car, skillfully pushing chucks of hay out while your sister maneuvers the truck with deliberate precision. 
Jungkook's voice carries over the sound of hammering as he secures a fence post into the ground, his biceps flexing beneath the snug fabric of his t-shirt, “Are you joining the party tomorrow?” 
“You bet!” Your sister's voice resounds from the car, the windows rolled down, carrying her enthusiasm through the sun-soaked air.
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As you prepare for the party at the guys' ranch, your hands eagerly discover the lovely dress that Jimin gifted you during his visit to the city. You pull it out, your fingers delicately tracing the intricate flowers adorning the fabric, knowing instinctively that this is the perfect choice for tonight.
In no time, you transform into a vision of elegance, applying a subtle, natural layer of makeup that enhances your features. A pair of low heels elegantly complete the ensemble, adding a touch of grace to complement the beauty of your chosen dress.
You step out into the yard to join your sister and the girls, all of you radiating a collective aura of elegance. Jessi stuns in a baby blue summer dress, a perfect match for her vibrant personality. Soo-ah confidently rocks a short, red mini dress that accentuates her curves with subtle allure. Ara's tall figure is accentuated by a flowing, regal purple satin dress. Ha-rin opts for a chic midi-length black dress, exuding a timeless charm. Together, you form a stylish and captivating ensemble ready for the night ahead.
“Is everyone set?” 
Your sister's anticipation fills the air as she swings open the car door, taking command of the driver's seat. The excitement is palpable as you and the others pile into the truck, eagerly embarking on the journey toward the Bell ranch.
As you pull up, a sea of cars and pickups fills the yard, resonating with the lively hum of distant music and the chatter of the party. The festive ambiance hits you the moment you swing open the car door, setting the stage for a night of celebration.
Anticipation courses through you as you approach the lively gathering, eager to unravel the mysteries of the party unfolding. Yet, amidst the pulsating music and animated crowd, it's the mere prospect of locking eyes with Jimin that quickens your heartbeat, infusing an electrifying rhythm to your excitement.
You step into their abode, a wave of conviviality envelopes you, the air resonating with the symphony of laughter. Jungkook, Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok form a relaxed quartet, engaged in easy banter, their beers in hand. 
Your eyes catch the vet, Namjoon, accompanied by a stranger with shoulders broad as mountains, his laughter infectious. Amidst the female company, drawn close to Jungkook, the atmosphere pulsates with an undeniable magnetism.
As your gaze collides with Jimin's, a soft and profound smile graces his lips, causing an inexplicable flutter within you. It's astonishing how this man effortlessly wields the power to turn your insides into a tender mush with just a simple yet enchanting smile.
“Hey, thanks for coming,” Jimin's warm voice resonates as he clasps your hand, a surge of electric energy coursing through your veins. You return his gaze with a smile, grateful for the invitation and the electrifying connection that lingers between you both.
“Oh, you're wearing the dress. You’re stunning,” he appraises you, his gaze tracing the contours of your figure, a playful smirk dancing on his lips. A subtle lick of his tongue adds a hint of mischief. Your legs momentarily waver, yet determined, you stride beside Jimin, delving deeper into their vibrant home.
The room exudes warmth, a comfortable fusion of wood and inviting furniture strategically placed. A sprawling couch beckons, adorned with a small table, a TV nearby. A grand round dining table, surrounded by wooden chairs boasting vibrant red upholstery, catches your eye. 
As you take in the scene, a piano near the couch intrigues you, sparking a curiosity you're eager to explore. 
Before you can inquire, the music volume surges, inundating the room with lively beats, setting the tone for the night.
As the lively tunes envelop the room, a spontaneous dance floor emerges, and Jimin gracefully sweeps you into a slow dance. Despite any reservations about your dancing skills, Jimin effortlessly dissolves them with his reassuring presence. His own mastery on the dance floor is evident, accentuated by the perfect fit of his pants and the tantalizing view offered by a slightly unbuttoned shirt, teasingly revealing his collarbones. 
In the rhythm of the music, you find yourself lost in the enchantment of the moment, guided by Jimin's skillful moves and the magnetic connection between you both.
With a deft twirl, he sends your dress swirling around you, a kaleidoscope of colors catching the ambient light. As you gracefully land in his arms, his hands intuitively find their place on your hips, guiding and swaying your body in perfect harmony with the pulsating rhythm of the music. 
As the music envelops you both, your heart races in tandem with the intoxicating rhythm. 
Jimin is so close that his scent permeates the air, clouding your senses and setting your mind and body ablaze. Desires surge within you, an undeniable yearning that intensifies with every breath, a silent plea echoing in the pulsating energy of the moment. 
You crave him, an insatiable hunger burning through your veins.
You nestle against his shoulder, inhaling the heady essence that is uniquely Jimin, an electric current courses through you, awakening a primal desire. His intoxicating scent envelops your senses, igniting a passionate flame that flickers within the deepest recesses of your being down to your core. 
A soft, involuntary moan escapes your lips, a testament to the overwhelming allure he holds over you.
In this enchanting moment, cocooned in the tender embrace of Jimin, it's as if the world has melted away, leaving just the two of you in a dance of intimacy. Yet, the pulsating energy of the party swirls around you, and as you lift your gaze from Jimin's shoulder, you catch a glimpse of your sister entwined in a dance with Jungkook. Their connection is palpable and sparks igniting an unspoken dialogue between them, drawing your attention to them.
You nestle your head into Jimin's chest, seeking refuge in the cocoon of warmth and strength that surrounds you. The rise and fall of his pectorals and shoulders provide a comforting rhythm, his touch on your hips guiding your every move with a gentle precision. With each sway, you're attuned to the reassuring thud of his heart, a steady drumbeat against your face.
This is pure bliss, a moment suspended in time where the world fades away, leaving only the warmth of Jimin's embrace cocooning you. In his arms, everything feels perfect, an oasis of serenity where the outside world ceases to exist. The notion of staying like this forever whispers through your mind, tempting you with the idea that in this moment, nothing else matters.
An unexpected interruption pulls you from the enchanting dance with Jimin as you feel a gentle poke at your shoulders. Raising your eyes from the comforting haven of Jimin's shoulders, you discover his brother, Jungkook, extending his hand toward you. 
A soft smile graces your lips as your gaze momentarily lingers on Jimin before shifting back to Jungkook, acknowledging his presence with a subtle nod.
“May I have a dance?”Jungkook extends a hand toward you. Raising an eyebrow, you chuckle at the unexpectedness of the situation. Jimin, rolling his eyes playfully, releases his hold on your hips. The absence of his touch sends a chill through you, making you realize how accustomed you've become to his warmth. 
Despite the surprise, you accept Jungkook's invitation, placing your hand in his with a playful grin.
You allow him to whisk you into the swirling throng of dancers. A swift glance around the room reveals Jimin now twirling your sister on the dance floor, and Yoongi seated at a table observing Soo-ah's graceful moves as she dances with Hoseok.
“Beautiful dress,” Jungkook's compliment resonates as he gracefully twirls you around, mirroring the enchanting moves Jimin bestowed upon you moments before.
Gratitude colors your smile as you share, “Thank you. Jimin got it for me.” 
Pressed against Jungkook's chest, you sense the rapid thud of his heart beneath your hands, leaving you curious about the unspoken rhythms pulsing through him.
“He has good taste. I actually wanted to ask you something,” his words drip with a blend of confidence and mischief, the edges of his smile flirting with a smirk. Tingling sensations cascade through your body as he hints at something more, leaving you on the precipice of anticipation.
“How’s Jessi been?”
His unexpected question catches you off guard, and as you pull away, you're momentarily flabbergasted. The realization of why he's asking dawns on you, and a laugh escapes your lips, dancing with a mix of surprise and amusement.
“Happy,” happiness fills your voice as you whisper the word, swaying in rhythm with him to the beat of the music.
“Good. I talked to her after you left, you know?” His words hang in the air, and you catch a mischievous glint in his eyes. He smiles, chuckling softly, the warmth of his breath sending shivers down your spine as he leans in, speaking softly into your ear after dropping the bombshell.
He did? You didn’t know that. Surprise colors your voice as you inquire, leaning in slightly to catch every detail. 
“What do you mean you talked to her?” You press, your curiosity piqued, eager for him to unravel the mystery he's hinted at.
“I just told her she shouldn’t be so hard on you and that you’re sisters and that’s important, you know?”
Heartwarming warmth floods your chest at his words, and you find yourself captivated by his genuine concern for your relationship with Jessi. His comforting smile, revealing a hint of sincerity, assures you that he genuinely cares about the bonds that connect you both.
“Ah, so you’re the one I should thank,” amused by the unexpected ally, you laugh, realizing Jungkook's subtle intervention played a part in smoothing things over.
“No, I just—” His words hang in the air, but you swiftly interject, unwilling to let him complete his sentence. 
“You've been spending more time with Jessi, haven't you?” You pry, a knowing smile playing on your lips. It's amusing how effortlessly he crumbles, a subtle dance of emotions flickering across his face. He tries to conceal it, but the transparency of his expressions betrays a tale he's unwilling to share.
He appears to be fumbling for words, caught in the delicate dance of secrecy. Perhaps he's reluctant to share, so you playfully add, “I've noticed you haven't batted an eye at any other girls at this party,” a teasing smile dancing on your lips. His reaction is priceless, a momentary lapse where he feels laid bare and exposed.
Silence hangs in the air, and you decide to let him off the hook, allowing him a moment of peace. However, you can't help but find it endearing that your sister wields such a powerful influence over him. There's a touch of amusement in the revelation, a whimsical twist in the dynamics that brings a smile to your lips.
Abruptly, the music mellows, drawing your focus to the soulful melody of a piano gracefully dancing through the air.
Unexpectedly, the enchanting notes of a piano fill the air, and you're startled to discover that Jimin is the maestro behind the captivating melody. His fingers delicately caress the piano keys, producing a hauntingly beautiful melody that captivates the entire room. 
The lively dance floor comes to a hushed standstill as the mesmerizing notes draw everyone toward chairs and the couch, creating an impromptu audience enchanted by Jimin's musical prowess.
His fingers glide with exquisite grace across the keys, coaxing a melody that feels both familiar and utterly enchanting. Drawn to the magnetic pull of the music, you find a seat on the couch, positioning yourself close to Jimin, eager to immerse yourself fully in the magic he's weaving with each delicate keystroke.
As he plays, he transcends the ordinary, bathed in an ethereal glow, his tousled blonde hair cascading gently around his face. With closed eyes, he immerses himself in the music, fingers gracefully pirouetting on the keys. A nervous nibble on his lip is followed by a rhythmic sway of his head, perfectly attuned to the piano's cadence. 
Then, with a voice as soft as a whispered secret, he begins to sing, weaving familiar lyrics into the air, each note carrying a tender reassurance that wraps around you like a warm embrace.
A hushed reverence blankets the entire room, each note from the piano and every word that escapes Jimin's lips a mesmerizing symphony, weaving a spellbinding silence that captivates the collective breath of everyone present.
In the tender embrace of the piano's melody, Jimin serenades the room with the soulful lyrics of a John Legend song, each word an intimate confession that resonates with the universal longing for acceptance and love. 
“‘Cause all of me loves all of you. Love all your curves and all your edges. All your perfect imperfections. Give your all to me, I’ll give my all to you,” his voice, a velvet caress, turns the lyrics into the very essence of romance materialized, casting a spell on every heart in the room.
Your heart dances to an erratic rhythm within your chest, intoxicated by a flood of emotions that defy definition, a kaleidoscope of love and sentiments swirling through your being.
He effortlessly continues to serenade, his voice a sublime melody that transcends beauty. Each note carries the weight of raw emotion, a soulful outpouring that echoes the depths of his soul and leaves you spellbound, as if he's baring his heart for the entire world to witness.
Emotion swells within you, threatening to spill over in the form of glistening tears, yet you valiantly resist the urge, determined to savor every precious moment of Jimin's soul-stirring performance. 
His voice, a gentle caress, and the delicate piano notes intertwine, creating a tapestry of emotions that resonates deep within your being.
As the final notes gracefully fade into the air, a thunderous applause erupts, reverberating through the room like a shared heartbeat. The resounding cheers and admiration affirm what you already knew — Jimin's musical prowess is a revelation, an ever-unfolding enchantment that leaves everyone, including yourself, captivated and yearning for more.
Jimin rises from the piano, the resonance of his final chord lingering in the air like a sweet melody. He strides purposefully toward you, his fingers gently entwining with yours. A magnetic pull between your hands beckons you to a silent adventure, and as your eyes lock onto the point where your skin meets his, he murmurs, “Please, come with me.”
With a determined grip, he whisks you away into the cool night air, attempting to drown out the exuberant hollers and shouts of the gathering behind. Despite your efforts, a subtle blush creeps onto your cheeks, responding to the playful symphony of sounds that trails behind you.
Beyond the backdoor, on their terrace, he envelops you, arms forming a gentle yet assertive barrier against the wall, creating an intimate space where the world outside ceases to exist.
Your breath quickens, and your thoughts race to catch up with the whirlwind of sensations. Time seems to accelerate as his lips draw near—is this the moment he's about to capture you in a kiss?
His scent, intoxicating and divine, envelops you as his lips playfully graze your cheek. A breathy sigh escapes your lips as he leans in close, his voice a tantalizing murmur in your ear, sending delightful shivers down your spine.
“Brothers talk,” his hushed words in your ear send an electric jolt through your entire body. Your mouth falls agape, a rush of warmth flooding your core, and your heart races at a dizzying 200 beats per minute. Wait— did he just say that?
The air outside suddenly feels stifling, as if the temperature has spiked, and every breath you take is saturated with Jimin's intoxicating musky scent, leaving you deliciously dizzy and struggling to catch your breath.
His words hang in the air, a provocative challenge that leaves you breathless. The danger of his statement lingers, creating a charged atmosphere filled with uncertainty and anticipation.
“I know you slept with Jungkook,”  as his words caress your ear, you remember the look on his face when he saw you pressed up against the barn with Jungkook’s dick deep inside your cunt, and the thought sends a jolt through your entire being. Somehow you feel guilty, you don’t know if it’s because he witnessed something he definitely shouldn’t have or because you just shouldn’t have slept with Jungkook in the first place. 
His figure presses against you, and you struggle to maintain composure, your heart's rapid beats echoing the intensity of the moment. The fine line between vulnerability and acceptance blurs, and you grapple with the consequences of his whispered revelation.
He positions one of his solid thighs between yours, applying a subtle yet deliberate pressure against your core, causing an involuntary gasp to escape your lips. The electric tension in the air intensifies, as you find yourself ensnared in the grip of a desire that threatens to unravel all sense of restraint.
And in a breathy whisper, he confesses in your ear, “And I don't mind. I like you.” 
His words, a symphony of desire, reverberate through your being, finally acknowledging the unspoken connection that has woven its way between you.
With a tender touch, you draw his upper body back, craving an unhindered view of his face. Your eyes lock with his, passion swirling in those blown-out orbs. The perfection of this man captivates you. 
“I like you too, Jimin,” you confess in a breathless murmur, your words tinged with a subtle lick of anticipation.
In the charged silence, your eyes lock in an unspoken understanding, the air thick with desire that could be sliced with a knife. 
You find yourself entranced by the sight of his soft, plush lips, and he mirrors the sentiment, slowly closing the gap between you. Inch by agonizing inch, the magnetic pull intensifies, promising a moment of electric desire. However, the spell is abruptly broken as the door swings open, startling you both and freezing his movements in their tracks.
Jungkook's eyes widen in surprise as he catches sight of you, a sheepish chuckle escaping his lips. “Oops, my bad,” he admits, an apologetic smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
As the tension dissipates into laughter, the night seems to lighten around you. Jimin's laughter intertwines with yours, creating a symphony of joy. In the darkness, his eyes sparkle with mirth, and Jungkook, making a swift exit, leaves you and Jimin bathed in the glow of shared amusement.
“Should we go back inside?” 
Jimin's gaze lingers on you, his question hanging in the air like a promise. His soft smile invites you to rejoin the lively atmosphere inside, and with a subtle step back, he extends a hand, a silent invitation that speaks volumes, allowing you to catch your breath in the sweet aftermath of intimacy.
You draw in a breath, letting the weight of the night settle on your shoulders before exhaling a sigh of surrender. 
“Yeah,” you respond, the word carrying the echo of unspoken thoughts and the unexplored tension lingering in the air.
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You're gearing up Marshmallow for a ride with Jessi, the anticipation building between you two as you prepare for a sisterly escapade, just the rhythmic sounds of hooves and shared laughter ahead.
Jessi swiftly readies Cinnamon, her determination matching the spirited horse, while you expertly secure the bridle on Marshmallow. Together, you step outside the barn, ready for the open trail that awaits, the promise of adventure lingering in the air.
“I’ll show you a river that’s close by,” your sister's eyes light up with excitement as she swings her leg over Cinnamon's sleek body, her enthusiasm contagious. Eagerly, you mirror her actions, mounting Marshmallow with a sense of anticipation, ready to discover the hidden wonders she promises by the nearby river.
Your horses pound the ground beneath them as you gallop together, the exhilarating rush of wind tousling your neatly braided hair. 
The rhythmic percussion of hoofbeats serenades your ears, echoing amidst towering trees that frame the distant silhouette of majestic mountains. Following Jessi's lead, the breathtaking revelation of a picturesque river emerges, its beauty captivating your senses with an awe-inspiring allure.
The expansive river unfolds before you, adorned with subtle cliffs in the distance. As you guide your horses down to the water's edge, the radiant sun bathes you in its warm embrace. Dismounting, you find a peaceful spot on the grass, surrounded by the tranquil symphony of nature's melody.
Jessi turns to you, her eyes filled with warmth, and confesses, “I’ve really missed you, you know?”
You respond with a gentle smile, “I’ve missed you too.”
As she absentmindedly picks at the grass, the horses peacefully grazing nearby, she continues, “Not just since you came back. I've missed you since your dad took you away.”
Her words tug at your heart, resonating with the pain you've long carried since your dad took you away. It's a shared ache, a silent acknowledgment of the wounds that time couldn't completely heal.
In a tender embrace, you whisper through tear-filled eyes, “But we're together now,” sealing the unspoken promise of shared moments, mending the fragments of time lost.
Her smile brightens as she leans into your sideways hug, asking, “Yes. I was actually wondering if there's any project on the ranch you'd like to take on. Anything that sparks your interest and passion?”
Excitement bubbles within you as you pull away from her, sharing, “Oh, yeah, there is something. Sometime ago, Jimin mentioned those wild horses Yoongi's working on. I think that could be a fascinating project.” Your smile radiates with genuine enthusiasm.
Your sister returns your smile, saying, “Yeah, just talk to Yoongi, and when the wild horses come back, you can go with him.”
“I also long for our time together, just staying close and catching up,” you express with tears welling in your eyes, your voice carrying the weight of genuine emotion.
“I’d like that too,” she responds warmly, enveloping you in another heartfelt hug.
Time seems to waltz away as you sit in companionable silence beside your sister, the rhythmic grazing of your horses creating a soothing melody. It's only when Jessi finally breaks the tranquil stillness that you realize how deeply immersed you both were in the moment.
A knowing smile plays on your lips as Jessi gently broaches the subject, “I noticed you and Jimin,” she starts, and you respond with a subtle nod.
A playful poke to your shoulder accompanies Jessi's words, “He's genuinely into you,” she declares, her smile carrying a warmth that hints at her approval of whatever there’s blossoming between you and Jimin. 
With a light laugh, you confess, “I like him too,” accompanied by a gentle rub to the spot on your shoulder where Jessi playfully poked you.
“But it's still kind of strange, you know? I mean, I slept with his brother. Won't it just make things awkward?” You sigh, laying bare the complexities of your thoughts. As much as you're drawn to Jimin and appreciate his assurance that it doesn't bother him, the idea of ‘brothers talk’ lingers in your mind— whatever that means. You're determined to avoid any comparisons, not just for their sake but for yours as well.
Jessi bursts into laughter, her high, infectious giggles prompting you to turn your head toward her. “Okay, I partly understand. But come on, they're only half-brothers. We're all just people here; it's not like it's something incestuous or anything.”
You sigh, conceding that she might be right. 
Then, you catch on to her words. ‘We’re all people here,’ you repeat, leaning in closer to her. 
“You and Jungkook?” You inquire, a glint of understanding in your eyes, and she responds with a knowing smile, “We’re just friends though. I’m still seeing Namjoon.”
“So you don’t think it’s weird that I slept with Jungkook?” You inquire, genuine curiosity lacing your words.
“No. Jungkook has slept with so many people, why would I care?” Jessi laughs, and after a moment of contemplation, you offer a nonchalant shrug, conceding that she might have a point.
Nestling into her embrace, a gentle sigh escapes your lips, “Thank you.”
Her gaze meets yours, confusion etched across her features, “What for?”
A gentle chuckle escapes your lips, and a surge of warmth fills your chest, “For being my incredible sister.”
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Author’s note(2): Thank you so much for reading! 🌸 I would very much appreciate it if you reblogged the chapter, if you liked it ✨ A small review or a comment would also mean a lot to me, and even a like. But please, don’t be afraid to let me know what you think; your kind words makes me extremely happy 💜
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
I have recently come to the conclusion that if my Genshin Impact account was self aware, my Bennet would be slightly even more unlucky than a regular Bennet. This is due to my birthday and since its coming up I've been brainrotting for the past few days. Let me explain:
Bennet's birthday is February 29th, aka Leap Year. This means Benny only has a real birthday once every four years, which is bad enough. But according to canonical game lore, when he doesn't have his actual birthday, he celebrates it on the 28th.
My birthday is February 28th.
Now, I'd like to think that in your typical SAGAU the creator's birthday is a BIG DEAL. I'm talking festivals, parades, feasts, gifts exchanged between friends and family as well as gifts offered to the creator! The whole nine yards! An entire world partying from sunrise to moonset.
So with this in mind, Bennet's birthday would either be celebrated the day after the biggest holiday party in Teyvat (meaning everyone who attends would be all partied out) or during my birthday (meaning that everyone would be focused on ME instead of Bennet, which is just unfair! He can't even take pride in being born the same day as the creator b/c he was born the day after!!!!).
Anyway, if I was isekai'd to Genshin and worshipped as a god, I would simply give Bennet his own holiday. Poor kiddo deserves a win and if it takes me telling my acolytes quote, "Everyone will to celebrate Bennet's holiday. No exceptions, no excuses. And if his holiday party doesn't end up a success, I will destroy all of Teyvat and then myself. :3c" then so be it. That last statement is a joke, but watching everyone try their absolute hardest to give my adopted little brother the best birthday possible would be worth the fear of the vague threat of the world's destruction in the eyes of my worshipers me thinks.
If you add to this brainrot, please feel free to ignore that last part if everyone panicking over the possibility of apocalyptic destruction makes you uncomfortable. Likewise, don't rush this out by my birthday if you don't have time. I'm also in college and have multiple assignments due both before and after my birthday so I know this upcoming week will be hellish in terms of academics. So don't push yourself, okay?
So yeah. Thanks for reading! Hope you have a nice day!
JOKES ON YOU IM DOIN THIS FIRST BC ITS NEAR UR BIRTH WHEN I SAW THIS - HAHAHA (also timezones r wack so hope i timed it good enough for u lmao)
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Have a pretty miku hatsune gif <3
So if it's your birthday and you have been isekaied to Teyvat in time for it,
or been there for that long bc how does one un-isekai themselves?? anyway
and its like,, pandemonium.
bc idealistically u surprise these bitches around/close to ur birthday, so everyone's gettin in that festival mood and then BAM- itd be like if the spirits/demons showed up irl for Halloween randomly one year, like- ???!!!
so everyone's just
"well we usually have a lot of fun/praise the highest being anyway, hoping they'll hear us thru whatever barrier's between us (coughstupidcomputercough), but now... we've got to go harder than any century before guys, they're actually here, nobody panic, this isn't a drill- somebody fucking grab the champagne- "
So for a second, imagine the sweetest anyone has ever been to you.
now imagine another person does something just as sweet for you, now add another, now add another, now add-
yeah i hope u got a hoddie so u can go to sweatertown when u get too embarassed/shy, bc the compliments??
"I really like your voice btw, this may sound strange but it was always so comforting pulling those all nighter for another akademiya project, and just hearing you joking around or humming, what felt like only for me or to keep me company ;) " - Lisa
"I hope you don't mind me doing this, as I wasn't trying to invade you privacy when I came upon this knowledge, but I thought it would make a useful gift. I know you were frustrated when you came here that there wasn't as much cosmetics so I used alchemy to aid your cause, this is some color changing nail polish-"
-Albedo has gotten u ur exact foundation shade, concealer, a skin clearing serum that works 100x better than any skincare routine u had going/or not lol, and if you dont really wear makeup or do skin care, he has a backup of all ur fav perfumes/colognes that u wish u had in ur old world (he heard u ranting abt wanting those scents/stuff u liked like cherries or sandalwood etc.)
bc even if ur not the type to feel that way when ppl do things like that for u, i promise u will be by the end of your birthday week.
everyone in teyvat wants your first in person birthday to be perfect,
ESPECIALLY the allogenes, or the playable characters
doesn't even matter if your FTP and dont have a single character outside of the beginners,
(they all had access to things like your voice, your actions, your social media, yae miko may or may not have personally printed off enough copies of a book full of any selfies/pics with you in it to reach every corner of teyvat ahem, she means what- nothing at all my beautiful god-)
anyway that is to say, your birthday month is generally really bountiful, both in festivals and teyvat itself, regardless if its dead winter or scorching summer
but for the sake of ANON'S BIRTHDAY-
You have now been forcibly converted into a Pisces - gasp - from this moment on,
ik tragic im an aquarius 😔,
Bc this is anon's Teyvat rn and we're just living in it
You don't know which authority figure to thank first for helping organize your week so you can go to a different city's festival for you every day of your bday week, it must have been hell to make 💀
(rip ningguang alhaitham jean and ayaka/ayato yall will be missed 💧🙏)
U kind of worked ur way backwards actually from game release country's dates, like Sumeru, Inazuma, Liyue, Mondstadt
Bc when they asked if u had a preference u whole heartedly spoke up in front of a room full of arguably the most influential and powerful people on the continent, in the world really- well besides you-
"Mondstadt would be a great festival to have on my actual birthday! After all one of my best boys Bennett, also has his birthday that day too!" :)
.....somewhere in the Wolvendom wilds Bennett shivers with a bolt of anxiety,
Razor is confused and asks if he's ok, he gives a shaky thumbs up,
"yeah i just... got the scariest feeling.. like something bad's gonna happen on my birthday this week... haha probably nothing!... probably..."
So everyone's been pretty chill and happy for Benny to be so favored/spoiled by you, esp since ur sharing ur bday (most ppl think ur a saint bc of this)
But for some pretentious assholes, who think traditions should be adhered to, they kinda dont even like the stuff ur changing-
"Oh well, if you don't just celebrate Benett's birthday with mine, and really anyone else who's bday is also mine, I'll just ruin your country ;) "
Some ppl get ur joking, like alhaitham would never believe u,
But these poor old fools, coughsagescough,
R just like-
"...an eldritch god is angry with us."
Needless to say u get ur way,
And poor Benny is just like, shaking in the corner, he can't tell if this is more unlucky or the luckiest he's been lol
(He's also one of the allogenes who did not rlly get ur joke lmao,,, also Itto💀)
If your somehow not overhwhlemed by gifts and acts of service on ur birthday,
Benny is.
Benny is for you.
Lol, he's like gonna make himself sick bc he cant just say "No thanks" to all the ppl giving you food, but end up giving him some too by proxy
He cant even count how many candies and baked goods are weighing down his pockets
Oh did i mention you've just like, linked arms with the little guy and dragged him wherever Mond's citizens r dragging you for the birthday festivities :)
While he was mostly just in shock all day, Benny does take the time to tear up and thank you for sharing your birthday*
(*both of your birthdays, u correct him all day)
Jean, Barabra, Diluc, Kaeya, Amber, Traveler, Razor Sucrose Fischl and Klee (and Varka + older adventurers/his dads)
are all super happy to finally see the poor kid get the biggest break ever for his birthday finally
Esp after they saw the last few... yknow... non-existant ones... bc he only has a bday every 4 years lol
Nearly starts sobbing publicly when u give him a present for his bday too :')
And after you all do a big toast for an evening bday dinner, u hug him and he actually cries a little, and he squeezes u back super hard
"I always thought I was too unlucky to get a birthday like this, but I guess if even a god like you hasn't given up on me, I shouldn't give up on me either, thank you for the best birthday I've ever had Your Majesty!"
(Tho Klee did sneakily give u and him some of her best and brightest bombs as a bday gift, so he did get a little singed but he barely noticed lmao)
I hope my ass writing/ideas was a decent bday gift anon! :0
I love Pisces sm, i hope ur bday was/will be incredible anon!! :) <33
Safe Travels,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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tenyearsoftrash · 3 months
Ten Years of HTP: A Celebration
Hi all, I (@eatingcroutons) set up this blog with all sorts of intentions about preparation and promotion and then Life Things Happened, but I'm still hoping to go forward with the idea of encouraging some nostalgia and memory-sharing about the last ten years of the HYDRA Trash Party.
The aim here is to be more of a celebration of community rather than your typical prompt fest - if you're looking for prompts for fanworks you might want to check out the @catws-anniversary that has just kicked off and will run until the 4th of April, or of course refer back to the Trash Meme itself!
So for this blog's purposes, feel free to post informal thoughts and musings and ramblings, and to comment on each other's memories - this is all about our shared history and nostalgia, and the idea is for it to be an open dialogue and celebration of community. A few points on logistics:
Anonymous asks and submission are open on this blog if you'd prefer not to participate under a named account. We all know how hostile certain corners of fandom have become to darkfic and adjacent content.
For all the themes below self-recs are also very welcome, if you want a chance to show off something you made years ago that hasn't gotten much attention in a while!
Go ahead and tag this blog at @tenyearsoftrash for a reblog of anything you post about the below themes!
All that said, here are some suggested themes and ideas to get you thinking and reminiscing:
April 4: Rewatch CA:TWS!
Take yourself right back to where it all began! With too many people across too many timezones we're not going to even try to organise a massive synchronised groupwatch, but maybe you could get a few of your old-school HTP buddies together to do a smaller one? In any case: fire up the movie, relive all the feels, and share any HTP-related thoughts that come (back) to mind after all these years!
April 5: Fanwork Recs
Go back and dig up some links to your favourite HTP fanworks - whether big or small, well-known or niche, what are the works that have really rewritten your brain chemistry, and stuck with you all this time? What was it about them that hit just the right spot? Feel free to share your thoughts on Tumblr - and to go back and drop a nostalgic comment on anything on AO3 😉
April 7: Meta Recs
Over the years there's been a lot of meta associated with HTP, from discussions of what CA:TWS and HYDRA represent in a broader social context, to endless back-and-forth about darkfic's place in fandom. Are there any posts that really made you think, or that remain relevant even now? Is there anything that came out of those meta discussions that has turned out to be particularly prescient, in hindsight?
April 8: HTP Fanon
What are your favourite bits of shared or personal fanon around HTP and its related concepts? Are there any Original Characters you're particularly fond of? Any particular tropes regarding characters or events that you will never get tired or bored of? Any ideas that might seem cracky on the surface but which you are totally into regardless?
April 8: Other Media/Fandoms
We've all had those moments where we've come across something in a new canon and immediately been like, "Oh, this is delicious trash bait," right? What other media has had a "Bucky Barnes Obediently Accepts The Bite Block" moment for you? What other characters might your fellow HTP friends enjoy as interesting targets for Trash Party Shenanigans? In what fandoms have you found yourself running into an awful lot of familiar HTP faces?
April 9: WIP Amnesty
Do you have any HTP fanworks that you never finished, or never got around to starting, for whatever reason? Now's your excuse to talk about them! Feel free to ramble about what your plans would have been, lament why they're never going to happen, or share some of those great ideas you never quite had time to plot out. Or, if you're feeling particularly inspired, go back and actually finish something off!
April 10: HTP Community Memories
To finish off the week let's talk about the community itself! What have been the good times, the interesting times, any times that have been personally significant to you, for any reason? What things have you experienced or shared or understood with or through or because of the HTP community? What new friends have you made over the years, and what old friends do you miss?
Apologies again for taking some time to getting around to making this post, but hopefully people will still be interested in doing some reminiscing!
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hitlikehammers · 5 months
hitlikehammers' Hobbit-Birthday Fic-Giving Fest
So you know how Hobbits celebrate their birthdays by giving gifts, rather than receiving them?
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wherein YOU prompt ME to write stuff, and to clarify from the outset: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE FOLLOWING ME TO PARTICIPATE. Did you find this at random? Via reblog? Just kinda want a fic but don’t want my babble regularly on your feed? I. DO. NOT. CARE. This is my birthday month (well, soon) and I want to be giving and gregarious and generous and generally positive about writing little gifts so: prompt anyway.
✨ You have THREE (3) choices for prompting
CONCEPT PROMPTS: basically Ao3 tags, or close enough—pick one, give me a little direction if you don’t want me to just write ~anything~, and then you’re all set SONG PROMPTS: pick a song, ideally also pick a lyric from the song, and if you want to give me some short direction for it go ahead; these are the largely-random choice of Spotify on shuffle; it got kinda moody and angsty on me and picked songs I was never huge into and some from legitimately years ago but: the algorithm prevails DIALOGUE PROMPTS: either inspiration or to be included in the fic, I cannot guarantee either way but if you have a STRONG PREFERENCE, you should point that out; and again, if you want to provide a couple words of direction: do so
✨ if I am already writing you a gift fic for something else: THIS IS DIFFERENT (also shorter so even MORE DIFFERENT)—ask again if you want to, you’re more than welcome, honestly it’s more a gift for me because…hobbity-birthday 
✨ you have to MESSAGE/ASK ME or COMMENT ON THIS POST with your prompt because I am going to miss it if you reblog or tag or whatever-other-means-of-telling-me that is not a message/ask/comment, and that would be v sad ✨ I will only be writing ONE FIC PER PROMPT, so if you like one? Grab it. If I haven't had time to edit the list (which is likely because timezones and my work schedule) and they get duplicated, I'll reach out to the second claimer for a new prompt.
✨ if you’re not okay with NSWF content, you need to state that in the prompting message; I’m not saying you’re going get NSFW stuff, but if you’re absolutely against it, gotta flag that in advance 
✨ because someone asked: if you want to attach one of these to one of my existing fics/‘verses, include that because that’s usually super fun and there are only maybe two fics I wouldn’t try to follow up with a tiny thing on request
✨ the default ship right now is my most currently active one: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson. If you want to prompt a ship that is not Steddie, note that and check if I’m familiar with it here, or take your chances; I’ll message you if it’s not something I write
SO: pick one of the prompt lists above and send it my way so I can start writing you words.
so...y'know. Prompt me. It's my BIRTHDAY 🎉
also if you hate links have all the prompts, here: below
CONCEPT PROMPTS: pick one, a provide a little direction with 2-3 words, up to a sentence
Merperson/Siren AU
Wrong Number/Wrong Blind Date AU
Baked Goods (as in: prompt me with a pastry you’d like to be eating rn)
Secret Relationship 
Royalty AU
Established Relationship 
Dark AU
Near-Death Experience
Missed Connection AU 
Cocktails (as in: prompt me with how your mixologist knows you)
Pre-Season 4
Domestic Fluff
Vampire AU
Famous AU
Presumed Dead/Emotional Reunions 
Soulmate AU
First Times
Warm Drinks (as in: prompt me using what you order from your barista)
Magic AU
Meet Cute/Ugly
Angels/Demons AU
SONG PROMPTS: pick a song, ideally a lyric FROM the song and a word or two for context of your intended prompting
Never Tear Us Apart—INXS
I Will Wait—Mumford & Sons
Any Other World—MIKA
The Days Of The Phoenix—A.F.I.
Manhattan Skyline—a-ha
Jilted Lovers & Broken Hearts—Brandon Flowers
Why Can’t This Be Love—Van Halen
The Navesink Banks—Gaslight Anthem
Holocene—Bon Iver
Wicked Campaign—Modest Mouse
Follow—Brandi Carlile 
Jesus Christ—Brand New
Little Talks—Of Monsters and Men
Clever Meals—Tegan and Sara
Will Anybody Ever Love Me?—Sufjan Stevens
A Light On In The Dark—Darlingside
To Build A Home—The Cinematic Orchestra
sever the blight—hemlocke springs
These Things—She Wants Revenge 
The Light Behind Your Eyes—My Chemical Romance
Come Undone—Duran Duran
Song For Zula—Phosphorescent 
Last Words of a Shooting Star—Mitski
This Must Be The Place (Naive Melody)—Talking Heads
Fake Empire—The National
A Dustland Fairytale—The Killers
Fast Car—Tracy Chapman  
At The Bottom Of Everything—Bright Eyes
The Trapeze Swinger—Iron & Wine
QUOTE PROMPTS: pick one, and if you have a context, I’ll take up to 3 words as direction
“That’s… not what that means.” 
”They say when you meet the love of your life, time stops, and that's true.”
“Now, I’m not going to deny that I was aware of your beauty. But the point is, this has nothing to do with your beauty. As I got to know you, I began to realise that beauty was the least of your qualities. I became fascinated by your goodness. I was drawn in by it.”
“I’ve never felt this way before.” 
”So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard, and we're gonna have to work at this every day."
“What are you doing?”
“I cannot let you burn me up, nor can I resist you. No mere human can stand in a fire and not be consumed.”
“I assume I deserve this, but can you tell me why you want to kill me this time?”
”We aren't here to make things perfect."
“You meant the world to me. I should have protected you.” 
"You're the first boy I ever kissed... and I want you to be the last."
“What? Like it’s hard?”
“Every atom of your flesh is as dear to me as my own: in pain and sickness it would still be dear.”
“Who did this to you?” 
“I want to tell you with my remaining strength that I love you. I always have. I'll drift next to you every day as a ghost just to be with you. Even if I was banished to the darkest place, my love will keep me from being a lonely spirit."
“You here to finish me off, sweetheart?”
”When I first saw you, I felt like I knew you, and I couldn't stop seeing my life with you, and building a family together. One that isn't stuck in the pain of the past. It's very pretty."
“You’re worth so much more than me.” 
“I’ve never had a moment’s doubt. I love you. I believe in you completely. You are my dearest one.”
“This isn’t going to end well.” 
"Truth is, sometimes I miss you so much I can hardly stand it."
“Please! You have to let me make this right.” 
“Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”
“You’re a monster.”
“You and I, it’s as though we have been taught to kiss in heaven and sent down to earth together, to see if we know what we were taught.”
“You don’t want this.” 
“You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love--I love--I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.”
“Why did you lie?”
”I don't want to sound foolish, but remember love is what brought you here. And if you've trusted love this far, don't panic now. Trust it all the way." 
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chekensheppppp · 8 months
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I'm late in my timezone but whatever. Happy throw short people day (October 21)! Remember to throw your resident midget capitalist gremlin today!
To celebrate, I redrew an old comic i made back in 2021 that i posted on reddit. I suppose this is also me checking how much my art has changed from then lmao.
original under cut:
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(and yeah, i'm u/thewalkingwaddledee, i just moved away from there because fuck spez. if you saw me on reddit before, well uh, hi, hope you're doing well.)
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i'm so funny hahahhahsadhsjafhdzbcfd
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February 15 is the International Fanworks Day, and we will be celebrating this year with an instadrabbling session the following weekend, on 17 February 2024 at 13:00/1PM until 17:00/5PM UTC (see this in your timezone) and again on 18 February 2024 at midnight until 2:00AM UTC (see this in your timezone). This instadrabbling session will also be a part of our Meet & Greet challenge and will provide one way to collect prompts for this challenge.
What is the Meet & Greet challenge? Every year, we run a Matryoshka challenge where participants receive two or more prompts, which you open one by one to create a fanwork that responds to each new prompt as you go.
This year, our Matryoshka challenge comes with a twist. We will send participants only the first prompt. It is up to you to seek out additional prompts from other participants in the challenge!
You can interact directly with other participants to pick up more prompts. SWG moderators also have prompts to give out; connect with us here! If you prefer not to interact directly with anyone, you can seek out prompts posted publicly to participants' social media.
The Meet & Greet challenge begins on February 15, but you can sign up now to get your prompts as soon as the challenge starts. Complete Meet & Greet challenge guidelines are here.
What is instadrabbling? Instadrabbling is a long-standing community activity in the Tolkien fanfiction fandom. A group of friends gets together on chat, someone throws out a prompt or four, and everyone writes a drabble (or whatever comes to mind).
On the SWG, we meet on the #instadrabbling channel on our Discord server. Discord invites will be posted on the dates of instadrabbling to our tumblr or can be requested at any time from the moderators. This year, we will celebrate International Fanworks Day with instadrabbling, which also offers the opportunity to grab prompts for the Meet & Greet challenge!
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kitconnor · 1 year
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okay so. it's completely wild to me that i've even stuck around on this site for so long, let alone that i'd even get to this point in 3 years !! i feel so honored to have met so many cool, talented and kind people and to get to share this milestone with you 🩵 truly, truly thank u sm for being so amazing &lt;3
it's been a while since i've done a celebration and i decided to try and do one (in full, hopefully) so please feel free to partake !
💌 - ask me anything about gifmaking/creating ! if you want a tutorial, guide, advice, whatever, send in (open to everyone)
🪞- send in a character/musician/ship + a colour for a gifset (mutuals only)
🦢 - for a blog compliment (mutuals only)
much love to all my mutuals you guys are so incredible and inspire me so much 🩷 i know that i am a very quiet mutual and don't interact much but please blame timezones 😭 anyway ty ty ty <3
please feel free to ignore this post or not rb !
@hanmegumi @kazrietvelld @yenvengerberg @jakeyp @kendalroys @barbie-movie @chonis @mandy-lane @kalemakar @hejustken @siovhanroy @olvias @melodramas @acenancys @mayclair @kazs-inej @cardiigan @daenerys-targaryen @heroeddiemunson @bakerolivia @castlescrumblingtv @tina-snow @haniishu @ginaricky @chrrispine @nina-zcnik @jackswolfe @maygrant
@shangs @wastlandsbaby @aimeegbbs @revengeofthesiths @djats @nickleister @cardigan @chikoriita @starfighters @hvrrycameron @americahasaproblem @buffyboyfriend @cuff-it @thatwasthenightthingschanged @wheelernancy @milesgmorales @simon-eriksson @aliensuperstars @arthurpendragonns @toplines @tylrgalpins @birthdaysentiment @bqrbie @joellellie @yellenabelova @joedarling @padme-amidala @userdjo @jamietarrt @djo @cal-kestis @usertomlinson @jeonwonwoo
@mathewmurdocks @eddiediaaz @userswift @commander-codys @rebecca-weltons @nick-nellson @nick-nelson @witcherz @cobbbvanth @hotgirlcoded @mcbride @nancysgillians @nessa007 @tonitopaz @trashcora @margaretacarter @captain-hen @jakeperalta @lavenderhze @usergirlfailure @mickbetsch
@avasillva @pedgito @tutontawan @barrykeohgan @aaarondessner @zoya-nabris @jamie-tartts
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versadies · 2 years
farewell, love.
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welcome to penpal service’s first ever collab event wherein writers are welcome to participate! 
since october has recently started, i’d like to celebrate my favorite month by throwing a collab event that contains nothing but angst — oh the horror !
if you’re interested (which you should be) already, please make sure to read the rules and guidelines before participating <33
deadline for requests to join: november 10, 2022
deadline for fics: november 20, 2022
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guidelines –
participants should only be genshin sfw and yandere writers 
your goal? make an angsty fic! happy endings are not welcome here, make your readers cry 😈😈😈😈
the deadline for your fic is on november 20, 2022 so feel free to finish it before or on the date in your timezone. 
minimum words should be 500, but there’s no maximum of words so feel free to go crazy. 
there are no limits on how many characters and prompts you want to write. however, you’re not allowed to write child characters if it’s romantic. 
it’s optional for you to use 1-5 prompts in one fic!
any kind of formats (headcanons, drabbles, longfics, etc.) are allowed, feel free to do whatever you prefer.
send a message to either in my inbox or in tumblr chat if you’d like to join and i’ll add you to the participants list! (will reblog whenever i update it) 
if you want to suddenly change your prompt, character, or etc. during the event after being accepted — feel free to do so as long as you let me know about it !
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rules –
fics should be genshin character x reader !
read my dni first in my carrd before participating. 
please make sure to specify if you’re doing a yandere fic or a sfw fic when you request to join so i could label it in the upcoming masterlist ! 
nsfw is not allowed.
if you happen to see your name in the participants list, please reblog this post with the tag #farewell-love as acknowledgment. 
make sure to tag me as well as use the hashtag #farewell-love in your work/s so i can add it to the masterlist right away !
no backing out once you’ve sent a request (i’ll only allow it if you have a valid reason to leave) 
make sure to specify what contains in your fic (trigger warnings, spoilers to quests, etc.) so readers can know what to expect. 
feel free to ask me questions or clarifications and i’ll happily answer.
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instructions –
read the rules, guidelines, and my dni list before deciding to participate. 
send an ask to me in the following format:
“hi, i’d like to join in the farewell love event!
yandere or sfw:”
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prompts –
“why did you lie to me?” 
“i hate you! i hate you so much!”
“stop it, you’re hurting me!”
“i think… i just got poisoned..” 
“i should’ve known not to trust you.”
“you’re… bleeding.”
“was it all worth it?” 
“you’re a monster.”
“i wish i never met you.”
“don’t die on me.. please.” 
“i don’t love you anymore.” 
“you don’t look at me the way you look at them.”
“where are you?” 
“you don’t love me, do you?”
“go away.” 
“everything i’ve done, it was all for you.” 
“why did you do that?” 
“kill them/him/her.”
“i can’t do this anymore.”
“help me.”
“it’s either me or them.” 
“i will never be enough for you.”
“what’s wrong with me?” 
“just leave me alone.”
“i thought i could trust you.”
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participants —
@scaralvr @yandere-romanticaa @vamphrs @genshinarchives @psuedo90sdreaming @teabutmakeitazure @flokali @k4iiwrites @witch-hazels-musings @teyvattales @kunikame @frozenangelheart @cherrisma @77th-hutao @minty-stays-tired @baeshijima @lov3rmir @versadies (yes im joining too hehe) @silverwritesthings @aqualesha @user-charisma @somberrock @the-travelling-witch @stormii-writes
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© VERSADIES. please do not plagiarize, repost, or translate anywhere. banner in this post is made by me but i did not make up all prompts.
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idolatrybarbie · 10 months
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pairing: past francisco "frankie" morales/reader
word count: 544
rating & summary: mature. it's been a long time since you've seen frankie morales.
warnings: discussion of addiction, mentions of cocaine and casual alcohol consumption, bowling, this is super unedited—i have class in an hour.
notes: first wednesday of my horrible september weezer thingamajig. short and sweet for you today. if you listen to the song, this would be the subject's perspective to rival that of rivers cuomo. enjoy!
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It’s been a billion years. Or at least, that’s what your brain tells you when you spot him from across the room. His presence pulls at something—some knot within you, tightly wound and long forgotten by now. Maybe annoyance. Probably something else.
You don’t say hi first. If this is going to happen at all, he’ll be the one to come over and do the greeting. Not that he owes you that, or anything. You’re giving him space. Space, the thing that you’d so desperately begged for nearing the end of your relationship with him. The thing that ultimately tore the two of you apart.
You’ve lived your life what felt like a million miles away from Frankie Morales for a couple of years now. And yet here he is, once again in your orbit.
No one called dibs on friend groups or social gatherings when the two of you split. Firstly, because that was ridiculous. Secondly, because there wasn’t a practical reason to. Work took you all over the place—all across the States, down to South America, across the globe. No point in veto’ing his presence at a party  in an entirely different timezone from you.
Now, you’re back. Out celebrating. Bowling, because that’s what your now very tipsy friends had out-voted you on. Apparently dinner and a movie was too boring. Bowling is a distinctly Frankie activity, which might have been what contributed to your hesitance. Texas is big, but it’s not that big.
You glance over at Frankie’s table again, seeing the regular crowd. Pope’s at his elbow, straw pinched between his teeth as he and Francisco listen to Will and whatever he’s saying. Benny reappears at the table with a goofy-looking pair of bowling shoes, spurring laughs from the whole lot of them. Frankie’s laugh throws you into a time warp. You used to be able to pull that from him, whole and hearty in its hiccuping bark. Once upon a time that was your favourite sound.
There’d been bad times, too, that are easier to forget now. For all of his goodness, Frankie had downsides. Secrets, late nights, nightmares he would never tell you about. A resentment that turned palpable in the end, all sharp edges and cutting words. Going through his phone at night to find text messages from a dealer; going through his car to find a small stash of coke in the glove box.
You know how he talked about you after the breakup—that you’d tossed him aside, sliced into him like a piece of cake and turned away when you hadn’t liked you what found. He’s not entirely wrong. You hadn’t liked what you found, once you’d forced your way past the man’s surface. But you tried.
For six months, after almost a year together, you tried to adjust. Tried to get him some help, or urge him to get help himself. It wasn’t like you’d found out about the addiction and up and left. Have a nice life! No, you wouldn’t. You couldn’t.
You loved him.
None of that matters now. He doesn’t come over, and after another couple of turns, the game with your friends is over. Your name sits at the top of the digital scoreboard, the winner. Somehow, it doesn’t feel that way.
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nkn0va · 2 months
coffee anon here to throw a birthday thought to the ring if timezones don't eff me over lol. I'm actually kinda curious how wagner or izanami would celebrate an S/O's birthday
You were actually six hours early to the deadline lmao. Really funny to read that.
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-Wagner has a very...high class idea of how birthdays are celebrated. Just about every one she's been to, including her own has had a budget equal to what the average person makes in an entire year.
-Frankly a change of pace would be quite nice for her. And now that she had you, her S/O around and with your birthday now coming, it was the perfect chance to do that.
-She's still going to spoil you to hell and back if you've managed to get under her skin enough to become her S/O, but maybe she'll save the more extravagant ideas she has for sometime in the future.
-Whatever you've said you wanted for the last month or two in front of her, you're getting showered with it all thanks to Wagner's family fortune.
-She'd much prefer to spend the day out treating you. Anywhere you want to eat, any recreational place you'd want to go to. It's supposed to be your day, after all. Your happiness today is the priority.
-Just as long as it isn't too down and dirty, she does still have dignity and an image to maintain. More rustic stuff isn't quite her pace. The more ordinary things will please her just fine though, as long as you're having a good time.
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(Phantomfield seriously came in clutch with helping me brainstorm for Izanami, this would not have gotten done without their help)
-Izanami is actually pretty used to celebrations, despite almost never making public appearances. For a beloved S/O, she has no qualms with holding a celebration for their birthday to make them happy, though it's definitely going to be a reserved, invite-only event.
-Saya's memories and feelings certainly make her more inclined to the idea than she'd normally be. Izanami can't really help herself in that regard, it's her influence that drives her wish to see you happy, for what time you have left until Doomsday, of course.
-The main attendees are the Duodecim and some high ranking NOL officers here and there. Their payment required to get in? A satisfactory gift for you judged by the Imperator herself. If they can't even gift you something adequate enough then they have no business being anywhere near you.
-She specifically doesn't invite Relius and Hazama, it's not even a question. It's not like they can't behave on the surface, but she knows damn well those two would get up to some shady shit behind the scenes. They are allies, not friends. Their goals are all very different and very self serving at the end of the day.
-Izanami's sort of like a predator being possessive over their prey in that sense. She's not letting you anywhere near those two if she can help it. You're all hers, and she's going to let you know it.
-That's specifically why she planned such an extravagant, enchanting, exclusive event just for you. To spoil you rotten and show you that there's no better fit for your lover than she is. No one else would be able to do something like this for you, would they? Yes, she might be affectionate and perhaps even loving to you, but she's still the manipulative, cunning incarnation of Death itself...
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Kin Terminology Question!
Hiya and good timezones everypony! We’ve got a question that we’re going to throw out here - it’s something we’re having trouble finding out online and it’s for a positivity post!
For all y’all who are kin out there! >w<
What’s the difference between kin, otherkin, kinform, kintype, and kinshift? Are those first 4 the same thing and kinshift means your kintype causes you to experience shifts, like a werewolf?
Many members in our system have kintypes, but we’re woefully uneducated about the kin community and kinning terminology! But we’re writing a positivity post for kinplural systems, and we want to be as accurate as we can in the words we use to celebrate these folks! :3
Thanks so very much in advance! So sorry if this comes off as ignorant or offensive… we want to be thoughtful and respectful when writing our posts, and Google hasn’t been much help for answering these kin questions! >_<
Edit: Thanks a bunch to @whatever-you-can-give-me and @fruityenderman for your responses! Y’all made sense of this for us and answered our questions! Pluralpedia has our back for the kinform definition! Again, thanks a lot! Now we can confidently write our post :33
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swissboyhisch · 1 year
The Aussie BBQ Experience
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Pairing: Nico Hischier x Reader
Summary: You finally got to take Nico home to Australia. He got the true experience of an Aussie BBQ.
Word Count: 2770
Warnings: Uh none I think. Lyrics about sex at some point.
A/N: Shout out to @alwayshughes for allowing me to bounce ideas off of you ❤️
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Off season meant spending time with family and travelling to the boys of the NHL. For you and Nico, you were heading to both of your home countries. First stop of the trip was Australia, back to your small coastal hometown. The place where you were born and raised until you decided to go to college in the US.  It was the first time Nico had come home with you. He had met your close family when the NHL had an exhibition game in Melbourne and some of your family came over to meet him but never saw your home.
You had made it to Australia a couple days before. Spending time with your parents in your childhood home while you two acquainted yourselves with the timezone. But by the time the week had finished, you two were back to life. Ready to take on the weekend. Which was good because your mum organised a family barbeque and bonfire to celebrate you being home. Oh and the derby was on. Knowing your parents, everyone was invited.
The weather was great for a winter Saturday. No rain in the last two weeks meaning a dry bonfire pile. Warm in comparison to the ice rinks that Nico felt at home in. Everyone was due to come over just before 2:30 in the afternoon for the start of the footy. Leaving you and Nico to do whatever you want during the morning. You took him around your town, showing home where you grew up. The schools you attended throughout your childhood. Which studio you danced at. You stopped by a beach side cafe to have breakfast. But you were back home before 1 so you could help your mum make food. 
When you got back home, your sister and her girlfriend were already there. Music was playing whilst your mother and sister were in the kitchen preparing the food. Tash, Kendall’s girlfriend, was outside helping set up the yard with your father. From what you could see outside the kitchen window were all the plastic chairs around the glass table that your parents had since you were a kid. Actually everyone you knew had the same glass table. And the large pile of branches that were just out past the shed. 
“What do you want me to do?” You question as you enter the kitchen. 
You mum turned away from the stove, pointing to a bag of groceries sitting on the counter. “Can you make the two cheese boards? You’ve always had a knack for doing those.” 
“Yeah, easy.”
“Can I do anything?” Nico asks, hating sitting around while he could be helping. 
He got set up cutting up the potatoes for the potato salad your mum always makes for these types of things. You set yourself up on the kitchen island with everything you need. Kendall had put on your parent’s playlist as AC/DC was currently playing. Soon Tash joined you all in the kitchen where she was set up on the salad making station with Kendall. 
Kendall came over to your little area, “How was the end of the season?” 
“Crazy, still can’t believe the boys actually won the cup!”
Nico laughed, “Honestly, it was all a blur.”
“Yeah because we all got absolutely smashed after the cup game and then for the next week straight.” You got your phone out and pulled up the folder of pictures you had from all the cup stuff. From games to the parade. “God, it was a blast.”
Nico pressed a kiss to your cheek as he walked by you on his way to the fridge. Making you blush bright red which Tash pointed out with a laugh. The conversation stayed on hockey and all the things that had happened during Nico’s playoff run. That was until your Nan walked in with your dad carrying bags of stuff behind her. 
“Nan!” You grin, rushing forward to hug her. 
The petite woman embraced you tightly. “You look lovely sweetheart.”
“I haven’t even gotten ready yet.”
“Nonsense.” Your Nan looked past you to where Nico was standing beside Kendall. “And you must be Nico. I'm glad we can finally meet.”
Nico was pulled into a hug as well. He stood a whole foot and a half above her. “It’s lovely to meet you. I’ve been told so much about you.”
“Don’t believe all the nice things you hear,” Your mother cuts in, smiling at her mother.
“Don’t let Paul hear you,” Your nan smirks, “your husband loves me.”
“The best mother-in-law I could ask for,” Your dad responds as he comes and kisses your mum’s cheek.
By 2:15, all the food had been prepared. The chips in bowls ready for everyone to arrive. You had retreated into your room so you could change. Just into a pair of simple denim jeans and a singlet. Later, you found a red flannel you had stolen from your dad when you were a teen. Surprisingly it still fit. A pair of thongs were your choice of footwear. Nico kept what he had on from this morning, a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. He wasn’t that cold but he had a hoodie for later in the night.
When the pair of you went outside, your dad handed Nico a beer from the esky while you got handed a glass of Jacks and dry. On the TV was the pregame footy, West Coast vs Fremantle were to play at 2:30. The derby. Kendall and Tash had found their spots around the table with Molly, Kacey and Dan. In Kacey’s arm was your niece, Charlotte who you had yet to meet. 
“Oh my god!” You didn’t expect Kacey and Dan to make the trip from the city. Kacey got up and placed the 5 month old in your arms. Charlotte was so cute. “She’s so precious.”
Nico peered over your shoulder at the baby in your arms. He had seen many photos and videos that Kacey and your other two sisters had sent you two but it didn’t do the baby justice. 
“Wanna hold her?”
“Sure,” Nico grinned. You gently passed him Char, watching as he stood next to your chair, saying side to side. His eyes fixed on the bub in his arms. 
A voice broke over the chatter. “When did my best friend push out a baby? And why was I not informed?”
That made you turn your head quickly to the side gate. Your best friend stood there in all her glory, holding a fridge pack on her arm. You got up quickly running to hug her. It had been months since you had seen her in person and it was about time. 
“Nico and I don’t have kids yet,” You tell her as you two moved to the line of eskies against the wall.
“Yet,” she responded with a smirk. “Look at him though, he’s a natural.”
“You want to push a baby out of your vagina?”
You two share a laugh and settle around the table as well. One by one, family and friends rocked up. All hugging you and Nico, happy to meet him for the first time. Everyone had gotten there by 2:25, not willing to miss the first centre bounce of the game. Bowls of chips, different dips and the cheese boards you had prepared were brought out before the game for everyone to snack on. 
“We’re an Eagles family, Nico,” Your dad informs Nico as the two take a seat on the other side of you. 
Nico laughed, “You’ll have to explain the game to me as we go.”
“Spook hasn’t shown you AFL yet?” The use of your childhood nickname made your siblings laugh. 
“We’ve watched it before but I still don’t get it.”
“Main thing is if the ball goes between the centre of the middle two posts, it’s a goal. 6 points, it’s worth. Then between the inner posts and the other posts, it's a behind. 1 point,” Your dad explains.
Centre bounce happened and everyone was cheering. There was a mix of eagles and dockers supporters in attendance. Soon Kennedy was tackled to the ground by one of the Dockers’ players. 
“High tackle!” You shouted at the screen. Multiple people agreeing with you.
Everyone watched as a free kick was given. Kennedy kicked the first goal of the game making the Eagles fans cheer. You and your dad, either side of Nico, stood up and clapped and cheered. By quarter time, Nico was getting into the game with everyone else. He had even shouted at the tv with your dad.
“Want another drink?” You asked after you had finished your glass. It was quarter time meaning time for toilet and refill. 
“Bush chook for me,” Your dad answers, shaking his near empty can.
“Uh same,” Nico responded, a little confused with the name.
 The same happened for half time and three-quarter time. Within the final quarter the score was close. 89 to 72 with Eagles in the lead. Final minute the Dockers had caught up making the score 96 to 97. Dockers in the lead. 
You dad and his best mate were pacing as everyone watched on. The players were playing roughly and tackles happened left, right and centre. You watch on as Jamie Cripps goes to mark the ball, jumping on the back of his opponent. Making the speccy but coming down badly. His body crunching as he lands on the grass under another body. Nico winces, swearing he could feel his arm being shattered just but watching him.
“Ouch. That’s gotta hurt.”
Surprisingly, Cripps clambers up from the grass, wiping the dirt from his hands. He was given the mark and allowed to kick it. He waited, trying to find someone who would be clear of Dockers players. He found one and booted the ball a quarter way down the field. Oscar Allen marked the ball just within the Eagles’ 50 metres. Nico was up with your dad clapping and cheering along with him.
“Let’s go Allen!”
He put the ball on the ground while he put his mouthguard in his sock, waiting until the siren sounded. Fans waited with baited breath. He had to get a goal to make them win. He picked the ball back up and lined up his kick. Allen took a couple steps before kicking the ball straight through the middle of the posts. 
Nico and your dad cheered loudly, you were up with them. All the Eagles fans around the table were happy with the outcome. Another year of bragging rights for the team. The best team in the West. 
Once the game had finished, and the team’s anthem sung, the tv was turned off and the speaker turned on. The playlist consisted of music you had grown up with; Pink Floyd, AC/DC, The Angels,  Paul Kelly, Queen all included. The barbeque was fired up as the sun set. You had turned on the party lights while everyone enjoyed themselves. After dinner, your dad would light the bonfire like normal.
You sat around the table with the women of the family, chatting and catching up. The men around the barbeque all holding a drink in their hands. Kids running around the backyard and jumping on your old trampoline that surprisingly hadn’t rusted too badly just yet. This was a common thing within your family and friend group. 
“Dinner!” Uncle Glenn called to everyone.
One by one, everyone lined up at the food table with paper plates. The table was filled with all the sides that your mum had made earlier in the day along with other people’s sides they had brought. All the meat had been placed there too. You grabbed a chop, two snags and some salad. A bit of potato salad and some of your aunt's Mexican style salad. You couldn’t forget the two pieces of white bread for your snags. One with tomato sauce and the other with bbq sauce. 
“Want some tomato sauce?” You ask Nico.
“You mean ketchup?”
You roll your eyes. You should have known he’d say that. “You know it’s not ketchup. Stop trying to piss me off.”
He smiles, pressing a kiss to your cheek and taking the bottle of sauce from you. Once you have everything, including the plastic cutlery, you two take your seat again. Everyone just enjoyed their food while the music played in the background. Every now and then someone would break out into song, singing Khe Sanh by Cold Chisel. 
“Wanna come help me Spook?” Your dad called as he walked towards the bonfire pile with a jerry can and torch. It was night now and it was time for the bonfire. 
You lit up. Growing up, you had always loved fire thanks to your dad. Sure it was weird but the flames were hypnotising. Nico and many others followed behind you two. You got passed the jerry can of diesel to tip onto the pile. Just like you had watched your father do many times over the years. Once you had stepped back to a safe distance beside your father, mother and Nico, your father lit a match and flicked it onto the pile of branches. It went up in flames with a woosh. Everyone was enjoying the warmth and the music playing in the background.
Nico wrapped his arm around you and brought you in front of him to cuddle. You leaned back into him. It was nice to be able to be yourselves without worrying people watching you. He kissed the top of your head swaying in time with ‘Never Tear Us Apart’ by INXS. 
“I was standing… You were there…” You sing, turning in Nico’s arms so you could face him. “Two worlds collided and they could never, ever tear us apart.”
This song was special after watching your parents dance to this song in the kitchen many times throughout your childhood. You had always wanted a love like theirs and you had found it. Standing here amongst your family wrapped in Nico’s arms. It was all you could ever wish for. 
The night came to a wind down in the late hours of the night. Most people had left or found a spot to crash for the night. Leaving a few awake. Those that were, were sat around the glass table that at some point was dragged closer to the fire throughout the night. Yourself and Nico were snuggled up beside each other, you dad and uncle there as well as Kendall and Tash. Music was still playing in the background. Loud enough for you all to hear that ‘Animals’ by Nickelback was playing.
“Oh god,” Kendall groans when she realises which song was playing.
“So come on baby, get in. Get in, just get in.Look at the trouble we're in,” You dad sings. 
You grew up with the song. Singing it from such a young age. Oblivious to the actual meaning of the song. You even knew it word for word. It was a must have in the family road trips. You’ve lost count how many times your mum has cringed at you and your father when this song came on.
“And that was when she started screamin' that's my dad outside the car. Oh please, the keys, they're not in the ignition.” You shifted to face Nico, pointing to him whilst you sang the next line. “Must have wound up on the floor while we were switching our positions.I guess they knew that she was missing. As I tried to tell her dad it was her mouth that I was kissing.”
Nico blushed bright red. You were singing these lyrics to him, in front of your dad. Sure, you dad was nice. Nico and him had always gotten along. But he was 6’3, built, tattoos on his arms, a long beard. He looked scary. But to his family he was the BFG. Nico included that sentiment.
It wasn’t until the early hours of the morning that you and Nico stumbled to your bed. Changing from your jeans into a Devils shirt you had stolen years ago from Nico when you first started sleeping at his apartment. Nico just wore a pair of sweats to bed. Both of you snuggled under the covers. The fan above you going full blast
“I love you,” You whisper into the darkness.
Nico pressed his lips to your shoulder, “I love you too Spook.”
“Not you too.”
He chuckled at your reaction. Repeating the sentence once more, pulling you tightly against him before you passed out. 
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@findapenny @mp0625 @hischierhaze @11zegras @lvrzegras @francesfarhadi @cixrosie @daisysthings @jayrami3
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heartpascal · 11 months
HELLO LOVELY PEOPLE!!! here is yet another heartpascal life update for you!!!
SO. it is my birthday today (august 11th for timezone purposes) so happy birthday to me!!!! but as much as i would like to be bringing y’all a gift for this event … i have not finished any fics
i have been writing! which is more than i could say for a couple of weeks ago.
i am struggling w sticking to one piece and keep ending up flicking to new ideas part way through (very annoying however we r staying positive) . in other news … for whatever reason, i HAVE been managing to write for an old marvel fic i had on wattpad (a rewrite of that story, seeing as i wrote it when i was 13 and have majorly improved since then!!!) which is not so helpful for y’all but it IS writing so it’s good!!!
i am also getting my results in 6 days for those exams i was doing … pray for me. sobs. terrified.
but yes. there is your update! i will be celebrating making it this far!! lots of cake fr
i hope you are all well! feel free to drop me a message or ask if you wanna talk! sending you all so so much love. smooching you. mwah.
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destinyc1020 · 3 months
I check N's account every now and then. My parasocial self thinks she still have something for Tom. She often post stories whenever T or Z go viral. Few things I remember:
1. Her posting being at Soho House (I think in London) in 2023 when Tom celebrated his birthday in Soho House (US) with his family and Z.
2. Her posting on Sept 1 or 2 2022 (depending on the timezone) and captioned it Good old goods. Well what I see on the post is she wants to show that she's out and happy (nothing wrong about that but girl, why sept 2 of all dates?)
3. When Tom went viral because of fixing his girl's door, N posted a story about his current boyfriend being a handy man or something to that effect (well I admit I may be overthinking this one and my understanding of British humor could be wrong)
4. Shared a story about attending Dorian Gray opening night which happened the same day as Dune 2 premiere in London (and TZ went viral that day as expected)
Sorry for the rant, just need to let it out..
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Thanks Anon for your confession....
I'm just going to be honest here since that's what I usually am on my blog lol. I'll give you my honest opinion. 😅
I'll first be honest and admit that I really haven't paid much attention to N (if at all) since 2021 lol.
Once it became apparent that Tom dumped her to get back with Z, and he and Z were starting a relationship back up again, I really didn't see the need to follow whatever N was doing tbh.
I mean, maybe you might be on to smthg? But my honest feeling is that you might just be reading a little too much into innocuous things. Just because N posts on the same day as smthg going on with TZ doesn't automatically mean she's not over Tom or over a breakup.
She and Tom barely dated each other... 👀 It's not like they dated each other for years upon years, or even went out on dates like a regular couple (most of their time together was spent indoors during the Covid-19 shutdown).
Honestly? It's 2024. If she were still pining after a guy that dumped her almost 4 years ago back in 2020, I'd say that it's time for her to go to therapy and figure out what's going on there, coz that's not normal. 👀😬
With that said, I personally doubt N is still holding a torch for Tom. It was pretty obvious when she was throwing shade re: their breakup, but after 2021, I haven't seen her behaving in that manner. I also kind of get the feeling that she made peace with the whole thing long time ago.
Sometimes, I think fans forget that Tom was actually her rebound from Stanley. Tom himself was also still rebounding (imo) when he dated N. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I really don't think it was as serious as some fans made the thing out to be tbh.
Last I checked, N seems perfectly happy with her new beau. ☺️
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