#in those times (as much as i remember) singers weren't much famous
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thepoopdokyeomtouched · 1 year ago
Revisiting the "ROCKSTAR" Album and realising how artist, creative and versatile the music team was, like EVERY single song was composed SO differently!?!? Classical, European classical, western, kawali, Rock like HARD Rock, Dark obsessive, and wth idek atp 🤯 all the songs LITERALLY goes with movie, with situation the movie is showing AND as the character develops, the lyrical intelligence develops too like it's the character that gets inspire from different genres and implements it to his music and that's how the music develops 💕
To all my desi moots if you have heard it tell me which is yours fav. Mine is literally the whole album but the mtl would be
Phir se udd chala (😭✨)
Kun faya (the peace it gives 💗)
Sadda haq (the lyrics 🤌🏻😤)
Tum ho (nth to say just listen 💕)
Nadaan parindey (the emotions with the echo vocals AND ARR singing 💔🙁✨)
HAWA HAWA (the European folk they used with hindi lyrics got me twirling and the storytelling ✨😩)
Aur ho (it sits on the same genre as "him and i" OR "don't blame me" Like it's a very dark obsessive sad song 🛐)
Katiya karu (good for sangeet in my wedding with mingyu🤭😉)
Jo bhi main (from an artists perspective it's a very deep song damnn)
Tagging the desi moots: @kkooongie @nishloves @nihyunluvskookie @yoonzinuhh @mangocustard16 @aaniag @bittersweet-folder @staranghae @wonwoos-wineparty @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @etherealyoungk @leewonkyeom @neejaatjeh @woozvc @weird-bookworm @rubywonu @seokminded @waldau @joonsytip @smileycarat @nonononranghaee
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sweatyracoon · 5 months ago
Street Angel
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Warnings: none! For all genders!
Summary: Your having a hard day and meet a beautiful guy with the voice of a bass. How will it end?
Walking to the public bus stop, your shoulders hunched as you shiver slightly. You were still damp from the water that spilt on you earlier, making you cooler than you cared for.
It was a particularly warm day, for which you were grateful. You weren't grateful however, for your pain in the ass boss for deducting something that wasn't your fault, from your paycheck.
You reached the bench, about to sit on the edge away from the other person waiting. But then you felt something around you shift. This guy, sat perched playing on his phone, literally radiated energy. Good energy.
You couldn't help but smile slightly. You sighed as you sat down, relieved to be off your feet for a while.
You sat quietly, not moving. You were tense around the shoulders, and you could tell it showed.
"Rough day?" You heard a deep voice ask softly, making you turn to the boy. Was it his voice? No way...
He smiled gently, placing his phone in his pocket.
"I said, rough day?" He repeats, giving you his full attention.
You scoffed, nodding at him. "So rough...you have no idea," you breathed out a mocking laugh.
He knew it wasn't pointed at him. He didn't mind, as long as you get rid of the pent up tension.
He thought you were quite beautiful, and the way you expressed your emotions made him intrigued.
"Wanna talk about it?" He asked, raising a brow.
"Ugh...Just one of those days, you know?" You answered, shrugging your shoulders. "Nothing but my dick boss being a dick, and nature throwing things at me. Literally..." You said, pointing to the damp patch on your shirt.
He only nodded, showing he understood without actually saying anything. You felt comfortable around this boy.
His features were otherworldly in your opinion. His beautiful eyes, his heart shaped face, the flecks of freckles your sister called angel kisses...Oh. Thats what he seems like. An angel.
"What's your name, sir?" You asked, suddenly curious.
His eyes widened. He almost seemed shocked.
"Wait...This entire time, you hadn't known who I am?" He asks in a doubting tone, looking at you through a squint.
"Pardon?" This is your second time being surprised by him and his shocking looks, as well as his tone. Were you supposed to know him?
"You really don't know me?"
You felt your face flush, "Oh my god, please don't tell me we've met and I completely forgot. If that's the case, then I am so so so sorry, sir," you mumble, trying to look through your memory for angelic features, only to find none.
"Oh! No no no, not at all. I would remember a pretty girl like you. No. It's just that, I'm kinda sorta famous. Popular, I guess," He explained, suddenly flushing himself.
He wouldn't describe himself as cocky or egotistical, but he would have thought you would at least have seen him somewhere. Anywhere, at least.
You on the other hand, found it odd that your angel called you pretty. In your opinion, you couldn't be compared to his beauty. He literally looks like he's carved from stone.
"You're...famous? Are you an actor? Or a model?" You were certain he was a model. If he wasn't, you needed him to be immediately, suddenly imaging him walking on a runway. In something very revealing.
"Have you ever heard of Stray Kids?" He switched from hugging his knee to crossing it with his other, shifting his body to face you completely.
"Stray Kids? Is that a movie?" You weren't into television much, so who knew what he was talking about.
"No, it's a Korean boy group I'm apart of. I'm a singer," He finishes, proudly smiling at his confession.
Your eyes widened once again, imaging a voice like his singing. You bet it would be brilliant.
"Oh! That's so cool! I'll have to look that up when I get home," You say, blushing as you flashed him a smile.
"What's your name? I'm Felix," He held out his hand for you to shake. You hesitantly took it, grasping lightly.
"Felix? Your name even sounds angelic..." You mutter more to yourself than to him, but he heard it anyway, grinning.
"Name, sweetheart?" He asks again, still patient.
"That's beautiful. I've never met anyone named y/n," His brows come together as he thinks about the people he's met. "Yeah, no, I haven't,"
"Glad I'm your first," as soon as you said it, your face flushed quickly, making him laugh loudly. It sounded like music to you.
Before either of you could say anything else, the screeching of the bus tires sounded, making you both turn to look at it.
"Sit next to me?" He asked, holding out his hand. "We could get to know each other more?"
"Are you sure? What about dating rumors and mistress scandals?" You joked, standing beside him.
What you heard next knocked the wind out of you.
"If it's with you, I'll be okay,"
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gemsofgreece · 10 months ago
P.O.P: A masterpost!
Given that this is a blog about Greece, I suppose it's only fair to discuss what is going on in Greece right now. We're in the mid of an interesting, maybe unusual (if not unprecedented) cultural phenomenon. And I am seeing that splinters from this explosion have even reached Tumblr.
The Album
The Songs
The artist that represented Greece in Eurovision this year, Marina Satti, is not exactly a newcomer. She's actually involved with the music and general artistic industry of the country pretty much in the last 15 - 18 years. However, it was only eight years ago when she decided to put her phobias and anxieties aside and claim a prominent role as a solo singer and performer of her own work. In those eight years, she had the tendency to appear suddenly, go viral with one song or one project, then disappear and repeat that cycle over and over. In 2022 she eventually released her first album YENNA (=birth), celebrated by fans and music critics, and from that point onwards she started building a more consistent career, more open to the exposure of the audience and the media alike.
In late 2023 she was announced as the representative of Greece in Eurovision. In March 2024 she released the song for the contest, Zari, which sort of shocked a large part of the population for many reasons that I do NOT ascribe to, half of which should be studied in Greek sociology. (The song has literally 0 shocking elements.) From that point onwards, an unbelievable war was unleashed against her, not only by people, but also by other celebrities and the media, all while she was trying to prepare for her Eurovision performance. Satti defended her song Zari but except for rare incidents, she mostly avoided commenting or answering back to the hate she was receiving. This mass assault persisted and continued even when she lost her father three weeks before she had to fly to Sweden for the contest.
Her days and rehearsals in Malmö, Sweden weren't exactly good either but I have analyzed what she went through in another post already. On top of everything else, in the press conference of the qualifiers for the final, she feigned disinterest towards the Israeli participation for the obvious political reasons, a move that doubled the hatred she was receiving from the Greek government, Greek national TV broadcaster, half the people and all the Israeli, Jewish people and Israel supporters who unleashed a well organized cancel campaign against her. Unlike what happened with the Belgian, the Dutch and the Irish participants, the Greek TV broadcaster did not support or protect Satti but instead forced her to revoke, in supposed fear of a diplomatic episode (for a yawn in a pop song contest, mind you).
Marina Satti and her song Zari for Greece got the eleventh place in the final, which caused confusion anew in the country, as the fans were not happy but still content with the result, while the haters wanted to blame her for missing the Top 10 but had a hard time proving themselves right for having predicted a disaster or a disqualification.
In any case, with her unconventional song and her very charismatic if a little loud persona in Eurovision, Satti managed to quickly build a small European fan community. A few days after the final, Zari started climbing the global charts (it's #16 in the Global Viral Chart as we speak, a first for a Greek lyric song).
Four days after the contest, Satti strategically released her second album, called P.O.P.
The album
P.O.P. has become single-handedly the talk of the town in Greece, in a way that I don't remember happening enough for other artists and certainly not for a woman. To be honest, I don't remember another famous woman doing what Marina did here. Part of the novelty of this album is that its main goal is not the music itself but rather expression and it is a manifesto of sorts. But the true novelty is HOW she did it. So let's analyze a bit the genius of P.O.P.:
I call it P.O.P here but the album's title is actually Π.Ο.Π in Greek. Apart from the obvious nod to the pop music genre, Π.Ο.Π. actually stands for P.D.O. (Protected designation of origin). This could be a jab at all those who hated her and questioned her ethnicity for having a Sudanese Arab father and being, ALAS!, only half-Greek, while in the meantime Marina in Sweden was vocally advocating for the support and promotion of the Greek language and Greek ethnic sounds in modern music. So, she's P.D.O., certified GreekTM and pop! This is one of the cleverest album titles I have seen.
Now, let's go to the equally clever cover of the album.
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What is only seemingly a rushed design looks like a draft in microsoft paint. It looks like the colour base was black which is erased with rushed white brushes, until the white prevails over the black, leaving only a few traces of the darker paint behind (remember, she's half-Greek half-Arab and she receives hate for this). On top of it all, there are several bold brushes of Greece's trademark blue. At the center of the cover we see the title, in the likes of an instant message. P.O.P aka P.D.O. and a Greek flag emoji next to it. Protected Greek origin. Below is her name in Latin characters, with her surname in capital letters, probably a tirbute to her late father. The time of the text message, next to her surname, I wonder whether it is random, but knowing Marina, I have this morbid feeling this time is not random at all. The message is circled with more blue paint and it suspiciouly looks like something is covered under the blue paint, next to the Greek flag. Below the text message, there is an emoji of a goat. This works in three possible ways: a) the goats are a classic image of the Greek countryside, especially Crete island where Marina comes from, b) it is used as the slang G.O.A.T, which is possible given the content of the songs and c) well, it could also serve as a self-deprecating joke idk!
The back of the cover features the names of the songs with a suitable emoji each. The time remains the same, next to the last song, which is the song she dedicated to her father.
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The songs
Tucutum is a song Marina had releashed as a single last year actually. The reception of this song was very interesting because before Eurovision it had almost as many dislikes as likes. You see, it was Marina's song that made Greeks remember they actually like quality music. An extremely hypocritical attitude since more young Greeks than I care to admit like trap music. And I am listening to it and I am pretty sure Marina's trap is rocket science compared to the average trap of the... uh... proper trappers. And yet the trappers get nowhere near as many dislikes. But there is an explanation even for this: Marina blends Greek, other Balkan and Romani cultural elements, she indirectly trashes the biggest political party of the 80s-90s (largely responsible for the financial crisis), she directly addresses her haters, "who do nothing but say, say, say" and states it's her time to be heard. In the music video, she is supposedly the guest singer in such a feast of mixed cultures where men drink and celebrate to a decadent degree. When Marina breaks her trapping to intersect with a beautiful melodic bridge which is the part she was practicing the most before she arrived, therefore what she truly cared to express, a short ballad expressing her dream to fly away free like a bird, only a little girl listens to her in hope, while all the men have dropped unconscious due to their decandence. In the end of the feast, women discard the unconscious men in trucks. So you see, there is cultural, political and gender commentary. Too much for a braindead type of Greek to deal with, so let's just pretend we suddenly hate trap.
As already stated, Zari was the Greek song for Eurovision. The lyrics is a blend of a regular love song, her exorcising her anxiety for the contest and multiple sly references to her older songs as a treat to her fans. She did once more something amazing - the song is sort of jarring and crazy because it combines many music genres. Instead of toning it down with the music video, she went all in and created an even crazier albeit ingenious video targeting foreign viewers. This time, Marina is a lowkey insane tour guide helping an unsuspecting typical "German tourist" (fun fact: the actor is actually an American retiree in Greece!) navigate and explore what seems to be an Athens-on-drugs. This once again made "proud"(?) Greeks protest that "this is not what Greece truly is", entirely missing the point that Marina didn't even have to do a travel promo in the first place. My humble opinion is that Greece is A LOT of things and when all of these are compressed in a presentation under 3 minutes with a touch of humour, it can totally give an on-drugs vibe. In truth, Marina didn't lie about anything she showed. She was proven right again, with most foreign people loving the video and her perception of Athens, including the winner of this year's public vote, Croatia's Baby Lasagna, who praised her for having the best music video this year. Objectively, she did.
Now we go to the new, post-Eurovision songs. This is a pure song for a feast, where the composition belongs to Marios Tsitsopoulos, an artist I don't know much about but the general vibes are bouzoukia, ethnic, folk, balkan, arabic, a bit of trap, world etc. It's an easy, cheerful song and Satti elevates it with her angelic voice. So far, so good. (NOTE: There is a lyric there, she says she is swimming in the Aegean Sea but calls for he love to take her out so she won't drown. This is not an unusual lyric trope in Greek but keep it in mind for later.)
This is a song that takes you aback with it's childlike, unreserved joyousness. It almost feels like a musical "talk to the hand while I go lalalala" to the haters. It is basically Greek island folk turned into pop and the lyrics are pure innocent happiness, perhaps also paying tribute to classic Greek movies of the 50s-60s. I don't know if Marina filmed the music video before or after the ageists went berserk against her (she's 37 and everyone acts like she's 87) but the music video for this song, intentionally or unintentionally, is the most epic fuck you to the ageists. Marina, all people in our 30s are with you!!! The music video has had more than 1 million views in under 48 hours, a huge success in our small country. She's going viral. Again.
5. EIMAI KALA!!!!!!!!
The party is officially over. Again, this album is more of an experience than purely music. In this track, which is under one minute, the album features a Greek life coach recommending some positive affirmations for happiness, love, career etc. In short, that is a jab for what Marina has to do to deal with all the changes in her life and also all the good and all the bad vibes she has received.
If everything else wasn't bold enough, here we are. Mixtape. The 10-minute descent into madness. Ultimately, this is what makes this album what it is more than anything else. A song that is resolutely not a song and yet everyone admits that they have been listening to it again and again, either trying to understand everything or dancing to it as if it is actually a song. The funniest comment I saw about it is someone saying: "my mom entered the room as I was listening to this and I switched it to porn because at this point it is easier to explain". XD This could serve as one of those youtube videos about "what schizophrenia feels like". There is no way Mixtape can be effectively translated into English. In short, it is her answer to all the hate (or some of it, for the full deal Mixtape should be one hour long) in a delirious way through a patch of sounds and songs. There is trap in there, a famous bouzoukia singer whose lyrics can incidentally be used as Marina's commentary for the haters, she warns and reminds of her first song TUCUTUM, saying "didn't I say back then I am ready to speak now", she says she managed to shut the haters up, there is direct address for the criticism for Zari, she's mocking the lyricist who claimed copyright violation for the lyric "ta ta ta ta" (for real), she features (surely to her ignorance) a song from the singer that called her song "cat vomit", she features other trappers making a commentary on the Balkan ways of a Greece that pretends to be West Europe, she mocks those who obsess over Bouzoukia but become music critics when it comes to her, she mentions Eurovision, I think she also makes some references to Ireland's and Malta's songs (not negative), she speaks of a man that I am not sure who is supposed to be, many more things that I haven't fully deciphered, then she has like a kid song praying to Virgin Mary for a miracle for all this madness to stop before (tw) she loses her mind and falls from a cliff, then some more stuff, then suddenly a catholic Hallelujah is heard (implying the miracle has happened) and then she returns to the kid song but her voice sounds more mature than before and she goes like: "Sike I lied to you, thanks to Virgin Mary I don't care anymore, I am off to my vacation, I don't give a fuck and BYE". I don't think this has happened before by a Greek artist, especially in such a way. And I am so delighted that it is a woman who did this. This has attracted so much interest and curiosity around her, her personality. She is THE talk right now. Hats off, honestly. We wish non-Greek speakers could really fathom what is going on here but after all, she made this for us only... and it is...an experience.
In another 180 degree turn, this is a very emotional ballad for the loss of her father. She ends this frankly lunatic album by allowing access to her psyche, the suffering she went through all this time and never let it show. The title means "Oh, sea", where she implores the sea to take her down and drown her (notice the contrast with the lyrics in STIN IYIA MAS, that I mentioned). The ballad is sweetly haunting, Marina sounds truly like a siren mourning. But even here we get a taste of the ever surprising gem Satti is. The last part of the song is instrumental and as the music reaches its climax, the song ends straight away, right before the highest note in a morbid metaphor that almost scares you to death. Because that's how death is, especially of a loved one. Always unexpected. (This is the only song of hers so far that her haters have steered clear from and I think this says something.)
So, this is what Greece is basically dealing with now, crazy as it is. We are losing our mind over an artist who is not new, but only recently decided to start revealing all her cards. Furthermore, Satti is about to become known globally or at least beyond Greece's borders. If eventually she doesn't, that will be because she decided against it or she miscalculated greatly. But right now, the stars are on her side and we only need to see what happens next.
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hadesisqueer · 1 year ago
The way I know that if she's nominated again against literally anyone Chiara is the one leaving because people hate her for some reason and I don't even care anymore because I've already kinda lived through this before and I know how it's gonna end.
See, I was a fan of Natalia Lacunza and Alba Reche back in OT2018 (those two and Julia Medina were my faves). Back in the day, they shared a fandom, similar to how Chiara and Violeta share their fandom now too; actually, it's the basically the same one (Violeta was part of that same fandom once too lmao I wonder how she feels now that she's the protagonist), it's the same fans. And I remember that people started hating on them as well. The thing is that, if I recall-- neither Alba or Natalia were ever nominated. They were among the best and worked their asses off more than anyone else, and they basically impossible to nominate-- and if they weren't nominated then they couldn't be kicked out, which made some people even more pissed off (lmao). Both became finalists without much trouble. What happened then is that there was vote division (again, shared fandom, this is what's gonna happen to Juanjo and Martin fans too if they both get to the finals, just wait). And that people who disliked them decided to join forces to make Famous the winner, so Alba ended up in second place and Natalia ended up in third place (I will never forget Alba's face when Natalia ended up in third place; she, just like me, thought she was gonna be the winner lmao she deserved it the most).
Now, I liked Famous, he had a great voice and I thought he definitely deserved to be a finalist from the moment I heard him sing for the first time. But he also passed by the contest being-- ignored, practically. And after winning, people basically ignored him again. Barely anyone went to his album signature events, for example. Nowadays, the guy still works in musicals and is fine and all, but when we talk about being relevant, he didn't really become relevant: Natalia and Alba are the ones who are remembered the most from that edition and the ones who still make the most numbers. And this is what's gonna happen with Chiara and Violeta: some people hate them and insult them, but then Violeta gets out and-- she is treated like a winner, fans go see her everywhere and she literally spends six hours signing autographs on her second day out, along with being followed and loved by some of the most relevant influencers or singers of the country (including Natalia herself, and Julia Medina, and most of the 2018 edition, along with Chenoa who is one of the most iconic people from this contest—OT1 everyone—saying she sees a lot of herself in her and that she knows she'll have a great career). And Chiara's more of the same, she is also very loved already by many people just like Violeta is, no matter how many unjustified hate she gets lmao. She and Violeta are the only ones who've already got over 200k followers on Instagram (230k for Violeta and 225k for Chiara I think??) and they are among the ones with most listeners on Spotify. So, yeah, keep hating on Chiara all you want and saying you'd all vote this random contestant over her because you don't like her; everyone in the industry likes her, is one of the only ones with a proper fanbase, she has thrice as many followers as that does, and his most listened song is the one he sang with Chiara-- which is also Chiara's least listened one. I'm sure she'll be fine. Lmao.
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justanotherstory · 2 years ago
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Baazigar: The End !!
Before starting up with this blog, let me give you guys a quick recap of the previous blog.
So the last blog was about how  brutally lost in a declamation competition. If you haven't read it already, then please go through it once for some context of this blog.
Okay so, if you're born in India and have grown up watching Bollywood movies, then there's a 95%chance that you wish to be a popular Bollywood actor atleast once and I guess it's pretty evident from my blogs that I am a huge admirer of Bollywood and Hindi cinema. I do have that wish to become an actor and working in a movie with my favourite actor as my co-star and want my favourite singer to sing the movie's title track, but these are all mere wishes that aren't gonna happen irl .
Since I was in 5th grade or something , every year there was this ‘‘roleplay’’ activity and I was so fond of writing about my own stories and characters that I always ended up directing the play with the role of the story's narrator. Yeah, I never got to act in my own play (except this one time when I wrote a story on robots and no one in my group wanted to be a robot).
Anyways back to the story, last  academic session there was an English skit competition for both 9th and 10th graders, but apparently, 10th graders weren't auditioned because of their 'upcoming exams' . But no one really cared about 10th graders working at the backend, so when I got to know about the play, I wanted to be a part of it somehow, so about a week before the competition, my 'wish' got fulfilled and I was assigned the task of preparing the ppt for our skit.  I prepared a short ppt based on all the briefs I had (which was almost nothing ).
I remember there was a day off before the competition. (Let the competition be on Monday and the story continues from Saturday), I went to help the props team and then went on with the skit members to see the timings and everything associated with running the new ppt (the ppt I made didn't look that appealing to the teacher but fun fact that she ended up using my original ppt for the competition).
There I saw one of my juniors talking to the teacher so I went there and I got to know that one of the main leads of our play had quit the show at the very last moment!! So she(my junior) was there to give the audition. She spoke some lines from our play, which was an adaptation of the very famous play by Shakespeare, “The Tragedy of Julius Caesar ”, but the teacher didn't quite like her audition and asked her to do it one more time, so I tried to help her by demonstrating her how to say those lines and dunno why my teacher suddenly went like , “Haan, aap accha bool rhe ho, Anushka why don't you only do it!?” and I was like blank for a second and then she went on again but I tried to refuse coz of the stage phobia after the declamation and the other reason was that my parents won't allow me for any others activity now coz “ BoArD eXaMsS” then other play members, my senior and another teacher went on convincing me and I couldn't refuse them all so I agreed but I didn't know that I have to stay back in school till 4pm for practice!!!!
When my teacher told me this, the only thing in my head was “Gayii aaj toh..." Coz who will convince my dad now!! I went to this teacher who is pretty close to me and we don't share that formal teacher -student relationship and told her my story she knew my parents too and when I asked her to inform my parents coz I didn't have the guts to do so..even she was like “Yeh mere baski nahi bhaiya(my dad) tughe bhi daatenge aur mughe bhi!”(haan, mere papa ke gusse se school wale bhi darte hai!!) But someone had to inform so she ringed my parents and was lucky enough, as my mom picked the phone instead of my dad.
I prepared for the competition somehow and initially I was given only 3-4 lines, coz that's how much you can trust a newbie at the last moment, but then during the stay back there was a student whose role was given to me and he was given the role of the main lead, who left the play as he knew more about the storyline and all. He almost cried on stage and asked the teacher to exchange the roles again coz he wasn't sure about that new role and was more comfortable doing his previous role, so she looked at me and was like, “Anushka batao ab , aap krloge iska role? ” at that moment I felt like everyone's staring itno my soul and if I refuse at this point then they'll kill me and the title would become “The Tragedy of Anushka Garg ” so I agreed again .
I was  doing the role of Mark Antony now and if you know the play, then you might know that there's this huge monologue kinda dialogue that Mark Antony speaks after the death of his idol, Julius Caesar.
Once again, I was in a situation where I was not prepared at the last moment. The thought of the Declamation incident haunted me and I repeatedly practiced my monologue. Even on the day of the competition, I would ask all the members of my team to hear my monologue separately and look at my expressions and everything. I even arranged for some fake tears , fake blood to make the scene more realistic.
The competition day was very chaotic. We were the first ones to go on the stage and as soon as we started, we got to know that no one did the technical check at the auditorium, so all the audio attached to the ppt as background sound, which was the main attraction of our didn't  play and even the ppt got stuck multiple times , my roman headband got tangled up with the mic wire and I was literally pushed onto stage and couldn't even untangle or get the fake blood ready I started up my dialogue and then the play ended . All of us, as soon as we got off the stage, knew the results. The results were announced and out of the four teams, we came last (as expected) and we had even hoped for the first or second position tbh the only rank we hoped for was the third rank, i.e. we wished to come second last!
But that day, I didn't feel that bad after losing because we already knew that we weren't the best and I was happy that no one got stuck with their dialogues, and we completed the play although it was not as we expected due to the technical issues, but each one of us gave their best performance and no one could even really control the technical aspects.
That day taught me that one must win from one's own self and must not really bother about what others think about us, as they don't know what they have been going through.
Summing up my competition experiences through a poster :-
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Hope you enjoyed reading this blog. This was 'Just Another Story'.
This is me,
Signing Off!!! <<33
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blueflipflops · 9 months ago
Love that. Thank you. I enjoy our talks so much!
Oh thank god I can say it. The thunder saga low key disappointed me. A lot of things were going on that was vital to our boy's character. The siren song wasn't even about mainly Penelope but his want to know. His thirst for knowledge. The hades saga was missing Agamemnon (that bastard. I finally started reading illiad and i finally understood why people hate him) which, in a storytelling standpoint, was a very vital keypoint in the story, along with Anticlea which emphasizes and urges Odysseus to get off his ass and get back home or else.
Or else something bad will happen. Them emphasis on a ticking clock, a hard deadline. The amazing and deliscious foreshadowing in homer's narration is so good.
I might not know much about the odyssey and greek myths but i DO know about contemporary and emergent literature and adaptations. The thing is, that every adaptation is different and will always ALWAYS mess with the original story in the name of "Creative Liberties". Every bard tells the story differently. It was done often enough even in the past as we have discussed last time with Aeneas and the seperate plays that influenced the public's POV on Odysseus. Those are adaptations with Creative Liberties. The famous Wooden Horse thing wasn't even expanded on (if I remember correctly) if it weren't because of a seperate play adaptation cuz that was easier than making up an original story when they could have had a play with characters people ALREADY liked and cared about. (Also why sequel, trilogies, franchises and even remakes WORK. Because we already know of this character we gotta at least check it out right?)
From the Cyclops Saga on foward, the main point of the storytelling aspect is focuses on the morality trope that goes apparently hard for the modern audience. Which. Is. The. Point. for Adaptations. To adapt the stories for the modern palate. The modern majority of monogamous and 'high' moral upholding audience is not gonna care as much about a character that is not beholden to the apparent moralities we have. And we just LOVE characters that are "just like us"! Thats why there are people out there calling random characters "problematic" when it its actually just thematic storytelling.
This is also why, when I got into epic the musical, I immediately read thru the Odyssey before the Thunder saga is released BECAUSE I knew it was gonna be different as an adaptation and if theres something I like doing most, it's analyzing and comparing adaptation vs original. ESPECIALLY if it's using a different media from the original. (ex. Book to movie, novel to comics, etc etc.) So after reading thru it, I suddenly became uhhh kinda disappointed in the storytelling aspect of the musical. Although in the musical aspect it is very impressive. Nice beat. Catchy. Orchestra is on point. Singers are very talented. Its hard to use music as a medium for story telling although now that I typed it i remembered that the odyssey was originally supposed to be sung so...huh.
Kinda disappointed that they never explained WHY exactly Poseidon is beefing with our boy Odysseus and the very funny and cleverness of the 'Nobody— Odysseus, son of Laertes, King of Ithica' when it is EXACTLY when and why our boy's extended voyage became from "Unfortunate Events Yeah We Can Deal With This" TO "Series of Unfortunate Events WITH Divine Intervention (the bad kind)" and how he's fated to go home at some point but not without suffering and losing every man that he brought to war and only coming back on a foriegn ship. Which I think is very vital in the storytelling standpoint.
The thing that FLOORED me was the existence on Polites like where tf did you come from lil dude? Which is in the storytelling aspect, supposed to a thematic foil and symbolism of when all things gone to shit. But, reading thru the Odyssey, why would they need that when the story already had Agamemnon? Anticlea? Polyphemus? Why would Zeus be against him personally when in the story he is somehow someway 'on his side'? With the eagles and the law of xenia and such and such.
But I'm still ultimately game for creative liberties. I love seeing how people make the story their own. That is why we love telling the same story over and over and over. Give a little twist. A hey what if's. A little personality. Outside POV stories. Humans just love telling stories and i love hearing them even if i have to wince a bit at some points. Which part of the musical disappointed you the most?
Zeus: I am gonna appear personally to you because why not and now choose my dear fellow! Yes I know I didn't give you a REAL choice years prior but now I am being clear this time so you choose them or your sorry ass?
Odysseus: Please don't make me do this! (Because the same thing worked wonders before!)
Zeus: Nope I think I will!
Odysseus: I'm sorry guys my wife waits
Them: Wtf?!
Odysseus: Sorry guys you must now join the other souls we so dramatically saw a few songs ago in the underworld. Bye!
The Odyssey:
Zeus: *never appears personally but he works as divine retribution against Odysseus comrades because Helios Hyperion wishes justice for his slain animals*
Odysseus: Makes one last attempt to save his men by sailing out of the island and actually TRYING to go home with them despite the fact he knows they are doomed from Tiresias's words and from Circe's warnings because he ACTUALLY CARES and he doesn't want to suffer the sea by himself and he wishes once more to try the inevitable and change fate even though he knows is impossible in a way adding more to the hubris thinking he can challenge fate.
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ausetkmt · 2 years ago
and if you want to sing along -
"Ghost Town"
This town, is coming like a ghost town All the clubs have been closed down This place, is coming like a ghost town Bands won't play no more Too much fighting on the dance floor Do you remember the good old days before the ghost town? We danced and sang, and the music played in a de boomtown This town, is coming like a ghost town Why must the youth fight against themselves? Government leaving the youth on the shelf This place, is coming like a ghost town No job to be found in this country Can't go on no more The people getting angry This town, is coming like a ghost town This town, is coming like a ghost town This town, is coming like a ghost town This town, is coming like a ghost town This town, is coming like a ghost town This town, is coming like a ghost town This town, is coming like a ghost town This town, is coming like a ghost town
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Riots have broken out around Britain.
Charles and Diana are about to marry.
And backstage at Top of The Pops, The Specials are falling apart.
In a few minutes they will perform their latest hit Ghost Town, which over the years, would come to be regarded as one of the greatest British singles of all time. It was a track which bottled the discord, racial tensions and societal breakdown happening in the UK that summer.
There had already been riots in Brixton that April, over the increased use of a new stop-and-search policy, the so-called sus law, which was named Operation Swamp. Police were said to have mounted a campaign of harassment against the black community in south London.
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Brixton was the centre of clashes between members of the public and the police
Terry Hall is telling the band that he too has had enough. Worn down by touring, band infighting and struggling to deal with success, he wants out. It is too difficult to be singing about disharmony, while surrounded by it, both inside and outside The Specials.
"We knew it was going to end as we were recording it (Ghost Town)," Terry Hall told Front Row in 2019.
"It was bizarre. It took about eight months to record. I don't think there were more than two of us in the studio at any point. Those weren't good signs really. It finished up with me in a living room in Tottenham singing Ghost Town. It was all over the place. But it was a great way to bow out."
The song was written by the band's founding member Jerry Dammers, but it is also the track with which lead singer Terry Hall is most closely identified. Every TV and radio report about his death has centred on Ghost Town.
The single was simply one of the most timely releases in music history.
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Terry Hall performing in Amsterdam earlier this year
"Talk about zeitgeist. That one song suddenly captured so much," remembered Specials fan and Bend It Like Beckham director Gurinder Chada in the 2021 BBC Documentary 2 Tone: The Sound of Coventry.
"If there is one song Margaret Thatcher wishes never got released, it's probably Ghost Town," she added.
On 7 July 1981, Radio One announced that Ghost Town had replaced Michael Jackson's One Day In Your Life at the top of the charts.
That same day, newspaper front pages were full of reports about the first ever use of CS gas grenades by the police on mainland Britain, as they struggled to contain the Toxteth Riots. These were sparked by tensions between police and the local community in Liverpool.
By the end of the week more than 20 towns and cities including London, Nottingham, Wolverhampton, Leeds and Luton had riots of their own. The Specials were providing the soundtrack.
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Amy Winehouse and Terry Hall both attended the Q Awards in 2009
In 2 Tone: The Sound of Coventry, Dammers explained how the creation of the song started with him sitting at his home organ, trying different diminished chords and working out how wailing could substitute a chorus.
"I think I wrote the music first. I was working on that for ages. The lyrics I wrote on tour just seeing what was going down around the country. It was about the recession and three million people on the dole. It's about the police harassment and unemployment. It was like a perfect storm really."
For years there has been debate over whether or not Ghost Town is specifically about their hometown of Coventry. The decline of the car industry had turned a thriving post-war economy into a concrete jungle.
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Shakin' Stevens' Green Door shot up the UK singles chart
Neville Staple from The Specials has stated he believes the song should be taken more generally: "In Coventry and all over England it painted the same picture. This town is coming like a ghost town."
Terry Hall's own understanding of Ghost Town changed over the last 40 years. In 1981, when speaking to the New York Times, he insisted: "We were talking about riots in Bristol and Brixton. The fact that it became popular when it did was just a weird coincidence."
But speaking on BBC Radio Five Live in 2019, he told Nihal Arthanayake: "We made a record about how we saw the north of Britain. People think it was about Coventry. It wasn't. It was about Glasgow and Liverpool and Newcastle. It was about the north."
Ghost Town has certainly had an after-life.
When Amy Winehouse joined The Specials on stage at the V Festival in 2009, it was Ghost Town that she wanted to sing.
In Father Ted, when the priests organised a disco and the DJ, Father "Spin Master" O'Dwyer only has one record that everyone has to dance to all night, the 7 inch on repeat is Ghost Town.
West End Girls
On Desert Island Discs, it's a recent favourite, having been picked four times in the last three years: by the charity worker Claire Horton, the Director of Tate Maria Balshaw, the foreign affairs specialist Fiona Hill and the actor Rupert Everett, who called it "one of the great songs of the era".
And in 2020, The Guardian named it the second best number one single in the UK of all time, behind West End Girls by Pet Shop Boys, a song released four year later and not entirely dissimilar with the sense of urban decay which it creates.
Ghost Town is now considered to be an all-time classic, but its reign over the summer of 1981 came to an ignominious end. The day before 28 million people watched the wedding of the future King to Lady Diana Spencer, The Specials were dethroned.
The lunchtime unveiling of the charts revealed that rising 22 places to number one was none other than Shakin' Stevens with Green Door.
The band's era as chart-dominating stars had well and truly been slammed shut by Shaky. Within months, Hall had formed Fun Boy Three and The Specials in their original incarnation were over.
More than 40 years on Ghost Town stands as their defining work - the perfect coming together of pop and politics at exactly the right moment in history. It was that rarest of things, a song dealing with subjects found in The Economist while the band were on the cover of Smash Hits. Special indeed.
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mintelepathy · 4 years ago
"From now on, you won't be alone anymore"
idol!jungkook x reader/oc
word count: +2.0k
genre: fluff¿
warnings: swear words¿
summary: jungkook can't stop thinking about the girl he met at a convenience store in the middle of the night and he can't help but return to see her again.
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Jungkook can't sleep today, he's been sitting on the floor of his living room for almost three hours now, a piece of paper placed on his coffee table and a pen in his right hand.
Writing lyrics was easy when he felt inspired, but today it wasn't the case, he really wanted to make some progress with his mixtape but it seems that it wasn't the right time now.
He gave up. He knew that his attempts to write some lyrics were in vain for the moment, he needed to do something else, maybe something that could inspire him.
He often goes for a walk at night around his neighborhood, the later it is the better for him, it's the only time of the day where he doesn't feel like being spied, he understands what fame brings but sometimes people really step out of the line, and he wasn't happy with that, let's not misunderstand, he loves when fans approached him respectfully and talked to him, he just doesn't like when people follow him around with bad intentions.
He didn't even waste his time changing his clothes, he grabbed a coat because it was chilly outside and headed to the streets.
The night was quite peaceful, mostly because it was 3 in the morning, but it was a different kind of peace, and he enjoyed it. Trees filled the area where he lived creating a gentle wind, feeling the night breeze was something he loved, he stopped walking for a moment and took a big breath with his eyes closed. The air felt clean compared to other days.
When he opened his eyes the first thing he spotted was a convenience store crossing the street. He usually doesn't have any late snack, even more now that he is on a diet, but today he'll make an exception.
He made his way to the store with no rush and opened the door, it was his first time there, it wasn't like he didn't visit convenience stores often but that he had never seen that place before the times he went for a walk.
He greeted the girl who was working there and headed straight to the shelves looking for kombucha tea and ramen, he had the intention of eating the ramen there since those kind of stores had microwaves, so people were able to prepare their instant food and eat it right away.
But there was a problem, the kombucha tea was nowhere to be found.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the counter, you found yourself watching the boy who just entered the store looking around the shelves for something unsuccessfully, you decided to make your way towards him to see if he needed any help.
"Excuse me, do you need help with anything?" The boy was wearing a big black bucket hat and a black face mask so it was quite difficult to see how his face looked.
"Uhm yeah, do you sell kombucha tea?" It was crazy how kombucha tea was being sold lately.
"Yes we do, but it's sold out at the moment, I heard somewhere that a singer recommend it and people got really interested and bought it until stores ran out of it" a giggle escaped his lips.
"I think I know who you are talking about" he took off his bucket hat to fix his hair, and put it back quickly. You could see his eyes for a split second and you felt like you have seen those eyes before, they were so big and pretty, like bambi eyes.
"Oh really, who is this famous singer then?" You knew you have read or heard about this guy but you couldn't remember his name.
"Jungkook" there it was when you realized.
"You are Jungkook" he just nodded. "I knew you seemed familiar" you confessed. "Anyway, is there anything else I can help you with?" You asked politely.
"Can I use the microwave?" He was the first person who asked you if they could use the microwave, people often just used it without asking.
"Yeah, of course" you made your way to the counter again and sat in your chair.
You couldn't help but watched him as he prepared the ramen, working there, and at night, was boring as hell so you never missed the opportunity to talk to customers when you had the chance, but you weren't quite sure if you should go and try to have a conversation with him. You didn't want him to think that you were approaching him just because he was famous.
Seeing him preparing ramen made you feel hungry, you also wanted to eat some so you didn't think twice and went to grab a cup of ramen.
He was sited just right besides the microwave so it was impossible to ignore his presence. You saw that he forgot to grab chopsticks so you picked two pairs from a shelve.
"Here" you said as you handed him the chopsticks.
"Thank you" he gently grabbed them, he had taken his bucket hat off so you were able to see him more properly now. "I see you are hungry" he said and you smiled.
"Yeah, I've been staring all night at those cups of ramen and I couldn't hold myself when I saw you preparing it" you said calmly trying to make him feel comfortable around you.
"Should we eat together then?" His question took you by surprise, he was being so sweet considering you were a completely stranger to him.
"I don't think I'm allowed to do this, but yes" you sat on the only chair left, which was besides him, and waited until your ramen was done.
"Would you get in trouble for eating with me?" He sounded concerned.
"Just if my boss finds out, but he is never around and almost no one buys things at this hour, so I don't think he'll know" fuck your boss, you didn't really like him, he was really rude to everyone.
"Well, in case your boss finds out, I can come and tell him that it was all my fault" it was the second time he made you smile.
You were ready to get up when you heard the microwave was done getting the ramen cooked, but Jungkook got up faster and brought it for you.
"Thank you" you said as he sat again, you both opened the chopsticks and started eating, even though he could start eating his ramen sooner he waited until yours was ready.
He obviously wasn't wearing his face mask anymore so you could see his features clearly. He was stunning. "What brought you here so late?" You asked him to start a conversation.
"I was trying to write some lyrics on my apartment but it didn't turn out how I wanted, I also couldn't sleep so I decided to take some fresh air, then when I was walking I saw this store and well, now I'm here" he took another bite of ramen. "Do you work here all night?" He asked you.
"Yeah, until 6am, it's kinda scary going back home alone after work because I have to walk and it's still dark outside when I leave, but anyways i'm here just during the weekend tought, I'm studying at collage so actually this is a part time job for me, I don't spend too much time in here" you could noticed he was really paying attention to you, he stopped eating everytime you talked.
"Can I know what are you studying?" You didn't know if he was really interested or if he was just being nice, but you were so happy now that you could spend some time talking with someone.
"I want to major in audio visuals, my parents weren't happy when I told them what I was going to study, they wanted me to be a lawyer or a doctor, but I didn't listen to them, is that a bad thing?" You asked him, you barely knew him and you were already asking him for advice, considering you didn't have close friends maybe you really needed a therapist to talk this things after all.
"I think you did the right thing, it's your life, you should do things that makes you happy" he made emphasis in the you part. "And you will learn from the decisions you make, not from other's" wise words.
"What about you? Are you happy with the life you have right now?" Both of you had already finished eating, so you were ready to listen to him closely.
"I am, I'm not happy everyday but I'm happy with my life so I can't complain, I just sometimes wish I could do things that are normal for most of the people" you completely understood his point, and you felt sad for him, everyone deserved that kind of freedom and you can see he couldn't have it.
"You know, when I saw you preparing the ramen I really wanted to talk to you because that's what I do with most of the people who comes here, but I was afraid you might think I only approached you because you were famous or something like that. So I just want you to know that even though I know your name or your face, it doesn't mean I know who you are, and for me you are just like everyone else, I won't treat you any different just because you are famous, I won't go and tell everyone that you were here or anything like that, I also know I can't take you to do all the things you'd like to do, but one thing I can offer you is an honest friendship, I bet Jungkook from bts is great, but if I'm honest I don't really care about him, I care about the real you and I'd love to get to know you more, I met you just a moment ago but I can see you are a really good person" everything you said was the truth, and he had to know that there was someone out there who cared about him. That's how you were, you cared about others.
"It's the first time someone tells me something like that, I really appreciate it" you would love to say that his words surprise you but they don't, and that's sad.
"I think I should go back to work right now" he nodded. "Oh and you don't have to pay, I invite" and with that you went back to the counter.
He stayed on the chair for a few more seconds doing something but you didn't know what because you could only see his back from there.
He got up later and made his way to the door. "Thank you for make me some company, see you soon" you didn't have time to say goodbye to him because he had already left. Have you done something wrong? You asked yourself.
Time passed and it was time to go back home, your coworker came in time so by 6am you were already out of the store, you didn't start walking though, you couldn't believe who was in front of you.
"Jungkook? What are you doing here?" Was he waiting for you?
"You said it was scary going back home alone, so from now on, you won't be alone anymore" it seems that you actually didn't do anything wrong after all. "I left a note on the table we shared" oh shit, you didn't see it.
"I didn't see it, sorry" you were about to go and look for it but he stopped you.
"It's okay, don't worry. It just said that I'd love to have you as a friend, and since you invite the ramen I hope you can accept my invitation to drink something some day" he seemed shy now, maybe that's why he didn't tell you this in person.
"Yeah, we can definitely go to drink something together, and as friends now" you smiled at him as he bite his lip cutely.
"Should I take you home now? You must be tired"
Yes you definitely were.
"Let's go" you said as you both started to walk next and close to each other.
There was no way you would forget this night.
I hope you enjoyed reading this one
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rosesinmars · 5 years ago
___ this one is with Dominic and it is an au! Dom is not famous in this one, at least not famous as a singer, but he still is known as YUNGBLUD anyway. Dom is a out law in the eyes of the society. This imagine is related to the Tongue Tied video clip, but I took some ideas (and the pictures below) from hope for the underrated youth, not only the song but the video as well. hope u enjoy! ___
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The present year was 2022. And it was all so different.
I would be making an understatement saying that it has been a bad year. It's more like it's been a bad start of a decade.
I can still remember those golden times before the clock turned midnight and the year turned to 2020. The new year's festivities were sabotaged by young people, who interrupted the countdown to speak their minds. All around the world, groups with teenagers and young adults got together to manifest themselves trying to improve a better world. A world that one day would be ruled by them. And even though that they all knew that the politicians and major part of the society itself didn't wanted to hear what they had to say, it would never cross their minds that the SILENCERS project would burst that night, or ever.
That night, the Elders reunited themselves and voted about the Silencers project, due to the the youth riots. The Elders were the leaders of the most powerful countries. The major part, incapable to control the young part of their population, voted in favour of the project and the ones that didn't, end up being beheaded.
And with that, the militarized police force called 'Silencers' marched under the distressed orders of the Elders, rounding up and muting all who crossed their path.
It was a real-life nightmare. Yes I was there, and I got caught. But no one ever got to know about that. Because, at the end of the day, I was the only child of two of the Elders, and what would the other Elders think if I was caught in the middle of the Anarchists?
Anyway, I never thought I would be caught up with the Anarchists. As daughter of Elders, I was taught that anything that they said were facts that shouldn't ever be contested. That was until I met him.
I can still remember his shining green eyes looking at me, so desperate as the Silencers wrapped their nasty hands around me, stopping me from running away with him. The Silencers would never tape my mouth like they did with all the other Anarchists that they caught, due to the direct order of my parents, but God knows what they would do to me. The militarized police force hated the Anarchists. They were raised and trained like that. Completely brain washed.
Before I could be taken away by them, I looked at Dominic once again, our final goodbye. His eyes were stuck in me. I could see the last trace of rebellion in the green of his eyes, right after he turned away from the other Anarchists that were running away, trying to save themselves, as he started to run toward me. I shout as much as I could for him to run away, to save himself, but he would never listen to it. Would that be the last act of defiance of the great YUNGBLUD? The well-known out-law, the second of the leader of the Anarchists. Would he give it all away just for a ride or die type of love?
"I don't want anything to happen to you tonight, I couldn't live with that." he said to me in the afternoon before the new year's night, staring deeply into my eyes, both of his hands cupping my face.
"It will not happen a thing to me, but I will be there by your side. I always will, 'til the end of the line. Ride or die, remember?" I reassured him.
"Ride or die." he assured.
And this time, it probably would be die, and ride nevermore. But never separate. Together until the end of the line, just like we promised. And that was the last time I saw him.
It was never revealed what happened to the Anarchists that were caught that night. Everyone thought they were dead. The Anarchists refused, as always, to lost their hopes. The locked ups couldn't be dead. They just couldn't.
Since the night of the riots, my parents restricted my routines as must as they could. Always keeping me under their sight. But I needed a way out, or at least a way to get in contact with the Anarchists. It wasn't easy at first, but I end up coming up with an idea. And that was the day that I introduced my new boyfriend to my parents.
Every rebellious group needed an insider, and who could be a better insider than their own leader.
Mello was a exemplary citizen in everybody's eyes. The Elders loved him, because he always defended their beliefs. And that was his perfect coverage. No one, I say, not a single soul, not even in their wildest dreams, would ever think about Mello as the leader of the Anarchists. But that's where they all were completely wrong. And now, having a free passport for the house of two of the Elders? That was the greatest made he ever achieved. And all thanks to me.
(___it's Mello because of Marshmello. Mello would be his real name in this imagine. And yes I do know that his real name actually is Christopher)
Mello and I weren't actually together, it was just part of the plan to get him into my house and for me to be all in about the plans of the Anarchists. Mello and my Dominic were best friends, and so, Mello wanted as much as me to set our boy free, this if he was still alive.
Dominic was strong-minded, the type of boy that would never give up, he would fight until his last breath, and Mello and I were really hoping that he wouldn't had have his last breath yet.
As time went by, Mello and my parents got closer than ever, and that was perfect.  As Mello tried to manifest all the same intentions and ideals than my parents, they would look at him as if he was the promising future. And then the day came.
The Elders that were my creators finally invited Mello to a politician meeting. They were interested in include Mello in the Elders, but my brain screamed that it could all just be a trap. But my parents did loved Mello, so it would be all okay, right? My brain couldn't just stop overthink, and I could only wish that Dominic was here with me, no one knew how to keep me calm has he did. But we were doing this for him, to save him, and the others. Maybe this one final push of unity could be the hope we all need.
So, the day which Mello would finally meet the other Elders had arrived, and that was the day when the Anarchists would stike again. With my parents out of home with Mello, I had no problem with escaping home and join the other Anarchists. I would be leading the riot this time.
"Dominic would be proud of you." Mello said to me.
"He will be. He will be." I assured.
Mello also explained me that he and my parents would enter by the back of the precinct owned by the Elders, so he could become already slightly acquainted with the space, and so, their first stop would probably be were the locked up Anarchists would be.
As planned, we all were ready. We were as much hidden as we could, and we would strike when Mello showed up with my parents. We will have the gates open for them, and we will take that chance to enter. Mello will joined us as soon as we got in. I was holding his Marshmello helmet in my hand, the one he always used to not get recognised.
The time finally came up, and everyone around me tensed up knowing that was either the beginning of a new era, or the end of the free minds.
We ran inside as soon as the three of them entered. I ran to my parents handcuffing my mother and father, the other Anarchists covering me with their guns. I lead my way to Mello, making a small reverence, playing with him, before handing him the helmet. My parents eyes were full on rage, I pointed them my guns:
- The locked up Anarchists, now.
- You wouldn't have the guts. We are your parents. — my father said, and I instantly shot one of his feet.
- I do have the guts. And you may be my blood, but you're not my family. — I looked at Mello and the others and they smiled at me. — Now, lead the way. - I demanded, knocking the guns in their heads.
Soon we were in front of the filthy cells where they kept our people locked up. Me and Mello were leading the way now, shooting the locks and freeing everybody and smiling while seeing everyone meeting again with their loved ones. But I didn't yet. Dominic needed to be here. He has to. For me.
I shouted his name every time I unlocked a cell, but I didn’t got a thing until now, this 'till someone grabbed my arm as I was walking by one of the cells. It was a young girl, a ten years old maybe. My eyes were apologetic before I ripped the metal tape muting the child's mouth, she didn't even screamed. She was so strong already.
- I'm so sorry, everything will be fine now. — I said to the girl in front of me, holding her hand.
- He's here. The boy you're looking for. — the little girl said and my eyes instantly widened.
- Please... — I pleaded.
She dragged me into the cell and there was him. His mouth gruesomely shut, but still sitting on the ground helping a young boy with some bruises.
- Dominic... — I whispering, not believing in my own eyes. — Dom...
And his green eyes met with mine, and it was like everything had stopped around us.
I shivered and ran to him, falling into my knees next to him, and throwing myself into his harms.
- I'm so so so sorry, I'm so sorry it took me so long, please forgive me. — I started to cry, and as carefully as I could, I also removed the metal tape from his mouth. — I missed you so much.
- There's wasn't a day I didn't believed that you would come for us, I could never doubt you. — he said, his voice failing for the long time he had been muted. — I love you so much.
- I love you, Dom. — I answered back, while he dried my tears.
I hugged him again, fearing that I could hurt him with a kiss, but soon enough he carefully connected our lips together, and it made it seems like the earth finally got back on its tracks. Everything was falling in place, and I finally had my life back, and I could see it in the green of my lover's eyes.
The Anarchists got their voices back, the Elders were defeated, the Silencers would now fall, and the people were now free to speak their minds and to enjoy their free will.
And this, all thanks to that underrated group of out-laws, with only clarity engulfed inside their eyes, untactful tongues and insightful minds. They now lie here, been torn apart a couple thousand times. But through the fires they arisen unharmed, untouched, unused. Screaming nothing but anthems for this UNDERRATED YOUTH.
the end.
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more-than-a-princess · 2 years ago
Sonia was captivated. For so much of her life, it was others who told her that her upbringing was fascinating: growing up in a beautiful, historic castle, with all sorts of elegant toys and dresses and lessons to become a proper princess. That she grew up never in want of anything, or at least anything that mattered in the world: a safe place to sleep, to eat, to learn. That she never had to question if her family could afford this or she would be spared from that. Most of the time, despite her bright smile, Sonia hardly knew what to say: at least, beyond anything other than the general script she was supposed to follow. One of empathy and compassion, of humble gratitude and a promise to make a difference in the world.
It wasn't that she didn't believe in those things. But when confronted with a past like Eira's, so well-traveled with so many stories of so many places and people she likely met, Sonia couldn't help but feel like her own golden childhood had been lacking. Not that it was something she could remedy for herself, the past was in the past, but Eira's explanation of her upbringing did feel like something out of the dreams she'd had, tucked away in the wing of Novoselic Castle dedicated to the crown princess. "That is truly inspiring, Eira-san," Sonia told her honestly, a wistful smile on her face. "You traveled all over as a child, from Europe to America to Asia! That you had the freedom or your family had the opportunity and chose to take you to so many places...truthfully, I am a bit envious. I only came to Japan when I was fifteen, just when I was about to start my first year of high school here. I remember feeling so woefully unprepared, or at least uninformed, of the world around me."
She still did, sometimes: something she wanted to change as an adult. Travel anywhere and everywhere she could, meet new people from new places with unfamiliar backgrounds and listen to their stories. "Your music teacher saw the talent in you," She beamed. Idol or not, famous or not, her friend was an incredible singer. "Perhaps sometime you could share with me more about your life in Belgium, in Germany, and in America. Like what do you remember most fondly?" As an adult at least, she'd finally managed to travel throughout Europe but Sonia imagined it was different through the eyes of a child, and remembering such things later on in life. America was still much of a mystery, considering Novoselic did not work much with the United States, though they seemed to enjoy importing Novosonian wine and chocolate. In small quantities.
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"Exercise drills?" Sonia piped up. Her aching calves and feet aside, they weren't enough to temper her interest. "It is all right to invite me to them? I would love to! I do not much worry about results, though I am told that I should regarding some areas." Mostly her lower half, and mostly by the Royal Council, the media, and her own mother, all in agreement that her hips and thighs would be a detriment in attracting the most appropriate suitor. "But it feels like a wonderful alternative to the military drills I am excused from whilst I am here in Japan. Maintaining my stamina and abilities is important: Novosonians are tested each year for physical strength and endurance for both national health coverage and military service, should it be required. This sounds like a fun method of staying fit!"
That, and Sonia wasn't one to back down from a challenge. Whether that challenge would result in her being a 'sad puddle' or the challenge she presently faced, the Schuhplattler.
That did not mean, however, her attempt would not leave her looking terribly ridiculous. "I shall do my best! Though I am sure I will enjoy watching your dance more, Eira-san," She replied, determined to keep up. That determination lasted all of twenty-three seconds, as Sonia, in the midst of the professional dancers and Eira Kestrova, could not manage to keep up with the quick pace, hitting her knee and turning her legs as she needed to. To the point that, after another half a minute of trying, Sonia managed to trip over her own feet, falling to the wooden floor below, landing on her behind.
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A mix of gasps, giggles, and Are you all right, Your Royal Highness!? erupted around her, but Sonia could only sit up and laugh alongside those who found her failure terribly amusing. If anything, it distracted her from the radiating pain that would likely result in a bruise, leaving sitting something she'd rather avoid. "I am quite all right, thank you!" She assured them. "Though it may be best that I rest for the duration of your practice!"
“My mother had me in Russia.” Eira starts, letting her eyes settle back as she begins recollecting the path that had brought her this far. A constellation in the sky is how it felt. Dashing paths hither and thither across the globe. So normal to her, moving about. “But then it wasn’t long at all before they moved back to our European headquarters in Belgium. Then there was the year we were in America. No, it was two! I started primary lessons there, but then I finished those in Germany. So I was there until I was … 10. Which is about how old I was before I went to another private school in Japan. And as I mentioned I started in the idol industry when I was 16. A music teacher recommended I pursue singing.”
And so it had gone, and where that trail may take her next, what star forms the ever-growing constellation of Eira’s life, would yet to be seen. It could be she fades from the limelight entirely; she knows. Or maybe just drops back to Earth, finding something to pursue that engages the part of her mind she’s sure is there to be tempered. Not that she’s grasped it yet. Another stressor existing in her life was her valiant effort to take online courses so that her pursuit of a college degree that’d allow her to go into the family business wouldn’t be from the floor.
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“Hmhm. Perhaps you should be joining me for our exercise drills!” Any sense of doubt is shed at the consideration and reminder of her apparent prowess in dance and arts. “The instructor would have a great time with some new participants. You may be left like a sad puddle on the ground when she’s finished. But I do like to think the results are worth it~” Eira was quite content with her figure after all. And her endurance and agility have only gotten better. Strength however… well. A good thing that she had adequate security should the need (hopefully not) arise. “Ah good, they’re about ready! But…. Let me ask something really quick. I’ll be right back, Sonia.”
Eira takes charge of the moment, leaving Sonia to slip between the other dancers with kind words before reaching the director. A brief conversation is had between them, some gestures and tilts of the head as Eira asks questions. It was likely apparent what she was after, and after some nods the idol smiles, giving a curtsy in her dress before going back to Sonia, and beckoning her to join the rest of the group.
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“So, they’ve agreed! Once we’re done with this set. I’ll do a demonstration for everyone. This group isn’t practiced in the line dances we have,” Which is unfortunate, but understandable given the divide between cultures. That doesn’t seem to dim Eira much. “But the least I can do for you and everyone else is show off some of my skills. You’ll have that to look forward to! And you don’t need to thank me, as I’m glad to do it.” So she says, but there is in fact a bit of bluster to her words. A nerve bundle taking root in her mind. How long had it been? Ah, not too much! She’ll be able to do a short routine at least.
“That will be later.” There’s smatterings of excitement to smooth things over for now. “The director told me this next dance is the Schuhplattler. The German dance isn’t quite the same as what I’m accustomed to from home, but it’s so much fun! I’m excited to see how you handle and follow!”
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rixxy8173571m3w1p3 · 5 years ago
The Truths Found On Petram Viridios IV (2/?)
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A/n: I really enjoyed writing this chapter. Read Part 1
Chapter 2: Getting Along
There was so much you still had to learn about mice and Salamandrian men; minus the mice part. You were surprised by V'gha's chattiness. Why, it was no sooner when you two had taken a seat that he began asking about your culture, interests, as well as to what you did for occupation. It seemed that he was fascinated by how both you and Zeta-7 lived; being that you were the only human he's officially met, he wanted answers for the questions which his home world's databases could not answer. You couldn't fool him when it came to your acquaintance with Rick as his neighbor, but you played it off by saying that he was the local mad scientist that everyone knew of but gave little importance to; it hurts you to say this, for he was worthy of the highest praise, with his extraordinary mind and his winsome personality, but V'gha was more familiar with Zeta-7 then you had known; it seemed Rick had a bigger reputation then you had thought, and the chemist hoped that he could make his acquaintance once all this was over; how he could be interested after all your initial rudeness was inspiring and in its own right.
You found his straightforward nature refreshing, albeit at times coming across as nosy, but first impressions at times gave allowances for this; to discover that despite how one may come across in passing, is not always the sincerest, true version of oneself. There was no malice or ill intent in his inquiries or reactions to your answers, and while you had redirected many of his questions, he didn't seem to mind; whatever you shared gave him delight. Over and over you wondered why Rick couldn't have been seated at this table, for this creature could have shared all that fascinated him with a fellow scientist and they could have debated in peace over theories and experiments; for your part, you would have sat there raptly, admiring the like-minded individuals who might or might not have been jealous at one point or another over understandings, discoveries and what not. As you two talked, you scanned the garden with your eyes, and searched for Rick, but couldn't spot his bowl cut anywhere; you trusted that he'd show up one way or another, but you hoped for sooner rather than later. In the meantime, you two discussed how fascinating the planet and its inhabitants were while making remarks on the flavor of the food  "My soup is thin and looks as though I stuck my foot in it, but it tastes like honey." you commented as you set your spoon back down. "I'm not sure whether to drink it or to jar it."
"Neither. It's what your utensils will go in once you are done eating."
"Oh, I probably shouldn't have tasted it then."
"No harm will be done." he chuckled, which exposed his fine, sharp rows of teeth. "I've taken the liberty of scanning it to make sure."
If Zeta-7 had been here, he might've tried the utensil cleaner on purpose in the good ole' way of tasting the chemical when he should've tested it. Yet, since he wasn't here, you were ready to admit that you found V'gha a bit more intriguing then you had anticipated. When you had initially boarded the ship and met him upon entering a cabin, you were determined to despise him for you didn't want to appear weak in front of strangers, but it melted away as he decided to apologize once you two had reached your assigned table. Sure, you weren't really into reptiles, but whether it was how his skin glistened in the starlight, his intellect, or how his bright oval eyes seemed to bore into you as you spoke, it was somewhat flattering; you thought only Rick could make you feel this way; hopefully, it was his simple charm and newfound politeness, and nothing more. To ease the anxious thoughts which were building in your chest, you glanced at the empty third chair. "Do you think Noathamas is in trouble?"
"I'm not sure." he confessed in all seriousness. "After all, he did violate one of their laws which was not to eat any of the guests. I don't know what came over him, but hopefully, whatever consequences come his way, will simply be disciplinary action and nothing more."
"Yeah, that would be good."
Though, you blamed the fact that the knight had returned from battle not long ago, and might've been triggered by something done or said; you hoped he'd survive. To distract yourself further, you stabbed your synthesized meal. It was a mass of congealed worm meal, and you pretended to eat it, but you weren't really hungry; it was supposed to be calcium-rich if you were correct. "So," you wondered as you pushed away your dish. "where you're from, do you do stuff like this?"
"You mean attend formal gatherings where I'm not allowed to have fun? Or meet total strangers that I'd rather study then stand next to? Hmm, more often than I'd like. It does have its perks. I'm highly respected in my field and get paid well, but I don't get out much unless it's work-related. A majority of my free time is used to study journals or to sleep. Occasionally both."
"That's a bummer. Not the studying part, because that can be fun if it's a topic you're passionate about, but you strike me as someone who enjoys good company. I'm surprised that at this point you haven't mentioned hanging out with friends or family."
The pause in conversation didn't seem long enough for your liking, but neither was it short enough to keep its natural flow. There seemed to be a distant, far off look, as though he were staring through you, at someone else; longing; one which would've gone without notice if you hadn't been used to reading people who were like Rick; intelligent, curious, lonely people who were less like normal men, but were no less mortal, and not quite a machine. When he started, you hadn't expected the familiarity in his words. "I consider my lab as my friend and my lab samples as my family. It's where I am most of the time."
Before you met Rick, would he have said the same? Almost, for his inventions and things bought, made, or salvaged held meaning; he was very sentimental but desperate to cling on to good feelings; maybe, these two weren't so different. "I used to feel the same way about the characters I wrote," you started, wondering if this was a good idea. Yet, now that you've shared this much, you couldn't stop now. "and the stories which I typed for others consumption and entertainment. It's as though you spill and pour a bit of yourself into these dreams and passions. As a famous singer once sang, 'You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.'"
"What a way to put it. I think I might've heard the song you quoted some years ago. I believe my satellites picked up the transmission."
You smiled at that. You had heard the stories, read the theories, and admired man's will of wanting to make contact with the unknown; if only they would have known what they were getting themselves into. It wasn't all bad, and could very much be as Star Trek would put it, 'To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no man has gone before!' And to watch an intellectual man like Zeta-7 to almost wax poetic about the marvels and atrocities which were in the depths of space, and listening to how an alien admired what was in another quadrant of space, why it warmed your heart. "That's neat. It's funny," you admitted a bit quietly at first, then you raised your eyes towards him. "I'm not used to these kinds of events, but I gotta admit that it hasn't been so bad. You've made an otherwise tiresome task a joyful one."
You had long since noticed that his face was very stiff when it came to expressing emotions, but he still managed a smile that was no less winning. And unlike most of the evening there was an unaccountable silence. Till now, it seemed nothing could stop the Salamandrian from talking, but whatever had come over him went away as a danceable tune began to play, and you felt a subtle shift as he stood and wondered if you cared to dance. Keeping in mind the strict rules of this planet, you raised a brow, but he seemed to know what to do. "Come, I'll show you how it is done."
With a nod, you followed him all the while keeping a fair distance. Beneath your feet, you felt the bumpy path through your thin flats and relished the strong gust of wind that whipped your hair about. If you had closed your eyes, you could almost imagine yourself back home in Rick's backyard, remembering one of the first times you urged him to dance under the moonlit night, admiring how he colored when you realized it was a first for him; reluctant he stood on the patio unsure of what to do, but you smiled at him and told him there wasn't much to it because it was simply more romantic. Oh, how your heart ached for those days, but there wasn't much time to continue reminiscing, for you were dragged back to reality by the candor of the chemist's voice. "We're here."
On a raised platform was a honeycomb pattern of tiles, which illuminated when stepped on. V'gha took his place and stood very still until a see-through chamber enclosed him in. There was no panic or surprise, which led you to believe that he had done this before. In like manner, you followed his lead and took your place a few feet away and stood still until a chamber rose to encapsulate you in it. You felt a tightness in your chest, and took deep breaths in order not to panic, but a new tune began to play and it struck you with a sense of deja vu. 
A glance at the stage revealed the appearance of a tall, veiled figure surrounded by six guards. You pressed a hand over your heart, feeling it quicken as he swiftly, but gently passed his fingers over a golden orbed plant which had very stiff leaves, and when it detected movement, it vibrated, and this, in turn, caused it to emanate a sound a little more delicate than that of a kalimba. Its melody seeped into your bones, buzzing against your skin, and in it you felt a sense of belonging and warmth to a moment. Along with the veiled figure was the being made of pure energy, whose voice added body to the already beautiful tune; flowers bloomed at high frequencies, and thread-thin roots spread along the stage and dance floor; illuminating at rhythmic intervals.
You imagined yourself dancing with Zeta-7, on a plane of nothingness; submerged in a viscous sweetness then rising to the surface; floating, falling, losing yourself in a funny world, with every intrinsic, idiosyncratic, and inviting thing in your path; laced fingers, shared breaths, surrounded by his warmth, secure in the nearness of him, and sure in his grasp; he was incandescently happy, and he was as much yourself as you were of him. "C-can you hear me princess?" he whispered.
You could hear him, but you couldn't answer. Lips ghosted over yours, whispering phrases you thought you recognized; haunting you; trying to tell you something of the utmost importance, but the song ceased, and the figure was gone; breaking the trance you hadn't known you'd been under. When the chamber returned from whence it had come, you followed V'gha back to the table; confused, embarrassed, lost, but with a sense of knowing. You thought to yourself that the veiled figure could've been Rick, for who else could evoke such feelings except for Rick; that or it truly was a tune which was out of this world. "You're quite a dancer." he commented, which interrupted your thoughts.
"What are you talking about? I didn't do anything."
Taking a sip of his murky beverage, he explained. "There is no physical dancing done on this planet, except to those exclusively done by royalty and that of the Milleannos guardians. What the rest of us did, including yourself, was dance with our soul. None of us can really discern what the other is dancing to, which makes it appropriate and is in line with the laws, but while the others might not have understood what you were about, I could tell from the bliss which you exhibited on your face when we came back this way. It made me conclude you had enjoyed yourself. Call it instinct, but I believe this is the happiest you've been all evening."
Again, he wasn't wrong. Yet, how could you not know? It's possible that Zeta-7 didn't know it would take place either. You remembered how you felt, how real and tangible it seemed, but if that was the case, were you really dancing with Rick, or the idea of him? Did it matter? 
The music now, albeit stimulating, was light and nearly silent as though someone was lightly humming. It was not as provoking as the tune earlier had been, but perhaps the experience you had was exclusive to your own feelings. "I did enjoy myself," you replied. "did you?"
"It was fascinating," he admitted smoothly. "but I much more prefer the view of all twenty-nine of this planet's moons. I cannot study the intangible thought of a feeling."
"If it helps, I much would've preferred regular dancing, but the experience...it's… it's one I wouldn't mind trying again." 
One you wouldn't mind trying again, but only with Rick.
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myassbrokethefall · 8 years ago
But... but... davidcantreallyREALLYsing. I love my puppyhumanboysexgod so much but at that price and with sketchy info on some of it going to charity? Well, it feels kind of icky? Like being taken advantage of. I mean he has gotten better but he is still only at "passionate hobbyist" level of singing. Ie, if he weren't famous , he wouldn't be releasing albums and touring.
WHAT, hdu, I have roadies prepping my bedroom right now and he is going to get musical on my Ikea rug as soon as I raise the funds! You can’t stop the music!
You know *philosophical look* I really vacillate between “who, in the pantheon of beloved recording artists, really is an amazing singer? Sure, you’ve got your Adeles, your Whitneys, your Kelly Clarksons, but remember that time when Coldplay was on SNL and Chris Martin was offkey the entire time? Remember how you love Madonna? Isn’t the whole vibe, the FEELING that the artist gives, really more important than the technicality of the skill of their singing voice?” and “how in this big green world did David Duchovny scam his way into cutting two albums and selling out an international concert tour when HE LITERALLY CANNOT CARRY A TUNE, LIKE, AT ALL??!?” So, uh, yeah. I feel you. 
Look, David is a special case, and he knows it. His self-awareness is a huge part of why I feel so indulgent towards him about it all. He likes singing, he likes songwriting, he has a greasy friend who has hookups in the music industry and, I’m just guessing here, probably owes the mafia some ungodly sum of money and wakes up in a cold sweat every night worrying about it, he’s 56 years old and being a rock star is fun, and he’s WELL aware that he’s having “success” as a “recording artist” because of preexisting celebrity. I have been to two of his concerts and I don’t even listen to his music and I had a FANTASTIC time at both. So, you know. It’s not hurting anyone that he’s riding this wave of enthusiasm that we all, everyone participating in the perpetuating of this situation, know is not really so much about the music per se. But, what can you do. 
This whole new album/merch thing has been handled today, I feel, a little boneheadedly by Brad & Co. To be like “well OF COURSE we’re donating to charity, and we are TOTALLY like, considering what charity to donate to, definitely doing SO much thinking about that, we definitely NEVER planned to keep all this money, anyway, so, David will come to your house and do whatever you want for $30K” does come off a little skeezy. I don’t know. Merch is standard, I’m a little sad that he graduated from the idea of just printing a picture of himself in 5th grade on t-shirts and selling those (I’m sure that sounded like a HILARIOUS idea to a bunch of undoubtedly high people) but it’s nice to be a little more professional about it, I certainly don’t sense any nefarious intentions, and it’s a little awkward but it is what it is, I guess. If people will pay, and can afford to pay, it’s not really taking advantage? I guess that’s how I see it. I AM glad some of it apparently is going to charity, though, because it truly is not like David needs the money and I don’t think whatever money it brings in is worth the iffy way that it comes off. (To David, at least.)
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