#in this house we must love hanbin
cutiegunwook · 1 year
Zero Base One
why you break up as Taylor swift songs
Hanbin and Mathew
“I never was ready so I watch you go”
Champagne problems
You and Hanbin have been engaged for the past year you held out on setting a date but it had gotten to the point where you could no longer lie to yourself or hanbin. It was time to be honest even if it meant losing the one person you truly loved “"Say it again... I think I must have misheard you," Hanbin's voice quivers, his words tumbling out. "I... I don't think I'm ready to get married... I'm not sure if I ever will be," your voice barely audible, almost lost in the air. He turns away, his back facing you, and takes in a deep breath before turning back, stepping closer, and gently grasping your hands in his.
"I thought you wanted this. I thought you were excited about planning the wedding. Did I do something wrong?" His words rush out, filled with confusion and pain.
"No, Hanbin, it's not anything you did. You're the perfect boyfriend, and you would make an amazing husband... just not for me," you utter, trying to hold back tears. Hanbin's face is streaked with tears, and he struggles to suppress his quiet whimpers.
"We don't have to get married. We can wait. I can wait as long as you need," he pleads, reaching out to caress your face.
You bite your lip, pulling away from him, your heart heavy. "I'm never going to be ready, Hanbin. I'm sorry. You deserve someone who will give you everything you want, but that person isn't me. I'll come by tomorrow while you're at work to pick up my things. I'm sorry." With a quick grab of your keys, you rush out before Hanbin has a chance to respond, leaving him behind, consumed by his emotions.
“If I never blushed then they could’ve never whispered about this”
You felt your heart drop as you read the headline “breaking! Zero base one Mathew dating non celebrity” you quickly pull up the article and see the pictures captured of you two taken on the only date in public after his debut. You were naive to think that Mathew wouldn’t be recognized in that outfit and face mask.
You scroll down and see all the comments from netizens.
“this is a betrayal to all the fans who love and support him”
“That girl definitely wanted the fame she’s not even trying to hide her face”
“Mathew should be removed from the group im worried he will bring down the group”
“He could’ve at least payed for his girlfriends plastic surgery how embarrassing she’s too fucking ugly”
In a frantic rush, Mathew raced to your house after catching sight of the news. Ignoring the incessant calls and messages from his company, you were what he was worried about he hoped that you hadn't subjected yourself to the hurtful comments, he believed that none of this was your burden to bear simply for loving him. He pounded on your door relentlessly until you finally opened it, but the sight that greeted him tore at his heart. Worry flooded his eyes as he took in your bloodshot eyes and tear-stained cheeks “Baby, it's alright. We can overcome this," he whispered, pulling you into his embrace and tenderly rubbing your back. "No, no, no. We can't fix it now. I'm sorry for ever interfering with your career," you choked out, his chest tightened at your words. You were the person he cherished most in the entire world, and he would do anything to alleviate your pain. Meanwhile, his phone repeatedly buzzed with calls from his company, desperately trying to reach him.
You withdrew from his arms, wiping away your tears. "Mathew, tell them we're not dating. Tell them I was the one who approached you," you say, his brows furrowed with a mix of emotions. "Why would I do that? I'm prepared to face any consequences. I knew this day would come eventually, and I refuse to let go of you for the sake of my career," he retorted firmly, his determination unwavering.
"Don't be stupid... they're right. We shouldn't be together. I don't deserve you. I'm the reason you're enduring this hate. This is the last thing I ever wanted... Let's break up," your voice trembled, cracking with the weight of your last words. "No, please don't do this. We can find a way to fix this. The fans and the company will move on. I can't lose you like this... I'll give it all up. You're the love of my life, and I can't face this world without you by my side," he pleaded desperately, his grip on your shoulders tightening as he awaited your response.
Your hands pushed him away, forcefully distancing yourself. "Mathew, please leave. Don't make this any harder for me. This is your dream, Don't sacrifice it for me. I could never live with the guilt," you urged, your voice filled with anguish. "No, you are my dream! I don't need to be an idol but I need you “he said desperately, his voice quivering and his eyes brimming with tears.
"Get out, please," you pushed him roughly towards the door, your words laced with anguish. "Baby, no, please don't do this," his voice trembled as tears streamed down his face. “Go talk to your company tell them we’re not together I love you Matt and that’s why I’m doing this” you place a soft kiss on his lips before pushing him out the door you slide down the door covering your ears to block out Mathew’s frantic pleads for you on the other side This was for the best
(Should I do the other boys too?)
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shinehyuk · 3 years
iKON reaction to S/O trying to escape
‣ Genre : yandere
tw : strong language, lots of abuse, obsession, violence, heavy themes, use of pet names, toxic relationships; do not read if sensitive/uncomfortable with such themes!
request : hi!! can i please request how yandere ikon would react to finding their s/o trying to escape
a/n : if anyone's wondering why bobby's not included, i don't write for him in cases where he has a romantic relationship with the reader ( pretty sure i wrote that in my rules? but i still prefer to say it here in case of a misunderstanding )
Jay :
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· Oh darling, you must have a death wish to try to run away from him – he has hidden cameras all around the house, alarms warning him about your presence outside your room
· So the moment you finally step out of the house, you're quickly met with Jay's angry gaze, the male pushing you right back inside
· "My love, did I not warn you about leaving your room? Sigh. It's almost like you want to make me mad, hm?"
· It's okay if you forgot the rules that he clearly told you about – he's happy to remind you that you will never leave him, no matter how hard you try. You're his and nothing will ever change that
Song :
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· He was occupied by cooking dinner for you when he heard a glass shattering in your room – leaving everything behind, he rushed to your rescue
· But when he entered your room, it was empty. You were gone, only glass shards from the broken window laying around on the wooden floor
· Wasting no time, he jumped through the window and spotted you, starting to run after you straight away
· "Got you~ Shush now, my love. You don't want to make this even worse for yourself, do you? Good."
B.I :
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· Hanbin decided to come home early from work to surprise you – but instead, what he saw when he came home gave him quite the surprise
· You were finishing packing your bags when you saw the male standing in the door, eyes wide open as he stood there, entirely frozen from head to toe. It certainly is quite the shock when the love of your life is trying to leave you, is it not?
· "..Baby? What are you..? Shit. You're not trying to leave me.. right?"
· He'll lock you up in your room for God knows how long, and don't think that you'll be getting his trust back anytime soon after betraying him
DK :
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· When he saw that the door was left wide open when he came home, he was furious – you dare leave him?
· He gave you the benefit of his trust and this is how you betray him? By running away? Donghyuk will make sure that you'll regret it
· Thankfully, the male never mentioned about the tracking GPS chips put into your clothes, letting him find you almost too easily
· "Now, baby, you'll either be good and nicely come back home with me or I'll drag you there by force. Pick your poison."
June :
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· Angry isn't a good word to describe his feelings – he's enraged, his hands automatically turning into tight fists once he sees you impatiently trying to lockpick the door
· Did you really think that he was so stupid to let his guard down when the night comes? Wrong. You shouldn't have understimated his obsession, darling
· "My, what do we have here? I don't remember allowing you to leave your fucking room, love."
· Get ready, because this night is going to be a long, long night – you really shouldn't have left your cosy bed that day
Chan :
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· Chanwoo will feel betrayed – don't you love him? Were all the moments you spent together simply worthless to you?
· If you really think that the male will simply let you leave, dream on. He doesn't care if you don't love him. You're his and nothing will ever change that
· He’ll lock you up in his room - and if you’ll still be trying to escape, he’ll put you in a damn cage, he’ll do everything just so you stay with him
· “There’s nowhere to run now. You shouldn’t have tried to leave me, Y/N.”
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩ a/n ✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩
thank you for requesting! <3 i hope you liked it!
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩
None of the gifs are mine! 
Taglist :
@atiny-chocolate-chip​ @lmaoskz
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ohmyjinsus · 4 years
that’s what friends do
kim hanbin x female! reader 
college! au (non idol) || 7.7k 
mostly fluff, quite a bit of swearing, some suggestive themes, pretty much just friends to lovers nonsense because I’m a sucker for that 
summary: you’re drunk and locked out of your apartment so what do you do? call your best friend hanbin, who you just happen to be in love with, and stay the night at his place, what could go wrong? 
“I’m not drunk.” 
“You definitely are.” 
You roll your eyes. You’re in your best friend’s apartment, with her partner and some of your other friends. It’s a Friday night, and you wanted to celebrate the end of the week. However, your best friend doesn’t drink, so she’s mostly been watching you and laughing at all the dumb things you say. 
“Are you ready to go home?” She asks. “I can drive you. I don’t want you wandering around in the dark.” 
“Are you trying to get rid of me?” 
“You know I’m going home for the weekend, I don’t want to get there in the middle of the night.” You can’t argue with that. You know she’s been missing her family recently, and you don’t want to take away from her time with them.
“Okay,” you grab your bag, pulling out your phone. “Let’s go.” She smiles and goes to get her stuff. 
When she’s ready, she leads you out to her car. You sit in the back, since her S.O. always gets to ride shotgun. Your single ass can’t relate. 
It’s a short drive, so you just hang out in the back while the two of them talk. You’re thinking about what to do when you get home. You texted Hanbin earlier, asking if you two could study tomorrow. He hasn’t replied yet, so maybe you’ll bother him. You hate being drunk and alone. When your friend pulls into your driveway, you reach into your bag for your keys. 
“It was lovely seeing you again, y/n.” 
“Yeah, you too,” you reply. You can’t feel them anywhere. You turn on your phone flashlight to get a better look. 
“What’s wrong?” Your friend asks. You shake your head. 
“I can’t find my keys.” 
“You’re joking,” she says.
“I wish I was.” She reaches out her hand so you give her your bag. She pokes around in there for a little while before coming to the same conclusion.
“You’re so dumb.” She’s not wrong. “Call your roommate, she’ll let you in.” 
“She’s at her boyfriend’s tonight...” You’re getting anxious now. You don’t know what to do. 
“Oh my god,” your friend hits the steering wheel. “What do we do with you?” 
“Can’t she stay with your roommates?” Her partner asks. The two of you shake your heads. 
“I don’t trust them to take care of her,” your friend says. “They’re good people, but y/n can be way too flirty when she’s drunk. I don’t want her sleeping with one of them.” That’s a valid point. 
“I don’t have any other friends-” you start to say when it hits you. “HANBIN.” 
“Who?” Your friend asks. 
“You know him!” You unlock your phone so you can call him.
“Is that the guy you’re always studying with?” 
“Yes!” You scroll to Hanbin’s contact icon and click it. “I’ve slept at his place before, he won’t mind.” 
“Is this a good idea?” Your friend asks. “Having you sleep at a boy’s house while drunk?” You don’t answer her because Hanbin picks up right at that moment. 
“y/n,” he says. “What’s up?” 
“Okay, this is going to sound weird,” you reply. Your friend laughs. “I’m a little drunk and I got locked out of my apartment and I need somewhere to stay so could I maybe sleep at yours?” You’re slurring your words a little bit, but you’re hoping he won’t notice. 
“Of course,” he says right away. You hear a door open. “Where are you? I’ll pick you up.” 
“No, it’s okay,” you tell him. “I’m with my friend, she can drop me off.” 
“Can I talk to him?” Your friend says from the front seat.
“Hold on, she wants to talk to you,” you say to Hanbin. “She needs to make sure you aren’t gonna murder me.” You can hear him nervously laughing as you give your friend the phone. 
You look out the window while she asks him a gazillion and one questions. She sounds concerned when she finds out he has 2 other roommates, both guys. You’re good friends with them too, thankfully. You can’t hear Hanbin, but whatever he says must be convincing. He’s the best person you know. But then again you’re drunk, and maybe a little in love with him. 
“And you’ll take her home tomorrow morning?” She asks. You turn your head and try to focus on their conversation.
“He’s not my father,” you say from the backseat. You’re tempted to make a joke about him being your daddy but you hold it in. 
“Make sure she calls me tomorrow as well, so I know she’s alive.” 
“For god’s sake,” you mutter to yourself. 
You’ve known him since you started university, but your friend has only met him once or twice. You and Hanbin are in the same program and the same year, so you have tons of classes together. In first year, you were thrown together for a group project. While working on that, the two of you quickly became friends. You started studying for all your joint classes together, alternating hanging out at each other’s apartments. Your study sessions usually turn into the two of you watching TV or ordering take out and just talking for hours on end. Sometimes Hanbin will share lyrics or songs with you and ask for your opinion. There have been a few times where you’ve been so deep in discussion, you don’t even realize it’s midnight. On those days, you crash at his place.
Your roommate is convinced the two of you are dating, but you constantly reassure her you’re not. Every time he comes over, you lock yourselves in your room, so she probably assumes you’re making out. You wish you were, but you’re happy being his best friend too. 
“If y/n gets hurt, I’m going to murder you, I hope you know that.” There goes any chance you had with him anyway. “Okay, I’ll give the phone back to her.” 
You grab it right away. “I’m sorry, I know she can be scary.” You say. Hanbin just laughs. 
“She cares about you, it’s a good thing.” 
“So I’ll see you in like 5 minutes then?” You ask. 
“Yeah, are you hungry? Yunhyeong made some food earlier, I think there’s some left.” You smile at that, he’s so sweet. Total boyfriend material. 
“That sounds lovely.” You glance at your friend, who’s turning the engine on again. “I’ll be there soon.” 
“Okay, bye.” 
“Love you,” you reply. “Bye.” 
After you hang up, your friend just stares at you in the rearview mirror. “Did you just say love you?” 
“Yes,” you say awkwardly. “That’s what friends do.” 
“You never tell me you love me.” She puts the car into reverse and pulls out of your driveway. 
“I love you.” 
“It doesn’t have the same effect now,” she says. “Are you sure he’s not your boyfriend?” 
“He’s not.” 
“Friends with benefits?” Her partner asks. 
“He’s cute though,” your friend points out. “Definitely your type.” 
“Yeah, I know.” You stare out the window again. 
“Wait, do you have a crush on him?” She glances at you in the rearview again. 
“I think it’s a little more than a crush,” you say, avoiding eye contact. “I might be in love with him, it’s fine though.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“He’s not interested.” 
“How do you know that?” She says right away. “He’s going to take care of you right now, while you’re drunk, what boy would do that if he didn’t have feelings for you?” 
“A nice one?” 
“Shut up,” she replies, turning right onto his street. “You’re drunk, you’re flirty, go get your man.” 
“Should we give her some condoms or something?” You and your friend both laugh at that. 
“No sex,” she says. “Not while you’re drunk.” 
“Hanbin would never,” you reassure her. “He always asks before touching me.” 
“He touches you?” She pulls onto his driveway. 
“In a platonic way!” You’re blushing now. You’ve been crushing on him for ages, but talking about it out loud makes it so much more real. You’re almost scared to see Hanbin now. You’ll wind up saying something dumb and ruining your friendship. 
“We’re here, so you can go touch him all you want.” 
“Stop it!” You take your seatbelt off and open the door. “I hate you.” 
“Do you want us to take you inside?” 
“I’m sure I can make it to the front door,” you say. “I’m not that drunk.” 
“If you say so,” your friend replies. “I’m gonna stay here and watch you go in.” Your roll your eyes, but you’re grateful for her. “Text me when you wake up tomorrow. I told Hanbin too, so you better not forget.” 
“I won’t.” You grab your bag. “Thanks.” She smiles. 
“You’re welcome,” you close the door, but she rolls down her window. “I love you.” 
“Oh my god,” you groan and run towards the house. You’re dying to get away from her so she’ll stop clowning you. 
When you get to the front door, it opens right away. Yunhyeong is there, smiling. He must’ve been expecting you.
“Hey,” he says. He notices your friend’s car in the driveway and waves. She waves back before reversing out and leaving. 
“Thank god,” you mutter, kicking your shoes off. You almost lose your balance, but he grabs your arm to steady you. 
“Hanbin said you’re staying over tonight.” 
“Yeah, and I’m drunk,” you tell him. He’s about to say something else but Hanbin comes walking down the hallway. You immediately run over and wrap your arms around his neck. 
He’s caught off guard, but he hugs you back. “Hi.” His arms are tight around you. 
“I missed you,” you say, before burying your face in his neck. “So much.” 
“Are you okay?” He asks, smiling. You nod and look up at him. You’re glad he’s amused. 
“You smell really good.” 
“You smell like vodka.” That makes you laugh. “You said you’re hungry, right?” You nod.
He untangles himself from you and walks towards the kitchen. You grab his hand without second thought. Since the two of you are usually pretty affectionate, he doesn’t think anything of it. You’re extremely grateful for that right now. You don’t want to act suspicious. 
Yunhyeong joins you at the kitchen table while you have some left over french fries from their dinner. Hanbin makes sure you drink some water too, even though you tell him you’re not thirsty. You ask where Chanwoo is. When they say he’s locked in his room gaming, you’re not surprised. You make a mental note to say hi to him in the morning. 
They ask about your night, and you explain how you forgot your keys and have nowhere else to stay. When they ask how much you had to drink, you genuinely can’t remember. 
“You better go to sleep soon,” Hanbin says. “I don’t want you to be hungover tomorrow.” 
“I don’t get hungover,” you tell him, yawning. “I’m not old.” He rolls his eyes at that. 
“You can sleep in Hanbin’s room,” Yunhyeong says. “He can sleep on my floor.” 
“Why can’t he sleep with me?” You two have never slept in the same bed before, but you don’t see why it would be a problem. Falling asleep in his arms would be amazing, especially since he smells so damn good. And waking up next to him in the morning? That thought alone makes you blush. 
“y/n,” Hanbin says, smiling. “What did you just say?” 
“I said you should sleep with me.” The two of them burst out laughing as you suddenly realize why. “Wait no, that’s not what I meant.” 
“Are you sure?” Hanbin asks, making eye contact with you. You know he’s joking but it makes you flustered. 
“Yes,” you mutter under your breath. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about Hanbin like that. You know he’s got some tattoos hiding under there somewhere. You’ve definitely thought about them before, particularly while imagining yourself underneath him. 
“Are you finished?” Yunhyeong breaks your thoughts, pointing to your plate. You nod and he picks it up, heading to the sink. 
“Thank you,” you call out after him. You might be drunk, but you’re never impolite. 
Hanbin stands up and holds out his hand. “Let’s get you into bed.” 
“I bet you’d like to,” you say, trying to give him a seductive look. That’s probably not even grammatically correct, but he laughs and pulls you towards his room. 
“You’re ridiculous.” You sit down on his bed as he cleans up his nightstand for you. You glance at your phone quickly, no messages. 
“Go take off your makeup,” Hanbin says to you, “you don’t want to look like a raccoon in the morning.” 
“Raccoons are cute though,” you point out. 
“That’s true.” He heads over to his closet. “But you’ll complain if I don’t make you do it now.” 
“Fine,” you groan, getting up and heading to his en-suite. 
You grab the micellar water and cotton pads from under the sink and use them to wipe your eye makeup off. The last time you slept over, he gave you your own toothbrush, so you grab that off the bathroom counter and brush your teeth. When you’re done, you walk back into the room, pulling the scrunchie out of your hair. 
“Do you want a sweater or a t-shirt?” Hanbin asks, holding out both to you. 
“T-shirt, I guess,” you reply, pulling off your own and throwing it on the floor without second thought. 
“Whoa.” He rushes to cover his eyes, which makes you smile. 
“You’re allowed to look,” you tell him, grabbing the shirt. “I was hoping you would see me shirtless in a totally different context, but this works too.” 
“What?” He’s smirking. 
“Nothing,” you say. “I probably won’t even remember this in the morning.” Hanbin doesn’t say anything to that. 
“Are you still half naked?” He asks a minute or two later, with his eyes still closed. The t-shirt he gave you is a free one from one of your university’s events. He got the biggest size, which you’re grateful for right now. You decide to take your jeans off so you’ll be more comfortable while you sleep. 
“Hold on.” You take them off and attempt to fold them, but in your drunken state, it’s kind of difficult. “Okay,” you say, placing them on his desk. 
When he opens his eyes, he glances you up and down. You act like you don’t notice, but you’re pretty sure his gaze lingers on your legs for a moment. You haven’t shaved in a couple days, maybe he’s frightened. He clears his throat, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“I’m gonna get you a glass of water,” he says awkwardly, turning around and walking out of the room. You don’t know what to make of that. 
While he’s gone, you crawl into bed and grab Hanbin’s phone charger. He’ll have to steal someone else’s if he needs it. He comes back, placing the water and a bottle of Advil on his nightstand for you. 
“Do you need anything else?” He asks. You shake your head. “I’m gonna put the garbage bin closer just in case you do feel sick.” He grabs it from under his desk and puts it next to you. 
“Thank you,” you say. “Seriously.” 
“That’s what friends do.” He smiles at you and you groan. 
“I don’t wanna be your friend,” you tell him, yawning. You knew you were tired, but you feel like you’re going to fall asleep any second, now that you’re lying down and comfortable. 
“What do you want to be then?” He asks, heading over to his dresser. 
“Your girlfriend.” He freezes for a second. “I’m sure you’ve thought about it too.” 
“Maybe,” is all he says in return. He grabs the rest of his stuff as your eyes slowly close. “I’ll see you in the morning y/n, sleep tight.” 
“Goodnight,” you mumble, rolling over. 
You fall asleep soon after that, dreaming of god knows what. But you wake up when you hear a shuffling noise. You sit up and open your eyes. It seems like there’s a figure wandering around in the dark. 
“Hanbin,” you say. “What the fuck are you doing?” 
“Sorry, I thought you were asleep.” You turn his nightstand lamp on and both of you flinch at the sudden brightness. “Are you okay?” 
You nod. “Come here,” you tell him. 
“Are you sick?” He’s holding his toothbrush and a notebook. He was probably coming to grab some stuff before heading to Yunhyeong’s room. 
“No,” you reply, you’re still half asleep and you’re sure he can tell. “I just want you to come sit for a second.” He puts his things down, so you scoot over a little bit so there’s room for him. 
“Do you need something?” You shake your head. “Why are you up then?” 
“You woke me up, dumbass.” He blushes at that. 
“I’m sorry.” You smile and take his hand. 
“It’s okay.” He interlocks his fingers with yours. “Stay with me till I fall asleep again and I’ll accept your apology.” 
“Fine.” He glances at the time on your phone. “That might take forever though.” 
“Nope,” you tell him. “I have a trick.” 
“A trick?” 
“Yeah,” you say. “When I’m at home and I can’t sleep, there’s one thing I always think of and then I fall asleep no problem.” 
“What is it?” 
“What?” He looks confused and it’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen. 
“Remember when I said you should sleep with me?” 
“How could I forget?” You laugh, and he does too. 
“You should.” His eyes go wide. “Not like that, but also like that, I guess...” You lose your train of thought for a second because you’re thinking about him shirtless. 
“y/n?” You glance at him. 
“Sorry,” you smile. “When I can’t sleep, I think of you, and falling asleep with your arms around me, and it helps.” 
“That’s the most adorable thing I’ve ever heard.” He takes your other hand in his. 
“But,” you say. “When that doesn’t work, I just think about kissing you.” 
“You do?” He asks. He sounds genuinely curious. Surely he’s thought about kissing you too. Otherwise you’re just making a fool of yourself right now. Although it doesn’t really matter, since you won’t remember any of it tomorrow morning. 
“I think about kissing you a lot,” you admit. 
“Oh really?” You brain suddenly realizes there’s not that much space between the two of you, and it would be really easy to just do it now but you hold back. 
“You should kiss me,” you tell him. “To help me sleep, I mean.” 
“Drunk you is so entertaining.” He reaches up to brush some hair out of your face, which makes your heart beat a little faster. 
“You’re not saying no,” you point out. He moves his hand down, pulling you in by the neck. 
“I’m not.” 
You blink. He’s looking at you like he does actually want to kiss you, but you might just be imagining it because you’re drunk. But you also really want to kiss him and now seems like a really good opportunity if you would just- 
Your thoughts get cut off because suddenly Hanbin’s lips are on yours. He gives you a quick kiss, but you shake your head, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“Kiss me properly.” 
“You’re ridiculous y/n,” he laughs. 
You quickly shut him up by placing your lips on his again. He kisses you deeper this time, taking your comment to heart. You get lost in the kiss, leaning back onto the bed and pulling him down with you. You expect him to stop before this gets out of hand, but he doesn’t. There’s a small part of you that’s scared of what this means for your friendship, but god, it feels so good to finally kiss him that you don’t even care. 
When he pulls away, it takes you a few seconds to open your eyes. Looking up at him feels so surreal. You think you might be dreaming. You run your fingers through his hair and it’s as soft as you remember. Maybe not. 
“Better now?” Hanbin asks quietly, never taking his eyes off your lips. 
“Yeah,” you whisper. He glances into your eyes for a second, before leaning down for another kiss. This one’s softer, more gentle. 
“Good,” he says, sitting up. You miss him as soon as he moves away. “Go to sleep.” 
“I’ll try, but no promises.” He smirks at that.
“Sorry.” You shake your head. 
“Don’t be.” 
He smiles and kisses your cheek. “Goodnight y/n.” 
“Goodnight,” you say back, closing your eyes and drifting off to sleep again. 
The next morning when you wake up, you feel much better. You must’ve slept pretty well. When you grab your phone off the nightstand you almost knock over the glass of water Hanbin left there for you. 
Right, Hanbin. 
The last thing you remember is him leaving the garbage bin by your bed and saying goodnight. You vaguely remember making some suggestive jokes, but nothing too terrible. You didn’t totally ruin your friendship, as far as you know. 
When you check your phone, you see a text from your best friend. Instead of replying, you call her. She’s glad you’re still alive. She asks about Hanbin and whether anything happened overnight. She sounds kind of disappointed when you tell her you just ate and went to sleep. She’s got plans for the day so you can’t talk for long, but she promises to text you later. 
You stay in bed for a little while longer, scrolling through your socials. Hanbin knocks on the door about half an hour later. He asks how you’re feeling and tells you to take whatever you want from his closet. You decide to take a shower so he grabs you a towel. He tells you to come join them when you’re done.
Once you’re finished, you quickly pack up your things. Then, you grab your phone and head towards the kitchen. You’re walking down the hall, when you hear Chanwoo say your name. 
“I’m so sad I didn’t get to see drunk y/n, she sounds like a lot of fun.” 
“She’s very entertaining.” That’s Hanbin’s voice. 
“She was flirting with you too,” Yunhyeong says. You creep a little bit closer, staying close to the wall, so they don’t notice you eavesdropping. 
“Maybe.” Hanbin pauses for a second. “She said something in my room later on.” 
“She was in your room?” Chanwoo asks. 
“What did she say?” Yunhyeong asks, ignoring him. 
“After r I got her some water and Advil, she said thanks and I was like ‘that’s what friends do,’” you hear someone groan at that. Probably Chanwoo. “She said she doesn’t want to be my friend.” 
Your heart starts to beat a little bit faster. You’re praying you didn’t say anything too dumb. And if you did, you hope Hanbin will just write it off as you being drunk. 
“She said she wants to be my girlfriend.” You cringe. It’s not terrible, but you’re still embarrassed. 
“I knew it,” Yunhyeong says. “You’re soulmates.” 
“Shut up,” Hanbin replies. “She was drunk, she probably didn’t even mean it.” 
“I think she did.” 
“We’ve seen the way y/n looks at you.” You cringe at that too. Have you really been that obvious? 
“That’s not it though,” Hanbin says. You wish he would just shut up. You don’t want to know what other dumb shit you said. “I kissed her.” 
“You what?” Yunhyeong says exactly what you’re thinking. You and Hanbin finally kissed and you don’t even remember it? You’re never drinking again. 
“It wasn’t planned,” Hanbin sounds worried now. “I didn’t mean to, she was just talking about how much she likes me and I couldn’t help myself, and now I’ve ruined our friendship.” 
“What did she say about liking you?” 
“She said that when she can’t sleep, she thinks about falling asleep in my arms, and if that doesn’t work, she thinks about kissing me.” You roll your eyes. All of that is true, but you don’t know why your drunk self felt the need to share it with him. 
“She’s practically in love with you,” Chanwoo says. He’s not wrong. You are in love with Hanbin, maybe he’ll finally realize now.
“What are you going to do?” Yunhyeong asks. 
“I don’t know.” Hanbin sighs. “She doesn’t even remember it happened, when I said hi to her this morning, she acted like everything was normal.” You don’t know if you’re grateful for that. Maybe if you did remember, you could actually address it and somehow get him to date you already. 
“Maybe that’s what she wants,” Chanwoo says.
“But is it what you want?” Yunhyeong asks.
There’s a moment of silence before Hanbin responds. 
“I knew it.” Chanwoo sounds so smug. 
“What do I do?” 
“How do you feel about y/n?” Yunhyeong asks. This is what you’ve been waiting for. You take a small step closer to the kitchen. 
“What kind of question is that?” Hanbin responds. “When she said she wanted to fall asleep with me, I really wanted to get into bed next to her.” That makes you blush. 
“She’s adorable to begin with, but she’s like a thousand times cuter when she’s half asleep,” he says. You smile to yourself.
“Tell us more,” Yunhyeong says. 
“Does he have to?” Chanwoo groans. 
“I mean, y/n’s my best friend. She makes me laugh, she makes studying for the worst courses bearable somehow, I love spending time with her, I love it when she falls asleep with her head on my shoulder and I hate it when she cries,” he says. You’re shocked at how quickly he answers. “But I also love it when I can make her stop crying. I don’t know, I just really like her and I have no idea what to do about it.”
“You’re in love with her, we been knew.” Chanwoo sounds 100% sure. He’s not wrong, that is what it sounds like. “And we all know your lyrics are about her too.” 
“It does sound like you love her,” Yunhyeong says. 
“Shit,” Hanbin mutters under his breath. Your heart’s racing, waiting to hear what he says next. “Yeah, I think I do.” 
You lose your focus, ignoring whatever Yunhyeong and Chanwoo say next because you can’t believe it. Your best friend, the boy you love with all your heart, loves you too. You don’t know what to do next, but that’s a pretty good start.
“I should go see if she’s done,” you hear someone say, which snaps you back to reality. 
You rush back to Hanbin’s room and sit down at his desk, trying to act casual. There’s a bunch of notebooks piled against the wall, so you grab one, pretending to read it. Until something catches your eye. 
If feelings could be controlled, I would’ve thrown mine away a long time ago. I’m talking bout you and me, when I try to take a step forward, you take his hand and become distant. 
You’ve seen some of Hanbin’s lyrics before, but only the ones he’s shared with you. It feels like an invasion of his privacy, but you can’t help but wonder if these are about you, especially after what Chanwoo said in the kitchen. 
I’ve got feelings for you and you’re embarrassing me. Why are you so pretty if you’re not mine? 
Your eyes jump to the top of the page, looking for a date. He wrote this a year and a half ago. You try to go back in your memory to figure out what was happening around that time, when it hits you. 
You dated this guy in your English class that October. You remember he came up to you after one of your lectures and asked if you and Hanbin were dating, since you always seemed to be together. You laughed and rolled your eyes. He said he was glad he had the chance to finally talk to you, since that was one of the few classes you had without Hanbin. He asked if he could take you out for dinner that weekend and you said yes. When you told Hanbin, he didn’t seem disappointed, but he must have been if he wrote this. Your ex wound up leaving you after three months. He didn’t explicitly say it, but you suspect he was jealous because you spent more time with Hanbin than him. It was true, but that didn’t make it hurt any less. 
You never mentioned anything about your breakup to Hanbin, but he knows you too well. You wound up telling him about it when you were up late one night talking. He held you while you cried, but he never said a bad word about your ex. Later on, you realized you were crying more about how you’d never have Hanbin than the actual breakup. 
While thinking about that, you realize Hanbin hasn’t dated anyone in the time you’ve been friends. You know he has tons of other friends, and you know some of them also have crushes on him, but he never seemed interested. Now you know why. 
Yunhyeong appears in the doorway at that exact moment, smiling at you. You put the notebook down, trying to act natural. 
“Hey,” he says. “Have a nice shower?” 
“Yeah, it was great,” you reply, awkwardly. 
“You called your roommate, right?” You nod. “Are you going to head home soon?” 
“You trying to get rid of me?” You ask, jokingly. Yunhyeong immediately shakes his head. 
“Hanbin said you have some midterms and papers due this week that you seemed pretty stressed about. We just assumed you’d want to head home and work on those.” 
“That’s kind of both of you,” you say. “Perhaps you have a point.” 
“Do you want me to walk you home?” 
“Where’s Hanbin?” You’re scared to see him, but you’re also excited. You’re curious as to how he’s going to act around you now. You didn’t really have a proper conversation earlier. 
“I’m right here,” he suddenly appears next to Yunhyeong in the doorframe. You can’t stop yourself from smiling when you see him. He smiles back, which makes you a little flustered. “Have a nice shower?” 
You roll your eyes. “I smell like you now.” Hanbin raises his eyebrows at that, and Yunhyeong smirks. 
“I’m gonna go find Chanwoo,” he says. “I’ll leave you two alone.” 
“Are you gonna stay for a little while?” Hanbin asks. You can’t tell if he wants you to, so you shake your head. 
“I should probably work on my philosophy paper.”
“I should do that too.” You want to stay, and work on it together, but he doesn’t suggest it. You’re too scared to. 
“Text me when you’re done,” you say. “You can send it to me and I’ll edit it for you.” He smiles at that. 
“Thank you in advance.” You smile back. “I can drive you home as a token of my gratitude.” 
“Can we walk?” It’s only 5 minutes, surely the two of you can act normal for that long. 
“Sure,” he replies. “Have you got all your stuff?” You nod, grabbing your bag from the bed. Yunhyeong offered you one of his tote bags to put last night’s clothes in, so you pick that up as well. 
You follow Hanbin into the kitchen, where Yunhyeong and Chanwoo are still eating their breakfast. You say bye to both of them, and promise to see them again soon. Chanwoo laughs at that. Normally you wouldn’t think anything of it, but now it makes you feel slightly anxious. You ignore that feeling and go to put on your shoes. 
Once you’re outside, you feel so much better. Hanbin must notice, cause he’s looking at you with a weird expression on his face. 
“Nothing,” he says, walking down his driveway to the sidewalk. “They say fresh air is good for hangovers.” 
The second you get over to him, you give him a smack. “I’m not hungover.” 
“Sure you aren’t.” He gestures to the tote bag in your hand. “I can take that.” 
“Thanks,” you hand it to him. “And thanks for putting up with drunk me.” 
“It’s fine,” is all he says. 
“Sorry if I said anything dumb.” 
“You’re always saying dumb things, y/n, last night was no different.” You roll your eyes at that. 
“I didn’t do anything stupid, did I?” You ask quietly. It’s the perfect opportunity to bring up the kiss. 
“Of course not,” he says quickly, smiling at you. “You were actually kind of boring.” 
“Shut up,” you mutter. He bumps his shoulder against yours as you turn off his street. While you walk, you send your roommate a text to let her know you’re on your way home. She says she’ll leave the door unlocked. 
You and Hanbin talk about your midterms for the rest of the way. You’re slightly disappointed he doesn’t mention anything about last night, but you understand if he doesn’t want to ruin your friendship. You don’t want to bring it up because you don’t want to admit you were eavesdropping. 
When you get to your front door, he makes sure you get in safely before saying bye. 
“Thanks again,” you say, as the two of you stand in your doorway awkwardly. 
“That’s what friends do.” You groan at that, which makes Hanbin blush. You must’ve had the same reaction last night when you said you wanted to be his girlfriend. You wish you could remember.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, right?” He nods. 
“Of course.” 
You give him a quick hug and say thanks again before he leaves. Once you close the front door, your roommate pops out from her room. 
“So?” She asks, running over to you. 
“What?” You put your things down in the hallway and follow her into the living room. 
“Something’s up,” she glances you up and down as you sit down in the armchair. “You spent the night at his place, you’re wearing his clothes, your hair is wet - that only means one thing.” 
“It’s not what you think,” you tell her, pulling Hanbin’s sweater tighter around you. It smells so freaking good, you’re never giving it back. Even though you have like 5 other hoodies from him. 
“What is it then?” She raises an eyebrow. 
“How much time do you have?”
“More than enough,” she smiles. “Let me put the kettle on.” 
Things with Hanbin stay the same during the week. You edit each other’s essays and study for your midterms over FaceTime. He invites you over on Friday night to celebrate being halfway done with the semester. Apparently Chanwoo lost some bet between the three of them and he’s buying dinner. How could you say no? 
The day of, you’re about to leave when your roommate catches you in the kitchen. 
“Please tell me you’re not wearing that.” You glance down. You’re wearing one of Hanbin’s t-shirts and a pair of sweats. 
“What’s wrong with this?” You ask. “We’re not going clubbing.” 
“Yeah, but you want him to sleep with you, don’t you?” That makes you blush. “You should at least wear some makeup.” 
She grabs your hand and pulls you into your room. While she goes through your closet, you shoot Hanbin a quick text saying you’re running late. This better be worth it. 
In the end, your roommate lets you keep his shirt on. She says it makes you look more “fuckable,” whatever that means. You wind up changing into jeans and throwing a plaid shirt on top (which is also Hanbin’s, but you don’t tell her that). She brushes some brown eyeshadow on for you and picks out a nice shade of lipstick, which also happens to be smudge proof (“since you’ll be making out”). After you swipe it on, she finally lets you put your shoes on to leave. You’re unlocking the front door when she stops you again. 
“What now?” She drops a couple of condoms into your hand. “Oh my god.” 
“You and Hanbin would have adorable babies, but I don’t think now is the right time for either of you-”
“Why does everyone think I need condoms?” You say, mostly to yourself. You stuff them into your bag anyway.
“I just want you to be prepared.” 
“I appreciate that.” She smiles and opens the door for you. 
“You have your keys, right?” You roll your eyes but hold them up. “Good, now go get laid!” 
You feel bad about running late, so you speedwalk to Hanbin’s. You get there in less than 3 minutes, which you’re quite proud of. When he opens the door, he smiles at you. 
“Is that my shirt?” You blush. 
“Yes.” You push past him so you don’t have to look at him any longer. It wasn’t so bad in class, because the two of you had something else to focus on. But now that you’re back in his house, you’re feeling anxious again. He still thinks you don’t know about the kiss. 
“y/n!” Chanwoo appears in the hallway. “Pizza got here like 10 minutes ago, come have it while it’s hot.” 
You follow him into the kitchen, where he grabs you a plate. While he does that, you open the fridge to grab a drink. The second you pick up a can, Hanbin magically shows up and takes it from you. 
“I don’t think so.” 
“Don’t tell me what to do.” You go to take it back, but he holds it above his head so you can’t reach.
“Kim Hanbin,” you say, trying to use your serious voice. “Give me back my drink or else I’ll never proofread your essays again.” 
“I can easily find someone else to do that.” He keeps the can raised. You rolls your eyes but reach for it anyway. That makes Hanbin laugh as he tries to keep it away from you. 
“Can you two stop flirting?” You almost forgot Chanwoo was there. Whoops. You glance at Hanbin and he seems as caught off guard as you, which makes you feel better. You snatch the drink out of his hand while he’s distracted.
The three of you sit down and eat, talking about your classes and your plans for the weekend. Yunhyeong shows up about 15 minutes later. He walks through the door holding way too many grocery bags, so you immediately run over to help. 
“Thanks, y/n,” he says, handing you some of them. “I’m glad someone cares about me.” 
“Of course I do,” you tell him. Hanbin comes over to help you put them away while Yunhyeong has some pizza. 
When you’re done, you jump onto the counter. Hanbin gets a glass of water and sits next to you. 
“Have this.” He holds it out.
“Excuse me?” 
“It’s important to stay hydrated while you’re drinking.” 
“Shut up,” you tell him. “I’ll be fine.” 
“Fine as you won’t remember anything?” You freeze. It’s about time he said something, you just didn’t expect it to be like this. 
“Is that really such a bad thing?” You tease, but he doesn’t smile.
“Yeah y/n,” he says, running a hand through his hair. 
“Fine,” you take the water from him and have a sip. “I don’t want to forget anything that happens today.” 
“Good,” he says. 
“You better make it memorable then.” 
“Oh, I will.” You don’t know what to make of that. 
“What did I tell you about flirting?” Chanwoo says suddenly, getting your attention. You roll your eyes, but Yunhyeong changes the subject. 
“Who was that girl I dated in first year? I can’t remember her name.”
“Alex?” He shakes his head. “I have no idea then, sorry.” 
Yunhyeong runs through some other names, none of which you recognize. To be fair, you only became friends with Yunhyeong and Chanwoo last year. Sure, you spent time in their apartment, but they mostly left you and Hanbin alone to do whatever. 
“Wait!” You say suddenly, remembering a story Hanbin told you a while back. Everyone stops and looks at you. “Is she the one who said you were a bad kisser?” 
“Yeah,” Yunhyeong replies. “That’s the worst insult I’ve ever gotten.” 
“Can’t relate.” Chanwoo looks smug. 
“Have you even kissed anyone?” You ask him. “You’re like 12.” That makes Hanbin laugh. 
“Shut up,” He says. “I’m only 2 years younger than you.” 
“Hanbin’s probably the best kisser out of all of us then,” Yunhyeong points out. You bump your shoulder against Hanbin’s and he smiles. 
“Says who?” Chanwoo asks. “We should run a survey.” You roll your eyes. 
“What are you going to do?” You reply. “Make out with every girl on campus and ask who they liked best?” 
“Well you and Hanbin have already kissed so-” Yunhyeong doesn’t finish his sentence. All of you are staring at him. 
“I’m sorry, what?” You ask. You could just tell them you already know, but you decide not to. You want to see how this plays out. 
“When you were drunk,” Hanbin jumps in, turning to face you. “It was just a dumb kiss, it didn’t mean anything.” 
“It didn’t?” You ask. 
“Do you even remember it?” 
“No,” you shake your head, “but that doesn’t mean I don’t have feelings for you.” You hear Yunhyeong gasp. Hanbin just looks surprised.
“Did I say anything?” You ask him.
“You said-”
“Shut up Chanwoo,” Hanbin looks at you. “You said you wanted to be my girlfriend.” You could take a second and weigh your options, but you also know if you don’t say something now you probably never will. 
“Well, I do.” Your voice shakes a little, but you’re confident in your answer.
“You do?” You might be imagining things, but Hanbin looks happy. 
“Yeah.” He thinks for a second, then jumps off the counter. 
“Come on.” He holds out his hand, so you take it. Neither of you say anything to Yunhyeong and Chanwoo as you walk right past them, down the hall to Hanbin’s room. 
He follows you in and closes door behind you. Now that you’re alone, you don’t know what to do. You glance at Hanbin and he looks just as nervous as you. He’s leaning against the door. You wish he would come hold your hand or sit next to you or anything. 
“y/n,” he starts to say, but you cut him off. 
“I’m scared.” 
“What?” He looks so concerned. You love him for it. “What’s wrong?” 
“Come here,” you say without thinking. Hanbin sits next to you and takes your hand as you lean against him. It feels so natural. 
“What is it?” He asks quietly, rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand. 
“What if we fuck this up?” 
“We won’t,” he says right away. 
“Listen,” you reply. “You’re my best friend, and I absolutely adore you, but if we do this, and we fall in love and date and whatever and it doesn’t work out, where does that leave us?” 
Hanbin turns to look at you. “Haven’t we already fallen in love?” 
You answer him by leaning in and giving him a small kiss. You’re surprised at your boldness, but it feels right. When you pull away, the two of you smile at each other. You really do love him. 
“Is that what our first kiss was like?” You ask, breaking the silence. “I’m so sad I don’t remember it.” 
“It wasn’t like that, no,” he tells you. 
“Oh god,” you groan. “Was it like messy and weird? I wasn’t that drunk, was I?” 
“No,” he shakes his head. “It was actually really nice.” 
“Can we do a reenactment?” Hanbin blushes. “Oh my god, was it like something out of a R-rated movie?” 
He shakes his head again. “Maybe like 14A?” You gasp. 
“You’ll have to show me.” 
“Not today,” he says, “I have things to do.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You frown.
“Just, uh,” he looks down. “If I kiss you like that again, I’m pretty sure I know what’ll happen next.” 
That makes you blush. “Okay cool,” you say awkwardly. “We’ll save that for another time.” 
“Good plan,” he smiles at you. “Should we go back out there?” He gestures to the door. 
“What do we say?” 
“What do you mean?” He asks.
“We’ve been in here, alone, for how long? That’s not what friends do. They’re going to have questions.” 
“We’re not friends,” Hanbin says. 
“No?” You ask, trying to ignore the fact that your heart rate’s gone up. “What are we then?” 
Before he can answer, you hear Chanwoo’s voice outside. “If you two are fucking in there, let us know so we can leave.” 
“We’re not!” You and Hanbin yell back in unison. 
“Okay good,” Chanwoo responds. You both wait until you hear him walk away. 
“Let’s go, so they stop speculating about what we’re doing in here.” You get up. Hanbin doesn’t. “What?” 
“I love you.” 
“I know.” 
“Oh my god,” he groans. “Did you really have to quote Star Wars right now?” You smile, as he stands up. 
“Sorry,” you tell him. 
Hanbin kisses your forehead, taking your hand. You give him what’s mean to be a quick kiss on the lips, but he wraps his arms around you, holding you close. 
“I love you too,” you whisper once he pulls away. 
“Thank god for that.” You roll your eyes. “Come on.” 
You’re not ready for the constant teasing you’re going to get from Yunhyeong and Chanwoo, but you don’t mind. Hanbin’s yours now, so at least you’ll suffer together. That’s what friends do, right? 
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l000ey · 3 years
don't forget us ━ skyler
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𝑷𝑨𝑰𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑮 ━ 𝗓𝗁𝗈𝗎 𝗃𝗂𝖺 𝗑 𝗄𝗂𝗆 𝗁𝖺𝗇𝖻𝗂𝗇 ( 𝖿𝗍. 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝗈𝖿 𝗂𝗄𝗈𝗇 )
𝑺𝑼𝑴𝑴𝑨𝑹𝒀 ━ 𝗌𝗄𝗒𝗅𝖾𝗋 𝗁𝖺𝗌 𝗍𝗈 𝗆𝖺𝗄𝖾 𝖺 𝖽𝖾𝖼𝗂𝗌𝗂𝗈𝗇
𝑾𝑨𝑹𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺 ━ 𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗌𝗍, 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖾𝗇𝖽 𝗈𝖿 𝗌𝗄𝗒𝖻𝗂𝗇
𝑨/𝑵 ━ 𝗆𝖺𝗒𝖻𝖾 𝖨 𝖼𝖺𝗇 𝖽𝗈 𝖺𝗇 𝖺𝗅𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗇𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗏𝖾 𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗂𝗇 𝗐𝗁𝗂𝖼𝗁 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒 𝖾𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗈𝗀𝖾𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋? 𝗐𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍, 𝗀𝗎𝗒𝗌?
𝑺𝑬𝑪𝑶𝑵𝑫 𝑷𝑨𝑹𝑻 𝑶𝑭 ━ 𝗋𝗎𝗇 𝖺𝗐𝖺𝗒
𝒀𝑬𝑨𝑹 ━ 𝟤𝟢𝟣𝟫
• 𝘴𝘬𝘺𝘭𝘦𝘳’𝘴 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵
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Silence flooded the room, she didn’t know if it was possible but suddenly an alarm began to sound in her head. What was she going to do now? She loved Hanbin but she had already managed to be happy and calm, her life had stabilized a bit, she had bought a nice house where she lived with Jiho and –oh god, Jiho, what was she going to say? What if he was arriving just now? How was she going to explain the situation to him?.
She felt bad, the whole situation felt bad. Jia felt as if she had cheated on the man who had helped and loved her these months. No, she couldn't do this now.
She broke eye contact with the boy who was still kneeling on the ground and sighed, took her hands away from his jaw and closed her eyes hoping it was all a simple nightmare.
But no, it wasn't. He was still here, he kept looking at her as if it were his only salvation, the only thing that held him to life. She bit her lip trying not to cry when she heard him call her again.
She looked down again, analyzed his face and Hanbin didn't like that because he felt like she was memorizing it because she was going to say goodbye and she was never going to see him again. His grip on her pants tightened as the tears began to fall again.
“Please, Skyler. Let's go anywhere, I don't care where but I need to be with you. I need you” He murmured in a sob, his forehead collided with her belly and his arms went around her waist, grabbing her as if she were going to disappear at any moment even though she was there, in front of him.
"Hanbin..." There wasn't much left for her to start crying, she knew it, she felt her eyes start to flood and her throat start to itch, it was a feeling she seemed to be used to. She wiped away the first tear, keeping it from reaching her jaw. She refused to cry, she didn't want to cry anymore.
She looked at the ceiling as if it were going to speak to her and give the solution to all her problems. When it didn’t speak to her, she put her fingers between the blonde locks again and suppressed a sob. Suddenly all the memories created with the boy who held her in his arms slapped her and she wanted to die. How had this happened?
It seemed like a few seconds ago that they were both excited kids to be idols and now they were here, both screwed up by their own dreams. It hadn’t been long since they were in that television contest to fight Winner for the debut and now they were outcasts of the music industry.
It hurt, it hurt a lot that everything they had tried to fulfill a simple children's dream then everything would go to shit.
She sighed again before letting her knees touch the ground, this caught the attention of the boy who moved a little away from her to look at her face better finding that she was already looking at him.
"Let's go" She told him and he was stunned, he didn't think she would say yes. He opened his mouth in surprise and tried to speak but couldn't, he smiled and nodded a couple of times to get up and extend his hand to her.
The chinese girl looked at the hand in front of her and after thinking about it for a few seconds she took it, letting him lift her from the ground, holding hands they got up and went to the door, behind it was Shaoran who looked at them with a frown.
"Jia what..?" His confusion was cut off by the girl, who gave him a small smile.
"I need to go, I'll take the car" She approached him and hugged him, pressed her lips to her ear "Trust me."
At his boss's whisper the bodyguard's brow furrowed even more but he still nodded giving her the car keys. The young couple quickly left the house, the girl headed for the pilot's seat but she was stopped by Hanbin.
"I’ll drive, you must be tired" She denied giving him a small smile, caressing his cheek.
“Your eyes are still full of tears, you will make us crash. The airport is not very far, relax” She guided him to the passenger door and waited for him to get into the car to close his door, quickly took out her phone and wrote a message before getting into the car.
The former leader smiled leaning his head against the window as the car's engine roared "Where would you like to go?".
"I don't know, where would you like to go?" She was nervous, her fingers drumming on the steering wheel gave her away. She was thankful that Hanbin was too entertained looking out the window at the streets of Seoul.
"Maybe we could go to the United States or Europe, we could go to Paris" He shrugged turning to look at her, when she noticed that he was looking at her, she turned to smile at him making him take her hand, intertwine their fingers and kiss the back of her hand in a loving gesture.
Jia's heart clenched into her rib cage.
She nodded, pulling her hand away from his to turn the wheel "Paris would be ideal" She turned her gaze to the road to concentrate on not crashing the car "Do you mind if we stop for a moment? I need to get some things.”
"Sure, what do you have to take?" He looked at her curiously.
“Oh, uh, money, the passport, clothes… things like that. I have a bag kept at a friend's house, in case an emergency happens” She shrugged.
He raised an eyebrow moving in his seat "Is this how you ran away to China? I remember you left all your things in the dorm, including your passport. We thought you were still in Korea" She nodded, looking at the time on her phone for a moment “How did you come up with that?”.
"Red" She didn’t say more, it was not necessary. Hanbin knew that their sunbae was smart and meticulous in everything she did, it made sense that the older had taught Skyler some things, they were very close.
"Did she know you were in China?" The blonde girl denied, feeling guilty for her friend.
"I haven’t spoken with her since I left" The thing was somewhat complicated because the older rapper had tried to communicate with her since Bobby had told her that she had disappeared, had sent her many messages and had called her many times with no success.
"She is pregnant, did you know? Mino told us recently, he was very happy. Apparently she has gone to Japan to be with her parents during her pregnancy, they want their child to be born in Japan like her” The smile on his face was somewhat sad because he had had feelings for the kpop queen but was still happy for his friends.
Skyler didn't answer, of course she knew. She had read all of her messages despite not having answered one. When this will be over she needed to talk to her.
A few minutes later the car stopped and the silence that had surrounded them became uncomfortable. Jia sighed turning in her seat to look at him better, she looked at him sadly.
"I am sorry".
Kim laughed confused "Why are you sorry?".
She couldn’t answer because the passenger door was abruptly opened and someone hugged the boy, he immediately panicked when he recognized his mother.
"Hanbin-ah, where were you?!" The woman was crying, hugging her son. "You had me very worried, your sister hasn't stopped crying."
The boy was speechless, he looked over his mother's shoulder to meet the rest of Ikon. He looked at Skyler and she sank into her seat at the betrayal painted on his face.
"Mom, I ..." He couldn't speak because his mother had already pulled him out of the car and was dragging him into the house while she cried about how worried she was for her son.
She watched as mother and son disappeared through the door of the building and grimaced.
"You did the right thing." She raised her head to see Jiwon crouching down and staring at her from the open passenger door.
"Why doesn't it feel like that then?" She looked at him with tear-filled eyes, this time she let the drops of salty water run down her cheeks.
"Because you love him." A sad smile played on his lips. He looked her up and down, they hadn't seen each other for months and Bobby had the feeling that after today they wouldn't see her again "You should go."
He made the move to close the door but his name coming from the girl's lips interrupted him "I'm sorry, for everything."
“We will always be there for you, Sky. Just remember it, don't forget us” And after those words he closed the door and headed towards the house, passing the other five boys who were there, frozen as they watched the girl in the car.
She gave them a smile and started the car, not being able to be there another second.
"She’s not going to coming back, is she?" The pout on Chanwoo's lips was present when he spoke.
"No, she won't." The oldest of the group patted the maknae on the shoulder and he began to cry.
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woozi · 3 years
the thirst tweets yza 😭😭😭 i cannot. as much as fun this was, we were so close to getting jaebs with cats <//3
headlocking sk 😭😭 DJJDSKSK i would stand there like wonu clapping in the soop, for you <3. it's hindi ( actually it's my 2nd language but i speak in it the most w ppl outside of family djdjdjk ) my mother tongue is almost dwording djdjdkdk </3 i think im last gen who still speaks it, kids these days only know hindi or english.
ALSO!!! the footwork in senses choreo???? i liked it sm <3 yugyeom makes it look so easy to move like that?!?
same jdjdkddk godddd sometimes it takes a month to complete a drama which i like and started on my own will and sometimes it only takes 3 days. it doesn't matter how much i love something if i won't watch it, then I won't watch or consume it at all 💀.
ohhh, i've known jamie as an after school club mc first and singer second. like there was this time i was suddenly obsessed w eric nam's before we begin album i think around that time i first listened to one or two songs of jamie ( it was all spotify's doing jddjks) but then i forgot abt both and went back to listening to my regular ones. honestly i feel like i've gotten to know and appreciate jype artists ( those i know ) more, only after they've changed agencies it could just be me or my timing tho djdjdjh. have you listened to hanbin's solo album? honestly it's been no.1 album from 1st half of 2021 for me. i was not even looking forward to it or even knew djdjsk but i'm so glad i did i really like the songs & lyrics.
almost whatever jackson has released after mirrors has been to my taste leaving few bsides here and there. i love lmly <3 idk why for some reason i tend to mix pretty please and lmly up a lot djdjsk maybe it's bc of white tee and jeans. both mvs concept and songs are fantastic but if i have to pick one w/ mv & only considering the song, i do love lmly a little bit more then pretty please. wbu? <3
mark kept saying ' when we go back ' during the live so i got more confused each time, went on twt and got to know djdjdk. twt list of both svt & got7 of update accounts is like my newspaper, in free time i open it to see what is going on, sometimes jdjddk.
and of course i know abt woozi's cover <3 i've listened to it a lot jdjdksk he's so <//3
i could listen to his voice all day.
there is one cover of 10 cm hoshi dropped last year i like it sm <3 it made me so happy!!, around that i was obsessed with some of 10 cm's songs. help is one of my most favorite.
i really really wish for dokyeom to cover more day6 songs or just any songs </3 would really appreciate one from mr. joshu_acoustic too 😿.
did you see the way dokyeom woke up with a smile on his face in 5th in the sopp ep <//3 he's so precious 😭 (i'll try to link next time idk links go through asks tho djjddj sometimes tumblr eats it up). i don't even know what a smile is for first 2 hours after i've woken up. also i think i like this (sk coming and karaoke one - 5th) ep a lil more bc of that half minute of singer cheol it served us. i need him to sing more omg <//3
the soop song tho it's so sweet 😭💕. i love love how they brainstorm and make songs it's such an interesting process. i love what going seventeen is now but i miss watching the song making & recording process (even rho they do show it in inse after cb but jdjdks). the one where they made gose song, recorded it and made choreo/mv i love. it's still remains as one of my most favorite ep. they compose & write songs so smoothly & make it look so effortless <3
thank you for letting me ramble abt silly little things and responding to them, yza <3 love hanging out w/ you. i hope you're also having fun djjddj (i'll try to keep these short fr 😭 djdkdk i feel a bit bad for making you read so much nonsense :3)
take care of yourself, yza <3 sending good week wishes. - 🪂🪂🪂
also mood tbh we could've gotten something like jacks' puppy vid </3
LIKE WONU CLAPPING FJKDJKFDJFD in true infj fashion <3 wait naurr that's so sad </3 do they not teach it in schools?
ALSO YES OH MY GODDDDDDDDD house king show us ur fancy moves <3 as a fellow dancer i am throwing him my shoe rn <3 also i literally have never seen smth like this in kpop how did people fucking sleep on this icb it..
I FULLY RELATE HELLO????????????????? what dramas have u been watching? and which genres are u into? <3 i also just finished vincenzo today it was so good 😭 took me like.. a week, i think (?), though bc svt has SO MUCH content and i dont like being behind on svt shit esp bc i also run an update blog lmaooo 😭
WAIT I FORGOT SHE ALSO DID EMCEEING 😭 she's such a fun person </3 AND ERIC NAM FDKJDFJK i have one-sided beef w him lmao when he was still new to the scene he would reply to everyone's @s but he never replied to me so i felt v .. </3 (also this is what.. 13 year old me speaking so this def does not reflect how i feel abt him now JKJKFJKDFF) i also get that </3 i feel like jype doesn't manage them well (i dont know shit behind the scenes and shit abt the industry in-depth but u know... it Kind Of Shows esp w how the artists themselves speak abt the agency lol). and i have not!! i am truly a svtpoppie 😭 i will though bc u recommended it to me <3 i also have been seeing him frequently on tiktok lol, ALSO BC OF LEE HI!!
honestly i haven't been keeping up w his albums anymore just the title tracks so i cant say much 😭 i also def prefer lmly over pretty please i was actually obsessed w it for a while!! i love jackson's vision so much though, the cinematography is EVERYTHING
literally reading abt what our boys have been up to like reading the morning paper KJDSFKJDSJKSJKD
V GOOD FOR U TO HAVE COME ACROSS THE COVER... I JUST DISCOVERED IT BY ACCIDENT 😭 also i have to agree although i definitely do not want to admit that i am more than willing to listen to some man sing to me all day 😭😭😭😭😭 jihoon's voice is just... different to me for some reason. i have a hard time picking between him & seokmin tbh </3 hbu, who's ur fave svt vocalist?
ALSO YES THAT WAS SO CUTE OF HIM!! AND V ON BRAND TOO </3 the way u listen to 10cm..... im giving u an award rn <3 im guessing you listen to k-indie too?
DK THOUGH... I'M VERY MUCH WILLING TO ADMIT THAT I'D LISTEN TO HIM ALL DAY.... something about him... AND NOT THE JOSHU_ACOUSTIC FJDJFDJKFD 😭😭😭 i hate his username so much- why... WHY...
I DID!!!!!!!!! and i was so surprised too bc.. who wakes up smiling?????? what'd he dream of???????????? he's such a happy person i cant imagine what thats like 😭 the first thing i do when i wake up is make the >:| face JFJKFDKJFD also oh my god i just read that you're experiencing the same thing 😭😭 bestie trait!! KJJKFDKJFD ALSO YOU COULDN'T BE MORE RIGHT?????????? im always campaigning for vocalist coups im SOOO glad u feel the same way <3 his voice is just so comforting to me </3 idk i just really like his timbre
and v true omg i'm always fascinated to see how they actually work all this out!! the bts recording/choreo making vids are also my favorite gfkjdfkjdfj HOW ARE WE SO SIMILAR WE MIGHT AS WELL BE THE SAME PERSON 😭also jihoon in that gose behind vid........... in universe factory............... i still think about that Look from time to time... 😭this is also why i respect the boys sm tbh. everyone in the industry undeniably works so hard but to actually get this much creative freedom and to basically lead the group and their direction music and performance-wise is so insane to me... no wonder jihoon's always in his studio. i couldnt be happier that they get to live off of doing what they like im also so so proud of them they must work so hard <3 esp w all the content they're giving us.. icb it's always like this in caratland im so used to being an ahgase that gets like.... 1 cb a year😭
AND NOOO OMG DON'T BE SORRY I REALLY LOOOVE GETTING UR MESSAGES </3 and i love how lengthy they are makes me feel like ur just not making small talk (i hate small talk sm 😭) and that you're actually interested <3 i genuinely love bonding w u through these little asks i can never thank u enough for sending them <3 i hope ur having a lovely week as well!! u can always talk to me even if it's not kpop related and u just want to talk abt life or when u need some cheering up <3
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kz-i-co · 5 years
Sorority Secrets: Part III
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Summary: Will your plan make everything better or worse as you try to dig up more secrets that lies within Kappa Nu sorority.
Pairing: Bobby/ Reader
Genre: smut/angst/fluff
Words: 4.7k
Part 1 | Part 2 ╫ Part 4 | Part 5
m.list ╫ ikon masterlist
"This plan is stupid." You said reading the note. "I dream about you every night.....seriously." You rolled your eyes. "That's not gonna sway her."
"All she probably wants to hear is how in love he is with her." Bobby said like it was obvious.
"Shhh." You and Bobby moved farther to the back of the library for a more discrete aisle.
"It will work." Bobby spoke once again.
"Are you kidding me? It's gonna take more then that. She's cold stone now."
"I guess you're right." He sighed leaning on the book shelf.
Your eyes wondered around thinking of another plan until one jumped out at you with a simple flyer. "Oh my god the Zeta Swing Charity, it's perfect."
"A blind date? That sounds pretty risky." He said.
"They just need a moment alone together. No other Kappas and Theatas showing each other off."
"What if they fight?"
"We'll watch them and make sure it's romantic." You smiled feeling hopeful.
"So how can we mess with the charity so we make sure they end up together?"
"We'll just distract the Zetas and take their donation." You shrugged. "Easy."
"In front of a whole party of people." He laughed. "Sure."
"But first, I need to get the insight of it. Meet you later?" He nodded and leaned in about to kiss you causing you to push him away. "Not here. Someone could see." You looked around.
"Fine." He mumbled and turned the other way.
"Hey, Dani?" You smiled seeing a Zeta. "What's up?"
"Hey (Y/N)." She looked at you confused from your approach. You never have really spoken before.
"I had a question about your charity. How does it work exactly?"
"Well whoever wants to buy a ticket gets a card and you fill it out of what your interest are and we sort them into different color buckets so we can match everyone up with a date."
"That's cool. Can I buy tickets for my Kappas?"
"Well, we'll be going door to door tomorrow so you don't need to right now."
"Oh okay." You tried not to sound disappointed. "When do you find out your date?" You asked.
"Saturday morning everyone will receive a card with an address on it for a date that night."
"Just an address?"
"Yeah. In this case we don't get any stand ups or refunds if they don't like who they get." She shrugged.
"Okay good to know."
This was gonna be harder then you thought. How were you gonna switch the tickets?
"Will you please stop pacing?" Jennie was sitting on the bed across from you.
"I don't know how we are going to pull this off." You said biting your lip.
"Maybe we should just go back to plan A instead. Find out which senior is dating a Theata and then we can just take it from there."
"But we can't get any information from the Theatas because even they don't know and Jinu is not telling anyone, purposely for this reason and we can't get the information from the seniors because then Haeryung will get involved." You we're rambling.
"(Y/N) calm down. Take a breath. Everything will be fine." She started.
"Ugh." You both rolled your eyes and continued on your way downstairs.
"The Zetas are here if anyone wants to participate in their charity." They're here already? They said 11.
"It's $5 a card and we'll have you fill it out and we will set you up on a blind date." Faye spoke as the other kappas were blushing. "Who wants one?" She began and no one rushed into raise their hand or grabbing their wallets.
"Oh come on ladies. It's still the beginning of the school year. Non of you should have boyfriends or girlfriends yet." Mimi smirked.
"Can I make one small request?" Haeryung spoke up. "As you may know we do have our strict rules of no Theatas."
"We'll make sure none of you have a Theata no worries." The leader spoke.
"Alright ladies, go ahead." She smiled. "We must help out our fellow sisters."
Most of the girls got their card except you and Jennie. "Come on (Y/N) there is tons of hot not Theata boys out there."
"I can't think of dating right now, I'm working on my studies." You smiled.
"It's just one date, and it's for a good cause."
"Not thank you."
"We help out our fellow sisters."
"Well then I can just give them the $5 then. I don't need a card." You fought back.
"Sorry we can't accept it." Faye pursed her lips.
"I don't feel like going on a random date with a guy I don't know."
"We offer lgbt set up as well." Dani spoke.
"No, it's not that." You shook your head.
"Is it because you fell in love with a Theata and you're keeping it a secret?" Haeryung spoke making the room fall silent.
"No. I told you I'm not into dating right now." You stood your ground.
"Then explain the hickies on your neck." She sassed.
"What hickies?"
"Don't play dumb (Y/N). You obviously need to work on your makeup skills."
"Why are you calling out me? I'm not the only one who has hook-upped at a party."
"Okay, we aren't forcing anyone to play, it's no big deal." The Zetas we're caught in between.
"Fine I'll take one." You began causing Haeryung to look at you once again. "But you have to get one too."
She laughed. "I don't have time to date, I have tons of work I have to do."
"On a Saturday?" Jennie asked.
"This is a ticket to a date you probably couldn't even get on your own." You spoke up.
"Excuse me." She looked at you with hatred.
"Just look at you, you're too uptight, you obviously need to get laid." The rest of the girls giggled causing her to shy away and make her way out of the room.
"She'll take one." Mimi gave the money.
The rest of the girls were patting you on the back but you held that ticket in your hand with disappointment on your face. Now you had to go out with some random guy when you were suppose to be with Bobby watching over Haeryung and Seunghoon. Now what?
"That was awesome." Jennie laughed.
"Was I too harsh?"
"Nah, she'll get over it, let's go get the guys."
You got up to your bedroom and you immediately started to get undress as well Jennie.
"Woah woah wait." Bobby came out of your closet, scaring the both of you.
"What the fuck?" You said.
"Sorry." He looked guilty.
"How long have you been here?" Jennie asked picking up something off her desk.
"I just got here but you guys were no where to be found and I heard someone coming so I got scared and ran in the closet." He spoke.
"You picked a wrong time to sneak in. All the girls are on their way out." You started.
"Oh great. Then maybe we could stay here." He gave you a sly look but it soon changed once you looked at Jennie. She was reading some note, taking all her attention. "Um to look for clues or something."
"Jennie you okay?" You asked.
"Oh yeah. It's nothing."
"Oh hay, Hanbin said you two are hanging out today?"
"Yeah." She smiled. "I better get going." She grabbed a few things and made her way out.
"They are so cute." You smiled.
But as soon as that door shut Bobby was already leaning up on you kissing his favorite spot causing your most trouble in this damn house. "You need to stop being so messy, Haeryung's been noticing."
"Just tell her you have a boyfriend." He didn't stop causing you to lean against your dresser.
"I can't because she'll want detail: what's his name? Which fraternity? Etc."
"Tell her to mind her own business." He started pulling the straps of your shoulders.
"I can't, have you met her?" You said as his lips went down closer to the top of your breast.
"Fine, I'll find a new place then." His hands were exploring your body causing your head to fall back, soaking in the pleasure.
"She's up to something." You both stopped as you heard voices pass your room. "I'll catch her, just like that Jiyong trash."
Then you heard the front door shut. They must all be gone. "Jiyong is the girl Haeryung got kicked out."
"Great so she's going to frame me if she catches me or not."
"We won't let that happen. She will go on that date and they will click like old times and forget about you." Bobby reassured.
"I just need to make sure I can steal her card tomorrow morning." You said nervously.
"How did you get her to enter?"
"It's a long story." You bit your lip.
"You think everyone is gone?" He had his head leaning against the door.
"They should be." You said causing him to smile and quickly be at your side once again. "We can search her room." Your face lit up walking right passed him causing him to pout.
You opened the door and made your way down the hall. The house was completely silent so you knew it was vacant. You jiggled her handle and opened the door to a typical tidy room.
"She's such a princess." You rolled your eyes. "Be careful what you touch because she'll probably know."
You got down on her knees and searched under the bed first as Bobby was looking through her desk table.
"Not even a spec of dust under-here." You got up and began to search the closet. "Anything?"
"No, just a bunch of old photos."
"Nothing." You turned around and began checking her night stand. As soon as you opened the drawer you saw crap and more crap. You rummage through a little seeing nothing important until you hand felt something weird, like silicone. You pulled it out and screamed at the top of your lungs feeling disgusted.
"I touched it." You got up and ran to the bathroom scrubbing your fingers.
Bobby was alarmed from your sudden outburst and looked where you were searching. His worried expression quickly to a devious smirk followed by a chuckle.
He closed the drawer and made sure the room was left the way it was and made his way to the bathroom where you were drying your hands.
"Thought she was too pure for that." You spoke causing Bobby to laugh.
"Maybe we're being too harsh. She's probably not much different then us."
You laughed at him with pure sarcasm and your eyes glanced down to what he was holding. "What's that?"
"Oh I found this ritual book." You rolled your eyes and grabbed it.
"Oh my god, this is the kappa nu student handbook." You quickly looked through it.
"You don't have one?" He asked.
"Well we have a printable, but this is the actual book." You we're flipping page by page. "Ah here it is. No theatas."
"Really." He looked next to you. "It's hand written though. Meaning it's a forgery."
"Well we can't know for sure by this copy, we need to look in the actual copy that is probably in the Deans office."
"Okay." He shrugged. "Well just have Dk steal it."
"I don't want to risk anyone getting in trouble."
"Dk can't get in trouble, his father is the Dean. He didn't even want to go to this school."
"Alright." You agreed but were still feeling uneasy. "I just wish there was a better way."
You we're starring at Bobby trying to think of something. "I wonder if Jinu has ever snuck in here." Your eyes light up. "We need to check the other seniors rooms. T-they could have evidence of Jinu."
Your we're speaking so fast You we're sure if Bobby could even understand you. You ran to Jeonghwa's room first. You felt a bigger suspicion with her more then Mimi because it seemed that Mimi was more of a dedicated minion to Haeryung then her. You began to check everything quickly once again, bed, closet, etc.
"I think it would be too easy if she had evidence lying around." Bobby said already giving up.
"Yeah. It has to be Jeonghwa though. I'm sure of it."
"We can steal her phone...wait, I'll steal Jinu's phone." He shrugged. "He'll probably won't be as discrete with his."
"This is nuts. We are going through so much to uncover a secret that will be over at the end of the school year. Maybe we should just wait it out."
"What about the Juniors who will be your seniors next year." He asked.
"I don't know, maybe they won't be as cruel." You sighed.
"So being a secret is going to be tough." He started.
"I know but we'll just be careful."
"That's not going to work." He started to smirk.
You just stared at him with confusion. "I don't know how I'm going to control myself around you in public."
"It's not like we aren't going to see each other." He was climbing over you causing you to lay back on Jeonghwas bed.
You giggled as he started to kiss down your neck once again. "I won't be able to hold your hand or kiss you in public."
"You can managed." You began playing with his hair behind his head.
He brought his lips up to yours as his hand started working it's way up your shirt. He was grinding against you, feeling every inch of him.
"You that turned on already."
"Well you teased me earlier." He said kissing down your chest on the outside of your shirt until he pushed it up revealing your exposed chest. He was sucking on the one and playing with the other. You couldn't help the moans escape your mouth causing him to be more excited.
You reached for the waistline of his jeans, blushing from his erection bulging through. You reached down to unbuckle his jeans and began palming him on the outside of his boxers causing him to stop kissing you and pause in his track. You bit your lip from how weak he was against your touch. He leaned down farther kissing you once again as you continued pulling him out properly.
"Do you have- Wait a minute." You looked around the room, forgetting where you were. "Shit, this is Jeonghwa's room and she'll know-"
You both froze from the front door suddenly opening. "Fuck fuck fuck....get up." You panicked and quickly got out of Jeonghwas room. You stood at the corridor seeing Mimi place her keys down on the table with her face in her phone. You pushed Bobby to go into your room but the commotion sent her eyes up to you.
"Hey." You smiled nervously.
"Aren't you suppose to be on the quad with the rest of the girls?" She asked.
"I wasn't feeling too well." You lied.
"It's not contagious is it?" She made a look at you.
"No just a migraine."
"I have a question." You started again as she was about to enter her room.
"As sisters we're suppose to be honest with each other right?"
"Yes of course." She said but you can tell she was confused.
"I just feel like sometimes seniors Haeryung and Jeonghwa are keeping secrets." You said as innocent as possible. "Maybe that's why they're so against me."
"They aren't against you." She said reassured. "And you can keep your personal life to yourself if that's what you wish but you should know that we are sisters and we are always there for each other if you want to share anything, and no judgement."
"So we can keep secrets?"
"If it's not hurting anyone or yourself then why not? Everyone has secrets, doesn't mean you are a bad person."
"I hope Haeryung and Jeonghwa feel that way." You said trying to sway.
"Like I said, everyone has secrets, they don't wish to share."
She entered her room and closed the door behind her. You went back to your room disappointed as Bobby was waiting for you on your bed.
"Nothing. She admitted they are hiding something but got nothing." You sighed.
"You don't think It's Mimi do you?"
"Who's dating Jinu? I don't think so, she never leaves Haeryung side most of the time. It's Jeonghwa who is always out and doing something."
"But her room had no evidence."
"Maybe she knows Haeryung checks our rooms when we aren't here and doesn't want to get caught."
"She snoops through your room?" Bobby asked almost annoyed.
"That night you snuck through my window, she entered my room and was surprised I was there. She said she collects all the laundry but it's probably an excuse to snoop."
"If I were you I would leave while I still can." He teased.
"I wish. My mom loves this place." You laughed.
You heard Mimi's door close once again and open the bathroom door followed by the splashing sound of the shower.
"I guess she's not leaving anytime soon." You giggled.
You got up and looked out your door to the empty hall. You closed it once again and locked it.
"Let's finish." You smirked and noticed Bobby about to get up. You pushed him back down and got down on your knees in front of him, taking him by surprise.
You noticed his bulge still visible from before and continued pulling him out once again, right where you left off. You immediately stated to pump him causing him to bite his lip.
You leaned down bringing your mouth to his member kissing the tip. He was getting harder by the second. When you started to bring your mouth farther down, his breathing picked up. You bobbed your head at a teasing pace. He closed his eyes and his head leaned back weakly.
He started letting out soft moans making you smile against him. When you brought your head back up you noticed how red his tip was that you knew he wasn't going to last long. You started to suck as far as you would allow yourself and stroked the remains with your hands.
"Fuck, you're good at this." He said looking at you weakly.
You blushed and pulled him out of your mouth but continued stroking as you kissed up the sides. You continued to suck one last time because you knew any minute he was gonna crumble. You could tell by his lack of staying still was the signal. He moved your hair out of the way and couldn't help but play with it. He was a moaning mess that you were lucky the shower was still going unless Mimi would clearly hear him.
At the point you felt him twitch and release inside you. He collapsed back laying on your bed as you continued cleaning up the mess.
"Let's get out of here." You suggested. "Let's meet up with Jennie and Hanbin." You said already getting ready.
"Sure." He was still wiped out on your bed. "Or we can just stay here."
"Not as long as Mimi is prancing around the place."
"Fine." He got up putting himself together.
"What's wrong?" You asked Jennie as she was getting ready.
"Nothing." She smiled. "Just tired."
"Oh okay. Well I switched the cards so Haeryung will being going on a date with Mr. Theata Leader." You felt so achieved. "Can't wait."
"Aren't you suppose to go on a date also. How will you see how things go?"
"Shit, I forgot. How am I gonna tell Bobby?" You felt timid all over again.
"I'm sure he will understand."
You were ready to go and already started texting him. You went downstairs as the other girls were about to leave to follow the address on their given card.
"I better have gotten someone who cares about his grades and also looks handsome." Sorry to disappoint you. "Good luck (Y/N) on your date. Maybe you'll meet a nice guy who isn't into foreplay as much as you."
You rolled your eyes at her followed by a genuine smile. "I hope you have a great time on your date Haeryung. Hopefully you will have a date who actually knows what fun is."
You looked through your phone once again and saw no text back from Bobby. What if his phone is dead and he thinks you stood him up? You thought of the worst.
You noticed your address was the cute little restaurant on the other side of the school. It was known for its very romantic setting and intimate surroundings. You waited outside as long as possible before you were forced to go in.
You got to your assigned table and noticed a guy already seated at the table. Once he saw you he stood up and bowed. "You must be my blind date."
"Nice to meet you." You tried not to sound so rushed but you wanted to sit down for a few and fake sick or something to get you out of there. You both exchanged names and just sat down awkwardly. The most annoying part was the seating area was round booths so you were forced to sit on the same side as him.
"So what made you want to join in the charity."
"Just helping out fellow Sorority sisters." You pursued your lips. You tried to avoid eye contact as much as you could and keep your eyes glued in the menu.
"You ready to order?"
"Just a water please." You said speaking before him.
"Yeah same." You handed the menus back.
Once the waitress was gone he scooted closer to you and reached for your hand which you quickly pulled away.
"Look, I only did this charity to help out, I'm not looking for a relationship."
"We can take it slow if you want."
You just laughed and shook your head staring at the different tables. You tried to be as sweet as possible but you were too uncomfortable.
"This is a nice restaurant they've chosen." He tried to make small talk but you just nodded.
You felt him lean in closer once again and didn't try to come off as bitchy but you wanted to just take off. This guy clearly wasn't getting the message. You felt his hand caresses your exposed thigh and tried to make its way up your skirt. You jumped away and he looked at you with confusion.
"I told you I'm not looking for a relationship."
"Okay. But doesn't mean we have to waist this date." He leaned down trying to kiss your neck and this time you were out of the booth and out the door.
You went outside quickly and grabbed your phone and still saw no text from Bobby.
"Hey I'm sorry, can we start over?" The guy followed you.
"I already have a boyfriend alright." You raised your voice.
"I'm sorry I'm just confused. I understand you want to help with the charity but why for blind dating. This is suppose to be a set up for people who are looking for relationships." He started getting angry.
"You're right. I shouldn't have."
"Hey, I'm sorry for sounding like a jerk but it's pretty fucked up if you ask me." The raised his voice. "All you sorority girls are the same, think you rule the school and can walk all over the place but all of you are just selfish and stuck up and don't give a shit about anyone but yourselves." You we're silent as he attacked you.
"I'm stuck up? You were practically dry humping me in there when I moved away from you twice. You're disgusting."
"That's another thing all of you are teases and slu-" Then next thing you knew he hit the floor from the powerful swing of a right hook. The guy stood back up and took off.
"What the fuck are you doing here with that guy?"
"Bobby? I tried texting you."
"I was worried I was going to be late so I left and forgot my phone but you never showed up." He was angry.
You didn't know if he was angry from before the dumb guy attacked you or after.
"I'm sorry I couldn't-"
"You entered the charity?" Then it was worse from the look he was giving you. Betrayal.
"Haeryung made me. It was the only way she would enter."
"Doesn't mean you had to show up."
"I wasn't gonna do anything, I was gonna say hi and leave but the guy ended up being a creep."
He sighed but you could tell he believed you. "I'm so sorry." You wrapped your arms around him and looked up and pouted. "Please forgive me, I'll do anything you want."
"Let's just....get out of here." He tried to leave but you still had him locked down around your arms. "(Y/N) come on."
"Not yet." You leaned your head against his chest, embracing into his warm touch. Then you looked up once again, kissing him tenderly.
"So how did the date go?" You asked as you both were walking to his fraternity, hands interlocked.
"Well...." He started and you knew it didn't go well. "First the dumbass was late, and once he got there he laughed and her face turned so red. It was hilarious. She thought the whole thing was a joke. She got up and he eased her to sit back down but they basically fought the whole time. They were talking about their past and how much a jerk he was and it ended with her throwing her water in his face."
"She didn't even give him a chance?"
"No. Sorry." He said. "Look I know you want to expose Jeonghwa and Jinu but I feel bad about it. Jinu is a good guy and I just don't want their relationship to get ruined because of us."
"You're right. We'll just leave them alone. I guess It's time for Plan C. Sneak into the Deans office and find the official Handbook."
"Hey have you guys seen Jennie, she won't response to my text." Hanbin spoke as soon and you and Bobby went through the door.
"She was out earlier maybe she's back home and resting. She's been a little down lately." You said.
"I should go anyway, it's almost curfew. I'll tell her to call you." You said kissing Bobby goodbye.
You walked the short distance to your house and made your way inside. You saw the girls watching a movie in the living room and saw no sigh of Haeryung. Where was she?
You continued walking upstairs and entered your room, surprised it was completely dark. "Jennie? You here?" You blindingly made it the light switch turning it on.
You turned back and saw no sign of Jennie and what's worse was her side of the room was completely empty. Her closet was open with dangling hangers empty, drawers opened and vacant as could be. Your heart was racing as you went over to her bed seeing nothing left but a note.
I, sister Haeryung and the rest of our Kappa Nu sisters are sorry to inform you, sister Kim Jennie have been banished from Kappa Nu Sorority. You have failed to abide our rules and not only have you been warned but failed to take matters in your own actions. It's best to pack your stuff as soon as possible and continue on your way. Best of luck in the future and hope no harm comes to you and your further here at Seoul University. Sister Haeryung.
You threw down the notes and paced back and fourth before marching to your door. As you were about to open the door you saw a white envelope on the floor from being slid underneath. You picked it up and opened the letter as the words were too familiar.
I, sister Haeryung and the rest of our Kappa Nu sisters are sorry to inform you, sister (Y/L/N) (Y/N) have been banished from Kappa Nu Sorority.....
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trex98dreams · 4 years
Chapter 11: Housemates
Jackson & Youngji's Apartment.
That night, I told the guys about what happened. I told them I've forgive Jungkook and now that we're okay, I ask Hanbin to take him a tour around since he's new. The guys were kinda worried since I've been out for a few hours and they're afraid that i might get kidnapped by him.
Silly them.
The weird thing is, Jimin doesn't even say a word about him. Maybe because he didn't knew about Jungkook's past with mine. I think he's just upset that i never told him about Jungkook before.
I cleared my throat. "Hey, urmm you okay?" I ask. He bit his lip, an upset pouts were displayed.
"So.. that's Kookie? It's just that.. i don't understand why you never told me about you and him, we're best friends right?" He said.
See? Told you he's upset.
I let out a huge sigh. "Jimin, he's not somebody i should brag about at you, i don't want to look pathetic since you already know, most guy that i had a crush on never ends up with me, and i met him even before you.." i trailed.
"You're not pathetic Y/N. Stop saying that, you know i would never think of you like that. Besides, what's the difference if I know? That doesn't explain why you never told me about him," Jimin said and I stayed quiet.
I zoned out, thinking about those times where he did just as same by hiding his relationship from me. But that was until he panickly interrupt.
"Wait! I'm sorry Y/N. I- i shouldn't say that. We've been in this situation before and i don't want to lose our friendship again. I-i understand if you didn't want to tell me about it.." he rambles. I smile, knowing that he's afraid that he blew off our friendship again.
I look at him and replied, " It's fine, you're just worried and curious, i get that. Thank you for worrying about me, Jimin." I told him and his frown turns into a smile.
I went to the kitchen to help Youngji and Dahyun, leaving Jimin to play video games with Hanbin and Jackson when my phone vibrated and as i open, I smiled, thinking how on earth today could get any better.
1 New Text Message.
From: Oppa♡
Jagi.. how are you doing today? You ok? I miss you so much. Just asking how you were since i'm dying here without you. Call me, I love you sweetheart. xoxo.
5 days later.
"What? What do you mean i can't stay there anymore?" Jimin asks panickly. Hanbin massage his temple.
"Listen Jimin, I have told the fraternity, I even help you make a report to the student council so you can stay there but there's no more room! The internship students are back early and there's no way those douche bags are gonna let newbies like you stay at their place," Hanbin stated.
This was new. I have heard about the stupid fraternity Hanbin was at, the only kind one there was Hanbin and his roommate. Jimin was lucky that he got a dorm when he arrives but now that the internship students are back a month early, he's going to be kicked out.
"Ok.. when can i start packing my stuff?" Jimin asks sadly.
"Urm.. i hate to break it to you but they want it to be done by tomorrow morning, Sorry Jimin. I can't do anything, they'll kicked me out too if i react overly, seniors," Hanbin scoffs.
"What about other frats? Not even a single dorm available?" Jackson asks Hanbin. He shook his head.
"I tried looking, asking a few students but they aren't any available right now, so, sorry bro," Hanbin adds.
Jimin let out a huge sigh. He must felt terrible. "Hey, we can let you stay at our place before you can find a new dorm, if that's okay with you?" Youngji offered him but i can see that Jackson strongly rejects those idea.
Jimin shook his head. "Thanks for the offer, But no thank you. You guys are like a married couple. I can't live with a married couple." He joked but i knew his mind was everywhere.
I didn't say anything. It's quiet for about 5 minutes before suddenly Dahyun turns to look at me.
"What?" I ask.
"Y/N, You said you need more housemates right? is that room in your apartment still available?" She asks. I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Yeah.. and what are you implying now Dahyun..?" I ask her.
She giggles. "My idea is, maybe you can share your apartment with Jimin! He needs a place to stay and you need more money to pay the rent. Perfect!" Dahyun suggest.
I think back for a moment. Me and Jimin had just re-build our friendship, it'll definitely be a bit awkward living together with a former best friend. Plus, Seokjin wouldn't like this idea of having a guy housemate but neither less, i can't let Seokjin keep helping me pay the rent when i'm the one whose always here. Poor him.
I think for a minute while Jimin look at me with his puppy eyes.
"Well? Can I Y/N?" He kinda pleads. Maybe it's not so bad since Jimin is loaded and he can totally pay half of the rent without a problem.
I made my decision. "Urmm... ok. But you have to follow my rules because one, I own the place. Besides Seok-"
"Yay! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I promise i'll follow whatever rules you're setting. And don't worry i'll be cleaning if you want me to do it! Thank you so much Y/N!" He cuts me happily.
I shrugged and the guys laugh while Youngji glares at me. As they were talking, Youngji scoots closer, "You sure this is a good idea? Letting him stay with you? What would Seokjin say?"
I look at Youngji.
"Yeah. Besides, he doesn't have a place to stay. I can't let him sleep on the streets right?"
The Next Day.
That evening after class, I told Jimin to wait in front of his old dorm so i can pick him up. He doesn't really know where to wait here, so he gladly agreed and as i arrived there, he's already in front of the doorstep, chatting with Hanbin excitedly.
I approach them. "Took you so long, where you've been? Jimin is too excited he basically can't wait to get the hell out of here," Hanbin stated while Jimin looks at me cheerfully.
"Sorry, There's traffic and my class just finish. You ready to go?" I ask Jimin. He nods, pulling the strap on his bag pack and begin to pick up two large boxes in his hand. I saw his suitcase and he tried to reach it but his hands are full, so i offer to help.
"I'll bring it Jimin," i told him. He shook his head, refusing the idea.
"No, it's okay-" but i cut him by pulling the suitcase towards the car and he follows me defeatedly. We begin to load his stuff in the back of the car when i notice someone standing behind us. I turn around to look at who it is, and it was someone i didn't expect to see.
"Hi Y/N... urm.. how are you?" He asks me nervously. I smiled back at him since we're in good terms now. "I've been doing fine, thank you for asking," I replied softly.
Jimin glares at him sharply but didn't say anything, afraid that if he did, i might get at angry at him for scolding Jungkook because of the past. Jungkook stood there awkwardly, feeling a bit intimidated by Jimin's gaze.
"That's great. I rarely see you around after our... meeting a week ago and i just wanted to know how you've been doing. So, I'll get going now.. nice meeting you both again." He says and turn around to leave.
That's when i notice, he was carrying a duffel bag, one hand pulling a suitcase and behind him was his bag pack. Curiosity got the best of me.
"Hey Jungkook, where are you going? Why do you bring so many bags with you?" I asks. He stops on his track to answer me.
"Oh this.. actually, i was kicked out of my temporary dorm, the fraternity seniors are back, and they won't allow me to stay there even for a day before i find another dorm to stay. So, heh, here I am." He said shyly.
"You too? I though i was the only one!" Jimin exclaimed behind me.
Wow, drastic change Park Jimin.
Jungkook smiles sadly. "So where are you going to stay now? You can't sleep on the street, the nearest motel here is about 15 kilometre's away, and the last bus to go there is two hours ago. Where are you going?" I ask him feeling sorry for the guy. What a shitty seniors they have.
"Urm.. yeah. I'm not sure either. I don't really know anybody here beside you guys. It's okay Y/N, you don't need to worry about me, I'll figure something out. Right now, i need to stay positive. So, thanks for worrying about me," he replied but i looked at him pitifully.
Although Jimin doesn't grew fond of him, he too looks sorry for the guy. Seeing him helpless makes me wonder what will happen to him, it'll probably be hard because he had to settle in this new place, alone.
Right then, my light bulb of idea brights up. Why? Maybe the pity feelings occurs in some part of my mind.
"Hey Jungkook," I called him. He turns around and look at me once more.
"I can help you."
Y/N’s Apartment. 8:30 PM.
The elevator door open as we arrived at the 2nd floor which is where my apartment is.
"This is not a good idea Y/N, not a good idea." Jimin whispers as i unlock the door to my apartment.
I choose to ignore him. First, this is my apartment and i can do anything i want to. As the door flung open, I put my shoes on the rack and welcome them in. Them? Oh I forgot, by 'them,' I mean both Jimin and Jungkook.
Yup, I decided to help Jungkook by letting him be the second renter because one, i feel sorry for him and two, there's no dorm available for his stay here. I can't let him sleep at a motel. At first, Jimin strongly rejects the idea, but after we had a small talk, he had to accept him, want it or not. I told him, with Jungkook as an additional, the rent payment will be much more lesser and there's so many room, so Jimin gives up.
And that's how we end up here.
Jimin and Jungkook's gaze were all over the house, first landing on the ceiling, then on the couch and then, the decorations. They enter the house with their stuff and I closed the door.
"Welcome to my apartment, or should I say, Our's now. Sorry if it's not what you guys are expecting," I said and went to the kitchen, picking up a few bowls and put it into the sink, all because i haven't wash it last night. When i looked back at them, Jimin was smiling while Jungkook's eyes were set on the video game.
"What do you mean? This is more than what i expected! I love it Y/N," Jimin said and i smiled at him, glad that he likes it. Jungkook also look at me contently. "Yeah, This place is very nice Y/N. Thank you for letting me stay here," Jungkook stated. I nod my head.
"Glad you guys like it, here i'll be showing up your rooms." I told them and they each pull their bags and suitcase, following my steps.
The living room was in the center and so as the kitchen. So, each wing consist of two bedrooms and one bathroom at each end of the hall. I went to the right wing first, where my bedroom is.
"There are four room in this house, and this one here is my bedroom. So, this is the no enter zone get that?" I explain to them as i showed my room on the right side. They chuckled softly while following their tour guide. Then, i showed them the second room which was across mine.
"That's the bathroom. This is the second room. So, if you guys are interested, help yourself." I said but before i even got the chance to finish, both men quickly went inside shoving each other's shoulder away.
"I'm here first," Jimin told Jungkook sternly.
"What? No way. I saw the room first," Jungkook claimed. They were almost pulling each other's hair before i stopped them.
"Guys, there are other room, you know that right? no need to fight okay, aish, are you guys in kindergarten or something?" I laugh at their silliness. They stopped but still give death glares to each other.
"Let's play rock-paper-scissor to determine who gets the room," Jimin propose. Jungkook, feeling a bit challenged, smirks.
"Game on," he replied.
I shook my head at these silly guys and went to the third room which is on the left wing.
"Come here when one of you loses!" I yelled, laughing softly before i open the door to the third room. A few minutes later, someone knock and enters the room. It was Jungkook. A gloomy expression plastered on his adorable face.
"So you loses huh?" I asks. He nods, pouting a bit. I giggled and showed him the room while comforting him.
"So this is your room, and across yours are the 4th room which is the last one. Oh, and the bathroom are just as the same as on the right wing. It's in the end of this hall which is exactly on the right side of your bedroom. Don't worry, i wash the bathroom each once a week, it's still clean if that's what you're wondering," I told him and he let out a laugh.
He look at me deep in the eyes while putting his stuff down.
"Thanks Y/N. This is too much of a help. Thank you so, so much, i don't know how to repay you," he thanked me and i give him a thumbs up.
After the tours's over, i told them i'll make two more spare keys tomorrow and hand it to them. I also explain to them about the payment and the bills on how to pay and when to pay, basic things about the house over dinner.
I admit, the dinner was a bit awkward and quiet, but we're OK i guess. Still, no one mention about the past. We only exchange a few words about the apartment's stuff but surprisingly, the conversation turns out great. After we finish, they thanked me for the good food and help me clean the tables. Jimin and Jungkook had learn to befriend each other and i was glad about it.
"Hey guys, I'm going to sleep now, you guys should get some rest too, good night," I told them as i went to my bedroom. They smile at me, both thanking me for today, and saying goodnight to me.
"Good night Y/N," I heard before drifting into a sweet slumber.
A week later.
I had texted Seokjin saying i have new housemates now, so he wouldn't worry about my allowance money anymore. He texted me back saying he's happy about it and I should cook my amazing bibimbap for them. My boyfriend is so supportive.
Today, we decided to eat at Mochi's since we haven't gone there for a long time. The whole gang was there and we were waiting for Jimin and Jungkook at the park to go celebrate Dahyun's birthday since Youngji and Jackson insist on me bringing them along.
"I'm thirsty, I'm going to buy some water at the machine, who wants some?" I offer while checking my purse. They all shook their head and went back to whatever they're doing. Youngji offers to follow me and I gladly accepts.
We were walking happily when she asks me, "You seems happy Y/N? How are the boys? They didn't do anything weird right?"
I giggled, shaking my head.
"Nah, they're good. They follow every rule i made, even the stupid one about the curtain," Youngji laugh hardly at those words.
"Good to know." She told me.
I was lining behind the machine because in front of me, stood a man who was buying some tinned coke. His back was facing me so i didn't get to see his face.
He push the button repeatedly but his drink didn't came out. I feel a bit sorry since I knew the machine is always like this so i try to help him. I went in front and spam the machine a bit hard. Luckily, his drink came out and he bent down to pick them.
"It just needs a little spam," I stated and Youngji giggles behind me. The man softly chuckled and stood up to thank me.
I look into his eyes as the time seems to stops,
The surroundings seems to cold as he stares at me in a wave of shock.
I wish i haven't help him earlier, I have wish to never see his disgusting face in this world anymore yet here he is, standing a breath away from me.
This is everyone, the worst guy that I used to have a crush on.
The one I hate the most.
The one, I'm too embarrassed to say, I too have fall for his stupid game.
Kim Taehyung.
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khhunniewriting · 6 years
Apology Necessary (4)
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After the last time, Hanbin didn’t know what to expect when he got back to filming. Part of him thought you would quit and the Anti-Couple would be no more. That’s why he was shocked to see you waiting for him inside his dressing room.
When you saw Hanbin freeze at the door you knew you would have to be the first to speak. “Hi...” your greeting was strange and awkward perfectly reflecting how you felt at the moment.
“Hey...” he responded just as awkwardly. 
“The other day I... I talked to YG...” You looked down at your hands as you pulled on the end of your sleeves. Talking to Hanbin normally was harder than you thought it would be. 
Hanbin was still too shocked to act on the opportunity that had presented itself. You were finally acknowledging his presence outside of filming. You had come to him, looked for him, and even waited for him in his dressing room! He had been hoping for a small window of opportunity when you would allow him to speak his mind. Now here it was and he couldn’t say a thing. 
“...and Lisa.”
“What?” Hanbin finally took a few steps closer. A thousand bad thoughts entered his mind when you mentioned his ex. “Why did you want to talk to her?”
“I didn’t but YG wanted to make a point.” After your conversation with YG, you went home with a lot of things on your mind. “What would it take to make the pain go away? That’s what he wanted me to know... I’ll never get over it unless we both say what we wanted to say three years ago.”
Relief washed over him, “I agree.” Every time he tried to talk to you he was ignored, you wouldn’t even look at him. You were finally giving him a chance to talk and he would take it. 
The director’s assistant knocked once before entering in a panic. “Hanbin we can’t find Y/N have you seen-” she stopped when she saw you. “There you are, hope you two weren’t fighting.”
“Just a little,” you joked knowing it was best for her to think that rather than something else.
“We need you to get to the house before Hanbin, the van is waiting outside.”
“I’ll be right there,” you assured her. Once she was out of earshot you went back to your current task. “Can we talk...” you hesitated. You knew today’s filming would end late into the night so there was a good chance he was free but you didn’t want to assume anything. “Maybe after filming ends?”
Hanbin immediately nodded, nothing would make him miss this opportunity. “Yeah, of course.” 
Hanbin stared at you expectantly, a timid smile plastered on his face. The filming had gone exceptionally well. Many of the staff had commented on how much more natural your relationship on-screen had looked.  He looked down at the table where his coffee stood as his only distraction from your stare. 
The silence between you two was uncomfortable but necessary. As you sat back, crossed arms on the table, you thought of what it is you wanted- no- needed to hear form Hanbin. The longer you thought the harder you stared at the idol before you. “Why didn’t you stand up for me?”
“Wha-” his mind had nervously wandered off nearly missing the question.
“When Lisa lied to YG about us dating...” your brow furrowed trying to eloquently form your question but it was just too much for you to say in one breath. “During the whole scandal, you must have had plenty of chances to stop the lies. Why didn’t you?” Again you repeated the most daunting question, “Why didn’t you stand up for me?”
Immediately you felt lighter, your shoulders relaxed and fell making you feel as if you were resting for the first time in years. 
Hanbin was the exact opposite. Before his eyes could do nothing but rest on you and now he could hardly turn in your direction. “I ask myself the same question to this day.”
Of course, he knew the right thing to do back then was to immediately stop the rumor mill. He should have confessed to YG that Lisa was his girlfriend, not you. The people who deserved to lose their careers, their futures, were him and Lisa. Licking his lips he worked up the courage to offer insight into his mind. “At one point I kept saying it was because I loved Lisa too much or that I was just too selfish to risk my own career.”
“So you sat back and watched me burn?” you asked incredulously. For some reason, anger was no longer your dominant emotion. It was pity, resent, and remorse. “All I ever tried to do was live an honest, drama-free life.” Your hands uncrossed, your dominant hand laid flat on the table as you pointed out your life plan . “I kept my social circle small, focused on my future, and stayed out of trouble. My greatest mistake was believing you were my friend.” 
“Y/N I’m sorry. I really was your friend.”
You nodded, “until it became inconvenient for you.” The things he did to you were unforgivable. Never would you have caused so much chaos to an innocent bystander. “I’m sorry if I ever made you doubt our friendship.”
Hanbin shook his head. There was never a time like that.
But it was the only explanation for you. “At some point, I must have done something that caused you to think I was less than Lisa, less than you.”
“I was stupid.” Hanbin reached out to place his hand on top of yours. He needed you to understand how badly everything got taken out of proportion. 
You nodded in agreement. His hand felt warm against yours but it hardly did anything to melt the iciness of your heart. “I realized something after Lisa and YG apologized to me.”
It was true, you wanted to hear Hanbin apologize. You wanted to see him struggle to admit he had been in the wrong. To face you with the same confidence he stood on stage with knowing he had stolen your chance of doing the same. It wasn’t revenge, it was retribution. 
With the calmest of demeanors, you placed your other hand on top of his. Now you cradled his hand in both of yours and genuinely smiled at him. With a sigh, you confessed to him, “I hate you Hanbin.” 
The tears finally spilled over. Their appearance had been long overdue. “Sticks and stones may break my bones but physical wounds heal... but words lay dormant causing emotional wounds that are carried for a lifetime.”
This was not the way Hanbin envisioned the conversation going. For so long he thought if you only gave him a chance, he would surely gain your friendship back.
“Y/N I know I hurt you but you can’t honestly mean that.”
“I can and I do. Hanbin you used me just as much as Lisa did... and for that I hate you.”
The barista came over to apologize and remind you both that the cafe would be closing soon. Thankfully she was older and didn’t recognize either of you. 
WIth a courteous smile, you acknowledged her reminder. “Thank you, we will be going now.” 
The two of you silently walked out- one feeling lighter than when she first entered and the other carried a heavier burden. 
“Y/N,” he called out to you.
“We’re done talking Hanbin.” There was nothing left to say. “I will continue with the show like I promised YG so you don’t have to worry about that. And as soon as filming is over I will go back to my life of seclusion. It will be hard to do that here with all your fans so I’ll move.”
Hanbin bit down his tongue to keep from saying anything else. 
“I hope all your success was worth my pain.”
It wasn’t.
A/N: Finally I can write this off as finished ^^ Can you tell I kind of rushed it? I sort of forgot exactly how it was going to end but it was always ment to be a sad ending with nothing resolved.
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whydoifeelsoold · 6 years
Seeing iKON live for the first time: a reflection
So last Thursday and Saturday I saw iKON live for the first time, in Sydney and Melbourne respectively. Here are my thoughts. 
Random thoughts:
- Before the Sydney show I was nervous af. Honestly, I couldn’t eat, couldn’t concentrate on shit, I was trembling, I was alternating between rambling like a madwoman and sitting in silence staring into space. My poor sister thought I was losing it. Think Hanbin in On Hiatus when Bobby texts him he’s outside his house and wants to speak to him in chapter 4. I was THAT. 
- I was so nervous because I felt like there was SO much at stake. I’ve written sooo much about these boys (over 337,000 words?!), I’ve spent so much time (enjoyable time lol) wondering about them, hypothesising how they’d respond to different situations, basically doing full on character studies. I was so scared that I’d go to the concert and what if....I’d gotten them wrong, I’d totally misunderstood them...what if they weren’t quite like what I imagined. What would happen then?? Would I be disappointed in myself?? Disappointed by them?? That wouldn’t be fair to them at all because they are PEOPLE not CHARACTERS!! And I would be disappointed in myself about that too!! So anyway, long story short, I was terrified some kind of disappointment would be inevitable. 
- So of course I was nervous (bats aggressively swooping in my stomach) right up till when they finally appeared. However, I was amazed that instead of feeling awe, or surprise, or disbelief, when I saw them lined up about to begin Bling Bling, I just felt insanely happy. Like childishly, innocently, joyously happy.
- I was so thrilled by how good the vocal line sounded live. Their voices sound SO clear, strong and full of colour. It was amazing to FEEL their voices echo and project in the room. The sound was better in Sydney however, for some reason their voices were more muffled in Melbourne, not sure why. May have been to do with my location in Festival Hall. 
- I wish Sydney iKONICS were a bit more friendly to one another. I felt like a village idiot when I smiled at some people and they just looked at me with confused, dead eyes. Like come one guys, can’t we all bond over this incredible experience?! Can’t we kill time in the massive-ass queue by getting excited together (But Sydney is a catty city, so that didn’t surprise me too much tbh) ?!?!
- They were all SO so So sweet and very endearing. They were just...adorable. I felt so affectionate and proud of them. 
Now, about the Boys themselves:
- They were all INCREDIBLY handsome in real life. Even more handsome than on tv or in photoshoots. Like, I dunno what it is about seeing them in real life, but they were just really stunning. 
- In Sydney especially they were tired (but did a very noble job of pushing through). In particular Hanbin, and I felt a wave of concern for him when he was bent over puffed at one stage. Bobby and Donghyuk were up there hyping up the crowd with “WHO WANTS ANOTHER SONG” and poor Bin was just shaking his head laughing, trying to catch his breath. You could really tell he was ready for a good 15 hours of sleep. 
- In Melbourne they all seemed to be more rested, except maybe Bobby. He did his very best not to let on he was tired, (and don’t get me wrong, he still had plenty of energy) but he was a bit more reserved in Melbourne than in Sydney and struggled to get his words out more when speaking english. Every now and again he seemed a bit distracted in Melbourne, like maybe his concentration was off. 
- The one thing that DID blow my mind, was that ALL of them - but especially double b - were exactly as I had imagined and written them to be. As a writer, I’ve tried my best to interpret them as accurately as possible from the sources given to us: tv shows, performance recordings, the music, the survival shows, the interviews, the radio appearances, etc. etc. How this whole time I’ve also been acutely aware, that no matter how hard I try, how can I truly get a “vibe” from someone when I haven’t seen them in person. Seeing them live made everything make sense. 
- Bobby had this gorgeous, outward energy, just the way I imagined him to be. He was so sweet towards the boys, but also devilishly cheeky and when he got the chance. As for his interaction with the audience, you could really tell he wanted to give us a good performance, it was like he really wanted to give us a gift and for us to love it. You could really feel how lucky he felt to have us there screaming and singing along, how appreciative he was (like dude, no, thank YOU!! NOT US!!). In Melbourne a small smile he shared with Hanbin suggested that special connection which made my heart soar. They clearly have a very deep connection, whatever that may be. Overall I would describe him in real life as Generous and uplifting. 
- Han Fucking Bin, my ultimate bias. Oh god. I was blown away by how similar he is in real life to how I have imagined. He had this incredibly complex, fascinating energy riddled with paradoxes. He was eccentric yet very in tune with the crowd, dorky yet intimidating, reserved/shy but very sweet, rather dreamy and in his own world, yet always very in control, unassuming yet also proud and a bit aloof. Maybe aloof isn’t the right word...maybe detached? But I guess what I’m trying to say is that I think he has a very good poker face, it’s his professional/leader face. He takes his responsibility to deliver a good concert very seriously and so he doesn’t always look like he can “let himself go.” But at the same time, I really got a sense that underneath the poker face he was feeling a lot, thinking a lot. He was doing a lot of work, but keeping that to himself.. Finally, he struck me as someone who has made the brave commitment to be himself unapologetically, but he’s still learning who exactly he is. I’m really excited to how he turns out, but if my gut feeling is right, he will only continue developing as a person, he won’t just find himself and stop there. He is like a pokemon, there are going to be many evolutions for him and that’s EXACTLY why I love him so much. I would sum him up in real life as Sensitive and Inquiring. 
- Jinhwan was just as feisty, cheeky and cute coy as I imagined. He was in high spirits, and I think he’d impressed himself with his english skills so he was very confident on stage, he really knew how to work the crowd. I really got a sense of his love of attention. He was so charming, cute and willing to indulge the crowd. I didn’t see his mum-side but I’m glad about that because I feel like he doesn’t need to be in that mode when all the boys are having fun on stage, he can just focus on being his naughty, sexy self. I would summarise him as Playful and Engaging. 
- Donghyuk was a total darling and omg he looks soooo handsome in real life. I really got a sense of his attentiveness towards the fans, he really did his best to engage with us, asking questions, complimenting the city he was in, joking around, singing other songs whenever he got the chance. Diligent and Caring, that’s DK in a nutshell. 
- June!!! So June was like Chanwoo and Yun, they kinda let the other boys take the floor and lead the show. Totally fair enough. I can’t begin to imagine how vulnerable one must feel when you have no idea wtf the being said and you’re up there on stage with everyone watching. Two things with June. One, I could NOT believe how dramatically handsome he was in real life. Like, his raven-black “comma-styled” hair, the way it contrasted so boldly with his pale skin, his muscular tallness, the way his white t-shirt hung off his frame so casually yet perfectly, his striking brows, strong profile and chiseled jawline...like, he was GODLY.  Out of this world. From another universe. He was stunning. In terms of the vibe he gave me in real life: Cool and eccentric. 
- Yun!!! Bless him!!! I really just wanted to hear more from him...although i totally get why he didn’t have the means to express himself more. But what he couldn’t communicate through words he really poured into his singing and interaction with the fans. I was really impressed by his voice live, he has such a nice warm tone. And he really put heart into his lines and high notes. His showmanship was very impressive. I would summarise him as heartfelt and emotive. 
- Chanwoo was SO SO gorgeous in real life. Even from where I stood at the back his eyes stood out so well. He was reserved but not lacking in confidence, he was shy but also very sincere and sweet. His vocals were brief but his husky tone is awesome. I would summarise him as observant and alert. 
- Overall Seeing them was really amazing, it was such a positive experience. All I feel now is the bittersweetness of it all. Before I didn’t know what it was like to miss them, that wasn’t something I had to deal with being a distant aussie fan. But now I’ve seen them twice in three days, I now know what that is like to be in their presence. And honestly, I miss them so much already. my heart feels bruised. Laaaaaaaame. 
p.s. @mvssmallow I hope you have regained hearing in your left ear. I’m sorry I yelled so loud and so consistently throughout the ENTIRE show. You’re a legend for putting up with my drunken nerves. 
@notsolonelyinthisworld @drinkyourjuicejinhwan @jennicullen @gurrchoo @runsoftbin
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
Drabble Game Masterlist
This masterlist has all the prompts from the @youxidol​ drabble game I started back when I first made this account. Thanks to the help of others, and my constant checking back to this list, I’ve completed this entire list! 
“I’m not crying, my eyes are sweating” - Dance Practice Jaebum (GOT7)
“Deal with it.” - Worse Than A Wink Jihoon (WANNA ONE)
“This was my mother/father’s” - Someone Special Mingyu (SVT)
“I’m not angry it’s just my face” - Smile For Me Taekwoon (VIXX)
“You’re cute, can I keep you?” - Aren’t I Yours? Sungwoon (WANNA ONE)
“Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I’ll give it back” - Aren’t I Yours? Sungwoon (WANNA ONE)
“Live, Laugh, love. If that doesn’t work then load, aim, fire” - Mission Kang Daniel (WANNA ONE)
“I’m not going anywhere” - Back For Good Chanyeol (EXO)
“I know I’m a handful but that’s why you’ve got two hands” - Limits Ten (NCT)
“Don’t make me laugh I’m trying to be mad at you” - Charmed Lee Joon (MBLAQ/K-Actor)
“You can stay but your clothes must go” - Torment Seongwoo (WANNA ONE)
“I love you even if you fart in your sleep” - An Unwanted First Mark (GOT7)
”Lets cuddle so I can steal your body heat” - Break Down Jinhwan (IKON)
“I made you a cookie but I ate it” - Consolation Prize Sehun (EXO)
“There was never really anyone else.” - Intrigued Mark Tuan (GOT7)
“That’s starting to get annoying” - Wrong Number Changkyun (MONSTA X)
“Hey, hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.” - Nightmare Daehwi (WANNA ONE)
“You can’t just sit there all day.” - Your Neighbour Jaebum (GOT7)
“I’m too sober for this.” - The Morning After Jaebum (GOT7)
“I’m not here to make friends.” - An Exception Jinyoung (GOT7)
“I need a place to stay.” - Call the Shots Seongwoo (WANNA ONE)
“You can’t banish me! This is my bed too!” - Banish Minhyun (WANNA ONE)
“I lost our baby.” - Broken Baby Minhyun (WANNA ONE)
“You’re getting crumbs all over my bed.” - Remind Me Minseok (EXO)
“You’re Satan.” - Havoc Jaebum (GOT7)
“Did you just hiss at me?” - Love Bites Jeonghan (SEVENTEEN)
“Do you really need all that candy?” - Be Mine Daehwi (AB6IX)
“It’s six o’clock in the morning, you’re not having vodka.” - Excessive Taekwoon (VIXX)
“Take your medicine.” - Caught You Minhyuk (CNBLUE)
“Welcome to fatherhood.” - Finally Jisung (WANNA ONE)
“It’s your turn to make dinner.” - Chef’s Kitchen Song Yunhyeong (iKON)
“The kids, they ambushed me.” - A Simple Question Minhyun (WANNA ONE)
“Stop being so cute.” - Dance Practice Jaebum (GOT7)
“I feel like I can’t breathe.” - Thankful Jinyoung (GOT7)
“You need to see a doctor.” - Finally Jisung (WANNA ONE)
“Dogs don’t wear clothes!” - The Special Outfit Sehun (EXO) 
“You smell like a wet dog.” - Hair Attack Jinyoung  (GOT7)
“I could punch you right now.” - Bloom Hakyeon (VIXX)
“Are you going to talk to me?” - Sweeter Daehyun (B.A.P)
“If you can’t sleep…we could have sex?” - An Offer Chanyeol (EXO)
“Here, take my blanket.” - Friday Night Sungjin (Day6)
“I don’t want you to stop.” - Magic Touch Hanbin (IKON)
“How could I ever forget about you?” - Unplanned Mark (GOT7)
“You’re bleeding all over my carpet.” Entangled Hearts Taekwoon (VIXX)
“We need to talk.” - Unplanned Mark (GOT7)
“I want a pet.” - Pawsed Shownu (MONSTA X)
“Just smile, I really need to see you smile right now.” - Just Smile! Onew (SHINee)
“Don’t argue. Just do it.” Sickeningly Sweet Park Hyungsik (K-ACTOR)
“Does he/she know about the baby?” - Unplanned Mark (GOT7)
“I’m not going to be sympathetic until you go to a doctor.” - Out of Options Bobby (IKON)
“Tell me you need me.” - Fluster Xiumin (EXO)
“I don’t love you anymore.” - What If Junhoe (IKON)
“Why do you hate me?” - Flutter Baekho (NUEST)
“You’re a monster.” - Reading Abilities Wonwoo (SVT)
“Don’t leave me…” - Voice of Reason Jinyoung (GOT7)
“Don’t die on me– Please.“- Testing Taekwoon (VIXX)
“I never meant to hurt you.” - Kiss It Better Jun (SVT)
“Are you upset with me?” - Loyal Jung Haein (Actor)
“Why did you spare me?” - Forsaken Park Jinyoung (GOT7)
“I’m dying.” - Testing Taekwoon (VIXX)
“I wish i’d never met you.“ - Human Nature Jeonghan (SVT)
“There was never an us.” - An Opportunity Ten (NCT)
“I’m sick.” - Love Sick Namjoon (BTS)
“I came to say goodbye.” - Human Nature Jeonghan (SVT)  
“I don’t deserve to be loved.” - Worthy Kihyun (MONSTA X)
“I wish we could stay like this forever.” - Destination Jongin (EXO)
“I need a hug.” - Lost and Found Minhyun (WANNA ONE)
“Can I kiss you right now?” - Lip Treatment Sehun (EXO)
“Lets have a baby.” Don’t Forget Me! Jihoon (WANNA ONE)
“It’s lonely here without you.” - Do It All Minseok (EXO)
“Shut up and kiss me already.” - Always Jihoon (WANNA ONE)
“Is that my shirt?” - Striped Shirt Sungwoon (WANNA ONE)
“They’re going to love you, don’t worry!” - First Impressions Onew (SHINee)
“Oh, Are you ticklish?” - Sensitive Jaebum (GOT7)
“I could kill you right now!” - Compatible Hakyeon (VIXX)
“Just pretend to be my date.” - Fake Date Jaehwan (WANNA ONE)
“This is, by far, the dumbest thing you’ve ever done.” - Sophie’s Moving This Castle Taeyong (NCT)
“How long have you been standing there?” - A Simple Question Minhyun (WANNA ONE)
“When I picture myself happy… It’s with you.” - The Distance Daehwi (WANNA ONE)
“I may be an idiot, but I’m your idiot.” - Clumsy Taekwoon (VIXX)
“I fell in love with my best friend.” - Replay Hakyeon (WANNA ONE)
“I’m sorry, what? I keep getting lost in your eyes.” - Power Suit Sehun (EXO)
“We finish it the same way we started—together.” - Building Memories Jongdae (EXO)
“You are the single best thing that has ever happened to me.” - Made With Love Mark (GOT7)
“You fainted, straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention, you didn’t have to go to such extremes.” - Stubborn Jinyoung (GOT7)
“You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.” - Test of Love Daniel (WANNA ONE)
“I don’t want to think about what I’d be like without you.” - Not Thinking Jaehwan (WANNA ONE)
“Can I hold your hand?” - Kiss Me Again Youngjae (B.A.P)
“Let’s move in together.”- Escape Ravi (VIXX)
“Bite me.” - Compassion Yongguk (B.A.P)
“Do you like it when I touch you like that?” - Tune Chanyeol (EXO)[mature]
“Want to head back to my place and have a little fun?” - Deal Hakyeon (VIXX)
“The food looks great but.. There’s something much more delicious I’d like to eat right now.” - Delicious Jaehwan (WANNA ONE)
“You have no idea what you do to me.” - Fluster Xiumin (EXO)
“Car sex looks so much more easier in the movies.” - Movie Night Seongwoo (WANNA ONE)
“Come here, I’ll give you a hug.” - Kiss It Better Jun (SVT)
“Don’t let me go.” - Hugs Hongbin (VIXX)
“You seemed sad, so I bought you flowers.” - Eyes For You Daniel (WANNA ONE)
“I will sit here all day if I have to.” - Out of Options Bobby (IKON)
“Don’t make me say it.” - Kiss Me Again Youngjae (B.A.P)
“Do you want to leave?” - The Book That Started It All Jungshin (CNBLUE)   
“I made your favourite for tea.” - Cooking Duties Minho (SHINee)
“It’s okay, I’m here.” - Do My Best Namjoon (BTS)
“Would it be okay if I kissed you?” - Power Suit Sehun (EXO)
“I never cared about anyone as much as I care about you.” - Love Sick Namjoon (BTS)
“Now, now, I’m here, it’s alright.” - Lost and Found Minhyun (WANNA ONE)
“Come for a drive with me.” - As Long As It Takes Jaebum (GOT7)  
“I swear to God, if you start singing.” - His Vocal Promise Jaehwan (WANNA ONE)
“Will you ever stop looking so gorgeous cause I think it’s gonna be the cause of my death…” - Torment Seongwoo (WANNA ONE)
“If I could pick on person in this room to put through a wall right now, it would be you,but I would do it with love.” - Like Me Hyuk (VIXX)
“If I got paid for everytime I caught you staring at me then looking away, I would be Tony Stark by now.” - You Know Me? Chanyeol (EXO)
“But what if we wake someone up?” - Another Game Baekhyun (EXO)
“I wish I could just build a couch right here right now and watch movies with you while cuddling.” - Best Seat In The House Daniel (WANNA ONE)
“You remind me of the grouch from Sesame Street because you are a grumpy asshole but I still love you.” - Love Standards Kihyun (MONSTA X) 
“Is that a pile of my t-shirts I see in your room?” - T-shirt Thief Youngjae (B.A.P)
“I get jealous easily,okay? You can’t blame me for it!” - Jealousy Jihoon (WANNA ONE)
“Don’t bite that lip.” - Kiss Me Jackson (GOT7)
“Make a portrait of me.” - Artistry Yongguk (B.A.P)
“I just really need to talk to you.” - That’s It? Changkyun (MONSTA X)
“Are you sure this is legal?” - Under The Stars BamBam (GOT7)
“You’re so infuriating.” - Demanding Minho (SHINee)
“Promise me, that you won’t tell anyone.” - You, Idiot Minhyuk (MONSTA X)
“You look good in my clothes.” - Demanding Minho (SHINee )
“I hate that I can’t hate you.” - An Exception Jinyoung (GOT7)
“It’s over!” - The Book That Started It All Jungshin (CNBLUE)
“So, that’s it? You’re just going to walk away?” - Fool of Compromise Sehun (EXO)
“I can’t lose you. You’re all I have.” - Rainbow Taekwoon (VIXX)
“I don’t think I can do this anymore.” - Just An Hour More Jungkook (BTS)
“Please, forgive me.” - Bothered Scoups (SVT)
“Why? Because I love you. That’s why!” - Love Diet Bang Chan (Stray Kids)
“I get tired of waiting.” - Boys and Girls Daehwi (AB6IX)
“I miss you, so much. It hurts.” - Two Year Wait Jaejoong (JYJ)
“I’ll never forget you.” - Just An Hour More Jungkook (BTS)
“You are safe in my arms.” Secure Sehun (EXO)
“You are as radiant as the sun.” Radiant Minhyun (WANNA ONE)
“Stop being so adorable.” - Made With Love Mark (GOT7)
“Let me take care of you.” - Be Mine Minseok (EXO)
“Are you taking another picture of me?” - Photos Seongwoo (WANNA ONE)
“I love the way you laugh, it’s cute.” - Cute Jonghyun (CNBLUE)
“How about some breakfast in bed?” - Birthday Cheese Changmin (TVXQ)
“Come on, I’ll take you home.” - One Day Daniel (WANNA ONE)
“My favourite person in the world is standing right in front of me.” - Worthy Kihyun (MONSTA X)
“You make me feel the happiest I’ve ever been.” - Back Again Mark (GOT7)
“I am so lucky to have you.” - Back Again Mark (GOT7)
“Come and dance with me.” - Not Just A Wallflower Yugyeom (GOT7)
“You are as beautiful as the night sky.” - Universe Hyunsik (BTOB)
“Is it a bad time to say that I really want to kiss you right now?” - Schedule Chen (EXO)
“I like to think we’re more than ‘just friends’.” - More Than Park Hyungsik (K-ACTOR)
“I’m trying to cheer you up.” - Reconciliation Jaebum (Got7)
“They may not understand you, but I do.” - Cloudy With A Chance Of Sunshine Youngjae (GOT7)
“Scoot over. I wanna sit next to you.” - This Seat’s Taken Jackson (GOT7)
“I will fight you.” - Love and War Shownu (MONSTA X)
“If they mess with you, they’re messing with me.” - Enjoying the Summer where your lives changed (NU’EST)
“I don’t want to hurt you.” - Invested Baekhyun (EXO)
“It’s 3 am, what do you want?!” - Rested Taemin (SHINee)
“I think it’s time for you to go to bed.” - Who’s Surprised? Baekhyun (EXO)
“You’re not scared of the dark are you?” - Birthday Horrors Mark (GOT7)
“You’re not alone, I’m right here.” - Always Here Jihoon (WANNA ONE)
“Why are you on the floor?” - Well Played BamBam (GOT7)
“Those things you said yesterday… Did you mean them?” - Drunken Confession Jaebum (GOT7)
“Stay in the dark.” - Down By The Lake Daehyun / Yongguk (B.A.P)
“Come into the light.” - The Devil Contained Jaebum (GOT7)
“Oh I didn’t realize you’re dead.” - Heaven Jinyoung (GOT7)
“I just got out of the shower and you want me to dance.” - Premature Jackson (GOT7)
“I wasn’t gonna offer anyway. It’s all for me.” - All For You Taekwoon (VIXX)
“You’re calling that jealousy? Believe me, if you can still use your legs, I’m not being jealous.” - Mixed Signals Jinyoung (GOT7)
“Before I do this, I need you to know that I have always loved you.” - Birthday Kiss Jinyoung (B1A4)
“Nothing’s wrong with you.” A Dramatic Start Minhyun (NUEST)
“Please open the door and talk to me.” - Fundamental Mark Tuan (GOT7)
“What if I told you I felt the same way?” - Still Constant Park Hyungsik (K-drama actor)
“You’re mine. I don’t share.” - Be Mine Minseok (EXO)
“Don’t I know you?” - Reconnected Taekwoon (VIXX)
“I’m going to ruin your fucking life.” - Fundamental Mark Tuan (GOT7)
“You are as radiant as the sun.”
“What if i just break his nose a lil’?” - Who Told You To Protect Me? Haechan (NCT)
“Stop pretending you’re okay, because I know you’re not.” - No More Goodbyes Donghyuk (iKON)
“You can’t keep pretending it didn’t happen, cause guess what? It did!” - Mistaken Mark (GOT7)
“You’ve never been touched?” - Under The Stars BamBam (GOT7)
“Please, just breathe.” - Are You Annoyed? Ahn Hyoseop (Actor)
“Have you been crying?” - Are You Annoyed? Ahn Hyoseop (Actor)
“Just please be my best friend right now, not the person I just confessed my love to.” - Clarity Jinyoung (GOT7)
“We’d make such a cute couple.” - What Happens Next? Namjoon (BTS)
“It’s been three weeks, let it go already.” - Petulant Jinyoung (GOT7)
“First one to make a noise loses.” - Challenging Silence Sehun (EXO)
“We can’t have one nice moment can we?” - Down By The Lake Daehyun / Yongguk (B.A.P)  
“You don’t have to answer right away, I’d wait an eternity for you.” - To Be Continued Brian (Day6)  
“Yup, your ribs are broken.” - Well Played BamBam (GOT7)
“I literally expect nothing and that’s still too much.” - A Little More Than Nothing Kihyun (Monsta X)
“You’re gone… I watched you disappear…” - The Price of Freedom Taekwoon (VIXX)
“You didn’t text me back, so I’m here” - Working Together Lee Jong Suk
“Why won’t they wake up?” - More Than A Lifetime Shownu (MONSTA X)
“Please don’t look at me…” - Do My Best Namjoon (BTS)
“You come to my room and wake me up at 4am, to cuddle?” - Reassurance Hyunsik BTOB
“I don’t want to live in a world where I’m not with you.” - To Be Continued Brian (Day6)
“Join me in the shower?” - Warming Up Jaehwan (WANNA ONE)  
 "I’ll hunt you down if I have to.” - Ample View Bobby (IKON)
“I had a nightmare about you, and I wanted to make sure you were alright.” - Too Vivid Jaehwan (VIXX)
“So… we just did that.” - Warming Up Jaehwan (WANNA ONE)
“Sorry if I made you cry.” - The Catch Jaebum (GOT7)
“Pardon my french but who the fuck is that?” - Uninvited Himchan (B.A.P)
“We should go somewhere. Just the two of us. How does that sound?” - Destination Jongin (EXO)
“This is where I belong, it seems.” - Home Yoo Youngjae (B.A.P)
 “Do you expect me to carry you all the way?” - Maybe Park Jinyoung (GOT7)
“Mine.” - Warming Up Jaehwan (WANNA ONE)
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seunghunies · 6 years
Ikon!! -doyeongs
J!! I hope you’ve been doing well (friendly reminder that ilysm 😊💖) and thank u for sending one in! (btw am I seeing a fellow ikonic here) @doyeongs​
My first bias: I don’t even remember ngl SJADJADL the hoeing life got me. But I think it was either Junhoe (bold of anyone to assume I’m over that let’s get it started cover in M&M) or Donghyuk (aye aye aye dancing king *cue baekhyun’s voice*)
Your current bias and why: Kim Hanbin! How can I not love him? to people who don’t stan iKON he might seem like either a complete idiot (he’s our pabo hanbin but we still love him) or a cocky dude. But he’s neither of those. The effort and passion he puts in his music… man tHE FEELS. He’s also such a humble and thoughtful person ;; iKON went through A LOT and I mean it. I had a really hard time as an ikonic because first of all, they didn’t deserve the way their promotions were handled plus that 1+ year hiatus /war flashbacks/. 
His speeches during award season last year really got me, they show how much he has improved as a person and as an artist. I’ll never ever forget when he said ‘’the word happiness is too vague… so I hope you feel like life’s worth living every single day’’. I think that’s more than enough to be whipped for him. Also stage presence that shows my hard stan side but let’s not talk about that
Favourite song: Don’t forget bc it’s always emo hours in this house!
Favourite MV: My type is my all time fav :’) I love soft stuff dkasldas punch me
OTP: dumb&dumber duo aka double b
Member you think has the best smile: Donghyuk! I love my optimistic boy 😊
Favourite choreography: Rhythm ta!! strong yg vibes ugh I love
Favourite era: even tho their debut era used to be my all time fav because they were THE rookies of the year, I must admit seeing the fandom grow and them getting so much recognition after Love Scenario was released made me so soft :(( and proud. Which is why I’m going with LS era.
Do you own any merchandise: /heavy sigh/ I need to get that repackage album asap
Have you seen them live: I wish vol.3 :(
Favourite voice/singer: Jinhwan! Love my 13cm fairy’s vocals :’)
Favourite dancer: Hanbin is a close second but my man Donghyuk got my full love and appreciation for his dancing
Put any kpop group in my ask and I’ll answer your questions.
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mvssmallow · 6 years
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Memento Vivere
Part V
He drifts back into wakefulness.
He’s warm. Comfortable. Alone.
When he stretches his legs, the sheets graze his shins.
Not 2000 count slate gray Egyptian cotton.
Just regular ugly buttercup yellow sheets.
I’m still here.
Fuck. I’m still here.
Am I stuck here?
His migraine might be gone but the panic hasn’t. It’s not as earth shattering as it was when he first woke up here this morning but he still feels ill with the knowledge that there are so many things he has to do;  his album is about to be released, there are promos that need to be finalised, live performances to rehearse for...
He needs to get back his real life.
Before he breaks out into another cold sweat, he’s distracted by a tiny over-enthusiastic voice that floats up the stairs.
“I wanna show daddy to make him better!”
“Min, NO!”
The bedroom door clicks opens and for a moment he doesn’t see anything because she’s so short but soon enough, there she is: standing next to the bed with a piece of paper in her hands and a hopeful grin on her face.
Whoever her real dad is in this world, he’s one lucky bastard.
He pretends to wake up slowly, cracking one eye open dramatically because he knows that kind of thing seems to make her laugh.
“Hey Minnie Mouse.”
“I’m not a mouse!” She exclaims, way too indignant for a 5 year old to be.
Hanbin suddenly comes into view and tries to stop her from climbing up onto the bed. “Min! No. I told you not to wake him up, he’s having a rest.”
“But daddy’s awake now!”
He sits up because at this rate, someone’s gonna wake Jae up for sure.
“It’s okay Bin, I’m fine. I feel better now so....”
Minji wriggles out of Hanbin’s hands and starts trying to climb up on the bed. Hanbin sighs, catches her half way and makes her sit on the edge so he can take off her house slippers.
“Sorry, I tried to keep her out.” Hanbin says to him tiredly. “But you know how she is when she’s made something. As stubborn as they come.”
“What’s stub-bin?” Minji asks, looking back and forth between them.
Hanbin breaks into one of those slow smiles that he always loved, the ones that start small then deepen with the dimples until eventually, it takes over his entire face.
“It means you know what you want and nobody can change your mind.” Hanbin answers as he gently tidies her hair and re-pins the strawberry clip.
“I’m stub-bin!” Minji announces proudly, missing tooth and all.
Okay, he has to laugh at that one because this kid is just the most ridiculous thing on the planet.
A phone rings somewhere in the house and Hanbin runs off to answer it before it wakes up the baby. Seeing her chance, Minji settles into his lap and holds the piece of paper in front of his face again.
“What’s this?” He asks, taking the colourful drawing in his hands. “Is this for me?”
Minji nods and starts pointing to various scrawls on the page, which all apparently represent people in her family. There’s Rocket, Rocket’s house (because that’s essential information), Jae in a spotty onesie, a stick figure wearing a bright yellow triangle for a dress...
“Is that you, Min?”
“Yes! Yellow is the best!”
Well, that probably explains the bed sheets. He wouldn’t be surprised if Hanbin let her choose them.
There are two other figures on the page and he waits for her explanation. It’s not high art but he gets this feeling that it’s one of those things he won’t want to forget.
“That’s dad!” She points to the stick figure drawn in red and green. It’s holding hands with one drawn in blue.
“And that’s you, daddy! Because you like blue so I drew you in blue.”
He’s awestruck and speechless for a moment.
I am her family. She drew me so I must be real in her World.
Of all the gifts he’s ever received, and some are downright extravagant, this one somehow means more to him that any of them because this tiny human sat down and drew a picture to make him feel better. A surge of joy fills his heart and he can’t help but smile proudly at her.
Fuck it, this is high art.
“This is the best drawing I have ever seen. We should frame it and put it on the wall.”
“Yeah!” She beams back at him, missing tooth in full view once again.
He’s in the middle of wondering if Hanbin has any frames around when the black thoughts hit him again. He won’t get to keep the drawing. The Jiwon that belongs in this World will want to come back and that means there won’t be any room for him. One day he’ll wake up and this will all be gone.
No drawing. No Rocket. No Minji. No Hanbin.
No Jae.
“Are you sad Daddy?”
He knows his face must look terrible because Minji frowns and crawls further into his lap and snuggles against his chest. It’s weird but at the same time, it’s not weird. There’s something in the back of his mind that understands this so he just hugs her tightly.
“No, I’m not sad. I wish I could draw as good as you though.”
“I can show you?”
“Yeah, you show me.”
One day.
They’re still sitting there when Hanbin comes back with the phone in his hand and doesn’t even look surprised when he sees him hugging Minji. Maybe it happens all the time. That sounds kinda nice. There’s nothing like that in his real life.
“Hey, you’re feeling better now right?”
“Well, I have bad news and some more bad news.” Hanbin says, rubbing his eyes. “The regular bad news is that one of us has to do the grocery shopping alone and the other bad news is that June’s going through some kind of crisis so he’s coming over. I don’t know what it is with you guys today, did you all decide to have your mental breakdown at the same time or something?”
June? June’s here too? It’s good to know they’re still friends in this timeline.
“I bet it’s that new singer he’s dating. It’s all drama. Thank God that’s not our life anymore.”
Something about that hits a nerve with him and stings.
Not our life anymore?
He doesn’t know what the Jiwon in this World does but he gets a sinking feeling he’s not a rapper. Rapping is his Identity. It’s who he is. It’s what he likes to do. It’s what he’s good at. He can’t imagine a life where he does anything else.
“Jiwon!?” Hanbin asks again, tone a touch more frustrated. It makes Minji giggle for some reason.
“Groceries or June? Pick one.”
They’ll both end badly, he can already see it. He doesn’t know where anything is . He doesn’t even know where they live. And June, of course he remembers June but he has no idea how many years have passed and how many things have changed.
“Groceries.” He says finally.
The lesser of the two evils. Less chance of revealing how much of a fake he is. Maybe.
Hanbin raises an eyebrow like he was expecting another answer. “Well....okay. The list is pinned on the fridge. Don’t forget the chew bars for Rocket, he’s all mopey because we ran out.”
He nods, suddenly nervous as though he’s never done grocery shopping before.
Hanbin waves at Minji to come with him. “You want to help me draw a picture for Uncle June? He’s coming over later.”
“Uncle June! Will he bring stickers!?” She asks, climbing off him and running towards Hanbin.
“I don’t know. But he’ll want a picture won’t he?” Hanbin says. “Go get some new paper, I’ll be down in a minute.”
He places Minji’s drawing on the bedside table and stands up to look around the room again. Where does Hanbin keep all the clothes? Maybe he’ll just have to open every single drawer here.
“Hey?” Hanbin says from the doorway.
“I have some good news as well.”
Hanbin chews his bottom lip for a brief second and he knows what that means. Or he hopes he knows what that still means.
“My parents are volunteering to babysit for a few hours so if you want to do anything tonight....”
Yeah. It still means the exact same thing.
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ikonislife · 7 years
Better Together.
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-Bobby x Reader
-Expecting parents au, fluff
-Here for You is another dad!Jiwon request I had. This request came in right after so I guess in a way, they’re in conjunction with one another. You don’t really have to read them together since they’re pretty much stand alone pieces but it’s nice to have a small continuation. Anyways, here ya go! 10 years late but I did it!!!
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The world suddenly seemed so much bigger now that your range of mobility was limit to three feet out your front door, and occasionally down the street for a short walk with your dog, in which you’re no longer allowed to hold the leash. As per your doctor order? God no! In fact, your doctor always commented on how well taken care of you were at every single appointment. This preposterous house arrest is of course, as per your husband ordered. 
Jiwon had been beyond amazing throughout your whole pregnancy despite missing nearly every single parent-in-training class due to iKon’s hectic tour schedules. Possessing the vast knowledge of one book on pregnancy for dummy he once read before realizing that nothing the books offered could possibly save him from your fifth mood swing of the hour, nor the guilt he constantly feel watching you cried from the sheer endless aching of carrying a new life. Yet there he was every time your eyes glossed over with a new insane craving or another hormonal whine fest about how unfair it is that you’re the only one looking like a duck had swallowed a planet waddling around whilst he, dashing and breaking heart as ever. Every time you panic, every time you’d freak out over every little thing, he’d be there holding your hand, calm as a swan to guide you through. Even if only moments later you caught him on the brink of tear, rapping at top speed on the phone with Hanbin, no doubt letting lose all the worries he held back for the sake of your peace of mind. Poor Hanbin, bless his soul for being therapist/consultant for whatever it might be that Jiwon is ringing him up about now. He probably has it harder than you will ever experience because Jiwon has to be taking all that emotion somewhere. He sat through an hour of you ugly crying while sobbing because you lost the allan wrench that came with your new shelf. Even when Jiwon had presented another shiny allan wrench from another set of table he had saved after putting it together the week before, you were still bawling like a baby that it weren’t the same. The collection of bags under his eyes were at this point more extensive than your designer one that he had gifted you through the years. He took it all with the grace and braveness of a new dad, without ever letting you hear his complaints. 
Jiwon, your dear husband, he’s god sent, best you could’ve ever ask for so why was it you were screaming his name off the top of your lungs, muddling it with a strings of obscene curses? Well because it’s well into your 2nd hour of labor pain, which will only get worse from here as informed by your kind team of nurses. The insane hours of pain feels much like the wave crashing the shore, except, instead of the soothing water of the ocean and sunshine of the beach, it was waves of fire, and knives, and molten lava because all you could feel is searing pain. Jiwon sits beside you, his face had contorted into something so twisted he might as well check himself in for some surgery to morph it back to the handsome face he possessed before dropping all his schedule to rush to your side.
“Baby, does it hurt mu-” His whisper chopped off as quick as it had surfaced by a small yelp elicited by your nails digging into his palm. Now he had braved probably just as much pain as you had letting you clawed at him, pinched him, hold him to a point of bruising yet not even a whimper of complain. He knows whatever discomfort he might feel will never, ever be worthy enough to compare to what you’re about to go through.
“Does it hurt, Jiwon? Does it HURT? Are you seri- Oh my fucking shit. Are you being serious right now?” The audacity of this man to sit here and question whether or not you’re really in pain. Does he still not know how it work after the half an hour of you going into an hysterical rant, explaining in excruciating details of how babies are born?
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I know it hurts a lot. What can I do?” 
“Do you, Jiwon? I just had three different people shoved their hand up my damn vagina in the last hour alone while humming “not ready yet” like I’m a freaking pie in the oven all the while being display like a freaking 150 pounds piece of really shitty art made by someone with no artistic sense whatsoever for everyone to see. Do you really know?” Damn, Jiwon would be proud with how fast and powerful you had just gotten that sentence out in one single breath if he weren’t so scare, being married to a rapper really has it perk.
“I’m sorry. I’m here, hit me, scream at me all you want okay? But you gotta calm down baby... The doctor said getting upset isn’t good for little Y/n. What can I do?” Instinctively, just as he had all these years when the world becomes a little too much for you to handle, Jiwon pulls you into his arms, never mind your harsh words or that his left palm is now bleeding from how rough your hold on his hand were. He places a kiss on your sweaty forehead, with the good hand running through your matted hair. If Jiwon could be pregnant instead, he would. 
He had always been the one bugging you to get pregnant, although never quite mad, Jiwon had gotten short with you once before when you expressed your nonchalantness with having kids. He wants to take it all back now. How could he be so selfish, how could he make you carry a life just because he wants a mini Jiwon or mini Y/n when you weren’t ready. He had forgotten seeing Hanbin and his wife went through so much trials and tribulation with their twins, or how hard it was on Chanwoo’s wife when she had complication with their first born so he so selfishly blamed you for still not having someone to call him “dad”. What a screw up he is for blaming you, the only person that was willing to take him at his best and at his worst without ever questioning his intention. 
“Get me some water... as much ice as you can.” You whimper out and he nods furiously, not knowing how else to help. A heavy sigh left your lips just as his shadow bolts out the door behind him. You know how harsh all this was on him, and of all his fears but the pain had blinded you for the past few hours.
“Baby, here.” He rushes back to your side, thankful to see a more rested form of his wife smiling back. Lifting a few spoonful of cold salvation to your lips, he settles happily when you lean into him as you satisfyingly crunches on the ice.
“Jiwon... I’m sorry.” You mewl out, much to his surprise. 
“Whatever for, honey? You did nothing wrong.” Eyes widen, for the first time since arrival he was met with your tearful features even with the gut punches your body was preparing to welcome the baby are still rolling in with full force.
“I-I know all I’ve been doing is yell at you. First all I do is complain, now I just yell and hurt you. I don’t want you to think this is me now... I said it before, I’ll say it now. I’m happy to be able to welcome my child with you, our child. I know I don’t say it enough, or at all, but Kim Jiwon, you’re an amazing person.”
“Stop it, love. I’m far from perfect. I always expect this thing to be easy breezy, you know? I’ve seen Jinhwan hyung did it, then Yunhyeong hyung... Even Hanbin, and June, and the maknae. I just, I don’t know. I guess it’s not as easy when we do it ourselves, huh?” That strange chuckle, signature of your husband rings out so dearly and suddenly your heart is at peace. You snuggle further into his chest despite the strange position you both had taken on with the soon to be gone bump in between. “Like I said before, you’re the most beautiful person in this world and I thank God everyday for giving me you.” 
You must be looking like a rag doll after a tsunami but his words and those loving eyes just make you feel like a million dollars. His fingers find their way back to your face pushing away a few stray strand of hair as they would always do before he so tenderly presses a gentle kiss on your lips. Jiwon holds it there for what felt like eternity as he lets his heart and soul sear you with all his love, only parting way once the footfall could be heard leading to your room. 
Once more you experience what could only be describe as a frog prepared to get dissected during bio class, what’s with being prod at, poke, and examine. Another 4 excruciating hours and a few laps around the maternity ward later to loosen your muscles, you were prepped and primed for the main event. The world feels like such a blur, as if suddenly the Earth had decided to go on a race with its sibling planets. Blurs of people running in and out of the room, blurs of faces telling you to push, blurs of the incessant beeping of all the machineries, blurs of pain. In the blurry faded world flashing in front of your eyes, his face remains clear as day right beside you. Jiwon has his arms around you like he always had been when he walked you through rough spots in life. 
For God knows why, your memories rushes back to the day you had thought your journey with him was to end, back to the days of being young and being careless. You had gotten tired of waiting, angry at him for always leaving but too foolish to realize there were millions of other solutions before separating. “Let’s break up” you had said simply and watched as he said simply, “No.” Before you had realized what was going on, he already had his arms around you before repeating one more time, “No.” You were angry at first, the blatant disrespect he was showing by refusing to hear you but then you broke down crying in his arms and held him the tightest you’ve ever held anyone. “My naive girl, what make you think pushing me away will be the answer to your pain of never having me around? Did you think that parting way forever will help you get over how much you miss me? Because let me tell you right now, if you love me as I do you, that’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever come up with because i can’t even fathom how much it hurt not to have you in my life.” And he held you for the next hours as you both snuggling up on your old worn couch, then the rest of the night when you buried your head in his chest while listening to his sweet, sweet voice. “When you’re thirsty, you drink water. When you’re hungry, you eat. When you miss someone, you should be with them. I don’t get your ass backward logic, missy. Tell me right now, would you rather me leave right now, and I will if you do. I don’t want to force you into a relationship if you’re already decided you don’t need anymore.” Your response was to pull him closer and never let go.  Just like that night, Jiwon is right where he needed to be and he protects you in his arms even when he doubts that it will help, he holds you anyways. Through the exhaustion and through it all, you smile because you’re all each other got and simply, you’re better together as 3 and counting. 
Then the world stops. A single cry tears through the musty sweat filled air like the clearest bell and all either of you could hear was that cry. The weight of the world lifted off your shoulders when you see the smile on his face, a smile that said you had just been demoted to second favorite as the nurse hands over your bundle of joy. 
“She’s so perfect. God,  I said I wouldn’t cry. Look at me now.” Jiwon half guffaw half chokes on his own tears as he delicately places his lips on her forehead, finger gently caressing her fluffy cheeks. 
“She’s perfect, just like her dad.” You lean back, forgetting that stitches were being placed, that your lower half felt like it had been through a meat grinder. Watching Jiwon holding your sleepy baby close to his chest as he coos “Hi baby, I’m your dad”, you’d go through this again and again. There is nothing more precious in this world than bringing a new life into this world and nothing will surpass the joy of doing it with Jiwon. You’re sure the weeks to come will be both painful and exhausting but seeing the excitement in his eyes as he shows off your daughter to the boys, you know you’re in good hands. 
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kpop4dummies · 7 years
Hi!! I'd like to know how ikon members would behave if they were on the return of superman ( when they're older and have a family ofc) thanks xx love your blog
I haven’t gotten to this request and I wanted to do it but my fatigue has gotten to me ; - ; BUT! iKon with children is my weakness because they all would be so soft for their kids – I even made it to which superman dad they would be because why not :3 And as always, I hope you enjoy! - Fay
In Gyojin; aka Haeun’s dad
Has a daughter who he loves so dearly
A very cheerful baby actually
Is the happiest dad, imo
Jinhwan is weak for his daughter. He loves her to death and would give all his love and dedication to her. I imagine that he’d be similar to Gyojin while taking care of her and doing what is needed around the house. Of course not without giving his daughter all the love in the world. His daughter is a little baby who is just absolutely gorgeous and is never one to cry. She’s happy all the time and full of smiles and laughter. Jinhwan saw his daughter as a bundle of joy that he and his wife were so lucky to have. It’s rare that she cries because her dad is constantly smiling and playing around with her as he does the chores around the house. He never forgets what his wife told him to do before she comes home, and he does it absolutely flawlessly. Only a few slip-ups here and there, but overall an amazing dad. 
Ko Jiyong; aka Seungjae’s dad
His son is smart af
A little troublemaker, but he can’t be mad at his son too long
Is an extremely stressed dad, but he loves it
Yunhyeong’s parenting ways similar to Jiyong’s (i.e the chocolate patience thing and whatnot). But honestly, his son is very smart much to his dismay and can speak very well for his age. Yunhyeong gets pretty stressed trying to catch up to his son’s energetic level since his son is three years old. When getting things done around the household, he might have difficulty because there is his child running around the house. Sometimes, he can make mess and so the chore must be done all over again. His son can get into trouble at times, like running from home to buy snacks with fake money or throwing tantrums if he’s moody, but Yunhyeong is always prepared for those moments to give him a talking to or a punishment. Regardless, at the end of the day, he still loves his son so much. This was the gift of life, and he’s so lucky to have it. And even if he’s tired and stressed, he couldn’t ask for it any other way.
Outsider; aka Rowoon’s dad
Weak af for his daughter
Such a sweet little toddler and so well behaved liKE hOw
Is an over-prepared dad that is ready for anything
Jiwon’s daughter is a cheerful, sweet, and quiet little girl. She’s pretty easy to handle despite being over a year old. He’ll rarely get mad at his daughter because she’s really well behaved and she listens to her parents pretty well he’s also weak for his daughter because his little princess is his pride and joy how dare he get mad at her. His parenting ways of spoiling her may not be a good idea to most parents, but he’s a pretty good dad. He’s cheerful around her, constantly dancing around the house as he gets chores done while trying to feed his child homemade meals. He loves his daughter dearly and wants the absolute best for her. And what kind of dad doesn’t want that? His ultimate wish is for her life to be full of love and happiness. If his daughter is smiling widely and is happy around who she loves, then he can get through the day.
Ki Taeyoung; aka Rohui’s dad
Sassy and chic daughter who loves her dad
Parenting methods are 11/10
Probably the best dad out of them tbh
We can all thank Hanbyul for this one because Hanbin’s got some babysitting/dad skills. His daughter is a chic toddler who has her own style and, even if she’s not easy to please, she really can’t be without her dad’s love and affection. Hanbin’s parenting skills are off the top, if I’m honest. He knows how to calm her down, feed/burp her, how she likes to play, and knows safety procedures for babies. He’s pretty perfect husband material as well because he does chores almost better than his wife. I say almost because he’s still a fool. But throughout all of that, he’s still a dad who loves his daughter dearly. She is his precious babygirl, much like how Hanbin was when Hanbyul was very little. He worries about her future and how she is now and if he’s even doing a good job for her. But as long as his daughter sleeps knowing she’s loved, he knows he’s done more than enough and will continue to go above and beyond for her.
Lee Hwijae, aka Seoeon and Seojun’s dad
His boys are extremely independent and pretty dang smart
They can get into trouble more times than he can count
Is the “old-school” kinda dad
Donghyuk is the member I believe will end up with twins or triplets when his wife gets pregnant. He knows how to take care of his kids (and the household) from day one to now, and continues to do an amazing job. His twin boys are extremely… well, boyish. They play in the dirt, love monster trucks, and play hide and seek until dinner was ready. And the most important things Donghyuk has taught his twins are to be street smart, to have manners, and be polite despite their boyish attitudes. His twins know how to look both ways before crossing the street, not to answer the door to strangers, how to call 911, say please and thank you, ect. They’re also very independent for their age. They can go out to the store and buy snacks or play at the park before they need to come home at the time their dad says (and not a minute later). He disciplines them very well if they didn’t do what they’re supposed to do, and vice versa, or if they misbehave. His parenting ways are old school, but they work very well especially if he has to raise two rowdy boys. But even is they act up, he loves his kids so much. He wants to have them at their best and to be loved so dearly even if they get rough. He gets tired easily because they’re so energetic, but they keep him so happy and he couldn’t ask for a better life.
Park Gunhyung; aka Yijun’s dad
His son is the cutest damn thing in the world
Disciplines his son very well which is a little shocking
Is a pretty immature but caring dad
Junhoe is, like I said, an immature dad. He can get down to his son’s thinking level and be able to communicate with him easily. Like he does with his members, he likes to tease his son a little because it warms his heart just to see his son giggle from his childish antics. His son is the most adorable child you could’ve seen in your life. Not only is he cute, but he is full of laughter and happiness wrapped up in sunshine. Yeah, a pure bundle of delight. You can tell that he was raised in a happy home that was full of so much love. And much to everyone’s surprise, Junhoe’s son has a ton of discipline. He takes direction and listens to his mom and dad extremely well, despite being two years old. He can stop his son from crying or whining just by telling him not to. Everyone wonders what kind of spell did they put on him because wow he’s such a good kid wtf. But, even though Junhoe’s able to discipline him very well, he is able to take care of the house and his child in the best way possible. It breaks his heart a little to see his son cry because he doesn’t want to detach himself from his arms. Junhoe isn’t really the one to worry about the future too much, but he’s prepared for whatever is coming next. When he sees his son asleep in his arms or running happily around the living room, he realizes that this is what he needed in his life. 
Lee Beomsoo; aka Soeul and Daeul’s dad
His kids take care of each other so well
Sort of awkward with his kids, but he takes such good care of them
Is an awkward but loving dad
Chanwoo as he gets older might need a little help when he starts raising his kids by himself. He doesn’t spend a whole lot of time with his family (i.e coming home late from work), which is why he decided to join the show so he could get closer to his daughter and his son. His two kids are extremely sweet and they have big hearts. But with his eldest child, it might be a little harder for her to adjust to the change of having her dad around the house more than her mom. Through it all, she actually likes having him around and she helps her dad around the household by doing chores with him and helping him communicate with his stubborn son. His son looks up to his dad, seeing him as the older male figure in his life. He actually likes to show off to Chanwoo that he’s a tough, big boy even though he secretly loves being spoiled and babied by his dad and his noona. And despite being awkward with his kids, he actually takes well care of them. He does a wonderful job in being able to play with them at home, at the park, and/or even at the studio. When it came to times of punishing or disciplining his kids, he would be a little unprepared for this moment. However, his consequences are a little easier on them and would make them reflect on their actions. He treasures his kids, and he would hate and blame himself if anything horrible happened to them. Chanwoo gets nervous about parenting, especially because he’s the youngest of his group. However, he can be an amazing dad if he was given that little push and a hand to hold.
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mojitobeans · 8 years
All of Me [Suga]
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“Babe,” He cooed from the other room.
“I’m coming,” I said as I applied some chapstick before heading out of my bedroom door.
“I’m not rushing you; It’s just that you know how Jin can be.”
“Well, I’m in no rush. I have to be looking perfect,” I walked towards him as he held out my jacket.
“But you are already perfect,” he looked at me lovingly as I put one arm in each hole and then smoothing out the jacket before turning towards him.
“You are quite smooth with your words,” I poked him on the nose as he snaked his arm around my waist, clasping his hands together on my back to secure the position we were in.
“I’m always smooth. Have you just noticed that?” He crinkled his nose as he stared into my eyes, “What was taking you so long?”
“I was putting on some chapstick. I gotta keep my lips soft,” I puckered up for a second to show him.
“Oh, that reminds me. I should get some chapstick too. Don’t want the boys to be making fun of me.”
“I’ll go get my chapstick for you,” I tried pulling away, but he held me tighter.
“No need. I have one.”
“You do?” I raised my eyebrow, “Then go ahead and use it.”
“Okay,” he smiled as he leaned in and planted his lips on mine, “There.” He rubbed his lips together, “My chapstick.”
“Hey!” I laughed, “Not like this!” “It’s a nice quick cheat, isn’t it?” he puckered up again, “But can I have another kiss?”
I leaned in to kiss him, only to turn my head to tease him, “Nope. We are going to be late, because of you.”
“Ah, babe!” he pouted as he kissed my cheek, “Fine!”
I got out of his arms and slapped him lightly, “Hey!”
“Fine, let’s go.” He ushered me with a smile as I put on my shoes. I let him out of my apartment first so I could lock my door, then I followed him to his silver and newly washed car. He dug in his pockets to find his car remote and with a press of a button, he unlocked the car. I got in the passenger seat putting on the seat beat as I waited for him to do the same and put on music to fill the silence in the car if there wasn’t any.
“You look cute today,” I carefully moved strands of his hair to the side, “All the girls will be attracted.”
“What about you?”
“Me? I’ll be cool with it,” I smirked as I placed my hand on his, “I’m a cool girl, you see.”
“And we are here,” Yoongi announced as we both stepped out of the car.
“I wonder what he made today. I hope its something soup related.” I started walking towards the house, following Yoongi who waited for me.
“Here,” he held out his hand.
“Hm?” He chuckled lightly as he grabbed my hand and tucked it in his jacket pocket, “You’re supposed to hold it. I’ll be your mitten and keep you warm.”
I was caught off-guard as he smirked and led me to the front door with his hand in mine. He could be so sweet sometimes that I could feel my heart flutter. He rang the doorbell about 3 times until Jin opened the door and greeted us with a smile.
“Hey! You guys made it!” Jin exclaimed with joy.
“Hey, bud!” Yoongi patted his shoulder, “Hopefully we didn’t arrive too late. The lady took a little too long trying to perfect herself for me.” I rolled my eyes and shook my head, “I was not the late one, the driver was not at my house in time.”
Jin’s eyes was focused on our hands in Yoongi’s leather jacket, “Oh, so have you gu—”.
“We’re just dating right now. Don’t get ahead of yourself now,” I wagged my finger at Jin.
“Are you gonna take that?” Jin chuckled as I walked passed him, dragging Yoongi with me. “For now,” Yoongi managed to say before I dragged him far enough from Jin.
I let go of his hand to fix my hair before finding my friends. I couldn’t help but feel his adored eyes on me as I asked him if I looked okay to him. And like always, he respond with ‘You look perfect’. I finally spotted my friends getting drinks by the bar and waved at them to get them to recognize me.
“Hey! It’s been a while!” I squealed as I ran and hugged Rosè and Jennie who was full of smiles.
“Hi!” Rosè grabbed a glass of red wine and handed me one, “You didn’t tell me you had a plus one with you. Hey, Yoongi. It’s been a while since we last saw you.”
“Hello, ladies. Nice meeting you here,” Yoongi replied with a smile.
“Did you want a red wine, too?” Jennie reached for a glass.
“No, thanks. I like stronger alcohol,” he smiled, “I gotta watch out for this one in case she gets wild.”
“Oh, are you two… together now?” Rosè asked curiously after she took a sip of her wine.
“We’re just openly dating. We aren’t in that stage yet to call it a relationship,” I explained, “If that makes sense.”
“Ah, how cute. You guys are taking it slow,” Jennie chuckled, “that’s quite the opposite of how I met my boyfriend. I think it was the first year of college, the flowers were blooming and class was just starting. He was the kid with booming headphones in the second seat of the third row in my psychology class. I had to sit next to him because it was the only seat available since I was late to class. And I didn’t know what was going on so I asked him for help. And with one smile, he just won me over. From then on, we just connected as friends, until we caught the feelings for each other that is. He was trying to win my heart while I was playing hard to get. He was cute trying to get me to like him and everything, and soon enough he won me over again with roses and all that romantic stuff.”
I remember when I met Yoongi. It was around winter, just around this time of year. I was at the bookstore, looking for something to read when I saw him. He was sitting in one of the tables, reading and writing something down. With his tousled black hair and circle glasses, he was staring intently at another book he slid to his attention. He twirled his mechanical pencil in his hand before bringing it up to his chin where he rested upon with the look of frustration set in his face. Mouthing out the words straight from the book, he repeated it over and over until he understood the material. He looked almost angelic just sitting there.
It wasn’t love at first sight, but he caught my attention.
I remember shaking my head to get it together because I had to go to work in a couple of minutes. I grabbed a book on advanced guitar songs and checked it out fairly quickly. Running with flat shoes on, I got to the cafe about two minutes before I was considered late. I went to the back of the cafe to grab my guitar that my father had handed me down and I set all my other belongings in a locker that they had given me. I worked at this cafe as a guitarist most of the time; sometimes I can make a mean coffee. Sometimes there would be known artists or upcoming singers who would perform with me, but most of the time, the spotlight was on me. I was the radio of the cafe.
I got to the center stage where the spotlight held and I sat down with my guitar on my lap. What song should I play? A question that was always on my mind as I strummed the strings slowly making a single melody. What song would these customers like today? Perhaps, I’ll start off by playing my favorite song ‘Can’t help Falling in Love’ by Elvis Presley. It was a song that took me forever to learn when I started out playing guitar.
Midway through the song, I started noticing people gathering around whether it be standing or sitting down at a table smiling as they went along with the song with a nod or a slow clap. I especially loved it when people joined along because it was like my music was doing something to them in a good way.
After the song, I drew in a deep breath and played another one. That’s when I spotted him taking a seat in the middle of the cafe with his freshly made coffee and setting his books he gotten from the library onto the small table. He looked up and gave me the same crooked smile he always gives me even to this day. He nods to the beat of my guitar melody, with a pleasing look on his face.
Definitely not love at first sight, but my heart took interest in this guy who I simply had a glance or two.
Days after performing everyday and seeing him occasionally listen to my music, he took the initiative to speak with me.
Going back through my memories, I remember looking for a book at the library for my western civilization paper. I had found the book at the very top of the shelf and the lazy person I was, I didn’t want to use a stool. So, I decided to try to use tip of my toes for added height, but that didn’t work.
“Do you need some assistance?” A voice called out beside me.
I turned around, startled at the sudden figure beside me, “Ah!”
“Ah?” he cocked his head to the side with a chuckle, “Is that your answer?”
“I mean, y-yeah. If you don’t mind,” I took a step back as he grabbed the book for me.
“This is a really good book. Are you in Mr. Kim’s class?” He asked me as he glanced the cover of the book before holding it out for me.
“Yeah. I got stuck with writing a paper for that class,” I reached for the book, but he pulled it away from me, “Is there something wrong?”
“This may be very unusual, but I’m Yoongi. You must be that guitar player at the cafe,” he said handing me the book this time, “I’ve been wanting to talk to you for quite sometime.”
I laughed at him, “This is how you introduce yourself to people? Quite unusual.”
“Well, usually no. But I didn’t want this opportunity to go to waste. Usually we just go our separate ways and never speak again unless this sort of thing happens again.”
“Well, nice to meet you. Thanks for listening to my guitar skills. I’m Y/N,” I responded as I held the book to close to my chest.
“Thanks for playing such good music,” he shyly chuckles as he ruffled his hair, “We should hang out sometime.”
“Oh, that’s how Hanbin reeled you in?” I swirled the wine around.
“Yep! He’s probably hanging out with his friends somewhere around here.”
“Hey! Yoongi!” A voice behind us called out.
The four of us turned around to see Jin, Jimin, Bobby, and Taehyung. It was the whole gang. I was already introduced to them when I met Yoongi. I think it was about 4 months into our semi-friendship.
“Huh?” I looked up from my laptop, “You want me to go meet your friends?”
“Yeah, will that be a problem?” he gave me a crooked smile as he took a seat next to me with his elbow propped on the desk and his head resting on the palm of his head, “They want to know who I’ve been wasting all my time with.”
“Wasting?” I laughed as I clicked away on my laptop, “I guess you could say that.”
“So what do you say? Wanna meet them?”
“Sure. Why not?” I smiled at him, “I’m open to meeting new people.”
“They’re all guys just to let you know.”
“I would assume that since when you named them off the other day when you were telling me silly stories about them,” I raised my eyebrow as I closed my laptop, “Perhaps I might find my soul mate within them.”
He rolled his eyes, scoffing at me, “I don’t think they would find you their style.”
“Then whose style do I fit?”
I gave out a laugh, “You’re funny. I’m totally not your style. I think you need someone who’s more mature than me.”
He scoffed as he shook his head at me, “You totally don’t know me. I thought we knew almost everything about each other.”
“When are we meeting them?” I poked his cheek.
“In an hour.”
“So, I would have met them whether I said yes or no?” I gasped as if he betrayed me, “You are so evil.”
“I’m always this way.”
Jin was the handsome prince kind of guy. He looked well-pampered and mannered, but he also had a touch of an attitude. Jimin was a laid-back kind of guy who was a kid at heart along with Taehyung who was hyperactive around almost anything. Bobby, on the other hand, had a cool aura surrounding him, but in actuality, he loved to geek out on comic books.
“Hey!” Yoongi hugged them all before returning to my side.
“Hi there!” I called out.
“Didn’t think you would be here,” Bobby laughed as he ran his fingers through his hair.
“Well, here I am.”
“You look pretty today,” Taehyung gave me a thumbs-up, “If Yoongi wasn’t dating you, I would have.”
“Why, thank you. I guess I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“I think I might have to beat you up later,” Yoongi threw his arm around my shoulder, “But not in front of the lady.”
I held out my glass, “Do you want my alcohol? It might lessen the pain later.”
“Who said I was gonna get hurt? I’m a strong man too!” Taehyung pulled up his sleeve as to show off.
Jimin threw his arm around him and shook his head, “Let’s say that for tonight. You can be a big boy tonight!” He hyped him around and instinctively they began jumping around to the beat of the music.
“Why don’t we find some seats and chill?” Jin raised his eyebrow, leading the way. He made us sit down at his big white couch with glasses of champagne already set on the coffee table and the TV was set to a music channel.
I naturally sat next to Yoongi, while the boys sat around us. Jimin and Taehyung sat next to me, doing shots all of a sudden. Bobby was trying to entertain Rosè with his antics, but it seemed to be working when he expressed his goofy interests. Jin was tasting different kinds of wine with Jennie as they had a sophisticated conversation about what foods would go well with which wine. And for me? I was learning back casually into Yoongi’s arm that was resting behind me.
“Wanna know something? He said in my ear with a small smirk as my eyes lit with interest.
“What is it?”
“I like you. I like you a lot,” he leaned in and kissed the top of my head.
I blushed, hiding it from him as I leaned into his chest so he didn’t see me lose my cool. As soon as I composed myself, I pulled away from him and looked at him with the look of admiration. How could he be so patient with me? How did I meet such a guy who finds me adorable and on his mind constantly?
“Me?” I threw my books in my bag, “You want to what?”
“Let’s date,” he rubbed the back of his neck as he made eyes with me.
“Are you kidding me?” I scoffed, “Are you making fun of me for not having a date to the get-together  the other day?”
“I’m serious. Why don’t you give me a chance?” he gave me a pout.
“When?” I zipped up my bag, swinging it on my back.
“What about today when you have your lunch break?”
“Sounds good,” I looked at my wristwatch, “I’m going to be late because of you now.”
“You’ll end up being early cause you’ll run there.”
“I’ll see you at lunch!”
“Meet me at the front entrance!” he called out as I sped-walked out of the door.
He was right; I made to class earlier than I expected. There was only about three people in the classroom when I arrived and I picked out the seat near the back because why not? I laid out my notebook to a clean page and set down a purple pen near it. I watched as the classroom filled in slowly as the time ticked away. I listened to the professor drone on and on about the physics of objects and math equations that seemed to be endless. And before I knew it, he dismissed class and people began to gather their things and leave the classroom. I guess I didn’t realize that it was all over until I heard a knock on the door and the sound of footsteps walking towards me. I slowly started to put my things in my book bag, taking my time with everything.
“Did you forget our little lunch date already, slow poke?”
I glanced up to see Yoongi, sitting on one of the desks in front of me, “When did you…”
“I got a little excited to meet you so I thought I would meet you halfway, but I guess you must have zoned out in class again and forgot?” he laughed seeing the look on my face.
“You know me so well. I didn’t forget. I just taking my time with things,” I joined in his laughter, “Where are you taking me?”
He grabbed the bag out of my hands, “Why don’t we try out that new burger place a couple blocks from here?”
“Sure, why not?” I smiled as I let him lead the way to his car. We both got in as he swung my bag in the back carefully and he drove us to our destination. Once we arrived, we were seated nearest the window just how we like it. I ordered a cheeseburger with fries and water while Yoongi had gotten the bacon deluxe with curly fries and large cola drink.
“This is actually really good,” I bit into the burger once more, “ Better than I imagined it to be.”
“I’m glad. Also, don’t pay for this! I’ll pay for it,” he took one of my fries and shoved it in his mouth.
“Why do you want to date all of a sudden?” I raised my eyebrow in curiosity, “Have I gotten prettier or something? Did all the girls around you get tiring?”
“Nope,” he shook his head as he bit into his burger, chewing it carefully as his thoughts rushed inside his mind, “I like you.”
“There is no but. I just like you.”
“But that doesn’t answer my question.”
“I’ve always liked you. Since you got up on that stage and strummed a melody into my ears while I read the words of my book for class. Since we met eyes in that library. Since I saw you with your casual clothes and messy bun. I don’t know. I just like you the way you are. Do you need more reasons?”
“But what if I don’t like you the same way?” I took his curly fry dipping it into the ketchup.
“Well, I guess we’ll find out. I’ll wait for you to figure yourself out. If you don’t like me, you don’t have to keep dating me. We can go back to just friends,” he smirked.
“You’ll wait for me? How cute.”
“Give me a chance,” he pouted as he offered me a curly fry dipped in ketchup.
“Fine, I’ll give you a chance,” I tried to take the fry out of his hand but he takes it into his own mouth instead.
We were laughing, having the time of our lives like always. Once lunch was over,  we drove me back to school. I waited for him as he parked the car as well as he had my bag in his possession.
“Let’s get to class,” he said moving ahead of me before he held out his hand.
“What is this?” I point at his hand.
“For this,” he said taking my hand and holding it.
“Huh?” I was caught off-guard at the moment as he waited for me to catch up beside him.
“You’re gonna want to hold me tight.”
“Why is that?”
He replied with a smirk, and pulled me along as we went to class together. That was how he kind of asked me out.
“What?” his deep voice called me back into reality with a soft tone and adoring eyes.
“You’re kind of my type,” I laughed immediately after I said it. I never say things like this; it must be alcohol I’ve been drinking. Blame it all on it.
He chuckled at me before planting a soft kiss on my cheek, “Glad you are with me.”
“Okay! Since we are all here, let’s play some games. Let’s play charades!” Jin stood up with a grin planted on his face, “Let’s spilt into two teams. I made up the teams already. For the first team, they will have to wear these adorable devil head bands that I bought earlier today. The team will be: Jimin, Taehyung, Yoongi, and Rosè. The second team will consist of myself, Y/N, Jennie, and Bobby. They will have to wear these angel headbands. Angels versus Devils.”
“You spilt us up?” Yoongi groaned as he laid his head on my shoulder.
“You’re not going anywhere. You can stay beside her if you want,” Jin rolled his eyes.
“I can’t believe they spilt us up,” he groaned once again as he lifted his head back up, “But Jin is right. I have a devilish character.”
“I can’t believe that you think I’m an angel,” Bobby laughed as he grabbed the angel headband from Jin’s hands as he passed it around. “You know deep inside all that, you have a nice soul,” Jin patted Bobby’s head, “You’ll be okay.”
“This will be fun,” Rosè laughed as she put her headband on and assisted Jimin’s with his who was trying to help Taehyung with the rules of Charades.
“Does this look okay?” I turned to Yoongi as I carefully placed the headband over my hair.
“Beautiful,” he brushed aside some stray hairs away, “There. You look better than the other angels.”
“Hey!” Jennie shouted in clear offensive, “Wait till I get Hanbin on you.”
“Where is Hanbin? He’s kind of late, isn’t he?” I asked as I took a sip from my wine glass before setting it down once again on the coffee table.
“I texted him a bit ago and he’s just caught up on some late night working. He’ll be off soon. I just hope he’s not too cold,” she pouted as she checked her phone once last time.
“I’ll be okay for a bit before he comes then,” Yoongi laughed jokingly.
“How does this look?” Taehyung turned towards me with a cute pose.
“Oh, that’s really cute,” I laughed as I readjusted the headband on Taehyung’s head, “You’ll catch all the girls with that.”
“What about me?” Yoongi asked sadly behind me.
I turned around to see him wearing the devil  headband immediately and smiled, “You are such an adorable devil. Don’t let the other girls see or I’ll get jealous.”
“Okay! Let’s start with the Devil team! Go ahead Jimin!” Jin announced as he sat down.
“Okay,” Jimin stood up and took a piece of paper out of the hat of random words that Jin prepared. With one look at the piece of paper, Jimin did a jump in the air and a twirl.
“Figure skating!” Taehyung yelled out. “Yep!” Jimin sat down immediately.
“How did you guys know that?” Bobby was mindblown, “He just did two things.”
“We just get each other,” Taehyung stood up and retrieved a piece of paper. He smirked at the paper and then stared at Jimin, “We can do it!”
He pointed at Jimin and then it clicked between them. “Dancer!”
“YEAH!” Taehyung shouted with glee as the two of them did some hand shake.
“Okay, Devils has gotten 2 right so far.” Jin sighed, “Angels need to beat them.”
Yoongi got up this time and picked a piece of paper which he groaned at. It must have been a hard one. He started flailing his arms and legs around to which none of his members knew what he was doing for the first minute or so. He, then, decided to switch it up, but that was no use.
“Times up! What was it?” Jin said as he set down his wine glass onto the coffee table.
“It was ski jumping,” he groaned as he found his seat next to me again and leaned his body towards me as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders.
“You’ll get it,” I patted his head, comforting the first time charade player.
The game went on to which the Devil team had 2 correct and my ultimate Angel team with 3 correct. We won the game jumping and cheering to alcohol while the other team said it was the first game and we had it easy. Yoongi was happy for me though as he clapped and cheered with me. Just after we won the game, the door rang and opened. With light footsteps approaching, a familiar face appeared before us. It was Hanbin in a black peacoat and sneakers to match. In his hands were a bouquet of red roses and the with a smile spreading across his face, he spoke softly, “Hey, Jennie.” “Hanbin!” She ran into his arms and he lifted her and spun her around in his arms.
“They’re so cute,” Rosè smiled as she took a sip of her drink, “She’s always happy when he comes to her like this. So romantic.”
“You should see him at the dorm sometimes,” Bobby rolled his eyes as he finished off his beer, “He talks my ear off about her.”
“Hey, baby. Sorry for being late,” Hanbin put her down and kissed her forehead, “I should have asked the night off.”
She gazed into his eyes lovingly, “It’s okay as long as you are here, everything else doesn’t matter.”
“I got you some flowers. I hope you like it,” he pulled away and showed her.
“I love it. I’ll put it in a vase as soon as I get home,” She grabbed it and held his hand, pulling it towards group.
“Hey, guys. Sorry for being the last one here,” Hanbin sat down on an empty spot on the couch.
“It’s cool. We didn’t do much yet,” Jin handed him a bottle of beer.
“I hope I’m on your team,” Jennie sat onto Hanbin’s lap, kissing him on the cheek.
How cute.
“Come on! Try it with me!” I cried out as I held out the face mask packages as I shook it in front of his face.
“But do I really need it? Do you see how smooth my skin is?” he showed it off.
“Please!” I sat next to him on the couch with a pout on my face, “I’ll kiss you if you let me.”
I could tell by the change in his eyes that he was wavering, “So, if I do this… I earn brownie points and a kiss?”
“I’ll even kiss you on the lips,” I tempted him as I put my finger to his lips.
“Okay, I’ll do it.”
“Oh yeah!” I shouted excitedly as I grabbed a ponytail holder and tied up his bangs up and out of his face, “Oh, look how cute you look.”
“I’m always cute,” he scoffed playfully.
“Sure, whatever you say,” I laughed as I tore open the package and unfolded the mask before placing it on his face, “Don’t move.”
I patted his lips, “Hey, don’t move,” I smoothed out the mask all over his face before starting on mine.
“It feels cold,” he tried to talk without moving his face.
“You’ll look and feel good after,” I wrapped my hair in a bun, securing it with a scrunchie. Then, I tore open the package, unfolding it on me, and placing it on my face as well. I made Yoongi smooth out the the mask since I didn’t bring a mirror with me.
“There you go,” he leaned back to take a look at me, “You look so funny.”
“You do too!” I tried not to laugh so I wouldn’t ruin the mask.
“How long do we put these on for?” he grabbed the bag of opened potato chips and took a chip into his mouth.
“About 20 minutes. Do you wait with me?” I tried to act cute with the mask on.
He snickered, restraining slightly, “I’ll wait forever with you.”
“Well, why don’t we watch a variety show and try not to laugh?” I grabbed the remote from him.
“Deal! But I get to choose what show!” he grabbed it from me.
“Babe!!” I whined before realizing what I said, “Uh… Uhm.” He tried to contain the smile, “Aw, you called me babe. How cute.”
“Since everyone is here, let’s break into teams and play another game,” Jin clapped, breaking my thoughts. For a long time, we played a lot of team games splitting the group into various teams. There were cries of joy and sadness in one room plenty of time. But
“Okay, we’re going go. It’s getting late,” I stood up with Yoongi who held my hand.
“Okay, I’ll text you,” Rosè called out as she waved me goodbye.
“Drive safe!” Jennie pointed at Yoongi, wagging her finger.
“I will, calm down.” He responded with a chuckle, “I wouldn’t drive unsafe for the sake of Y/N.”
“See you later at the dorms,” Jimin and Taehyung waved goodbye.
After saying multiple goodbyes, we finally made the exit from Jin’s place and into Yoongi’s car. He turned the music on a low volume so we could still talk.
“I had fun,” Yoongi smiled as he left Jin’s and made a turn towards mine. “I did, too. You impressed me. I didn’t think you would be so good at games,” I laughed.
“I can be unpredictable, too.” He turned to me with a wink.
As soon as we entered my apartment, I plopped down onto the couch and my eyes found the clock, it was nearly one in the morning.  Yoongi had to go since he had to be at the dorms soon to sleep and get ready for the next day.
“You have to go, don’t you?” I called out as I heard the fridge open and the sound of a water bottle being opened.
“Yeah, I have to come back here later today though to pick you up since we are headed to the library to find that book you need,” he chugged down half the water bottle before setting it on the kitchen counter.
“Oh okay. I’ll see you in a couple hours. Dream of me,” I called out as I tried to find a comfortable position on the couch.
“See me out?”
“But I’m already comfortable,” I lied for I was too lazy to get up.
“Come on! I’m going to go. I need your hug before I go. It’ll keep me warm as I take the trip down your stairs and into my car,” he opened his arms, readying himself for me.
I sniffled a laugh as I felt my heart fluttered that he appreciated all of me, “I’m coming!”
“I’ll close my eyes and I need you in my arms when I count to three.”
“Fine,” I replied as I carefully got off the couch.
I took a light steps towards him. His arms were out and ready to hug me as a smile settled on his face.
I stood right in front of him and admired him as I glanced up at him. He was handsome, his dark black hair falling onto his forehead and sometimes in his way of vision. The way his jawline looked so sharp. His lips… they were pink and soft, delicate to the touch.
“Two and a half,” his deep voice rumbled as he anticipated my warm body.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled. He won’t expect this. At. All.
“Three,” I finished his countdown as I gathered up some additional height via tiptoes so I could kiss him like I meant it. He was surprised for a quick second before falling into the kiss deeply without hesitation. I felt his soft lips that I wanted to feel again as it made my heart beat faster with every movement. Slowly, I felt his arms around me and then he pulled away with a soft smile on his face.
“You are quite unpredictable,” he held me in his arms, interlocking his fingers so I wouldn’t leave his sight.
“Then, why don’t I be more unpredictable?”
“Hm?” he raised his eyebrow, “What are you talking about?”
“Let’s be official. You be my boyfriend. I’ll be your girlfriend.”
“I think I’ll like that a lot,” he couldn’t stop smiling, “But how are you going to calm my rapidly beating heart? I don’t know if I can go home and sleep now cause of you.”
“Then, stay with me tonight. You always leave your stuff here, it’s like you live here with me.”
“That’s an offer I can’t refuse,” he leaned down and kissed me once more.
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hanbinsharem · 8 years
Best Friends
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Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 Part 4
Note : This will get very intense if what i am planning gets on here exactly like that. Omg . 
Please do not hesitate to stop reading if you feel triggered :) 
Word Count : I think almost 2000 ? Who cares :P
When jiwon came back with 2 big bottles full with fuel, Hanbin understood what the boy had planned and it had nothing to do with the police but everything with trouble. He wanted to tell Jiwon that he should stop, wanted to be selfless just this one time but hanbin rarely was selfless when it came to his best friend.
He was selfish for having thoughts about him, for looking at him more than he should be, for lying to him and especially for loving him. He shouldn't and didn't want to love him. But he just did, because it was easy to fall for Jiwons smile, rough hands that were the most gentle when he held hanbin. He loved him despite Jiwon having a girlfriend, despite Jiwon having those posters of half naked girls on his walls and despite jiwon not being able to love Hanbin like hanbin loved him.
Jiwon kneelt down in front of Hanbin, looking a lot calmer now that some time had gone by. “ Hanbin now i need you to remember if you touched anything in this house today.”
So hanbin told him, where his fingers had been and it had been in a lot of places but not were it supposed to be. It wasn't on Jiwon and he knew that even if Jiwon miricously turned gay, he couldn't place his fingers on his best friend anymore, trace his face until it landed on the little scar on his forehead. His hands were dirty and would never be clean again, never be innocent enough to show the love Jiwon deserved.
Jiwon took some wet wipes and cleaned everywhere hanbin supposedly had touched, praying that it would be enough to make Hanbin look innocent. Then he went to the kitchen and made sure to turn on the kitchen stove.
“Can you stand up ?” Jiwon asked him, holding his hands out for hanbin to grab his. Hanbin nodded , taking Jiwons hand in his.
Jiwon helped hanbin to get into his Car. “Wait for me here. I will be back in a few minutes, okay ? “ Hanbin nodded, again. Hanbin felt far away from reality, like he was dreaming and it was funny because it was such a beautiful nightmare.
Jiwon came back after 10 minutes and immediately started the car after handing hanbin some of his clothes and a little pendant Hanbin had since he was 4. The one his mom gave. He wanted to cry but he couldn’t.It was the first time Hanbin was glad his mother wasn't around anymore.
She would have hated her son who had become a murderer.
Jiwon didn't drive home, instead he drove to the han river. “Give me your phone Hanbin” Jiwon demanded and Hanbin did. Jiwon got out of the car and started smashing the phone before he threw it into the river. After that Jiwon finally took them home. He brought hanbin to the bathroom and started to undress him while hot water was filling the tub.
He helped hanbin to get into the tub. He took Hanbins favourite shampoo from the shelf, and started to pour it down and massage  hanbins scalp with his fingers gently. Hanbin was scared that Jiwon already started to hate him, started to think that hanbin was a monster for killing his own father. Hanbin was scared to lose the only tree that was helping him not to drown.
He was that 5 year old boy again, who wanted to beg his mother not to leave him behind. But he couldn't speak, couldn't tell her that he needed her, that he was scared of his dad when they were alone. He couldn't utter the words he wanted to say the most. Save me, please.
Jiwons hands were gentle while cleaning Hanbins skin and hanbin wanted to tell him to rub harder on his skin, to make sure that the dirt would come off. He was sick of feeling worthless and dirty most of the time of his life.
Hanbin was sick of being weak, sick of being himself. And he was the 5 year old again, who hated his dad and the priest and the church because they wanted to “play games” with him. Then hanbin turned 7, the first time he had hit a boy because he couldn't contain his anger anymore. He had been angry at the world, at his mother, at his dad, at that priest and especially at himself. His dad wasn't angry at hanbin, when they sat down in the Car. Instead he had that disgusting smile on his face and hanbin knew that his dad would hurt him in worse ways at home. Hanbin was 11, the first time he ran away with Jiwon from home. Jiwon was sick of his forster parents and Hanbin was sick of his life.  It took the police 15 hours to find the 2 children, in front off a supermarket trying to steal a small oreo package. He cried while the police drove both of them home and begged the police officers to not bring him to that house. The police laughed it off. Who would believe a 11 year old boy? Jiwon held hanbins hand that day, glaring at the officers. Hanbin had stopped calling his fathers house, home that day. His home was Jiwon alone.
Hanbin was 15, when he came home one day and saw his dad and a women shouting at each other. He called her a worthless hoe and she pushed him onto the ground, telling him that she could understand why his wife left his sorry ass. Hanbin found out that day, that his mother didn't die. She ran away from his dad.
Hanbin was sick of everybody, including his mother and himself. Only Jiwon was an exception. Jiwon was the only one. He could never be sick of the way Jiwon smiled, his teeth slightly showing and his eyes, lighting up with the purity and love, his strong arms wrapping around hanbins weak shoulders and hanbin had realised something terrefiyng when he was 16, something he became ashamed of when he saw how Jiwon held the hand of his first girlfriend tightly.
Hanbin´s heart was speeding up when he was looking at his best friend and it was terrifiyng because Hanbin had been hurt by a lot of people, but Jiwon was literally holding the pieces of Hanbins heart between his hands and Jiwon would never hurt him intentionally but he has the tendency to be clumsy with words or the way he behaves when he is drunk or sober in fact and Jiwon had also never confessed that he liked boys, like he liked girls.
Still, Jiwon was Jiwon and even if he trampeled onto hanbins heart, Hanbin would still stay.
Because before jiwon became a crush, Jiwon was his best friend.
“Come on, lets dry you up buddy” Jiwon said putting his hands between hanbins  shoulders.
Jiwon took the towel from his shelf and dried hanbin´s wet skin slowly until he ruffled his hair. “You can wear my clothes, okay ? “
Hanbin didn't give Jiwon any reaction, so Jiwon took his hand and brought him to his room. He took one of his sweatshirts and jogging pants and also gave Hanbin one of his favourite underwear. He helped Hanbin dress slowly, and then brought a pill and water “It will help you to sleep” Jiwon had promised. After Jiwon put hanbin to bed, darkness overcame him.
He wasn't sleeping, but he also wasn't awake.
When he came back to his senses, he heard the door closing slowly behind. Hanbins eyes fluttered open slowly, his head ached terribly and for a moment he thought that all of it must have been a nightmare. But when he realised that he wasn't sleeping in his own bed, but Jiwons he remembered it all.
And maybe he would have cried, his body would shake with fear and shame if he wouldn't have taken whatever shit dulling medicine jiwon had given him. But whatever he took, it gave him a feeling of numbness and made him feel tiered and his body weak.
He slowly stood up to go to the bathroom, but when he arrived in front of the door, he halted.
Jiwon was speaking to somebody “ You would do me a huge favour Mino. Yeah, i will pay you back. You know me. Thanks man! See you.”
“Who was that ?” Hanbins voice was raw and jiwon jumped, laughing nervously. “ Someone who will take over my shift. “
Hanbin didn't  believe him , but he wasn't  in the position to not do so. Jiwon´s phone buzzed seconds after and jiwon took his phone out to check who it was and Hanbin loved to see how concentrated Jiwon always looked while he was typing back to someone.
“You can go to work you know” Hanbin told him, but jiwon just shook his head “ I don't want to.” and hanbin knew the underlying meaning of I don't want to, knew that it meant I don't want to leave you here, while you are miserable.  And he didn't  insist on Jiwon going to work. Because he was miserable.
“I made us breakfast. Lets eat Hanbin.” Jiwon looked up from his phone, pushing it back into his pocket.
“I am not really hungry” hanbin declared looking down.
“I know, but I am and I need you to eat for me.” Jiwon took Hanbin´s hand slowly to drag him to the small table in his small kitchen but his phone buzzed again and he let go of the boy, to look at his new arrived whatsapp message. His eyes quickly shifted to hanbin and then back to his phone, but he didn't brother to type back this time, stuffing the phone away a second time in probably 3 minutes.
“Lets go eat okay ? For me please“ Jiwon whined, taking Hanbin´s hand and hanbin let himself be dragged into the small kitchen, curious but not questioning how Jiwon could still behave so normal.
“I made us boiled eggs and we have bread too. “ Jiwon declared, sounding overly excited which was basically just being fake on Jiwons part.
Hanbin nodded, looking at the table with nothing much but there was Jiwons care and love. And that was what made the food priceless. Hanbin was forcing down the food for Jiwon and he would do it for no one else. Jiwon patienty waited for hanbin to eat. After he ate, Jiwon announced that they had to go to the police this afternoon. Hanbin felt his stomach turning into a mess, not wanting to accept the food while his mind screamed murder over and over again. “ I cant Jiwon.” he desperately was searching for answers in Jiwons eyes.
“Listen, they don't know it was us.” Jiwon said “but we need to go to give a statement or they will think that we are running away. “
And it was plausible. It made sense, but Jiwon was not the only one who was afraid.   Hanbin stood up, knocking the chair down and Jiwon also followed him quickly. “They will know Jiwon” hanbin screamed entering the living room. “ That I am a fucking murderer and that you helped me”
Hanbin throws the small pillows on Jiwons couch and he would have thrown more things if there would have been and Jiwon would have laughed if he wouldn't have known the Context of the Situation. So he back hugs him instead, trying to calm him down“They wont Hanbin, I promise you. I will protect you.“ Jiwon really wants to believe in his own words. He will protect Hanbin no matter what.
Opinions (no matter if they are bad or good) are always welcome :)
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