#in the winter less because they close too early and I'm like a chihuahua in the cold
mer-se · 5 months
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once again back at the cemetery finding all the color
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fbwzoo · 4 years
Been a busy weekend, including working this weekend, which is why I haven't gotten to the care discussion thing. I'll do a separate post on that, but I wanna ramble about the animals, so here's general update post on the critters!
Dogs - We went to a close park last night and walked at least a mile! They loved it, though Addy was very tired out. They also got ice cream for the first time and thought that was fantastic! They both also got new foods today to switch over to, lower calorie for Addy and higher calorie for Spring. Hopefully they'll like them. Spring has a couple new beds coming, the first arrived today and uh.
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Phoebe thought it was well worth the treats I put in it. Spring? He's afraid of it. Because chihuahua. Sigh. Hopefully he'll like the other better, it's a covered dog bed. And Addy has her new bed coming, which I really hope she likes!
We're also doubling down on Spring's potty issues, so that's gonna be stressful and more work for a while. Working on making the run more fun, getting him to potty in it, acclimating him to bad weather at least enough to tolerate it, and he'll be crated during the day now when no one's around. No one's happy about that, but we gotta fix him pottying in the house. It's really our only problem with him, but it really gets to all of us, so we have to figure it out.
Hedgehogs - We're almost done with Scorpia's meds and up to now she's still had blood in her urine. We think it might be less or stopped? We're very tentatively hoping, but tomorrow will probably give us our answer - I changed her liner and cleaned her wheel today, so if she has blood in there tomorrow, we're probably calling it and saying goodbye on Wednesday. :( Fingers crossed... she's a sweet snuggly girl.
Glimmer is doing well, she's a busy hungry lil girl. I gave her a sample of Spoon's bugs last night and she ate almost all! I'm thrilled and can't wait to get her in a big tote so I can try hiding treats and bugs around the tote for her! We finally found some totes that are same size as Christmas tree ones, but not limited availability!!! So we'll be getting these for the new girls.
King (hamster) - We were giving him meds for what was hopefully a skin infection & an infected scent gland. The gland is back to normal, but he still got some crusty places on his skin, so we're not sure if it really is an infection. The other option was skin cancer, which. Sucks! But not much to be done about it for a tiny hamster, really. So for now we watch him and spoil him and let him enjoy his castle. He's very happy to be out of the hospital cage and back home! He's such a sweet boy and still comes right out for treats, and he never bit Jack once in all the weeks of getting meds.
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Spoon (tenrec) - We think the lil poky man is getting ready for winter torpor. :( It seems early to me, but he got a whole bowl of bugs last night and... didn't eat any. Jack said he's been eating less kibble too. So we'll see!
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(All his pictures came out blurry, sigh)
Not much new on everyone else! They're all doing good. :)
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