#in the meanwhile enjoy this and look forward to the update pls
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sorryimananti-romantic · 1 day ago
The Leaders | chapter 6 teaser
“Oh, dear,” Seonghwa pulled you closer, prompting you to settle on your knees instead of keeping them upright as a barrier between you two. “Tell me you said something he deserved to hear.”
“I did,” you sniffed. “I told him not to come after me or mine ever again unless he wants to start a war he can never win.”
A smirk creeped up the underboss’ lips, sending a stirring of nerves to your stomach. “Me or mine, huh?”
“I had to say something–”
“You did well,” Seonghwa said, cupping your face and wiping your eyes, nodding in acknowledgement. “You did so well, love. And I’m glad you stayed strong. You don’t ever have to break in front of your father anymore. You can break in front of me, in front of any of us but– never him.”
You looked at Seonghwa, truly looked at him. His eyes glinted with a million unsaid things, but even in the dim light of the lamp, you could tell that they held admiration and something like pride. Something you always wished to see in someone’s eyes when they looked at you.
“Why do you cry, love?” He asked, wiping the tears that threatened to roll down your cheeks. You didn’t even realise that you were crying silently now.
“I don’t know,” you told him. “Seonghwa– can I really break in front of you?”
Something unreadable flickered across Seonghwa’s face. “You can. With me, or Hongjoong, or any of us, you can be yourself. We’re here– I’m here for you. You never have to feel alone again.”
You tightened your lips, stifling a sob. Seonghwa only smiled, scooting closer to plant a kiss on your forehead. You let out a shaky breath and then went still as he kissed your cheek. 
“Won’t you look at me?”
The deep timbre of his voice sounded inside your skull. You kept your eyes shut and he wiped the remnants of the tears away from your lashes before kissing both your eyelids, his soft lips like feathers of an angel's wing shielding you from everything that hurt you. Your hands tangled in his shirt as he continued to pepper light kisses all over your face, the sound of his breath making your heart flutter uncontrollably. However, he stopped right when he kissed near your mouth, his hands almost shaking as he cradled your jaw and pulled back to gauge your reaction.
“Look at me.”
“I’m scared,” you opened your eyes and your gaze stuck on his plump lips. “I don’t understand why you all want me. I don’t understand why we’re here, like this.”
He only smiled in answer. “Is it too much?”
“That’s the thing,” you scoffed in disbelief. “I don’t think it is.”
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hongism · 5 years ago
My oh my! Days goes by, your story progresses, and I fall more for Lieutenant. The way you portray Hwa from the start of this fic is *chef's kiss*.
You said there were breadcrumbs. But me being a dumbtiny is least bothered about theories and I'm just here for the rollercoaster ride that's about to come. And also fall more in love with Park Seonghwa. 😂
But anyway, I loved the chapter. There's a part that really caught my attention is: Hongjoong saying now that they're intimate, Hwa is doubting MC's ability. I've seen this in many movies, books, etc. that once the badass MC shows any semblance of emotions or "feminity", they are no longer badass but damsel in distress. So kudos for MOC! Joong for calling that out. I think that turned me on more than all that peircing talk 🤭. What can I say, i'mma simple girl who loves soft and sassy moments.
Looking forward to next update. But in the meanwhile, take some rest too Caly. Love you 💝
im rIGHT there with you, i just keep falling deeper in the seonghwa hole 😭 im glad you like the way i portray him and write him pls 🥺🤧
there are breadcrumbs bUT those breadcrumbs may not make sense until later when i reveal more, for now they are there to chill and vibe while we prepare ourselves for what’s to come 🧐 enjoying the ride ((and seonghwa)) is all i could ask for ✋😔
im so glad to hear that you loved the chapter tho pls ;-; that part was a big part indeed, both in terms of hongjoong acknowledging what’s going on between them and in terms of hongjoong telling seonghwa off for that comment! mc has moments of fragility but it’s not what defines her, and hongjoong can see that bc he’s not in such an intimate relationship as seonghwa is bUT yes you are 1000% correct about that and we love to see it 🤧
and thank you bby i’m going to get some rest before working on anything else and start trying to give myself more time to relax after an update 🥺
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shambalasims · 6 years ago
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Week 3 - Day 2 - The in-laws Part I
The Bachelor/ette’s parents are visiting and the contestants have to make sure they are satisfied by the end of the day. Each contestant must prepare a high quality dish from the Grand Meal section, and also Tell a Group Story by the fire to entertain them.
Another glorious day for a challenge! But before that we start the day with some updates from our eliminated contestants:
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It seems that neither Frankie nor Takeshi did not waste any time: Frankie married someone called Hayaka and now has a son, and Takeshi married one of Mango’s classmates, The-classmate-with-the-weird-hair ( who has a name obviously but I think that’s the first time we actually get to know it xD) 
Darn. And I wanted to hook up Takeshi with my simself :’( 
Anyway, back to our house of wonders, we found Mango falling down the same path as everyone:
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Acne! It was bound to happen eventually /pat
Anyways, the location for today’s challenge is...
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..The Oishii taverna, owned by Mango’s family! And the reason for that is because today’s challenge is the following:
The Bachelorette’s family is visiting and the contestants have to make sure they are satisfied by the end of the day. Each contestant must prepare a high quality dish from the Grand Meal section, and also Tell a Group Story by the fire to entertain them. Each contestant gets 10 points for Excellent quality cooked Grand Meal, 5 points for Normal and, obviously, 0 points for Bad quality or burnt, and 10 points for a Great story ( 0 points otherwise). We will use the Random number generator to decide which story the contestants will tell. 
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..bam! If you think this challenge was just an excuse for everyone to see the contestants in these outfits, well..you are not wrong.
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Mango: Ok, everyone, I just have to warn you a bit, because my family is ..well..not small, and also not quite typical.
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Mango: Well I did my best to warn you. Good luck.
The boys rushed to prepare the grand meal, while the first guests started to arrive. Each contestant prepares a different grand meal, so each sim gets assigned one randomly.
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Yuuto is assigned to prepare the Ham Dinner..
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..Fish dinner for Sekai..
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..Tofurkey dinner for Hanako...
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..and good old Turkey dinner for Genki.
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Here’s hoping that this time there will be no casualties like the first time when they tried cooking actually who am I kidding please cause chaos guys
While the boys were busy in the kitchen, the first guests started to arrive!
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The camera crew took a moment to film and introduce the members of the bachelorette’s family, and we start with Coco, the mother, who has not aged a bit.
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Gustave, the father, who as we know, had an affair with Yuki Behr and fathered 2 illegitimate children 
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Kiwi, the second child, who was a High School student when we last saw her and is now a Uni student in San Myshuno
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And the youngest twin sisters, Guayaba and Papaya, who are now High School students.
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Other sims invited are Mango’s two aunts, India Sato and Polly Sato, as well as Mango’s cousin and Uni roommate, Toru Sato.
It’s been a while since the whole family has reunited, so everyone took their time to hug each other and socialize.
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Papaya: Dad what is this I’m hearing about 2 illegitimate children??
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Gustave: *disappears* 
India: Soo..congrats on having two more brothers I guess??
Meanwhile, in the other corner of the tavern..
Coco: Young woman, as soon as you ran away to Uni, you cut your hair and get your nose pierced?!
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Kiwi: Mom, don’t tell me what to do, I’m not a ki--
Coco: I’ll teach you how to listen to your elders! *fights*
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Mango: *quietly sips “special tea” in a corner* Yup. 
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Meanwhile, let’s take a look at the situation in the kitchen.
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Sekai is chopping his fish like a pro cook..
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..while Hanako seems to have some troubles with his technique..
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Kiwi: Whatever that guy is making I’m not eating it.
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Genki is already a step forward and has his turkey in the oven..
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..while Yuuto already finished the Ham dinner! Let’s take a look at his result:
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His Ham dinner is only Normal, so he gets 5 points only. He is however now free to introduce himself and chat with the bachelorette’s family.
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Yuuto: Did an angel fall from the sky, or am I dreaming? M’am, you are way too stunning to be someone’s mother.
Coco: *giggles like a teenager* I approve of you as my son-in-law already.
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Hanako: *crosses eyes with Coco* I’m sorry what?
Meanwhile, Sekai’s fish dinner is ready..
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Sekai: Oh I hope I didn’t add too much salt..
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Sekai did great! His Excellent fish dinner gets him 10 points!
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Also, both Hanako and Genki followed afterwards with Excellent quality dinners, so they also get 10 points!
Genki: Can I go to sleep now pls? 
Nope. It’s time to socialize!
Sekai talked with Toru, Mango’s cousin, but it was actually not the first time that they met.
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Sekai: Hey, I know you! You’re the girl from the dance club! I see you found your glasses.
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Toru: Hey..uh.. I remember your voice but not your face,sadly.
Yuuto continued to woe the crowd, this time moving on to Aunt Polly.
Yuuto: Your hair has the color of the sakura flowers in spr-
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Polly: Man, I’m here just for the food.
Finally, Mango rang the bell announcing that dinner is served.
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Everyone sat down to enjoy the dinner that the contestants prepared.
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Hanako: *nervous* OMG I am standing next to the bachelorette’s father all dirty, such shame
Gustave: *doesn’t even notice his existence* 
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wanna-17 · 7 years ago
kang daniel first meeting! AU
summary: in which kang daniel happens to be your boss’ son
length: 1.4k
a/n: omg i keep bringing in parents into my scenarios but nevertheless i hope you guys enjoy this one. i personally enjoy writing it bc daniels my bias (if that wasn’t obvious enough already lmao) but i can see this happening like hes so shy and cute and awkward and beautiful and precious and his relationship with his mum seems really cute~ as per usual pls let me know how you found this and the series! and let me know which member you want next ;) 
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during the semester you worked at a pet shop 
you adored animals and you enjoyed looking after them during the semester
it was a great way to distract yourself from uni worries like exams and friendships and internships 
you only worked once a week but you were super familiar with the shop and the owner aka mrs kang loved you and said that you were her favourite employee
you loved both cats and dogs and it was impossible to choose which one you liked more because it was equal
mrs kang had two cats - rooney and peter 
when you first met rooney and peter you couldn’t help but fall in love with them
mrs kang had explained that her son had got them from the animal shelter and named them rooney and peter without realising that they were actually females 
but it was already too late to changes names bc the cats were already used to their given names
you’d already worked for mrs kang for half a year and she was a nice lady but you had been quite curious about her life
she had a son but why was he never around?
mrs kang was a woman who kept to herself so you didn’t want to pry into her life 
she was super sweet to you, paid you well and sometimes baked you cookies so that was enough 
meanwhile, daniel was actually on produce 101 s2 and thats why mrs kang’s son was hardly around 
you had no idea of course
you didn’t even watch the show as you were so busy 
occasionally your friends would talk about it so you were vaguely familiar with it 
“park jihoon’s wink is such a killer!!!!!!”
“kang daniel is like a puppy” 
“jonghyun is the nation’s leader” he is fight me if u disagree lmao 
so you knew some faces here and there and had seen some clips that your friends had made you watch but that was it 
one day, mrs kang asked if you could watch over the pet shop for a weekend 
she said that she had personal matters to attend to in seoul and that she needed to pick up his son along the way 
you usually worked on saturdays so it wasn’t a big problem for you to work on sundays as you exams week had ended and mrs kang also promised to double your pay
time skip to the weekend mrs kang is gone which also happens to be the week of p101 s2 finale 
you just didn’t get the link here lmao 
that saturday you closed down the shop yourself and went home to eat ramen for dinner 
you settled down on your sofa comfortably and realised that the finale for p101 s2 was airing live 
your friends were also sending  live updates about the show on the group chat you guys used 
you decided to tune in and watch the finale as well 
and you couldn’t help but be in awe of how talented all the trainees were and you honestly thought they all deserved to debut  
you even unknowingly shed some tears during some parts
you watched as boa slowly revealed who the top 11 were and you were pretty happy with the results even though you didn’t know any of the trainees too well 
you thought it was cool how kang daniel had gotten no 1 and he was one of your friends favourites 
your friends were pretty salty about samuel and jonghyun and youngmin SAME not making it  but you couldn’t feel them too much bc you hadn’t watched the show LOL 
so next day you open up the shop and set everything up and feed the pets lmao i have no idea how a pet shop works so forgive me 
at around noon you are sitting at the counter when the bell rings and the door opens signalling a customer 
it was mrs kang and a tall built male followed behind him 
“y/n! thank you for helping me over the weekend!” beamed mrs kang happily 
“no worries mrs kang!” you replied
“also this is my son! does he look familiar to you?” asked mrs kang in a proud voice 
mrs kang stood aside and pushed her son forward
the guy rubbed his neck nervously as he chuckled, “mum don’t be like that!” he said cutely 
you smiled awkwardly as you squinted at him 
why did he look so familiar? maybe he was someone you had walked past on the street? someone from uni?
the ash blonde hair, the cute eyesmile, black stussy sweater and the broad shoulders why did he look so familiar?
“mum she probably doesn’t know me, it’s okay mum!” said the guy to mrs kang 
you looked at him and you tried to recall why the face was familiar 
“wait! aren’t you the guy who won on the really popular show?” you blurted out 
“YES y/n! that’s my son, he came 1st place on produce 101 and is going to debut very soon!!!!” squealed mrs kang proudly hitting daniel on the back 
“muuuuuum” whined daniel cutely
you couldn’t help but swoon over how cute he was and how cute his relationship with his mum was 
“omg kang daniel right!?” you asked as you finally remembered his name
he nodded shyly, “yes i’m kang daniel, nice to meet you y/n, my mum has told me a bit about you!” 
he extended his hand for a handshake and you gladly accepted it 
“wow i’m shaking hands with a celebrity” you joked 
and he laughed
and his laughter was like rainbows?? flowers?? you didn’t know but you felt electricity run up your arm when you made contact with his big soft hands I CRY I HELD THEM TWO WEEKS AGO
“mrs kang why didn’t you tell me your son was on the show? i would have voted for him every day if i knew!” you said 
“it was so hard to keep it from you y/n! i really wanted to ask you about it since you’re young so i thought you’d be watching the show too but i had to keep it a secret” replied mrs kang 
“oh i see, i did vote for daniel a few times as i have friends that are big fans of him...they’re going to be so jealous if they find out my boss’s son is kang daniel!” you joked 
daniel and mrs kang laughed along with you
“well kids i’m going to buy some lunch for us, you guys get to know each other and chat amongst yourselves” said mrs kang and she left leaving only the two of you in the shop 
it suddenly got awkward without mrs kang and daniel got quiet even though he had a bright smile on his face 
so you broke the silence
“so how do you feel about debuting soon?”
“honestly it feels surreal, almost like a dream, i’m just so thankful to everyone that’s supported me even though i messed up so much” 
and from there daniel talked a lot about how he felt, his experiences filming the show and how sometimes it got tough
he asked you about your life and you told him about uni, your friends and the stresses of finding a stable job after you graduated
you guys clicked so well and talked about everything and anything
time went by so fast and mrs kang came back with takeaway boxes for lunch 
after lunch, daniel and mrs kang left to go home so he could rest and catch up with his mum which you understood completely as he had barely been able to see him mum for the past 4 months
when he left it was just a simple goodbye
a part of you for some reason felt sad as you wondered if you’d ever meet again 
time skip to a week later!
you walk into the pet shop and mrs kang is already at the counter
“good morning y/n! this is for you” said mrs kang while handing you a slip of paper
you looked at it and it seemed to be a mobile  number
“whose number is this?” you asked mrs kang curiously
“that’s daniel’s, he was too shy to ask you for your number so he made me give this to you. he’s busy but he’d definitely be motivated if you texted him,” said mrs kang cheekily 
you nodded and smiled to yourself as you safely placed the slip of paper into your jacket pocket 
other members: daehwi (x), sungwoon (x), woojin (x), guanlin (x), jisung (x), jinyoung (x) 
masterlist: (x)
reminder that mtl requests are open!
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creative-frequency · 8 years ago
Prompto x Fem!Reader: Chocoboy Is Typing...
Word count: 5190 Warnings: None, SFW
You are one of the best King’s Knight players on Eos.
Tagging @sakumartti @singlebecauseofthechocobros @fluffysmutkitten @alicemoonwonderland @owldearest @promptoastandbutter
It started as a chance encounter.
You reported a bug in the official forum of King’s Knight by writing a really long and detailed explanation on how your game constantly crashed on the same quest after the latest patch. Your text had been more pointed than usually as your anger had gotten the best of you. Soon after posting it, the responses of other frustrated players had flooded in.
One of them messaged you directly on the forum.
Hey I saw ur post. I’ve had the same bug too.
You frowned. What an odd way to put it.
Yeah? Looks like everyone does lol
I have a work-around, pls add me. Chocoboy#4323
Thirty seconds later, the chat app was chiming happily, informing you that your friend request had been accepted. You opened the conversation panel between you two and waited.
Chocoboy is typing…
After what felt like an eternity of waiting, Chocoboy said that he had gotten the fix to work on his and his friend’s phones. However, he didn’t want to post the information on the official forums as the game developers were surely going to fix it soon. Your message had been so furious and since he had seen you on top of the ranking lists many times, he wanted to offer you this small edge as a token of appreciation towards a hardcore player.
You were suspicious, very suspicious. What if he was just some kind of a scammer or a jealous player, trying to mess up your game and leaderboards? Still, the fix seemed obvious enough, so you decided to give it a try. There was no poking at the game files or anything, just a simple save and reboot mechanic.
You lay on your bed doing as Chocoboy had instructed you, not expecting much.
The loading screen after starting King’s Knight took longer than normally and you were getting anxious. Then you finally got to choose the buggy quest.
And it worked. The quest started without a hitch, throwing you straight into the battle.
You jolted up from the bed, screaming in triumph. Another chime echoed from your phone. There was no time to type a reply now. After a minute, you had passed the troublesome quest and moved forward as the first player in whole Eos.
“What did Tonberrian say?” Noctis peeked over Prompto’s shoulder to see the message you had typed in your overjoy.
“Uh, they got it to work. Cool! And look, they already passed the level,” Prompto said excited and showed the updated ranking list to him.
Noctis patted his shoulder. “All thanks to you, Prom. Just keep the fanboying down now.”
“Yeah yeah…” He mumbled as he focused on typing.
NIIIICE. And gz!
I’ll send you some stuff as compensation. Thanks again for the help!
Prompto stared at his notification bar incredulously as you sent some pieces of your old first-rate gear to him. From his player profile you had seen that he was a rather casual player. His progress was alright, but his gear was just horrible from the obvious lack of grinding. Or as you called it, lack of dedication.
Np. You really helped me out there. If you need any boost, just ask!
Really??? Thanks!
Prompto beamed at his phone screen and shuffled in his place.
“Tonberrian said they could boost me sometime!” he said to Noctis, who was sprawled on the sofa, staring at the screen of his own cellphone.
Noctis lifted his wide-eyed gaze to look at his best friend. “The Tonberrian? Boost you? Prompto, you don’t joke about something like that.”
“Dude, I’m not joking. Check this.” With a smug smile, Prompto showed his phone screen on Noctis’s face to show off the conversation with you.
“Huh…” Noctis said after a short moment, “That’s cool though.”
“Isn’t it?” Prompto chirped and danced around the living room in Noctis’s apartment.
“Don’t lose your marbles, you’re still a filthy casual when it comes to King’s Knight,” Noctis said and laughed at him.
“Hey!” Prompto yelped, “At least I’m not such a pay-to-win like you are!”
Noctis scoffed. “I bought one booster pack, Prom. One.”
Prompto calmed down enough to place his rear back on the couch. “Yeah, I know. And you did it only to beat Iggy in a duel.”
A wicked smile curled the prince’s lips. “Damn right I did.”
You typed slowly into the chat app, only to delete the message before it was even complete. Would it be weird to give some tips for Chocoboy? You felt like you still owed to him. If it hadn’t been for him, you would still be the third on the leaderboards. Now you had most likely hours lead on the other hardcore players, maybe even days, depending on how fast the workaround was figured out or when the developers could fix the bug.
You reveled in the feeling as you once again stalked your name on the top of the ranking list. Maybe you could chat with Chocoboy later after you had cleared the rest of the available quests. You could shove some more loot to him or take him with you for some re-runs.
Whole three days passed before the game developers published a patch that fixed the major crashing bug. Someone else too had found the workaround, making it go viral fast. But it didn’t matter for you as you had already cleared the newest available quests and claimed your place as number one.
Chocoboy chatted with you occasionally; he thanked again for the gear you had given him and he told you how jealous his friend was because of him talking with you. His messages made you laugh out loud, earning some strange looks from the visitors in the library where you worked at.
You wondered what kind of a person Chocoboy was in real life. He seemed so excited and cheerful all the time, and it was quite clear from his messages that he doted on you. Well, at least someone approved of the time and resources you had poured into a mobile game. If your parents were to be asked, they would have said that it was the reason why you had such a low-paying job in a library, instead of studying to become a doctor or something. Joke was on them, since you loved your work as a library assistant. Even more so because of the fact that it allowed you to sometimes play King’s Knight during work hours.
One day on another dull evening after work, you got an urgent message from Chocoboy.
Your evening was saved. You spent almost two hours playing and chatting with Chocoboy, only pausing the game briefly to prepare some snacks. Even though his knight was not well-geared nor his skills insane, you really enjoyed playing with him. He caught up with things quickly too, proving to have quite the knack for games.
“Do you think Tonberrian is a guy or a girl?” Noctis asked. He watched television while Prompto was beating the secret dungeon boss with you for the third time already.
Prompto turned on his stomach on the couch and looked at his friend. “Well, duh. I don’t know any girls who play King’s Knight. I mean, I’m not saying that it couldn’t be. It’s just… unlikely.”
“You sound disappointed.” Noctis smirked.
Prompto stuck his tongue out and wrinkled his nose in response, making Noctis laugh.
Days passed and you and Prompto played together every day, sometimes dragging your bedtime over midnight. You didn’t really mind. You were just thrilled to finally have someone to talk about and play King’s Knight with. Besides, you both seemed to be interested in same kind of things. Your taste in movies was similar and you were delighted to find out that he was a real technophile like you.
Chocoboy had earlier confirmed that he was Insomnian too and since then you had been thinking about suggesting a meeting. The only other thing you knew about him, was that he was 19 years old, making him two years younger than you. He was always nice, polite and very excitable about everything, so you were sure that he was not some weird old man. Moreover, you hadn’t even told him that you were a girl, let alone your name.
Few days later, Prompto was hanging out at Noctis’s apartment as usual. He was once again fully engaged in chatting with you and you sent him a new meme of King’s Knight’s latest patch. He burst into a fit of giggles while leaning on the balcony railing.
“Hey Noct! Check this– SHIT!”
Prompto dropped his phone as he was turning to show the meme to Noctis.
“Check what shit?” Noctis peeked to the balcony to see his blanched friend staring down over the railing.
“Shitshitshitshitshit!” Prompto kept yelping, hands flying to his head and dragging down over his face. He turned to Noctis.
“I dropped my phone!”
Noctis blinked. “You–?”
“Noct do something!”
“Like what?!”
“I don’t know! You know actual magic, dude! Save my phone!”
Noctis hurried to peek over the railing next to Prompto. On the ground lay an almost indistinguishable pile of shattered electronic pieces.
“What? You want me to light those pieces on fire? Cause that’s the extend of what I could do now.”
Prompto growled and walked in a small circle, hands coming again to cover his face.
“Just– relax, we’ll get you a new phone,” Noctis calmed, ripping his eyes of the sad pile of rubbish seven floors down.
“Oh, Noct you don’t have to– I mean, I appreciate it, but I can ask money from my folks when they come home,” Prompto said stopping his pacing and inhaled deeply. He let out a miserable sigh.
Noctis placed his hands on his waist and his brows furrowed. “If you say so.”
“Hey can you message Tonberrian and tell them I won’t be online for a few?” Prompto asked, suddenly realizing he had dipped out in the middle of a conversation.
“Sure, what’s their tag?”
Meanwhile, you frowned at your phone. Chocoboy usually replied within seconds to your messages and he always said if he had to leave or do something that prevented them from typing. Maybe he will reply soon, I should probably try to do something productive today too…
Stirred from your thoughts, you winced at the scare when your phone chimed and buzzed in your hand.
A friend request? From… Theprinceofthepeople? You tried to check their King’s Knight profile, but couldn’t find anything. Bah, must be a bot or a scammer. Decline.
“Did they accept it yet?” Prompto asked anxiously.
“Uh, okay… What about now?”
“Still nothing.”
Prompto slouched down on to the couch.
Noctis laid his phone on the coffee table. “You aren’t gonna go to pick up the pieces?” he asked slowly.
“What? Yeah, I’ll go get them soon.”
A full minute passed in silence.
You got frustrated and tossed your phone on the pillow. Maybe something important had come up and he would explain it later. You got up from the bed, deciding it was time to go to prepare some dinner.
Prompto’s eyes were peeled on Noctis’s phone. “Wait, your King’s Knight profile is hidden, right?” he suddenly asked.
Noctis grimaced, realizing what the fact probably meant. “Yeah, it is. Why?”
“Oh man, I don’t think Tonberrian will accept your friend request when they can’t even find you in the game,” Prompto buried his face in his hands, “I haven’t told about your nickname.”
“Oh. Right,” Noctis scratched the back of his head, “Sorry Prompto.”
“Nah, it’s okay. I can explain what happened later and we’ll maybe just laugh at it.”
The two stared at each other, slowly cracking up into a full burst of laughter. It was not every day life even for Prompto to break his phone by dropping it from the seventh floor. It took them a good while to calm down.
“Seriously, you dropped your phone from the seventh floor balcony,” Noctis said wiping the tears of joy from the corner of his eyes.
“I know! Jeez Noct, you don’t have to remind me! Ah, my parents are gonna kill me,” Prompto said holding his stomach and laid back on the couch.
A day passed by. Then another.
Hey you there? Nothing has happened, right? TTYS hopefully.
You kept opening the chat app, only to stare at it in frustration and close it again. You really had to restrain yourself from flooding the Chocoboy with varying degrees of worried messages. Maybe he didn’t want to talk to you anymore? Maybe he had found someone else to chat with? You wrecked your brain, thinking all the possible options how you earlier messages could be interpreted in an offending way.
Hey sorry if I said something to make you upset! Please just type whenever you can.
Still nothing.
The next day was your day off and that brought some solace into your bad mood. You were starting to accept that you had lost a friend while all sorts of horror scenarios were still ramming through your head.
Instead of staying holed up in your apartment, you decided to head out for some therapy shopping. You bought two new outfits; one for work and one for the upcoming late summer heatwave promised by the forecast. Afterwards you decided to treat yourself a cup of cappuccino in your favorite coffee shop.
At the same time, Prompto and Noctis were on the move. Prompto had just bought a shining new phone. He wanted to set it up as soon as possible, so they decided to settle down for cold drinks while Prompto would make the phone operational. By chance, they walked into the same coffee shop you were enjoying your cappuccino in.
“Here we go! Feels good to be back online,” Prompto said.
“Well, what are you waiting for?” Noctis urged.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket. You picked it up, not allowing yourself to get your hopes up.
You let out a surprised, ecstatic cheer and immediately sunk into the chair to avoid the stares you were gathering. Noctis and Prompto were too invested in Prompto’s new phone to notice your shriek.
Chocoboy is typing…
Your heart made a backflip. He was back. Finally.
Hey! Is everything alright?
Sorry I haven’t been online. I dropped my phone… from the 7th floor.
You blinked incredulously before laughing. Noctis peeked over his shoulder to see who was having so much fun.
Yeah, but I got a new one now. So how have you been? Can’t believe I missed a harvest in KK
I’m all good. Hehe, I’ll throw you some cash in game if you need
Prompto simpered at his new phone and began excitedly typing a reply to you.
Thanks, but I’ll manage! Wanna go do some raids tonight?
Noctis was gulping down his soda and eyeing at his friend amused.
For the rest of the day neither you nor Prompto put your phone away for longer than a minute. Your correspondence quickly settled back into the same rhythm you had had before the unfortunate accident. Soon you began thinking again of suggesting a face to face meeting with Chocoboy.
The perfect opportunity showed up a week later.
Whatcha up to?
Nothing much. Just hanging out in the centrum with my buddy.
Why don’t you come say hi. I work in the central Library.
Prompto stared at the message with his mouth open.
“What is it?” Noctis asked when he was left a few paces behind, frozen still.
Prompto lifted his gaze from the phone, looking absolutely bewildered. “Tonberrian asked me to come say hi.”
Noctis looked puzzled. “Well why haven’t you gone already?”
Prompto blushed. He clasped the phone against his chest like it was the most precious thing in his life. “Wait, you aren’t coming with me?”
“It’s your friend,” Noctis laughed.
“Huh? Still salty about that declined friend request, are you?” Prompto teased.
Noctis looked sour. “Nah, just go already. I’ll catch you later!”
“Yeah… Later, Noct.”
With shaky steps, Prompto began walking towards the library.
You tapped your fingers on the info desk where your workstation was and earned an amused look from your co-worker. Your eyes were fixated on your phone screen.
Chocoboy is typing…
Sure! I’ll be there in few!
You were unconsciously nibbling at your fingernails, eyeing out everyone coming through the front doors. The only thing you knew about the appearance of Chocoboy was that he was nineteen years old male who presumably liked chocobos. Wait, that probably doesn’t have anything to do with his looks. It’s not like he is coming to come meet me dressed as a chocobo.
“Waiting for someone?” your co-worker asked you and nudged your arm with her elbow.
“Uh, yeah. A friend is coming to say hi…” you mumbled, gaze darting between your phone and the library doors.
“A friend? Well, you seem nervous.”
You let out a strained chuckle. “Yeah, I guess I am. We haven’t met face to face before.”
You earned a cocked eyebrow and an amused headshake from your colleague, who then returned to the task she had at hand.
Prompto took a deep breath before opening the library door. He glanced one last time at his phone screen to make sure you hadn’t backed down. He was excited, but also more nervous than when had met Noctis’s dad. He looked around for a moment at the doorway before approaching you at the info desk, looking very lost.
“Excuse me,” Prompto said in a shaky voice.
Your eyes snapped upwards into his. Wow, he is cute.
“Yes? How can I help you?” you asked professionally. You realized he was gripping phone in his hand and from it was dangling a small, yellow chocobo. Your heart skipped a beat. Could it be…
“Uh, I’m looking for someone,” Prompto said.
You inhaled sharply. “I’m sorry if this is weird, but you wouldn’t happen to be Chocoboy?” you asked excited.
Prompto gasped. “Y-you’re Tonberrian?” he stammered. He looked positively horrified.
“Yeah I am! It’s nice to–“
“You’re a girl?!” Prompto screamed. His face turned beet-red as he clamped his hands over his big mouth. Your co-worker gave him a mean look. “Oh right, we’re in a library, sorry…” he whispered.
You cocked an eyebrow at him and cleared your throat.
“Sorry. It’s nice to meet you, uh, Y/N,” Prompto said reading the name plaque on your chest, “Y/N, that’s your name, right?”
“Yeah, that’s me,” you said still feeling unexpectedly giddy, “As I was saying, it’s nice to meet you too, um..?”
“Oh, I’m Prompto.” He offered his hand for you to shake.
“Prompto,” you repeated as you shook hands. You stared at each other in awkward silence.
“Y/N, you can go have your lunch break now, if you want,” your co-worker said to break the atmosphere.
You jolted and turned to look at her. She flashed you an impish smile and winked. You sighed and turned back to Prompto, who was confused at your exchange.
“Hey, you wanna come for lunch with me? Like, now?” you blurted out, not giving yourself the chance to hesitate. Huh, he has freckles. Which other weaknesses of mine is he going to exploit?
“Sure! I was getting hungry,” Prompto said cheerfully. His smile was wide and genuine, the kind that brought a sun into the room.
“Uh, I– uh, will go get my stuff. Hold on a moment,” you mumbled, gaze still strictly scanning his adorable features.
Prompto gave you an eager nod. When you disappeared into the staff room, he instantly texted Noctis what was happening and the unbelievable news of your true identity.
You came back with your handbag, trying to think of a nice place to go for lunch. “Shall we then?”
“Sure!” Prompto said, trying not to stare at you. You were certainly very different from what he had expected, but not in a bad way at all. He was just starting to realize that he was with someone representing the opposite sex, and that someone was actually really pretty. And fun. And had the same interests as him.
Oh boy.
Prompto took a deep breath and paced after you through the library doors. His hands were shaking and his heart was jumping all over inside his chest.
“So, uh,” Prompto chuckled nervously, “Do you have a regular place for lunch or..?”
You pondered for a few seconds, scratching your temple and afraid to look at him so that he wouldn’t think you were staring. As you had arrived from the staff room and seen him standing there, waiting for you, your heart had made a backflip and a pack of butterflies had started fluttering annoyingly in your empty stomach. Of course you had known almost absolutely certainly that Chocoboy was a boy, but who would’ve guessed that he came with good looks too.
Oh dear.
You took a deep breath.
“Yeah, actually I have. I usually go to this coffee shop nearby. They serve lunch too,” you said and got a bit angry at your nervously shaking voice.
“Sounds good,” Prompto agreed and you began heading into the right direction.
You exchanged a few glances, both thinking frantically about what to say. It had been so easy to talk in the chat app, but face to face seemed to be a whole different dimension.
She has the prettiest eyelashes I’ve ever seen. Would it be weird to ask to take a photo? Yeah, it would.
He’s smiling. Wow. I need… sunglasses? Don’t stare Y/N.
Think, Prompto, think!
Ah, my cheeks feel so hot. Should I be worried?
I wonder if she’s dating anyone…
Aw, but he probably has a girlfriend with those looks.
“Um, have you worked for long in the library?” Prompto asked suddenly.
“A couple of months, I went through an internship to get the job,” you explained, taking comfort in the familiar subject.
“That’s cool.”
“Yeah... So you’re in high school, right?” you asked even though you remembered Prompto telling that fact to you once. Your tense posture began relaxing as you walked.
“Just started the last year. By the way, I looked up those photography courses you mentioned, and I’m gonna apply to at least one,” Prompto said and his voice picked up an eager tone.
“That’s good! I hope you get in,” you said and flashed a smile.
“I, uh, y-yeah! M-me too,” Prompto stammered and blinked rapidly as his eyes fell upon the curve of your lips.
After that, the conversation between you two started gliding effortlessly and soon the talk turned into King’s Knight. Prompto was amazed when you showed him your game as you ate lunch. You traded resources and made plans for the next raids. Prompto asked carefully would it be okay if his friend joined sometime and you agreed heartily, reminding him that it would’ve been okay ever since you started playing together.
“What kind of person is this friend of yours? Do they play a lot?” you asked, picking up and eating the last crumbs of your meal.
Prompto hesitated. Noctis had never forbid him of telling who he was, and as much as Prompto wanted to spill the beans, he decided it would be best to wait a bit before dropping the prince bomb on you.
“He’s a great guy. I’m sure you’d get along well. Actually, he did send you a friend request after my phone smashed into the asphalt,” Prompto said studying your expression. He really, really wanted to take a photo of you.
“He did? Wait, he was the, uh, what was it? Prince-something-something?” you asked surprised. It all made sense now and you were embarrassed at not realizing it sooner.
“Princeofthepeople. Hehe, yeah, that’s him,” Prompto said chuckling lightly.
You snorted. “That’s some nickname.”
Prompto’s laughter increased. “Tell me about it.”
You gave him an interested raise of the eyebrow, but he didn’t take the bait, so you moved on to talk about the game some more.
Time flew fast with Prompto and you realized that you had already been ten minutes over time on your lunch break.
“Aw shit! Sorry, I need to run back to work,” you said tucking your phone into your bag.
“Oh right, sorry to keep you,” Prompto said leaning back on his chair.
“I don’t mind, but my colleague might,” you said smiling.
A light blush spread on Prompto’s cheeks. “Well, I’ll talk to you later, Berri? Uh, I mean, Y/N?” Saying your real name made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
“Sure, thanks for the company. Prompto. You’re awesome by the way,” you said smiling wider and with a wave of your hand, hurried out of the coffee shop.
Prompto was left staring after you and simpering to himself. “Yeah, you’re pretty awesome yourself too…” he mumbled too late for you to hear.
The next day, Noctis and Prompto were hanging out, as usual, and Prompto was giving out a terrible flood of speech on how it was so amazing to talk with you and how cool you were.
“Why don’t you ask her out?” Noctis suggested with a casual grin.
“O-o-out?! Dude, you have no idea how much I can’t do that,” Prompto yelped in a high-pitched voice.
“Why? She obviously likes you and you have a terrible crush on her,” Noctis said.
“Likes me? You think so?” Prompto asked.
“Of course, why else would she want to hang out with you.”
Prompto was red from ear to ear. Even his freckles wore a shade of red. “I-I’ll think about it.”
And he did. Very thoroughly during the next two weeks. Your lunches together every few days became a somewhat regular occurrence. You quickly became comfortable around each other, despite the nervousness you both had for a while at the start of your meetings.
Noctis was getting excited to meet you too, and kept joking about how Prompto just wanted to keep you all to himself. You had played a couple of times with the prince, but not really talked with each other. So the next time you had scheduled a meeting with Prompto, which was actually just a coffee instead of the usual lunch, Noctis demanded to come too.
Hey Berri, would you mind if the Prince came too today?
Prompto grimaced as he wrote the message. You had no idea of the irony behind the nickname.
Ofc not. It’d be nice to meet him finally. Same place at 7pm?
Sure! Cya there.
Five minutes past seven, Prompto and Noctis walked into the coffee shop. Prompto was so nervous that he thought he would pass out on the linoleum floor.
He spotted you sitting in the corner lounge with a cup of steaming coffee in front of you. Naturally, your eyes were glued into your phone screen.
Prompto and Noctis sat across you and you took a quick glance at them, not daring to let your eyes wander from the boss fight for more than a second.
“Hey guys. It’s nice to meet you Prince,” you said casually. The boss was on its last legs now.
Noctis frowned at Prompto and turned back to you.
“Yeah, you too, Tonberrian. It’s an honor actually,” he said.
Prompto rolled his eyes. “Who’s fanboying now, Noct?”
“Hehe, thanks.” You finally beat the boss and put your phone aside, letting your gaze set on the new face across the table.
You blinked before your eyes widened into the size of dinner plates. You knew you were staring and it felt really justified at the moment since the freaking Lucian crown prince was sitting opposite of you.
“Y/N?” Prompto said carefully as you gaped and opened your mouth like a fish out of water.
Noctis was chewing his lip to bite back the fit of laughter threatening to rise from his chest.
“H-how?” was all you could splutter as your eyes moved from Noctis to Prompto, “You could’ve said you were friends with an actual prince!”
That was too much Noctis, who started laughing. Prompto poked his ribs to shut him up.
“So this is my friend Noctis, sorry for his behavior. He doesn’t get out a lot, y’know, being the prince and all,” Prompto said apologetically.
“Haha, yeah! I can see that. Uh, nice to meet you, Your Highness. Guess the nickname was not in vain after all,” you said becoming terribly unsure of how to address royalty properly.
“Nice to meet you too, Y/N. Prompto here has told me all about you,” Noctis said with a sly smile, “Also, call me ‘Highness’ once more and I’ll hand your ass to you in King’s Knight.”
Your mouth curled into a grin. “Is that so, Your Highness? I’d like to see you try with your level five armor.”
“Guys!” Prompto whined.
“Challenge accepted,” Noctis said simply.
“Can I drink a cup of coffee first before she utterly destroys your knight, Noct?” Prompto said and looked longingly towards coffee menu on the wall.
“Sure. I’ll go grab ‘em. Prompto, you can ask her what you were going to ask while I’m gone,” Noctis said casually and gave his friend a flash of mischievous grin.
Prompto blushed heavily and suddenly became very conscious of your eyes on him.
“Ask me? What’s he talking about?” Your gaze darted between the two as Noctis walked to the counter still chuckling.
“I, uh, was, uh…” Prompto stuttered. His blush deepened. Even his ears were red.
“What is it, Prompto? Just ask,” you urged, utterly confused about his sudden change in exterior.
Prompto fiddled with his hands on the table before lowering them on his lap. He turned to glance at Noctis, who was waiting for the coffee orders by the counter and took a deep breath.
“Would you–, would you like to go for a coffee with me?” Prompto asked quickly while holding his breath.
Your brows furrowed in confusion and you tilted your head to the side. “Prompto, we’re having a coffee right now. Or as soon as your friend comes back,” you replied slowly.
Prompto let out a frustrated sigh and grimaced. “Yeah…”
“Um, what’s wrong?” you asked.
“What I mean is that would you… go out–, uh, with me?” he finally gathered.
“Oh,” you said and felt like an idiot.
Prompto was a blushing mess before you and kept averting his eyes, only taking a quick glance to see your reaction to his question.
“I’d love to,” you said with a beaming smile and felt elated inside. The butterflies were flying again.
“Glad that’s dealt with now. Here’s your coffee, Prom,” Noctis placed the cup before Prompto and urged him to move so he could fit on the couch.
You and Prompto stared at each other, trying to hold back your slowly forming grins.
“So, when are we having that duel?” Noctis asked smugly and stirred his coffee with a spoon.
“Depends on when your royal ass wants to get wrecked.”
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