#in space with markiplier lore
i hate actor mark so much but he's so funny. he's divorced. he's on perole. he thinks he's the main character. he's the villain. he's a bitch. he failed so hard he had to kill all his friends. he planned all of this but nothing is going according to his plan. he's a loser and not cute or likeable about it. he has every personality disorder and is bad representation for all of them. i am going to beat him up and still smile everytime i see him.
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clemblog · 4 months
Interesting discovery time.
So I decided to put Miss Whitacre’s surname into a word unscrambler for curiosities sake. Here’s what I got!
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Which I know isn’t perfect and definitely isn’t something mark did on purpose but hey look what these words mean:
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The story potential here is incredible-
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desastre-gay · 1 month
it pisses me off when i see ppl write fanfic about who killed markiplier, a heist with markiplier, a date with markiplier and in space with markiplier and use explicitly she/her or he/him pronouns…. mark literally went to the lengths of making the viewer genderless so that ANYONE can feel like theyre involved and im like why are u taking away from that…… why are u actively changing what is intended !!!!!!! like u r never gendered and all compliments are like damn ur gorgeous,,, look at them grey eyes,,, i could go on and on about how good mark was at degendering the viewer so everyone could feel part of it but im just always so upset when i go to look for fics and its like wowie SHE !!!! everyone die actually this is a threat
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0crooked-arcade0 · 5 months
You wanna know what I've been thinking about?
The fact that in ISWM Macks character was supposed to be played by Sean, but due to covid plans had to change.
Anyone else ever think about that?
And the fact there's clearly something wrong with Mack, just like, in general-
Because it makes me speculate on the (probably extremely low) possibility that unstable glitch in the timeline was supposed to be Anti.
That would of been terrifying, but completely in character.
Motherfuckers followed us everywhere else, why not space-
You could make an AU out of that.
((Edit: just realized you could also use that concept to add another layer of SPICE to the "That's not me" situation because Anti can and will, steal a body to impersonate a motherfucker
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alaroweq · 8 months
I've watched the Buckshot Roulette on my old TV and thanks to it awful contrast and blacks, I've noticed that after Mark is "shot" and after his outro, the black screen isn't just blackness. There is something there.
The most dangerous game, huh?
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crypticandchaotic · 1 year
Wait so if head engineer mark is in dislyte is would this be lore. Hang on I gotta go look at his voice lines
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Also the little Chica patch on his uniform is so cute 😍
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moonymoonsiplier · 1 year
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I’m late for the anniversary of In Space with Markiplier, but here’s my contribution.
Based on this image:
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saltycaramals · 8 months
I have a question for my fellow ISWM fans, what do you guys think The Captains eyes look like? The only time we ever get to see or hear about their eyes is when noir mark talks about The Captains “baby grey eyes” and the one scene where The Captain is waking up in their cryo pod. And in the Noir universe, everything is in black and white, but it would also make sense for The Captain to have baby grey eyes if it’s still the DA, but then in the scene where they wake up their blue? But that could also be just from the power of crystal making their eyes blue, and maybe grey’s their natural eye color, but then you could argue that then their eyes would have always been blue through AHWM too because of the crystal and other stuff including time shenanigans that I’m too tired to explain. And you could also argue that because of time loops and time warping that their eyes would have always been blue since they were a kid. Or maybe there really is two versions of The Captain that became one/simultaneously exist and might be both us, and one had grey and the other blue, or maybe they change based off of the universe that they are in. The only thing that can be confirmed is that sometimes their eyes glow blue. Like. GLOW BRIGHT BLUE. Maybe it’s stress. Idk. Anyways I need to shut up now. Im gonna make a poll but feel free to reblog your opinions under the post.
Cool photos of eyes I think would fit The Captain under the cut my besties.
Some photos of eyes that I think could fit them! Sorry there’s only one grey one I couldn’t find any that felt like they gave off the right vibes. Also, if anyone knows the names of the people who made these photos please tell me I got them from Pinterest but none of the links where working/none of them had links to the OG creators :(( I love Pinterest so much but I hate how hard it is to find the OG creators of pins on there. Anyways. Here’s the photos.
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radartworks · 1 year
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autisticadsworker · 1 year
Character informations ⚣
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■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 9𝟶%
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𝙳𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛 ?𝚈𝚎𝚜 ⊲ 𝙽𝚘
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Name : Alec Benjamin
Age : 36 years old
Birthday : 28/04
Location : Engineer for ADS
Gender : Male (Trans-man)
Pronouns : they/he
Nationality : Irish/French
Sexuality : Gay/Ace
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(picrew by Djarn)
Physiqual information :
Hair color: Ginger
Hair length: Mid-length, Mullet
Eye color: blue
Sizes : 5'2
Physical illness: eczema, strabismus
Missing limb: left legs
Other: Piercing and Tattoos
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Boundaries :
Be respectful
Don't harass me for a response
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sexualizingmarkiplier · 11 months
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markiplier lore is queer: an essay by me.
dedicated to @system32-cleanmgr <2
so, to start things off, i wanna talk about the gender of it all. because of the gender ambiguity of the viewer insert in almost every markiplier lore video, the universe now has at least three canonical non-binary characters who go by they/them pronouns (wether these characters are all the same character, different characters, or kind of the same character is unknown).
but that's not where the gender fuckery of the better mcu ends. you see, there's also the (subtextual and mostly ignored, yes, but still relevant) overall gender fuckery of darkiplier's character. because, while they present male, they are still in some ways a combination of celine and damien, two people of opposite genders (not to mention the fact that they exist inside the body of the viewer from who killed markiplier, who's one of the formerly mentioned non-binary characters). so, while not explicit representation, i personally like to think of darkiplier as some flavor of genderfluid.
i also feel like damien and celine's specific gender expressions themselves affect darkiplier in some ways: while they're both (presumably) cis, the two still have very distinct ways of performing their respective gender identities. damien portrays a softer version of masculinity, whereas celine shows a slightly harsher femininity than what we're used to seeing in media. he's a bit clueless and sees things from an emotional, human perspective, and she's clearly used to being the rational, fast-paced one, always trying to find solutions. this dynamic might have something to do with them being siblings (and i'm assuming celine's the older of the two, purely because of all the talk of 'keeping damien safe'), and it's not inherently queer, but it is interesting to me that these characters have such specific ways of acting out their genders.
now, this one's not as important, but i would also like to mention the casual usage of they/them pronouns for other characters as well. in in space with markiplier: part 2, mark explicitly refers to the character of lady by they/them pronouns multiple times (this could also be either because they're an alien and mark doesn't know how they identify, or because their actor, lio tipton, is non-binary, but to me, that reads as somewhat solid confirmation that the character goes by they/them pronouns), and mark himself is referred to as "they" by the narrator at least once.
this isn't really a gender identity thing, but rather a gender expression thing, but i do also wanna talk about wilford warfstache and his gender non-conformativity. i do think he identifies as male, all things considered, but he doesn't seem the least bit interested in masculinity as a concept, favouring traditionally (i say traditionally, but i do mean societally, since pink used to be considered a boy color) feminine colors like pink and yellow, and being more than open to expressing his feelings and encouraging other characters to do the same.
now i'm gonna get into the sexualities. how are queer sexualities portrayed in markiplier lore?
well, that's a hard question to answer; no character has ever been (as far as i know) specifically stated to be of any sexual orientation. although there is a high possibility that wilford is pansexual, since he was clearly in love with celine, but it's implied he doesn't really care about the gender of whomever he happens to be romantically or sexually involved with at the time (i.e. him casually asking abe if they used to date, because that really is a possibility).
aside from wilford, because of the ambiguous gender of the viewer insert, a lot of characters end up being inadvertedly queer because of their attraction to them, most of them most likely falling on the m-spec.
there's also something to be said about abe the detective. is he gay or not? well, again, nothing's canon, but i think it's safe to assume he isn't straight. the "accidental" homoerotic innuendos he makes constantly seem less like a joke about being gay, and more like a joke about having repressed, sexual thoughts about someone, and having those thoughts emerge as those kinds of comments.
the "would anyone like to join me?" comment might just be will making fun of him, but i can't find it in myself to think actor mark is straight either. i guess it's just a headcanon, but let's be honest, he's every 'subtly' queer-coded old cartoon villain ever. he's rich, dramatic, petty, and vain, and frankly sometimes being evil and queer is just a fact of life.
but i'm not gonna go further into my headcanons on here, lest this post turn into a list instead of an essay, so i'll just wrap it up here. thanks for listening to my ramble.
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quuerbee · 2 years
I need someone to do an in depth explanation of markiplier lore for me. I've just realized I know absolutely nothing about it lmao
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desastre-gay · 1 year
okay so this is my first ever edit! it took me 4 days because i was teaching myself and my mac was going crazy. i promise it looks better than the thumbnail i just didnt make one </3
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kennasfeverdream · 2 years
If anyone has any headcanons or analysis thoughts for the supporting cast of iswm (celci, gunther, burt, lady, bandit, etc) please send em my way 💞
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(I’m writing a long fic and don’t understand those characters enough yet ;-; personalities, traumas, hobbies, metaphors, anything helps! thank you!)
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Markiplier in Space is so amazing! I have to watch his other series now, like a Heist with Markiplier, a Date with Markiplier, and Who Killed Markiplier?, I think.
And I can't wait for his movie to come out! Iron Lung, I believe it's called? I hope it does well.
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