#in reality she's been telling us stuff was going on but we just didn't know how they were working through it
taylorspoetry · 1 year
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sad-drake-lyrics · 1 year
what my 65yo father has to say about antis:
let me preface this by saying, i literally wish i had what just happened on video to go viral on TikTok. i was shook by this conversation down to my bones; and if you could see my father - a loud old Italian man with dramatic hand gestures - say what he had to say, i think this shit would blow up. but as i was obviously not filming him while we were eating, i will have to relay to you the story with my words.
so i'm sitting eating dinner at the coffee table with my father while watching TV, as Americans often do instead of eating at the dinner table, and since the news was on he started telling me this story that had been recently mentioned on TV once again from maybe ten years ago (it was in 2014, you can read about it here) where these two 12-year-old girls killed one of their friends as a sacrifice to the Slender Man. yeah, real thing. fucked up.
and so my father told me about how they interviewed one of the killer's mothers, and when questioned about where her daughter's motive could've come from, she said something along the lines of: you know, when i was a kid, i was into Stephen King and horror - and so when my kid was into that kind of stuff, i didn’t think it was a big deal.
so, of course, my response was "yeah, being into that stuff isn’t a big deal at all - it's normal - but being a sociopath and murdering someone is not normal; it's fucked up. but there's nothing wrong with being into horror stories - they're just stories meant to entertain - it doesn't make you a murderer to enjoy Halloween - but it would if you put on a Michael Myers mask and went out and stabbed people." and, of course, like any sane person, my father agreed with me.
then, continuing this line of conversation, i started talking about the concept of how "fiction isn’t reality," and how a frightening amount of people don't understand that; and i literally started telling him about antis - people on the internet who attack and harass others over "problematic" or "inappropriate" fictional interests.
i used well-known pop culture examples like: if you're into Game of Thrones and like Jaime and Cersei together or wanted Jon and Daenerys to end up together (i didn't think he would process the term "shipping," but clearly by the end of this conversation i think i was wrong), that people (antis) will say things like "you should die," and that you "support inc*st in real life," and that "you're disgusting."
i also used the examples of "toxic relationships" in pop culture, like the Joker and Harley Quinn, or Kylo Ren and Rey, and how if you’re into those kinds of fictional relationships that people (antis) will say that you "support toxic relationships," and that you are "glorifying abuse," and that it all "must be what you really want and believe is right or good."
and my fucking 65-year-old father literally goes: "I don’t understand. It’s a TV show. Don't they know it’s fake?"
queue my jaw dropping to the fucking ground because i'm like. YES. THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT PRO-SHIPPERS ARE TRYING TO SAY AND THESE PEOPLE DON'T GET IT.
he was flabbergasted, my pals. the shock in his eyes was incredible to behold.
and, oh boy, that isn't even the best part, guys.
my father then says, "Don’t tell me it’s like that with anime too?"
and i said, "it's worse with anime."
and i fucking swear to you - no joke, on my life and baby Jesus' cradle - again my 65-year-old father looks at me and says, “It’s a fucken cartoon."
... ... ...
... i can't ...
i can't end this post better than that.
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lowkeyremi · 5 months
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pairing: k. bakugo x fem!reader summary: Your man's birthday is coming up! Time to set up the venue for the birthday boy! Uh oh... gotta keep it on the low, I think he might be on to you. content: fluff, established relationship, bakugo is nosy, little bit of swearing, mention of other characters (his friend group) (you can find the rest of the series here!) wc: 1k
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"Shhhh!! Hurry up and bring the rest of the stuff out to the car." Kirishima and Kaminari can't seem to keep quiet while loading the rest of the supplies into the car for Katsuki's party. The two keep giggling and messing around.
"Sorry [name]! We'll be quieter!!" You highly doubt that because they said that the last two trips and if anything they've gotten louder. "Come on guys, we don't wanna give it away. You know how hard it is to actually surprise Katsuki." The boys know how much you've wanted to do this, so they quiet down and quickly take the rest of the party supplies to your car.
At this point it's almost like a challenge; to see if you can surprise him. His last two birthday parties you've tried to plan out were a major fail because Todoroki didn't understand the element of surprise and said, "Oh yeah, we're just getting everything ready for your party." and the other year he had threatened Mineta into telling him what you were plotting.
So, this year in order to keep it an actual secret, you had told very few people (kirishima, mina, sero, denki, and midoriya.) and sent Katsuki off to his parents to "enjoy his birthday with his family." His birthday isn't until a few more days but his parents were able to tire him out enough to keep him from asking questions or bothering you guys. he's currently in his room napping at 7pm.
"Alright, Sero, Can you read through the checklist once more to make sure we have everything?" Sero's quiet helpful, he'll be hanging up a lot of the decorations and what not. You had momo make a bunch of cool decorations yesterday while Katsuki was out with his parents and then sato baked a cake, that resides in the teacher's lounge thanks to Aizawa Sensei. You had also gotten the decorations that you and Mitsuki went out and bought a little while ago. She is such a big help and a huge part of why this whole plan is working.
Sero reads though the checklist and you give him a small "yeah" each time you see an item on the list.
"Okay I think that's everything let's go!"
In all honesty, Gym Gamma isn't that far away from the dorms, but carrying all of that stuff would have been a huge pain, which is why you're taking your car, with special permission from Aizawa of course.
When the six of your arrived at the gym you took charge of making sure the door was open for everyone to load everything in, and locking it behind you when everyone was inside.
Your teachers had already come up with some kind of white lie saying they were using the gym for some kind of new practice when in reality you're just setting up Katsuki's party.
So far everything's going according to plan, since Kirishima is probably the strongest one there he helps with setting up tables and moving them. While Denki sets up all the music equipment. (he, jiro, tokoyami and momo are going to play music)
Mina, being a natural leader is telling people where to put things, how high to hang up decorations and what not. She's really damn good at it too.
While you're in the trance your phone buzzes in your pocket and you hear the familiar ring tone of fireworks. When you and Katsuki started dating you set his ringtone to fireworks just to piss him off, and at first it did, but now he's just used to it.
"Hello?" In response you here a loud shuffling noise and a small grunt.
"Where the fuck are ya? Your location's off." If it were anyone else on the phone with him they probably would have thought Katsuki was being rude, but this is just how he is.
"Are you sure? I'm like 100% sure it's on." It's not. You know it's not. You aren't completely sure if he knows the gym is "off limits" because he crashed as soon as he got back. There's no way you're gonna risk it though because if he does know about the gym not being available he'll get suspicious of you being there.
"I'll check again, but I'm pretty sure it's off." His voice is groggy with sleep and he goes quiet while checking to see if you're location is on. While he's doing that you quickly mute your phone and yell out, "WHO'S NOT DOING ANYTHING RIGHT NOW?"
Midoriya is the first to respond, he runs right over to you ready to help.
"Listen, Izuku. I'm about to tell 'tsuki that i'm headed to my favorite book store on campus. I need you to take my phone and just kinda hang out there and if something goes wrong, like he tries to call just call one of the others so you can let me know, okay?" The green haired boy shakes his head furiously fast.
"I CAN DO IT!!" Even though you're slightly exhausted, Midoriya's energetic attitude does hype you up a bit.
You quickly unmute your phone, "Hey baby, I'm going down to the book store for a little while. I need to get this one book."
His bed creaks, indicating that he's just finally sat up in bed, "Alright, I'll meet ya there."
"I just need some time alone, please don't come by." You try your best to sound like you need space, because you know your boyfriend respects you and your space.
"Oh.. alright. If you want me to come get ya I will." Guilt slowly trickles through your stomach when you hear his voice drop into disappointment but you know it will all be worth it in the end.
"Love you Kats, I'll see you in a bit." The blond hums quietly in contentment.
"I love you too, be safe." With that he hangs up the phone.
Izuku quickly leaves with your phone to the book store and you + the others get back to work on decorating and making sure everything is organized.
"Okay guys! I think if we keep working at this pace we'll be done in thirty minutes or so." Everyone whoops in excitement.
It turns out you aren't the only one who wants to surprise Katsuki Bakugo.
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day 1: you make a birthday gift for katsuki - @zanarkandskylines
day 2: you invite all of class 1-A to the party - @xbabyd0lli3x
day 3: shopping for decorations- @angels-fantasy
day 4: You make a present plan 2.0! - @starieq
💖 day 5: Decorating the venue for his birthday party ! @lowkeyremi
day 6: Baking the cake for his party - @queenpiranhadon
day 7: you and your classmates surprise him ! - @cashmoneyyysstuff
tag list: @gina239 @mystic60 @meowze4r @icedemon1314 @bigsimpo343 @ah-mya @whezdostuff @berry-vioo @seonne @slayfics @food8me @katsuisbaby @azzo0 @kit-katsukii @stoned-anime-babe @kukikoooo
orange = can't be tagged
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©𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐊𝐄𝐘𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐈 All works are written by me! Please do not copy, translate, or upload onto other sites thanks!
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monkepawbz · 2 months
Y/N and Wade have been married for several years now, and Wade is feeling extra sappy when Y/N announces she's pregnant for the second time with a second little girl. Wade reminisces on how Y/N, a former scientist, was able to save Wade all those years ago from the biggest threat he ever had: himself.
Warning: Lewd language and talk about sex and pregnancy. Reader discretion is advised (this is a Deadpool x Reader...obviously this rating is Mature at minimum...)
The scientist eventually got dressed and went downstairs to search for some food, a little anxious about how she was supposed to tell Ellie about the fact she wasn't going to be an only child anymore. Wade and Y/N's daughter, Ellie, had just turned nine years old and the couple had decided now was a good a time as any to add a new face to the family.
Wade followed her downstairs, his bare feet padding against the floor. "Hey, peanut? You okay?" he asked, noticing her tension. He leaned against the counter, watching as she rummaged through the fridge. "You're thinking about how to break it to Ellie, aren't you?"
"I am, yeah." She nodded pensively, reaching into the fridge and grabbing the whipped cream. She squirted some into her mouth and sighed, then turned back to look for something else in the fridge.
Wade chuckled and shook his head.
"You're really going to use whipped cream as a coping mechanism, huh?"
He pushed off the counter and walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind.
"Hey, maybe I can help you come up with a plan. You know, we are married for a reason. Or is that lil ring on that finger worthless now?" Wade joked, holding up his own hand to show his wedding band. It gleamed in the soft sunlight, making Y/N relax slightly upon seeing it.
"You're right, Wade. I'm sorry. I just...I dunno...what if she gets mad? Is all...'waah, you guys are totally ruining my life!' Or something..." The woman found some stuff to make a ham sandwich and grabbed it, setting down the whipped cream in the process. She shut the fridge door with her hip and walked over to the kitchen counter to start assembling her lunch.
Wade's arms tightened around her waist as he leaned in close, his voice taking on a soothing tone.
"Ahahahaha, peanut, you're thinking about this all wrong. Ellie loves us both, and she'll adjust to the new addition just fine. And if she doesn't...well, we'll deal with that when the time comes." He nuzzled her ear. "Besides, I've got a plan. We can make it fun! We can have a family meeting and explain everything together." Wade offered, which made Y/N relax slightly.
"How soon should we do this? We have no idea if it worked today. For all we know, we might have to keep trying to get me pregnant. After all...they taught us in high school that getting pregnant a second time was so much harder than the first time, Wade..." she rambled nervously. Wade gave her a lopsided grin, finding her as adorable as the day they first met.
Wade's grip on her waist relaxed, and he let out a deep sigh. "Yeah, yeah, I know all about the stats and stuff. But we're not gonna worry about that right now. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it." He pulled back and looked at her with a serious expression. "Let's just focus on enjoying this moment for now. We've got our little bundle of kickass growing inside you, and we should be celebrating that! The second addition to the Deadpool family! Hot damn, I'm like Bruce Wayne collecting kids here!" He joked.
"But we don't actually know yet...we only just tried less than an hour ago...what if it didn't take?" She frowned, finally finding making a sandwich. She offered it to him, opting to make another one for just herself if he accepted the lunch. Wade graciously took the sandwich and watched as she grabbed him a plate from the cabinet behind her, giving her a silent 'thank you'. She smiled, then sighed as reality crashed back down onto her.
Wade's face lit up with a mischievous grin as he bit into the sandwich, groaning happily at how good it tasted.
"Ahahahaha, peanut, you're so worried about it not taking that I think we need to celebrate either way," His blue eyes sparkles with amusement as he continued. "Win or lose, we're having fun today. And if it didn't take...well, we'll just have to try again soon, won't we?~"
"I guess you're right. It not working just means more sex for the both of us, huh?" she smiled slightly, working on making her own sandwich quietly. Y/N giggled at how Wade hopped up and down excitedly, his sandwich gripped tightly in his hands.
Wade's eyes lit up with excitement as he nodded enthusiastically. "Oh, hell yeah! More sex is always a good thing in my book. And who knows, maybe we'll get lucky and it'll take on the second try," He chuckled to himself, taking another bite of his sandwich. "But even if not, I'm happy to keep trying...for science."
"Hmm, I think you just miss me and all the hot, raunchy sex we used to have before we became parents, don't you?~" Y/N giggled. "We both became so busy what with you being a dad and becoming more of an anti-hero and me switching jobs to stay at home with El."
Wade's face turned bright red as he coughed, trying to play it cool. "What? No way, peanut! I just...I mean, yeah, okay fine. You're right. Being parents is awesome and all that jazz, but let's be real...we used to have some crazy hot times in the bedroom," He winked at her mischievously. "And I'm not saying we can't get back to those times now that Ellie's getting older."
"So you dig the mom bod?" she asked self-consciously. Wade nodded eagerly.
"Uh, a doy, my little MILF. Of course I dig the mom bod, sugar tits. You always looked bangin' but the way you got all curved up makes me hard as a rock God DAYUM." He flirted, spanking her ass playfully. Y/N yelped, her face turning bright red in response.
"Wade, knock it off..." she laughed, clearly flustered.
"Why should I, pookie bear? I'm just giving you some good ole fashioned Wade Wilson luvins! I wanna make my dear wifey feel better, and what better way than doing what I do best? Being a vulgar and annoying asshole to her?" Wade grinned, the smile almost reminiscent of the Cheshire Cat from Alice In Wonderland. Y/N rolled her eyes, but couldn't help but smile.
"There's that smile, firecracker! I love having such a sexy wife all to myself! Not once have I wanted anyone else as soon as you strutted your way into my life, pretty girl." Wade flirted, lightly spanking his wife's ass again and howling obnoxiously like a wolf. Her eyes sparkled with amusement as she playfully tried to swat at Wade's hand, but he was too quick and continued to tease her. She let out a little squeal of delight as he spanked her ass, feeling a rush of excitement course through her veins.
"Oh, stop it! You're making me blush!" She laughed, trying to maintain a stern expression while secretly enjoying all the attention.
"Nuh uh, no. I vowed to make you feel good today, and that means I gotta get those feels back up to the good status." He whispered, moving behind her and cupping both her breasts. He softly massaged both, feeling her melt slightly against his warm hands.
"That's it, baby. Let me take care of you today. I wanna make today all about you. You've done so much for our family and have always been there for me, even when I was a blabbermouth of a Merc. Yet you always seemed to see the good in me. You remember that talk we had all those years ago? About the kintsugi thing?" He asked, his voice turning to a low rumble as he continued to massage her breasts. She sighed and leaned her back against his chest, relaxing even more as they stood together in the middle of the kitchen. The sunshine illuminated her hair, making it even more shiny as it framed her face just right.
"Yeah, I think so. Something about us fixing each other like the kintsugi concept, yeah?" Y/N asked tentatively. Wade nodded, kissing her neck softly.
"You're a damn good scientist, baby. Never let that go, okay? You always talk big shit about me being an anti-hero now...but you're really the one who deserves more praise. You saved my life. If it wasn't for you, I'd still probably be semi-homeless, addicted to drugs and addicted to meaningless relationships as a merc. You saw someone so genuinely fucked up and decided...'I want that one'. And dammit, I can't lie, your stubbornness really came in handy this time." Wade chuckled softly, a warm smile on his lips. "Plus, that serum you made all those years ago gave me my looks back. Now our daughter has a normal looking dad and never has to know what I looked like before. And yeah, you didn't mind when I was all mutated and cancery, but I did, peanut...I did...cause why would such a goddess like you want anything to do with some freak like me...?" He hid his face against her back. Dammit, he hated being vulnerable, but he knew Y/N needed to know the truth. Over the years he had become a lot more sappy thanks to her.
Her eyes welled up with tears as she felt Wade's words wash over her. She wanted to hold him close, but he continued to hide his face against her back.
"Wade, stop it," She whispered, trying to keep her voice steady. "You're being ridiculous...I loved you then and I love you now. You were never a freak to me...you were always my broken thing of beauty." She smiled softly, feeling a lump form in her throat.
"Oh come on...let's face the music, Y/N. I don't think life would be as good or even as easy if I didn't look like my old self again...you really gave me a whole-ass second chance, babe. You brought me back to life and screamed in my face 'YOU MATTER' until eventually you got me believing it, too. That's damn impressive if you ask me. You...managed to fix the Merc With A Mouth." Wade moved to stand in front of her and cupped both her cheeks with his hands, causing her to look up at him and set down her sandwich on the counter.
Y/N's eyes sparkled with tears as she looked up at Wade, her voice barely above a whisper.* "You're making me cry again, dammit," She whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.
"But you know what? I don't care. Because when I look at you...I see the man I fell in love with. The one who was broken and lost, but still had so much heart. And that's what I fixed...not just your face." She smiled softly, wiping away a tear from the corner of her eye.
"How the hell did a devil like me get an angel like you, sweet stuff?" Wade laughed, voice heavy with emotion. Damn, now HE wanted to cry a little. Fuck, being a husband and father had made him go soft. Whatever, it's not like he needed to be overly cocky at the moment, anyways.
"You're no devil. You just needed someone to talk to. Someone to actually listen to the shit you were saying. I don't think anyone did before, did they?" Y/N asked softly, and Wade nodded.
"When you're a merc like I was, talk was kinda cheap in the grand scheme of things, ya know? But well, surprisingly I'm happy I decided to become less of a mercenary and more of an anti-hero. Maybe the Avengers will finally take me on, yeah?" His blue eyes shined with hope as he looked at her. She smiled warmly at him and reached up to ruffle his fluffy brown hair.
"Wade, they would be lucky to have a guy like you on their team." Y/N said.
The couple embraced, swaying slowly in the middle of the kitchen. They were happy, and that's all that really mattered in the end.
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bubbleebubz · 10 months
Save me Professor- part 1
Word count: 2,006.
~warnings- eventual smutt! pantie stealing (consentual), pet names (is that a warning?), suggestive content, w3t dreams, mental health issues, bad dreams (fire and death)
Y/N had just been kicked out of her mother's house after her mom has a schizophrenic break and moves to Flordia leaving her to fend for herself. Her professor can't bare seeing Y/N in such a state, and offers her to stay in his guest bedroom, can they be roomates without his dark desires taking control?
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"P-please don't stop sir" his hands hot on her body. His large hands getting closer and closer to where she needs them most.
"What do you want, baby? Tell me" His breath hot on her neck.
"Please professor Reid" she moans out in need.
"Y/N... Y/N... Y/N wake up"
My eyes snap open, being awoken back into the cruel reality of my life.
I sit up at my desk and look around.
The class is empty.
I look up, "oh my God, I'm so sorry professor Reid, I must have fallen asleep." I say hastily gathering all my things causing my pencil case to fall off my desk.
I lean over to pick it up, as does he. "Y/N, it's ok, but are you alright?" He asks, crouching down next to me.
I look into his eyes anxiously. Nodding. "Why would you think otherwise Sir?" I ask shyly, trying to avoid his intimidating eye contact.
"Look at me sweetheart" He says, making my thighs clench and insides throb.
I follow his orders and look into his eyes.
My mouth going dry.
"What's the matter?" He asks. "Your the best in this class and never lose focus like this, let alone fall asleep." He explains his worry.
"I. I uhm, my mom kicked me out last night. She has schizophrenia and she now decided to move to Flordia. So I have no where to stay. So I was up all night, studying to keep my mind off of things." I say, my eyes beginning to water.
I blink them away and look over to the window, not being able to look him in the eyes.
"Oh sweet girl" He says, and hugs me.
I hug him back as tight as I can. The comforting feeling unusual to me.
"I'm sorry, I know this isn't your problem and there are other students who have much bigger more important issues, i really didn't mean to fall asleep." I say into his chest.
"Don't apologise Y/N" He says sternly.
"You didn't do anything wrong, did you know that the average female needs atleast 7 hours of sleep, and if they don't get that, their stress and anxiety levels increase and the lack of sleep reduces your physical and cognitive performance." He says pulling away. I smile at his rambling and nod while wiping my tears away.
"Where are you staying now?" He asks, standing up and looking down at me.
I look up at him anxiously to respond.
"I don't know." I whisper out, looking away, feeling the tears starting again.
"How would you like to stay with me? Until you figure things out ofcourse." He asks cautiously.
I look up at him shocked.
"Are you sure?" I ask.
He nods.
"Ofcourse, you are my favorite student after all." He chuckles out.
He Whips the falling tears as they spill down my cheek as I look up at him. I lean into his touch.
"Is that alright, love?" He asks, I nod.
"Use your words" He says.
"Yes sir, I'd love to." I say shyly.
"Excellent, let's get going now shall we? Do you have your things or?" He asks, as he walks to his desk, gathering his belongings.
"I was only able to grab my school uniform, school books, laptop, chargers and bathroom stuff, that's all I could fit in my backpack." I say.
He nods.
He signals me to follow him, I get up and walk behind him to his black sports car.
I get into the front seat and place my bag infront of me on the floor.
"Seat belt" He says, starting the car.
I put the seat belt on and shiver from the cool fall air.
"Good girl" I blush hard.
I lean my head against the cold window, watching the passing trees go by. My eyes begin to get heavy as I doze off.
I'm awoken this time ruthlessly.
"Y/N are you ok?" He groans, shaking me awake. There was fire everywhere.
"What happened?" I ask, beginning to hyperventilate.
I look back at him but his eyes are shut, his face bloody and chard.
I scream and scream and scream.
"Y/N wake up, it's ok wake up, we are here" he says lightly shaking me awake once again.
I wake up sobbing and lean to cling to him in a tight hug.
"Shh s'okay, I'm here, it's ok" He says holding the back of my head and rubbing my back.
"What was the nightmare about baby?" He asks soothingly.
"We got into a car accident, and you died." I whimper out, my voice hoarse from all the crying.
"Oh honey, it's ok, I'm alright see. I'm alive." He says placing my hand over his heart. I calm down and look around seeing we are at a nice sized house, with vines down the front and sides of it, it looked like a cottage from a fairytale. My eyes light up at the sight.
"Woah" I say amazed.
He chuckles.
"Follow me" He says, taking my bag for me.
"Thanks" I say shyly, realizing this is my professor and not some high-school crush.
He was just being nice and caring. That's all.
I follow him into his house and smile at the decor, it matched him perfectly, the furniture old and dark, and the scent of his house was exquisite, like a pumpkin vanilla.
"You can stay in the guest bedroom over here" he says, guiding me down the hall way. "My room is next door here" he says pointing to another door. "And the bathroom is over here" he says.
I nod a thank you.
"I'll let you get settled, I'll be in the kitchen if you need me" He says giving me a caring smile putting his hand on my lower back while leaving down the hall.
I enter the room, observing my surroundings, there was a double bed with an beatiful oak bed frame, on the left side of the room in the middle of the wall, and a window straight ahead, to the right there was a desk, and to the left of the desk was an old white chair.
It was very basic, not in a bad way.
I unpack my bag, putting my limited clothes (being only my school uniforms) in the dresser. And placing the singular Grumpy Care Bear on my bed for comfort.
I exit my new bedroom and go to the kitchen.
"Hey Professor" I say shyly. Sitting down on one of the chairs set at the island.
"Please call me Spencer" He chuckles out.
I blush lightly, enough for him to notice and smirk.
"Ok Spenerrr" I say goofily out of anxiety.
Causing him to smile again.
"Whatcha doing?" I ask boredly.
"Cooking dinner, I hope you like chicken vermicelli noodles" He says with a chuckle.
"I have no clue what that is but it smells good so I probably will!" I say giggling.
"Why are you still in your school clothes its-" He pauses checking his watch "8 PM on a Friday" He asks.
"I didn't manage to fit any of my actual clothes in my bag, so I just have my school uniforms." I say with a sad chuckle. "But it's ok, they aren't that unc-" "nuh uh, I'll be right back" He says cutting me off before leaving the kitchen and stove unattended. "Uh Spence you kinda forgot about the fooood" I call out and walk around the island to the stove, stirring the food in the frying pan. Still having no idea what I'm doing, causing me to burn myself slightly.
"Ow" I say blankly, running my finger under cool water.
I look over to see him leaning against the wall chuckling while holding a t-shirt and sweatpants.
"It's not funny, I don't know how to cook" I whine out in a giggle.
He shakes his head in a laugh.
"Here, wear these" He says handing me his clothes. I reluctantly take them. "Thank you very much sir, you have no idea how much I appreciate you doing all this for me" I say sadly. "Don't mention it, your not that unbearable" He says, causing me to roll my eyes and playfully punch his shoulder.
His eyes widen, "oh yeah?" He says jokingly and picks me up as if I weigh nothing (I most definitely don't weigh nothing) and carries me over his shoulder.
"HEY SPENCER PUT ME DOWN" I giggle out and hit his back, causing him to slap my ass making me yelp "ah ah ah" He says placing me down in the bathroom. "Change your clothes then give them to me so I can wash them" He says smiling before shutting the door.
I sigh out with a smile before undressing, taking everything off.
My smile drops when I realize I have to go commando in my professors sweatpants and braless in his t-shirt.
I put the clothing on, it fitting loosely.
I fold my dirty clothes, making sure my bra and panties were hidden to the best of my abilities.
I exit the bathroom and begin to go to the kitchen, but he isn't there, the food is plated and set on the island but he is missing, "Spence?" I call out.
"BOO" He says, grabbing my waist causing me to scream and drop my clothes. "GODDAMIT" I say absolutely terrified making him laugh even harder. " s'not funny" i whine out.
Both of us bending over to pick up my clothes, I freeze when I see him picking up my panties.
"Hmm, lacey blue, so innocent yet so naughty Y/N" I blush really hard, I go to grab my underwear from his hand but he snatches them away, putting them into his pocket and picks up the rest of my clothes.
I stand in the middle of the kitchen, my jaw on the floor. "Spe-" "ah. I'm confiscating those. For reasons I don't need to say!" He says. "But those are my only-" "we can buy you new ones, any ones you'd like." He says, before walking into the laundry room to place my dirty clothes into the washing machine.
"Common, let's eat." He says, walking over to the island and pulling out a chair for me, before sitting next to me.
I take a bite out of the food and moan out in happiness.
"Do you like it?" He asks with a chuckle.
"Mhmm" I say, taking another bite.
I look over awkwardly.
"I-i like food.." I say shyly.
"I can see that, it's cute" He says, making me blush.
After dinner I help clean up.
"I'll do the dishes, you put the leftovers away?" I say. And he nods.
I wash the dishes by hand, but after washing only 2 cups I get ancy and put some music on the TV, Reflections by The Neighborhood starts playing and I start to sing along while doing the dishes.
Swaying my hips to the music.
I hear footsteps behind me and freeze the music pausing too.
"Y'know. You look really good in my clothes sweetheart." He whispers in my ear, causing me to shudder. His hands around my waist.
"Wanna know what you'd look even better in?" He asks seductively.
"W-what?" I whisper out, not daring to turn around.
"In bed! Because it's bedtime!" He says picking me up again.
"But the dishes! There is only one left!" I whine out, kicking my feet, as he holds me bridal style.
"I can do it, sweets" He says sweetly causing me to smile at the pet name.
God he was going to be the death of me.
NO HE IS YOUR PROFESSOR, but he doesn't seem to mind.
He places me in my bed.
Grabbing my care bear and chuckling.
"What.." I say embarrassed.
"Nothing, just pictured you as a hello kitty girl" He chuckles.
"I love hello kitty too, but I had to chose, and Grumpy was the softest one so.." I say realizing I'm rambling.
He hands me the bear and nods.
"Goodnight Y/N" He says, putting the blankets over me and kissing my forehead. I blush.
"Goodnight Spence" I say kissing his cheek.
I fall asleep easily.
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thirstywoso · 2 months
Caffeine for the Heartache - Jessie Fleming x Reader (part one)
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W/C: 2.3k
Warnings: none - maybe a little angst but mostly fluff
Synopsis: you find comfort in caffeine and Jessie after a shitty break up and club move.
Six years, six entire years you'd shared with her. Now here you were in your apartment alone, you weren't even sure who you were without your girlfriend. Well now ex-girlfriend.
You'd started dating in college and she followed you across the pond when you got scouted by Arsenal, after playing there for a few seasons you decided now was the time to return to your home country.
You'd packed up your St Albans apartment and had bid farewell to your old teammates, genuinely looking forward to the fresh start when...
"For fuck sake Emily, the last truck will be here in ten minutes and half of your stuff is still scattered around the apartment!" You seethed trying to gather your girlfriends stuff together.
Bending down to gather some of her books you heard her feet pad across the now nearly empty apartment and felt her presence behind you as she sighed. Your stomach dropped as you stood up to face her, she grabbed your hand and looked into your eyes for what felt like an eternity.
"The thing is y/n/n... I'm not coming" blinking away tears you look at your girlfriend who now looks so small dropping her hands as you try to formulate a response.
"What do you mean? We are literally leaving for the airport in four hours Em! Of course you are coming?" Your last sentence trailing off in a question, beginning to doubt what you thought was real.
"Look, I've done some thinking and I moved out here to help you with your dream, I've been nothing but supportive. You have to understand though, I have a career too and I can't just stop and pick up again in another city. It's just not fair"
You sigh and nod, you understood it wasn't fair but you thought you'd at least have an understanding with the girl.
"Can we at least discuss it?" You look down fiddling with the hem of your shirt, your foot sweeping back and forth across the hardwood.
"I've already decided" she says in a more cold tone than you were expecting.
"What about us?"
"I'm not sure.." she replies.
"Is there someone else?" You thought it silly to ask but you had to, yet her reaction maybe made the question not so silly after all.
She couldn't look you in the eye or give you a straight answer and that's all you needed to know.
You didn't know what to say, instead you just asked her to leave whilst you gathered your things unable to even look at her.
A few hours later you found yourself at the airport, you were alone and the reality was setting in that this next adventure would be a solo one.
As you got on the plane you sent her a message telling her it was over, you then blocked her number and turned off your phone. Taking off for Portland and not looking back.
Which brings you back to now, standing in your new apartment alone surrounded by boxes. None of which you wanted to open knowing it would be too painful to even see anything that reminded you of her.
Moving to Portland was a choice you had made for your career, some of your arsenal teammates had also played there and sung high praises of the club. This made your choice of NWSL club easy.
You knew a fair few of the players at Portland too, the likes of Sam and Sophia from National team and Janine and Jessie from when they also played in the WSL.
Your first training session with the Thorns had come around soon enough with it only being a few days after your move to the city.
You had settled in well sitting with Janine and Jessie and lunch and partnering with Sam for drills. In fact it was a pleasant distraction from what was going on in your normal life.
You were pleasant and kind to everyone but to some of those who had known you longer it was obvious that you weren't your normal self.
One of the people that noticed was Jessie, you knew her from parties back when you had both played in London and had gone out with her and some of your shared friends on several occasions but never just the two of you.
You'd count her as acquaintance but not quite a friend or at least not a close one, that didn't stop her from showing you kindness though.
After the first week of training she had invited you to dinner at her apartment along with some of your other teammates and their partners to help welcome you in.
It wasn't until she had mentioned that you could bring your girlfriend that you remembered that you no longer had one. Awkwardly scratching the back of your neck you admitted to Jessie what you were currently going through.
Jessie's cheeks flushed pink and her eyebrows furrowed embarrassed that she hadn't known, worried she had upset you she began profusely apologising before saying it was okay as she was the only single one that would be there and that she would keep you company if you still wanted to come now she had put her foot in it.
You laughed at the way she had become flustered and took her up on the offer to spare her from further embarrassment.
When you'd gone to dinner it wasn't as bad as you had worried it would be with other couples around, Jessie's company had distracted you from a lot of those thoughts and together you and even mocked some of the other couples.
Once the night had come to the end and everyone began to leave you'd offered Jessie a helping and which she accepted, as you helped clean the dishes and the dinner table you mindlessly chatted with her.
You hadn't even realised how much you had opened up, it's not like you'd really had anyone to talk to about the break up since you got to Portland and you found it easy to let go of some of the hurt that had been building up.
When you went to bed that night you felt content knowing you'd deepened your friendship with Jessie and that you had someone to rely on close by.
Waking up the next morning you'd seen a message from her in your phone
Jessie 🇨🇦: Hey, I know it's late notice but did you want to go grab coffee? I know a great little place downtown? 8:43
Looking at your clock you notice it's 9:02
You: That would be great, I've just woken up though! Would 10am work?
You pull yourself out of bed and go through your morning routine before heading out to meet Jessie, the coffee shop turned out to only be a few blocks from where your apartment was.
Walking in you see a peppy Jessie already sat in the corner at what you'd soon find out was her favourite table.
"Hey, I didn't know what you liked but in my opinion you can't go wrong with an iced coffee" she says sliding the drink she had gotten you across the table as you sit down.
"You shouldn't have" you say taking a sip "delicious though, you were right really can't go wrong with an iced coffee" fishing out your purse you go to grab so bills before realising you didn't know how much it was.
Looking up at her "how much do I owe you?" To which she just laughs.
"It's on me, put your money away" she says sincerely.
"Okay well next time it's on me, thank you!" She gives you a smile in response. "What's your go to then?" You ask her. "Ooh probably a latte or an iced caramel latte, guess it depends on my mood" she gives with a shrug.
"I can't get behind that" you agree
"I usually come in here to read and relax with a coffee but we can go for a walk if you like?"
"Sounds good to me" you pick up your respective coffees and head for the door, Jessie holding the door open for you.
As you walk along the streets you talk more about how you're finding the city and the move, Jessie intently listening to you vent. Every now and then giving you feedback to let you know she was engaged in the conversation.
"Anyways, I've been talking about me too much. How have you been since moving back here?"
Jessie then talks about her settling in and it being easier than she thought with the likes of Janine helping her. She also noted that she hadn't recently gone through a break up so it was probably a lot smoother than your transition.
Before you knew it you'd walked around a majority of the city, Jessie telling you various facts as she rambled on about her time here. A welcome distraction for you, you then notice Jessie has stopped walking and you turn back toward her.
"So I don't mean to presume, but it's getting late and I'm in need of some lunch. Would you like to get some and go sit in the park" she nods at a small sandwich shop to the side of her before pointing across the road to the park.
"I could go for some lunch" you say "it's on me though" you tell her as you enter the small establishment.
Making your orders before paying the cashier, you watch as your sandwiches get freshly made and wrapped up in paper with the name of what you found out was the family that owned the shop across it.
Arriving at the park you see Jessie dig into her bag and pull out a checkered blanket. She wafts it in the air before placing it on the grass, pulling you down with her so you could sit and eat.
"Anymore surprises in there" you motion to where her bag at as you chewed on your mouthful of sandwich.
"I mean just my latest book, a notebook, a pen and my camera" she lists off.
"Oh yeah, what are you reading?"
"Well really it's just a book of poetry but more of a compilation of poems rather than a specific poet" she tells you.
"It's kind of inspiring me to do my own little private project" she says
"And what's that?"
"I mean I don't really tell anyone about it"
"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked" you quickly apologise feeling slightly bad about it.
"No no, I want to tell you, I just haven't really shared this part with anyone before"
"Well feel free, you can trust me but also don't feel like you have to"
"Okay so, I've been writing my own poetry, nothing great just little poems and then I capture a photograph that encapsulates the poem, or the other way around. I like taking photos but recently I've been writing poems inspired by the shot I've taken"
"Holy shit Jessie, that's so inspired, can I see?" You begin excited before almost whispering the request.
"Uh sure" she replies pulling her camera and notebook from her bag.
She shows you a few of them and it completely blows your mind, until she gets to the last one which has you almost speechless.
"This one I call 'storm season'" she says showing you a photo of a moody sky
Something about the emptiness of the picture the way the moody sky contrasted with the fields, it seemed so full and yet so empty and void and it struck something inside you.
She handed you the notebook and you looked at the poem scribbled in her handwriting across the page, it was short but kind of haunting in a way that matched the photograph.
This is a poem for lonely days
With little colour and mostly greys,
For people who are sick in bed
And those of us with lots to dread
Of things to come, or things in past,
Of things that didn't seem to last
"Wow" you say, kind of taken aback by the rawness of it all. "That's beautiful" you whisper looking up and meeting her eyes.
"I mean I don't know, I wrote it at a time where I was struggling you know"
"It's raw, it's good" you say unsure how to put into words your feelings about it.
After tucking her stuff back into her bag you lay down next to her looking up at the growing skyscrapers around you.
Both content in each others company, you tilt your head to look at Jessie, noticing she's reading some of the poetry in her book.
"Read me something"
"Sure, what would you want to hear?"
"You treat them as if
They have a heart like yours
But not everyone can be
As soft and as tender as you
You don't see
The person they are
You see the person
They have potential to be
You give and give till
They have taken everything
Out of you and leave
You empty"
You lay there staring up at the sky for a second
"That was Rupi Kaur, that poem kind of reminds me of you" she spoke
You leant up on your elbow looking at where she was sat, her eyes looked sad but not as if she pitied you but like she could also feel your pain.
After some time of enjoying each others company you walked back to your apartment discovering it was only a block from Jessie's and that you were practically neighbours.
You waved goodbye to Jessie as you made your way into your apartment building, arriving home you close the door falling back against it slightly sighing to yourself, wondering why you felt so guilty for having a good time.
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sam-the-pancake · 1 year
I wasn't gonna make a post about this anymore because it resolved, but I still want to talk about it. My writing style is long and rambly so TL;DR at the bottom.
Yesterday was the first day of the college course I'm taking (I'm getting my master's in Special Education if anyone's interested). It's a class from 5pm until 8pm, and most days it's after a full day of work for me, so I've elected to mainly use my wheelchair. But since I'm ambulatory I decided to bring my cane in case I needed the bathroom or something so I don't have to struggle with the doors. This classroom of course didn't have a desk without a chair attached so as we sat in a circle I put my bag on the desk behind me and rested my cane against it.
Anyone who uses a cane knows that they fall over. A lot. I kept telling both the professor and the students next to me to please just leave it on the floor when it falls over but of course they didn't listen. They had to "help" the poor cripple. Well class ends and I grab my bag and head home. When I get to my house I realize that I don't have my cane with me to help me down the stairs to my apartment. It wasn't with my bag when I left class so I forgot it. I tell my partner that I'm going back to campus to get the cane I forgot. This is my only cane. I use it any time I leave the house. Even if I'm planning on using my wheelchair when I get somewhere I like to have the cane in the car.
In the 20min it took me to drive home and back the cane is gone. I look all over the first floor of the building without an aid since I expected it to be quick. I sit down and email the professor and campus lost and found before making my way back to the car.
AN HOUR LATER, an hour and a half after the class has ended, I get an response email from the professor and a girl from the class. The girl saw that I forgot it (I still don't know where it had been) and took it hoping to see me before I left. She probably felt like she was doing her good deed for the day. Except I have a medical exception letting me park in the teacher parking lot right outside the building, and she probably brought it to the student parking across campus in the other direction. And then when she didn't find me she didn't reach out!
If she had wanted to be helpful she should have stayed in the classroom with it, or gone back to class when she couldn't find me, and sent me an email. I know that to ableds it's just a stick, but a month ago that was my only mobility aid. I have not left the house without it for 2 years. I'm not leaving the house until I get it back. I'm in pain today because I walked around for 10min without it. She waited for me to reach out about it to let me know she had my mobility aid. And I know she waited because she told the professor she had it. If she had wanted my email she could have asked the professor for it or for my full name to look it up in the directory.
In her email she said "I was really worried someone would take it." Guess what! YOU took it! Again, I understand that it wasn't her intention, but it's the reality of what happened. She removed it from the room and didn't reach out to tell me where it was (neither did the Prof!).
Non-mobility aid users don't touch our aids! Don't move our aids! DONT FUCKING TAKE THEM HOME WITH YOU! This wouldn't have been a problem if during class people would have respected me and left it on the floor with my stuff like I said to.
TL;DR: My cane was falling over in class and the people kept touching it and eventually must have moved it. This caused me to forget it when I left in my wheelchair. Some girl from class took it home with her "so no one would take it" so it wasn't there when I returned. She didn't reach out to me so I didn't know where it was. Prof let her know I emailed asking about it. She's bringing it back to me today, but I can't comfortably leave the house until I get it back because I'm in pain from looking for it without an aid. ABLEDS RESPECT MOBILITY AID USERS BOUNDARIES AND DONT MOVE OUR AIDS OR TAKE THEM FUCKING HOME CHALLENGE
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gachagon · 5 months
I watched the newest episode of The Amazing Digital Circus, and yeah I can already tell this is gonna be a great show. I think it manages to handle both its comedy and horror pretty well without one being less effective than the other.
The pilot was great, but I really like that episode 2 shows us a better picture of the characters than what we already thought about them. I think the most surprising character who's development was made really clear was Pomni.
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In the pilot she's naturally apathetic and also freaking out about everything, and the promo material with her included seems to follow that same track record, but here in this episode Pomni does what Ragatha's been trying to do with her the whole time! She consoles this cute little gummy gator guy about his own existence and stuff in a really mature way that we just haven't seen Pomni do before.
This episode is really about the fear of not belonging or having an impact on other people. The beginning nightmare sequence where Pomni imagines herself being abstracted versus the end with Kaufmo's funeral really shows that what she's most afraid of is that she ultimately won't have a place here at all, even if being there terrifies her.
I think Pomni has come to terms with the idea that she won't be able to leave or find an exit right away, but the fear of not fitting into her role as the Jester and doing the same song and dance for eternity eats away at her.
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The funeral is a really good coping skill for all of the people in the Circus (minus Jax who just didn't go to the funeral at all) because it eases the fear of not remembering any of the people you spent all that time with, but also eases the fear of being forgotten.
I can imagine the idea of Gummigoo not remembering Pomni but still being out there "Out of bounds" is sad, but unlike the people in the circus he can always come back and in a weird ironic twist always has a place in the world he's in. And even if he doesn't remember Pomni, she'll always remember him and that's the really important part.
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Also can I just say that I love this little crocodile/gator man T_T He showed up with such a silly concept but I think he really added a lot to the episode. It makes me wonder what would've happened if he really was allowed to stay in the circus despite not being real.
The episode has a lot of themes about being aware of your own mortality and why you're even alive and what purpose you serve. And in the end, for Gummi he was able to stomach the truth of his own existence with the help of Pomni, but he decided to just keep it a secret from everyone else up above.
After he gets "poofed" its safe to say he'll always still exist just not in the way Pomni saw him. And whenever Cain wants to use him for a future quest, he'll still have the same old memories of his friends and his "sick mom" who needs syrup, but the knowledge of Pomni and being Out of Bounds will not be there.
Is it better that he doesn't know what's out there? That his mother isn't actually real, and that he and everyone he knows is just 1's and 0's in a computer? Or is it better if he does know and is able to cope with that reality? Likewise, should Pomni really even worry about trying to leave this world she's been forcefully thrust into, or should she just go with the flow and accept her place as the Jester in the circus?
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Truly an "Ignorance is Bliss" kind of story. We already know from this episode alone that the one thing Jax craves is chaos but that's not because he's fallen in line with being a rabbit in the game or because he wants to leave.
I think Jax is an excellent parallel to Pomni in this episode. Where Pomni tries to peacefully cope with her place in the circus and possibly coexist with the world around her, Jax wants to do nothing but cause as much disruptions as possible. Jax has accepted long ago that he's not leaving, but instead of losing his mind over it he's just become an incredibly selfish person who only wants to take his entertainment from other people. He uses his veneer as the trickster rabbit to cause as much problems in their journey's as possible all so he himself won't go crazy.
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And even though in the end he's not there to witness what happens to the candy people, I think just having something new to think about is enough for him in a weird way. While Pomni struggles with feeling like she belongs, Jax has been there for a long time and his biggest struggle is "disappointment". It's being so mind numbingly bored that you forget yourself.
This is leading me to believe that what causes people to abstract isn't finding the exit or thinking about the exit, but that it's more personal than that. Abstraction seems to be when someone really truly breaks under the pressure of being in the circus itself. All of the members of the circus seem to cope with being in the circus in different ways. For Gangle it's drawing and art, for Ragatha it's throwing herself into all of the journey's and just immersing herself as an actual "ragdoll" who's going on quirky adventures, Pomni just potentially found her way of coping which could be trying to just help other people with their own baggage and being an ear to listen to, and Kinger has by all means lost his marbles so as long as he's not thinking about how hard it is being in the circus he's fine.
I think Zooble's is to just not go on the adventure's at all or maybe we just haven't seen how they cope yet. I'm guessing that Kaufmo didn't really have a coping skill, either that or it became too much and he abstracted. I think his obsession with finding an exit had something less to do with the exit itself making him go insane, and more about the possibility of him remembering something he wasn't supposed to.
He probably regained his memory in some way and that was what led him down the spiral into abstraction, looking for a way out in any way he could.
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gojoidyll · 11 months
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Yandere ! Gojo Satoru x Female ! Reader
Part 9 | what he deserves
Warnings | execution, blood, gore, death, yandere satoru, sexual content, etc.
Notes | this fic will be using she/her pronouns for y/n. Also this is a reincarnation fic, so Gojo's name will not be "Satoru" in this part. And please let me know if you want to be in a taglist for this series !! ^-^
Summary | And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you.
Infinity Masterlist
GOJO SAYU laughed. His eyes dripping with tears, red and puffy. It was a stark contrast to the maniacal laughter escaping his grinning lips as he struggled against his constraints.
"She belongs to me! In every life she belongs to me!"
When Gojo died as Seiji in his last life, he couldn't help but to be overrun with guilt. But he didn't have a choice. Y/n married some man that wasn't him.
And in this new life, y/n was but a sweet little baker. Her cheeks were rosy. Her hair curled. Her tits looked like they needed a good grope too in the pretty (color) kimono she always wore.
The moment that Gojo Sayu saw her, his memories immediately came flooding back. He didn't stop himself from running up to her. Grabbing her. Holding her close. She was slightly older than him, he could tell. And as she hit his arm and told him to let her go, he didn't. He held on that much tighter.
Even when her own children came running out of the bakery and started hitting at his legs.
He understood where Gojo Seiji was coming from.
It was time to start over.
"Gojo Sayu, for murdering the l/n family, you have been sentenced to death."
He grinned. His sick and twisted mind spinning as the rope around his neck dug tighter into his skin, his flesh.
"Any last words."
"I can't wait to see her again...and next time, she'll only be with me!"
The words of a mad man.
The Gojo clan were disappointed. Disgusted, to say the least. To think one of their own, next clan leader no less, was able to fall to such depravity.
The current leader raised his arm and signaled for the rope to be cut.
Little did they know, he was lost to depravity a few lives ago, and as the rope snapped Gojo Sayu's neck, his laughter still haunted them all.
And it haunted GOJO SAYAMI too as he opened his eyes. The sun hitting his irises as he squinted.
"You're awake!"
He felt someone bend over him and block out the sun's rays and place a gentle kiss upon his lips. A small smile soon forming there as he raised a hand to cup the back of her head, deepening the kiss.
Breaking the kiss suddenly, she leant back and Gojo was blessed with her angelic features.
"Did you sleep well?"
The question brought him to the present. Where his head laid in her lap as the two basked in the sun in a flower field, far from any prying eyes.
"Mmm, it was a good nap, but I had a terrible dream."
He reached up and caressed her cheek. Her eyebrows furrowing.
"Do you..want to talk about it?"
It was so cute watching her worry over him, the sight caused him to grin.
"No," he finally answered as he thought about the dream. About the memories of his past lives, "its just a silly dream. Nothing to worry yourself over sweet girl."
"Are you sure?"
He watched her worried face, a smirk soon forming his lips as an idea took over, "well... maybe there is something you could do to make me feel better," he hummed out as sat up to pat his lap. The action caused her to blush, "Sayami! We- we aren't married yet! We can't do that stuff..."
He gave his best puppy dog eyes, an innocent facade overtaking his features as his lips formed a pout, "I just wanted you to sit in my lap, promise."
She eyed him a moment, suspicion raking her brain before she relented. She never could say no to him, and he always took advantage over that fact. (Not like he could say no to her either.)
When she finally plopped down into his lap, his arms were quick to snake around her waist. His chin nuzzling into the crook of her neck, causing her to laugh softly.
"Something funny, sweet girl?"
She placed her hands over his. Her fingers lightly tracing his knuckles, "its nothing, you just seem a bit more clingy today is all."
He hummed, "I'm just trying to show i love you."
That and because I remembered everything... I still can't believe my past self went crazy and got himself executed. What an idiot.
He wasn't sure if he was calling himself an idiot or not since him and his past selves were technically the same person. The same soul.
Well, whatever.
"Besides, it feels like we finally got what we deserve you know?"
She smiled fondly. Her fingers tracing small shapes on the back of his hands, "yeah .. with me being a commoner, I never would of imagined that your father would of let me get engaged with you. I'm so happy that we get to be together, Sayami."
That wasn't what Gojo was referring to. He was actually meaning how long it took for them to get together. It's been litteral centuries after all. The two of them have already been through a number of lives. And finally finally Gojo feels like him and y/n are getting the happy ending they deserved.
But y/n didn't need to know that. She didn't need to know of all the trouble he went through to finally get here.
Because it didn't matter anymore. Not with her sitting on his lap so prettily. Which, of course, caused his little dirty thought from earlier come into play. His hands breaking their hold on her stomach and carefully maneuvering to her waist.
"Sa- ?!"
She was quickly cut off when he pressed down, his now hard, clothed cock pressing against her ass.
"What," he said with a chuckle, "we've done this before. You know," he leant forward where his breath tickled her ear, "where I hump that pretty cunt of yours and feel how soaked your panties get. And get to hear you beg for my fingers~. Granted, what I wouldn't give to have those tight walls of yours snug on my cock, but oh well, its like you said, we aren't married yet," he moved his lips down her neck. Teeth nipping and bitting, mouth sucking, tongue licking.
"We- we're outside though."
He could feel her resolve crumble as she squirmed, and before he could say anything else to entice her, she had turned in his grasp, her legs drapping over his sides as she ground against his erection. Her mewls and moans echoing into the air as she placed her hands on his shoulders, fingers gripping the fabric when she pressed her pelvis down.
"S- sayami~"
He helped her grind against him, his own hands gripping her hips as he forced her to move and and forth, against his hardening length that pressed tight in his trousers.
"Shit! Its in moments like these where I really want to fuck you dumb!"
He grunted and moaned, his forehead pressing against her own as pleasure mixed together.
She whined as she tried to quicken thr pace, the sight causing him to smirk as he took in her flushed features.
She nodded wordlessly, and he couldn't help but to groan at the sight. Oh what he wouldnt give to finally see her come undone on his cock instead. But whatever, he could wait.
He lived many lives after all. A few more days wouldn't hurt. Or maybe it would...
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Infinity taglist | @whore-for-hawks @esthelily @huicitawrites @flaming-vulpix @zeniiis @rin1802 @mrowwww @kenstarsworld
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lvlyghost · 11 months
In the Midst of War: II
PAIRINGS: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x F!Shadow!Reader
SUMMARY: Home is no longer where it used to be. Left with no one else you wonder who your friends and foes are.
TW: nightmares, angst, hurt, description of wounds, anxiety (? Not much it's all building up! Mind the english!👻🌛
A/N: sorry that this is way too short. promise next chapter will be longer. already working on it, this time it won't take as long to get out🤞🏻
"𝒃𝒐𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍 𝒎𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝒃𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕 𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏."
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"Steamin' Jesus!" Soap's eyes widen at the folder he holds in his hands. Kyle is trying to take a peek into it only for Johnny to further snatch it away from his prying eyes. "You seein' these records?" He asks.
"Come on mate! How am I supposed to see if you won't let me?" he follows him around yet again.
"Fuckin' hell." Ghost mutters under his breath. It's only been a few days since Las Almas. Shepherd and Graves' betrayal. He can't find it in him to deal with two toddlers now. He was one of the first to read the girl's file. Impressive. Yeah, certainly. Not that he would say it out loud let alone to those two. Ghost needed to know her. Know what she was capable of. As a Shadow he was certain she'd be remarkable, the extent of her abilities... that was another thing. He could see why she was Graves' favorite shadow.
"Can't believe she was almost dead when we found her. Would've been a waste of a soldier, don't you think Lt.?"
Ghost stares with a blank face and a quirked eyebrow.
"A mercenary." He gruffly answered.
Soap whistles at his Lieutenant's harsh remark.
"Someone's not happy. She looks like a nice lass, don't you think?" Soap is enjoying this too much for Ghost's liking.
"Not so different from us, Sir." Kyle adds, nodding in agreement.
"They were killing innocents." Ghost crosses his arms over his broad chest. A headache starting to form behind his eyes.
"Yeah, and Laswell said she was not there. Colonel Vargas told Price there was a girl who seemed to be against Graves." Soap is quick to add, sending mischievous glances to both of them.
Sighing, Ghost pinched the bridge of his nose.
"A deserter. How honorable." Another gruff response as he scoffs.
In reality he didn't care about the shadow girl, he was given orders and he'd complied that's it. Or at least until Price sent him to the safe house they were keeping her in to look after her.
"I think any of us would've done the same Lt. given her position... at least I believe it takes courage to leave the side of those whom you once thought were family."
"Sit down." Ghost orders, and you oblige.
Slowly lowering your body despite your injuries, you don't dare to look him in the eye. Sight fixed on the wooden floor as if it held the answers to all of your questions. As if the reasons why everything that was wrong in your life would be found right there. You don't notice but he's keeping an eye on you, just in case you'd need help. "I lied." He comments, his voice is dead serious as he opens one of the kitchen's shelves handing you over a bottle of pills followed by a glass of water. "When I said I didn't know your name." He explains leaning against the countertop, strong hands rest on the surface of white marble, prominent veins adorned his massive hands, arms and for what you could make out with the long sleeved shirt he wore, he had tattoos.
"Let me guess. Kate." You utter, hands opening the bottle he gave you and swallowing down two pills.
"Gave us your file." You freeze. Going still as a statue as your eyes find his, Ghost seems taciturn. "Don't worry. She made sure personal stuff was blacked up." He states almost immediately, noticing the way your body went rigid.
Blinking rapidly you feel slightly relieved, there was no need for a bunch of strangers —reading— about your private life. That was your story to tell if you ever decided to even speak about it.
"What happened with the missiles?"
"They were taken care of."
A curt nod is all you give him. Silence falls again when he hands you the supper he had previously told you about. Grilled chicken with pasta.
"Graves?" The question is quiet, and swiftly asked. It feels wrong to ask such things considering what your former Captain had done. But after years of knowing him, to look up to him. To call him your friend... a man that knew about your past. It felt traitorous not to at least worry for his wellbeing, despite his wrongdoing.
Inhaling sharply one of your stitches pulls at the sudden movement. Wincing you bend over, one hand resting on the countertop to steady yourself. Ghost is quick. Too quick for someone his size.
He holds you, big hands resting on your shoulders in assistance, the warmth of his skin can be felt even over your shirt.
"Easy there." He warns although his voice is still gruff there's a softer tone to it than before. "Nurse's gone and I'm not nearly as good as her stitching people back, yeah?"
"I'm fine." holding back the tears becomes a challenge but you do it nonetheless. The loud thump of your heart echoes throughout your body, mind going dizzy as a tiny graze of his thumb caressing the flesh of your shoulders brings you back from wherever your mind had started to wander. "Thank you, Ghost."
He simply nods and then he lets go. Skin feeling colder at the loss of his touch.
"Eat. You need it to recover." He's back to his serious demeanor.
You do as he says. Surprisingly the food isn't bad, it's warm and has the right amount of condiments.
"Where are we?" You ask, eyes drifting back to his face. Ghost's brown orbs squint, thinking if he should tell you or not.
"Someplace safe."
Inevitably you scoff rolling your eyes.
"I'm not going to escape if that's what you're worried about. I don't have anywhere to go."
"Can't risk it. Laswell said you're clever."
"She just thinks so high of me. I'm not what she says I am, you know. Or else I wouldn't be here."
He shrugged. And you stare at each other for a long time. You almost want to know what's under that mask, what's he look like? Is he handsome? Ugly? Does he have scars? Big or small lips? All you can make out is how blond his eyelashes are. Like sand. Gold sand. Or the yellowish reflection of the moon at night. Or the color of the sunrise.
"Ghost?" You call him.
"If Kate hadn't told the 141 about me, would you have killed me?"
Unfazed by your question Ghost stares back at you, jaw clenching ever so slightly behind the mask.
"Most likely."
As the days pass by your body recovers. It's slow but you start to notice by the third week. The stitches gone by the start of the day. The bullet wound didn't hurt as much as before, it was a distant memory when you tried to breathe. Even then Ghost was still taking care of you. As much as a cold and distant man he was, he seemed to worry, at least enough to check on you regularly when he heard you grunt or whimper in pain.
Your friendship or whatever this was... seemed strange. He never, talked about him. He loathed small talk, he was blunt, straightforward and just so damn hard to read. Aside from his brown eyes that were two beautiful windows to his soul were so expressive and you found yourself learning to assess his mood by just looking at them. It was odd to say the least but you were always good at watching, observing...and so you did.
Ghost's eyes would crinkle when he was feeling at ease, which happened a lot during breakfast or whenever you ate together. Wide eyes meant he was worried, or taken aback; that one night when he saw you bending over to grab the shirt you had discarded from the floor. Half lidded eyes meant he was mad or at least something was bothering him.
Still you wished you could see him. See his face. Know what he was thinking; he never said anything not even regarding your future. The man was a tomb. Closed off and sealed.
Unreachable for you.
There was one particular night, nearing the fourth week when you had finally heard him chuckle or something akin to that. It was so low that you thought you had imagined it. The sound was so rare coming out of him so unlike the Ghost people used to murmur about during your time in the Shadow Company. And you smiled brightly upon hearing him, something that didn't go unnoticed by Ghost as he sat down across from you in the porch, where the wind swiftly moved your hair and made your skin erupt with goosebumps; having not brought a sweater he had stood up and went inside only to bring back one of his black hoodies. He offered it out to you grumbling something about not wanting you to catch a cold. Part of you suspected it was mainly because he didn't want to bother with you being sick and in reality you too didn't want to get sick, not in your condition.
But it was this night something had truly changed. Something had taken a turn in this weird situation and dynamics of the two of you. You had jolted awake, sweating and panting from a nightmare. The anxiety in your body was paralyzing, making you shudder, swallowing down the lump in your throat.
"You alright there, Vesper?" His voice is deep and raspy. Sitting against the rocking chair next to your bed. His form could hardly be seen in the darkness but soon your eyes grow accustomed to the lack of lighting. Wincing you come to a sitting position on the mattress.
"Why are you here?" You ask, taken aback. "Worried about me?" teasing him has become another part of your routine. Something he finds himself enjoying.
"Don't care what happens to you, sweetheart. But you were having a nightmare and wouldn't let me sleep." He bites back.
And you know he doesn't truly mean it. That's just who he is. A cold-hearted man, rough around the edges, but deep down there was a person. Maybe scared to let someone in, to let himself trust, feel. If he didn't care his eyes would be hard on you but as he levels you down with a soft stare you know he's lying.
"Then stay with me tonight. Maybe that way our nightmares won't come for us." Because you had heard him too. You had heard his tossing and turning in his room. Heard him pacing back and forth on the worse nights. "We're not so different you know?"
Ghost is deadly silent on his spot. Eyes raking you up and down as the pit on your stomach grows.
"You don't want me here." He states, and you don't notice the way his fist clench.
"How do you know what I want?"
"Just do." Ghost's tone goes cold as he stands up. You second him in an instant, hissing when the wound stretches once again. He darts forward, reprimanding you in the process for being so carelessly. "You'll never heal if you don't stop that." His hands are set around both of your arms, holding you still.
'Why are you always hurting yourself like that?' He angrily thinks, lips pulling into a thin line.
"I'm healing just fine, Lieutenant. Relax." Although you're fine he doesn't let go, noticing the warmth of his hands on your skin. Sucking in a sharp breath you come to the realization that he's not wearing the black gloves. His hands are massive swallowing your arms entirely. Hard callouses and scars can be felt on his exposed skin.
In the dead of the night, the two feel the air vibrate. Shifting as a wave of electricity runs through your veins with something unnamed, something neither are willing to mention nor acknowledge after weeks of spending hours together. Ghost pulls away leaving nothing but coldness where you once felt warmth.
"Be ready for tomorrow." He simply adds. His voice is stern as he turns to walk out.
"What happens tomorrow?" You can't help the hint of hope in your voice, clutching your hands to your chest.
But he leaves you without a word and closes the door behind him.
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Part 3
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pennyluna · 7 months
Misunderstandings Part 1
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Pairing: Yoongi x Reader (18+) Wordcount: around 1.5k
Genre: New to working together au. Cold playboy au. Future something au.
WARNING: This story contains some bad words/strong language! Contains also spicy scenes, so please be aware before reading it.
It has been a week since my team started working with Yoongi, the week had been filled with meetings about coordination between the teams, some of the meetings were one on one basically so I could get a sense of what he expected from me during this 5 weeks, it was fairly easy to agree on the way we could handle things, starting from the fact that I would have to be available 24/7 just in case I was needed! I had been going home around 8pm every day and always kept my phone on me with the ringer.
Yoongi was going to be in the studio all day tomorrow, which meant I didn't have to go into the office so I decided to relax tonight, took a long shower, moisturized and did my relaxing ritual, put on a grey tank top, no bra and some shorts, wrapped my long wavy dark hair in a towel and walked to the kitchen.
I make sure the bottle of Sauvignon blank that I bought on my way home was cold and put out two wine glasses, one for me and one for my girl best friend Josie, she is on her way over so we can gossip and watch reality shows. Josie has been my best friend since middle school, fun fact her fiancé is also my best friend. Even bigger fun fact, I had been on a date with Zion when we were in college but we quickly agreed that a friendship was the thing for us, I introduced them during one of Josie's visits on campus and now 4 years later they are just a few months away from getting married.
I hear her emergency key to my apartment in the lock and start preparing the popcorn.
"Zion is driving me crazy!!" she says with an exasperated tone while closing the front door.
I laugh at her facial expression, she is going for annoyed but it looks cute on her.
"Hello to you too... what did he do now?"
"He keeps changing our funny dance for the wedding!"
"you mean your first dance?" I say with a confused face while pouring the wine and handing her a glass.
she takes a big sip "Nono, 'Cant help falling in love' is still our song but he saw online that people like doing some funny dance trend after and You know I'm not good at dancing."
Josie comes from a rich conservative family, she is very classy and polished, never late and never a hair out of place, so I was surprised when she told me she was in love with Zion, his style very much the opposite of her but both with a heart of gold.
I laugh at the thought of Josie dancing some TikTok challenge.
"Oh josie...you are a great dancer, just not with the new stuff!" i try to comfort her and we walk to the couch.
We are under the fluffy blankets watching our third episode of love island UK season 10, we had finished the USA one a couple of weeks ago. Suddenly my phone starts ringing, the word OFFICE written in the screen, I look at the time "11:34 pm". Josie and I look at each other with confusion in our faces, she pauses the show and I shake my head trying to shake the 2 glasses of wine off my system and then proceed to answer the call.
"Hello (Y/N), this is the security from the building, sorry for calling you so late, Mr. Min is here at the office trying to access the studio but he had left his keys inside and the other copy isㅡ"
"is in my bag!" I say simultaneously facepalming my face. "I will be there in 15 minutes" luckily I don't live far away from it.
Hanging up I rush to the room, put a pair of skinny jeans on, my classic vans and put my hair on a messy ponytail. The taxi Josie had called for me was here already so I rushed out of the door telling her I would be back soon.
7 minutes later I was in front of my building, greeted the security and proceeded to the 19th floor, were the studio is. Yoongi is waiting right in front of the elevator doors when they open and I get surprised to see him in his very relaxed outfit. Hair covering his gorgeous forehead, his phone in one hand and the other one in his pocket, his eyes rise up to meet mine and I smile at him. We start walking to the elevator, he is behind me and I don't know if its his presence or the wine but I feel my cheeks heating up and warmth running through me. I open the door for him and try to hand the keys to him.
"do you want to come in for a while?" he asks with a blank expression.
"mmm sure." dammit, I am supposed to be just dropping the keys off.
I walk past him and he closes the door behind us. Its a normal studio, with little touches of him, a couple of basketball gadgets and some posters, a couch with some pretty purple cushions and a blanket, he had made it his own.
"would you like some more wine?" his question takes my attention out of looking around his studio.
"mmm sure. thank you. Waitㅡ 'more'?" my face expressing my confusion.
He has a small smile on his face while pouring me a glass "yeah, more! I noticed you have a slight scent of wine on you, so you must have been drinking some before coming here".
aww, he was smelling meㅡ Stop. waitㅡ oh my god did that mean I smell of alcohol?. oh God, that's not very professional.
"hey, its not a problem you know. I like wine, so you know... you smell good" his words snapping me out of my small mental freak out. "plus, you weren't even supposed to be coming here so don't worry about it." he hands me the glass of wine.
We've been seated on his couch and talking casually about the things we like and our passions for a couple of hours now, I feel really comfortable around him and he seems comfortable around me! He said something funny and I pushed his leg in a jokingly manner but when I tried to retrieve my hand he grabbed it pulling me closer to him, we stopped laughing suddenly and stared into each others eyes, he bit his bottom lip and shacked his head no subtly, like if he was shaking away a thought. His eyes started roaming my frame and My heartbeat accelerated once I noticed where his gaze had stopped.
My nipples were hard and he could see their outline through my tank top. Shit!!! I didn't put on bra. I should say goodnight and walk away but why aren't my legs moving?! I feel warmth spreading through my thighs.
"It's late!" He suddenly gets up and it startles me. "Maybe you should go home!"
"huh? maybe you should go home!" I say with defiance, -why cant i just shut up-.
"(Y/N)!" -my name sounds so good in his voice- "You are drunk and I'm afraid you will regret any decision we take after this point!"
He is making sense, he has a point, plus we are working together, we need to maintain a professional relationship so I get up and start walking past him and towards the door, I say goodbye and walk to the elevator. Pressing the button to call the elevator I realize that my keycard to leave the building is in my bag with my phone and my house keys -damm it- I walk back to the studio where Yoongi hadn't closed the door yet for some reason and when his eyes reached mine, I swear there was a little hope in them. I walked past him again and grabbed my bag then turned around to wave goodbye.
He stayed still for a while, like contemplating what to do, he raised his hand to wave back but he seemed hesitant. I started to walk to the door when suddenly he grabbed my wrist. I stopped breathing for a second and my heart started beating faster.
"Maybe you should stay!" he says softly. while pulling me towards him until my chest is flat against his. I can feel his breath on my face. A hint of whiskey on it.
"Maybe you should stay too!"
He smiles at my statement and that seemed to be all the permission he needed because his hand started to travel from my waist to my breast while the other one held my chin up while he watched me and the kisses me.
It was gentle at first and then became passionate, one of those kisses that take your breath away and make you dizzy. He kissed like I belonged to him, like no one had kissed me before and I was loving it.
His hand move to the front of my jeans and start undoing the buttons, his mouth now trailing my neck. my jeans come off and we move around, he leans my ass against his desk and starts trailing wet kisses from my neck down. He sucks my nipples through the tank top and starts rubbing my core.
"so wet for me already huh?" I moan and put my hands on the desk to balance myself a bit. His mouth trails down my body until I can feel his warm breath on top of my core, his fingers slowly move my panties to the side and the he assaults my clit with his mouth. -so much talent in that mouth-.
Yoongi's tongue is all over my clit and I feel my orgasm building. I cant control my moans and thank god this place is soundproof. He starts alternating between tongue fucking me and playing with my clit and I am almost at my high. The minute his hand grabs my hips to keep me still I cant control myself any longer and come. "Good girl! You taste amazing". he smirks.
"My turn!!" I smile at him and fall to my knees, looking up at him and holding the eye contact I start lowering his sweatpants. I was surprised to notice he wasn't wearing any underwear and his erection almost smacked my face when it came out of his pants!
I start holding his dick and licking the tip of it, he exhales a shaky breath and I slowly introduce his erection in my mouth. Starting to suck in and out of my mouth at first slowly and then increasing my pace, I cup his balls in my hand and then continue to suck him off at a fast pace! he is moaning and throwing his head back and I can feel it wont take him long before reaching his orgasm! I slow down my pace to tease him a little and we make eye contact again, he seems hungry for me, he wants me.
"Get up!" after taking the rest of his clothes off, he helps me get up and he takes my tank top and underwear then stares at my body for a second, I can see hunger in those eyes, hunger for me. I can see he cant decide on what to play with first. "Bend over my desk!" he commands -I guess he decided where to start- my boobs are now pressed flat against his desk, it is cold and I feel my nipples hardening.
His hands start caressing my ass and touching my clit "You are a sight. I've been wanting to bend you over my desk ever since the first day when you gave us that building tour" he says and I instantly moaned out of neediness, I need him inside of me now!.
"My god I love how you say my name... keep saying it princess!" -fuuck I want to come again so bad- he continues touching me and then I fill his hand get to the back of my neck pinning me to the desk and his other hand rubbing his dick around my folds.
"Yoongi, I needㅡ" he shut me up with his dick entering me hard, I moaned loudly and he waited a second to let me adjust then started pumping into me hard and at a fast pace. I became a moaning mess and my orgasm started building again, he used his free had to spank my ass and I moaned again, my eyes got teary but I was enjoying this. I was enjoying being fucked senseless. I enjoyed the pain mixed with pleasure that he was giving me. I needed it. After all, it had been almost two years since the last time I had sex.
I notice his pace getting faster and faster "Come for me princess! I want you to come!" he says with a commanding voice. Our orgasms hit us couple of seconds later, his seed all over my lower back!
We are both panting. He takes a second to clean me up, then opens a drawer grabbing a t-shirt from it and giving it to me. We sit on the couch to rest for a bit he kisses my forehead and suddenly the exhaustion and the wine get to me and I fall asleep in his arms!
I wake up the day after with a strong headache, I feel around for my phone that should be on my bedside table but then open my eyes to realize I'm still on the couch in the studio. Yoongi isn't in the couch anymore so I look around and see him working at his desk on the computer. I breathe a sight of relief. I reach for my jeans put them on and then walk towards him.
"Your bag and keys are by the piano" eyes fixed to the screen and monotone voice.
"Thanks!" I say hesitant about what to do next. "Would youㅡ" he cuts me off.
"I will see you at the meeting this afternoon." This time his voice sounds annoyed and dismissive. A bad feeling downs on me.
I grab my things and once I'm at the door I look back, expecting him to at least look at me before I go but nothing. -He regrets it-  that thought hurt, more than my headache!
While waiting for my taxi I realized that its 6am, that I had left Josie at home waiting for me and that I had royally fucked up by sleeping with the VIP, that he seemed to regret it to the point of not being able to look at me and that the meeting where I will have to see him in a few hours will be hard.
A.N: This is part 1 of this story, Hope you can enjoy it. Please if you want, read the prologue of this story too. I am not clear on how many parts it will have but hopefully many more, I have already mapped out how the story will continue but publishing it depends on the readers request.
A.N 2: any feedback would be appreciated! Likes and conditions are appreciated too! Please do not copy my work and give credit if reshared!
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stone-stars · 6 months
Swag (Murph): Do you remember that-- that dream that we had? Sol (Caldwell): Yeah. Swag: When we were-- when we were in the water? Sol: Of-- of course. Swag: It was at that lake. Murph: You see Swag walks over and points to his side of the wall, where he has stopped at a lake after collapsing after saving the giants from Coldbreak.
Murph: And, you are dreaming. After days in the cold, you find yourself floating on your back in a delightfully muggy swamp. The sky above you is still cold and gray, with fluffy snowflakes falling, but the water you're in is warm and full of mossgrass. It's almost like you're in a giant natural like, heated spring. Sol: Aw, yeah, that's the stuff. Murph: As you look up at the clouds relaxing, you feel someone floating next to you, and you hear a familiar voice go-- Swag: Yeah. Feels good, doesn't it bud? Sol: Oh, yeah. This is really-- this is really something. We gotta do this more often! (pauses) Wai-- Swag? Murph: Yeah, you look over, and you see Swag floating next to you, looking relaxed and serene.
Swag: That was-- that was really me. That was really us. Until she… she hijacked it. Murph: And you see flashbacks of the dream that you had with Swag, floating in the water, there was that moment where your vision glitched out before it filled up with wires. Sol: (sighs) The glitch. Swag: Everything from then on was-- was her, Sol. But our… our first conversation was real.
[The Prodigal Sister starts playing.] Swag: I wanted to come here though, to-- oh! I wanted to tell you something. Sol we haven't known each other long, but… I-- I just wanted to thank you. You've really helped me. Sol: You've-- you've helped me, and-- I know we've just met, but… I don't know. Hanging out with Callie and Calder and hearing them talk about their siblings, it-- it just made me really glad that I've got someone as well! That's why we're coming to rescue you! So we can-- we can still be a part of each other's lives, and you know, we can do stuff that family does, you know, I-- I'm not exactly sure what that is, but… this seems like it! We're doing it right now! Murph: He… continues to kind of… drift away amongst this mossgrass. Sol: Hey, h--hang on. Swag: I-- I know, Sol, I know we didn't get to spend as much time together as we would've wanted to, but the short time we did spend together, it was-- I mean, I was part of something really, really bad. And-- and you guys, you gave me the opportunity to change that! And-- and in the end I got to do something good. I know it sounds, I don't know, childish, but you probably have a lot of the same dreams and thoughts as me. I got to be a hero at the end, Sol! Sol: Yeah. It's… it's been amazing. Leaving Ezry, realizing just truly like, what it-- what it means to be a part of something. To be a part of something big. To be a hero, but also to-- to be fighting for these bonds that you formed. I-- I get it now. I get why you left. I get why I wanted to leave. And that's why I'm still fighting, that's why we're still looking. For you, for the Ice Knife, for a way to keep everyone safe! Swag: Sol, you… you know, you've been studying the-- the bond of life and death, so you have to know you can't keep everyone safe. Murph: You see, he continues to float farther away in the mossweeds. Swag: You've got to let me--
Murph: And, uh, last time you had gotten cut off, but this time it... comes back to reality, and Swag puts his hand on your shoulder and goes Swag: You've got to let me go. Sol: Swag… How? You'll always be a part of me. You are me. How can I let you go? Can you promise me that you'll be okay? Murph: Swag smiles and nods, but kind of… avoids your gaze and goes-- Swag: Talk to commander Fuldar. He's-- he's on his way. He's bringing people to the village. To the village of the Ice Knife. Sol: Okay. Just… whatever you're doing, stay safe. Hang in there. Focus on yourself. I've talked with Albin. We'll find a way. The things that Alexandrite is doing, we'll find a way to counteract them. She's poisoning our minds, but we can find a way to fight back. I promise you. Just please, hold out as long as you can. I'm coming for you. Murph: He shakes his head. Swag: Talk to Fuldar. Sol: Okay. Murph: And he gives you a hug and then as he touches you, melts away. [The Prodigal Sister ends. Sol sighs.]
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miimo96 · 4 months
Thoughts on TBHK Chapter 114
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Looks like we're finally Diving into the Relationship between these 2 , Ngl seeing a relationship between the 2 most "Fake" Characters in the series is Really gonna be interesting, especially with the New timeline and stuff, I wonder if people's theories on the whole comparison to Sumire's life and the minamoto clan will be correct.
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GOD I Hate on How SMUG this character Is, how you just gonna start off the chapter like that Knowing on How Akane will React!? Also between this and How Akane is treated most of the Series, the Man is a walking L
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This tells us so much about the 2 and how they see each other, he initially Didn't even think twice about aoi, immediately getting down to business and figuring What changed In the timeline, only using the "aoi as his Finance" excuse to get under Akane's skin, he sees her as Nothing more than something to play with Akane's emotions with, however aoi is doing what she Does best, Putting on an act and playing along, He knows that Aoi would initially not even take his hand, and brush him off slightly, as she does not see him that way, however aoi is playing along and Does grab his hand, which uneases him, because what if She does see him that way Now?
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Going from what I said earlier it's pretty clear that aoi's Just playing the part and is not really into Teru, and teru Knows this by confirming saying "he'll send it to Akane" to which Aoi shakes her head, it's lovely indication to show that even in this New timeline, she Still very Deeply cares about Akane, and doesn't want him to see her with Another man
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Teru and Aoi are like the couples you'd see in movies, the type of "Perfect" Couple you'd expect (The most popular boy Dates the most popular girl) it's the perfect type of Relationship for these 2 characters, a fake romance fit for Fake people
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Ya know I don't think Teru's ever been "hit" before, aside from the beatdown hakubo gave Him and Akane, teru's the type of character that's Never been "humbled" like he's never received a Proper smack to Reality; Yashiro won't do it because She has a soft spot for him, plus He's Handsome, Kou has too much respect for his older brother and aspires to be like him, Akane is completely terrified of teru and would probably Die if he tried, So Aoi being the 1 to do it is pretty fitting like saying "I don't care if you're my upper clansmen, part of the minamoto clan, or completely handsome, You ever try some shit like that again and I WILL END YOU"
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Upon Re-reading the chapter I love the reaction here, he's Relieved of the fact that She DOES NOT have a crush for him, meaning that she still does care about Akane in someway and He's happy to hear that, aside from all the teasing and bullying he does He Still does care about Akane and his feelings and does NOT want to hurt him.^^
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Looks like people's theories on the 2 being in Relationship as a result of the Sumire incident/ sacrificial bloodline was Correct, also the fact the Seven wonders don't exist is really interesting, I wonder if it has anything to do with Tsukasa being the only apparition for Now, which is weird because aside from No.5, Yako should be a wonder regardless the timeline
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I can't tell if this Akane or teru, probably Akane but it's Nice that she still has feelings for him, also Aoi having 2 sisters is a Surprise to me, so far i don't think we've ever seen or known about them till this point, also her mom seems to be more important than we think, hmmmm 🤔
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Ngl this hurt me a bit, that line "So that's the type of world we're in" really sums up the Pain in this timeline, and you gotta wonder if he really wants to do this anymore, It really hurts me and that's saying something considering I'm a Huge Teru hater and because Now I'm curious of how Kou will react act due the SCENE in The Red house arc
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This are 2nd look at Kou's mom ever since the red house arc, aside from the Tear jerking moment we've Never seen the 2s relationship and how they must've acted before her passing so it's really Heartbreaking to see it here finally and I kinda wonder if kou will eventually find out the Truth and Be against putting things back to Normal, this arc may be a lot like the picture perfect arc just Cranked to 11, also can someone tell me what this Says in the background, I cant read Japanese and my translator isn't working
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I Love the Dynamic between these 2, at 1st I was a little worried that the call Kou got about a missing student was about Mitsuba, thinking that mitsuba probably dying or something happening to him was a Canon event and that this is all ment to happen eventually, Thank GOD it isn't, Also I love the face mitsuba gives him here, just a little "I Love f@#king with my Boyfriend" face, Also I Guess this confirms that Hanako is still alive in this timeline, meaning the Man we saw in the last Chapter Definitely was Hanako, I wonder if we'll see him run into yashiro soon^^
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spot-the-antisemitism · 2 months
sorry about this, HAPPY BORFDAYYYYY THOUGH!!!
I found a WEIRD one (the one time I go on twitter to check out some sources on information I find this smh)
the link:
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like, HUH
oh hey look they support the hamas! (WHY *face in hands*)
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[START TRANSCRIPT: THE SELF-IMMOLATION OF AARON BUSHNELL “This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal” – Aaron Bushnell, 2024. On the 25th of February 2024, 25 year old Aaron Bushnell, wearing US military fatigues, walked towards the israeli embassy in so-called washington. On a Twitch livestream, before dousing himself in flammable liquid, he says into the camera, “I am an active duty member of the United States Air Force. And I will no longer be complicit in genocide. I am about to engage in an extreme act of protest. But compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonisers—it’s not extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal.” In the flames, Bushnell shouts, “FREE PALESTINE FREE PALESTINE FREE PALESTINE” until collapsing. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) named Bushnell’s death as ‘the highest sacrifice and medal, and the most important, poignant message directed to the american administration.’ Hamas stated that Bushnell ‘will remain immortal in the memory of our Palestinian people and the free people of the world, and a symbol of the spirit of global solidarity with our people and with our cause.’ The response from the Palestinian resistance and ordinary Palestinians alike is one of martyrdom, of the highest act of international solidarity. In stark contrast, Belen Fernandez explores the response from Western media in her Al Jazeera article, Suicide Vs Genocide: Rest in Power Aaron Bushnell. She writes of the New York Times headline, ‘Man Dies After Setting Himself on Fire Outside israeli Embassy in Washington, Police Say’ and at the bottom of the article, ‘if you or someone you know may be experiencing a mental-health crisis or contemplating suicide, call or text 988.’ She writes that this “implies that Bushnell was simply the victim of a ‘mental-health crisis’ rather than someone making a most cogent and defiant political point in response to an extremely mentally disturbing political reality (…) as per the official narrative, if you think it’s crazy for the US or its israeli partner in crime to commit genocide, you’re the crazy one.” Western apathy and hyper individuality cannot fathom solidarity, it especially cannot fathom international solidarity and so this solidarity is dismissed as individual pathology. Somewhere in the distance outside, american-made bombs rain down on Palestine, but in america life goes on. END TRANSCRIPT:]
(adding a transcript this time for just ease, the text was pretty damned small.)
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what? guys, idk who the hell TEVA is like. the stuff before this was increasingly unhinged.
(btw I'm gonna archive this for the future, it is so unhinged it deserves to used later as a analysis on leftist antisemitism my goodness. it hits every freaking target for it.)
anyway here's the bilophy and glossary and I think it says all I need.
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this thing is something, I only skimmed through it bc idk who TEVA is. and it was mostly about them lol.
weird conspiracy theory shit?? and like they quote the hamas man like oh my god.
Oy vey Pop they're trying to blame ALL ableism on the Jew
Wow the "Bushnell really showed Isn'treal uwu what a martyr" teenagers got their hands on a fucking zine. "we didn't capitalize countries as an act of ReSiStAnCe" no you're being edgy and rebelling for antisemitism's sake
Yes tell WHAT is the metropole of Israel? WHERE is the metropole Hamasniks?! where is it?!
this is fucking gross and I think they should be boycotted and all copies of their zine destroyed for terrorism, really because it uses mental health language to ENCOURAGE SUICIDE BOMBINGS.
Also these racist fucks used the POC only phrase for black, brown and idigneous victims of state and police violence for a white man who commited suicide. This is peak cultural appopritation.
I wonder who funds this and if you follow the money will you end up with extremists or either quatar or Iran
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gloomysoup · 9 months
when the world stops turning (my heart stops beating) - pt. 3
happy holidays to all who celebrate! as it stands, i'm posting this on christmas eve after a full evening with my dad's mom and his siblings and all my cousins, before i go to bed to deal with even more family all day tomorrow (we have my mom's side in the morning for brunch and then my dad's dad's house in the late afternoon/evening) BUT i did FINALLY get this part figured out and i couldn't wait to share it! i would apologize, but we all know i'm not actually sorry... oops
anyway i hope you all enjoy it!
ao3 pt. 1 pt. 2 pt. 3 pt. 4
cw: mentions and discussions of drug use, addiction, sobriety, relapse, referenced overdose, etc. y'know, the usual
The first time Steve ever got high, he was fourteen. Tommy had scored some weed off one of the older basketball guys, Steve’s parents were gone for a weekend. It was perfect. Steve, Tommy, and Carol laid back on the roof of Steve’s childhood home, overlooking the blue glow of the pool and the line of trees beyond the yard, passing a joint back and forth. It was a warm buzz, making his head go all fuzzy. It was nice. Until it wasn't, at least. He liked the feeling of being high. What he didn't like was what came after.
The comedown from that first high was rough, to say the least. Carol was fine; Steve didn't know why it didn't affect her as badly. Steve and Tommy, however, were not so lucky.
It was a while before he ever smoked weed again. He never did anything more than that, though there were plenty of opportunities. And he never smoked alone. It was always parties, or hang outs with Tommy and Carol. It slowed down when he met Nancy. She wasn't a fan of drugs, and always asked him to stop. He never could, but he definitely cut back. Then Nancy shattered his heart, so he picked it back up again. Started smoking on his own. Anything to chase the free feeling of the high. He spent so many nights trying to escape his nightmares and heavy thoughts. He smoked until his head was floating in the clouds. He kept the high until he ultimately passed out, hard, into a fairly dreamless sleep.
And then Starcourt happened.
That was a different high. Slower. It was loose lips, but firm thought. Tethered, but not quite there. It took longer to hit the peak, to really float. When he finally hit it, it was the best he'd felt in a long time. And then he came crashing down. It was the worst he'd felt in his life, aside from the time Billy bashed his head in with a plate. It sucked. It ruined weed for him, if he was honest. Every time he tried after that, his body panicked. His brain would get fuzzy, he'd start to float, and then he'd seize up. His brain would shock him back into reality. He vowed, with the help of Robin, to never get high again. He would finally quit. It wasn't worth the panic attacks and anxiety and trauma response that came with it anymore. He was successful for a while, at least. He'd been sober for almost a year.
That didn't last long after the final battle with Vecna. He and Eddie were friends. They were starting to grow into a little more than that. Steve’s nightmares were awful again. His body was sore and his scars stretched uncomfortably every time he moved. It was Eddie who initially suggested weed, even though he had stopped smoking himself.
“It's actually a pretty good method for pain management,” he said with a shrug. “You just gotta be careful about it. Stick to the natural stuff.”
Eddie didn't know that Steve was sober. Steve never told him. He'd been itching for a good high again anyway; something to clear his head, take some of the pain away, get a good night’s sleep for once. Eddie had handed him an extra joint, leftover from his own stash that he hadn't touched in weeks. Steve went home that night and lit a joint for the first time in almost a year. His sobriety went down the drain, just like that. The worst part? He didn’t even regret it. Not one bit.
He didn't tell Robin. He couldn't. He knew she'd be disappointed in him. She would go back to watching him like a hawk, following him around, and never leaving him alone long enough to even think about getting high. She'd spend every night with him, just like she did those first few months before. He couldn't let her do that to herself again. Not when she was doing so well with Vickie. He wasn't going to ruin her good thing with his own problems. So Robin never knew he relapsed. And Eddie never knew that he was supposed to be sober. He never told a soul.
Steve carried it with him for years. Every time he lit a joint instead of a cigarette, he thought about Robin. Two puffs in, he wasn’t thinking about her anymore, just how nice it felt. He smoked until his head was empty and floating, and then he smoked some more. He smoked by himself a lot. Then the band got recognized, and they were all smoking again too. Steve would smoke with them any chance he got. He never told anyone the secrets he was hiding. He never told anyone the weed wasn’t quite enough anymore. He was perfectly content with what he had, sure, but some deep part of him itched for more. He got cross-faded more times than he could count, just to feel something more.
His first experience with harder drugs was at a party with the band. Their manager had gotten them an invite for promotional purposes. There were supposed to be some high-end producers and such they wanted to network with, and Steve always went with them to these sorts of things. It was innocent, at first. Steve stepped out on the back deck of whatever big shot artist’s house they were at to light a cigarette while Eddie talked music with some people in the living room.
He took a deep inhale, feeling the nicotine saturate his lungs before he blew out the smoke. What he really wanted was some weed, but Eddie had it all on him and Steve didn't want to bother them. This was good for the band. They needed this. Still, a cigarette couldn't only do so much for the itch under Steve’s skin. He had a beer on the railing in front of him, but that's not what he needed. He took another inhale, holding it, hoping it would keep him satisfied until Eddie brought him a joint. It wasn't really working, but Steve was trying to convince himself otherwise.
“Mind if I join you?”
Steve turned to see a slightly older man standing in the doorway. He vaguely recognized him as another musician, but couldn't place his name. “No, not at all. Honestly, I could probably use the company.”
The man nodded and stepped onto the deck, closing the sliding glass door behind him. He took up a place beside Steve, holding out his hand. “Billy.”
Steve laughed at the irony and took his hand. “Of course you are. I'm Steve.”
Billy gave him a curious look. “Something wrong with my name, Steve?”
He shook his head. “No, not at all. It's just a little funny, I guess. I knew a guy named Billy once. Broke a plate over my head, gave me a nasty concussion, and then he died a few months later in a fire at the mall I used to work at. The universe likes to have a good laugh, apparently.”
“Ah, yeah, I'd probably feel the same way then.” He reached in his pocket and pulled out a joint, gesturing toward Steve. “Mind if I light?”
“Only if you share,” Steve replied with a laugh before taking another drag of his cigarette.
“Of course, man.” Steve watched Billy pull a lighter from his pocket and light the joint, taking a puff before holding it out toward Steve.
Steve stubbed out his cigarette on the wood railing before taking the joint between his fingers. He took a deep drag, holding it for one, two, three seconds, and then breathing it out slowly. He looked up at the stars as he passed it back. “God, that's exactly what I needed.”
“Tough day?”
Steve shrugged. “More like a tough life. I'd usually be smoking by now anyway, but my, uh, friend has all the weed on him. He's busy talkin’ shop with some other music guys in there, and I didn't wanna bother them. It's important to him.”
“Not your scene then, I take it?”
Steve huffed, taking the joint back between his fingers. “I'm more… emotional support for his band, I guess. Though, I'm not sure they ever needed it. They do just fine on their own.”
“I'm sure they appreciate it anyway.” Billy glanced back at the house as he took the last drag before putting it out. “What do you say we go back in, Steve? I know a guy upstairs with something a little better than weed, if you're interested.”
“Hell, at this point, I might try just about anything. I don't do needles, though. Bad experiences and all.”
Billy laughed and motioned with his head. “Promise, no needles unless you ask.”
“Lead the way, then.”
Steve was floating on the best high of his life. He didn't know how much time had passed, but he didn't really care. He hung out upstairs with Billy and some other industry people for God only knows how long, smoking and laughing and snorting lines of cocaine. Eventually, Steve stumbled his way back downstairs with Billy, laughing the whole way. He bumped into Eddie, physically running into his back where he was scanning the house.
Eddie turned and wrapped his arms around Steve’s waist, holding him up. “There you are. I was wondering where you went.”
“Eddie!” Steve exclaimed, grinning brightly. He turned to Billy, who had his arm around Steve’s shoulders. “Billy, Billy, this is him. This is Eddie.”
“Oh, yeah! So you're Eddie! You've- you've got a good one, man. Steve's such a riot.”
Eddie seemed taken aback at first, looking between the two of them. His eyebrows furrowed as he took in Steve’s slightly disheveled appearance and wide eyes. “Steve, are you high right now?”
Steve giggled, leaning his face into Eddie’s neck. “Soooo high, baby. I feel great.”
“Alright, I think it's time we go home,” Eddie declared. “Come on, let's go find the guys.”
“But I don't wanna leave,” Steve whined with a pout. “I wanna dance, Eddie. Can't we dance? Please?”
“We can dance at home, Steve. Come on. It's time to go.”
“No fun,” he huffed.
“Steve, look, here, I’ll give you my number,” Billy said, still leaning heavily against him. “You call me. We’ll hang out again sometime, yeah?”
“Definitely. Definitely do that.”
It took Eddie fifteen minutes to drag Steve through the house and track down the rest of his friends. When they found the rest of them, Jeff frowned at Steve.
“What's up with him? Is he okay?”
“Apparently the whole time we were talking to that producer, my boyfriend was getting high off his ass with Billy Corgan. I'm sure he’ll be fine once he sleeps it off.”
“Wait, Billy Corgan?” Gareth asked, eyes wide. “Like the Billy Corgan of The Smashing Pumpkins?”
“Apparently they're best friends now.”
“Oh, yeah, Billy’s great,” Steve said through another bout of giggles, leaning all his body weight on Eddie. He cupped his hand around his mouth to whisper, but it wasn't really a whisper. “He knows who has all the good shit, guys.”
“Okay, he is really high,” Grant said. “Guess that's our cue to leave?”
“I don't care if you guys want to stay, but I'm taking Steve home. Just didn't wanna leave without letting you know.”
When Steve and Eddie finally got back to the apartment, Steve sloppily kissed Eddie in the entryway. His hand slipped under Eddie’s shirt, but Eddie pulled him back.
“Baby, no, not tonight,” he murmured. He pushed a lock of hair from Steve’s face. “You're too high for that right now. You need sleep.”
“Want you, though,” Steve whispered, ducking down to suck at his jaw and throat.
“Steve, no. I'm serious. You need to sleep this off.”
Steve huffed, a pout on his full lips. Eddie kissed him softly before wrapping his arm around his waist and leading him to the bedroom. Steve slumped back against the bed immediately upon impact. Eddie carefully and gently undressed him before tucking him into bed. He brought a water bottle and some meds for the morning, placed them on the bedside table, and then changed his own clothes. Steve was out like a light, snoring softly. Eddie held him all night, unable to sleep. He'd never seen Steve get that high before. Part of him worried it was more than weed, but he trusted Steve. He'd ask him in the morning, but he wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. He didn't think Steve would do more than that. He didn't think he had to worry.
The next morning, Eddie made sure Steve was safe and okay before bringing it up.
“So, last night,” he said over breakfast, poking around at the scrambled eggs he'd whipped up for them.
“Oh, right! How'd it go with that, what was he, a producer?”
“It was fine, but that's not what I'm talking about, Steve.”
Steve frowned. “What is it then?”
Eddie swallowed, not looking at Steve. “You were really high when I finally found you after you wandered off. I need you to be honest, Steve. What did you take?”
“It was weed, Ed. Strong weed, but just weed.”
“You promise?” He looked up, meeting Steve’s eyes. “You promise it's just weed, Steve? I can’t- You have to understand how dangerous that other shit is. I can't lose you to it.”
Steve smiled so easily, like he wasn't lying right to Eddie’s face. Like he didn't have a baggie of coke in the pocket of his jeans, which were laying on the bedroom floor. “I promise that's all it is.”
And Eddie believed him, like an idiot. He trusted him, because it was so easy to fall for those eyes and that smile. He didn't think Steve would ever do anything like that. He had no reason to believe otherwise. He didn't know that Steve had been sober for almost a year before that spring break from Hell.
Steve lied for years, to everyone. He was good at it. It was easy. He didn't even think twice before the lies tumbled past his lips. The problem was how simple it was to score. How easy. He never had to turn far. He was listed as a personal assistant to the band. He was handing drugs to pass on to them all the time, but Corroded Coffin didn't do any of that stuff. They always turned it down. They knew what it did to people, especially in the industry. It was a dangerous thing. Every time the members ignored the drugs being passed to them, Steve slipped them in his pocket instead. No one ever noticed. The more fame and recognition the band got, the easier it became for Steve to score whatever he wanted. Pills, tabs, cocaine, heroin, the works. He never strayed far from coke and pills, still wary of needles from the Russians, but it was a high he couldn't get with weed alone. It was addicting. He wouldn't have been able to stop on his own even if he wanted to.
He snuck off to do a line or two every chance he got. If the band’s backs were turned for even a few seconds, he was popping a couple of colorful pills. He smoked weed every other night, whenever Eddie wanted to smoke. He smoked on his own occasionally, slowing down his body through the rush of a good high. It was nothing like he’d ever experienced before, and he couldn't get enough of it.
Then he was at the biggest show of Eddie’s career. Sold out at Madison Square Garden. Roaring crowds, electricity flowing through Steve’s veins. He was only going to do a quick line. He just wanted to keep the energy, soothe the itch. One line turned to two, then three, then some pills. Then everything went dark.
The first thought to cross his mind as his vision tunneled and his body began to shut down was that he should have told them the truth. He never should have lied to Eddie, or Robin. He never should have taken that joint from Eddie all those years ago. He should still be sober. But he wasn't, and now he was going to die, and it's his own fault. He fell to his vices. He didn't talk to Robin, like he always promised he would do if the urges came back. Instead, he got into the harder stuff, and now it was going to kill him. The clock had finally run out. The Reaper was knocking on his door.
That would be the end of Steve Harrington.
tag list: @mugloversonly @djohawke @acowardinmordor @hallucinatedjosten @geekyfifi @slowandsteddie @estrellami-1 @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @canmargesimpson
(if you saw this upload twice no you didn't. i definitely didn't forget the tag list)
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Real Love Will Prevail
A/N: Hello, so I wrote this years ago when I was still in high school but I'm wanting to get back into writing on here so before I start taking request I just want to go back and edit some of my old stuff and bring it back on here since I totally overhauled and deleted my orignal blog. This was one of if not the first one I wrote so I've got a soft spot for it, hence why I'm bringing it back.
Request: Finn Balor/Reader where the Reader is Stephanie and HHH's daughter and they're trying to force a relationship between the Reader and Rollins
No warnings, just a little bit of bad language and I tried to make it a bit fluffy at the end. Set roughly 2014/2015
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"Okay sweetheart, we have the perfect plan for yours and Seth's date tonight." My dad told me on the way to Monday Night Raw.
"Which is...?" I asked responded.
"Once Raw is over, a limo will pick you both up from the arena and will take you to the most extravagant restaurant in the city then afterwards you lovebirds can do whatever you want." My mum told me with excitement in her voice, however, despite that, I felt sick to my stomach when she called Seth and I lovebirds.
The problem is I don't love Seth, I mean he is apart of the authority therefore we have made a friendship but that's all. In reality, I am in a relationship with Finn Balor. It hasn't be for long, just over a few months and it has been the happiest few months of my life. He treats me so well and seems to care for me, very deeply, just as much as I care for him. But as evident, my parents have no idea about our relationship and are trying to force a relationship with me and Seth.
"Okay mum," I sighed as the car pulled into the arena.
Once I got myself sorted in my very own locker room (being the daughter of the authority does have some benefits you know), I was on my way to hair and make up for tonight's show until I heard my name being called.
"Y/N, are you busy or are you simply walking away from me?" I automatically knew that beautiful Irish accent. I smiled to myself and turned around to be face to face my handsome, funny and loving boyfriend.
"Now why would I run away from you, but what are you doing here , not that I'm complaining but shouldn't you be in Orlando?"
"Some NXT talent were invited to come along to Raw and get to see the inner workings and get to know people in the main roster and backstage." Finn said with a smile, god I love his smile, its just so lovely. He wrapped his arm around me and gave a hug and kissed my cheek. "Does your parents know about us yet?" That question crushed my soul, I'm too scared to tell my parents. I can't predict what their reaction would be.
"No," I broke our hug as I spoke softly, "They set up a date for me and Seth tonight, they really want us to be an item." I looked down at the ground, I couldn't bare to see the look on Finn's face. He put his hands on my face to make look into his eyes.
"Look Y/N, I know you are scared about telling your parents about us but you have to tell them before its too late." I knew he was right but I just didn't know what to say. I gave him a weak smile.
"I know, I just have no idea how tell them, I don't want your career and dreams to be ruined just because my parents do not approve of us.
He gave a light chuckle. "Don't worry about me, I am sure it won't be that bad, on the plus side your dad alreadu knows me throught NXT, it's not as if I am a random stranger," He gave me a smile again. I smiled back before reaching up and placing a quick kiss on his lips.
"I suppose, I'll let them know about us," I said after I kissed him. He kissed me again which makes me still feel butterflies.
Seth's POV
Why the hell is Y/N kissing Finn. She is supposed to be dating me, we have our first date tonight. Never knew she was a slut. Does Hunter and Stephanie know about this shit? I have tell them anyway. She's mine. I want her. No else can have her.
"What the fuck is wrong with Y/N ?" I yelled as I stormed into Hunter and Stephanie's office.
"Don't you ever speak about my daughter that way," I could see the anger rising in Hunter's body.
"Hunter, calm down, Seth what happened?" Stephanie was more relaxed but not pleased either.
I took a deep breath, "I saw Y/N kissing that Finn Balor guy from NXT backstage, I thought she was suppose to be dating me." Hunter and Stephanie looked shocked, I guess they didn't know after all.
"We will get to the bottom of this, don't get involved." Stephanie told me.
On my way to my parents' office, I got a text from my mum telling me that we need to talk. When I got to the door I knocked then entered the office. I saw that my mum's stern face but my dad being more calm and relaxed. I also saw Finn sitting down, looking down at the ground. Oh shit.
"How did you find out?" My voice being barely audible.
"Seth saw you two kissing each other backstage, may I just say I am very disappointed in you Y/N, we handed you a stable relationship but you wanted someone else, what does he have that Seth doesn't, I expected more from you Y/N and you-"
"Steph, I think that's enough," my dad cut my mum off before she could say anything to Finn, "Look I know you wanted Seth and Y/N to be a couple but she isn't interested and we both know what Seth can be like with women, I know Finn from NXT and he is a great guy, I think we should give him a chance."
"I suppose its only fair," my mum sighed before turning to Finn, "Take care of her or I will make your life a living hell." I can see my dad rolling his eyes at her comment.
Finn, who hasn't said a word this whole time, finally speaks, "I will take the best of care, don't worry I love her." I was blushing at the end.
"Now get out of my office, we have a show to run," my mum said light heartedly.
"That was nerve racking, I understand why you were too nervous to tell them." Finn said once we left the room.
"I know, they can be very scary at times but I'm glad they know. I don't have to hide you anymore." He gave ne a light smile.
"I meant what I said in the Y/N, I do love you, I love you very much." I thought my heart was going to explode.
"I love you too Finn." He smiled then bent down to kiss me. I kissed back, still feeling those butterflies, I want to spend the rest of my life with him, hopefully he will stay with me forever.
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