#in polarize when he says wanted to be a better brother better son
skunkonascarecrow · 8 months
me when a song mentions the desire to be a better son/brother
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Tw: Mentions of brief sexual themes, implied age-difference, yandere antics
I had this kind of twisted idea of yan!romantic!Aerys II/The Mad King with a male!darling who he won’t admit to himself that he is more attached to them than he lets on. Like, this ‘relationship’ was purely for Aerys to relieve himself of his sexual frustrations after having sworn off taking any mistresses after the death of his and Rhaella’s fourthborn son, Jaehaerys. He had even gone as far as blaming the babe’s death on his last mistress, resulting in her and her entire family being tortured to death. So, to work around his vow to the gods and staying faithful to his sister-wife while also being able to give into his carnal desires he begrudgingly and desperately took on a young male lover to fulfill his urges.
I can’t help but see Aerys growing increasingly obsessed with his younger male!darling, insisting and demanding that they stay by his side and his side only. He’ll have them become his sworn sword/a member of his Kingsguard, or his main and primary servant/attendant. He would be extremely possessive of them and would not allow for them to be with anyone else, whether it was another man or his darling eventually had to get married especially if they came from a noble house. But, I could also see Aerys being fucked up enough to force his male!darling to be intimate with Rhaella, possibly even resulting in her becoming pregnant. It has nothing to do with Rhaella or her wants/needs but more for Aerys’ own pleasure of watching his very own possessions making such a show for him.
I definitely can’t imagine the Reader being anything other than gentle with Rhaella, a complete polar opposite to Aerys in every aspect. The Reader actually tries his best to not only put his focus into pleasuring the Queen and making this into something that isn’t absolutely horrible for her (more than Aerys has ever done) but also to give her some much needed affection and overall warmth. Aerys’ darling would feel utterly disgusted with himself and internally angry with Aerys for having been made to do such a thing to the Queen.
Meanwhile, Rhaella doesn’t fight when Aerys abruptly pushes this entire thing onto her. This is the King after all, her husband and brother, and she is unfortunately resigned to her role as his wife. She can’t defy him and if she were to, even if just a bit, she would be punished more severely than usual. It’s no secret to her about Aerys and his poor soul of a darling, she knows full well but she’s bit her tongue and turned her head away from it all. She knows her brother better than anyone and there’s no doubt in her mind that the Reader has been forced into their position, forced into this relationship that they most definitely never fathomed happening in their life. In a way she may even feel something akin to a connection with the Reader in regards to the two being stuck in a similar situation having to deal with Aerys. Then, when Aerys demands she partake in intimacy with his male!darling, she of course isn’t anywhere okay with this but it’s what her husband and King want of her and she doesn’t have any other choice. But she can’t say she doesn’t take some form of comfort in the Reader being gentle with her, in his touches and how he handles her in general. She can’t remember the last time she felt that kind of tenderness. Rhaella tries her best in her own way to comfort the Reader too (much to Aerys’ annoyance and jealousy), especially since he’s a nervous and shaking mess,
It’s one thing to Aerys for his darling to touch Rhaella, but it’s another thing for Rhaella to touch his darling. He doesn’t like it whatsoever, he especially doesn’t like seeing his wife contently indulging in his darling. He hates it but in his mind this is a gift to his darling and to himself, so he’ll leave it be for now but that won’t always be the case. Also, if Rhaella were to fall pregnant with the Reader’s child than I could see Aerys allowing it, especially if the child survived infancy and was overall healthy.
I could also see Rhaella taking a deep attachment to the Reader in more ways than one, but especially if he were to give her a child who would grow to be happy and healthy. I could see her maybe being able to convince Aerys that the Reader should be her servant or sworn sword so that no one suspects anything going on between him and his darling. And she may actually be able to persuade him to go with it, only for him to later accuse her of trying to steal his darling from him for herself. That certainly wouldn’t bode well for her or the Reader if they were to have some kind of relationship outside of what Aerys compels them into taking part in.
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marksbear · 1 year
So I have been saving this idea in my brain for a while till you open again requests. But I was thinking about Sub prince steven grant who is the 3rd of the moon triplets(had to think of something hope this makes sense)who is getting a arrange marriage to Dom prince of the sun. They meet to hopefully get to know each better in secret before the wedding and get along. On one of their meet up they get really close and kiss but reader asks for more. Steven hesitates but says yes and leads to Steven making out with reader while sitting on his lap and grinding on him. But since today secret meeting place is readers kingdom library they have to keep it quiet but reader has already decided he wants to marry Steven for love and not for their kingdoms and so he makes him cum many times in the library while whispers in Steven ear that he cant wait for their wedding day and steven is trying so hard to keep quiet but just can't because of reader.( if you like this idea I have many more for sub prince steven if you like to hear them. Idk maybe like a mini series but only if you are okay with that)-50%🐻‍❄️
I would love to hear more! I would also love to make a mini series as well too! Thank you so much I love this idea! 🐻‍❄
Warnings! SMUT, Royal AU, semi public, overstimulation, fingering, handjob, loud Steven, floor sex, prince Steven and Y/n. Arrange marriage.
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“Prince L/n and King L/n have arrived!” A servant stood by the door inside the meeting room while the three royal triplets stayed in their seats while the queen nodded dismissing the servant. 
“Well Steven, aren't you excited?” The queen asked, looking at her youngest son. Before Steven could answer his older brother Marc buts in. 
“I don’t know why he has to get married, especially to the prince of the sun! Weren't we at war for years and now this.” Marc exclaims, rolling his eyes before adding “How come Jake didn’t have to have a marriage arrangement unlike me and Steven.” 
The middle child Jake only laughs and mocks Marc. As the two argue and bicker, Steven is in deep thoughts wondering how the prince would treat him or what he's like. Steven only saw the prince once when they were children. Steven doubts that Y/n still had the same baby face and small frame.
As Steven day dreamed he doesn't notice royal guards opening the large doors welcoming people inside.
"King L/n and prince Y/n! Welcome!" The queen greets, bowing her head a little.
Steven looks to his side looking at the king and prince with shock. Y/n seemed to grow up and mature. Y/n grew up and looked to fit the role as king unlike Steven.
Everyone in the room were polar opposites. The moon kingdom wore dark shades of different colors like black, grey, blue and purple while the sun kingdom wore different bright shades.
As king L/n stat at the end of the table chair his son sat in the middle across from Steven.
"Let's make this quick. I hate all the darkness in this palace." The king says before adding."I'm hoping that both boys know the important situation. " The king announces eyeing down his son's new bride.
"Yes all my sons know the importance of this. But I hope that you will control your hot-headed temper during this." The queen responds back with a sassy tone.
The king only rolled his eyes and crossed his arms grumbling something under his breath while the queen took control and started to talk about the benefits of the marriage.
"I hope that the boy knows that my son won't lay with him. The marriage would only be for professional reasons." The king says side eyeing Steven.
As the king and queen from the two kingdoms spoke about the arrangement the son prince kicks his leg forward hitting Steven's leg.
Steven's eyes look away from his mothers and to Y/n's. Y/n only shakes his head "no" showing Steven his disagreement with the last statement.
Y/n gives Steven a wink before looking away focusing back on the meeting.
It was only a few days later Steven was inside his chambers reading a book until he saw a shadow in the window in the corner of his eye.
Steven's first thought was to get the guards as he stood up his chair fast facing the widow. Steven watches as the window opens and watches a foot comes out.
As the figure steps inside Steven stays close to his door.
Finally once the figure was fully inside the candle light inside the room lighted up the figures face and body revealing who they are.
"P-prince L/n! What on earth!" Steven blurts out watching the prince only smirk in response.
"My father was right about one thing during the meeting. This place sure is dark." Y/n says ignoring the question before adding "And please just say Y/n theres no reason as to why my future husband uses my last name."
A light blush appears on Steven's cheek to be referred as a husband.
"I'm here to know you better. I bet we both don't want to marry a stranger now Steven." Y/n answers the question before walking closer to Steven.
"But I am here with a question to ask." Y/n says standing close in front of Steven making the man blush even more. "Well what is it?" Steven responds back.
"Would you like to meet up in secret? Until our wedding happens we should keep in touch and get to know each other. Because I just can't keep climbing this damn castle tower." Y/n says playfully before looking deeply inside Stevens eyes.
"Where would you like to meet next and when?" Steven asks looking at Y/n carefully.
"Outside your kingdom there's a forest that I would love to explore with you. Theres not a lot of forest by my kingdom since the temperatures we have." Y/n says.
"A-aren't you just asking me out on a date?" Steven stutters out watching a bright smirk form on Y/n's face.
"Yes. I'm asking you prince Grant, Would you go on a date around the forest tomorrow." Y/n says a bit more properly.
"Uhm-- yeah! T-that sounds nice." Steven blurts out nodding his head as well.
"Perfect then! Now I have to go. Bye Steven see you tomorrow." Y/ says ruffling Steven's hair a bit before leaving from the same way he came.
Steven rushed to the window looking outside of it making sure Y/n's ;eaves safely.
Y/n and Steven sneaked around the sun kingdom. Hiding when they saw guards or different royal servants. Weeks had gone by with their secret meet ups this time Steven decided to come over to Y/n's kingdom.
"Y/n! I-I think they saw us! We should leave before we get caught! Y/nnn please listen were gonna get caugh---" Steven ramble gets cut off by Y/n's hand.
"Shhh! Hush Steven... We won't get caught." Y/n says covering Steven's mouth stopping him from keep rambling about being scared of being caught.
Y/n lets go of Steven's mouth and takes his hand leading him into the library.
Steven looks around the library in shock. The library was huge compared to Steven's own in his room. Inside the library besides rare books it had trophies from battles. What really caught Steven's eye was the stand of different decorated swords with paintings of the kings above them.
Steven was caught in a trance staring at the empty sword case and empty painting frame which Y/n saw and decided to speak up about it.
"That one is saved for me once I become king and die. It's a tradition my kingdom has had for years. It brings my kingdom luck from each king watching over us."
Y/n says before dragging Steven away and to a far place in the library. Once Y/n found one of his favorite places he let go of Steven's hand and laid down in the pile of blankets and pillows.
The spot had many blankets and pillows which made it soft and comfortable to lay on.
Y/n took off his shoes and laid down in the middle waiting for Steven. Steven does the same taking off his shoes and lays down with Y/n beside him.
Once the two were comfortable they talked and talked with one of another getting more and more comfortable with the other. They talked about their royal life and then their more private life.
They even spoke their thoughts about how they actual felt about the whole marriage.
As they talked and talked they kept getting closer and closer. They looked at each other more longingly looking the other up and down when the other wasn't looking.
Eventually Y/n sat up with Steven doing the same as they stared at each other. Slowly enough Y/n raised his pinky to graze Steven. Steven's eyes nervously look at Y/n's hand watching Y/n grab onto his hand.
Y/n leans in moving his face closer to Steven. Steven wanted to move in as well, but his head felt parallelized. Steven swallows the lump in his throat before moving in. The two princes foreheads were against each other.
With one last deep breath Y/n moves in first closing the distance between them kissing Steven on the lips.
Steven quickly melts into the kiss, closing his eyes as lets Y/n kiss him. Y/n pulls away looking at Steven carefully.
"More... I want more please." Y/n asks looking at Steven like a lost puppy. "I- uhm..." Steven hesitates as he moves his head back away from Y/n. Steven heart aches seeing a small frown grow on Y/n's face.
"Okay! Yes- i'll give you more." Steven breathes out watching a smirk form on Y/n's face. Y/n wastes no time pulling Steven hand back towards him kissing him deeply.
Steven kisses Y/n back with the same passion moving closer to Y/n. Y/n's hands move towards both sides of Steven's waist holding him tight. As they swap kisses back and forth Y/n licks Steven's lips signalling him to open his mouth. Nervously Steven opens his mouth letting out a quiet moan as Y/n's tongue moves inside his mouth.
Steven crawls into Y/n's lap not breaking the kiss as he does it. Steven is on Y/n's lap holding onto his shoulders as they make out. Steven begins to move his ass down on Y/n grinding onto him.
Y/n holds Steven's waist holding him down as he grinds back onto him. Steven lets go of Y/n's shoulders and moves his hands to Y/n's face cupping his cheeks as they makeout. One of Y/n hands let go of Steven's waist and moves it onto Steven's bulge palming his cock through his pants.
Steven quietly moans inside Y/n's mouth as Y/n touches him. Y/n pulls away from the makeout with a string of saliva following. Steven's mouth hung open with his tongue out panting.
Y/n's hand moves inside Steven's pants rubbing Steven's hard cock through his underwear. Steven's cock was already hard and throbbing as he grinds his cock into Y/n's hand. Y/n pulls both his hands away and takes Steven's shirt and pants off for him leaving Steven in his underwear.
Y/n pushes the clothes to the side as he lays Steven down on the blankets. Y/n hovers over Steven taking off his shirt and pants. Steven looks up at Y/n with lust in his eyes. Y/n moves back down kissing Steven's exposed body. As Y/n's lips kiss and nibble on Steven's body moans escapes from Steven lips.
"Shhh~ We have to keep quiet remember." Y/n says in a hushed whisper as he moves his hands down across Steven's body. Once Y/n's hands find the band of Steven's underwear they slowly pull it down letting Steven's hard cock spring free.
Y/n pulls the underwear fully off throwing it where the other clothes are. Y/n spreads Steven's legs open and dives his hand in between them grabbing onto his hard cock.
Y/n's hand began to lazily jerk off Steven's cock using his thumb to rub the tip. Y/n's hand moves up and down at a slow pace mostly teasing Steven's cock.
Steven's cock twitched inside Y/n's hand already about to cum. Y/n began to jerk off Steven faster twisting his wrist and tugging on it. Steven's cock ached and twitched as Steven bit onto his lip trying to contain his moans. Y/n stops moving his hand and wrap his hand from Steven's cock before using his pointer finger to trace around his cock.
"Can you cum from me? I want you to cum early for me baby." Y/n asks circling his finger around the tip.
Steven uses one of his free hands to cover his mouth as he feels the knot in his stomach tighten.
Y/n plays around with Steven's cock for a while before wrapping his hand around it again jerking it off again. Steven begins to moan and whimper into his hand like crazy, with a few more moans Steven shoots his load all over Y/n's hand painting them white. Steven's body began to tremble as he cums hard. Once Steven was out of his high Y/n let go of Steven's cock and holds Steven's legs open.
With using his cum covered hand as lube Y/n uses one of his fingers to prep Steven. Y/n's finger circled around Steven's hole teasing him for a while before pushing it inside. He moved the finger inside Steven slowly thrusting it in and out.
Y/n finger curled and moved inside Steven as he moved it in and out. Steven weakly moaned and whined out feeling his now sensitive cock grow hard again. Once Steven was loosened up enough Y/n added another finger and began scissoring him. Steven's walls tightened around Y/n's fingers as he grinded his hips down onto them.
Y/n took the opportunity to lean in and whisper into Steven's ear. "I can't wait for our wedding day."To which Steven nodded his head in agreement.
Y/n's fingers began to push further and further grazing Steven's prostate in the progress. Steven let out a loud moan which caused Y/n to use his free hand to cover Steven's mouth.
"Shhh! I'm starting to think you just want us to get caught." Y/n teases before fucking Steven faster with his fingers hitting his prostate repeatedly.
Steven's eyes began to water as he moaned and cried into Y/n's hand as his cock twitches again signaling that hes gonna cum again.
Y/n fingers abused Steve's prostate more and more causing Steven to shoot his load all over himself. As Steven was cumming Y/n kept scissoring Steven spreading him open.
Once Steven calmed down Y/n pulled his fingers out his fingers and took off his own boxers putting them where the rest of the clothes were. Steven stared at Y/n's cock before letting out a yelp.
Y/n laid Steven down on his stomach while his ass was in the air. Y/n held Steven's waist in the air as he lined up his cock to Steven's hole. Steven had his face pressed up against the pillow as he tried to catch his breath.
Slowly Y/n pushed the tip inside Steven causing him to let out a loud moan. Y/n thrust the tip in and out only fucking Steven with the tip so he can get used to it. Steven held onto the blankets for dear life as he rocked his body against Y/n's.
Stevens walls tightened around Y/n's cock as Y/n thrusted deeper inside Steven giving him more and more of his cock.
Once Y/n's cock was inside Steven halfway Y/n thrusted his entire dick inside Steven causing him to shout and moan in pleasure.
Y/n's hips snapped back and forth at a fast pace gripping onto Steven's waist no doubt leaving a mark later. Y/n's cock split Steven in half. Steven's moans were uncontroable.
Rough skin slapping against each other filled the library as the two princes fucked. Steven's cock was more than sensitive at this point. But somehow it was still hard. Y/n's thrust were rough and fast rocking his hips back and forth into Steven's wasting no time at all.
Steven felt Y/n's cock twitched inside him and that made him almost cum at the thought of Y/n cumming inside him.
Y/n's thrust became faster and sloppier feeling his orgasm nearing. Y/n moved Steven's hips up and down matching the same pace as his thrust.
"Steven! Oh fuck i'm cumming! I'm cumming!" Y/n blurted out with a few more thrusts cumming deep inside Steven with Steven shooting his load at the same time. Y/n thrusts slowly become into a stop as he rides out his orgasm inside Steven.
Y/n gently let go of Steven's hips and wrapped his arms around him laying down beside him, but cock still buried deep inside him.
Steven's whole body was wrecked as he weakily laid inside Y/n's arms.
Steven's eyes slowly began to close from exhaustion as Y/n talks to him.
"I don't want to just marry you now Steven." Y/n breathes out catching Steven off guard, but before Steven could ask questions Y/n adds "I want to marry you for love. I just want love from you not anything you can offer me from your kingdom."
Y/n reaches his hand out and turns Steven's head to face his kissing him deeply.
"Just marry me Steven. Not my kingdom. Okay?"
"Okay... Just promise me you'll do the same."
"I promsie."
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moonferry · 2 months
who's ready for a *drumroll* parent lore dump!! and by that i mean, i'm going to give some lore about kent and jodi's parents in fsioy.
like 2 people are gonna care about this but it's okay i'm doing it for me 🫂
ANYWAY. let's get started. this is probably gonna be long and rambly but i hope it makes some semblance of sense.
warning: mentions of abuse, manipulation, anger issues, divorce
jodi's parents:
mother: diana smith (thank you spacesapphi for coming up with her name.)
diana is 48 years old & a mother of 4 children- jodi and her 3 older brothers. she has peachy-auburn hair similar to jodi's, however it's impossible to tell because she is always wearing some sort of cover (ie a bandanna or bonnet). her most prominent features include her deep worry/frown lines and her downturned mouth, which is almost always formed into a sneer
diana struggles with anger issues & they often get out of control. on more than one occasion, she has even gotten physical with whoever she's arguing with. despite this, she means well and always apologizes directly after. she never means to actually hurt anyone, it just happens.
diana always wanted a daughter and almost gave up when she was given three sons. because of this, when she finally gave birth to jodi, she had some pent up resentment. it didn't help that around this time, jodi's father had filed for divorce. the beginning of jodi's childhood was particularly rocky and she was often left in the care of her older brothers (who, by the way, all grew very protective of their younger sister.)
jodi's parents would often be found arguing and their voices would get loud enough to shake their small apartment (which was far too small to accommodate all 6 of them). i would like to say things got better once the divorce was finalized, but i would be lying. it got worse. much worse. diana was left with her four children & barely any income. she had previously inherited her mother's old bookstore - a small place in the middle of town that she was using for extra storage - and decided she would turn it into her own. because jodi was still very young, she often had to accompany her mother everytime her mother journeyed into town, so jodi has practically grown up in that book store & was very familiar by the time she was old enough to "start working".
diana is still struggling, mentally, and unfortunately doesn't have a "healthy place" to express her negative emotions. and, as it turns out, she liked the idea of having a daughter better than the practice of actually having one - she created this idea in her head of how the "perfect daughter" should be (likely by noticing how other young women in town acted or seeing her sister's children) and applied a tremendous amount of pressure for jodi to become this made up idea, becoming upset whenever jodi would fall short or do something "out of character". she would always claim that she knew what was best for jodi (she didn't) and would often manipulate her into listening or doing what she wanted.
HOWEVER, she later reflects on her actions and realizes she has been an awful person (thanks to best boy kent). she tells herself she is going to get the help she needs and to be a better mother to her children . she and jodi have a long road of healing ahead of them, but she is willing to take it - no matter how long it takes.
jodi's father: samson sawyer
samson is a 47 year old man, father of 4. his most prominent features are his kind eyes and almost entirely grey hair (due to stress and constant arguing with diana)
he is the polar opposite of diana and rarely gets angry or even raises his voice. he absolutely adores his children and took on a sort of "house husband" role when he wasn't at work. in fact, he only divorced diana out of reluctance and his need to protect his children. he did love diana, at one point, he just couldn't take the arguing anymore.
when the divorce was finalized, samson actually attempted to gain full custody of their children, but he was denied. he visited them almost weekly - until diana found out about it and threatened to call the police if he ever showed up at her home again. jodi makes a trip to the outskirts of the city every weekend to visit her father, whom she loves very deeply. in fact, the nickname "starfruit" actually came from her father - when jodi was a baby, all she would eat was starfruit purée, none of the other baby foods would even be allowed near her. she told this fact to kent and he liked it so much that he started calling her it as well (tho he would likely tell you "it's because of her favorite fruit" because he doesn't want to embarrass jodi). samson often listens to jodi and asks how things are "back home". he's a very good listener and has a personality that makes people want to talk to him.
also, notice how his last name is "sawyer"? that's very important. jodi's three brothers actually share this last name (jodi's is smith due to the divorce taking place when she was a child) & mayhaps kent will have an encounter with a "sawyer" in the war (jodi's brothers are still overseas, you know :eyes:)
kent's parents!!!
mother: misty neilson
misty is a 43 year old woman with shoulder length blonde hair. she is almost always dressed in the latest fashion & runs a small gossip circle with the local women. despite how she loves to chatter, she also has such a kind heart and always puts others before herself (something kent inherited). misty was unfortunately widowed after kent's father had enlisted. but don't worry, she takes solace in her "close female companion" ruby.
kent has always admired his mother and how she was able to make even the gruffest of men smile. misty has a bubbly personality and is much more of a "people person" than her late husband. she loves her son (who is her only child) very deeply and wants to see him succeed, even if he's still a bit childish and has a lot to learn.
misty instantly took a liking to jodi and treated her like the daughter she never had - offering maternal affection and advice, allowing jodi to borrow her jewelry or clothing, and even styling jodi's hair. to jodi, misty was the mother she always wanted. misty was over the moon when she found out kent and jodi were engaged and went into "wedding planning overdrive"(by that i mean she gathered a group of local women and organized the whole thing herself).
kent's father: christopher neilson.
chris was a 45 year old man who was most known for his hearty laughter and the wrinkles around his eyes from years of crinkling when he laughed. some say his heart was the biggest thing about him - he couldn't bare to see someone in pain or an animal suffering, he always had to help. that was, unfortunately, what led to his death after his enlistment.
chris was originally from the valley and had a very distinct southern drawl (however he learned to hide it over the years), though he moved to the city as he was searching for jobs in his mid thirties. he had stopped at a small cafe in between searches and met misty - who was a waitress at the time. she had accidentally spilled coffee on his shirt and he burst into a huge fit of laughter. misty then apologized very profusely and chris replied "you're quite alright, ma'am." he decided it would be better not to scout out more jobs with a coffee stained shirt and waited at the diner until misty's shift was over. there, misty asked what she could do to make it up to him, and he asked her on a date.
kent always admired his father; he always seemed capable of everything and never appeared afraid. his father was extremely caring, despite his gruff and burly exterior (he was 6'0 and built like a refrigerator, had an extremely long beard and hair spiker than kent's own, for starters). kent wasn't as close to his father as he would've liked and a part of him will always regret that - his father wasn't much for physical affection and the most kent received was a tender pat on his shoulder or back (kent so wishes he could've gone back in time and hugged his father back that day)
also... what if i was to say.. misty was the mother jodi wanted and samson was the father kent needed.. what then? ooh i have an idea for a kent/samson interaction Oooh... (also u see what i did there teehee. let's just say i'm very particular with the names i chose)
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dramashii · 1 year
A blessing in disguised; CW: Destined
I wasn't really planning on watching this. I saw it in my homepage while scrolling for dramas to watch. I didn't even read the synopsis nor did I see any trailers prior to watching the 1st ep. I simply clicked on it because I saw it was starring Bai Jing Ting and that is enough of a reason. 12 eps later and I am really enjoying this. You can say I was destined to watch this.
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God-Sent Marriage
Destined is 40-ep historical romance Cdrama starring Bai Jing Ting and Song Yi. It's about two unlikely people who got married because of a misunderstanding. Now, they have to embark this crazy journey together called marriage while also solving family, business, and political issues. I've actually only seen this trailer first and I thought this was simply going to be a light-hearted drama. However, this exists, so angst will also be involved in this series.
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Bai Jing Ting's character Gu Jiu Si and Song Yi's character Liu Yu Ru are polar opposites. Gu Jiu Si is so chaotic and childish, and doesn't really have many worries as he is the only son of wealthy merchants. Liu Yu Ru, on the other hand, has endured many hardships since she was young because of this she has developed a calm and level-headed personality. Together, they are a match-made in heaven.
This drama is a feast to the eyes. The cinematography is great.
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I am a sucker for dramas were the leads get married first and then they fall in love much later on. The first 12 eps are literally an embodiment of this trope. You get to see how their dynamics change from being strangers, to friends, and then to sworn brothers (iykyk). I like how they compromise and at least try to make their marriage work. Liu Yu Ru was supposed to marry her first love, but because of a misunderstanding, she married Gu Jiu Si. She lamented over the what ifs with her first love for one episode and then moved on because she knows there's nothing that could be done, and it's better to try to get along with her husband (which is fair and logical).
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The romance is great as leads are both nice to each other. I also enjoy that for the first time in a long time, I actually see a family in a drama that enjoys each other's company. Gu Jiu Si's parents have a great relationship with each other, they love their son, and dotes on their daughter-in-law. It's refreshing to see this.
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Another aspect of this show which I enjoy is the different views on marriage. Historically, marriage is a life sentence. At a time when women were mostly at a disadvantage this could be a death sentence. This is exactly what Liu Yu Ru's mother is facing. She has no choice but to be under her husband's whims. But Liu Yu Ru is different because she married into a family that respects the women's contribution in the household. Her mother-in-law holds an influential position in their family business, and even takes Liu Yu Ru under her wing. She guides her and introduces her to the world of trade. Gu Jiu Su is also supportive and encourages her to have her own dreams and ambitions, and not to be shackled in their marriage.
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The biggest criticism I have towards this show is the villain. He's your typical villain with a sad backstory who hates the male lead because he wishes to have the life he has. I spoiled myself as to what his motivations are and I am simply annoyed. I wish he would go away but alas, this is not a drama without annoying characters.
But overall, this drama is everything I want in a romance drama. I've seen the trailers for the upcoming episodes and the angst fest will begin. Hopefully, it will still be as good as the 1st 12 eps.
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sshbpodcast · 6 months
Character Spotlight: Rom
By Ames
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Among your A Star to Steer Her By hosts, Rom might be the most polarizing character from all of Star Trek. Some of us (and you all know when I’m talking about Chris) worship the ground this grand nagus walks on. And some of us (oh hello, I’m Ames) would rather throw him out an air lock. His rather offensive depiction as someone who seems to have low intelligence ends up contradicted by his otherworldly engineering skills. His actually very funny scenes get offset by how his whole character becomes a goofy punchline. His Ferengi values are deplorable and yet his character journey and love of his family are commendable. And that voice…
All that to say: this blogpost is going to be our biggest roller coaster ride yet.
So get ready to dig into a bowl of tube grubs and keep your tooth sharpener handy as we dig into the moments we adore about Quark’s lesser brother and the moments we detest about him. Read on below and listen to this week’s podcast episode (jump to 1:01:34) for all the Ferengi gossip. And don’t forget to call your moogie.
[Images © CBS/Paramount]
Best moments
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You saved your brother’s life Let’s start off with the good stuff. In “Necessary Evil” when Trazko is pillow smothering Quark, Rom screams and screams for help, foiling the assassination plot and saving his brother’s life. And you know what, it’s actually a pretty funny button when Rom screams again when he realizes that, with Quark still alive, he won’t be inheriting the bar any time soon.
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I would be proud to have a son in Starfleet Even I, a bonafide Rom hater, can admit that his relationship with his son is one of the best things about his character. We see him stand up to Quark (a rarity!) and support Nog’s desire to join Starfleet in “Heart of Stone” and we’ve got to give the guy credit for wanting Nog to pursue his dreams of becoming better than his father, low bar as that may seem.
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The Ferengi not-so-Benevolent Association When the Nagus’s personality has gotten rewritten in “Prophet Motive,” he somehow ends up making Rom the senior administrator of his new Ferengi Benevolent Association. And you’ve got to give Rom credit for seeing a chance to scheme that even Quark didn’t notice, as he embezzles money from the foundation before Zek turns back to normal. He’s got the lobes!
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Moogie’s got the lobes for business In addition to the lovely father-son relationship with Nog, Rom’s relationship with his moogie is also extremely sweet. He eventually supports her profit-making scheme in “Family Business” even though it’s illegal for females to make money, tricks Quark into coming to terms with Ishka, and by the end of the episode is in on the plan to hide some of her profits from Brunt, FCA!
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My son’s happiness is more important to me than anything, even latinum It’s worth mentioning how supportive Rom is of Nog again because in “Facets” he foils Quark’s nefarious plan to sabotage his Starfleet Academy exam, even threatening to burn the bar to the ground because he places his son’s personal journey so highly. He also goes to Garak to have Nog’s cadet uniform made personally, which is just about the cutest moment in the show.
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Our union, united, will never be divided Rom proves to be a champion of the laborer in “Bar Association” when he starts up a union for Quark’s bar to fight for better pay and working conditions. Again, it’s another practice that’s illegal under Ferengi law, but that doesn’t stop Rom (even when it gets Quark attacked), who rallies his band of waiters and Dabo girls together with confidence we’ve never seen before.
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Number one dads! We don’t get a lot of scenes between Sisko and Rom, the two best dads of the station (sorry Miles, but neither of these proud papas left their child to die in the woods). When Jake and Nog are quarreling over their odd-couple habits in “The Ascent”, the two fathers concoct a scheme to get them to talk out their problems and be friends again by pretending there are no other quarters available.
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Do I have a reason to stay? Maybe it’s because Lewis Zimmerman comes across as such a cretin, but it feels like a victory when Rom asks Leeta out at the end of “Dr. Bashir, I Presume?” and she decides to stay at the station instead of leaving to become Dr. Z’s sex object. Even though everyone already knew she’d say yes, it takes him the whole episode to muster the courage, but let’s take the win.
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Self-replication. That’s the only answer. Rom’s contradictory character traits are nothing if not fascinating. Sure, he couldn’t find a cup of water if you dropped him in a lake, but he still comes up with the ingenious idea to have the cloaked minefield also be self-replicating to take on the Dominion in “Call to Arms.” Moments of sheer brilliance like this make Rom a character of simultaneous simplicity and complexity.
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I walk through minefields Rom’s profound bravery is on display during season six when he works with the resistance to undermine the Dominion occupation. And it all caps off with “Sacrifice of Angels.” Rom may not have had time to prevent Damar from taking down the minefield, but he still sabotages their weapons array, giving the prophets the time they needed to save the day.
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We’re not commandos, we’re negotiators What could have simply been a farcical play on The Seven Samurai or The Magnificent Seven gets a fresh take when Rom has a rare epiphany in “The Magnificent Ferengi”. The Ferengi don’t have the chops for fighting (except for Leck, whom we love), and Rom points out that they should treat the release of Moogie as a business deal, something more in their wheelhouse.
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A kinder, gentler Nagus Rom’s entirely hyperbolized character arc concludes with him becoming Grand Nagus in “The Dogs of War.” Sure, it’s definitely entirely out of nepotism because his mother had put him there, and she’s also definitely going to be the one ostensibly in charge because she can pull his strings, but what a journey! And he’s so magnanimous about it that he even gives the bar back to Quark!
Worst moments
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Not next to that human boy. I don’t want you to have anything to do with him. Onto the bad stuff! In “A Man Alone,” Rom doesn’t even have the caricatured voice yet, but does start the series with all the typical toxic Ferengi values. It takes a battle for him to agree to let Nog attend Keiko’s classroom, and even when he does, his anti-hooman racism shows when he won’t let Nog sit with Jake, just as Sisko didn’t want his son hanging out with that Ferengi trash either.
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Now go to your room. And no studying. A few episodes later, Rom pulls Nog from Keiko’s school in “The Nagus” after getting criticized by Zek for allowing his son to learn from a hooman female. It’s one of Rom’s biggest faults (and Quark’s too): his preoccupation with displaying as a typical, profitable Ferengi even among people for whom their value system is hot garbage. Rom at least eventually overcomes it.
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Rom’s. Nice name for a bar, don’t you think? Another case to make that point: Rom becomes the lackey of Zek’s son Krax and helps in the attempt to kill off Quark in “The Nagus.” It’s not until later that we see more brotherly love, one-sided though it may seem. But this early in the show, Rom is much more of a typical Ferengi, obsessed with amassing power, fame, and fortune above all else.
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Ferengi, Romans, Countrymen: Lend me your ears We here at the podcast really rooted for Pel in “Rules of Acquisition,” a female who really has the lobes to break free of the government’s oppression of her gender. So when Rom outs her to Quark as a female (after a scene way too comically goofy of him literally looking through Pel’s socks to find incriminating evidence), we can’t help but start siding against him, the dirty rat.
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You know, come to think of it, my ear’s bothering me too Like I did with the Quark post, I will call out all the uncomfortable uses of oo-mox whenever the show sinks to such a level. We see Rom trying to trick Faith Garland into giving him oo-mox in “Little Green Men” – while his son is actively getting it! – and I just find it so gross. For how much oo-mox is played up to be a sexual act in this show, this is sexual assault, plain and simple.
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Too. Much. Oo-mox. And to make things grosser, we get even more oo-mox references a couple episodes later in “Bar Association” when we learn that Rom has given himself an ear infection from too much oo-mox. And it’s self-inflicted. So basically what we’ve learned from this scene is that Rom masturbates so much that he gives himself an infection, a detail I wish I never had to learn.
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Even. More. Oo-mox. I’ve got one more oo-mox mention to get out of my system because I’m just so angry every time it comes up. Literally right after Rom has admitted to rubbing his ears raw to Leeta in “Bar Association” and she shows some sympathy for him, his response is to request oo-mox from her! They’re not even dating at this point! It’s disgusting. I hate it. Minus a hundred points.
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The better to hear you with Speaking of Leeta, it’s exactly a season after this that Rom finally asks her out in “Dr. Bashir, I Presume?” (as we mentioned above!). But! This is a) after we learn that his first wife Prinadora swindled him on their wedding extension contract like a chump, and b) after we watch him literally tuning his ear to eavesdrop on Leeta and Zimmerman’s conversation. And somehow he still never gets the hint she’s into him. Like a chump!
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If you liked it then you shoulda put a Bajoran earring on it I’m just gonna lump what a shitty partner Rom is to Leeta into one screed. In “Ferengi Love Songs,” he tries to make her sign a Waiver of Property and Profit just because Jadzia and Miles were teasing him about not being very Ferengi like. This after he started wearing a Bajoran-style earring, which strikes me as on the questionable side of cultural appropriation.
Later in “Call to Arms,” we see Rom trying to suggest Leeta’s wedding dress literally be a couple handkerchiefs and a loincloth (gross) and then once they’re married, he decides she’s leaving the station before the Dominion rolls in, without her getting a single say in her own life (more gross!). Why are all the men in this show so shit at relationships!?!?
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You said the reward was twenty Shockingly, Rom’s incompetence hasn’t come up as much as I expected, but his ability to ruin things through miscommunication and shenanigans is on special display in “The Magnificent Ferengi.” He blurts out that Quark is cheating the other Ferengi out of reward money, riles up the rest of the team, and thus gets Keevan killed because he can’t keep big mouth shut.
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Foul ball! I’m not alone in hating on the campy mess that is “Take Me out to the Holosuite” but Rom is so disruptively, dangerously bad at playing baseball that it warrants being on this list. How he makes it as far as he does in the tryouts only speaks to how terrible Sisko is at coaching. The guy breaks Quark’s damn head. That’s how bad he is. It goes past being funny to just being idiotic.
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That’s why the lady is a scamp We have space for one more bad “Rom is a nincompoop” joke that doesn’t land. In “The Siege of AR-558,” we’re tortured with Rom’s deliberately atrocious cover of “The Lady Is A Tramp” just because Ira Behr really needed to shoehorn Vic Fontaine into as many of the final episodes as possible, and it shows because it’s just another lowbrow, asinine, bottom-feeding gag. Check that off the list.
Well, that may have gone off the rails but whenever I have to sit through oo-mox jokes, I get testy. And sadly I already know there’s going to be more of that next week with our final Ferengi spotlight on Nog! So make sure you’re following along to catch that, join us as we continue our watchthrough of Enterprise over on SoundCloud or wherever you podcast, engage in negotiations with us on Facebook and Twitter, and stop making oo-mox jokes!
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bodyguardbracket · 1 year
Round 2: Hubert Von Vestra (Fire Emblem Three Houses) vs Gareth (Galavant)
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[Propaganda Under Cut]
Hubert Von Vestra:
The Evil Advisor trope if said evil advisor actually wanted desperately to change the world for the better and protect his found family but was also still a sneaky greasy gremlin of a man.
Born in to a noble family that was meant to guard the royal family from birth. They took him to meet the not at all in line for the throne middle child young princess he would be guarding when both him and said princess were tiny kids.
Long story short, his dad did a traitor, but Hubert had formed a bond with the lil princess and they were already like siblings to each other. When she gets kidnapped for eventual malicious reasons, this sad gangly pre-teen dark mage boy tries to go after her, and fights off the troops his dad sends after him for days before being dragged back home. Eventually Edelgard comes back after a few years. ALL her siblings were killed by said malicious plot/human experiments. She is the only one who lived through the experiments they did on her. She is now the only one in line for the throne. She is DEEPLY traumatized. The kidnappers are still trying to use her as a puppet.
All either the two of them have is each other. *crying emoji x100* From then on their mission statement is be gay and overthrow the church. Your honor, I love them.
Eventually they do (Or not and it's really fucking angsty and sad either way) overthrow both said book burning shit church, and the enemies of said church that had a longstanding war in the shadows going on that was fucking all of the rest of the world up. On the way Edelgard falls in love with another woman who's heart was experimented on in order to give her super powers (The player character), and Hubert falls for his polar opposite/narrative foil; the chipper, sunshiney prime minister's son. (They also both commit some patricide together. Woo patricide. Voice actors sing beautiful rendition of Wicked's "For Good" song. I'm not crying. You're crying.)
Spymaster, poison connoisseur, haver of a very silly evil laugh and mannerisms. He and his aforementioned narrative foil look like they stepped out of Interview with the Vampire. Copious queer as hell found family. What's not to love?
Gareth: Gareth was assigned as Richard’s bodyguard since they were ten years old and is Richard’s only friend and when Richard bungles the conditions of a duel against his older brother Kingsley (Richard decides to represent himself and Kingsley chooses Gareth to represent him), Gareth sneaks Richard out of the castle and puts him on a boat with the only other man he’d believe to be able to keep him safe (the titular Galavant) and threatens to kill him if one hair on his head is harmed. Gareth does the “say you hate the dog to make it leave trick” to get Richard on the boat but Richard knows that it means that Gareth cares about him. As the ship sails away Gareth quietly says a line from the lullaby their nurse would sing them as children. When Gareth gets back to the castle he kills Kingsley and does his best to keep the woman who orchestrated the whole thing at bay.
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weirdcat1213 · 1 year
Its time for the weekly horrors- I mean Trimax vol 3 >:3
The Thoughts:
chap 1:
-bro you are about to get into a fight can you stop thinking about your bf for 5 minutes
-fr tho, vash's words making him hesitate/angry is so dcfgjhbkml
-why everyone wants my babygirl dead :c
-now now, comparing someone with their brother isnt a nice thing to do
-oh so now we're not even making an allegory, he actually called him jeesus
-also "your soul is forced to endure the sorrow by the hundreds, suffering by the thousands, and the rage by the hundreds of thousands" im gonna throw up cuz of how that GOOD and PAINFUL that shit is
-the polar opposite of being a human huh...i mean besides something i said weeks ago about how he's further away from humanity more than he would like that point is interesting cuz most of the time we call him someone who is more human than any other person. he carries more pain than any human could endure and definitely has more patience than anyone will ever have but...hm...i want to come back to this
-ww pls dont make me cry today pls honey
-oh im gonna cry
-"your ideals will join you in the grave" i fucking hate thats the reason why we all try to be better people, thanks to that fucking wet cat of a man i cannot deal actually
chap 2:
-i dont have much to say about battles but let it be on the record that I'm enjoying ww's eyes sm
-oh page 38 is cool as hell
chap 3:
-ww stop having pretty eyes youre distracting
-meanwhile :3
-ah geesus the body horror (so good but creepy)
-so many fucking details. nightow got down even the smallest scribbles, as 98 vash would say
-oh right that....thats still upsetting
-i fucking swear people need to leave my son alone
-also fucking hate that he had to SHOOT A BABY even if it was fake
-i can feel his fucking mind breaking i cant do this
chap 4:
-"i cant do this" yet here i am lmao
-i think if vash held me like hes holding that girl a lot of my problems would be resolved ngl
-characters reciting names always get to me :c
-"why are there so many" brad you may want to sit down for this one
-..................i deadass thought "oh the doctor is here" IVE READ THIS BEFORE AND I FELL FOR IT AGAIN
-vash with his hair down :3
-nah hes not gonna kill you BUT HE FUCKING SHOULD
-oh i will kill so many people (vash is bleeding)
-hm. this reminds me of something in houseki no kuni (i wont spoil but maybe ichikawa had trigun as inspo which would be cool af)
chap 5:
-oh im yeeting myself (ww thinks about the children) -ww gives in his anger and fear when punching those weirdass faces but I'm gonna say this once: that doesn't make him weaker or worst. i haven't seen anyone think that of ww, i just feel that when he compares himself to vash he feels that way and i cant stand it :)
-vash i fucking swear-
-oh god the fingers...the fucking fingers...
-oh you are NOT talking to my vash about pain and agony
-XD my girls
no wait i need to get back to that. i thought that was emilio's dad not fucking vash himself oh my god I'm sick so sick actually wtfffffffffffff
chap 6:
-is this the chapter with the gays eyes cuz I'm not ready for that-
-oh fuck you nightow. fuck you for putting knives in the title page and the title being "families"
-i want to punch so many things but I'm at work. fuck
-also i forgot about this stampede parallel GOD WHEN DOES MY SUFFERING END
-yeah i agree this is literally the moment. like fuck. fuck actually. fuck what else is there to say.
-like hes so fucking terrified that he was afraid for him, what his journey is causing ww, but even if he wanted ww to stay away and safe he knows ww would say fuck off, but also vash would not be able to take it
-im so fucking upset cuz the last 3 chapters were basically fights. they were full of energy and shit but now that is over and they are in a rare moment of peace, and everything fucking hits.
-im gonna go outside and step into oncoming traffic
-WOLFWOOD :D pls never leave me
-i am nothing. i just remembered that.
chap 7
-maybe i dont want to read trimax anymore. maybe a little person like me isn't strong enough for a 2nd round of the pain. with that in mind, lets keep reading :D
-wolfwood what he is it doesnt matter i swear pls cant you just love him?
-i dont like vash being emotionally attached to stuff cuz that means i have to yell HES LIKE ME FR FR
-oh that....that beautiful panel...amazing
-i think my mind blocked this out because of the previous sad things that happened, so now my brain is allowing me to process more sad things :3
-"i still have so much i must do" and i see i still have many tears to cry out huh?
-ofc wolfwood would ask about redemption
-cant my man show an important part of his past and show vulnerability in front of his friends in peace? damn
-im gonna start bitting my glasses
-luida pls i want to stop crying
-oh wolfwood honey....you just fell so hard for my man didnt ya
-i just realized the chapter is called "life as a" and I THINK the idea is to complete it with "life as a 'vash the stampede'" cuz he's not human
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weaveroffates · 3 months
Harper (Animulus) Niamh --> Trafalgar Niamh
Race: Selkie.
Age: 27 (post-timeskip.)
Dark brown, almost black hair. Pale green eyes/Sea Glass Green. Pale skin, covered in freckles.
Seamstress/Quartermaster of the Heart Pirates.
~♡~ Backstory Notes. ~♡~
Harp Seal.
Her Father was a selkie who fell in love willingly with a human woman who loved him back and started a family.
Niamh had three older brothers. Mervyn, who was seven years older than her and was also a selkie. Murphy & Maccon who were two years older than her but didn't get the selkie genes(?)
Mother was an ambassador for her home island after retiring from her life of masked adventuring.
An event( ?) Happens that kills her father and separates her from her mother and her brother Maccon when she is around 10 years old.
Mervyn, Murphy, and Niamh were taken. when the trio tried to escape later. Murphy was killed and Niamh sustained injuries, got an infection, and eventually lost most of her hearing.
Mervyn dragged his sister to the nearest island and thought he had hid her well enough so he could try and get medical supplies from some locals.
But it wasn't enough as she was found by an elderly widow who thought Niamh was a "gift from the sea." Who proceeds to take her seal coat and hides it to keep her. Mervyn is unable to find it and pivots to help her adapt. Sign language, which many on the small remote island didn't know.
Hearing aids are a hard to get item? At least how far north she lived. Very expensive?
Mervyn went to a life of crime to try to afford one hearing aid. Later when she gets a replacement, Niamh keeps this one for sentimental reasons.
Mervyn also, sadly dies soon after he gets it for her. [Sickness/seal coat destroyed?]
She lives on the island until she is about 17-18 years old. Continues to look for her coat, but when a coat is buried the selkie owner of the coat cannot sense it.
Finds out she's been betrothed to the son of the light keeper, her searching becomes frantic.
The Heart Pirates arrive on the island within the first year of their travels (Law being about 17 years old when they meet.)
They help get her coat back and she asks to join them since she had no other place to go. (Law hands her back her coat.)
Dream was to travel and see the rest of the world? Wants to see fabrics and patterns from all over.
Also the Polar Tang had four teenage boys, the horrors. (Probably better than I've experienced tbh.)
Becomes the Quartermaster. [I kinda mixed the army definition with the pirate one.]
In land armies, a quartermaster is an officer who supervises logistics and requisitions, manages stores or barracks, and distributes supplies and provisions.
The quartermaster ranked higher than any other officer aboard the ship except the captain himself, and could veto the captain's decisions whenever the ship was not chasing a prize or engaged in battle. The quartermaster also was chiefly responsible for discipline, assessing punishments for crewmen who transgressed the articles. Taken from the Wikipedia Article for Quartermaster.
She mainly tells Law to take a nap and takes away his coffee when she does veto something.
Makes the crews custom jumpsuits, fixes clothing, and embroiders the jolly Rodgers on them. Also embroiders their names into their clothes.
Whenever someone has joined the crew to stay, she makes them a unique quilt for their bunks.
Made most of Law's clothes, curses the feathers. The animal prints are her fault, she likes them
Sealskin worn like a poncho/cloak.
Her bounty poster names her "Scary Neeve" As they misheard her/mistook her saying the town she joined the Heart Pirates as her name.
Due to the nature of have the aids and them acting more of an amplifier Niamh has to take breaks from them as they give her migranes since everything is loud.
sometimes will trade off which ear she will hear out of when needing to wear them for long periods of time.
gets vertigo easily, takes medicine for this but sometimes it's just best to rest. Rest sometimes is just sitting and crocheting.
Has balance issues before it gets real bad, Law and crew tend to watch for this.
Also gets sick if she's too far away from the sea, Zou is torture.
Her sign language is a dialect from the North-Blue.
~♡~ Romance ~♡~
Romance with Law is slow, not even considered until they are around 22/23 years of age.
Niamh doesn't push for it actually, and is content to be his friend.
It's when she almost dies during a squarmish with marines that he goes '*oh shit*' And aganises over it.
Like she was is a medical coma to reduce brain swelling.
Gets overprotective once she awakens to the point he pisses her off and they have a fight.
Have an argument, reveals feelings.
Take it slow? Nah.
Handfast ceremony with the crew as witnesses, oh god what have we done.
Keeps relationship hidden from everyone outside the crew, doesn't get revealed until after Wano.
Rather private with the crew as well.
~♡~ Sealskin, Tattoos, and piercings. ~♡~
Whatever she embroiders on the coat becomes a tattoo on her human body? It stings to do this?
She adds the Roger along the bottom.
Laws shoulder hearts to her coats shoulders.
Later she will get a heart tattooed on her ring finger.
A big piece that makes a sternum tattoo that wraps to her back? Not sure.
Remakes parts of Law's hat out of her sealskin as a wedding present. Her kind can live longer then humans but she's essentially giving a piece of her life away. Maybe that is what saves him from blackbeard later on. She can also feel vague pains from him in her soul when he gets hurt. (Or
Has multiple ear piercings. Ear cuffs and whatnot as well.
most of them are gifts from law. He likes to see the glittering on her ears.
~♡~ Niamh Personality ~♡~
Quiet, much more of one to observe then to be in the action.
Steady like the sea, and stubborn.
Has a need to fix things, even to her own detriment.
An icy anger, but patient.
She is uncomfortable with those not from the crew, and in a group of unknowns she is a wallflower.
She's not great with socializing because of her disability, those skills were not learned growing up. It's better now then when she first joined the crew.
Is often described as motherly/sisterly.
Her love language is time and making gifts for those she cares for. Which works great with her chosen profession as a seamstress.
Has a great interest in fabrics, stitching, thread, yarns, etc. Fashions maybe, but everyday wear is what she likes to make.
Likes patterns, and will make pieces that are to be styled with a plain piece. Like laws Zou look or Punk hazard are good examples.
But Law is a POS and pairs weird shit together.
The orange and yellow from Stampede for example.
She gets annoyed at him for that shit
"Maybe you should pick my outfits if it annoys you so much" he flirts "Maybe I will." She replies not taking it for flirting at all.
~♡~ Weapons/Fighting ~♡~
A pair of tailor shears turned into daggers, & various sized needle throwing knives.
Hand to hand, very much a rogue.
Kicks like a horse, has extra strength because of selkie/swimming.
~♡~ Hobbies/Things she likes ~♡~
Sewing, embroidery, quilting, knitting, crocheting, etc. If it has something to do with crafting, she probably does it.
Seashells & Jellyfish.
She does enjoy reading, but likes more to be read to while she does something with her hands. Audiobooks are her friend.
Drawing and doodling as well.
Tea person, doesn't like coffee.
~♡~ Family ~♡~
Spouse: Trafalgar Law
Coraline (Future)
Father: Alsvid
Mother: Animulus Calliope
Maccon "Mac"
Maternal Aunt/Uncles/Cousins.
Paternal family (?)
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Big Brother's Softer Side
For the record, SCP 076-2, also known as Abel, does indeed have some feelings. Man's anomalous, not dead. In fact... Big Brother has several cute little nicknames for both his squeeze Dimitriov and his sisters. Heck, Abel's even getting fond of Liam, but he IS kind of an animal lover. Cain was kind enough to translate these for us. And now... Abel's favorite pet names!
Iris' Nicknames:
"Little Wildflower"
"Sweet Sister"
"Cute but will stab you"
"Give up the chocolate and she won't hurt you" (way faster to say in ancient Sumerian)
"My sibling in misery" (usually when he's feeling sarcastic)
Liam's List:
"Thief of Cheese" (little blighter stole the last mozzarella stick out of his hand one pizza night, but thankfully Abel was too amused at the stones on my cat to steal from HIM to chase him)
"Daft bastard" (with affection after he got into Abel's quarters, high on the nip again)
"(REDACTED) son of a motherless goatherd" First time Liam swatted him. Abel was laughing at the time.
"Fluffing fluff"
"Liam the Daft" Accurate.
"Bane of the Fae" After Liam nabbed an invading pictsie.
Dimitriov's Pet Names (warning: major mush ahead)
"Sweet Lips/Hot Lips"
"My moon and stars"
"Polar Bear/Cuddle Bear/Honey Bear/Papa Bear"
"Darling One"
"My heart's delight"
"The main reason I put up with any of this (REDACTED) nonsense these days"
"My better side"
"Orange blossom" (way more romantic in Sumerian, and Abel's second favorite flower according to Cain)
And finally... my turn!
"Little Rabbit"
"Trouble in a green dress"
"Killer Rabbit"
"(REDACTED) little pain in my backside"
"Fiery little snowdrop"
"She who you do not want to anger"
"Shortarse" (inexplicably dropped after my 914 incident)
"Oh dear gods stop crying and fight already, woman!" (Again... Way faster in ancient Sumerian, back when I was first training with Big Brother. Got used a lot those first two months)
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I tried to leave a comment on your new Duty & Sacrifice chapter via ao3 but it wouldn’t go through so I’ll leave it here instead:
Such a good chapter as always.
“Inwardly, Aemond decided Dragonstone had to be much farther than the maps depicted—or else another world entirely.”
This was my favorite line this chapter! I love when writers write. Like crafting such a lovely sentence to show how differently Aemond & Lucerys think, as well as their polar opposite upbringing.
I’ve commented before that Alicent & Aemond’s mother-son bond is my favorite thing about this fic and was my main draw (and this is still true!) but I can’t help but feel that Alicent’s tears are wasted on Aemond. Helaena is the one Alicent should be crying for and on her knees begging forgiveness from for forcing her into an abusive marriage since she was only thirteen. I like how it’s clear in this fic that Helaena is uncomfortable with her mother for asking her about Aegon’s whereabouts after she forced her to marry him.
I couldn’t feel anything in the face of Alicent’s remorse because all I could think about was her other child who is suffering a much worse fate than Aemond, and who doesn’t even have half the doting and affection Alicent showers on Aemond. Alicent says herself that she tried her best to shield Aemond from suffering a fate like hers, but she never tried for Helaena before forcing her into marriage and motherhood when she was even younger than Alicent had been when she wed Viserys.
Also I like how you showed that there was a moment when Aemond wished his father loved him. By the time Duty & Sacrifice began, Aemond felt nothing for Viserys so it’s interesting to me that that was not always the case.
thank you so much for the kind words anon 😭 i enjoyed writing that sentence (and even more, editing it before posting so it sounded good, lol) so it's super cool it stuck out to you :)
in regards to alicent, i did want to clarify that i've aged people up in this timeline a lot, so helaena definitely wasn't 13 when she married aegon. probably 17ish--though yeah that doesn't change the fact she was married to *aegon* who for sure isn't a great guy in d&s either.
idk if this will ever get brought up in the fic (tho maybe in an alicent pov one day), so I'll just tell you, in my 'verse i imagine it had more to do with alicent being unwilling to let helaena get married off to some distant noble. knowing that aegon had zero interest in his sister, and given that alicent *does* have some control over her son still, she knew she could protect helaena better this way. this on top of strengthening the bloodline, which viserys was all for.
and indeed, in d&s aegon and helaena only have the twins, who were conceived on their wedding night 😂 besides then he's made a pass at her a couple of times when extremely drunk, but that's about it. so even though by our standards it's a sucky awful marriage, given how irresponsible and rude aegon can be, by alicent's standards this was the best choice for both of them. (funny, but i think helaena would agree with that, and it'd be aegon who would disagree)
now, why didn't alicent just marry aegon and aemond? because she guessed (correctly) aegon *would* have interest in his little omega brother, and that terrified her. aegon in general scares her. plus, aemond was already decently protected from getting married off by the time her kids were of age and alicent had to consider all this (aegon 19, helaena 17, aemond 16), because of his scar and general un-omeganess. obviously that didn't hold up forever, and she knew it wouldn't, but alicent views helaena as someone who could be broken very easily vs. aemond as someone who could weather dealing with any situation (regardless of how true that is)
all this to say, it was definitely a calculated thing alicent did, but in this 'verse it wasn't just for the sake of usurping rhaenyra like is implied in hotd canon. hopefully that makes sense! and thanks for the ask, it was fun to explain a piece of how the d&s verse played out inside my head :) aemond's head is very limited lol!
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freebooter4ever · 2 years
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One of the sons in the family gifted buddy a lambchop doll, and when my friend got back from dinner i told a story about my baby brother's hamster that had my friend crying tears of laughter and saying that 'maybe you shouldn't talk about your childhod anymore', and im not sure if its really so strange or???
Anyway, i want to preface this by saying my little brother's hamster lived a long and happy life - i think he survived all of jord's middle school and part of high school years. My brother LOVED this hamster. So, one year my biological grandfather returned from his sailing adventures abroad in vaguely mysterious places with a polar bear skin rug (we dont know if it was real??)(grandpa gifted us a lot of weird things that we learned it was better to not ask about) and the little round(ish) fur rug was thick enough that if jord, some friends, and i sat around the edge of it and put the hamster in the middle, it slowed down his crawling so that we could catch him if he tried to escape.
So we would corral jubjub (the hamster) in the rug and introduce him to various stuffed animals. And the only one jubjub had any reaction to was lambchop. You know that scene with the killer rabbit in monty python? Imagine that except a tiny hamster going for lambchop's jugular.
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jord, of course, thought this was amazing so it kind of became his party trick - showing off the attack hamster who would try to chew lambchop's face to pieces. Jubjub never bit anyone else, was as calm and snuggly as always (i still have tons of photos of my friends and i sitting around this rug holding him).
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He was only ever aggressive around this one lambchop puppet. We never knew why. Although he also would run around in his little plastic ball and if we weren't paying attention would chew the floor length dining room curtains...maybe he just really hated the color beige.
Anyway, there was kind of not a lot of adult supervision after my mom left, it was kinda left up to me to be the adult with my brother and i, and i was only 13 so i think letting a hamster attack a stuffed puppet was one of the minor offenses we got up to really.
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coolgirl32 · 2 months
What are their thoughts on jacqulyn
You all know the drill no copyrighting, reposting or translating without my permission and remember this is an au where Zeus is married to My OC and not Hera so let's get on with the post also do not forget to like and follow and request what you want me to write next so let's get on with the post.
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Zeus thought his wife was beautiful when he first met her he also thought she was very courageous and he always liked how she was always a spitfire and feisty woman that's what drew him to his wife and made him love her even more he still continues to love her no matter what.
Hades always thought of her as a sister even though he has two sisters he always thought of her as a sister and thought she was very kind and very beautiful but nonetheless a sister figure.
Poseidon thought she was very kooky and weird when he first met her but the more he got to know her the more he thinks of her as a weird little elf that's very kind and sweet that likes collecting seashells for him.
Hera thought Jacqulyn was some weird brave and dumb mortal woman when she first met her but after getting to know her better she thinks of her as a sister she also thinks of her as a very kind sweet woman that also says things out of her mind without hesitation and without sugar coating it.
Hestia thought jacqulyn was very brave to fight alongside the Olympians and very sweet she also thought of jacqulyn as a very wise and talented woman who doesn't let people walk all over her but is very kind to everyone.
Aphrodite thought jacqulyn as the sweet woman who is very scary at the same time but overall very kind and sweet but is scary when she needs to be.
Artemis thought jacqulyn was this very weak woman at first but after getting to know her better she realized that she wasn't very weak she was very strong at mind and body and soul she also thought of her as a wonderful kind loving mother figure who never judged her or her brother.
Apollo thought Jacqulyn as a beautiful golden ray of sunshine filled with flowers and cute puppies and kittens but on the other side of her is a dark cloud with thunderstorms and lightning bolts but overall very sweet and kind but very strong independent.
Aries thought his mother as a polar opposite to his father she is kind sweet and loving but also very Stern and a bit of a disciplinarian but only when she needs to be he also thinks of her as a strong female warrior who will stop at nothing to protect her babies and the one she loves most and to protect her own home.
Hephaestus thought his mother as a beautiful woman who cares for her sons and daughters deeply who don't judge people on their appearance but by their size of their hearts he also thinks of her as a wonderful Big Mama Bear who protects her young and her home who also has very kind words.
Electra thought Jacqulyn was very scary when she first met her but when she got to know her better she realized that she was just very sweet and was trying to help Electra with her sons so that they can live and live a normal life.
Heron & seraphim thought Jacqulyn as a very beautiful kind goddess who cares about others and want everyone to get along they think her for keeping them alive and making sure they were living a normal life with their mother so they always make sure to work hard and do good in life and not end up like their mother's ex-husband.
I hope you all enjoyed this I'll be doing another hc this time it's about what are my OC'S thoughts on everyone else
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devouheir · 10 months
❝ evil is evil, even if it once was innocent. ❞
It's a quieter night inside Dragonskeep, the air tense with the proceedings of dragon war. Who'd dare to conspire inside the house of the dragons with each brother? One gleamed like the sun, the other as big as myth, stood opposite of each other now inside the court. It was no longer their place to back their uncle, their father, their grandfather --- yet who's to keep both boys from the other's neck, their predisposed fate of any king before them their bloody, disappointing fate, when neither knows any better.
He swallows down sweet wine in one gulp, sousing the words of contempt he dared to say. A lengthy pause seems to follow after any of his brother's speeches, and Aegon's thoughts settle on how much he admired @godeyed's dragon, more giant than anything he'd ever seen and thrice the firepower of any army; kinslayer, they called him for it.
He wondered if Aemond admired his dragon at any point during their youth. Vhagar's polar opposite with his scales of gold, sunlight dappled, and flesh hot enough to burn any who stray near. The maester had always said dragons take after their riders...
" You don't fool me, Aemond. "
kinslayer, they called him for it.
" I've known you my whole life. " he remembers how he had oft teased him with their half-sisters, sons, half-brothers, a feeling of belonging: ( * we know how much you want a dragon, Aemond. So we got you a gift. )
" You'll always be The Pink Dread. "
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casspurrjoybell-27 · 11 months
Claimed by the Beast - Chapter 33
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*Warning Adult Content*
A Role To Play - Part 1
"Time to gear up," Gavin says to his men. "We've got a meeting with Ghost."
A dangerous spark lights up in every man's eyes, except for Everett, who suddenly feels nauseous.
It's never been easy for him to watch Knox leave.
The chances of the man coming back alive tend to decrease with every mission he goes on and with them becoming more frequent as the war with The Jackals intensifies, Everett's far-fetched dream of them one day turning into something other than two people just fucking around becomes even more improbable.
"That idea that Finn and Knox had suggested, sending Ghost a text from the dead Jackal's phone, worked," Gavin continues, appearing oblivious to Everett's presence. "This is our chance to finally catch that son of a bitch and if we're successful, which we will be, we can get him to tell us where that footage from the club is. Even better, tell us where the fuck Russell has been hiding. Without a leader and their VP, The Jackals are as good as dead. Any questions or concerns?"
The image of Knox walking out on him makes Everett do something he never once imagined doing since moving into The Fallen Angels' clubhouse, offer to be put on the front line.
"I, uh, just realized you probably didn't know I was here and I'm sorry for not taking off like the girls..."
Everett sets his plate on the table and rises from Knox's lap to stand, bravely meeting Gavin's gaze.
"I don't know anything about what you just said because no one here tells me shit but I want to help. Is there anything I can do for this mission?"
"Everett," Knox swiftly interjects as he also stands.
Fury settles on his face at Everett's absurd request.
"The fuck do you think you're doing right now?"
"I'm trying not to be dead weight."
Everett turns to face Knox, squaring his shoulders to look confident despite anxiety ripping him apart on the inside.
"You and your brothers took me in when you didn't have to and I've been living under you guys' protection for weeks. You, specifically, continue to put yourself in danger to protect me, my friends and my family."
The members are deathly quiet, all eyes now on them.
"I hate feeling like a burden, so I want to help."
Knox grabs Everett's hand, tugging him to his side with a low growl.
He then looks to his leader.
"He ain't participating in shit."
"Knox," Everett protests. "I can make my own decisions."
"Not when it comes to club business, I make those decisions for you," Knox's voice has an edge to it that Everett isn't used to hearing.
It sends a chill running down his spine, yet he refuses to back down.
"This conversation is over. Get your ass upstairs."
"No..." Everett snaps.
"Just adding my two cents," Gavin interrupts, stepping closer to the couple. "I get you're unfamiliar with how things work around here but Knox claimed you, kid. So, technically, what he says goes."
"Bullshit," Everett exclaims, struggling to free himself from Knox's grip. "I'm a grown ass man just like the rest of you. If I want to go..."
Gavin lifts a hand, silencing him again.
"Listen, I admire your tenacity. I really do. And if I can be honest here, I do have an idea regarding you that just might come in handy. But, before we even go down that road, I'll need to speak with Knox in private."
The room holds its collective breath as Knox gives Gavin a death glare.
"Brother, a word?"
Knox's hold on Everett's hand tightens, his voice a deep grumble.
"Is that an order?"
"It is," Gavin responds simply. "Follow me."
Reluctantly, Knox releases Everett's hand.
He follows Gavin out of the kitchen, his demeanor the polar opposite of what it'd been minutes prior.
Bear, whose tail had been wagging at everyone until now, follows suit and sticks to Knox like a personal bodyguard.
The room empties out as the members disperse.
It leaves Josie and Everett alone, surrounded by their own wild thoughts.
"Are you sure you want to get involved, Everett?" Josie asks. "I really think it'd be best if you just stayed here like you usually do."
"I can't... I don't want to stay here."
With a soft sigh, Everett slides into his chair at the table.
His eyes focus on the worn wood and they begin to trace the patterns in it as he speaks his mind.
"Like I said, the club has been taking care of me and everyone that I love since this whole mess with The Jackals started. I hate to agree with Finn but I need to earn my place and put in some work around here."
"You know who you're talking to, right?"
Josie's face softens with a smile, her warm eyes studying him.
"Is that really why you want to help the guys today? Or are you doing this to keep a closer eye on Knox?"
"What? No. I..."
That's a question he hadn't anticipated and he loses his train of thought while trying to think of a response.
Truth be told, Josie is right and wrong, Everett definitely wants to keep an eye on Knox to make sure he doesn't get hurt or worse but he also desperately wants this war with The Jackals to end.
If his involvement helps to expedite that, then so be it.
"You don't have to answer. I'm just teasing," Josie says, rubbing her belly. "As you mentioned, you are indeed a grown ass man, so whatever you choose to do, I fully support you. But remember, you're a dog dad now, so you'd better not get hurt out there."
Everett musters a small smile.
"I still can't believe that man brought home a dog."
"Me either."
Josie laughs.
"Shocked the hell out of me when I saw them together."
The tension breaks a little as they fall into an easy routine, Everett helping Josie clean up the kitchen.
It works to keep his mind busy and off whatever Gavin and Knox are discussing.
Josie is always fun to be around and Everett soon gets wrapped up in a conversation about her baby, part of him wondering if she'll still consider him a friend after he makes his exit from the club once the war ends.
When Knox and Gavin return to the kitchen several minutes later, it's evident that rage still has itself wrapped tightly around Knox's muscular frame.
Everett doesn't look away from the man until he hears his name being called by Gavin.
"Can I talk to you for a minute in private as well?" Gavin asks, looking cool, calm, and collected despite the circumstances.
"Sure..." Everett starts.
"Babe, is all this really necessary?" Josie's voice trembles as she reaches out to touch Gavin's arm.
His stance immediately softens.
"Exactly who is going to look after Everett to make sure he..."
"Jo, sweetheart, same as I told Knox a million times, I won't let anything happen to the kid. He'll be fine."
Gavin gives her a reassuring smile, one hand caressing her lower back.
"Our little boy is still cooking in here..."
His hand slowly makes its way to the front of her body, resting on her large belly.
"Don't need him getting upset because his mama is upset. Try to relax, okay?"
Everett lights up.
"You're having a boy, Josie? Congrats."
"No, no. We're keeping the gender a secret until the baby is born," Josie says, blushing from being the center of attention. "Gav, for whatever reason, thinks the baby will be a boy."
"Because I read," Gavin chuckles, looking at Everett. "Google says if the belly is hanging low, you're carrying a boy. If it's high, then it's a girl. Not scientifically proven, I know but my gut says I got a boy in here," he playfully knocks on Josie's stomach like it's a door.
She mumbles something under her breath and slaps his hand away, moving to speak with Knox.
"Alright, kid. Follow me."  
Everett glances over at Knox, their eyes meeting for a split second.
A world of unspoken worry sits in the grey depths of Knox's eyes before Gavin leads Everett away from the kitchen.
They turn a corner and walk to the end of a long hall, stopping in front of a window.
Everett peers outside to see members from the club gearing up.
Some are wearing bulletproof vests beneath their cuts, some decided to gamble with the devil and go without one and others are doing last minute maintenance on their bikes.
Finn, not yet in serious mode, is laughing in conversation with Alvin.
Gavin's voice cuts through the silence.
"Don't worry too much about Knox. He's just pissed that I pulled rank on him."
Everett blinks, coming back into the conversation.
"I'm still getting used to biker lingo. What does that mean?"
"Right. I keep forgetting you're new to this."
The simplicity of the question pulls a chuckle from Gavin.
There's no mockery in it, only a touch of amusement at Everett's innocence.
"As you know, I'm the President of this MC. I always welcome input from my brothers but I ultimately have the final word on everything that happens around here. This includes dishing out orders that they're required to follow, whether they want to or not." 
Everett nods in understanding.
"So what did you want to discuss with me?"
"You're aware Knox and Finn went out to handle some business last night, right?" Gavin asks.
Everett nods again.
"Long story short, that trip they made will bring us one step closer to ending The Jackals. And that all starts with us capturing Ghost alive."
"Who is Ghost?"
"The one responsible for that motel shoot-up that you and your friends got mixed up in a while back. He's The Jackals VP and is currently our only lead to find out where their President, Russell, is hiding. I have a trap set for Ghost that we're about to carry out and if you still want to help, then I have something you can do."
Everett exhales a shaky breath.
"I'm listening."
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rubbarband · 11 months
Tia and Desmond for the kid meme
If They Had A Kid... (Meme)
Send me a pairing and I'll fill this out with what their kid would be like!
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Coinflip landed on twins!
Name:  Damien and Desera bake
Gender:  Male/Female twin
General appearance: Two dark skinned twins with brownish hand that ends in blond roots a small mutation of the sister having elongated arms that end in cartoonish big hands and the boy has a tail that has a harden end similar to the Ankylosaurs. Beyond that they look more pretty like Tia, especially in the eyes
Personality: Damian's like Desmond, sarcastic, always dropping quips and doesn't take his enemy seriously, a weakness that he has a hard time overcoming. He has a bit of a cocky streak something he got from coming from a powerful family so he wears said power on his sleeves and has a hard time coming to reality when fighting. Combined with being a bit of a womanizer and you got a troubled teen on hand. When he's at home he's a good son, a bit obsessed with what's "cool" but still smart and studious and listens to his parents.
Desera- She's more level headed, they're almost tow half's of their old man, she's more crafty, cautious and only easy going when her brother's relaxed. She enjoys drawing alot, a wonder since Desmond has zero creativity; and she's gotten a knack for it- a bit hard with big hands but she adapts and similar to Des she's an absolute daddy's girl. Independent but wants to earn her parent's respect as a rescue hero. She also stole rollerblading from her mother, loves to do it, and states that it was only cool after her generation did it- even knows a few tricks.
Quirk: Damien has what Tia has coined as Kinesis tail- Damien can hit something with his tail up to five objects and the when he flexes force what objects he hits to close in violently on his tail tip! And that means ANYWHERE- IF he say walks into a building and acttivates it then that poor villain is forced through a building.
Desera's quirk is more well rounded, on her palm are pad that leave behind paw prints and when she touches a few items and raises her hands she's able to use polarity to magnetize things tow and from herself, pulling her hands away she can send things outward and bringing them closer send then in towards herself; useful to guard her from attacks and repel villains away.
Special Talents: Besides Desera's skill in art Damien can win over alot of women with his smile, he can also plat piano, something his grandfather knows how to do and he wanted to learn to woo the ladies.
Who they like better:  Desera likes Desmond and Damien likes Tia cause she can't stay mad at that face, much to her husbands' dismay.
Who they take after more: Damian and Dersera definitely had that Des in them- but it's two of Tia and Desmond's many MANY children.
Personal headcanon: They earned the name the "Worst generation twins" From villain kind, a name they take with smiles on their faces, when they get a bit carried away they can be a bit of a handful to any villains combining their powers. Sometimes defending each other can get them into trouble with how they treat villains. Desera Left and Damian right
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Face Claim: 
Carole - Carole and Tuesday / JJK guy idk
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