#in our brains and eyes
blackvahana · 5 months
you ever just see an alternate version of your life flash before your eyes though.... Im so glad im getting into this now. Im so glad lull didnt let me near kos lmfao because like. im sitting here... fully ready to be dissected myself and to dissect and experiment with these things and im. oh boy! getting glimpses like alternate universe memories of having awoken this in front of him and with him and being. absolutely used. and dissected. and my body broken up and given out like bread at communion. i absolutely can see the ultimate timeline where he convinces me im nothing but Kos and its not a mask but my reality and then he just. does what he wants with my body because Secret Broken + he'd have free reign to pull the instincts i connect to her of. communion and self-death and whatnot
and im not even exaggerating. that absolutely would be where it was going. hes done so much fucked up shit to my astral body, he refused to take no as an answer to having a kid with me, my body was just to be eaten and uh. yeah. it was already a fucked up 5 years lmfao
see. emphasis on "fully ready". full like a full belly. like the full moon. like a full field ready to be harvested. ive grown into myself now, theres a huge difference between being the whale that falls on purpose to feed the populace and one hunted. and i get to experiment now because. the moon is ripe. the sun is ripe. the ocean is pregnant. theres peace in the salt in the air
#i know that these flashes are like... not false memories but the seeds of them. theyre vague memories of actual shit thats happened#before my life and informed by stuff in the astral but that i dont remember enough to confidently pull through. incidentally....#this is absolutely how false kin memories develop. because only now after 5 years of working w pc spirits and working w someone#who very openly takes on fictional masks all the time (lev) do i have enough insight to actually break down the process of recalling#memories. theres a gap like opening your eyes in between the seeds of memories forming - energies. ideas. feelings. etc - and#the simulation of the space in reality - faces. names. appearances. etc.... and like the brain absolutely pulls on context to inform the#details part. just then i got to watch memories of ''mensis'' but i have the insight to be able to walk them back from recollections of#micolash and the lecture halls to see beneath the surface theyre /not/ related to bb at all except for the fact that thats the context i pu#on these past memories because... memories are simulated realities. and like simulations you need to have textures and models#and data and coding to pull from to make the simulation. you mod out a persons appearance in the simulation? the same scene plays#out but an entirely new person is in it doing the same actions. and brains make complete pictures of incomplete data. anyway.#obviously talking about my own experiences here this is not @ anyone else. but also...... take it if it resonates.#because like i went through too many years of gaslighting and fake memories and stuff to not say ''hey uh my experience shows#that this can happen when youre unaware of it happening''#but anyway as i said...... thats not the point of saying it. point of saying it is i was so close to forming fake pc memories there because#like a flamenco player can think notes faster than you can hear... ive seen these memories form. ive been Trained to take false memories#i get how they work now. i see the process. like impulse becomes words... like idea becomes opinion.... patterns spark recognition of#pattern and recognition of pattern is presumption and the dot-to-dot filling in of a simulated reality like that suspended between atoms#in our brains and eyes#wahoo!#ramblings //#mask: causality //
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lioniheart · 9 days
Finished IWTV and wanted to say, yet again: I STAND WITH MY CANCELLED WIFE
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merlinemryspendragon · 6 months
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Do you believe the best foundation for love is friendship? Colin Bridgerton - Bridgerton S3 Trailer
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bird-inacage · 1 year
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Only Friends Episode 9 | Ray/Sand Kisses "I've never been so crazy for anyone."
What can I even say??! Their kisses this episode were absolutely heartachingly beautiful - raw, passionate, yearning, but also tender too. I have a tonne to say about THE SCENE. But one of my favourite kisses was actually Ray snuggling into Sand and pecking him on the cheek. It made my heart clench.
Khaotung and First absolutely went for it. If this is the 'steamiest NC scene' everyone was referring to, I see why.
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I am calling out Pran's complete and utter fakery right here:
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"I want to sleep" - yea, right, Pran. You are a little liar who lies and I am going to prove it.
Exhibit A:
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You've already admitted that you need your Nong Nao eye mask to sleep and do indeed wrestle back off your boyfriend and put it on to fall asleep. We know this is a regular routine for you as we saw you also wearing it for bed in the previous episode so we can assume that this is entirely true.
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When you lie down to "go to sleep" after your little teasing roleplay as chief and volunteer teacher, the eye mask is right next to you and yet you make no attempt to put it on. It's there, all prepared for your night's sleep, but you deliberately choose not to place it on your face. Hmm...
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Here again, after your little heart-to-heart about Pat wanting to help you and you finally giving into him. You turn away but you still do not put on the mask. You're acting as though you're ready to head off into the land of Morpheus and Pat even falls for it, doesn't he? Wiggling in closer for cuddles...
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Look at you snuggled up with the love of your life. So cute. So darling. So completely ignoring your Nong Nao eye mask which you proclaim to need for sleeping!
You've even got a smug, little smile on your face. It's not just because your bf's being cute though, is it Pran? It's because you're waiting for him to figure out.
Which he does.
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And there's the reason Pat's eyes pop open like a doll in a horror movie! HE'S REALISED YOU'RE NOT WEARING YOUR SLEEPING AID. He's realised that you're not interested in the sleeping AT ALL!!!
So protest all you want Pran - you engineered this whole thing from the start!
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furfag-cringelord · 11 months
anyone want a monster!jon maybe
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angel---eater · 3 months
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drawing angles and interactions im not as confident in w/ da boys
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carionto · 11 months
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This has probably been transcribed before but I don't know what tags to find it under, so imma just do it again cuz this kind of stuff feels very relevant to know, more evidence that Humans are weird as fuck and our brains just make shit up. [Twitter thread by user named foone as a long image I stumbled upon on Pinterest]: _______________________________
You want to know something about how bullshit our brains are? OK, so there's a physical problem with out eyes: We move them in short fast bursts called "saccades", right? very quick, synchronized movements. The only problem is: they go all blurry and useless during this
Having your vision turn into a blurry mess every time you move your eyes is obviously not a good idea, so our brains hide it from us. Now imagine you're an engineer and you have this problem
You've got some obvious solutions you could do.
make the vision go black during movement. (Some VR games do this!)
just keep showing the last thing we saw prior to movement
Both are good options with different downsides, but OH NO. this is assuming everything makes sense and is chronological and (regular) logical.
Your brain does neither of these options, really.
First, it basically puts your visual system on "pause".
You're not seeing blackness or even nothing, you're just not seeing period.
then when you finish your saccade, it shows you what you now see at the new position. and then it pretends it can time travel.
It seriously shows you the image at the new point, but time-shifts it backwards so that it seems like you were seeing it the whole time your eyes were moving.
And because your brain is not a computer with a consistent clock, this shit works.
You can see this effect happen if you watch an analog clock with a second hand.
Look away (with just your eyes, not your head), then look back to the second hand.
It'll seem like it takes longer than a second to move, then resumes moving as normal.
That's because your freaking visual system just lied to you about HOW LONG TIME IS in order to cover up the physical limitations of those chemical camera orbs you have on the front of your face.
We've known about this effect for over 100 years, it's called "Saccadic masking" and more specifically Chronostasis. Your visual system lies to you about WHEN things happen by up to half a second (!) just to avoid saccades blurring everything.
So while I firmly believe we're basically just overgrown biological computers, we're apparently computers programmed by batshit insane drunkards in Visual Basic 5.
And you might think "hey wait, wouldn't my vision 'pausing' for half a second have all kinds of weird effects on moving objects? why don't they appear to stutter when moving?"
and the answer is simple! your brain has EVEN MORE UGLY HACKS on top of this to avoid you seeing that
If you've got a clock where the second hand doesn't "tick" but instead smoothly rotates, you won't see this. Because your brain recognizes it's moving and adjusts what you see to make sure it sees the "right" thing.
It's only really obvious with periodically moving things like a clock hand, because it's not moving (so not triggering the movement-during-chronostasis hack) but it moves at a set rate, so you can notive that rate appearing to change.
It's tempting to think of your eyes and visual system as a camera just dumping a video feed into your conscious brain but taht's so very, very not the case. What you think you see and what your eyes can actually see are two exceptionally different things.
The big obvious one being the blind spot. Vertebrate eyes are wired backwards so we've got a blind spot in each eye where the enrves enter into the eye. About 6 degrees of your vision in each eye is just not there, as there's no light sensitive cells there.
Do you see a blind spot, right now? No, you probably don't. Close one eye! There's now no way for the other eye to fill in the gaps. Still, no blind spot… Your visual system is lying, and making up content it thinks is there. You literally cannot see what you think you see.
Here's another one: You can see in color, right? (well, some of you can't. Sorry) You can see in color all throughout your vision, it's color everywhere?
Well, most of the cone cells (Which are sensitive to color) are in the fovea, a little spot in the center of your vision.
So outside of that center-of-vision spot, you have very little color perception. There's some but it's very limited compared to your main color vision. But I bet if you shift your attention to your peripheral vision right now, it's in color.
Your vision system is lying. It's remembering what colors things are and guessing and filling in the gaps. It's basically doing a Ted Turner colorization process on your non-central vision.
There's even weird effects like what's called "Action-specific perception". If you get a bunch of white balls of various sizes and toss them at people then ask them to estimate the size of the balls thrown at them, they'll have a certain size estimate, right?
Now repeat the experiment but ask them to try to hit the balls back with a bat, and suddenly all the estimates shift larger. They actually see the ball as bigger because they need to hit it. Their vision is exaggerating it to make it easier to see!
Which just goes to show, like I said, your vision is not a camera. Perfect accuracy is not one of its goals. It does not give any shits about "objective reality", that's not important.
What's important to the evolution of the visual system is any trick that helps you survive, no matter how "dumb" or "weird" it is.
So if you want an accurate visual representation of what things look like? Use a camera. Not your eyes.
In any case the original point was that while you might know this about your eyes being poor cameras that lie to you, you might still think that at least they're consistent, time-wise. They don't screw with your sense of time passing, just to make up for visual defects. NOPE!
If you can't get it don in time, turn back the clock and pretend you did. That's a perfectly good solution when you're the visual system.
BTW @/hierarchon reminded me of a neat trick with saccadic masking: go look in a hand mirror. No matter how close you bring it to your eyes, and how much you look around, you will never see your eyes move. You're blind during those movements. But you still think you are seeing.
She additionally pointed out that your phone's selfie-mode is NOT a mirror, and it has a slight delaye, so you can see your eyes moving in it.
And for fun, here's wikipedia's example of the blindspot. Stare at L with only your left eye, adjust the distance, and the R will disappear. You don't see "nothing" or "black", you see the background, because you expect to.
This is why laser damage your retina can be so insidious. Your visual system already can hide "holes" in your vision, what's one more to hid? So you damage a small spot of your retina and your visual system covers it up.
But since you didn't go "WELL THAT WAS TERRIBLE I BETTER TAKE BETTER CARE OF MY EYES" and stop fucking with lasers, you keep doing it. Eventually you accumulate so much damage that your visual system simply cannot manage hiding it all and your vision rapidly degrades.
The other reason lasers are so dangerous is that they don't necessarily trigger the same responses as regular incoherent light. Your pupil reflex is only triggered by some special cells in the center of your eye, so an off-center laser might not cause your iris to contract.
And infrared laser light is just as dangerous as visible laser light, but can't trigger your blink reflex. Your eyes automatically close when exposed to bright light, but they can't detect infrared light. Despite not seeing it, it still causes damage.
Anyway, back on how amazing and crazy your vision is: There was an experiment back in 1890 where someone wore glasses made with mirrors in them to flip their vision. After about 8 days, they could see just fine with them on. Their vision system had started "flipping" the image.
(I say flipping in quotes because it's not as simple as it started showing the pixels at the top row on the bottom row, cause our vision doesn't work like that) It only took them a few hours to get back to normal after taking these glasses off, though.
The last really fun part about this flipping experiment: your eyes already do it. Based on how our vision is wired, we should be seeing everything upside down.
We don't, but only because our visual system has had a whole life to adapt to this.
BTW, since a few people have brought it up: There's a great sci-fi novel by Peter Watts called Blindsight. In it humans encounter an an alien race they call Scramblers, who can move very fast and precisely, and they exploit saccades.
Because if they only move during saccades, we never see them moving. And since so much of our vision is based on just filling in what we think is there, if they stay out of the direct center of our vision, we'll just visually fill them in, like they were never there.
Check it out if you're into hard SF stories of first contact. It's got some really neat ideas about human vision, very unique aliens, the future of humanity in the face of perfect VR, and vampires. (Really, it has "vampires", while still being hard-SF)
BTW, remember how I said "vertebrate eyes" up there? Guess who has eyes which are wired forwards instead of backwards (have no blindspot), have an internal lens, and can even see polarization of light? Our good friends the Cephalopods!
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unwanted--ceiling · 2 months
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don't you want to become a cult leader?
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mysticellus · 2 years
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[id: a digital painting of Kos and Rom from Bloodborne. Rom is wading into the moonside lake to meet Kos, whose arms are open and accepting. Rom reaches out to take her hand. the moonlight sparkles on the water. end id]
this was my piece for @vermilionzines latest bloodborne project, For Whom the Bell Chimes!
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transmechanicus · 1 month
It is my duty, my obligation, my compulsion, and my hunger, to be so absolutely and exotically Myself that the course of the world would sooner warp and contort than obstruct my passing among the clockwork of creation.
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theworldinclines · 1 year
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ocularmacdown · 1 year
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“call me a joker, call me a fool, right at this moment i’m totally cool”
“eager to please, ready to fight, why do i go to extremes?” - i go to extremes, billy joel
hmm gob bluth can have a just little unnecessary angst. as a treat <3
i’m actually so so proud of this !! it took tremendous will not to fully colour and render it all but !!! i’m very glad i didn’t :D created for a target audience of exactly one person and BOY am i glad i’m here !!
(expand for quality cause tumblr despises my canvas sizes rip)
rotated and blank versions under the cut !!
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proud to say i have officially unintentionally memorized the entire san francisco fight. all of it. ive just watched it so many times now i can recite it perfectly🫡🫡
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banesberry-anomoly · 4 months
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Son of Dionysus
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crownspeaksblog · 11 months
David Jenkins: the relationship is the show!!
The fandom: the relationship is the show!!
Me: the relationship is the show!!
Also me, whenever the relationship IS the show:
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