#in optional extra reading material you only unlock after you beat a game not many people have played
firestorm09890 · 26 days
Day 25 🗓️: Hollow 🪹 Ties 🪢
Pressing 🗣️ Zexion 📖 for answers 💡would be a waste 🗑️ of time ⌛. I know that 😔, but this dearth 🤏 of information 📑is hard 💪 to accept 🙇‍♂️. What's happening 👋on the upper ⬆️ levels 🏰? What ❓ought we 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️be doing down ⬇️ here 🕯️? They 🔥🌹⚡hug 🤫 their truths 😈 close and leave 💨 the rest of us 👨‍🔬⛰️📖 to speculate 🤔. Zexion 📖 talks of the bond 🪢 we share 🤝 as an Organization 🏢, but how ❓could such a thing 🫂 exist 🧬? Still, he 📖 remains the only one 1️⃣ I can trust 👥🤝💞💥💯🫡.
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griffinwriting · 5 years
1.The Bank Job
Tobias Clarke wasn’t a bad kid. Of course, it really depended on who you asked and what their standards were. That being said, he wasn’t the worst kid. He certainly knew of kids that were a lot worse than him, but he was no saint.
He was dealing with the cards that were dealt to him, at least that’s what he kept telling himself. He had to admit that he knew jack-shit about card games and would probably lose a lot of them. But he did know if there was a shitty hand to be dealt, it was this one.
Tobias crumpled the paper fast food bag and tossed it in the bin, he found the old tv remote and switched it on, he always needed some background noise to distract him.
His apartment was nothing of the sort, not an actual apartment at all. It was a couple of cosy rooms built out of leftover building materials. It sat on the fifth floor of an old and abandoned New York City building, mid-construction when abandoned. The apartments he visited when he was house-hunting were all amazing but the people asked too many questions and wouldn’t take a seventeen-year-old who looked like he had slept in an alleyway seriously. Although they had a point not to, back then he was sleeping in the subway.
So he found the abandoned building, paid off the old man who owned it and made a few shoddy shacks, it was home.
Tobias ruffled through his drawer and picked out two leather duffel bags. He plopped them on the table and went to find his other belongings, stopping before the wall. The wall was plastered with pictures and posters, newspaper articles and building schematics.
He bit his lip, pondering if he should really go through with it.
Dealing with the shitty hand dealt to me.
Of course, robbing a bank is probably not the best way to deal with your problems. But Tobias had run out of options, and he hadn’t seen Robin in a while.
This was going to be different from normal bank heists though, he placed his car keys in the duffel bags, phone, headphones and extra cash just in case, but no guns. No one was going to be hurt and the bank itself was owned by the city’s own corrupt mayor, the one that had shut down businesses for the promise of another mall. So really no harm done.
Tobias switched between channels until he found the news and went to get changed, the sound carrying over from the living room.
The news anchor looked distraught as she read from the teleprompter.
Another witness of supernatural this morning as one woman claims to have seen an African American youth in the South Bronx at approximately eight AM. The woman claims the teenager disappeared in front of her eyes before reappearing behind her, he appeared to teleport a few more times before finally leaving the witness. This is the sixth report of supernatural abilities in the last seven months, forcing some people to take the streets in panic. The US government has not issued any statement regarding this surge in the supernatural which has angered a lot of people, this just begs the questions. Is the government as clueless as the public? When will the supernaturals start hurting people? Are we safe? 
More on this after the break.
Tobias muttered under his breath as he flicked it off.
Fearmongering media. He rolled his eyes.
He grabbed the duffel bags and left down the elevator. The Brooklyn air was filled with the smells and sounds of the city, mostly just a lot of traffic.
Tobias rounded the corner to see a familiar face.
Emily stood by his rusted 78 Chevy. Her blonde hair curved around her slender face, her lanky figure hugged by the baggy clothes she wore, her favourite hoodie almost three sizes too big for her.
“How the hell did you find me?” he asked.
“I have a phone Toby, it wasn’t that hard,” she responded.
He chuckled and held her in a tight hug, “I have missed you Em. How’s it been?”
She thrust her hands into her pockets and her face deadened.
“Shit. Jones is furious, been calling cops all over to find you. The kids are scared, keep askin’ bout you.”
Tobias unlocked the Chevy and thrust the duffel bags in, a knot formed in his chest. The kid's faces flashed through his mind and a pang of guilt rushed through him.
“I’m sorry for leaving like that, I uhh… needed to get out.”
They both went silent, Emily’s glassy eyes started to well but she held her composure.
“I got a couple interested,” she said, “Over in Queens, they seem serious about it.”
Tobias’ face lit up. “No way! Well, you always said you would get out.”
He smiled, “You better stay in touch right?”
“Course I will, you can’t get rid of me that easily,” she said, playing with the inhaler in her hands.
She took his phone and punched in her number, “You text me whenever you can okay? I uhh gotta get back, before anyone notices I’m gone.”
Tobias enveloped his friend in another warm hug, hoping to god it wouldn’t be the last. He smiled as she turned and walked away. He opened the car door.
He turned back to her.
“Please go back. It ain't much but at least it’s a warm bed and food, the kids can’t deal with it alone and you know that. You can’t just run away to live in a construction building?”
Her voice was frail, tears running the mascara down her cheeks.
“I promise I’ll make things right,” he said nodding, he bent down and kissed her cheek. “I just need a little time.”
They said their goodbyes and Tobias climbed in the driver seat, he took a few breaths to calm himself before turning the key. He pulled out and sped down the street, the conversation still ticking at him. Once he stopped at a light he fumbled for his phone and scrolled through his playlists, music was a good distraction.
He scrolled past the Beatles and the Zepplin, and even Nirvana. Stopping at Blue Swede, he pressed and the bubbly, gorilla-like intro of ‘Hooked on a Feeling’ bounced from the speaker system.
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to see the kids again, or even that the house was that bad. It was just the atmosphere he hated. The disappointing soul-sucking banality that was led at the St Christophes Orphanage. Watching as kids get adopted left and right while the disabled, sick and older children are invisible. Emily and Tobias had been the only ones who looked after The Forgotten as they called themselves. There was Macy, the eleven-year-old mute who had a secret addiction to red vines. Tom the paraplegic fourteen-year-old, who even though it wasn't cool anymore, adored the power rangers. The six-year-old twins, Gabby and Danielle who could beat anyone at chess. When going up against each other the games could last hours. And seven-year-old David, type 1 diabetic but could always manage to put a smile on anyone’s face.
Emily had been there a couple months before Tobias had, her parents killed in an accident and his parents just gave him up. 
No one wanted them so at the orphanage they stayed. And Tobias was sick of it, the emotional rollercoaster that goes through the kids when a family is interested. Everything seems good until they pull the rug out from under you, either the family loses interest or doesn’t have the money. Tobias and Emily had both had their souls broken before they hit puberty.
So once the opportunity presented itself, Tobias ran. He hadn't planned anything, just took what little he had and slept where he could.
But then it happened, the media had called it The Surge. Reports of teenagers gaining powers of extraordinary magnitude, all around the globe and out of the blue. Controlling elements, changing the weather, breathing fire. Just like out of a movie, except the movies never showed the dark side of superpowers, the riots, the beatings. Humans did what was true to their nature, they didn’t understand it so they fear it, they attack it.
Somehow amidst all of this, Tobias became even more invisible. But that was okay for him, now he could do whatever he wanted and no one would bother him. Peace at last.
Tobias pulled into a parking lot, the engine rumbled and spluttered to a stop and he paused the music, putting his feet up and watching.
A few moments passed and he began to wonder if it would ever come. 
Maybe I’m too late? Maybe it’s not coming today?
The familiar bank logo passed on the armoured truck, it pulled into the parking lot and around to the back of the Bank of NYC.
Tobias smiled. Perfect.
He checked the time on his phone, 11:27. He stuffed his phone and headphones into his pockets and grabbed the duffel bags.
He opened the door and was flooded by the sounds of the city, the birds that sung overhead, the cab’s many horn honkings and the chattering of passersby. 
He stopped in front of the bank doors and took a deep breath.
The bird songs stopped, their wings spread out but motionless. The chorus of cab horns went dead. The passersby as still as statues.
Not only had The Surge made him more invisible by focusing on the ones with superpowers, but no one had seen him because he was never there. At least not according to time, he could get in and out without a single second passing.
It was odd at first, he woke up and felt different. A weight that accumulated in his chest, it travelled up his spine and to his head. A tingle and then a burst of power rippled through his body. Then it was just there, a single thought, almost like an instinct.
There had been a few theories about the apocalypse from sweaty men who talked fast on the tv, the ones who could control water would create tsunamis, the ones who could shoot fire from their eyes would turn the world to ash. But Tobias didn't think the ability to stop time would harm anybody, it couldn’t end the world. All it did was make his life a little easier and for once it actually was easy. 
Didn’t get any sleep? Stop time and take a nap.
Late for a train you need to get? Stop time and get to the subway.
Need to rob a bank from a corrupt government official because he’s an asshole and you need money? Stop time and rob that bank.
It was a plus four in the Uno game that was his life.
He smiled, relishing the perfection of stillness. 
Fumbling in his pocket, he took his phone and plugged in the headphones. The music flooding his ears made him chuckle slightly.
The bank was nice and cool, it was busy today.
He went through a series of doors and plucked one of the teller’s security badges, swiping it on the door, the LED flashed green and let him through. The hallway was narrow but it was perfect, the bank worker pushing a cart, paralysed. The vault door, wide open.
Tobias ran past the worker, the cart full of money was enticing but would be too obvious, the vault was where he should be. With it’s round doorway over his head he continued inside, rows of safety deposit boxes lined the walls but they were all locked. Three more carts sat inside, stacks of hundred notes piled on top of them.
Tobias couldn’t help but jump with excitement. 
‘I’m high on believinnn’
His hips swayed, his feet shuffled.
‘That you’re in looooooove with meeeee’
He held his phone like a microphone as he danced across the vault floor.
His grin spread even wider, he started shoving stacks into the duffel bags. 
Five thousand. Hundred thousand. Half a million.
Holy shit.
Soon his duffel bag was full, he reached for the second but stopped.
Don’t be too greedy, there’s still the second bank.
That being said, Tobias wasn’t convinced. He was staring at more money than he’d ever hope to spend. 
Most people would stare at the mountain of cash and think about the Bahamas, private jets or the newest Ferrari. Tobias looked at it, his thoughts weren’t about extravagance. His mind flooded with needs. A lifetime of insulin for David, a better wheelchair for Tom, food for the rest of his life, a house for him and the kids. He turned away from the cart.
Half a million was all he needed, so half a million was all he took.
He ran back out, past the worker and back to the bank teller, placing the security card back in her pocket. The duffel bag was heavy, but he didn’t mind.
His body flowed with adrenaline as he skipped his way outside. He flitted back to his car and shoved the bags in, he sat down and closed the door.
Taking a deep breath he closed his eyes.
The chorus of cab horns played again and the passersby resumed their walking and chattering. Tobias waited, expecting the worst.
After a moment he grinned again. No sirens.
He started the car again and the engine roared to life, as did the speakers. This time it was Queen’s ‘Another one bites the dust’. The car’s clock ticked from 11:27 to 11:28.
He drummed his fingers on the wheel to the beat, screaming the lyrics at the top of his lungs as the joy almost burst out of him. 
He sped down the road grinning to himself.
A minute later he took a right and pulled into the parking lot of his favourite place in Brooklyn, Ivan’s Ironic Ice cream. Tobias had gone there every week since he ran away and he still hadn’t found out how it’s ironic. 
He grabbed the duffel bag and walked out into the hot sun.
The bell rang above the door as he entered, the ice cream shop was relatively big for Brooklyn. There were a couple people scattered around the tables, frozen mid-bite. Tobias chuckled as he noticed one woman whos dollop had fallen off the spoon, the drop merely suspended in the air, waiting for gravity to carry on with it’s thing. The walls were decorated with posters of ungodly portions of ice cream but he didn’t mind, he wasn’t there for the decorations.
He turned to the counter and placed the duffel bag on a table.
A brunette stood smiling behind the counter, talking to her co-worker. Her slender figure hidden behind the baggy t-shirt with the shop’s logo on it. Her blue eyes glinted in the light and brought out the sharpness of her cheekbones. The pin attached to her T-shirt read Robin.
To Tobias, she looked perfect. He would tell her that if she’d known he had existed. Not in the talked-once-at-school kind of way, but the way in that every time he came in he would stop time so she literally had never met him.
He smiled as he went behind the counter and began a concoction of flavours to die for, a ball of mint choc chip, some banana pecan and maybe a touch of caramel sauce with a sprinkle of chocolate chips.
Tobias had been experimenting with combinations but had found this to be the best, he never actually paid for the ice cream directly. First, he’d have to calculate how much he owed and then he’d have to put it in the register. That just seemed like too much of a fuss for one ice cream. Instead, he placed down his pot and plucked a stack from the duffel bag. He opens up the black box labelled ‘tips’ and shoves in the whole stack. 
Tobias figured it was more than fair for a struggling Brooklyn business and besides, Robin probably needed it for something.
He sat and ate his well earned treat listening to the likes of Elton John and ABBA, although he did get up and dance a few times as well. Once he finished, he turned to leave but noticed something.
A girl sat in the corner, her mascara painted down her cheeks as she stared at the phone that lit her face. Tobias wondered over, curious. 
She wore a face of pain and Tobias couldn’t help but look at the phone. It was a string of texts and the contact had a heart emoji, but the last text stood out to him.
‘It’s not you, it’s me.’
“Ohh what a dick,” said Tobias, shaking his head. “Is he seriously using that bullshit?”
A split second decision led him to search for a pen, he came back with a sharpie and another stack of hundreds in hand.
In his messy handwriting he scribbled.
I’m Sorry Darling, 
you deserve better than him.
He fumbled around her jacket and stuck it in her inside pocket.
With a new sense of having done the right thing, he nodded everyone goodbye and left.
He climbed back in the car and laughed to himself.
The long line of traffic behind him began it’s steady shuffle again and he joined the line, with a bag of money and speakers blasting. It had been a rather succesful morning, but that did not deter Tobias from checking out the second bank, no harm in it if no one would know he’d been there.
He made his way through the painfully slow traffic until he found it.
The building was a glass fortress, it’s thick walls an architectual beauty. Once the traffic cleared for him to take the turning, he veered off and into the parking lot. 
He crept the car slowly around the building, and found the back door. The Bank usually kept that locked and it would’ve been, had one of the workers not been holding it open on his smoke break. 
Tobias grinned, it was almost too easy. He grabbed the empty duffel bag and left the car in park, with music blasting in his ears he jumped up the stairs and over tot he worker.
The name tag was a jumble of letters that could have read Jerry, but Tobias had no idea. The cigarette he held to his mouth had a warm glow to it, Tobias flicked it and it soared through the air and landed on the ground below.
“You know Jerry I’m saving you in the long run,” he said patting him on the shoulder and moving on past him.
 The inside of the bank was a series of long corridors that confused Tobias, it looked easier on paper. But eventually he found himself going through a door, the right door.
Then he walked into the truck bay, where no more than ten workers were unloading three armoured cars. Tobias’ face lit up. He rushed to them, plucking up stacks of hundreds here and there. He hopped up to the back of a truck and looked around, half was money and the other half was filled with mountains of white bags. Tobias poked the bags and felt it was soft.
I can do without the cocaine. He thought to himself, turning back to the money. 
With another bag full he hopped out and was filled with joy, his hands almost shaking.
After rearranging a few stacks to make it look like nothing had been tampered with, he stood back and looked at his work.
The next song came through his headphones.
Queen, ‘Don’t stop me now’.
Tobias leapt back through the doorway, prancing his way down the corridor.
His feet skipping on the carpeted floor.
 Dancing with a bag of over half a million dollars strapped to your back is a very difficult feat to achieve yet he did it, his body swaying from the office and into the lobby. Kicking doors open and spinning through them.
“Oh, Oh, Ohhh Explooooode!” he screamed, weaving through the still people.
It felt good to win. It felt like his life was actually going to get better.
He hadn’t just won poker, he’d taken the whole damn casino.
He clicked his fingers, the wire of his headphones flinging along with the sway of his head.
He closed his eyes, even with his singing every word his smile was as strong as ever.
He was high, the power, the music, the money. It was exhilarating.
He froze. His eyes opened, a girl stood the other side of the room, she was moving.
He yanked out the headphones. 
Did I start time again?
The people around him still paralyzed, motionless.
But this girl walked towards him.
“Who the hell are you?” she screeched.
“And what the fuck is going on?”
Tobias clicked his fingers along with his powers, turning it off and on again.
His stomach turned, “What?”
“Ww...WHAT?” he shouted.
The girl stared at him in amazement.
He stared back in disbelief. This couldn’t happen, it was impossible.
“Ohh fuck.”
Tobias did the only thing he could think of.
He turned and bolted.
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Part 12: In the Clouds
The part of the game where Tensho has to complete some finicky and very specific game requirements to progress the story.
If you don’t know what this is about, please refer to this previous post.
[Any new comments by me will be designated by brackets.]
[Oof, this chapter’s one of the messier ones... I’ve cleaned it up a lot from the original LiveJournal post, but it still jumps around a lot in places. Apologies for that.]
Before I get on with the plot of the game, I found some upgrades!
Lv 2 --> 3:
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Second listed item, Lv 1 --> 2
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First listed item, Lv 1 --> 2
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First listed item, Lv 2 --> 3
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Second item listed, Lv 1 --> 2
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Second item listed, Lv 2 --> 3
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[I uh. Really hope these combinations are still correct as I am unable to test them out in the old saved game I have. I highly recommend upgrading paopei/weapons whenever you can because it helps to make all future battles significantly easier.]
Oh, I forgot to mention before, but you should have gotten a few equipable items by now. Those are marked with stars (in the item description) in the inventory menu:
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You can equip them to characters by selecting the third “word” in the menu screen:
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Some equipment items affect certain stats, while some I guess negate status ailments. If you don't know Japanese, then finding out the effects pretty much comes down to trial and error. (I won't be listing the specific effects of all the equipable items--Sorry!)
Cavechan was nice enough to translate the character stat screen for us in part 1, so that should be a big help when you're messing around with equipment. (Thank you again to Cavechan!)
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In the end, I had to equip Tenka with an item to boost his attack because it was pathetically weak.
Also, I've recently found out that you can't use HP-restoring potions on doushi/senin. I have no idea why this happens. This means that if you want to heal these characters while in a dungeon, you have to use a character that has a healing move. Man, that's going to be annoying in a pinch.
Anyway, time for more level grinding in the Houshindai!
I will only be unlocking two senins in the Houshindai today because the monsters on the lower floor are getting harder and harder to beat.
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Another of the Juunisen, and In Hon's master. His name's Seki Seishi. (Also, he apparently talks A LOT.)
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I also unlocked In Cho's master! (Kou Seishi)
Their bonus is:
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They both sell things for something other than cash. One seems to sell potions while the other just sells combo upgrades. I suppose it’s decently useful?
While training in the Houshindai, I messed around with some of Youzen’s new moves.
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After having beaten Chou Koumei (yet again), Youzen can now transform into him (4th move, second option.)
Sadly, you only have one attack Chou Koumei (a whip-like attack) and it frankly sucks because it does such a small amount of damage. I think this form is balanced out with all the supporting moves you have at your disposal, though I admittedly never utilized Chou Koumei’s form much.
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And oooh, the 60 EP move (unlocked from the cutscene between Youzen and Gyokutei) allows Youzen to go into yokai form!
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His ultimate attack (costing 40 EP) does A TON of damage.
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(For reference, I was only doing about 1000 points of damage with Tensho and Tenka at this stage in the game.)
Anyway, time to head to the new location, finally. It looks to be someplace up in the clouds?
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Hmm, that kid looks familiar...
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Hey, it's kid-Tensho!
...Wait, what?
Yeah, this is actually all just an illusion. Those treasure chests scattered about are actually real, but you’ll have to find a way to get to them yourself because... Well, you’ll see why soon enough. 
After the short convo, kid-Tensho beckons you to follow him, and he’ll move a few steps along some kind of invisible path. You have to follow kid-Tensho’s steps EXACTLY. Otherwise you'll fall off the clouds (Hitou saves you from falling to your death) and have to re-do the path all over again. This “invisible path” is ridiculously long, which is why they included a guide in the form of kid-Tensho. You have to follow him about six times. You can save at any time in this area; so if you're the type that has trouble following an exact path, then you might want to save in the middle so you don’t have to keep restarting all the way at the beginning if you make a mistake.
Also, don't follow too closely behind kid-Tensho, otherwise you might accidentally walk ahead too far when he turns. This happened to me many, many times. [I’m not going to give a guide on how to grab any of the treasure chests in this area, because honestly; I haven’t been able to figure out how to grab most of the chests myself.]
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After all of that trouble, Tensho finds himself in a quant little village in the clouds. (It's actually a small village on top of a very high mountain, if you've read the manga.)
I'm going to just say this now for lack of a better place to bring it up: when you exit, you'll immediately leave the place. (You won't have to go through the invisble path in reverse or anything.) But you'll have to do the walkway “puzzle” again every time you try to visit the village. Really quite annoying. The next time you arrive, you'll be given three options on how to do the puzzle--slow, medium, or fast. This refers to how quickly kid-Tensho walks along the path. If you have amazing memory and want to save time, then you can choose the medium or fast option. I always go with slow, because it's the turns that get me...
The cameos in this village include:
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The Village Chief guy with a strong aura.
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And surprisingly, an un-possessed Chuu Ou. I have no idea how he got here or even what he’s doing here, but I get the feeling Shinkyohyo had a hand in this somehow.
And of course, there’s Taijou Roukun (a.k.a. Roushi) sleeping amongst the sheep.
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[Alright, this part... You’re supposed to talk to Taijou Roukun but he’s not an easy guy to get in contact with, as he’s almost always asleep. Even now I still don’t know the EXACT requirements on how you activate the next part of the game’s plot, but I have figured out a rough guideline... sorta.
Talk to EVERYONE in this location ONCE.
Yes, even the sheep. But ONLY once. If you talk to the same sheep twice by accident, the next cutscene won’t activate. This is an extremely specific set of requirements, I know.]
After having talked to everyone and every sheep ONCE, go up to Taikou Roukun and try talking to him. After the usual sleeping noises Roushi makes, Tensho will say something.
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I "think" after doing EVERYTHING you possibly can do, Tensho figures it out and does the same thing Taikoubou did to talk to Roushi... Sleep.
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No BGM plays in this mini-cutscene. That means important stuff. Too bad I can't read Japanese. You're given two different dialogue choices in a row. I don't think it really has much effect on the storyline, but I don’t have any real way of confirming that (due to my lack of Japanese language knowledge). 
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[I have no idea what this says but it’s probably important.]
In case you're wondering, I just went with the first choices for both “choose your dialogue” moment in the convo with Roushi. In this game, the first choice tends to be the better one, it seems.
After that mini-cutscene...
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Hey, you're--!
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Nentou Doujin! (By the way, his BGM is AWESOME.) Talk to him, and you’ll get treated to a loooong conversation. After that, leave Taijou Roukun’s place. The dot over Mount Kongrong’s location should be flashing, and all your party members will be gone. Don’t worry--this is only a temporary thing.
To continue the plot of the game, you'll have to bring Soushou along to the village in the clouds. (His room is the back right one, on the first floor.) Then head back to talk to Nentou. I can’t remember if it was ever officially confirmed (or if I’ve already mentioned it in this guide), but Nentou is Soushou’s master.
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After another long convo, Soushou stays behind, I guess to train under Nentou. You get the rest of your party members back here.
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Like master, like disciple.
BONUS MATERIAL TIME (a.k.a. some extra stuff that I didn’t know where to put so it’s going in this post whoop whoop)
At this point in the game, some locations on the overworld have changed a bit. If you go back to the water cave area (the one with all the arrows), you'll find Sengyoku and Dokouson there now.
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I have NO idea why they're even standing here. Maybe to guard the place? Maybe because Sengyoku thinks that it's a romantic spot?
Anyway, if you want to initiate a rather humorous scene; first have youzen transform into this:
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Second, talk to Dokouson.
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In case you're wondering who Youzen just transformed into, it's Hekiun, one of Ryuukitsu's disciples.
Dokouson starts drooling over her and his wifey gets mad.
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There’s some pounding noises and the screen shakes.
You can also now find Mokutaku and Kintaku at the old battlefield area.
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It took me a long time to figure this out, but Tenka’s “action button” allows him to bust through certain walls:
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Apparently the one-off “Tenka as a construction worker” joke from the manga was so funny to the game creators that they included a special face portrait of Tenka in a hardhat.
Anyway, if you head back to Tensho’s hometown after finishing the Taijou Roukun cutscene, you’ll be given a lot of dialogue choices if you talk to the villagers. This doesn’t seem to do anything too important. 
But if you choose the second dialogue option on one of the old men, he begins frantically running around the whole town. It's... somewhat amusing in a morbid kind of way.
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The old dude freaking runs at the speed of light. I had to block him like this to get a screenshot of him.
Going back to Genshitenson's place briefly...
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A grave has been built for him. I think Hakutsuru built it?
Inside Geishitenson's hut, if you look at the right pot at the back of the room, Hitou will say something. THIS IS IMPORTANT. He doesn't do it when you look at the other pot (on the left) so you know something's up. We will return here later.
[That’s all for this post. I hope you guys enjoyed it, despite it being a bit of a mess.]
To be continued.
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The King of Fighters ALLSTAR Guide
The King of Fighters ALLSTAR Guide
The King of Fighters ALLSTAR Guide is a guide for hot new game. Fastening essential assaults in The King of Fighters ALLSTAR is simple as consistently tapping on the assault button guarantees a combo and once a punch or kick is unguarded, the remainder of your assaults can pursue. In view of this, the way to accomplishing more harm or if nothing else guaranteeing that unique assaults will effectively interface is to utilize them whenever inside or following the chain of essential assaults. To the extent binding exceptional assaults together, it shifts starting with one warrior then onto the next. There is the Power Up Dungeon, which highlights organizes that you can pound to pick up cash, EXP, or assets. The Event Quest mode highlights restricted time occasions and stages that you can play to increase one-of-kind things or characters. For instance, since the game's dispatch was so near Halloween, there was even a lot of Halloween-themed characters that you can battle and additionally procure. The Match segment highlights modes that you play against different players. Time Attack Challenge is where you attempt to clear a phase at the quickest time, focusing on the best time on the leaderboards. The hand to hand fighting fervor is matched with forefront illustrations, strong hues, and exceptionally quick activitys, in addition to more than 50 warriors to gather and update at dispatch. The King of Fighters ALLSTAR will convey an abundance of substance and sentimentality for aficionados of the establishment and offer long periods of good times for gamers who are new to the activity. Other key highlights of the game incorporate the capacity to construct a group deck that incorporates three contenders, three strikers and chose bolster warriors. Players can finish levels and take an interest in competitions and difficulties to open, update, and advance a huge program of more than 50 contenders at dispatch. You likewise get those decent day by day login rewards on the off chance that you return each day! There are a huge amount of various characters accessible to open, with variations from the entirety of the KOF games and even some new forms of these characters manufactured explicitly for this game. Opening them all is somewhat of a granulate as the game is allowed to play. It wasn't excessively some time before I had a decent determination however, which I appreciate. So far I haven't spent a dime and right now have around 40 opened. After each level, your characters will get understanding and level up expanding their details. You will likewise procure different prizes like experience lifts or Gold to help open extra abilities. After specific stages, you will open a bring card that will let you open more warriors. These cards can differ in the scope of contenders they will open from the lower level 4-star warriors up to the more noteworthy 6-star. There are various unique occasions going on whenever to open considerably progressively constrained contenders, so returning regularly is perfect. At the point when you first begin with a warrior, there are just 2 of these assaults opened. As you level up you will open a third just as 2 completing moves. Completing moves are decent, garish, harm vendors that are exceptionally fulfilling to utilize! As you open more contenders to use in the game, you can utilize them as help warriors to bring in and do a speedy assault on adversaries for additional harm. Releasing a full attack with your group against the rushes of foes is exceptionally fulfilling. A supervisor is sitting tight for you toward the finish of the level, and as you beat him to obscurity, the following stage is opened. It feels more Final Fight or Double Dragon than The King of Fighters, however designer Netmarble blends things up a piece in astute manners. A few phases are genuine reverences to battling computer game history. I have no information if any The King of Fighters game at any point included a phase where you needed to devastate a vehicle by means of hysterical punching and kicking, however Street Fighter 2 did, thus does The King of Fighters ALLSTAR. full clear is sufficient to give 1800 Rubies on the off chance that you just use your picking ticket. That is sufficient for two multi-pulls on the Orochi Leona and Orochi Iori flag. This implies: Pay consideration regarding the "Tag" missions. Orochi Iori and Orochi Lena may be accessible in flags they are included in. In the event that they are not included, they won't show up in any pools. This implies you won't discover them any longer after their standard terminates. These characters are STRONG. Madly solid for the time, regardless of Orochi Leona tumbles off. In view of the well known battling game arrangement THE KING OF FIGHTERS (KOF), players will gather and prepare their preferred contenders from over the aggregate of the establishment from KOF'94 to KOFXIV, and experience the rich history of KOF on portable stages. At dispatch, players can participate in the quick paced battling and beat-em up activity by doing combating through adversary waves, overwhelming managers, and opponent groups crosswise over many game modes, including Story Mode, Time Attack Mode, Player versus Player (PvP), and a continuous Tournament Mode. While savagery is drives the activity, there will never be anything especially realistic demonstrated onscreen. There's no nakedness, however some female characters are introduced in sexualized ways, as interesting stances and uncovering outfits. Albeit a significant part of the game can be played without paying cash, there are numerous microtransactions accessible for players to sidestep the moderate advancement crush and add to or improve their assortment of characters. The King of Fighters ALLSTAR truly carries gamers into the exemplary battling and beat them up establishment more than ever. The story starts with players awakening in a peculiar virtual world with no memory of what their identity is or how they arrived. The King of Fighters ALLSTAR has huge amounts of substance and highlights that may appear to be overpowering from the start particularly for absolute novices. Finishing the instructional exercise the underlying story section just as the new highlights and game modes you open, notwithstanding, makes the game's center ideas much simpler to get a handle on. To the extent the battle frameworks go, there is no compelling reason to stress over remembering or in any event, pulling off troublesome movement based and button blend uncommon and super moves. Everything has been especially streamlined in The King of Fighters ALLSTAR and every exceptional move your character can do can be executed with a tap of a catch. Leveling your Fighter is the most essential approach to fortify them. Leveling builds your Stats and opens the quantity of Cores that you can open. As of now, the most extreme level for every Fighter is at 90. There are 2 different ways to expand level, one is by carrying your Fighters to fight while the other path is to encourage them with Power Up materials. Players can advance your Fighters to expand the star uncommonness of your Fighter. Development expands your Fighter's Stats and Leader Buff. Incredible guide! Been playing for 3 days and still at times getting confound. This is incredibly useful. As of now you have JavaScript incapacitated. So as to post remarks, if it's not too much trouble ensure JavaScript and Cookies are empowered, and reload the page. This segment is included the most ideal inside data for someone who has quite recently begun on KOFA. Having finished practically 50% of the primary storyline in under 48 hours, we wished we knew these things previously. Luckily, you don't need to commit similar errors! On the off chance that you would prefer not to need to trust that your rival will complete their combo, use evade rather, dodge all harm, and assault from behind. As labeling out and exchanging characters can send foes tumbling to the ground, you can utilize this as a kind after all other options have run out on the off chance that you are now taking harm from a combo, or to maintain a strategic distance from a substantial assault. SNK's most famous cluster of 2D battling game symbols have made it to portable in another activity pressed beat them up. Characters, for example, Terry Bogard, Kyo Kusanagi, Rugal Bernstein, King and a large group of other road brawlers meet up to whip crowds of baddies everywhere throughout the world. Characters look extraordinary here and have a little liveliness circle to cause things to appear to be progressively alive. About the only turn off for The King of Fighters ALLSTAR comes from its free to play nature. Things are going to take a while to unlock and getting the fighters you want to use will mostly come down to luck. It isn't as bad as it could have been, thankfully, but there will definitely be a time investment needed to unlock everyone. For fans of beat 'em ups or King of Fighters, The King of Fighters ALLSTAR is a fun game. Please read our Privacy Policy for further information. Read More The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. Most Hero Collection games has 2-4 different ways to increase the Combat Power of your Fighters. In KOF Allstar, there are 5 main and 4 sub ways to increase the strength of your Fighter. In 2017, an Android version, The King of Fighters ALLSTAR, was released in Japan under the aegis of Netmarble's development team. As of October 2019, the global version hit App Stores worldwide and KOF enthusiasts have been glued to their screens ever since. Although some take pleasure in brawling on their smartphones and mobile devices, we prefer to tap into the nostalgic, arcade feels of the game and use a keyboard and mouse. There's just something about playing The King of Fighters ALLSTAR on PC with BlueStacks that brings back the atmosphere of an old-school gaming center. Whenever you choose to play manually, get in tune with your favorite characters' moveset as you make your way through the game's myriad battle types. • Starting off with a basic combo is always preferable. Whenever you choose to pull off a special move, do one of two things - pull off an attack that puts your opponent (s) into the air so you can perform an air combo with a basic combo assist, an added special attack, and a super move to finish it off.
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