#in my wildest dreams this would eventually be a trilogy with a book about each member of the ghost hunting trio
rosanna-writer · 7 months
whyyyyyy is developing the side characters of a romance the literal worst? i need to flesh out the best friends/troublesome boss/ex for the best friend to cry about so they don't feel like total cardboard butttttt all i wanna do is work on stuff related to the main couple
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thebigreylotheory · 6 years
My Episode 9 Wishlist (with a dab of speculation)
Happy May the 4th (Force) My Reylos, Star Wars fans, and others-I-amuse-in-some-way!
So we’ve all heard the May the 4th tale that if you post your wishlist and with a tiny bit of magic maybe, possibly some fraction part of your wish will come true, right???
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I knew it was just me, dagnabbit. Me and my delusions of grandeur. It’s just like sand, it gets everywhere. Ugh (I feel like I’ve done this joke a lot, I go back to the well, but it’s dry).
But, but, I’ve been a really good, bad Star Wars fan Reylo this year (all in how you define good and bad…this is what I get when I google it, cause I’m lazy:
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) So here goes nuttin’:
My List of Wishes (ok, ok Fan Girl Demands Full of Feels)
Properly honor the Skywalker lightsaber – AHHHH! They broke an antique!! Get some duck tape quick!!
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What could happen:
o   Rey uses Skywalker crystal, but designs a new hilt.
§  My feelings: I’m ok with this, this could be an interesting side story or comic. But I’m NOT a fan of her having a two bladed lightsaber similar to her staff or Darth Maul. I was recently in a panel with someone who’s into weapons training at JordanCon and I heard: although something with two blades might look cool, it’s not realistically practical because it makes it more difficult to guard yourself. And my headcanon is Rey is a practical gal.
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§  Could it be an interesting unstable blue lightsaber cause it’s cracked? (And be another thing Rey and Kylo have in common…And if Kylo’s cracked crystal was Vader’s we’d have cracked Anakin and cracked Vader and that crack could combine (Captain Planet! No wait…)and Force Balance stuff
o   Rey finds a new crystal, gives Skywalker crystal to Ben as a gift (aww) when he embraces the lights again (aww) (Maybe she gives him a graduation from the dark side to the light party? No? Mmm…ok I’ll fangirl out and say engagement/wedding gift. I went there PEOPLE.
o   Rey and Kylo Ren done broke it together, so they gotta fix it together (aww) So sweet, it could be like a date. Lightsaber Repair AND Chill. Hands on projects are really good for your relationship. *wink wink*
o   Rey and Ben half the crystal (if that possible?) and make two new lightsabers like nifty friendship thingies you see
o   The lightsaber becomes a nice paperweight for Rey’s Jedi Office™ or The Throne of Ren™ (AKA they fuhgeddaboudit)(And if Star Wars rhymes then I guess it goes back to being nothing like it was before Anakin found it? Maybe? Hmm. But that makes me sad.)
Don’t mess with Chewie or the Falcon
o   Right now I’m really glad this is Star Wars and not GOT or Harry Potter (J.K. Rowling killed me when she killed Hedwig…it was just so unnecessary)
§  Ok, our father figures Han and Luke are gone. I want Chewie to stay in this role for Rey, and even for Ben. And with Leia gone, I really, really need Chewie there. Seriously.
·      He was the first to go in the old canon, so now maybe he’s the last?
·      I need him to be grandpa to Han’s grandbabies. I really have to have this. White-haired Gramps Chewie.
§  I’m sure the good ship lollipop will stop flying one day. But I’m not interested in seeing that on screen. Have mercy.
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·      Ben Solo Redemption
o   Else, what was this, the tragedy of the Skywalker clan?
§  And, lo, the Force did harden the heart of the last Skywalker Solo and the evil Pharaoh-o Ren™ did perish for the wickedness of his forefather, and, lo, they were wiped from the galaxy, and cursed is the name Skywalker and Solo and none shall utter it ever, ever again, yea, even unto an age.
§  Why you wanna make me sad? Star Wars + Sad = DOEs Not Compute (No, no seriously life is sad enough)
o   There’s no morale to the story for my kids. Or even my cats.
§  Once upon time two of the most beloved space characters of all time Leia and Han had a baby and that baby was Kylo Ren and he turned bad and was Pharaoh-o Ren™ and they executed him. AKA I guess you’re just born bad. If you feel like you’re a bad person, you should probably just give up now cause there’s no hope (This isn’t Star Wars: Episode 9 No Hope™, right? Just checking)
Reylo Fight Round 2
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o   Ok in my wildest lil Reylo dreams I never thought Rey and Kylo would fight together on the same-ish side (though how very brief)….I really thought they’d fight each other AND Kylo would openly spare Rey. Anyways call me crazy but I’d like to see them fight each other again. And after the end of TLJ, I think it’s super plausible.
§  If Rey wins:
·      I’d love for Rey to have a “Ben/Kylo join me” scene. We don’t get these scenes with female characters in charge (or in my experience, at least). Give in to your light side!
o   Also, I mean, she thought Ben would return to the light, but did she outright ask him? These peeps need to communicate better.
·      Or, Kylo starts confessing some deep regretful feels at the point of death, I’m talking something equally as sorrowful as his outbursts are rage-filled, making Rey super conflicted about what to do with him
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o   Sorta her Ben-returns-to-the-light-wish is granted but it’s practically too late
o   Should/would she trust him?
o   Could she kill someone who wants to be good again??
§  If Kylo wins:
·      He spares her (I done said Star Wars shouldn’t be sad, right?)
o   Cause he confesses his deepest feels for her! (yeah, yeah in my fangirl dreams)
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o   Mm, does he kinda owe her a life-debt for not killing him in TLJ when he was knocked out?
·      He takes her prisoner again and we go down the First Order rabbit hole a final time
§  Tie!:
·      Well, I guess they’d just have to learn to live together, cause they could fight until the bantha-cows come home, but it wouldn’t do any good, so, yeah, balance, harmony together and stuff
      Supreme Leader Hux
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o   Cause, I mean, can’t the average man get ahead as the boss in the galaxy? It’s always some Force user?
§  Arguably aren’t their more non-Force users? Maybe they don’t want to be ruled over by some mystical dude anymore.
o   I like for people to get their dreams
§  Even if they are short lived…
o   First Order Civil War seems more likely…you really want me to believe NO ONE would help the Resistance on Crait, time jump, Resistance is stronger than ever?
      Reylo Fight United 2.0
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o   I just need more of this in my life
A “real” Reylo Kiss
o   Cause regardless of Reylo, there’s not enough kissing in this trilogy compared to the others
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o   ForceTime is great and all, but puts me in a Mockingbird ���Real or Not Real” state of mind. Eventually the long-distance relationship has to have some in-person one on one time.
o   Arguably, it might, mean more if they kiss naturally opposed to ForceTime.
§  Kinda of, oh-look, they like each other, and it’s not just about the Force
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o   I dunno, I just wanna see mountains Gandalf.
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     Anakin Force Ghost
o   Argh stuff you see in Art Books and the idea gets stuck in your head.
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      Luke-y Pooh Force Ghost
o   So long as he’s standing with the others at the end I’m good
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o   But just hearding a creepy Luke ghost voice could be cool, too
A Happy Ending
o   IDK, don’t Finn, Poe, and Rose deserve metals?
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§  Give the Wookie one, too!!
o   Or do be Senators in a Neo-Senate?
o   StormRose wedding!
o   I see Poe trading in his X-Wing for a boat on the lake and having really great Resistance Independence Day BBQs, but doesn’t translate well on film
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