#in my <33333 era
randomsnakes69 · 2 years
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(You) On My Arm - Leith Ross // Emile Vernon (detail) // The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller // Anne of Avonlea - L.M. Montgomery // River Wye Near Coppet Hill - Charles Neal // Enchanted - Taylor Swift
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interstellarlyinlove · 4 months
Bed Sharing (May 18th)
word count: 471
“You know what annoys me?”
Remus huffs, tugging at the blanket that Sirius is hogging. “Sharing a tiny twin bed with someone who doesn’t understand that also means sharing the blanket?”
Sirius laughs, letting go. “Sorry, love. I didn’t realize. Are you comfortable?”
Remus smiles. He’s with Sirius, of course he’s comfortable. Still, he says, “No.” 
“Too bad,” Sirius says. “You’re stuck with me. All winter break.”
“Lucky me,” Remus says, and he’s giggly despite himself. He loves spending winter breaks with the Potters, and he loves spending them there even more now that he and Sirius figured their shit out. 
“Candles,” Sirius says, tugging at Remus’ hair. 
“Huh?” Remus asks because he mostly loses neurons when his hair gets played with. Sue him. But also he’s pretty sure candles have nothing to do with anything at the moment.
“What annoys me. Candles.”
“Sure,” Remys says. “Why not. Let’s hate candles. Who needs to see in the dark, anyway. Might as well be blind for–”
Sirius is laughing. “I don’t hate the concept of candles, necessarily–”
“What the fuck are you going on about, my darling?”
“I hate that they have candle memories. I don’t burn a candle right one time and it’s fucked up for life. Like, grow up.” 
Remus blinks. He’s so fucking in love. “It is kind of unkind to hate something for having a memory though, isn't it?”
Sirius smiles, and it’s blinding. Even more so in the barely lit Potter guest room. The only thing Sirius’ parents did right in their entire existence was naming Sirius after the brightest star in the sky. Remus would believe that the star was named after Sirius and not the other way around in a second. “That is a very prettily-worded question.”
“You are a very prettily-named person,” Remus says, kissing Sirius’ temple. “It also really isn’t hard to just let the candle burn correctly the first time so you don’t fuck it up for life.”
“It’s the principle of it, Remus.”
“Because you’re such a principle person.”
Sirius looks scandalized. “I could be!”
Remus laughs. “I’m joking, babe.”
“Ha ha, hilarious,” Sirius says, and Remus thinks Sirius wants to scowl but he’s smiling too much for it to work. “Are you tired?”
Remus shakes his head. “Not really.”
Sirius holds out his hand, palm up. “Come. I want to show you something.”
Remus hates apparating, and he’s in night clothes that are far too light to be anywhere but under blankets on a tiny bed in the middle of winter, but it’s Sirius, and Remus would follow him to the end of the world if he asked him to. So Remus takes his hand, and they apparate together to wherever Sirius wants to take them at 2 am on a Tuesday, and Remus wouldn’t have it any other way.  
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wormdevourer · 3 months
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snudyay reads comments
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tending-the-hearth · 9 months
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guess who is getting fucking hurled back into her 2012 fandom obsessions on a completely unrelated note i'm in love with him
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enbysiriusblack · 4 months
"Lily, could I talk to you about something?", Mary glanced to Severus as she spoke, "In private?"
Lily smiled, pulling her arm out of Severus', "Yeah, course", she turned back to him for a moment, "I'll see you in class, Sev."
Severus shot Mary a disdainful look, but begrudgedly carried on walking down the corridor as Mary pulled Lily over to the window sill.
"Is something wrong?"
"No, no", Mary quickly shook her head, smoothing out her skirt, "I just have something I need to say, or well, talk to you about."
"Go ahead."
Mary nodded, "Right. So, you know I've got that date with Edgar coming up?"
"Yeah, listen, Mary, if this is about boys, maybe we could wait till after class?"
"No, it's not. I mean it is related but not quite about boys. Um, I'm just- I don't want to go on the date."
Lily grabbed Mary's hand, "Well, that's fine. You can always reject them you know? I mean if you wanted some help, I'm probably the expert at it by now."
Mary winced, "It's more about the reason why."
"I don't think I like boys. To like, have sex with or go on dates."
Lily smiled, "Like Marlene?"
"No", Mary frowned, "I reckon I wouldn't have those feelings for a girl either."
"Oh", Lily hummed in thought, "So you just, aren't into all that dating stuff then?"
"Yeah", Mary shrugged with an anxious laugh, "Basically."
Lily wrapped her arms around Mary, "That's perfectly fine. Like why should romantic or sexual relationships dictate our lives? Friendship is just as rewarding."
Mary hugged her back before pulling away slightly, "You cannot fool me, Lily, you are such a romantic at heart."
Lily beamed, wrapping her and Mary's arms together, "Does this mean you're free to join me and Marlene in Hogsmeade next weekend?"
Lily leaned her head against Mary's shoulder, "You're lovely, Mary. Don't you forget it."
Mary leaned over to kiss Lily's cheek, "Never."
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fernx3 · 6 months
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ashipiko · 1 year
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🙏 haven’t gotten to watch the movie yet but it seems very designer duo core!!! AND I LOVE THEM. WND THE BARBIE FITS GO HARD. so once I got the idea I had to do it HAHAHA
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rositaa01xxr · 1 year
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So I introduced my hubs to Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2003. He’s not as much of a horror fanatic like I am but I wanted to share this film with him. He didn’t mind it, fair enough, but for me- my eyes were GLUED TO THE SCREEN AND WATCHING Leatherface/Thomas’ EVERY MOVE!! 😍🥺👁️👄👁️
I used these gifs as I’m so fixated on HIM!! 🥹🥺
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seo-changbinnies · 2 years
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countdown to @binsuns​‘s bday: d-2: seungmin throughout the eras
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gulliesforever · 11 months
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Did I mention Sale was a goose?
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theleseroftwoweevils · 9 months
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transbeamrooikat · 1 year
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HAPPY (kinda late) BIRTHDAY MIKEY!!! I'm working on a bigger peice but here's some face studies so long :3
(closeups under the cut)
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interstellarlyinlove · 4 months
Gold (June 5th)
word count: 650
“You know how you believe everything Trelawney says?” Sirius says instead of 'hello', sitting in the empty chair in front of Regulus.
Regulus’ head is hurting from his homework and he’s bored out of his mind so he decides to entertain this. And he does believe everything Trelawney says. “Sure.”
“Well, she told me that I’m going to find the love of my life soon.”
“Professor Trelawney said that?” Regulus asks bluntly
“Well, not in so many words, but that was the gist of it.”
“Are you sure that was the gist of it, Sirius?”
“Yes,” Sirius says. “Anyway. I need the Slytherin common room password please.”
Regulus scoffs. “What does that have to do with anything we’re talking about?”
Sirius blinks. “I figure true love isn’t just going to fall from the sky into my lap. I have to seek it to find it, like most things.”
“Okay, let me rephrase that. You need the Slytherin common room password to… find true love?”
Sirius nods. “It’s the single hardest thing in my life that my other half wears silver and green instead of red and gold, but you win some and some fuck you over, right?”
Regulus blinks. “Who the fuck do you like in Slytherin? Is it Severus? Is that why you pull his pigtails at the park?” Sirius’ eyes widen and Regulus’ facade breaks. He laughs. “I am only joking, brother. As if there is someone that doesn’t know that you’re in love with Remus.”
Sirius has hearts instead of eyes. “Yeah.”
“I’m not giving you shit.”
“You’d be standing in the way of fate, Reg,” Sirius says. “You’d be–”
“You and Remus spend too much time together, anyway. Why do you need–”
“I don’t want it to be casual,” Sirius blurts. “I thought casual would be great. But how can you spend that much time with Remus and not want it to be–”
“Okay, I get it,” Regulus interrupts. He really doesn’t want to hear more about his brother and his best friend being together. He’d rather not know. He sighs. “Did you tell him this?”
Sirius shakes his head. 
“Are you going to?”
Sirius nods. “I wasn’t planning on saying anything. But then Trelawney–”
“What did Trelawney say, exactly?”
“That I’m going to find my missing puzzle piece. Do you not listen when I talk?”
His missing puzzle piece. Regulus is going to barf. “You speaking to Remus really isn’t finding anything. You’ve known him since you were eleven years old. You almost let the Sorting Hat put you in Slytherin so you would be in the same house. You spend all your time–”
“No, wait a second. How do you know the Sorting Hat thing?”
“I read through your journals when you were being an ass in fourth year. You’re a run-on sentence lover, Sirius. You really should work on that.”
“You–” Sirius whacks Regulus’ head. “That’s not okay!” 
“You really considered Slytherin because you thought his scars were cool?”
“Remus’ scars are cool,” Sirius says. Regulus silently agrees. “You’re horrible. I can’t believe you went through those.”
“I can’t believe you’ve been in love for six years and only decided to do something about it because of Professor Trelawney.” 
“That’s not fair. Trelawney has a way with words.”
“No, she doesn’t,” Regulus says. “In fact, her lack of a way with words is why most people think she’s a fraud with no–”
“Will you tell me the damn password or not?”
“What password?” Remus asks. Regulus saw him approaching their library table but he didn’t say anything. Sirius jumps in his chair when Remus speaks and Regulus is rewarded for his patience. 
Regulus says hello to Remus and walks away from that table as fast as he can. He really doesn’t want to hang around for the rest of that. 
Trelawney really is something else. Regulus decides he’ll get her a fruit basket. 
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wormdevourer · 3 months
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sunday plush is finished!! he’s so cute I love him 😭😭🥺 I’m currently working on making him little pajamas~
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boygirlctommy · 1 year
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drew a bunch of bedrock bros era ctommys today :3
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caernua · 8 months
basimishaq > caernua
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