#in fact speaking of a latina poison ivy
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Hey dear, get better soon 💚💚💚 Periods can be sooo hard to deal with, lol 😫 Here, have Ana de Armas as Poison Ivy! Omg this needs to happen fr! This woman is supernaturally beautiful and talented and also latina/hispanic!! I would love a latina Poison Ivy 💚💚💚😍😍😍😍😍
Stay strong love! 😊
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artificialqueens · 5 years
living on the edge of the law (biadore) - chapter 5 - lily2
bianca needs an outlet and all her friends are either flirting or too drunk to realize, adore is beyond stressed with her new restrictions and album being put out & sasha reaches an absolute breaking point.
— *.✧ “So you’re not exactly the fondest of her is what I am hearing?” Jinkx asked, taking a sip of her Pepsi, genuinely intruiged by the way of which Bianca was speaking. It bad been a full work week since Bianca had begun assisting Adore Delano, the grundy and up and coming singer from Azusa, California. Her auburn hair twirled around her finger curiously listening to Bianca talk, well yell— all her emotions and anger and work stories out.  “It’s not that! It’s really not, when she performs and she’s doing her thing? Jesus, she’s fucking amazing.” The small twinkle in Bianca’s eyes when she started talking about Adore singing was enough of an indication to Jinkx, “So you like her and her music, she’s just understandbly a bit tense, she’s young, and smells horrible?“  “Exactly!” They laughed, cheering glasses, Jinkx the one who was unlucky and stuck driving for tonight, Pepsi in hand whole Bianca took down tequila shots, “You don’t have to die of alcohol poisoning today y'know!” She spoke up over the music, Bianca rolling her eyes, scoffing a bit offended. “Bitch you of all people should know that I, as a Latina, cannot legally get drunk off tequila, it’s fucking water!” She yelled before taking down another shot and holding onto Jinkx’s arm, smiling to know that she had her closest high school friend in her presence and now permanently since she had moved to Santa Monica. The waiter came with their food and with a small slip of paper, passing to Jinkx who was definitely confused as to why a young waiter would be passing her something as generic as paper, crumpled and with clear writing inside judging by the blue ink stains from the outside. “Is this for me?” She asked, Bianca stunned.  “Yes, our bartender wanted you to have it, the girl with the dyed platinum hair.” He said before taking his now empty tray as Jinkx opened the slipe to find a phone number enclosed as well as a small message that read: Please take the number, I’m Ivy and I think you’re absolutely beautiful xx . Bianca snaked her eyes over to look at the note as she completely widened her eyes, “Well damn, atleast she isn’t fucking around with you.” The bartender who was apperantly named Ivy stared at Jinkx, looking for a reaction and getting one in the form of a smile and glance over, shoving the number in her pocket and brushing her hair from her face, “Maybe I still can get around.” She joked much to Bianca’s dismay.  “Oh bitch we are not that old, don’t do me like that.” Bianca taking a bite of her salad, decently content with the actual flavor of it though Jinkx was now only staring at that mysterious bartender who would return the glances often with a bashful smile. “Go and talk to her, say I want some alcohol bitch.” She whispered teasingly before Jinkx punched her stomach under the table, Bianca yelling before Jinkx shushed her, standing up. “I need five minutes is all.” She left the table and went over right to the mysterious woman.  “Oh sure!” She yelled before going on her phone, not wanting to answer Adore’s new texts right now, more trying to look occupied so she could try and spy on her close friend, Jinkx already cackling while talking some nonsense to the flirty bartender who made her a drink, unsuprisingly.  She finally replied to Adore who was just ranting on and on about how many limits her new album would have, Bianca telling her to suck it up and realize this was how the cooperate world worked unfortunately. The singer replying with nothing but crying emoji’s, Bianca quickly clicking out it not exactly wanting to deal with her childlike antics in a restaurant like trying to look preoccupied.  Two notifications popped up across her phone’s screen as banners, both were from Sasha, which was surprising considering how little she ever needed or asked for from Bianca, she seemed like she had her life together and wasn’t too worried about depending on friends over text, she just occasionally asked for some paperwork and a question about Shea, she realized even in just one week working at the office that everyone realize the emotions and feelings were beyond real besides the two people who were showing it most: Shea and Sasha. Bianca, Katya is throwing a party tonight, no reason specifically and she totally forgot to text you, I’m at her house and she invited you if you would like to come.  She begun typing a response almost immediately before doing a double take on the second message which mentioned the fact this party would almost hundred percent be a karaoke party. Working with singers was one thing but actually having to be under the influence of her co-workers and alcohol and sing for fun was a completely different ballgame.  Bianca didn’t care much for if she sounded good or not, she wasn’t Adore and not like karaoke was ever taken very serious especially at a party with the people she had begun to consider friends at the very least— she wasn’t exactly where the flaw in the plan was but something in her stomach growled, maybe she was just feeling far too attached to music and musicians tight now and didn’t want to think about her job outside of work. Okay I’ll come, just text me the details of the party and date, bring alcohol or no?  And just like that Bianca Del Rio, most known for her attitude just accepted a personal invite to a damn house party for a job she had barely started a full week ago, the only thing that could’ve made it possibly better was Courtney being closer and not hours ahead, never being able to FaceTime and Adore being a bit more mature and making her own decisions, to be less reliant on her friend she had spoke about in her office and on Bianca herself.  Bring nothing, Katya has enough please trust me on that :)  Jinkx insisted she would be back by now but Bianca just finished her food and paid the check without her knowing, slyly sliding off her chair and leaving a note for Jinkx saying there was a work party she had to go help and that she hopes things work out with the Ivy chick. She snuck herself out before skipping along to her car, turning it on to work the AC before reading Adore’s message, asking for her to come if she could and help Adore find a house or studio to stay in, expressing genuine want to get out of her best friend’s apartment in Los Angeles.  Please B!!! I need help, I have virtually no credit but I can’t keep leaning on her, you’re totally right. We can do it at your house if you want so you don’t have to make the trip. Bianca groaned, “She really just had to reply right after Sasha?” She muttered before thinking, it was a Friday so not like she had anywhere to be on the weekend, all she needed to do was finish organizing her closet and call Courtney and spill some more news and stories for the week. “Okay let’s do a few hours at Katya’s and then she can come over, perfect!” She planned aloud before texting her to come to her house around 10PM, sending her addressing and adding a: Don’t fucking walk this time you bitch. STAY SAFE!!!  She dropped her phone and blasted her music, slightly letting the window down, she had the decent and general idea of where Katya lived after having to take her home this past Wednesday because her car broke down or some shit like that, she was right across the recording studio and a block on the left so not like she could get lost, especially when seeing the Russian flag on her mailbox. It was extremely fucking stupid as a decoration in her own opinion and it was indeed very extra but it definitely helped Bianca distinguish her house quite easy.  “Hey whores!” Bianca teasingly called from the door once hearing Katya’s distinct voice yell at her to come in once she rung the doorbell. “Hello!” Smiled Sasha who was rummaging and sorting through the alcohol that filled the absolute perimeters of Katya’s shelves.  “Guess I really didn’t need to bring the alcohol when you have an entire liqour store in the back of your kitchen.” Katya snickered at Bianca’s comment before turning, holding a bottle of whiskey, “Some of it is just for guests, I don’t drink beer but I have some just incase someone like Shea comes over who can’t handle her liqour well.” Sasha slapped her on the back and cursed something unintelligible to Bianca who laughed, clapping and stealing some of the chocolate Katya had laid out.  “How many people did you invite?” She asked jokingly looking at the alcohol and food before Katya replied with a shrug, “Only about twelve people.” Bianca nervously smiled, that was about ten too many in her book. She was extremely extroverted but really liked her peace and quiet and knew it would be her awkwardly sipping alcohol and watching all these others talk so comfortably with eachother considering they all probably had worked together for years “Oh you’re great, you’ll be fine.” Katya’s voice sounding absolutely serious when she spoke the reply, Bianca had her doubts but trusted her newfound friend and co-worker. “Don’t worry if I get left out I’ll just steal all your fucking alcohol and leave, bag that shit up and go!” She yelled before grabbing Katya’s arm and laughing with the Russian sitting next to her before they started escalating into conversation about Adore and how that entire thing is going, everyone seemed obnxiously interested in that world of Bianca’s especially if it had to do with Adore, it was sweet at first and now it was annoying as hell: she didn’t have much to share so then it was time for Katya to speak.  “I finally asked my crush of about four years on a date.” Bianca’s eyes widened and Sasha almost dropped her glass in her surprise, “You’re joking!” She screamed before clapping and mumbling something in Russian. “Who? You never even told me you had a crush let alone for that fucking long.“  Shea better take notes!  "Her name is Trixie, she’s a singer but we met because we used to work in entertainment, she’s a makeup artist and does hair to but she’s trying to break into music.” Bianca rolled her eyes, “Seems like everyone is nowadays.” Katya almost pushed her off her chair, “She’s actually a fantastic singer, she does more country and folk music, it’s some really cool stuff but I finally asked her and you know what she responsed?"  Sasha absolutely delighted for best friend smiled, "What? I really wanna know!” Bianca put her face in her hands and listened definitely curious, she would laugh if after all of this build the answer was a deadpanned “No”.  “She said yes!” Katya screamed before Sasha also yelled and Bianca yelled since everyone else was, they all hugged before Bianca questioned her antics and if she was invited to tonight. “Oh fuck no, if she saw my friends she would dump me right before our date even happens!” She joked though Sasha wrapped her arms around her fellow Russian friend’s neck and smiled, “I’m very proud of you!” The two seemed to click like sisters, Bianca would’ve probably guessed they were if it wasn’t for Katya very early on distinguishing the two of them though she was sure somehow they were twelveth cousins. The doorbell rung and all three of the girls yelled the door was open, Katya giving a thumbs up before getting out more cups as Shea and Aja walked through the door all at once, stepping in and saying their hello’s and Shea quickly running over to Sasha who happily took the hug and held her hand as they spoke aimlessly as absolutely fucking expected.  “What is the alcohol of choice?” Katya said showing off her bar cart, twirling in her red tulle skirt, smirking. “I just want something straight, no ice.” Aja said dull, sitting down quickly and with a sour face. Katya nodding and fixing her a vodka pouring just a bit of club soda since Aja seemed intent on just vodka but the Russian knew better than that.  “You seem distinctly off today, something wrong?” Bianca tried to be the mediator here but Aja didn’t say a word, clearly wanting space though that only caused Bianca further confusion, “Honey why did you come to a party if you’re just gonna sit there in silence?” Katya quickly shushing Bianca and taking Aja to her room so she could drink and be in peace until she was ready.  The Russian came back out, greeting Farrah, Sharon, Aquaria and Alaska before grabbing Bianca’s arm, still clutching a vodka-soda in the other hand. “She’s having some relationship issues and she really wants to have a good time, I pushed her to come and atleast have a little drink so she wouldn’t have to think about it at home, alone, just let her be. It’s complicated but I swear after a few minutes of peace she will be fine.” Bianca took her word and nodded, the blonde obviously knowing her own co-workers of years in and out, much better than Bianca certainly.  “Let’s fucking sing!” Katya yelled to her friends who were already here, knowing in the back of her mind this was the people she knew wouldn’t be two hours late or busy. “Who is first?” She asked turning on the microphones and her laptop which was hooked to her system and flatscreen which projected the karaoke program on screen, Sasha raised her hand and whispered something to Shea who laughed and got up with her. “Throw us money bitches, you aren’t ready for this!” Shea shrieked before downing her shot and smiling, still holding Sasha’s hand.  Bianca took out a one and threw it, Farrah throwing a ten already. Shea picked up the money and grinned, stuffing it in her coat’s pocket before Sasha typed the song and stood back to back with Shea. “Oh my god it’s a whole production over here!” Alaska grinned happy, leaning into Katya’s large couch that took up almost two thirds of the entire living area which was impressive considering the scope and size of the woman’s house.  The music started and all of them cheered immediately recognizing the song though they let Sasha and Shea take the lead on this, Bianca wanted to see this happen in action. The Russian grabbed the mic as did Shea and they turned towards eachother, not even having to look at the lyrics but neither did anyone else, this song was an absolute classic.
“I’ve been hearing your heartbeat inside of me
I keep your photo right beside my bed
Livin’ in a world of fantasy
I can’t get you out of my head!”
Their singing wasn’t even half bad, it was pretty decent actually although Bianca prayed that meant they wouldn’t be asking for a record deal tomorrow. It was ironic they chose what apparently was “their song” according to Farrah who already had her phone out, recording her friends like a mom at a shitty dance recital, since this song absolutely epitomized their relationship.  Shea and Sasha staring at eachother intently as they sung each word in perfect sync and with the beat just having fun with the song, the Russian twirling her friend around and smiling in pure, delusional happiness.
“I’ve been waiting for the phone to ring all night
Why you want to make me feel so good
I got a love of my own
Shouldn’t get so hung up on you.”
At this point they both faced eachother back to back before turning on the word you, pointing to eachother. “Get a room!” Yelled Alaska who was absolutely eating this performance up, clapping and mouthing all the words when she wasn’t chugging her (already) second glass of some cocktail Katya must’ve made her.
“I remember the way that we touched I wish I
didn’t like it so much 
I get so emotional, baby 
Every time I think of you 
I get so emotional, baby 
Ain’t it shocking what love can do!”
They held hands the entire performance just staring into eachother’s eyes so damn sincerely that Bianca wanted to murder them both. “This is too good.” Farrah whispered to Aquaria as she danced in her seat, still recording. It went on for the entire song before they got to the last lyric and just danced around the wooden floor, smirking and putting the mics back before they all clapped and laughed wildly, “Absolutely stunning.” Aquaria commented before Bianca noticed Shea pulling Sasha away for something.  Oh my fucking god maybe today will really be the day! God knows what Shea is gonna say anyway.  The party grew twice its size in about two hours due to Alaska’s impulsive decisions and big mouth and Bianca decided this would be the perfect time to finally leave and be able to catch up with Adore, texting her as she said goodbye to Katya, attempting to look for Shea and Sasha but not finding them, which made her both extremely nervous and extremely happy. She skipped along to her car before turning it on and driving away, not rushing to be anymore since Adore promised she would be at her house at around 9PM, it was about 8:30PM, Bianca definitely had time. It was a fun party but she definitely felt out of place a bit, she wasn’t sure if it was of legitmate concern or just because it had only been a week since she started working there at the office. I’ll figure it out eventually, I always do. *.✧ Shea took Sasha’s hand and squeezed it, the Russian questioning exactly where they were going but the blonde simply left it up on her best friend who insisted she stay quiet so they could sneak their way through Katya’s room and going up the staircase though Katya and Alaska covering a tipsy version of “Last Dance” by Donna Summer was definitely enough of a distraction from anyone caring about what they were doing.  “Are we going on the roof?” Sasha joked before Shea stopped in her tracks. “Oh— you were serious!” The Russian laughing and whispering before blinking, feeling the mascara on her long lashes gently touch her skin, hoping there wasn’t a blackspot now. “I don’t mind!” She quickly intervened before her friend could reply, taking her another corner of the house and saying how she had done this multiple times with Katya on a holiday to watch fireworks without the mess of trying to go to pier all sweaty and crowded.  “I know all of my Russian sister’s home!” She gloated before they made their way, still holding hands and not letting go until they sat awkwardly silent, listening to the wind and staring out at the sun, which was beginning to make its course to set.  “Do you ever miss home?” Shea asked out the blue, it wasn’t at all an odd or weird question to ask Sasha who often talked of her culture and past but in the conversation and setting it did indeed feel a bit suprising.  “Well…” She breathed in before laughing and biting her lip, “It’s complicated.” Shea scooted as she closed her eyes and thought long and hard how to respond, her hand on Sasha’s knee happily offering her support, mumbling that she didn’t have to answer and that it was a dumb question.  “No, no, not at all! I do miss Russia and I will always be proud to have such a complex culture and amazing landmarks and history but part of me, it feels so ashamed. I can’t be who I am because of the country and even though it holds most of what I love and adore and it’s been the biggest source of childhood and happiness, I can’t act like I would want to go back."  Shea was definitely surprised. "I miss all the tea and the way of living in terms of pace, the neighborhoods, how everything is full of a myriad of cultures and I definitely miss the food—” she snickered, “But, I see all of the news and how badly the government is constantly acting, it’s getting worse for us. For us who are different and not willing to concede and fit in with what they think the perfect picture of society is, it’s the worst feeling ever knowing that I will never feel comfortable in my own motherland again.” Sasha feeling herself tear up.  Fuck. Shea didn’t mean to start such a conflict of interest, she quickly put her hands on her cheeks and frowned, wiping her wet eyes, “Don’t cry, it’s not just because of your mascara either, I didn’t mean to make you so sad, I think it’s a very beautiful country I was just wondering since you said your family still lives over in St. Petersburg."  "Do you miss Chicago?” Shea still not taking her hands off her cheeks shrugged honestly, “Sometimes yes, sometimes no: I definitely wanna go back during PRIDE though!” She bragged as she nudged Sasha with her now free hands, the Russian feeling herself get good energy again, smiling at her best friend’s enthusiastic reply.  “Speaking of—” Shea started, stuttering a bit as she felt her Sasha’s face soften and stare, her perfect smile revealing her rose glow at her cheeks.“Yes?” Everything seemed so perfectly silent and at ease when they just stared at eachother but Shea knew she would have to stay atleast something, something to make herself feel validated especially with Bianca and Katya beginning to understandably breathe down her neck about the entire situation. “Sasha, I think we should talk about us, you know.” Her nervous smile and laughter making it difficult to speak, the Russian nodding in wait. “I know you just recently broke up with your man—” Sasha rolled her eyes, “I know but I’m over it don’t worry, you knew he wasn’t the best from the beginning and you were absolutely right, youre my good judgement I guess."  "Well, I’m your best friend, it’s just what I’m here for.” Shea said painstakingly aware that if she didn’t say it now it would never come out. “You’re here always, the others can’t relate!” Sasha was joking but the wink she gave to her completely set off Shea who let her open her mouth to speak before she started looking away, completely in a state of emergency.  “Shea, what’s wrong?” Her gentle and soothing tone spoke, rubbing her shoulders before Shea breathed in before grabbing Sasha by her collar and leaned in, smashing their lips together. The blonde completely surprised to say the least, pushing her away almost immediately after kissing back, something just felt a bit wrong, she wasn’t sure what. “Sasha, I’m sor—"  "No. Stop it, please.” She begged, holding her hands, kissing them before staring into Shea’s eyes trying to make sure she was listening and paying attention. “I was kind of hoping you would soon, Bianca was starting to ask me about how I feel about you every day and I started piecing it all together in my head after years.” She laughed, Shea didn’t know whether to slap or thank Bianca on Monday but they would see after this endeavor.  Their hands interlocked and Shea looked down before Sasha smiled and bent down to lift her head and kiss her, finally. Shea had never felt greater in her entire life and it just had to happen on Katya's roof of all places, as the sun went down: you really couldn’t make this shit up. They didn’t really want to stop kissing, only stopping to breathe and struggling to kiss without giggling everywhere even as their lips met, it was weird.  “Okay I’m gonna call it quits now but only because, I think we should go to my house.” Her hand ran through Sasha’s hair who only gave her a grin, “To your house?” Knowing the kind of activities that would entail, no matter how badly Shea didn’t want to encourage it, it was gonna happen tonight and they both kind of accepted it. “To my house.” Shea whispered leaning in to kiss her again before the Russian pressed her finger to her lips, “And my car?"  Shea slapped herself for that one, "Dammit…” She whispered before they both decided to go into the house so they could atleast talk without wanting to fall off the roof, now that it was getting dark especially. “Let’s just take my car and I’ll drive you in the morning to go and get yours, deal?” She held out her hand for a shake but Sasha only slapped their hands together before quietly jumping into her body unexpectedly, pulling her by her waist, arms around Shea’s neck. Beyond satsified even as she heard the obnxiously loud karaoke still continue.  “Let’s get out of here."  "Thought you’d never ask."  *.✧ Adore knocked once, then twice and then heard Bianca scream and knocked three times just for good measure, coming in an unsurprising jumble mesh of clothing she knew she made look good: not like she was trying to impress anyone anymore, they wouldn’t revoke her contract just because of personal fashion tastes— atleast she hoped not.  "You really had to knock that many times? How fucking obnxious.” Bianca still threw the door open, the singer gripping her planner, a pen and her phone before she closed and locked the door. “Do you want water?” The voice spoke from the kitchen as Adore, beyond impressed, gave herself a little tour of the studio before waving Bianca off who poured some water and ice into a cup anyway, one for Adore even if she seemed to not pay attention to a word Bianca had said.  “I know, it’s very nice.” She sat on the leather couch before Adore joined her, stretching her legs on the couch before putting them down on the ground but keeping them crossed as she opened her planner, Bianca audibly gasping.  “Wow, she actually has something besides her phone and tights, I cannot believe I’m experiencing actual history in the making.” Adore flipped her off and cursed her out, “Oh fuck off hag.” She flipped to the page with the month’s plastered over them, looking for October as she spoke about how in the conference they wanted to do the album release the first week of October but promotion and some single releases month before. “So basically you have to come up with some venues I can do, they said to go out of state if I can for a little."  "Let’s say Nevada because I’m sure the bitches in Las Vegas would die to see you. I don’t think you have enough material just yet to go bigger but we can try and do some stuff there and I’m the west if you think that’ll get you some bank and promotion and actually not fall flat on it’s ass."  An hour later after some math, Adore moving places constantly and Bianca taking notes and making sheets for future reference on her laptop they had begun to slow it down and focus a bit less on work. Somehow they ended up on the topic of family and that’s where something begun it’s development. Adore, now laying her head on her assistant’s lap, groaned, Bianca suprisingly unbothered by the whole ordeal. "My dad is dead and my mom and I gave up on contact after she found out I dropped out of college.” That was tough, even Bianca paused a minute and really thought about this for a second, contemplating getting up so Adore would actually talk and not just close her eyelids and ignore all eye contact possible.  “You have guts for talking about it.” She knew deep down that she should probably finally speak about her parents, which she didn’t often, especially in a situation like this, having only really known Adore for a week, less than even. “I was thrown out.” She admitted softly, finally Adore sat up and grabbed Bianca’s hand, usually she would flinch and almost punch her right in the stomach and make some witty comment about her scent but she would let this pass without any comments.  “They found out from someone, a friend let it slip that I was into women and well— you can imagine how well two latino, immigrant parents took that!” She almost laughed, it was truthfully just the reaction she expected especially considering her age and the time it was found out, right before senior year. “I don’t regret it though, every bitch for them fucking selves, I was raised by wolves."  Adore leaned into her shoulder and felt her lips glued shut as she bit the inside of her cheek, "You’re very brave.” She admitted with nothing but respect and admiration for someone who clearly had seen all she needed to see at a young age especially regarding her personal life and interests, Adore’s mother never had an issue with her sexuality, it was just school and the alcohol. “Well enough of that sappy shit.” She cackled before moving to open her laptop, “Now let’s talk just a bit more about your next few apperances, we wanna organize it good so we can promote it.” *.✧ Eventually Bianca decided to give the clearly drowsy girl a small tour of the studio, showing off all the furniture and admitting Courtney had set her up, she knew nothing about houses which was what they had originally come to speak about but Adore needed to rest first, now wouldn’t be the best time. She saw a guitar and suddenly she was completely melting, running over and grabbing it, “Can I?” She asked like a kid in a candy store, Bianca leaning against the door frame as she turned on the light, this was just a vacant space with no purpose yet.  “If you sing and play, of course, not like I’m gonna serenade you anyway.” She sat on the small couch right next to where Adore planted herself, tuning the guitar before placing her fingers across the strings, rummaging for a pick in her coat, finding one hidden in the left pocket and giving a wink to Bianca, “See I’m not too messy!” Besides the joking she thought a minute, contemplating her song choices, it be cheesy to do her own song wouldn’t it? Or super egotistical? “Okay, this is one of my favorite songs.” She admitted with a heavy grin before she looked down, beginning to strum the strings.
“I got my red dress on tonight
Dancin’ in the dark in the pale moonlight.”
Bianca could die at any second as long as she got to hear that vibrato again, her face unknowingly leaned into her hands just as they did when Adore performed at her gig in Los Angeles, the singer slowly playing as she strummed the strings, so far so good. It was beyond good, it was absolutely perfect, no words to say.
“Done my hair up real big…”
Adore paused and stared into her assistant’s eyes, radiating onto her, she strummed: ”Bianca Del Rio style—“ the sudden ponder and lyric change earning a small clap and grin from Bianca herself who usually would call it a cheap move anyway but this was different, she fixed her long skirt so it covered her legs as she planted them comfortably on the couch as she took in the atmosphere of it all, Adore’s voice was enough to convince anyone of— who knows, the proof of god, but she always had the setting and emotions of the songs down, even if it was a gig as small as singing to Bianca in an abandoned room.
“High heels off, I’m feelin’ alive
Oh my God, I feel it in the air
Telephone wires above
Are sizzlin’ like a snare
Honey I’m on fire, I feel it everywhere
Nothin’ scares me anymore.”
Her hands so perfectly moving across the guitar as she barely even had to look down, even she knew her great capacity of play, this was definitely a song that deserved it’s own cover on her album but they could discuss that later, enough about work on a Friday night, especially after having to suffer through an entire karaoke party. Their eyes met and Adore felt herself completely bash up the next few chords, staring at Bianca the entire time, she embarrassingly put the guitar down before the older woman frowned, “That was fucking amazing, why did you stop?” Adore shook her head, “Messed up is all, got to me.” You did, when you fucking look at me it’s enough to mess up all my skill, how can I already be so damn fixated.  “I’m very tired.” She whispered, wiping her eyes though that wasn’t at all a little white lie, she legitmately felt brutually deprived of her rest. “If you want, and don’t tell anyone I’m being kind, you can stay in the spare guest bedroom, it’s a decent size and has a bathroom so then we can actually focus on finding you a house and I don’t have to have a constant and rampant panic attack about you getting home safe, deal? Great!” Adore couldn’t really refuse, there wasn’t any negative to this expect that she had to tell Tatianna awkwardly that she was sleeping over at her assistant’s house, you know— as professionals do.  Bianca stuffed her hands with two pillows and an extra blanket before dropping it on top of the guest bed, presenting it to Adore who could cry really, that bed looked comfortable and it was getting to be late even if her tolerance for a late night was almost always much, much higher. “If you do anything stupid clean it yourself.” She joked by the door frame before Adore grasped one of the pillows and walked near Bianca, not caring too much that she definitely leaned in to kiss her assistant of one entire week, Bianca’s hands covering Adore’s entire face as she grinned, “Sleep, don’t be fucking stupid. Good night.” She whispered before telling her she was in the other room if she needed anything. “Thank you.” Adore said loud enough for Bianca to atleast give a smile which made her entire heart burst, the door half closed and she was left with her phone and a million pillows in the midst of darkness once the living room lights were all turned off. Dammit Adore, you are so stupid.
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