#in fact SOAD is my favourite band of all time
nouveauxamoris · 8 months
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cleaned up the fyodor painting from a few months back 👍🏽 father into your hands why have you forsaken me or whatever system of a down said
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vickytokio · 6 years
Tagging Game
tagged by @brokenfannibal
Rules: answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better. (I don't have 21 people to tag, so I'll just tag a few)
Nicknames: Most people just call me Vicky, but my family actually calls me Tuta (long story lol)
Zodiac: Libra
Height: 158cm (yes, I'm short, I'm aware lol)
Last movie I saw: Ahn... Wi-Fi Ralph maybe? I haven't been watching many films
Last thing I googled: For myself, I googled what a tack room was while reading fanfic (but I've googled a few things for work already since then)
Favorite Musician: That's a hard one... I really like Skillet, SOAD and Creed, and several other classic rock bands. I love Vivaldi, Schubert, Chopin, Rachmaninoff, and others. Then there's MPB from which I like many artists... It really goes from the mood, but usually instrumental music is my go to choice
Song stuck in my head: Right now, Breaking Free from Skillet (funny, 'cause I haven't listened to them in weeks)
Other blogs: Don't have any, I just post whatever comes to mind in this one
Do I get asks: Very rarely, but I treasure each one and love them
Following: 286 blogs, I think... But the number grows each day
Amount of sleep: Usually about 6/7 hours a night unless I'm depressed, then it goes from 2 to 10...
Lucky Number: Ahn... My favorite numbers are 7, 5 and 8, does that count?
What I’m wearing: Jeans and a t-shirt and I am melting
Dream job: Getting paid to read fanfic... I honest to God just wish I could not work
Dream trip: A few... London for starters, but also Japan (anywhere there will do), Greece and Monet's Garden
Favorite Food: Pasta! With every flavor and salsa combination!
Do you play any instruments?: Does voice count? I can sing...
Languages: Fluent in English and Portuguese, with a fair knowledge of Spanish and a little bit of Japanese and Brazilian sign language (not enough for a full conversation, but I can understand a bit)
Favourite songs: I answered my all time favorites a while ago somewhere, so I'll say my current ones this time.
Strobe - Kick-ass; Comptine d'un autre été, l'après-midi - Amelie Poulin; Giorni Dispari - Ludovico Einaudi
Random Fact: I love walking, I stopped doing it for years 'cause I was just super tired all the time, but I started walking home from work everyday and it's the best I felt in a long time
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: The silence in mid-afternoon when there's no one on your street, a mug full of tea that's slightly too hot, running barefoot in the rain.
Tagging: Ok, no pressure here, I'll tag @pichitinha @dark-raven-world @bellatokio @sdewan6 @my-autistic-things
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darkwoodme · 6 years
Fun little questionnaire
I got tagged by @mewling-kitten (Thanks ;))
Rules: Answer these questions and tag twenty blogs you’d like to get to know better. ( Do it if you want, or not )
Nickname: It's my last name.(?
Zodiac: Gemini
Height: I'm not sure but I'm below 95 kg. Im kinda heavy
Time: right now? 21:18
Favourite band/artist: A7x, SOAD and Queen are my long time favorites but Opeth and Gojira are getting there... There is also John Coltrane and Miles Davis .... Mmmm this one is difficult (?
Song stuck in my head: Pain - Three Days Grace
Last movie I saw: The Lord Of The Rings
Last thing I googled: The lyrics to a song from Pantera... Im not good with memory and all of that.
Other blogs: i have only one more but its a trash blog for things random
Do I get asks: nope, and I don't think that'll happen for a long time(?
Why did I choose this username: I like the woods and forest, especially the dark and mystical, that mysterious magic that lies within deep on the unknown woods... so yeah that's why i pick that nickname.
Following: me? O what amount of blogs do i follow? Either way I don't remember
Average amount of 💤: From a couple hours to 10/12 hours,I have very bad sleeping habits
Lucky number: 5
What am I wearing:A black T-shirt with jeans. Very comfortable (?
Dream job: Drawing to live ? Something like that would be nice.
Dream trip: A trip to Europe would be nice but Japan is very appealing.
Favourite food: Pasta or (i dont remember the word in English) guiso(?
Play any instrument: drummer here(? I'm trying to learn bass... Oh also I sing but don't expect to much from that, I'm not very talented.
Eye colour: Very dark Brown, almost Black.
Hair colour: Very dark Brown, almost Black.
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: A forgotten house deep on a dark forest. A broken mirror on a wall of an empty room. A shelf full of books. A crow that live there. (? Dunno
Languages you speak: Spanish is my native lenguage, but i speak English pretty decent. Also I now various words from French, Italian, Japanese, etc but I don't speak really speak them.
Most iconic song: I have many ... I can't choose so I'm ganna say my last one is: Octavarium from Dream Theater
Random fact: Even if many animals can communicate with us (sign lenguage?), none have ever asked anything, at all...
People to tag: Given that I don't have many blogs that actually kinda cares and a few people follow me, this is going to be the five that (i think) may answer. @ladysurreal @dipper2345 @thegothicalice @theropegeek @katevictoriax
Many thanks to @mewling-kitten for taging me it's very appreciated. Love your blog! If anybody read this ...
Go show her love!!
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radramblog · 3 years
5 random songs (again)
I have done this before, making it technically a retread of a previous topic, but I kinda just. Feel like talking about music, but don’t have anything in particular I want to go through, and also don’t really want to go through an entire album right now. I’m also not sure I even have the time to do so, so.
Anyway. This is gonna be me going through a handful of random songs, as determined by just going onto “liked songs” and hitting shuffle and seeing what pops out. We’ll… we’ll see how it goes!
#1. Anything You Want – Spoon
I am surprised to find that this band that I know only one song from and have never heard of beyond that is in fact kind of a big deal. Nine albums with a tenth on the way, and a few of them even charted.
There’s kind of a lot going on in this track. Little bits come and go throughout the verses, and the vocal delivery is pseudo-conversational. I really enjoy how the last lyrics are basically just a rambling reminiscence that trails off into the closing moments of the song.
It’s a good track. Baseline on these is that I do like them, considering they’re in my “liked songs” list, but I have no actual attachment to this band beyond this. The song is one of bitter memory, as the permanence of a relationship ending settles in, but it doesn’t seem mean-spirited about it, which is a trap frustratingly many breakup songs end up in.
 #2: Needles – System of a Down
At some point I thought I might go through every SOAD album on this blog. For a while, I put them up in my top 5 bands (maybe even top 3?), but I’ve kind of lost that particular interest. Still might do, like, Steal This Album or something.
Needles is the second track from Toxicity, System’s second and unquestionably most popular album. I remember a few of the songs on this album being obviously filler, but this at least isn’t one of them. Toxicity is an album that hits you immediately and constantly, with Needles’s bridge being kind of the first moment of respite on you get- Prison Song certainly doesn’t let up. Always have really liked this bridge- from memory, Daron didn’t get as many spots to shine vocally on the first few albums, so I do like getting to hear him on there.
Needles is harsh, loud, aggressive and abrasive. It’s also a little weird and silly, despite the subject of the lyrics. Basically, all you have to do is drop in some politics and you’ve got the perfect encapsulation of a System track in this song.
 #3: An Infinite Regression – Animals as Leaders
I had to skip two songs I’d already talked about before to get to this one (including one I literally did two days ago!), as well as one from an album I plan to cover in future. Turns out it’s a bit more complex to do this when you’ve already been going through so many pieces of music you like, huh.
Animals as Leaders are pretty obscure, I think- they’re one of a surprisingly high number of progressive metal acts that don’t have a vocalist (I mean, I can think of like, two others), though I think they’re a bit more Djent-y than Scale the Summit at least. This song in particular is like a thrill ride all the way through- it’s going through these very rapid sections that almost sound mechanical (flashing back to the new machine I learned how to operate this afternoon), or in some cases very digital, and other parts that are huge, vast, and loud as you’d expect the genre to be. It is a hell of a way to open an album, which is something I remember it doing.
It’s also not my favourite AaL track- that would have to be Physical Education, which funnily enough is an excellent song for me at the gym. That one gets me going every time. Maybe I should try An Infinite Regression out there too, huh.
 #4. Psychosocial – Slipknot
We only got here because my app randomly decided to feed me like 5 SOAD tracks in a row, and I don’t want to do 2 in one post. I don’t even have that many saved, do I?
I have no idea how Slipknot is perceived by The Community at this point. They were always a bit weird, what with the whole masks gimmick and probably being one of the fuckin edgiest bands a quote unquote “normie” would have heard of. So who knows whether I’m going to ruffle feathers here? I sure don’t. But Psychosocial is a great fuckin track.
Something about the chorus vocals that sounds almost crowd-like in a studio track, something about the slow build to the song’s (admittedly otherwise kind of mid) climax, it all clicks together. The kind of vocal delivery done in the verses doesn’t always work that well, but it does for me here, at least. And the way it all comes together for the last verse is really satisfying. Iunno. Song good.
Still a little salty about the Metallica/Slipknot concert getting cancelled because James Hetfield went into rehab again, even before COVID could fully kill it off. Pretty rude if you ask me.
 #5. Asteroid – Kyuss
Wait, have I deadass never talked about Queens of the Stone Age on this blog? Literally how? Oh, that’s got to fucking change. Anyway, here’s a song by that band’s predecessor, I suppose.
I dunno why this Kyuss song in particular stuck with me. I don’t know that it’s significantly different from most of the other output in the band, outside of being an instrumental. It’s this very loose, spacey track despite the heavy guitar tones, one that just lets some of its bits hang and drag for a while before it moves on. It’s to the point where the song fades out so slowly you might think it’s over (especially if you’re listening to it fairly quietly) before its opening riff starts again- though I do like the extra development on it the second time around.
The playing on this track is kind of impeccable. It’s not hard to see how Josh Homme went on to make such bangers after the fact.
Anyway. I guess that’s some music? Sorry, this was kind of scattered. It didn’t help that apparently today was the day the program decided to remind me that System of a Down existed and are great. Anyway. More music next Tuesday, proper album, maybe SOAD, maybe QOTSA, maybe something else. We shall see.
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A list of me-things
I don’t talk much about myself so I figure you deserve an explanation of who I am.
My favourite colour is maroon.
My mother was born in Saint-Sauvan, a small village in France. I’d like to go sometime.
My favourite song is between Violent Pornography by Soad or This Means War by Avenged.
My favourite band is avenged sevenfold
My favourite drink is black coffee with three sugars.
Tobias’ face makes me want to puke the least. In fact I quite like it.
I absolutely love banana yogurt with chocolate flakes.
I basically live off ham slices because it doesn’t have the texture meat has. I like pancakes and fried eggs with maple syrup.
My favourite food though, is beans on toast.
I love boarding, longboards are alright but I prefer skateboards.
I don’t care about much, and everything’s pretty black and white in my eyes.
I used to want to see Maddy burn, but not anymore. I think she’s alright. I think Tommy’s alright, too. I’m glad I stuck around.
I felt happiness for the first time tonight
I like video games a lot.
I remember things best in lists.
I’m very straight forward. If you have to beat around the bush, there’s no point in saying it.
Not a lot scares me apart from the dark and Steven, but I don’t tend to let fears hold me back.
I’m hot headed, I’ll race into a fight without regard for anyone.
And finally, though I’m quite harsh and cold, I have a soft spot for Tobias. Though I still maintain he’s pretty lame.
I like all four of them quite a bit, but Tobias steals top spot.
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