#in case you're keeping up its for chapter 16 so it won't be out for a while yet
mintedwitcher · 5 months
Y'all I just wrote my retelling of the acorn scene for an upcoming chapter of my thilbo fic and !!!!!!!!!! let me tell you, I am over here blushing giggling kicking my feet Thorin is SO WHIPPED it's actually ridiculous I cannot wait to post it oh my god.
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alinalioness · 2 months
Alina and Singing Monsters 1 Chapter: Monster hunter.
The heroes slept in their new home until dawn appeared. Alina, Kristina, Julia, Katya and the pets were sleeping in their room. So far, Olga has opened the door.
Olga:Get up, Sonya, it's time to get up.
Christina:(Sleepy) But everyone has the weekend off...
Olga:Yes, but since this is the first day in a new house, we need to look around.
Alina:Fine. (She got off the bed) Okay, girls, it's time to get up.
The girls left the room at the same time as the rest of the characters.
Alina:Good morning, everyone!
Heroes:Good morning.
The heroes went to the kitchen where breakfast was waiting for them. They happily sat down at the table and began to have breakfast.
Alina:It's so great in this house.
Daisy:I like it myself, it's so cozy here.
Sanya:But we don't know what we're going to do after breakfast. Moreover, this is the first day.
Alina:Agree. (I completely ate the sandwiches) I don't know myself.
Balan: Hmm, why don't we have a party at my theater?
Children are heroes:A party?
Balan:Yes, and not just, but with a concert. Anyone who wants to speak, join us.
Alina:Wow! I want.
Lia:Luka, we'll arrange our room for everyone.
Squidward:I think I'll play the clarinet too.
Patrick:(He stuck his head out of the edge of the screen) And who is this? (Squidward removed it from the screen)
Carlin:So am I.
Alina:But I'll ask my parents for permission, because they're worried.
Daisy:But they know we're your friends.
Freddy:Yes, but besides that, she would definitely ask their permission. Because all parents are worried about their children. Although we are friends, but just in case.
Chika:Make sure she asks.
Alina:Fine. (He leaves)
Balan:And don't worry, the party starts at 16:00! A cheerful child.
Kayna also wanted to participate, but is worried about the fact that she is a singing monster sounding "Bam".
Ella:Do you want to participate too?
Kayna:Yes... I'm going outside to freshen up.
Krash:Everything is fine?
Kayna:Yes, I just... decided to think about which number.
Leo:But take your time, we have time to think.
Balan:Even if you're worried, just tell me.
Kayna:OK (Left the house).
Meanwhile, with Alina.
Alina calmly ran to her parents until she came across a blond man with black hair, dressed in hunter green and black boots.
Man:I'm sorry that I blocked you, but do you know anything suspicious?
Alina:(Shook her head) No.
Man:And if so?
The man showed Alina a photo of a familiar bird. The bird had two tails on its head and two fingers at the end of its wings.
Man: (Removed the photo) Sorry. But what if? (I took the newspaper from the previous fanfiction. Alina and his friends were depicted) Do you know this monster? (He points to Kayna)
Alina: Yes... but this is a woman in a volcano costume. She's just a big fan.
the man, seeing this, understands that she is lying, but decided to pretend.
Man:Fine. If that's the case, I won't keep you. By the way, my name is John. If you see a monster, call.
Alina:And why do you need them?
John:Just to admire (Leaves).
While John was leaving, Alina realized that he did not want to admire the monsters, but to catch them. She immediately ran to her parents. The parents left the house, going to work. Alina had just come up to them.
Alina:Mom, Dad!
Natalya:Oh, hello.
Sergei:How is life with the characters?
Alina:It's all good. Balan invited us to a party with a concert at his theater. Can I participate?
Natalya:Sure. After all, these are your friends.
Alina:Simply, you can ban it. I just went to the Honey Badger with my friends.
Sergei:But they took good care of you. Yes, we are worried, but you will be with them.
Natalya:Dad's right, you won't be somewhere dangerous, but with friends.
Alina:Fine. And more. When I was coming to you, I met a man. He clearly wants to catch them.
Sergei:It's not good.
Natalya:You just don't tell them about it.
Alina:But they won't know.
Natalya:Believe me, I don't want you to be in danger. We want your party to be a success.
Alina:Fine. (He leaves waving his hand) While.
Natalya:Be a good girl!
Sergei:Good luck.
Meanwhile, with Kayna.
Kayna was standing by the tree and worried about the performance. Alina was walking with an umbrella that she bought, did not pass by. She realized that she was worried and came over.
Alina:Are you all right?
Alina:No, I see you have a problem.
Kayna:Okay, I'm worried about the performance. I want to perform, but because I have Bam or Tam... something like that.
Alina:But don't worry. I'm a little worried too, that's all.
Kayna:Well... I'll try...
Alina:Would you like to sing to the music of "Fairy Island"? She's very nice.
Kayna:Good idea. I'm definitely not going to worry.
While the two girls are leaving, two silhouettes in the bushes are watching them.
Alina:You know, when I was walking, I saw a monster hunter.
Kayna:Hunter? Why would he do that?
Alina:I do not know, but it is definitely not a good thing. Plus, my parents let me go to the party, but they also told me not to talk about hunters.
Kayna:Okay, let's keep it a secret.
The two silhouettes heard this, became worried and headed somewhere. But they noticed a drone watching the heroes, which flew away.
To be continued...
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theunrealinsomniac · 2 years
hello!! i hope you are doing well. maybe youve talked about this before but do you have writing advices to stay inspired? and how is the process for you to organize your ideas and get to work? im very curious about that, hope its not too personal!
Hello, I'm okay thank you!
I actually don't think I have talked about how I stayed inspired, mostly because it's something of a fluke half the time lol.
But I do have some tricks that might help others so:
Make a writing playlist. No seriously, find songs that inspire you to write and put them on a playlist. I personally have one for NaruSaku and one for NSFW writing on Spotify and that can normally be relied on to get in the mood to write.
Reading stories and watching TV shows about what you're trying to write can work too. That's a bit of a double edged sword though, you don't want to copy things whole hog, but it can help to get the ball rolling.
I actually started writing at 15/16 cos I was reading fic for NaruSaku and in my teenaged hormonal arrogance was like 'god, I can do better than this!' and that's how I started lol.
And much to my shame, reading bad fic and needing to put something 'better' out there does still work for me. I don't do that quite so much anymore thankfully lol, now it's more reading good fic and going 'oh my god, that's fucking great and it gives me ideas!'
If you're in the process of writing and you lost the thread or you've suddenly gotten a little self-conscious? Find someone you trust, someone who won't mind spoilers, possibly someone who doesn't even read your work but is a friend ... and ask them to read what you've got so far, or just the latest snippett.
The reassurance of someone you trust telling you what you've got is good? Especially if they're willing to riff on the idea with you, is golden. I've recaptured flagging inspiration by doing that a lot.
I sometimes go back and reread previous chapters of my work too. Reminds me where I want to go, what I've said in previous chapters and so what I have to stick to, gives me direction.
Did that just last night actually.
Now if you've just lost inspiration? Or the drive to write at all? Stop.
If you are forcing out every word or couple of words? Stop writing right now.
You're burnt out, you need to go do something else. Sleep, eat, shower, go for a walk, play a video game, watch a TV show or movie just for fun. Talk to your friends, play with your dog/cat/rabbit whatever.
Inspiration will not come if your brain is so wired you can't think straight. The best writer in the world will tell you that nothing is better for inspiration than healthy life habits, even the ones who spent half their time coked up.
Now as for my process lol.
God, this is gonna show me for the fraud I really am lol.
Firstly I need it to be understood that this is not a good thing lol, what I'm about to tell you is not good, it's just what my brain does.
Okay? Okay.
My brain doesn't shut the fuck up. Whether that be with all the things I need to do in a day housework wise, all the stuff I have to do at work or all the ideas I have for stories.
Cos in my case? You will only ever see a handful of the ideas that my brain throws at me cos I can't keep up.
So half of the battle for me is actually picking an idea to even start writing lol. I get stunlocked so often it's actually why I've had to instigate a 'no more than three chaptered fics at a time' policy.
And honestly, I would prefer it be one at a time but my brain rebels if I'm not at least spinning three plates at a time. And then it will throw curveballs at me in the shape of oneshots.
But once I've picked the writing for the day, eventually, I just start writing, no plan but the idea that inspired me and I just go. And it's normally just whatever idea appealed to me most lol.
Chapter One of every single fic, or the opening lines of the oneshots, are always 'seat of my pants figure it out' exercises.
You can actually tell when I click into the main theme of the story pretty easily in most of my work, at least I can see it, and sometimes that's before the end of the first chapter, sometimes we're way, way in and the story is kind of all over the place until then.
But okay, chapter/story is done, first draft is done. I wrote until I hit a natural stopping point and I have a completed first draft.
Then I edit.
I do a basic spell and grammar check first. Then I read through for typos and iffy tenses. That's Draft Two.
Then I read through again, finding more typos and iffy tenses and maybe make some edits to the flow of text. That's Draft Three.
Rinse and repeat until satisfied. Picking out dodgy lines, changing scenes where necessary and correcting any typos I've still missed or punctuation errors, you get it.
Then I post and wait lol.
And normally I'll take a few days to a week off and pick up whatever I'm writing next. Normally another story but in the case of the Wedding AU that sucker was just a constant stream of writing lol. It's a miracle I didn't freeze up lol.
Which is another reason why I have three chaptered fics going at a time. Let's me swap between as I go and avoid freezing up for longer.
But yeah, hope that was interesting lol.
Thanks for asking!
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storyofmychoices · 3 years
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Home: Where She Belongs
[Levi Schuler x Laura Day Masterlist]
Pairing: Levi Schuler x Laura Day [F!MC] with Lily (daughter) Book: Mother of the Year (chapter 16) Word Count: <1,600 (sorry it's a big long!) Rating: General
Prompts: @choicesaugustchallenge relaxation; @choicesbookclub : MOTY Replay Chapter 16 ; @wackydrabbles #108 (prompt in bold)
A/N: As a whole MOTY is a solid book, but one thing that I hated was the fact that instead of going home with her daughter after winning the court case MC sneaks off with her LI for a 30 diamond scene. I love those scenes, but that wasn't the time.
Synopsis: Following the celebration with their friends over the court case win, Laura and Lily head home for a private celebration, knowing they had won and no one would keep them apart. [Fluff with some comfort/care]
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Bliss. Laura thought after some consideration. That's what this is—bliss.
Her body fluttered with a pleasant warmth that enveloped her in its comfort and relaxation. She breathed easily for the first time in weeks, the weight of the world no longer on her shoulders. She could simply enjoy the moment without worry of tomorrow.
She knew better than to expect the future to be sunshine, rainbows, and unicorns, but for the moment, this was enough—actually, it was more than enough—it was perfect. The outcome might not have been everything she wanted, but it was better than what she feared. Lily was hers, and she always would be.
The voices of her friends surrounded her. They had all been eager to join in for a celebratory dinner. She had never needed to ask them to be there; they just were. She wondered how she and Lily would have survived in Goldcliffe without them; thankfully, they'd never need to figure it out.
Laura leaned forward, resting her chin on the back of her hand as she watched Levi play a game with Lily and Luz across the table. Their laughter was a melody in the night air, one that filled her heart with joy. Her eyes glistened in the dimming light. She wondered if the smile etched on her face would ever fade.
Lily's mouth opened, a silent yawn slipping out between excited explanations of her science fair project and how her newly rebuilt rocket was better than the previous one.
"It's late," Laura finally said, interrupting their game. "You've had a big day, my Stargirl. We both have. How about we head home?" Home—Laura couldn't help but smile at the word. Lily was going home with her, where she belonged.
"Okay," Lily agreed, without any complaining, knowing they had already planned their own little private celebration.
Laura said her goodbyes, thanking her friends once more for all they had done. Lily made her rounds, giving hugs and reminding everyone of the upcoming science fair.
"Thank you," Laura whispered as Levi drew her into his arms, holding her safely. "I couldn't have survived this without you."
"As much as my ego thanks you for that, you're the strongest person I know. You can survive anything." He brushed a kiss on her forehead as he leaned back, his attention turning to Lily. He pulled her into a bear hug that lifted her off the ground, causing her to giggle into his shoulder. "Goodnight, Rocket. I'm glad we'll still get to be neighbors. I'd hate to lose my partner in crime."
"I'm glad I get to stay too!" Lily beamed. "Do you want to come have celebration hot chocolate with us?"
"Celebration hot chocolate?" Levi set her back on the ground and bent down to her level. "I don't want to mess up whatever you and your mom have planned. You two have fun."
"But, there's extra marshmallows!!!" Her eyes widened, pleading with him.
"Extra marshmallows, huh?"
Lily nodded enthusiastically. "And whipped cream. And cinnamon! And chocolate syrup!"
"Wow. That is tempting." His gaze shifted to Laura, who was attempting to hide her smile behind her hands. "Are you sure?"
"Yes! You have to come!" She insisted, slipping her hand into his. "Right, mom?"
"I think she's right. I mean, how can you argue against celebration hot chocolate with extra marshmallows, whipped cream, chocolate syrup, AND cinnamon?" Laura shrugged in defeat as if though there were no other options than to accept.
"Then, there's nowhere else I'd rather be," Levi decided.
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It didn't take long for the water to heat once they returned home. They worked together, moving through the kitchen as if it had always been like this—the three of them. Levi got the mugs ready with the powdered chocolate mix. Laura carefully poured water into each, leaving plenty of room for Lily to add all the toppings.
Marshmallows rained down over the three cups as she scooped large handfuls onto each mug. Lily grinned excitedly as she tipped the can of whipped cream, creating white, fluffy mountains, with one peak noticeably higher than the others.
"Do you think you need that much sugar before bed?" Laura questioned with a raise of her brow.
Lily's eyes widened, and she nodded enthusiastically. "It's a celebration!"
"Just this once!" Laura kissed the top of her daughter's head, her fingers trailing through her silky, black hair. Every day had always been a treasure with Lily, but now more so than ever. She would never take a second of their time together for granted.
Lily sprinkled cinnamon on hers and her mom's cups. "Do you want some, Levi?"
"Hmm‚" he pondered. He dipped his fingers through her cinnamon-dusted, whipped cream ridge, sampling it. "Mmm, that is good!"
"Hey!" Lily pouted. "No fair."
Levi laughed, a playful smirk pulling at his lips. He scooped up some of the fluffy topping off of his cup and dotted it on her nose. "Better?"
Lily's mouth fell open in surprise. Her hand was on the can of whipped cream again. The nozzle pointing at Levi, her finger hovering dangerously on the trigger, ready to set it off with the slightest change in pressure.
Their gaze narrowed at one another, the corners of their lips pulling up as silence fell in the kitchen.
"If it's war you want—" Lily began, breaking the quiet. "Then you shall have it."
Levi grabbed the plastic container of chocolate syrup, holding it up. "Two can play at that game, Rocket."
Lily stood in her chair, keeping her finger carefully on the nozzle. "I have the high ground."
Before he could respond, Laura stepped in, snatching both containers from them.
"Laura," Levi moaned, matching Lily's tone but adding a teasing wink.
"You two are trouble!"
"Only the best kind of trouble, right?" Levi took his mug and lifted it up. "What do you say, rocket—partners in crime still?"
Lily lifted her mug, clinking it against his. "Space partners in crime," she added.
"How could I forget?" He took a sip of his cocoa as Lily did the same. Both of them ended up with whipped cream on their noses.
Laura sighed happily, watching the two most important people in her world laugh effortlessly together.
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After about an hour of Lily vibrating from her sugar high and rattling off the names of all the stars in the night sky above them, she finally crashed on the couch. Her eyes were closed, but her mouth still attempted to finish the list.
"I think it's time for bed, my little astronomer." Laura helped her sleepy daughter to her room to get ready for bed. She tucked her carefully under the covers, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Good night, my beautiful girl. I love you to Andromeda and back."
She paused at the door, taking another look back. A part of her worried she'd never have this moment again. The sight of Lily safely asleep in her bed, the glow-in-the-dark stars above her keeping watch as her daughter dreamt dreams bigger than she could ever imagine.
When she returned, she found Levi where she left him on the couch. She curled into his arms.
He brushed her hair back, kissing the crown of her head. "What do you need? What can I do for you? Lily wasn't the only one with a big day."
"This," she whispered, closing her eyes as she breathed in his scent. "Just hold me."
"Done." He hugged her closer, wrapping her in his warmth. His fingers caressed her back, massaging her tenderly. "I won't let go. I love you, Laura—you 'n Lily, more than I could've thought possible."
Her body trembled, and she let out a sharp cry. The tears she had pushed down all day erupted at the sound of his confession.
"Shh, it's okay. I've got you."
She buried her face in his chest, hoping to quell the tears that kept coming, not wanting to wake Lily.
"It's okay. You did good. Lily is safe. You're safe. It's going to be okay." He continued whispering tender encouragement in her ear as he kept her close, allowing the weeks of frustration and heartbreak to pour out.
Slowly, her breathing steadied, and her sobs subsided.
"That's it. You need sleep. Come on." He lifted her into his arms, much to her surprise. His brow arched as he caught her eye. "What? I said I wouldn't let go."
She nuzzled back into his neck. "Thank you...for everything."
"Shh, just rest." He carried her to her room at the end of the short hall, placing her down on the edge of the bed. He ran his thumb over her cheek, wiping away the last of her tears.
Her eyes were red and swollen. "Stay?"
"Are you sure?"
She stood to meet him, wobbling a little, not realizing how tired she was, but he was there to support her. She cupped his face. "I've never been more sure. I love you, Levi."
He kissed her softly. "Okay. Who am I to disagree with what the lady wants."
"Good. I'm not ready for you to let go yet." Laura slipped out of her clothes, grabbing a baggy t-shirt to put on.
"Great band!" Levi noted as he took off his pants and shirt and slid into bed. "I have the same shirt at home."
"No, you don't—" Laura climbed in, nestling into him once more. "—because this one's yours."
He breathed out a laugh as he rested his head on hers. He held her close, humming softly until she finally fell asleep in his arms.
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Thank you for reading! I appreciate your support. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always amazing and make my day!
I hope you enjoyed this story. (Don't worry, Laura and Levi will still get their 30 diamond scene... that night just didn't feel appropriate for it).
Tags in a reblog, please let me know if you want to be added or removed!
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akkalixx · 5 years
Ouma's Theory of Happiness (A Danganronpa V3 Fanfiction)
Alright, so I guess this is a new project then, huh? It's been a while since I have posted, so I guess this is a new project.
The title of this fanfiction is inspired by the song anamatic "Ouma's Theory of Happiness". I will attatch the link at the end in case anybody wants to listen. The plot takes place in 2019 because why not? And Spoilers for chapter 1, and major spoilers for chapter 5. You have been warned. So I guess I'll begin... now!
Please enjoy Ouma's Theory of Happiness.
Entry One, Academy for Gifted Juveniles.
"Its me, Ouma. You guys are alive out there, right? You've got to be safe... protect yourselfs. For me. For you. I don't want to lose the time we had. We can't lose. Not yet. We have it in the palm of our hands, right? The freedom we've seeked? Don't worry about me. I'm okay. I'm going to win this killing game. For you. For D.I.C.E. For... my family.
I guess I should give this project a name. What about Ouma's Theory of Happiness? Yeah, that's good.
Entry one of Ouma's Theory of Happiness. Thank you."
Entry Four, Academy for Gifted Juveniles.
"I've gotten used to the people here. They aren't so bad, I guess. But 2 people died already. A guy name Saihara Shuichi finally took off the emo hat after his beloved Kaede died. I don't blame him. Someone died, you can't just stand around. I also feel bad for Akamatsu-san. Oh well. How are you doing in the real world? It's probably better than here. This place is hell. Forced to play a killing game? Kiss my ass, I'm not going to die. Don't worry.
Entry four of Ouma's Theory of Happiness. Thank you."
Entry 10, Academy for Gifted Juveniles
"Do you remember the red brick house? Three of us were there. Do the three of you recall? Yeah, that time. It always seemed like some evil meeting. We lied to our parents. You guys thought you would be forgotten, huh? I never thought it was true. While I'm here, I still remember. I said, "By making memories, you won't be forgotten. So you don't need to be afraid!" Have you made new ones? I hope you have.
Entry ten of Ouma's Theory of Happiness. Thank you."
Entry 16, Academy for Gifted Juveniles
"The black cloak. I put it on. I felt like the leader of an evil organization. We decided on making an evil group. The name was D.I.C.E., right? Good times. "Even though we might be pranksters, it would be worthwhile to see you smile again." I still truly feel that. Let's all keep wishing for that. "Let's be family." One can dream. But it happened. I hope you're happy again. I wish the best of luck. We are going to stick as family. Even if I die, or don't die, I'm getting out and I'm seeing you again.
Entry 16 of Ouma's Theory of Happiness. Thank you.
Entry 20, Academy for Gifted Juveniles
"It's coming... a future without happiness... don't do this. Don't take it away. A future without happiness is coming. Color of death, don't do this. I want it to live on. It's lonely and miserable. Are you still smiling without me? Please say you are. I need you to. Don't worry about me. I'm here. In your memories and hearts. I'm still alive. You're going to scold me when I get back, probably. I just want to know... was I a good leader?
Entry 20 of Ouma's Theory of Happiness. Thank you.
Wait... happiness? ..."
Entry 32, Academy for Gifted Juveniles
"The sadness. It's so much... so many people have died and it's scary... no more victims, I'm begging you.
Entry 32 of Ouma's Theory of Happiness. Thank you..."
Entry 100, final entry. Academy for Gifted Juveniles
"No more victims. Will I be able to protect your future? Can I protect Saihara-chan's future? Yumeno-chan's future? Harukawa-chan's? Momota-chan's? Shirogane-chan's? Can I protect everyone's future? I want to. So I'm risking it all. Goodbye. Keep on living. Keep on being happy. Keep living together. Don't give up. D.I.C.E.. My friends. My family.
Final Entry, 100 of Ouma's Theory of Happiness. Thank you. Goodbye. Forever."
One press by the hydraulic press, and he was gone. Goodbye, Kokichi Ouma.
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