#in case anyone needs to blacklist that ig because i know i hated seeing so much negativity before the game came out
riddlerosehearts · 5 years
okay, so. i’ve now officially finished the postgame story of swsh and that means i’ve done it all.
and honestly i’m frustrated because i’ve seen a few people say swsh has the best writing they’ve seen in a pokemon game and i just... i mean, i can see that in several of the character arcs and in the potential the story had to be great, but to me the writing is just... it’s full of extremely wasted potential. bede, hop, and sonia had pretty nice character arcs imo but we still could’ve seen a lot more of them if the story had been a better length, and i have to say i was expecting marnie to be a much more prominent character. i mean, she showed up like 3 or 4 times and i feel like i know more about piers than about her? i feel like i can’t describe her personality very well at all but she was supposed to be one of my rivals? there also wasn’t enough time to expand on team yell and what was happening in spikemuth, so i didn’t get attached to them like i did to team skull. i just found them annoying and that was all.
i also don’t even like... fully understand what oleana and the chairman’s deal was, i mean i thought oleana was puppeting everything but then she says you have to help because rose has gone nuts and even then i thought she was lying. i thought rose was just some asshat who didn’t care about bede at all because he seemed to not remember who bede was at the beginning, but then he’s like “oh i’m so sad i adopted you because i saw myself in you and now you’ve disappointed me :((” and i can’t even tell if he was being honest then or not, because he never ever gave me the vibe that he gave a single shit about bede, but it just wasn’t explored enough and tbh i really wanted bede to confront him and/or oleana at some point. i also still feel confused about what they were even doing in the first place and i wanted things to be explained better but they weren’t. i don’t even fully get what the darkest day was or why the day/night cycle only begins in the post-game and i just feel stupid. i had a theory that the darkest day and the day/night cycle and everything would relate to pollution and climate change somehow but it was just... something something eternatus something something dynamaxing, i think??
and speaking of bede being an orphan, i feel like i should not have had to learn that from a card and that it should’ve been a bigger part of the story tbh, i mean i love the league cards for non-plot relevant npcs like the gym leaders because i always wanted more info on the gym leaders of each region, but... having to learn that bede is an orphan who never got along with anyone so basically has no family or friends via reading it on a league card (which i feel the need to add, is optional to even read in the first place) is just making me imagine if in black and white n came up to you and handed you his entire traumatic backstory on a card, which would feel lazy and rushed just as it does to me here.
also like... the idea of the adults helping handle things and not putting it all on a kid is excellent until you realize all it’s doing is pushing you out of the action. even if you as the player might possibly be a kid like your character, you yourself are not in any danger and you want to have fun with things because this is a video game. the gym challenge is nice and all but every single time leon or sonia tells me to just continue my gym challenge and not worry about it i wanna say “fuck no let me join you and get in on the adventure and action just like every single other pokemon game lets me do.” every time sonia told me more cool info about the darkest day i got super excited and interested and then every time i didn’t get to do anything about it i was like “okay, well, maybe the action will pick up more after the next gym” and it just didn’t, until the VERY end and even that wasn’t long enough and overall the whole thing was just so incredibly oddly paced.
there’s also just... not enough to explore?? i mean, the wild area is pretty neat, but it doesn’t have dark caves and vast oceans and winding forests, and the region itself hardly has any of that either. there are only 10 routes and they’re short. i never got lost in galar mine or anything and it was the first time i actually missed getting lost in a video game, which i usually do constantly because i have an even worse sense of direction than leon. the cities are beautifully designed imo and there are a few where i went “holy shit this is gorgeous” when i walked in, but the whole region is just too small and i was pretty disappointed when ballonlea, despite having the prettiest design in the game along with glimwood tangle imo, was so tiny with hardly anything in it. i realize this part is a tangent and not related to the story but it just adds to the frustration i had with everything!
anyway, this post is already too long and too incoherent and i’m not trying to be overly negative because i truly did enjoy some things about swsh and am glad i bought it to be able to play with my friends and shiny hunt and collect all the new pokemon regardless of my issues with it, so i’ll try wrapping it up here. basically i guess i just feel like the plot was too incredibly oddly paced, not nearly explained well enough, and the characters weren’t expanded on enough at all despite several of them having very fun and interesting personalities and arcs and every one of them being likable to me. the lore of galar has very interesting concepts in it but none of them are used to their fullest potential in this game and i so desperately wish they were! i wish the world was bigger and that i got to be a bigger part of the action and that i had a better understanding of the game i just played (and hey, maybe i’ll understand all of it a little better once i replay/see my dad get to the story parts that puzzled me, but i feel like i should NOT be so utterly lost right now), but none of that was to be. it feels rushed and unsatisfying and i know it’s because the devs didn’t have enough time to make swsh as great as it could be, but i just wish they could’ve been given the time it needed! because these issues i have, along with other ones such as the bizarre removal of features like mega evolutions and the ability to pet your pokemon or the removal of such a high amount of pokemon, and the world itself having so little to really explore, just.... keep me from being able to enjoy it nearly as much as i wanted to.
i think i have to give the game a 6/10 or maaaaybe 6.5, which is lowered from the original 7/10 i was going to give it while i was still optimistic the plot would pick up more than it did. so, decent for me and much better than any of my least favorite mainline pokemon games (i haven’t replayed through xy since forever or really touched it to do anything other than shiny hunting in ages, for example), but not really great imo and i’m sad about it.
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ceallachs-m · 7 years
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I said I wasn’t going to post any more negativity on this blog, but my friend Aira posted an IG story last night that she got some hate anons. I got another one this morning on my art blog, and apparently there were even more akakuro blogs here who received similarly nasty messages as well. Are people having an anon hate spree or what lol.
In any case, I’ve already said a lot to my first hate anon and so have a lot of people to theirs, but there was a lot of sarcasm to my answers at the time, so I’ll make a more serious post and conclude it with this.
First off – I am fortunate enough to be in a good place and in a healthy mental state; I have loving parents and a home, I am surrounded by good friends, and I can wake up everyday doing what I love and expressing my love in the things that I’m passionate about. It’s not perfect and I do wish a lot of things could be better, but I’m genuinely content and happy where I am. Things like this don’t really bother me at all. Nothing like hate messages would ever make me want put a knife to my neck.
But not everyone is like me, and a lot of people are suffering due to different circumstances. Even messages like this without basis nor context can easily put someone down and make them resort to dire means.
And if you think you can send someone a hate message just to satisfy your self-entitled ass, insulting them or telling them to die because you are unhappy with their existence in a FANDOM, then I’m so, so sad for you.
Because no one wants you even more.
No one on the internet whom you know nothing about owes their life nor enjoyment to you.
If you can feel gratification from hurting others who simply ship something that you don’t, then you should reevaluate your life choices because there’s clearly something wrong with you and you need help. 
(Or you need to go outside and experience what the real world is because there’s more to life than just fandoms and shipwars, friend. There’s more to people than what pairings they’re invested in.)
The last thing anyone can do to hurt me is to attack me for my ships and interests because I am unapologetic for what I enjoy and how I enjoy them. Spit whatever slurs you want in my direction but who are you even? You didn’t raise me? You don’t know who I am??
Why should I be affected by someone who only knows me for what I ship? You use that sliver of information to spout whatever insult you want well lol sorry but I know who I am, what I am, and what I’m not.
Come to my house and say that to my face, that you detest me and want me to die because I am enjoying myself with a pairing that you find disgusting, and then we’ll talk.
But before then I’m pretty sure you’d realize how ridiculous you sound in comparison.
And since it has come to this, I feel like there is a need to bring another topic to light; I don’t go there, but the other day, a known figure in the kpop fandom has lost a battle to depression. A lot of my friends were mourning for the loss and have raised the topic for discussion even further. So for all this anon BS to happen at the same time makes it all the more real that depression is not only an internal struggle, when people like anon exist to judge and terrorize a space they don’t belong in or know nothing about.
Not everyone can be strong. Not everyone is in a good place to deflect an attack to their existence. Not everyone can be like me who can simply brush off hate anons. This is real and it’s serious.
The mute/block features in social media are there for a reason. Browser and mobile blacklisting widgets exist so that you can wipe out someone’s content from ever landing on your dashboard or timeline. USE THEM. Make that extra effort.
Secure your own media experience because it’s YOUR job to. It’s not my or anyone else’s responsibility to protect you from things you don’t want to see, and it’s not your place to barge into someone’s safe space either to tell them to stop being who they are.
TLDR; You do humanity a favor and get a life. Mind your own fcking business.
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