#in britain however you can have all the money in the world and you STILL wont be upper class unless you were born into it
hella1975 · 1 year
I’m not exactly well versed in British culture, so I might be a bit off base here, but it might help some of your US followers if they frame the pervasiveness of classism within the context of the American south.
There is a very common and socially accepted assumption that southerners are stupid, backwards, toothless hillbillies with dumb accents.
Its often played off like a joke, but the insidiousness of it is real and harmful. I don’t think it’s too dissimilar to what you experience, either, though perhaps not quite as pointed or extreme.
When I travel, I do my best to flatten my accent so people don’t pick up on it as easily. As soon as everyone finds out where I’m from, I’m made into a joke. It fucking sucks.
i dont know enough about the american south and i would like to reiterate that despite similarities our class systems are still so different that blanket-comparing them isn't gonna cut it, but yes this sounds exactly right!! like class over here isn't just a money thing, in fact more often than not that's a very small part of it. it's dictated by income and region and accent and what school you went to and what your family do and who you know even down to what you wear and what supermarket you shop at, and if you dont meet the top marks in ALL of these then you will experience classism at some point
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stephensmithuk · 7 months
The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax
Part of His Last Bow, this was published in 1911, this another one that is not titled "The Adventure of".
Turkish baths had become very popular in London by this time. Most of them have closed over the decades, but there are still a few around, including the Casa Spa on Edgware Road.
Scholar consensus is that Watson was born in 1852. They agree less on the setting of this story - 1901 not 1902 is the consensus - but Watson is pushing 50 here.
Crédit Lyonnais was the world's largest bank by total assets in the early 1900s. It merged with Crédit Agricole in 2003, with the retail branches bearing the name LCL to this day.
It was actually three pence a word for a telegram to Switzerland in 1902 with a minimum 10d charge. Germany and France were 2d each. It would be a shilling or more to the USA, depending on which state the message was going to. (Source: January 1902 Post Office Guide: https://www.gbps.org.uk/information/sources/po-guides/Post%20Office%20Guide%201902%20(1st%20January).pdf)
Lausanne in Switzerland is home to the International Olympic Committee and a 28-station metro system, the smallest city in the world (population c.140,000) with one.
The general consensus of scholars is that Baden refers to what is now Baden-Baden in Germany, not Baden in Switzerland.
A mob cap is a round pleated bonnet with a caul to cover the hair, typically worn indoors.
Barberton in the Mpumalanga province of South Africa was home to a short-lived gold rush from 1884 onwards.
"Pensions" are small guest houses that will offer full-board (all meals) or half-board (all meals except lunch) to guests.
The requirement of foreign visitors to register with the police is still a thing in some European countries, although if you are staying at a hotel, campsite etc. they will take care of that for you - that's why they take a copy of your passport. Britain actually had it for some foreign arrivals until 2022, when it was finally abolished.
The Sea of Azof - or rather the Sea of Azov today - is the small inland sea to the north of the Black Sea, surrounded by Ukraine and Russia.
The average life expectancy for a woman born in 1901 was 52.4 years and a man 48.5; this was still a period of high infant mortality. However, it was entirely possible for someone to live into their 90s with luck - Queen Victoria's son Arthur lived to 91, dying in 1942.
Senility is now known as dementia.
Workhouses often served as de facto care homes for those without the money or family to stay in their own homes. Even after the abolition of workhouses in 1948 and the creation of the NHS, many of the buildings remained in use for that purpose, with over 50% of local authority accommodation for the elderly being former workhouses in 1960 (https://www.bgs.org.uk/resources/the-elderly-and-the-workhouse). One can only imagine how many elderly people were taken to those buildings with terror in their minds.
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AO3 Fics (3) masterlist
part one, part two
a kingdom of hearts (but not of love) (ao3) - orphan_account luke/ashton M, 12k
Summary: luke’s a prince. well, a prince who loves to wear dresses and loves girly things. however, he feels though he’s missing that special someone in his life. although it may just change when he meets a special prince named ashton.
or the one where luke’s basically a princess, ashton is his soulmate, and things get in their fucking way before they fall in love.
all i want (ao3) - lourrygum michael/luke E, 15k
Summary: Luke is a camboy and Michael has to have normal conversations with him like he didn’t watch him come untouched just last night
Or, Lush isn’t Luke’s only place of employment, Calum is falling in love with the curly haired dork that comes in to his coffee shop on a daily basis and Michael’s going to stop watching Luke’s videos soon, he swears.
Beginnings (ao3) - thenewbrokenscene michael/luke M, 45k
Summary: [College/University AU] Michael Clifford was a sophomore transfer student, trapped living in the dorms again after a technicality dropped him back down to freshman status. He had requested a single room, determined to focus on his school work, get out of university housing as quickly as possible, and start his real life, but of course, on August 1st he received the obligatory “Get to know your new roommate this summer! You can contact Luke Hemmings, freshman student, at his school email…” message in his inbox.
Whatever. Let’s just get this year over with.
be your teenage dream tonight (ao3) - burningthefutures luke/ashton E, 8k
Summary: Ashton, a photographer living in NYC, finds himself entranced when he sets his eyes on Luke Hemmings, a famous model, at a party.
can’t help falling in love with you (ao3) - prettyluke (parting_ways) luke/ashton T, 50k
Summary: Luke shows up in Britain after 25 years right in time for World War Two to start, and Ashton has been waiting for someone to yank him from his melancholy since Christmas of 1914.
come alive and bring the thunder (ao3) - merlypops michael/luke, past luke/ashton E, 36k
Summary: Prince Luke of the Faeries is forced to marry King Michael after a War between kingdoms threatens to tear their lives apart… and maybe Luke and Michael fall in love too. Maybe.
Coy Fish - @daydadahlias​ (cornflowerblue (daydadahlias)) calum/ashton E, 19k
Summary: “Please don’t fuck our yoga instructor.” Michael massages his forehead, eyes squinting shut. “We’ll lose our discount.”
But that certainly won’t keep Calum from trying.
craving something sweeter (ao3) - toddamyanderson luke/calum T, 10k
Summary: “Y’know, it was either the plushies, or the cute guy sitting on his roof drinking lemonade. Surprisingly enough, you won.” Calum’s voice is quiet, but Luke can still hear the coy smile in his voice. Hear, because Luke is still looking down at the fairy floss, trying to hide his pleased grin.
“Damn.” Luke tames his wild grin into a more reasonable smile so he can face Calum. “I feel like the plushies deserve more credit.“
Fine Print - @daydadahlias​​ (cornflowerblue (daydadahlias)) luke/ashton, past luke/calum E, 61k
Summary: If Michael says Ashton Irwin will be a good bodyguard then sure, Luke will put his money on Ashton being a good bodyguard. Besides, all Luke needs is a shadow. So what if he doesn’t like him?
Who ever cared about liking their shadow anyway?
or the one where Luke is a heartbroken solo artist who can’t sleep and Ashton is his less-than-enthusiastic bodyguard
go for miles (ao3) - strxngersagain luke/calum, michael/ashton G, 11k
Summary: When Calum had bought tickets to Glastonbury Festival with his ex nearly a full year ago, he never imagined he would have ended up going alone. The very messy breakup of a nearly-three-year relationship pushed any and all thoughts of future-plans to the back of his mind. He had almost entirely forgotten about the tickets tucked into an envelope, if he was being honest with himself. It wasn’t until an email dropped into his inbox with the subject: ‘We can’t wait to see you!’, reminding him that oh shit, they had bought tickets together and oh shit, that’s in like two weeks.
He spent the better part of the afternoon sitting on the living room floor trying to figure out what to do with his ticket. It was too late for him to transfer it to someone else, he couldn’t sell it because it had his name printed on it, and he didn’t really want to lose out on the £300 he spent on the damn thing by just not going. So, he decided then and there that he would go alone. Ex-boyfriend be damned, he’d have a great time even if he was by himself.
hello, hello (ao3) - bellawritess luke/ashton, michael/calum T, 30k
Summary: For one long, blinking minute, Luke stares at Ashton and wonders if he’s hallucinating. Because that’s definitely Ashton. That’s Ashton Irwin, his former best friend from Sunny Days, the show they co-starred on as children.
But it’s also definitely Ashton Fletcher, professional film actor worth many millions, possibly hundreds of millions, of dollars, standing on his doorstep, wind ruffling his hair.
Jumping before the Gunshot has Gone Off (ao3) - tigerlily_sunshine michael/luke, calum/ashton, luke/louis E, 128k
Summary: (In which Michael’s hated Luke since they met, and Luke’s hated him back—except, somehow, they can’t stop having sex with one another. To make matters worse, Luke is dumb enough to go and fall in love with the man who hates him.)
KawaiiCalPal (ao3) - TheLarryDiaries michael/calum, luke/ashton M, 25k
Summary: Calum is an adorable YouTuber known as KawaiiCalPal. He’s most known for his oversized sweaters and matching flower crowns. Also, he’s in love with the world famous punk rock band, Swallow the Goldfish. But more accurately, the lead guitarist, Michael Clifford.
Luke, Ashton, and Michael are the three band members of Swallow the Goldfish. They all happen to be jelly beans, Calum’s name for his subscribers. It’s also quite obvious that Michael believes Calum is his ‘soulmate’. It’s also remarkable as Calum is very open with his homosexuality, and love for Michael.
It really started when Calum had the opportunity to interview the band for a video.
Le Chatelier’s Principle (ao3) - LyricalPary (hoseoky) luke/ashton, michael/calum E, 54k
Summary: Ever since being promoted to head waiter, Luke had had one problem that came in the form of a six foot, curly-headed, hazel eyed demon. And by demon, he meant his frustratingly stubborn, unfairly attractive co-worker, Ashton Irwin.
Playing With Chemistry (ao3) - fourdrunksluts michael/ashton, luke/calum E, 17k
Summary: It’s the busiest week of the year at the escape room Ashton manages, and it’s hard enough without Michael Clifford tempting him at every turn.
See the World Hanging Upside Down (ao3) - tigerlily_sunshine ot4, michael/luke/calum, luke/ashton M, 117k
Summary: “You should go out with me tonight,” says Luke, and that’s not what Ashton expected at all.
Ashton’s stomach jumps to his throat. He feels a little faint, and he holds his breath. He’s a little confused. He could have sworn Luke was in a relationship with either Calum or Michael—he’s still not entirely sure exactly which one Luke actually goes home to—but it sounds an awfully lot like Luke’s asking Ashton out on a date.
It’s a miracle, really, that he doesn’t humiliate himself before Luke’s done talking, because the next few words that fall from Luke’s mouth make it entirely clear it’s not a date.
“I’ve been talking you up to Mikey and Cal for ages, and they’re dying to meet you.”
(In which Ashton pines after Luke, who is already in a relationship, and Luke really wants Ashton to meet Michael and Calum.)
Stand Again (ao3) - crash-queen aka stelleshine (stelleshine) luke/calum, michael/luke, jack/luke, michael/ashton E, 69k
Summary: The promise of a good pie brings Calum into Luke’s bakery one day, and Luke finds more than just a new customer.
the empty white (ao3) - asymmetric ot4 E, 33k
Summary: (People all over the world start vanishing into thin air. Calum is one of them.)
there’s no need to run and hide (when the world leaves a scar) (ao3) -haveufoundwhaturlookingfor luke/ashton, michael/calum T, 10k
Summary: Luke is a new intern, and he gets along with pretty much everyone he works with. Well, everyone except for Ashton Irwin. Ashton is cold, and doesn’t give him the time of day. Certain events keep on bringing the two together whether they like it or not, and eventually, Luke finds out why Ashton is so cold.
we’ve got time on our side (ao3) - fannyann luke/calum, calum/liam E, 57k
Summary: Calum meets Luke in the midst of buying new underwear. Two tours and a lot of heartache later, they finally get it right.
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racfoam · 1 year
Hello best author in the world I have a doubt harry has a lot of money both form her parents and Sirius so couldn't she buy something for the Weasley like buying ron a broom from one of your spoilers , can I have a scene where it shows that Harriet is rich , by rich means loaded
Hello, hope you’re doing well! Thank you for the ask.
I think Harry — since it is from Harry’s POV — she doesn't really talk about being loaded. She definitely is, but she never goes talking about it like some people *cough* Malfoy *cough*
Huh, I never wrote any sort of scene in nynn of Harry buying her friends sth expensive to show she is rich. She absolutely is. Harry bought three omnioculars on Quidditch World Cup, after all... Hmm, I think Harry gets them expensive stuff for their birthdays and for Christmas bcs it's the only time she can get away with buying the Weasleys expensive things without making them feel bad... Hang on...
Gift shopping for Christmas has become Harry’s favourite time of the year. This time — and birthdays — was the only time she could spent some extra cash on a gift worthwhile. Of course, she set herself a limit. Nothing more than fifty galleons (too bad, she wanted to buy Ron a Firebolt) each.
Hermione was the easiest to shop for. Harry bought two books for Hermione — Arithmancy and Warding — which cost twenty galleons each but when she asked the librsrian in the Hogwarts library for the best material, she swore up and down on those two books.
Ron could be a bit tricky. She would have bought him some robes, but Fred and George already got him those. Harry decided to buy him the best Keeper gloves, ones worn by professional, star player Keepers. They cost fifty galleons. Worth every coin.
For Mrs Weasley — and this gift was brilliant in Harry’s mind — she got her a full-day package at the best spa and massage salon in London.
For Mr Weasley, Harry bought him the Culture of Britain and Its History that would teach him all about Muggle history in Britain and the current culture — something he didn't learn in school. She thought about buying him a ticket for theatre, but she didn't know what genre Mr Weasley liked, so she settled on this book. It cost her fifty pounds, but it was university grade learning material. It was bound to be very educational for Mr Weasley.
For Snuffles, she bought red paw shoes (they were too cute, all right?) for snow, and for Sirius, she bought the best wizarding cologne, with a scent like fresh clouds. It was a comforting, nice scent. It cost sixty galleons, breaking the budget, but it was worth it.
For Ginny, she bought her hair shampoo, conditioner and perfume Ginny always gushed about with Luna.
For Fred and George, she bought them wizarding ties. For Fred, blue — his favourite colour — and for George, an orange one, which was George's favourite colour.
For Lupin, she bought lots of Earl Grey teabags to last him for six months, a wool winter cloak, a light brown wizarding robe (Lupin liked brown) and two pairs of footwear: oxfords and men’s boots. Did it cost more than fifty galleons? Maybe. Was it worth it? Absolutely.
For Tonks, she bought a yellow fluffy sweater Tonks liked in a shop in Diagon Alley but was too expensive to buy — the shop in Hogsmeade luckily had it.
To Luna, Harry bought a hand-crafted, shell necklace of numerous shells and pearls on a simple string, which she would send off with Hedwig.
For Dobby, she bought ten pairs of socks.
With all her purchases placed in lightweight charmed bags with an extension charm, Harry walked down Hogsmeade, very happy with all the purchases.
However, something stopped her in her tracks. A thought she never had before — or maybe she did, when she was young and hopeful, and didn’t remember it.
I wonder what Voldemort would like.
Long moments passed, and Harry stood still among the snow and the snowflakes, face cuddled in the crook of her Gryffindor scarf.
Probably Harry in a big gift box with green ribbon and all. Wasn't it Harry, after all, who was supposed to be Voldemort’s gift for his rebirthing party in the graveyard?
Well, Harry couldn't do that. Maybe some lotions for his skin to appear more smooth? Voldemort was very pale... Maybe sunscreen against sunburn? Or, maybe, she could buy him shoes and socks...
Harry frowned. Why was she thinking so hard about a hypothetical gift to Voldemort? Nothing would be good enough for his standards, anyway...
Harry sighed, looking up to the white sky. A few snowflakes landed on her face; little stars falling from the sky.
Then, the answer dawned on Harry. What she could get Voldemort for Christmas. It was so simple, so obvious, that Harry felt stupid for not realising it before. How could it have taken Harry this long to figure it out?
Invigorated, Harry rushed back to the castle. She needed to find Collin. She needed to ask him to take a photograph of her.
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hchollym · 1 year
If Percy was still on speaking terms with his family I truly believed he’d have convinced the twins to finish school.
I, and I think percy as well, don’t think someone should have to finish school or get more schooling to be successful. But I think it’s incredibly likely most of the wizarding world, especially Britain, does not think the same.
And I absolutely believe Percy would be fully aware of this. So I can see him convincing the twins to just graduate. Explain how it will help with credibility, with getting business partners, with customers, with buying a place for the show. All of it. I think he’d say they could do it all while still dropping out, but it’ll be much harder.
(I think it’s highly unrealistic that they were able to do much so quickly. They’re on a brick of a war, family pretty much shunned my the ministry because of Harry and their association with muggleborns and muggels. And even with Harry’s prize money and their savings, a store that big and the products they make would need much much more. Being dropouts of one of the best schools known to the wizarding word would not work in their favor, as stupid as it is.)
I think it would be hard to convince the twins, but not impossible. Especially when it’s Percy. (I do think they’d give him a hard time, lots of pranks nonstop because of it but they’d listen in the end)
I actually don't think Percy would have been able to talk them into finishing school. 🤷‍♀️
The twins were stubborn, they didn't really respect Percy, and the main reason they left when they did was because of Umbridge (which is fair). I think they were ultimately going to leave no matter what, and if Percy tried to talk them out of it, they would have just considered it nagging and been annoyed.
However, I agree 100% that it's unrealistic that Fred & George's shop was so successful so quickly! That's always something that has driven me crazy. Ignoring their lack of degree or even the financial aspect of it, there's two main issues I see with this:
There is already another joke shop in Diagonal Alley (plus the one in Hogsmeade). That's competition that's already established there and is well-loved (since we know Fred, George, & Lee shopped there). People may initially go to Fred & George's shop, since it's brand new, but it wouldn't take long for business to level out (I find it hard to believe that Fred & George's shop was that much better than the other), because they would be splitting their customer base with another company. It's not even a consistent product either, because really, how many joke products are people in the Wizarding World buying?!
I find it highly unlikely that Fred & George had the necessary knowledge about the legal aspect of starting a business (such as creating an LLC or Corporation, obtaining permits and licenses, getting business insurance, and handling federal tax documents). Yes, they could have hired someone for this, but we have no mention of that, and it would have been an added expense for them. And yes, this whole process could all be much easier in the Wizarding World, but that seems like a cop out to me. For the record, I don't think Fred & George are stupid (they're clearly not), but those requirements would take some specialized knowledge that they wouldn't have learned; you can't just be a natural at it.
Anyway, that turned into more of a rant than I meant it to be, so sorry about that. 🤣 I don't think anyone could have changed the twins mind about leaving school though!
Thanks for the ask! 😊
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unknownentry404 · 1 year
Please. No attacks. No judgement. But all I ask is that you do not buy the game. And if you did, try to return it. And just pirate it instead, if you must play it.
All you gain, is money back. And all we gain is someone else, taking even the smallest of stands.
In an ideal world, no one would play it. But I also understand. And everyone is dealing with this as best they can.
I’ve been dealing with it very weirdly myself this year. I got back into Drarry fiction somehow? And have consumed so much media breaking down the mess that was JKRs writing.
And I’ve found it cathartic, just tearing it all apart and making something new from it. Reading queer reimaginings of her work I know she’d hate.
So I definitely get the appeal to play the game.
Just, if you have to play it, definitely pirate it and. . . please use it as an opportunity to think of us? Think of the genocide that’s being raged against us trans people, in this day, because of people like JKR. As the right try to erases us, through any means necessary. .
You know, I’m personally living in the UK and trying to get my name and marker changed, so the Scottish bill that got shut down by UK government is especially relevant to me. It would not have affected me directly, but damn would it have been beautiful if it did.
So, currently, I’m almost 29 and I’ve had my new name since I chose it in a Pokémon savefile I started in January 2020. Still have the first Cinderace and everything. :’)
It took me a long time to be sure this was the one though: I’ve been coming up with weird little names since I could remember (kinda sus) and always regretted them later. They always felt childish when I looked back on them, and made me feel embarrassed. So I had to sit on this one a while before I’d let even close friends call me it. Let alone fully socially transition.
But it’s been three years now. And I’m sure.
It’s stuck with me now and I no longer can hear my deadname without cringing.
However, problem is, I’ve not got much in the way of “officially” recognised documents, before the very end of 2021. So even though I’ve been internally transitioned for three years, and knew I was trans for even longer, it’s been very tough. Because they require 2+ years from 2 different sources. (Along with 2 gender diagnosis certificates).
And bloody hell, I just want my life to begin, you know? I’m sick of living in this cage.
The Scottish bill would have made it only three months proof, and removed the formal, expensive, time-waiting diagnosis letters to boot. Only good things. Doesn’t mean someone could change their name on a whim, (official documentation is stuff like bills, doctors offices, etc; one does not simply change such things lightly), but that when they do, they are able to.
And JKR, being the powerful person she is, is directly involved in shaping the discourse around trans people here in the UK, which directly influenced the environment that made people rush to block that bill. The first time Britain has used its power to do so, to step in and OVERTURN a Scottish ruling, I believe.
So, just. Remember. I don’t need you to castrate yourselves “for our cause,” I just need you to remember that we are human, hurting, and in the forefront of political discourse for the last few years. We are real, and these actions have real consequences. This isn’t some SJW or whatever bullshit.
Play the game, don’t. All I ask is you don’t put money in her pockets, don’t validate her rethoric, and take this as a moment to celebrate and feel for trans people if you can. To learn. Don’t forget us, or to denounce her, if you do play it.
If the idea of playing the game didn’t make me feel sick to the stomach, I’d be tempted to make a let’s play of it, (explicitly pirated ofc), where I’d just drag JKR’s name and her shitty universe through the dirt while I was at it, (feel free to steal if you can). Entice people in and try and come up with the best way to educate them on Trans matters. And tear down their misconceptions they’ve absorbed from the far rights vile and misinformed rhetoric. . .
But, yeah.
This, life, is not a game. And making a stink in either direction just hurts us.
Again: this is not a game for brownie points. There is no winner here. We, trans people, are already loosing so much.
Much love to my fellow trans people. <3 I believe in you.
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hadit93 · 1 year
Will you buy the book “Spare” by Prince Harry? Thoughts on this scandal? Is there a love generational curse on this family. The Queen’s uncle abdicated for his love, the Queen’s son also created a mess by marrying Camilla and now Harry was involved in a big scandal.
While I like the public image of the Queen I’ve came to realise that it is all an illusion. Not in the sense that she was a reptilian who fed off children but in the sense that behind the polished image there are many lurking secrets that would create shady gossip. Well on the other hand if I were born in a royal family, be it in the UK, Denmark, UAE, Japan or North Korea, We can agree we would all do everything for our kin so I do not entirely blame them.
My partner bought it, I've skimmed through it a little. I personally will not be reading it, I have more important books to read both fiction and non-fiction.
I don't believe there is a curse. What is important to remember is that the monarch is head i.e. the spiritual leader of the Church of England. There are certain expectations surrounding marriage that church held which the monarch was expected to uphold also. The Queen's uncle certainly gave up everything for love, however, the way the public and the family looked at it is he sacrificed his duty for love. It is either heroic or selfish dependent upon how you look at it. But he certainly did not suffer for it- at least across the shores. He still got money from the British public. Then when he decided Hitler was good company it is shocking to me that he was ever allowed to be buried here. He was not a good man.
Again, Charles was in line for the throne and thus in line to be head of the Church of England and at the time of his marriage to Diana it would not have been okay in the eyes of the church and the queen for Camilla to become divorced and her and Charles to marry. She also had to make such a decision in regards to her sister. Diana was quite literally a trophy wife, a breeding machine and she said as much in her own words.
The royal family are human, they are privileged humans who simply cannot integrate with real people- it would be a threat to their lives for them to just pop down to the local pub. They are out of touch and also prone to mistake which is why they have aides etc. I don't think the Queen was perfect by any means, I don't think the current king is perfect, I don't think any of them will be perfect. But I think they are contributing more good to the world than evil despite sometimes saying stupid and thoughtless things.
I used to like Prince Harry. But I cannot respect his current actions. He has spat on his family and on his country. You do not air your dirty laundry in public. Unless of course you WANT the attention. "Oh no, Meg and I are shy, we just want to live in our massive house and feed our chickens!"......Lets write a book, do a Netflix documentary, go on several interviews, and still use titles we no longer have claim to. Actions do not match the words.
They have all just lost both the matriarch and patriarch of their family. Harry and his family should be closer than ever. I am sure all of this needs discussing with a mediator in place. Perhaps the royals are not open to it, they are of a different generation. My grandparents would never attend therapy for example. But a conversation needs to be had.
As for Megan, I wish her no ill will. I don't think she truly knew what she was getting in to. But I was thrilled that the royal family were progressive enough to okay and allow a marriage to a mixed-race person. It was a highlight of how accepting Britain should be. This being said, the media did absolutely destroy her. Unfortunately the royal response to any scandal is to stay silent. Harry didn't like this and kicked off- I believe as a trauma response from what his mother went through. It is a mess, I think no single person is to blame, it is a complex situation. It requires a complex solution. This being said I believe Megan and Harry have crossed several lines now, and this isn't as a royalist, this is if my family members did what they did I would never speak to them again. You do not shout family secrets in public, you simply do not. And I found Megan to be rude in her interviews on Netflix, that is not to say I think she is rude, but this is how she came off. And yet this interview was in their control so it is not just the media casting this image of her.
She has also lied. There is photographic evidence proving she has lied. And if someone lies about little things, I can no longer trust big assertions they make 100%. This is simply how I am.
BUT despite all this, I think the British public, myself included, are over it. I don't care about Harry and Megan, I just wish they would go quietly like they said they wanted. The media left them alone for the most part. We have bigger things to worry about as a nation- we can't afford our gas bills, all our essential services are striking over pay, the country is literally falling apart. There is war in Ukraine. And yet some prince thinks we should care that his privileged life isn't all that happy. I'm sure they are warm, surrounded by luxury, and eating three good meals a day. He wants to look at the British public he left behind and be thankful for what he does have.
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nightcoremoon · 2 years
call of duty: modern warfare 2
there is a remake coming soon but I’m not talking about that one. I’m talking about the original here.
to those who don’t know, cod:mw2 is a genuinely good video game. to most people they hear call of duty and think it’s just a shitty schlocky bad military propaganda corridor shooter with a dumb story, a toxic fanbase, and lootboxes. which, talking about nowadays, they are right. however this was back in 2009. back when ea activision ubisoft and bethesda actually gave a shit. back when the video game industry was still at its peak. batman arkham asylum, assassin’s creed 2, resident evil 5, uncharted 2, dragon age origins, borderlands, halo: odst, angry birds, bayonetta, silent hill: shattered memories, yakuza 3, final fantasy 13… it was a damn good year for video games. and modern warfare 2 was no exception. you can ask anyone who was born in the 90s and played games, and they will have fond memories of mw2 and black ops. I have fond memories of these games. I still enjoy them to this day. I play them every so often nowadays. they are legitimately fun, interesting, cinematic, and top quality.
foley, dunn, allen, ramirez, shepherd, makarov, soap, roach, ghost, price, and nikolai… these were all iconic characters. and the pit, no russian, cliffhanger, burger town, the gulag, the nuke, the betrayal, whiskey hotel, and the final showdown are all burned into my memory permanently. the first game had its moments but a lot of the level design was forgettable at best and terrible at worst, and the third game is even more batshit crazy at the expense of some cohesion, but that second game is almost perfect. every single level was unique, meticulous in its craft and design. the multiplayer was arguably the best in the series bar none. the spec ops was also a good addition. anyone else who played it is getting the biggest nostalgia boner because they know that I’m right.
it was simple. america picked the losing side in a russian civil war and got the shit nuked out of them. the general sent a man undercover with the confederates, but he was found out and exposed, so russia invaded america. britain helped out its buddies and sent men into russia to get the evidence that america didn’t actually do the terrorist attack. they get it and the general kills the only men who knew that he was responsible for the whole undercover fuckup because he wanted the power and the money to control the military and be known as a hero, all because he was big mad that he got nuked. it wasn’t needlessly complicated and stupid (looking at you, black ops 2/3 and advanced/infinite warfare etc).
anyway you would think that with how highly regarded this video game is, that all of the people who grew up with it and know the potential horror that can come of russia invading civilian neighborhoods, would have at least an OUNCE of compassion for ukraine dealing with the SSDD: same shit different day. because russia has wrongfully invaded ukraine and attempted to murder its innocent civilians for power and control. you’d think that more people would be sympathetic to ukraine’s plight and supportive of their fight to defend their very right to exist. you’d think that, wouldn’t you? it’s unfortunate. it’s unfortunate that I have to compare real life world events to a fucking video game because people don’t give a shit about the events themselves unless I compare it to their favorite toy.
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rauthschild · 5 months
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Throughout the rest of the world, people are citizens at birth. They owe a responsibility to their national government the moment they are born. In many countries, that obligation is lifelong with no escape.
People born in, for example, Germany or Mexico, immigrate to this country and become Americans, but so far as their birth country is concerned, they are still Germans or still Mexicans, whether they like it or not.
This non-consensual Dual Citizenship is not under the control of The United States and cannot stand as a bar to lawfully immigrated people preventing them from participating in the government here.
All forms of "citizenship" imply that the individual is required to serve the government, instead of the government being required to serve them.
Our country stands alone on the Earth in being the only country where the individual has no obligation to serve the government at birth or at any other time. Beyond keeping the peace and causing no harm to others, we are free -- as Americans who are part of the native population of each nation-state.
However, the present problem is that Britain, as usual, got greedy, and circa 1921, their Territorial Congress started registering British Territorial babies born in America....and then, they just started registering everyone as British Territorials. It was a creeping, undisclosed usurpation.
In this way they slowly, one by one, secretly and illegally converted the political status of these American babies from their native political status to that of a British Territorial Subject.
British Territorials are part of the whole Romano-British Caste System I have recently described. They agree to act in the capacity of Humans (indentured servants) and as British Subjects (slaves) for life at birth, which is one of the things that we, Americans, fought to get away from.
Nonetheless, and even though they know it's an international crime, here they are on our shores pumping away without disclosure, registering everyone as wards of the King and as British Subjects --- and using unconscionable contracts to do it.
By not giving disclosure to our parents and preying upon us when we were too young to know what they were doing, they foisted British Territorial U.S. Citizenship on us without our knowledge or consent.
That isn't the way it's supposed to be.
Americans are supposed to grow up free from any such obligations to any government. They are supposed to learn about their government as they are growing up, and past the age of 21, they can participate in it or not. Their choice.
That is, in large part, what being "free" is about.
How can you ever be free if you owe your time and labor and money to the government?
Are you "free" if the government claims to own your labor? And forces you to pay a peonage tax on your labor, i.e., Federal Income Tax?
Are you "free" if the government "takes title" to your land and then forces you to pay "property taxes" for them?
It's one thing if you voluntarily serve your government on terms that you agree to, and a completely different thing if you are obligated to serve the government from birth.
So the Brits have been caught misapplying their system to Americans and it's an international crime -- a capital crime under international law.
Forcing people into citizenship obligations and "conferring" foreign citizenships upon them was just too tempting a plum, and it seemed that nobody was here minding the store, so....
That right there, is ninety-percent of the problem we are facing in America and it is down to the Brits again. So we feel completely justified in blaming them and exposing their bad faith and criminality to the world.
This idea that groups of people can arbitrarily "confer" citizenship obligations on others has to stop.
This British Bunko started in the wake of the Civil War when some States were (purportedly-- there is no proof of this) still resisting the idea that the former black slaves could be part of their nation-state and population.
So the British Territorial Congress voted to confer a new "Federal Citizenship" on them-- which turned out to be Municipal United States citizenship.
All the former plantation slaves were then "presumed" to be "citizens of the United States" (slaves of the Municipal Government) under the so-called Fourteenth Amendment, and as the Municipal Government owed the Territorial Government money, the Territorial Government started collecting from the former plantation slaves.
The total of these new citizen's estimated lifetime value-- their value as slaves, their labor, anything they might have as property -- was "assumed" as collateral backing the debts of the Municipal United States Government.
They went from being privately owned to being publically owned and the mechanism for this was a "conferred" citizenship obligation.
Bear in mind that the British Territorial Congress never had any right to confer any such obligation on these men and women.
They took men and women who were born free on the land and soil of this country and obligated them to perform under the presumption of foreign citizenship.
The Perpetrators of this crime gained a lot of collateral to borrow against as a result, with hardly anyone here understanding what was going on.
After that, the Brits were off to the races, counting anyone "of color" as a debtor and a Fourteenth Amendment "citizen of the United States". Millions of innocent people were enslaved by this scheme, not only black African Americans, but Oriental and Hispanic Americans, too.
Then in the 1920's the Perpetrators hit upon the Birth Registration Scam and started a massive undisclosed and unlawful political conversion operation on our shores.
Ostensibly, they were just "registering" their own British Territorial babies as British Territorial U.S. Citizens, and as British Subjects, but it very rapidly escalated into a wholesale effort to register everyone in sight as a Brit.
By this means, they secretly and falsely claimed to own millions of Americans, body, mind, and soul, as British collateral, and they began the whole nasty business of trading in "birth certificates" and "baptismal certificates" in the 1920s.
The Internal Revenue Service was imported to this country as a Delaware Corporation in 1925. The only purpose of the Internal Revenue Service was to collect a tax on the slave's labor as part of an illegal and immoral British Territorial peonage scheme, by which their government demanded a fat kickback from their own employees for the privilege of a "federal job".
But again, they secretly pushed to involve as many clueless Americans as possible in this same system and it should come as little surprise then, to learn that a "Taxpayer" is a Warrant Officer in the British Merchant Marine Service.
It's all bunko foisted off on Americans, and so-called Federal Citizenship is key to it all -- it's actually plain old British Territorial U.S. Citizenship as if you were a Tory born in Puerto Rico. And once they have you "signed up" for that duty, they impersonate you again, and confer Municipal citizenship of the United States on you, too, which has allowed them to claim that you are indebted to them --- when in fact you are not.
All of this is just British lies, bunk, bad faith, False Claims in Commerce, conspiracy to defraud, unlawful conversion, inland piracy, etc.,etc.,etc.
They've entrapped and enslaved millions upon millions of Americans for over a hundred years using this scheme and the pity is, they got away with it. Until now.
If anyone asks you if you are a United States citizen you want to look hard at them and ask, "Which United States are you talking about? These United States or those United States?"
The answer to that question is the difference between slavery and freedom.
They've also tried to enslave and entrap every immigrant to this country in the same way. They are all told they have to apply to the British Territorial Immigration and Naturalization Service and their INA bureaucracy, and by the time they emerge from that bureaucratic meat-grinder believing that it is a wonderful thing to be a U.S. Citizen, they've all been misinformed and subjected to peonage and enslavement, too.
The phony British Territorial Government and their colluding Roman Municipal Government pals want to fatten up their war chest before trying to push another mercenary war in the Middle East.
All these poor people from Mexico and South America think they are coming to the Land of the Free, but they are actually walking into a trap. They and all that they are, is being claimed as chattel, and when they walk over our border they become a much more valuable chattel.
A man born in Honduras might be worth maybe a hundred thousand dollars to these Slavers, but when he walks over our border, he is suddenly worth around $40 Billion in collateral to the fiends.
They come here wanting to be free and be Americans and wind up being British Territorial U.S. Citizens and Municipal citizens of the United States, too. And who knew?
What does it mean to be a "citizen" --- not of a country, but of a corporation? It means you are owned by the corporation, as in slave ownership.
They kept all this illegal and unlawful activity quiet for decades, and passed it off under color of law as being normal and just business as usual --- when in fact they were playing a game of murder on paper, "killing" the American babies on paper, gratuitously "waiving their American estates" for them, seizing upon the natural estates of their American victims, and distributing the purloined assets for their own benefit, all while relabeling everyone as U.S. Citizens and citizens of the United States.
It's all self-interested lies and fraud, inland piracy, bunk, con, racketeering, all tied up with a bow constructed upon false citizenship obligations.
The British Territorial United States Government is a criminal syndicate with operations all over the world, and they have been colluding and splitting "the take" from all this with the Roman Mafia, which has its own crime syndicates.
This is all far beyond bad faith and ill-service. This is active inland piracy and commercial crime on a vast scale, perpetuated by countries and governments that are under contract to serve us in "good faith" and which have been our purported Allies through two World Wars.
The Roman Catholic Church has known about this all along and has done nothing to help the Americans object to this gross disservice, because they were collecting 60% of proceeds from this grossly illegal, unlawful, and immoral activity.
The British Monarchy and the Government of Westminster have both been the implementers of this giant National level Identity Theft Scheme, so there is no doubt that they have acted as shameless gluttons and thugs, in bad faith and hopeless breach of trust.
These are criminals and they try to say that they are "at war" and to pass all this off as being legitimate, but it isn't. The record proves that none of this was the result of any "war". This has all been the result of illegal and immoral Mercenary Conflicts which they have promoted and tried to disguise as wars.
Americans serve their States of the Union as State Citizens. That's it. That's the only kind of citizenship that we may accept and the only kind of citizenship this country recognizes. Every other kind of alleged citizenship has been foisted off on us under conditions of deceit and non-disclosure via the use of unconscionable contracts.
Let all the people of the world know for sure that what has gone on here is a crime of staggering proportions -- a crime that the Roman Catholic Church allowed and profited from, a crime that the British Government promoted, perpetuated, and profited from, a crime that the Government of Westminster promoted, perpetuated, and profited from.
Let everyone know that the Americans were the victims of all this crap that was imported here from Europe and be aware that the Municipal Corporations operating "as" government and using the District of Columbia as a base of operations are not our Government. They are run amok Subcontractors -- service providers for our government.
Donald Trump is not our President. He's the President of a British Territorial Corporation under contract to provide us with "essential government services" per The Constitution of the United States of America.
Joe Biden is not our President, either. He's the President of a Roman Municipal City-State Corporation that is also supposed to provide us with "good faith" service under The Constitution of the United States.
Both these men are under the obligation of their respective contracts to secure our borders. Period.
It is not within the powers of either one of their "Congressional bodies" to say one word about our borders nor to establish a 100 mile "Constitution-free zone" around our borders. They have no power of legislation that can overcome their contracts and their contractual limitations.
The Government and the Constitutions which created these Subcontractors and provided them with stipulated and strictly enumerated powers can destroy them, too. Article VI, the Supremacy Clause, of both their Constitutions, makes it clear that for them, there is no other or greater Law.
They can give themselves no powers beyond those vouchsafed to them. They can claim no property but that which the actual States, our Government, allowed to them and officially acted to give to them.
Ken Paxton, the Texas Attorney General, is exactly right. There is no record of any action taken by Texas, and its actual State Assembly, to give these Federal Corporations any of the land in question.
It should be apparent that the Hired Help has no ability to declare any cubic inch of our States or our Territories as "Constitution-free".
Joe Biden's corporation needs to be permanently liquidated and shut out of the District of Columbia and anywhere else it hides under whatever new names it adopts, and Donald Trump's corporation is on thin ice, too.
Both these corporations and their immediate predecessors have contributed to defrauding generations of Americans, have engaged in war-for-profit, imposed unlawful conversion and foreign citizenship obligations, and otherwise behaved as criminal organizations on our shores.
Both of these foreign corporations for their separate reasons, promoted the phony pandemic which has resulted in genocide, pollution of our genetic inheritance, and destruction of our economies.
Being the Bad Guys to catch the Bad Guys is a logical fallacy; the ends never justify the means.
Telling us to "enjoy the show" isn't helping, because it is painfully apparent that everything, including the evils of the Civil War, World War I, World War II and everything in between has been a big joke to these commercial corporations, a "show" --- foisted off on the public by men engaged in denigrating and defrauding their employers for their own profit.
It's also apparent that much of the evil perpetuated by both these denizens of the District of Columbia has been promoted and permitted by an evil and corrupt banking system which has been built on peonage and enslavement born out of "conferred" citizenships and False Registrations.
The Federal Reserve has to be completely and permanently restructured. So does the World Bank, the IMF, and numerous other banking institutions that profited from these and associated criminal practices.
It's time for restitution, not a war in the Middle East.
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ultrajaphunter · 1 year
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The Origins of Russian Nazism By: Kate Levchuk (
The Origins of Russian Nazism Kate Levchuk Kate Levchuk · Follow 4 min read · 18 hours ago Listen Share To understand a murderer, you need to think like one.
To comprehend Russia’s unhealthy obsession with Ukrainian national identity and its wholehearted desire to eliminate it, you need to put on a hat of a medieval savage, which Russia is.
How do you do this?
I will help you through an allegoric comparison: Imagine yourself in the “Game of Thrones”.
You observe a royal family of several sons and an aging Father.
The older son is sure about his future because he is entitled to the throne.
He is minding his own business and generally well-liked in the court.
The second son, however, knows he would never be able to inherit the throne while the older son is alive.
Physical elimination of the older son is critical for his existence. In this short tour into Medieval times, you’ve observed the essence of Russian bitterness and the tragedy of their national identity.
Ukraine is the older son, the country dating back to the VIII century Kyivan Rus, the culture dating 6,000 years back into Trypillya, with its original language, religion and cuisine. Ukraine is the successor to the culture and identity of the region.
It does not have to prove it to anyone.
It simply is Russia is the second son, the impostor, — the country that has built its whole identity on the attributes, stolen from Ukraine.
Even the very name of Russia and its language are expropriated from the Ukrainian Kingdom of Kyivan Rus. Russian language is derived from the Slavonic language of Kyivan Rus, where various Turkic and Bulgarian words were mixed up with the original Ukrainian to produce what we are now calling a Russian language.
What Russia did in the domain of arts and culture is even more outrageous, with a huge part of the claimed Russian artists actually being born in or having Ukrainian roots. Repin, Aivazovski, Kuindzhi, Gogol, Bulgakov, Malevich, — some of hundreds of artists stolen from Ukraine.
Yes, you read this right. Without exaggeration, most of Russian culture, cuisine, language and art were shamelessly stolen from Ukraine.
Because Russia has no identity of its own. Almost everything you know about and associate with Russia is stolen from other nations, first and foremost from its older brother, Ukraine.
Still, none of it would matter much to the majority of the world, and to Ukrainians, specifically, if Russia was not now trying to also exterminate the country, that can claim the right of ownership to what Russia has been carrying as its own for centuries.
A somewhat simplified analogy can be Austria and France starting a war over the origin of a croissant.
Or Britain attacking the USA over the stolen language. Sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it?
Murdering millions of Jews, Poles or Ukrainians due to your own personal complexes would not sound ridiculous to Hitler, Stalin or Putin, however.
In the case of Russia we are talking about a country that has objectively created nothing of value or economic benefit for its people, or for the world.
All riches Russian elites possess are the money, stolen from their obedient nation, and obtained as payment for million years old fossil fuels reserves.
Apart from environmental exploitation, the Russian Federation has not done much in economic, political, or scientific fields.
And while being the source of natural resources is a perfectly satisfactory role for many states, the unsubstantiated pride of the Russian people demands a bigger role, even if it requires a complete physical extermination of whole nations. /1 https://kategoestech.medium.com/the-origins-of-russian-nazism-65bf015ff0b3
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How to Trade Forex?
The Foreign Exchange (Forex) market may be an excellent alternative for investors to trade financially, and the fact that millions of investors engage in this market on a regular basis demonstrates that this fact is true. Before entering the foreign exchange (Forex) market, prospective traders have to familiarise themselves with the ins and outs of how the market operates, as well as the lingo used there and the regulations governing their involvement. This is a guide that will aid you in getting started in Forex market trading by outlining the fundamentals, helping you grasp the glossaries of terminology, and walking you through the process step by step.
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What is Forex Trading?
The Forex market is the largest market in the world and is open nearly 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with the exception of holidays. At any given time, trillions of dollars are in play on the Forex markets.
Every country or group of countries, such as the European Union, has its own currency, which is used to purchase goods within its borders. To purchase foreign-made goods, however, it is customarily necessary to exchange the local currency for the domestic currency.
Due to the fact that each country has its own monetary policy, a number of factors can influence the exchange rate between the two countries' currencies. Interest rates, political developments, and domestic economics are a few of these factors.
 As a result of technological advancements in electronic trading, traders can conduct transactions from nearly any location using their computers and mobile devices. This has contributed to market expansion. Clearly, start online forex trading for novices is growing in popularity each year. Due to the absence of a global regulatory agency, there are brokers everywhere that accept deposits from traders who wish to participate in the Forex market.
This may appear intimidating to novice traders with limited capital. Initially, only large banks, hedge funds, and other large financial institutions participated in the market. However, it has evolved into a marketplace for traders of all sizes and levels of investment.
Forex Glossary Terms
 Open Positions 
When a trader participates in a transaction while the transaction is still open for business.
 Closed Positions 
When a trader closes out his or her position and realises a profit or loss as a result of the transaction.
The amount of money that a broker lends to a trader depends on the amount of money the trader has available in their account and the asset that is being leveraged. This concept is sometimes referred to as a multiplier. Traders are able to complete substantial deals with a smaller amount of capital.
Currency pair
On the foreign exchange (Forex) markets, any two national currencies can be traded against each other. There are markets for nearly every currency in the world paired with more common currencies, but the most traded currency pairs involve the Japanese yen, the United States dollar, and the euro.
Japanese yen
United States dollar
European euro
Australian dollar
New Zealand dollar
Great Britain pound
 Contract For Difference
On the foreign exchange (Forex) markets, any two national currencies may be exchanged against one other. There are markets for practically every currency in the world linked with more common currencies, but the most popular currency pairings include the Japanese yen, the United States dollar, and the euro.
 How to Trade Forex Step-by-Step?
1. Create a trading account for either spread betting or CFDs. When it comes to trading on the fluctuations in the price of currency pairs, you have the option of opening either a real or demo account.
2. Start your study to identify the currency pair you want to trade. Utilize our news and analysis area to be abreast of market news that might affect FX, and our market calendar to stay abreast of market-moving events.
 3. Place your FX trade. Place your forex trades with set entry and exit points according to your plan. Risk management criteria, such as a take-profit or stop-loss order, should not be overlooked.
4. Close out your position and reflect. Using your trading strategy, leave the market at your anticipated limitations. After every transaction, you should reflect on your performance so that you can improve.
Once you've grasped the fundamentals of forex, try putting your newfound knowledge to use with the demo account provided below. You can test forex strategies and tips and begin to develop a trading strategy to follow. Once you're comfortable with a strategy, including risk management, and are familiar with the trading platform, you can open a live account to trade forex for real money.
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your-dietician · 2 years
What does the falling pound mean for your next holiday?
New Post has been published on https://medianwire.com/what-does-the-falling-pound-mean-for-your-next-holiday/
What does the falling pound mean for your next holiday?
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The pound dropped to a record low on Monday. It looks set to stay weak for a while after the new UK Chancellor’s mini-budget shook investors last week.
That’s bad news for Brits in a range of positions – from homeowners paying off mortgages, to those already struggling with spiralling energy costs (most of us). But what does it mean for travellers wanting to spend their hard-earned sterling abroad?
Put simply, the fallen value of the pound means your money won’t stretch as far as before on things like meals out and accommodation.
Brits holidaying in America will be particularly affected. The pound slumped to a 37-year low $1.0327 against the dollar on Monday after Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng’s slew of tax cuts rattled investors. It has since rebounded a little bit to around $1.06 as of Wednesday morning.
Practically speaking, tourists are now facing an exchange rate of roughly £1 = $1, with a currency worth around 20 per cent less than it was last October.
And it’s not just people heading State-side who will see their spending power reduced. A number of other countries, including winter favourite Barbados and football World Cup Host Qatar, also anchor their currencies to the dollar.
But people are reluctant to give up their holiday plans just because the pound’s been on some travels of its own.
An ABTA (Association of British Travel Agents) spokesperson tells Euronews Travel, “There is still considerable pent up demand for overseas travel after over two years of severe travel restrictions. Over the years, customers have repeatedly told us that holidays are one of the last things they will cut back on when looking to ease financial pressures on hard pressed budgets.”
So whichever direction you’re travelling in this autumn or winter, here’s what you need to know.
How are airlines impacted by the low pound?
A plummeting pound doesn’t just make destinations more expensive, it could mean a steeper plane ticket too.
That’s because aviation fuel and aircraft leases are generally priced in US dollars, so airlines outside the US have to pay more to refuel when their home currency falls.
It could be a while before airlines need to pass their higher costs onto passengers, however. EasyJet CEO Johan Lundgren told the BBC that the budget airline is in a good position because it had “hedged”, or bought some fuel in advance at a set rate.
Meanwhile Virgin Atlantic boss Shai Weiss has urged PM Truss to take “difficult decisions in order to reverse the devaluation of the pound.”
The chief executive said Virgin could also weather the financial storm, having taken precautions against a devalued pound and rising fuel prices.
But, he added, “We are concerned, like everyone else in the country, about the economic environment in which we are operating right now,” Travel Weekly reports.
“The weakness of the pound is hurting the economy and it’s hurting consumers and it’s fuelling the inflationary vicious cycle we are in.”
Where are the cheapest places for Brits to travel on the weak pound?
Despite the bleak economic outlook for Britain, it’s still possible to shop around for a cheaper holiday.
“There are ways that customers can help safeguard the cost of their trip, such as booking early. If they are concerned about exchange rates, all-inclusive package holidays are great stress-free options, and they are widely available in many destinations around the world,” ABTA advises.
“Even with the current exchange rate, many countries – particularly around the Mediterranean, where we take the majority of our overseas breaks – offer customers much better value holidays than in the UK.”
Turkey stands out as a cheaper destination right now. Though sterling is falling against the lira, it has at least strengthened significantly over the last year, from buying just under 12 lira to nearly 20 per pound (a 64 per cent leap).
Argentina, Sri Lanka, Hungary and Sweden offer relatively favourable rates too. As does Japan, which is fully reopening to tourists next month.
How are European travellers to the UK impacted?
The euro isn’t doing so well either, touching a 20-year low against the dollar on Monday over fears around the region’s deepening energy crisis.
So EU citizens may also notice their spending power reduced in the US.
But they could take advantage of the UK’s misfortunes to get some cheaper deals in Britain. Typically pricey hotel rooms in London will look a lot more attractive to French holidaymakers, for example, with the pound sitting at 0.9 to the euro versus an average of 1.14 in 2019.
Weiss adds that the flip side of the devalued pound is that the UK is currently “on sale” for people who want to come to visit the new king at a fraction of the cost.
Though European tourists might prefer to check out some quainter ‘castles’, peaks and dramatic filming locations.
Read full article here
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kytrust · 2 years
Ticket to ride map
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Ticket to ride map how to#
(Also we have Switzerland but haven't played it. The discarding plastic trains mechanic helps speed up the game and makes it feel more like a race, which is exciting. (Disclaimer: I don't play with the Terrain cards, feels better without 'em.)ġ: Legendary Asia - Kinda my favorite just because there's nothing that annoys me, and all the twists are simple good ones. It doesn't feel like the fairest version, but it always makes me smile. And, the mandala mechanic adds more choices, and acts as a catch-up possibility.Ģ: Africa - The board is cleverly organized into color-themed areas here, which makes this map hilariously memorably challenging. It's obviously luck based, but so is the real game, this helps you appreciate the randomness.ģ: India - Since it's all mostly small segments, and so intricate, it always feels like there are a lot of choices. I should buy the 1910 stuff.Ĥ: New York - I love fast board games, and this is a good one. Still, playing across the USA feels so right. But I think tunnels are a terrible mechanic.ĥ: USA - Just doesn't feel balanced: the long horizontal cards are so powerful, and the 6-long segments are so powerful. Also, TTR should be shorter, not longer.ħ: World (Rails and Sails) - Slightly preferred over Great Lakes, only because going around the World is cool and novel.Ħ: Europe - It's a good big map that feels fresh every time, and stations are a good friendly twist. The tickets are not balanced well without the money rules though.Ĩ: Great Lakes (Rails and Sails) - Pretty fun, but doesn't feel very interactive. Losing money hurts, but gaining money doesn't feel that great. Doesn't look like the map would work without the new mechanics, either.ĩ: Netherlands - An interesting concept that isn't that fun in practice, IMO. We should try it again without the stocks, maybe.ġ0: United Kingdom - Way too much work, and longer fiddly turns that felt out of place. Also, tunnels are bad.ġ1: Pennsylvania - A lot of work, and the stocks game undermines the Ticket to Ride game, in my opinion. We should try it again without that rule. Visit Metro Transit Regular Route Service for a map of bus stop locations.
Ticket to ride map how to#
The UK map requires 35 trains, the Pennsylvania map requires 45 trains, and Nordic Countries contains 40 of each colour (with 5 spare).Disappointed they didn't try harder to explain the rankings, so here's mine of what I played, quickly:ġ2: Team Asia - We found it extremely frustrating that you weren't allowed to talk to your teammate. For details on schedules, bus ride pricing, how to buy bus tickets and more. However use with Nordic Countries would be limited to three players and use of spare trains. Despite the name, the map covers both the UK and the Republic of Ireland, that is, the islands of Great Britain and Ireland.Īlthough officially an expansion for Ticket to Ride or Ticket to Ride: Europe, this could be used for Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries. Players can also buy bonus cards that allow them to score extra points for taking certain actions during play. Game description from the publisher: Set in the vast wilderness of Africa at the height of its exploration by intrepid explorers, missionaries and adventurers, Ticket to Ride Map Collection: Volume 3 - The Heart of Africa, a single-sided expansion map for Ticket to Ride or Ticket to Ride: Europe, focuses on the central and southern 'heart' of the continent displayed in a vertical format. By spending wild cards, players gain the ability to build routes three trains long or longer, in addition to being able to build ferries across water and build train routes in Scotland, Wales and Ireland. At the start of the game, players can build only one- and two-train routes and only in England. The United Kingdom half of this map collection introduces the concept of technology to TtR. At the end of the game, whoever holds more shares of a company than all other players receives points as a reward. Each time that a player completes a route, they claim a share of one of the companies depicted next to that route. The Pennsylvania half of this map collection adds a share mechanism to the basic TtR game. Ticket to Ride Map Collection: Volume 5 – United Kingdom & Pennsylvania contains a double-sided game board with new rules for use with Ticket to Ride or Ticket to Ride: Europe with players now creating train lines in the British Isles and in Pennsylvania.
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bananaeazy · 2 years
Gta San Pakistan Game Setup Download
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All of the previous games in the series were incredibly popular among gamers and received positive reviews from critics in the video game and computer industry.
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Download the latest version of the game Farming Simulator 22įrom the publication of the first press releases, the game Download GTA San Andreas Free PC has aroused great interest. This was achieved in record time, and GTA’s latest game is currently the fourth best-selling Playstation 2 game of all time. Over a million copies of San Andreas have been sold on the islands in nine days from its release date. Not too long ago, information emerged that in Britain the game literally broke all sales records to date. GTA San Andreas free is successful all over the world. And transferred to the game the specific mental atmospheres that were observed there.ĭespite the gangster theme, GTA: San Andreas introduces some humorous elements to the plot, making it a staple for fans of the series and players who are still not convinced of the world of GTA. From the cities appearing in GTA San Andreas, they have personally visited them. The creators of the program, as they themselves assure, in order to enter into the atmosphere of each. The intelligence of their inhabitants, who react, for example, to our unethical behavior in the street. Positive experiences linked to visiting cities GTA San Andreas Download PCare associated (not to mention the phenomenal graphics). Carl Johnson himself, in addition to running and driving, can shoot two pistols at the same time, and also, which is one of the biggest innovations of the front end – swimming. Typical vehicles such as cars, motorcycles, motor boats, helicopters, and airplanes were joined by a kind and very useful bicycle. Means of transport necessary to cover hundreds of virtual kilometers. Part of the download gta san andreas free pc, so there is no shortage of the various. Among them is a casino where we can spend the money ourselves.Įach city is comparable in size to the whole of the Vice City of the previous. There is also a possibility to buy various premises that can bring us back. Burglaries and thefts from apartments turn out to be a very important part of the game, which we have to plan and execute with care. Another realignment of the game world is greater interaction with buildings located in cities. However, this is not the end of the attractions, because you can lose unnecessary pounds, for example, by regular visits to the gym and an increased dose of sports. However, it doesn’t stop with feeding us, the character we lead, for example by overeating, can gain weight. Probably the most important of them is the introduction of the coefficient of hunger for our hero in the program.
#Gta San Pakistan Game Setup Download torrent
The music turn out to be nothing, compared to the novelties that were introduced at GTA San Andreas Torrent compared to the previous part of the series. The phenomenal graphics (realistic fog and light reflections on the car body and realistic shading). The atmosphere of the game itself is kept in the atmosphere of the 90s. Spouses of our gang allows them to wage fierce battles with competing gangs. The possibility of driving by car and making walking tours. So who gets stolen, Carl knows, and besides, he doesn’t have to act alone, because he can recruit people into his gang.
#Gta San Pakistan Game Setup Download movie
Of course, the cities GTA San Andreas free are not just a cluster of slums, and apart from dirty neighborhoods, metropolises also have wealthy areas where movie stars, politicians, and millionaires live. The game world is made up of the state of San Andreas, as well as three cities: Fierro (San Francisco), Las Venturra (Las Vegas) and Los Santos (Los Angeles), between which the player can move. At the end of the evil, corrupt police officers accuse our hero of murder. The bad news doesn’t end there, however the neighborhood he grew up in is worse than he remembered five years ago, and the feuding family mourns Carl’s murdered mother. Fictitious swamp – completely absorbent.
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whokenobi · 2 years
Let's be honest here. the UK isn't the only place with filthy rich monarchy. There's royal families all over the world that live much better than the poorer classes. Not to mention the Elon Musks and other billionaires of the world that can use their money to help better other peoples lives. The landscape of our nation is about to change and the outpouring of hatred recieved is quiet overwhelming.
They by no means are the only ones but the richest and most powerful? Yeah. They are the monarchy that colonized most of the world (there’s something like 22 nations that were not colonized by Britain). No other still-existing monarchies come close to that level. I understand that it’s hard to swallow while you are sitting in a period of massive governmental changes. I’m American, I am more than familiar with that sense of instability and change. However, I do think that it’s hard to police how other people who have been negatively affected and influenced by your government/monarchy are reacting. I understand, but I do want to say that you, as residents of the UK, are not victims in the global sense. You yourself are very likely not a perpetrator of the historical sins, but you are experiencing that sense of backlash. Yet again, something I myself am very familiar with as an American.
I also think that there’s something to be said for the level of propaganda being used right now and likely have been taught to the people living in the UK which is slightly entertaining to me as an American. We constantly get shit for our American education system when the same thing happens in Europe.
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star-anise · 4 years
Why were acorns phased out as a major food source in europe? When did it happen? Was it simply because less oak was planted once they didn't need as much lumber and firewood? Was it because masting made it an inconvent staple?
Until I got this ask I had no clue acorns ever had been a major food source in Europe. There are apparently over 500 different varieties of oak, and none of the ones I’m familiar with have edible acorns--but there are several around the Mediterranean, as well as in Asia and North America, which are edible, and in Europe acorns were apparently a major part of traditional diets in Spain and Italy. Wild! Acorns seem to tie into a landscape that is largely forested grazing land, where pigs root around under trees. 
So as I looked into it, I found references that acorns were a large part of the diet still at the end of the 19th century, and that in 2013, the elderly members of the culture remembered when it was a staple. So that made me think it’s probably a change that happened over the 19th and especially 20th centuries.
Then I picked an area frequently mentioned as a consumer of acorns: Sardinia, in southern Italy. What has Sardinia’s agricultural history been like?
I found one study that said that Sardinia has been a human-impacted landscape since Roman times, but its land use patterns changed markedly under the house of Savoy. It isn’t freely available as fulltext, so I asked @kawuli if she could get me a copy. While I waited, I scampered over to the Wikipedia article History of Sardinia and found: “In 1820, the Savoyards imposed the "Enclosures Act" (editto delle chiudende) on the island, a legislative act which turned the land's traditional collective ownership, a cultural and economic cornerstone of Sardinia since the Nuragic times, into private property. This gave rise to many abuses, as the reform favoured the landholders while excluding the poor Sardinian farmers and shepherds, who witnessed the abolition of the communal rights and the sale of the land."
Then @kawuli got back to me with the PDF. I told her that I was researching why acorns are no longer a staple food in Europe, and she said, “ well, because literally anything is easier to process than acorns? like, why would you do all the soaking grinding whatever when you have the ability to PLANT WHEAT, which probably yields a lot more per area and per unit labor.” (She studies agriculture and land use, so I consider them a source) The PDF confirmed that starting in 1820, Sardinia saw a trend of forests being turned into cropland, and this only intensified as time went on and they had two World Wars, especially as quarries and urbanization ate into land use too.
The one place I still see acorns used today is in the creation of Jamón Ibérico, which as anyone who’s watched the first episode of Brooklyn 99 will know, is an INSANELY expensive ham made from purebred pigs that have grazed upon chestnuts and acorns. 
This all sounds very familiar to me, steeped as I am in the British agricultural revolution. Wealthy landowners who were steeped more in scientific knowledge of the newest methods than peasant traditions of working the land said, “Hold up. We could produce WAY more food and money if we changed how we did this. Let’s get rid of all these inefficient old methods and plant cash crops instead.” 
Acorns were, in a sense, the victims of the rise of capitalist agriculture.  (They might be making a comeback, though; an article on Sardinian conservation says that deforestation reached its peak around 1965, and Sardinia’s forests have been growing ever since then.)
To tangent away from Sardinia: to me, the Acts of Enclosure were in many ways the moment Britain’s culture kind of broke--I can draw a very clear line from them, to the sense my ancestors who settled in Canada have that there are three types of land: Land you own, which can be exploited however the goddamn hell you want; Land somebody else owns, which they can exploit however they want and fuck anybody else; and public land, which ??? what’s that even for??? It’s a legacy that’s left us, culturally, without many robust frameworks for how to negotiate our collective relationship to the environment, our collective or individual rights to each other, and individual person’s relationship to the place they live (landlord rights vs tenant rights OH BOY). 
But every time I get really down on enclosure, the agricultural revolution, and everything else, my knowledgeable friends remind me: The Agricultural Revolution happened because Europe was losing its ability to keep people from starving. More efficient agriculture gets people fed. If you want to have lots of people whose lives don’t involve backbreaking labour, you need a single farmer to be able to produce much more than they actually need. 
The old ways had value, but the new ones did too, and we can’t turn the clock back entirely. We can only try to weave some sort of better future.
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