#in addition: combine setting your real world AUs in whatever country you want
rochenn · 3 months
I understand why things are like this but it's a little sad that fandom, or at least the Star Wars fandom among many others, is so anglocentric that setting AUs anywhere outside the US, Canada, Britain, Australia, NZ and so on feels weird. "Alternate Universe - Modern Setting" is almost synonymous with "oh yeah this takes place in New York/LA/London, maybe Sydney if you're really freaky"
Clicking on a modern setting fic could be like opening a mystery box. Oh yeah this is set in Finland. Or Brazil. Or Indonesia. Or the Canary Islands. Or wherever else the author might be from. And some, maybe even all of the characters should get to be locals and it shouldn't be weird. If I have to accept that everyone is suddenly a born-and-raised American with no further explanation we can do the same thing for settings in Chile or Russia or Bangladesh or Egypt. I think it would be cool
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lostinthewinterwood · 4 years
Id Pro Quo 2021
Hey there!
It seems we share some aspects of id, my friend, so let the letter go forward :3
(also, if anyone is curious—would be delighted at art treats, though I haven’t requested any art)
Here’s the order of things:
-        DNWs
-        Likes
-        Tags I may or may not have requested that would go great with anything (as additions, not instead of requested tags, lol)
-        Mother of Learning
-        Revolutionary Arc
-        Original Work
 General DNW
explicit sexual content;
incest (incl. adoptive/chosen family);
non-canonical permanent major character death;
complete downer endings;
hurt no comfort;
heavy angst;
on-page deliberate self-harm*;
on-page suicide;
graphic physical trauma;
character bashing;
cringe comedy;
fic that’s all about real-world bigotries or real-world politics;
canon-typical 2020;
unrequested full-setting AUs;
marginalized identities as focus of fic;
unrequested romance as the main plot.
*I don’t include things like, say, punching a wall in a fit of emotion under this. However, something like cutting would not be appreciated.
 General Likes
– I really like plotty fics
– Secret identity and disguise shenanigans, the more layers to them and more absurdity the better.
– Casual genderfuckery - guys in skirts and girls in suits, and nobody cares. Not necessarily any deep rumination on gender, just comfort in playing with it.
– Time travel and time loops are always fun
– A focus on family and/or friendship, especially characters realizing they’re not nearly as alone as they think they are, and just generally characters who like each other and enjoy spending time together
– Found family; families of choice
– Character studies
– Worldbuilding
– Canon-divergence AUs and missing scenes; things set pre- or post-canon; wriggling into canon and poking at it to see what it spits back at you, if that description makes any sense at all.
 Tags that go great with literally any of these (unless contradicted by DNWs) as optional additions, if appropriate:
 after worst day      of A’s life A pretends to fall asleep on B to get tenderness without      having to talk
 all the diaspora      feelings
 Alternate      Universe - Canon Divergence
 Alternate      Universe - Daemons
 Alternate      Universe - Fairy Tale
 Alternate      Universe - High Fantasy
 Alternate      Universe - Modern with Magic
 Alternate      Universe - Regency-Inspired Fantasy
 Alternate      Universe - Space Setting with Magic
 Alternate      Universe - Traveling Circus/Carnival
 Badass in      Distress
 Ballroom Dancing
 Bonding over      music
 Catching injured      character as they faint or lose balance
 Character A lost      character B's trust; trying desperately to get it back
 Character      confesses traumatic events to sympathetic friend
 Character Ignores      Their Trauma; Their Friends Try to Help After They Can No Longer Deny It
 Character is      rescued and comforted
 Character tries      to hide their problems but friends are determined to help
 Character who      isn't used to being protected gets protected
 character(s) get      the therapy they so desperately need
 Characters That      Don't Like Each Other Nonetheless Find Comfort In Parallel Traumas
 characters      undercover as whatever seems interesting to you
 characters      understand each other so well they barely need to speak in times of crisis
 Class Differences
 Coming to terms      with the permanent effects of significant injuries
 Conversations In      Liminal Spaces On The Border Of One World And Another
 Conversations in      Mundane Liminal Spaces
 Cuddling &      Snuggling
 Drawing &      Painting
 Emotionally      Repressed Characters Have to Work Through Having Emotions
 Families - Found      Family
 Finding Someone      Sleeping and Putting a Blanket or Coat Over Them
 Fire-forged      Friends
 Gratuitous      descriptions of hugging
 Gratuitous      Descriptions of Winter
 Grooming - hair      brushing
 Hair Braiding
 Hair Stuff - A is      unexpectedly very good at styling hair; styles B's ornately; B wears it      all day
 Hair Stuff - A      looks up how to do fancy hairstyles so they can do B's hair
 Hair Stuff -      character cuts another character's hair
 Hair Washing
 A has baggage;      doesn’t trust others & (less obviously) doesn’t trust themself/has      guilt
 Holding Hands
 Hurt/Comfort -      Character Doesn't Expect Tenderness But Gets It Anyway
 Hurt/Comfort -      comfort after a nightmare
 Hurt/Comfort -      comfort focusing on little hurt because the big hurt is massive and      unapproachable
 Hurt/Comfort -      Loneliness
 The Inexplicable      Peace That Comes from Stargazing
 Intelligent      Characters Enthusing Over Learning New Things (Especially From Each      Other)
 Learning a New      Language
 Learning to Dance
 Platonic Life      Partners
 Protectiveness -      Character A drapes their jacket over B's shoulders
 Protectiveness -      Character being protected isn't used to being cared about
 A rescues B from      trouble B knowingly walked into (B thought they could handle it on their      own)
 Scars - Exchanging      stories about scars
 Scenery Porn
 Snow and Ice
 that fic genre w/      long lowercase title (&parenthetical) that’s sexy moody      multilayered & complicated
 Thing character      has built a large chunk of their life around comes to an end; finding a      new path
 Touch-Starved Character      gets their hair stroked & gets other kind gentle touches &      cuddles
 two people really      want Found Family but are too emotionally stunted to admit it
 Uncovering a      major secret by gradually putting the pieces together
 Worldbuilding -      Magic Spells & Rituals
 Young      character(s) solving problems in surprisingly mature ways considering      their age(s)
  Mother of Learning - nobody103  
-        Solo: Kirielle Kazinski (Mother of Learning - nobody103)
-        Kirielle Kazinski & Zorian Kazinski (Mother of Learning - nobody103)
-        Mother of Learning - Controller Kirielle Kazinski
-        Mother of Learning - Deaf Kirielle Kazinski
-        Mother of Learning - Time Looper Kirielle Kazinski
fandom-specific dnw: romantic and/or sexual Zach/Zorian; physical parental abuse within the Kazinski family; significant exaggeration of canonical emotional neglect/abuse/general family dysfunction; explicit permanent erasure of time traveler characters in your fic who weren't erased in canon
 Look, I just love Kirielle a lot, okay.  And there are two basic concepts that will not leave my brain when it comes to her, so I’ve requested both here—if not this exchange, when else?  Also, they’d definitely work great together, if you feel so inclined.
Anyway, concept 1—time traveler Kirielle.  I think it would be really interesting to explore how she dealt with all of it—she’s nine, not fifteen, so she’d be growing up while looking like a child, and she’d have to trick her way around people a lot more to get them to take her seriously. It would be different, also, depending on if she were a hanger-on or the Controller; ironically she’d probably have more support in her learning and growing if she were a hanger-on, since there’d be at least one other person looping with her then.  She’d also look like a lot less of a threat to anyone looking for those—physically, she’s nine years old, no matter how long she lives, and children are a lot less threatening than teenagers.
As for concept 2—I really should’ve mentioned this in my sign-up, but it slipped my mind at the time—I really, really don’t want to see fics that infantilize disabled characters—if Kiri’s deaf, she’s still gonna be herself, you know? Not exactly self-sufficient or anything, she is nine after all, but not a helpless little kid who can’t do anything on her own either.  And please don’t cure her—magic (or mundane) adaptive tech is fine, but please no outright cure.
That being said, I’m using “deaf” here in the looser sense, so do what you will with that piece of knowledge.
Anyway.  I’m fascinated by this idea, I think, because it would both fundamentally change Kirielle’s circumstances and be a big opportunity for worldbuilding—all we really know about disability in Eldemar is that modern disability theory is not a thing which is familiar to giant spiders or to fifteen-year-old boys.  But like—if she’s deaf, then that means that she can’t be the perfect little girl Cikan quite clearly wants her to be; I’d be very surprised if they didn’t raise her oral, didn’t try to hide her disability or at least make it as invisible as possible to everyone else.  And I’d imagine that there isn’t much of a Deaf community in Cirin of all places—maybe that makes her want to go to Cyoria even more, find a community there, learn a sign language so she can communicate in a way that’s easier for her.
Actually, I think it really would be interesting to combine these two—I know I already said they go great together, but like, it would just give her more time to find a community and a language and what it means to be a Deaf merchant family’s daughter in Eldemar, when you aren’t restricted to a tiny little village with parents who care too much about appearances.
  Revolutionary Arc - kitsunerei88 (fanfic)  
-        Solo: Pansy Parkinson | Pandora Parkinson (Revolutionary Arc - kitsunerei88)
-        Solo: Arcturus Rigel "Archie" Black (Revolutionary Arc - kitsunerei88)
-        Solo: Adriana "Addy" Potter (Revolutionary Arc - kitsunerei88)
-        Arcturus Rigel "Archie" Black/Hermione Granger (Revolutionary Arc - kitsunerei88)
-        Francesca Lam/Aldon Rosier (Revolutionary Arc - kitsunerei88)
-        Harriet Potter | Rigel Black & Pansy Parkinson (Revolutionary Arc - kitsunerei88)
-        Hannah Abbott/Blaise Zabini (Revolutionary Arc - kitsunerei88)
-        Ginny Weasley & Ron Weasley (Revolutionary Arc - kitsunerei88)
-        Caelum Lestrange & Pansy Parkinson (Revolutionary Arc - kitsunerei88)
-        Caelum Lestrange & Harriet Potter | Rigel Black (Revolutionary Arc - kitsunerei88)
-        can't go back to school because you're critical to putting your country back together post-civil-war
-        Characters That Don't Like Each Other Nonetheless Find Comfort In Parallel Traumas
-        dissonance of normal college life and the secret civil war you fought overseas as a teenager
-        finally getting a chance to sit down and process all the things you had to do to maintain your cover
-        Fix-it - Last-minute rescue for character who died in canon before they die
-        going back to school after fighting a yearlong civil war against the new dictator of your country
-        going home after the war (but you can't go home again)
-        Post-canon - characters slowly recover from trauma caused by canon
-        A was too young to remember the war but every adult they know was involved in it
-        we both have massive trust issues; it seems like we’re the only reasonable people in the world
-        World-weary broken people find comfort and understanding in each other
 Don’t have any fandom-specific dnws here.
For Rev Arc, what I’m looking for is essentially consequences and fallout; canon is nice! Canon is very nice! But we don’t see a whole lot of what happens afterwards—all these kids who came of age during the war, who have to or can’t go back to school, who have to live with the world that exists after.  The new generation, who are in a lot of ways more akin in circumstance to canon HP’s characters than Rev Arc or RBC characters ever were. There was a war; the war’s been won. What now?
If you happened to be looking at the fix-it tag, I didn’t have any canonically dead characters in my requests, but I was definitely thinking of Draco when I requested it—you wouldn’t even really need to change much else, I don’t think, since he’s injured badly enough by the time Harry and Leo show up to put him out of commission for the rest of the war.  Also, I formatted Pansy’s tag the way I did because I was thinking of her reconciling herself after it all, if that makes sense.
  Original Work  
Mentor angle
-        Male Student Mage Disguised as a Girl & His Older Female Mentor
-        Abused Child Grows To Trust New Authority Figures/Guardians
-        Bonding over music
-        Catching injured character as they faint or lose balance
-        Character Discovers a Horrible Political Secret
-        Character who isn't used to being protected gets protected
-        Drawing & Painting
-        Families - Found Family
-        Finding Someone Sleeping and Putting a Blanket or Coat Over Them
-        Gratuitous Descriptions of Winter
-        Grooming - hair brushing
-        Hair Braiding
-        Hurt/Comfort - Character A discovers Character B's biggest secret
-        Hurt/Comfort - Character expects to be punished but is comforted instead
-        The Inexplicable Peace That Comes from Stargazing
-        Learning to Dance
-        A rescues B from trouble B knowingly walked into (B thought they could handle it on their own)
-        song of the lioness style gender disguise plot
-        teaching moments while rescues are taking place
-        Thing character has built a large chunk of their life around comes to an end; finding a new path
-        Uncovering a major secret by gradually putting the pieces together
Gen angle
-        Male Student Mage Disguised as a Girl & Male Student Warrior
-        Male Student Mage Disguised as a Girl & Female Student Warrior Disguised as a Boy
-        Male Student Mage Disguised as a Girl & Female Fellow Student Mage
-        Character tries to hide their problems but friends are determined to help
-        characters understand each other so well they barely need to speak in times of crisis
-        Epic Friendship Slowburn
-        Finding Someone Sleeping and Putting a Blanket or Coat Over Them
-        Fire-forged Friends
-        Found Family - characters come to unspoken acknowledgement that that's what they are
-        going back to school after fighting a yearlong civil war against the new dictator of your country
-        Hair Stuff - A is unexpectedly very good at styling hair; styles B's ornately; B wears it all day
-        A has baggage; doesn’t trust others & (less obviously) doesn’t trust themself/has guilt
-        Hurt/Comfort - Being comforted by someone character distrusts
-        Hurt/Comfort - Character A discovers Character B's biggest secret
-        Hurt/Comfort - Character overuses magic/powers/etc. to protect a loved one
-        I would do anything to save you from yourself (including physically fight you if it comes to it)
-        Intelligent Characters Enthusing Over Learning New Things (Especially From Each Other)
-        Learning a New Language
-        A rescues B from trouble B knowingly walked into (B thought they could handle it on their own)
-        song of the lioness style gender disguise plot
-        Uncovering a major secret by gradually putting the pieces together
-        Villain undercover as a good guy; grows to care about good guys leading to heel-face turn
-        X tells Y the (outlandish) truth; Y thinks it’s a joke until something proves X’s truthfulness
Ship angle
-        Male Student Mage Disguised as a Girl/Male Student Warrior
-        Male Student Mage Disguised as a Girl/Female Student Warrior Disguised as a Boy
-        Male Student Mage Disguised as a Girl/Female Fellow Student Mage
-        A Admires B's Fighting Skills
-        all the diaspora feelings
-        Ballroom Dancing
-        Character sees color for the first time upon meeting soulmate; it's a highly inconvenient time
-        Characters Didn't Realise The Relationship Was Secret; They Thought It Was Obvious
-        characters understand each other so well they barely need to speak in times of crisis
-        Fake Dating Leads to Feelings Despite Characters' Best Attempts
-        Hair Stuff - A is unexpectedly very good at styling hair; styles B's ornately; B wears it all day
-        Hurt/Comfort - Character A discovers Character B's biggest secret
-        I would do anything to save you from yourself (including physically fight you if it comes to it)
-        Intelligent Characters Enthusing Over Learning New Things (Especially From Each Other)
-        Language of Flowers
-        A rescues B from trouble B knowingly walked into (B thought they could handle it on their own)
-        song of the lioness style gender disguise plot
-        Soulmates - Scars appear on each other's skin
-        Soulmates- Name on the wrist is not the one character goes by
-        Uncovering a major secret by gradually putting the pieces together
-        Undercover - Masquerade Party
-        Villain undercover as a good guy; grows to care about good guys leading to heel-face turn
-        X tells Y the (outlandish) truth; Y thinks it’s a joke until something proves X’s truthfulness
fandom-specific dnw: age gaps in ships of more than 3 or so years when one character is underage; predatory manipulation between characters in the relationship in service of the relationship; transphobia directed at cisgender characters; crossdressing as fetish. I’d also rather not see any kind of serious relationship with at least one character disguising their gender pre-reveal of that disguise–flirting, starting to date a little is okay but if it’s going further please have them reveal it. Please don’t play into the idea of gender-disguised character as “trap”. If actual trans characters are present, then some transphobia isn’t a hard dnw—my gift in Heart Attack didn’t bother me at all.
also dnw characters requested as gender-disguised to be written as trans or to be written as absolutely loathing their disguise. other characters are fair game. if writing trans characters, dnw them to be explicitly nondysphoric (but not addressing it is fine).
 So, uh, I’m sure you can see the… theme in all these requests.  For these ones especially, the freeforms aren’t the really iddy part; I just picked the ones I liked best and thought I suited the relationships best. It’s the ship tags that are the iddy part.
Look, I fell in love with Song of the Lioness as a kid, then I grew up and realized there was a tragic dearth of gender-flipped versions, and now I’m fishing for them in exchanges.
So give me this boy and the people in his life! Tell me a story—what is this world, that this is necessary?  How does he handle various aspects of it?  Or just let them go on an adventure or have a nice quiet day tbh, those would both be rad too.
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First, I hope you have a good time with your new SMT blog! And I was wondering if I could request a High School AU for the Samurai (Flynn, Isabeau, Jonathan and Walter) from SMTIV. Like what type of student they are, what clubs they would be in and anything else you like to add, please?
Hooray for the first ask! And my goodness, this so very much.A comfy setting for these beautiful kids…second years high-schoolers in MikadoAcademy. All of them default to the kendo club with a few auxiliary hobbiesbecause of their innate nature as samurai.
Might have gotten carried away, but whatevs. First impressions matter, so I gotta show off a little bit.
If you look up the dictionaryentry for “valedictorian”, chances are you’d find his picture right next to it.
He’s the kid that wins all theawards for academic achievement, scores high on placement tests, and tutorsother classmates in need of help.
The boy wonder and favorite of thefaculty and staff, and a veritable model of the helpful sempai to hisunderclassmen.
Constantly teased by the othersfor the number of confessions and love letters he finds in his shoe locker.
This kid takes his education veryseriously, always saying that a single mistake could seriously damage anyfuture endeavors for collegiate placement or professional employment.
Sorry ladies, that means he doesn’thave time for dates. He has nothing against dating in general, but personallybelieves that it would be detrimental to both him and a potential significantother.
That being said, he’ll still letyou down so cordially that you can’t even be sad, angry or disappointed forturning you down.
He’s appalled by Walter’s carefreeattitude towards primary education (not that it stops him from coming to hisrescue for the big tests).
The poor boy is his own harshestcritic, kicking himself over small errors and haunted by all the mistakes,academic or otherwise, that he’s made in the past.
Sometimes, when he gets toocarried away, it takes Flynn or Walter to literally drag him away from his deskfor a day of mental decompression.
Almost always is reluctant to comeaway from his studies, but by the end of the day, he’s enjoying the time spentwith his fellow samurai.
Before he can enjoy his Sundaywith his friends, he always swings by the local church to catch the morningservice. He also volunteers there from time to time.
Helping out with the studentcouncil doesn’t leave him with a lot of free time, but he’s still a keycomponent for the kendo club, as well as the literary club.
Rumor has it that Student CouncilPresident Gabby is grooming him to be her successor when she graduates.
But when she told him to stay awayfrom his friends, citing them as distractions holding him back, he told her inthe most polite and well-worded speech to fuck off without dropping a single vulgarity.
If Jonathan is the dependablesempai, Walter’s the one that everyone’s told to watch out for, and the problemchild for the faculty and staff.
Other than physical education and biology(son of a fisherman should be worth something), Walter almost always places inthe lower echelons come testing days, if not dead last.
To this day, people are stillbaffled how he managed to score well on the placement test. Might have beensomething to do with that sports scholarship.
He subscribes to the belief thatyouth is fleeting, and must be spent to its fullest without any regret orrestraint….within the bounds of legality, of course.
The worst thing he’s ever done wassmoke one of his dad’s cigarettes and take a sip from the liquor cabinet whenno one was looking.
The experience scared him enoughto restrict himself to simply cutting class, spending his day at the arcades,and doing whatever strikes his passing fancy.
Jail isn’t a pleasant place, so he’salways careful not to do anything that could get him arrested. Not that itstops rumors of delinquency from spreading like wildfire.
Deep down, Walter’s secretlybitter at being judged just because of his outlook and family’s financialstatus.
All the more reason why he’s loyalto his small circle of friends who accept him as he is, even if he more oftenthan not butts heads with Navarre.
If he even hears rumors about hisfriends being bullied, he isn’t afraid of further damaging his reputation orusing the threat of violence to get it to stop.
Similar to Jonathan, Walter receiveshis fair share of love letters from a fringe group of students. He’s more thancompletely baffled for how to deal with them.
Even if he was tempted to take anyon their offer, the looming face of his life-long friend Gina pops up with anangry scowl on her face keep him from the dating scene.
Plus, dates are expensive! He’drather spend that money pursuing his myriad hobbies.
Constantly jockeys with Jonathanand Flynn over top dog in the kendo club and whenever they screw around playingvideo games. His sheer unpredictability makes him a force to be reckoned with.
The real school delinquents have avested interest in recruiting him, especially the onna banchou Yuriko.
He subscribes to gender equality,and doesn’t hesitate in threatening to punch her lights out when she makes thinlyveiled threats towards his friends.
The happy balance between Jonathan’sstudiousness and Walter’s cavalier attitude.
Similar to Walter, he came fromoutside the city and scored high on a placement test to get into the school withan additional sports scholarship to lighten the tuition cost.
As a country boy, he and his childhoodfriend Issachar always dreamed of going to a fancy school in the big city.
Sadly, Issachar didn’t place highenough on the test to be admitted, but the two of them keep in constant communicationwith each other and maintain their friendship over a long distance.
He believes in “work hard, playhard”, and refuses to let those paradigms leak or bleed into each other. He’sseen what the extremes of those can do to both Jonathan and Walter.
Flynn’s test scores aren’t nearlyas high as Jonathan’s or Isabeau’s, but he’s slightly higher than Navarre andmiles above Walter.
He’s the transfer student who sitsin the back of the classroom, right next to the window.  May or may not occasionally be distracted bylooking outside and taking in the sights of the city.
He remains cool under pressure,and almost unfailingly knows the right thing to say in a tight spot orsituation.
“Almost”, though. Sometimes diplomacybreak down with…interesting results. At one point, he managed to scare off aYakuza enforcer by making him think that he was the son of a famous boss.
Out of the entire group, Flynn isthe one who receives the most love letters, surpassing both Walter and Jonathan’scombined. He’s insanely popular with both the underclassmen and the classmatesof his current year.
He, Walter Jonathan and Isabeaucomprise the kendo club’s “Fantastic Four” as the strongest fighters MikadoAcademy has ever produced.
They come back from Nationalscarrying all the gold medals and trophies for the school, much to Sensei Hope’simmense pride.
Already in his first year, he’sbeing scouted by several colleges who desperately want him on their side.Krishna-san is the most insistent, and frequent of the scouts, with MisterStephen as the more genial and well-mannered of them.
In his second year, he takes onthe roll of a sempai and mentor to the young Nanashi, an impressionable cityyouth who greatly admires Flynn and likewise practices kendo.
The daughter of one of the school’sbiggest donors, but she’s got the brains and the brawn to make it without daddy’smoney.
Similar to Flynn, she believesthat there’s a time for studying and a time for play, and she has the bestself-control of the entire group when it comes to resisting distractions.
But unlike Flynn, she’s not nearlyas outgoing in her hobbies, keeping them very close to her chest and away fromthe scrutiny of the school.
She remained unapproachable untilsheer happenstance when the trio found her shopping for manga in Akihabara inspite of a disguise.
This incident leads them to bondover their favorite mutual manga, and the four of them became fast friends.
She’s easily the smartest girl inthe class, as well as the most beautiful. Everyone is too scared of the boys toapproach her.
But she’s more than capable oftaking charge when she needs to.
If there wasn’t a manga club atthe school, then she’d be the one to make one.
Japanese clubs require at leastfive members before joining, necessitating that she strong-arm the others intojoining her. They weren’t about to argue when she had that wild look in hereye.
It took haggling, but the studentcouncil relented with the warning to keep their activities PG.
The main reason she got into kendowas from second-hand copies of “The Rose of Versailles”. They’re dog-eared and slightlyfaded from how many times she’s read them.
She’ll never admit it to anyoneother than Nozomi-sempai of the Photography Club, but she found Flynn to beincredibly attractive even before they became friends.
Whether or not she can muster upher own courage to confess to him remains unseen.
Similar to Flynn, she takes on a kouhaiwho greatly admires her as well. Asahi is the daughter of her father’ssubordinate, and she finds it incredibly flattering that she’s the girl’s role model.
If Isabeau refuses to ride on herfather’s money, then Navarre is the polar opposite.
He likes to think of himself asthe Big Man on CampusTM, flaunting his family’s money and spendingit without a care in the world.
His expensive habits have leadsavvy students to join him in a clique, hoping to catch a little bit ofprosperity that he was throwing around wantonly.
Jonathan is polite enough, Isabeautolerates him, Walter holds an immense dislike while Flynn remains seeminglyapathetic in regards to his behavior.
However, behind his haughty airsand snobbery veneer, he’s a lonely kid. 
Dad’s always away on business trips,there’s no mother in the picture (presumably dead), and no matter how hard hetries, his little brother Gaston has nothing but scorn for him.
Deep down and in spite of theirdifferences, he genuinely cares for the others since they don’t look at him andsee his father’s money first.
Everyone is surprised when heswallows his pride and apologizes for being a gigantic douchebag, and asks if he could be their friend.
It’s going to take significanteffort and aid from the others in order to mitigate the damage control when hedisbands his clique.
Though he isn’t nearly as good inkendo as the others, he one day hopes to become a better fighter to join the “FantasticFour” and be recognized as a true-blooded warrior.
Lowkey the biggest tsundere everto exist on the planet.
“Hmph. It’s not like I was goingout of my way to get you that spare equipment for the tournament….what’s withthat strange look on your face?!”
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