#in addition to their own research and god knows what else
void-tiger · 26 days
Trying to keep a lid on it but. Yeah. Literally don’t know what’s it like to NOT be platonically neglected IRL my whole damn life, only that I know this One Person doesn’t deserve to be at the epicenter of it anymore than I deserved to have been at the epicenter of theirs a year ago now.
…why am I like this. Why are we like this.
#tiger’s roar#…but like. good god. someone being Actually Genuinely KIND and insisting they DO like my company and want my friendship#(and is arguably mutually attracted and THOSE feelings of mine and what I’m picking up from them just won’t DISPELL already)#just. really stirs the muck. gets at that emotional constipation in my brain’s grease trap#then having TWICE now having Activities Suggested and THIS Time in FRONT of people then like…never following through?#all but thinking aloud with planning to witnesses things that sound less like hanging out and more like a date#and then just…not doing it?#when the Reality is Apparently Too Busy?#us fighting earlier this year over quality time essentially#when all I want is to have like. maybe an hour or two once a week or once a month#to enjoy someone else’s company. get a fucking REPRIEVE from my life#that’s…that’s it? nothing grand. just have the time found where it can be without causing strain?#I’m actually NOT a romantic even when I have romantic feelings? they just make me yearn for basic contact all the more#I’ll always be ‘too platonic’ within a romantic relationship so no it’s never going to be an ‘expectation’#MAYBE the one with unrealistic expectations is the guy who watches romance films and struggles with AllorNothing thinking perhaps?#and…yeah. trying to not feel resentful of their time spent this summer with existing friends when apparently not working 20+ hrs a week#in addition to their own research and god knows what else#…because it feels like there’s no space for me. and probably never will be. and I have never been ‘cool’ a day in my life#sure I own it as an adult. especially a 30s adult.#but having people recognize me as kind and supportive and easy to talk to 1:1 (my group aqauaintance/casual friendships SUCK)#but. basically never getting to keep any of them as friends? quickly ditched? treated like a used bandaid?#it…gets to me alright? like I only exist as Catch/Treat/Release but for people#which sure. the friend I’m angry at HAS been frustrated about me deserving better. looks at me like I’m christmas.#and I’m now fairly close friends with their beloved sibling. and despite things having THE Worst Start Ever their family seems to trust me#…but…it’s just…think I deserve better? think I’m worthy of your esteem and respect? think I’m kind and approachable?#want me to feel safe and relaxed enough to be myself? then just…do better.#ask when I’m available to kill a few hours then…follow through on that. that’s it.#not all the time. and my ‘expectation’ is to always be either neglected or used and feeling jaded about it#just…a repreive. for both of us. that’s it.
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saylor-twift · 2 months
this is a bit random but one thing I love about the genshin community is how when wanderer came out, everybody collectively banded together to come up with beautiful names to give him. And they didn’t just choose the first thing they saw on google either, no, these people put thought and research into these names. It’s so ironic that this guy who’s so convinced that people only ‘like’ him for his utility, or see him as some sort of weapon for their own benefit, actually has thousands of people who love and adore him universes away.
some honorable mentions of names I’ve seen:
-Icarus (son of Daedalus in greek mythology who created the labyrinth to hold the minotaur. I don’t actually remember why they gave him this name, or the real meaning behind it, but I still like it)
-Kunimitsu (light of the world, contrast to his previous name kunikuzushi, roughly meaning conquerer or destroyer of nations)
-Shinji (Evangelion reference, I believe? If you haven’t seen the show, I won’t spoil, but there are so many connections and similarities between Shinji and Wanderer. Abandonded by creator/parent who they seek(ed) validation from but will likely never get it, taken in by someone named Katsuragi, etc.)
-Zuko (my own personal addition) another character (Avatar: The last airbender if you don’t know) that shares so many similarities with him. Very conflicted individuals who were shown from the beginning that things were going to be extra unfair and hard for them. Both have parental/creator figures that for a while they sought to please until they discovered their own paths and what they actually wanted, as well as siblings they despise and envy because they hold the position they so desperately wanted. (that is, if you consider the shogun puppet a sort of sister to wanderer/scaramouche)
-Fujin (Japanese mythological god of wind who appears next to Raijin, the god of thunder)
that’s all i got off of the top of my head, but i’d love to hear what names everyone else gave to/came up with for wanderer if you have any!
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faulty-writes · 1 year
Hello, I'm asking as an anon cuz its my first time requesting and I'm kind of nervous but I was wondering how would bakugou,deku,todoroki(+iida if you want<3) react to they're significant other doing the bumpy ride trend? where they balance a thing on their head and dance? Example : https://www.youtube.com/shorts/eWBDUeWgMXI and then they get very flustered lol love u<33
[ Oh God, is that what the kids are up to these days? Welp, best of luck to them! I know my limit for headcanons is usually three, but we all know how much I love Iida so he had to be included in this. So I hope you enjoy this rare, four-character headcanon set. P.S. Love you too, anon. ]
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"What the hell are you doing!?" Katsuki couldn't care less about the 'trends' extras were trying. The only type of social media he liked was about heroes. Still, he was curiously angry when he walked into your room to see you balancing something on your head while moving around. The fact that you were having trouble keeping that thing on your head made him roll his eyes.
He thought you had enough common sense to know when to quit following this stupid trend. However, you didn't and he wasn't shy about sharing his opinion. "Why are you wasting your time doing this, dumbass? Trends are only for extras with nothing else to do!" You tried not to let him bother you, after all, you were just having fun.
He usually didn't care about anyone's safety but his own. But damn it, you were different. When you tried to balance dangerous or heavy things on your head while dancing, he'd scold you. "Idiot! Be careful, damn it!" He'd snatch whatever item away from you and quickly replace it with another before flushing as he admitted, "I just...d-don't want you to get hurt, dumbass."
Most believed Katsuki could not laugh or find humor in anything that wasn't someone else's misery. But after some time of seeing you perform this trend continuously. He couldn't help but smile. Yeah, it was a rare sight to see him smile, hell even see him happy. But damn if he didn't admire your determination and that cute look on your face whenever the particular item you were balancing on your head fell off mid-dance.
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Izuku would more than likely respond to seeing you perform the bumpy ride trend with curiosity, after his initial surprise. His curiosity would lead him to research everything about this particular trend. He would even watch videos of others performing it, trying to figure out what the most effective strategy is to master it.
Naturally, due to his desire to save and protect others, he'd make sure you always performed the trend in a safe environment. In addition, he'd make sure you used safe items to balance on your head. Usually, he'd help you gather empty bottles or provide one of his All Might plushies for you to use.
You'd usually assign him to record your attempts on your phone so you could upload them later. While he was uncertain about this, he did it because he wanted to help you and show his support. Of course, he was particular about how he would record you. He'd always make sure he was standing at the correct distance, that it was the correct angle, and that the lighting was good. No surprise, you ended up getting a bit impatient with him.
"H-hey it's okay…maybe w-we can look over my notes to s-see what you're doing wrong, y-you'll get it eventually!" He'd always have some encouraging words for you whenever you failed at your bumpy ride trend attempts which was appreciated considering you usually took your frustrations out on him.
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"Um…are you alright?" Shoto's initial response to seeing you perform the bumpy ride trend is confusion. He doesn't bother with social media or understand its trends. This leads you to have to explain it to him which only confuses him more.
Before jumping to any conclusion about whether this trend was safe or unsafe, Shoto would observe you performing it. This would help him determine if he should intervene or not. He knew he didn't have a right to tell you what you could and couldn't do. But as your significant other, it was his job to protect you no matter what. He'd do that even if you hated him for it.
His concern eventually led him to suggest alternative trends you could do together. He knows that you'll probably argue with him, but he also knows that it's important to do things that strengthen your bond in romantic relationships and frankly, if he could convince you to do alternative trends with him, he could keep you safe.
He would congratulate you when you finally managed to dance and balance something on top of your head without it falling. But he's unsure exactly what to say which leads him to flush as he struggles to find the words. "That's nice…I am…happy that you accomplished what you wanted to." He still wouldn't understand it, but he'd try to be proud of you in his own way.
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"I strictly advise against this form of social entertainment!" It was no surprise that Tenya found social media trends to be a waste of time. The fact that said trends didn't have any academic or structural value added to his distaste for them.
Even after conducting thorough research regarding the "bumpy ride" trend, he still doesn't approve of it, but he knows his disapproval won't sway you from attempting it. So, he overanalyzes it and creates a structured plan to help you perfect and achieve your desired outcome.
Despite not wanting to share his or your "personal" life on the internet, he agrees to document your attempts at this trend. "Are you most certain you wish to perform this again?" The videos he records are typically unedited, which gains your account numerous followers who like to point out his strange way of talking and the fact he's constantly chopping his hands in front of the camera in your videos.
After some time, he finds out that your classmates know about the bumpy ride trend and your videos which he helped upload to your social media account. Even though he feels embarrassed, he explains the pros and cons of the trend. He also explains why he supports you and how he will continue to do so until you master your techniques to accomplish your desired outcome.
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Good evening, a request please from Jonathan x reader. How Jonathan (and the Batifamy) react if they discover that the reader is the daughter of Poseidon
How Jonathan (and the Batfamy) react if they discover that the reader is the daughter of Poseidon
During a tough mission by the docks, the Bat Family saw something incredible. Y/n, in danger, summoned water to protect herself. Shocked, they asked how she did it. Reluctantly, she revealed she was Poseidon's daughter.  For Jonathan, he would have discovered it during an exchange of secrets and stories. Jonathan, always looking to know more, would decide to spice things up by daring each other to reveal something surprising about themselves. Through this, Y/n would confess her lineage (then would proceed to show him as he clearly thought it was a joke).
Jonathan: Jonathan would likely be intrigued and cautious. He'd recognize the significance of having a demigod in their midst, especially one with such a powerful parentage. He might express concern for Y/n’s safety, knowing that being the child of a Greek god could attract dangerous attention. However, he'd also see the potential benefits, considering the abilities and knowledge Y/n might possess. He'd make it a priority to ensure Y/n's well-being while also tapping into her unique skills in the name of science.
Bruce: Bruce would approach the situation with his usual vigilance. He'd immediately begin analyzing the implications of having a demigod on the team, considering both the advantages and risks. Bruce would likely delve into researching Greek mythology and Poseidon's powers to better understand Y/n's capabilities. He'd also lecture her on the importance of keeping it secret (as if she hadn’t already known that), knowing that the knowledge of Y/n's lineage could make her a target. 
Dick: Dick's reaction would be a mix of fascination and concern. He'd be genuinely interested in learning more about the Y/n’s heritage and would likely ask about Greek mythology. Dick would also be protective, understanding the dangers that come with being a demigod. He'd offer support and guidance to Y/n, helping her navigate the complexities of her newfound identity within the Bat Family. 
Jason: Jason's initial reaction of surprise quickly morphed into intrigue. He’d bombard Y/n with questions, his curiosity piqued by the possibilities of having a teammate with godly powers. Despite his tough exterior, there was a glint of respect in his eyes as he listened to Y/n's stories of her heritage. In his own way, Jason made it clear that he was on board with whatever challenges and adventures having a demigod on the team might bring (and bro is definitely gonna fuck around with it).
Barbara: Barbara would react with a mixture of curiosity and caution. She'd want to understand the extent of Y/n’s abilities and how they could be utilized in their missions. Barbara would also be concerned about the potential dangers of being the daughter of a Greek god, knowing that it could make Y/n a target for various threats. She'd offer her support and expertise in helping Y/n adapt to her new identity within the Bat Family. Barbara would see Y/n’s presence as an opportunity to expand their capabilities while also remaining vigilant against any potential risks.
Tim: Tim would be curious upon discovering Y/n’s lineage. He'd immediately start brainstorming ways to test and understand her powers, eager to learn more about the capabilities of a demigod (totally wants to see her do some sick-ass tricks). Tim would also express concern for Y/n’s safety, knowing that having a powerful parentage could attract unwanted attention from enemies. Tim would see Y/n’s powers as an exciting new addition to the team, but he'd also prioritize her protection above all else (as if she couldn’t waste him). A/N: I've never had a request like this before, I hope I did well. It was very much a different request than what I'm used to but HEY! it was fun either way. I'm always happy to bring the Batfamily up :) Thank you for the request Anon 💚
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dathomirdumpsterfire · 9 months
roundtable writing : open group : reblog with your addition in a below the cut : go off : add characters and ocs : blow up canon : 🔥🔥🔥 : flash fiction
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ch 1 (written by dathomirdumpsterfire)
You own a diner in the lower levels of coruscant, one that never closes. It's a few hundred stories below the surface, just far enough down to be a little rough and tumble. Your little business is hard work, but good work. Steady.
One night like any other a young zabrak walks in, looking around the seating space with glittering gold eyes beneath a heavy hood.
You seat him and ask if he'd like anything to drink besides water. The answer is no.
You leave him with a menu and go to snag that yourself. It's three in the morning, so there's only you, your chef-droid, and this guy. You come back with that water, and ask him what he'd like to eat.
He prevaricates, stoic, and you get the hint he's a bit unsure of himself. That's not uncommon, with a mixed species menu as eclectic as yours. You know what zabraks like to eat though, so you offer a few choice options.
He picks the second one. It's a simple dish, and you ask your droid to cook it up while you idle around doing clean up and organization tasks.
When you deliver his food the zabrak politely thanks you. He eats everything on the plate without taking off his hood, pays, tips well, and disappears. You don't make much note of the visit, anymore than you'd make note of another.
The guy comes back though, three nights later, and asks for another recommendation.
Again you give him some suggestions. He picks one, eats it and disappears.
When he wanders in at late night a third time, you start to take notice. Regulars are what keep you afloat after all. This trend continues too, until one day you realize you only have a single recommendation off the menu for him left. He's tried everything else his species might like, though he's never expressed his opinion on the result.
Well. He clearly liked to try new things, so you do some research that very day, and have three more options ready for his next visit. You don't even bring the menu this time.
This trend continues, week after week, month after month. Every few days the red and black stranger comes in, picks a dish, pays generously, and leaves. You don't know his name, though he's always formal and polite, just not one for conversation.
That is, until one day he comes in smelling of blood and shivering, his steps slow and unsteady...
ch 2 (written by @krazykupidspoems)
The blood staining his careful steps is the second thing you notice. You yell for the chef droid to bring the med-pak. It's meager but you will do what you can to help. Some bacta bandages, wrap bandages, a needle, and thread for temp stitching (never been used thank the Gods).
You rush to the Zabrak to stabilize his steps. He's as heavy as he looks you note as he accepts the assistance in walking.You brush the thought away and lead him to the attached owner's suite. It's small but you haven't much choice, enforcers wouldn't do anything but direct the man to a med speeder. And he came to you.
So yes you will help even as his two still beating hearts inexplicably speed up at the sight of your small room.
Colorful tapestries made by your grandmother's hand frame the rough ramshackle bed that was shoved against the wall. The quilts for when the blackouts start are hidden beneath the bed. Your thin sheets that probably should have been thrown out years ago cover the bed now.
Well after tonight they will be thrown or perhaps burned.
You guide the Zabrak to sit on the bed careful of the side he is obviously favoring.
The Zabrak takes in a sharp breath as he sits and shakily lets it out through his mouth. A quiet whine building deep in his chest.
Oh, that's not good...
ch 3 (written by @mcu-supersoldiers)
The third thing you notice, after the blood, is how warm he is when you help him sit. Which is not necessarily a bad thing. You seem to recall hearing somewhere that Zabraks ran warmer than your own species. Some holodrama celebrity interview or something. It would probably be much more concerning if he was cold, you reason to yourself.
Your hands hover helplessly, afraid to touch more until the droid comes back with the med-kit. The sound coming from him was clearly one of pain, and he held himself stiffly, as if afraid of jostling whatever injury his dark cloak and clothes were hiding.
"Look, I uh- I know we ain't been real personal-like, when you've been coming in. But um. Well, I mean... Gotta see where you're bleeding." You trip over your words in embarrassment.
There was a professional distance you kept with your customers. Sure, you might get to know the chatty ones. Hells, you even went on a date or two with a couple that were bold enough to ask. But you don't touch them. You don't take their clothes off. In your room. This was crossing all sorts of boundaries.
"Do what you must." He replied, his voice breathy, from behind gritted teeth.
You nod, and peel his cloak away from his body. You could see a few tears in it. And more in his clothes. And... you swallow hard.
His left leg has a large shard of what looks like transparisteel embedded high in the meat of his thigh, near his hip. There are smaller pieces and what looks like honest-to-small-gods wood dug into his side and leg. His black clothes hid how badly he must have been bleeding. The transparisteel or whatever it was glittered strangely in the low yellow light of your living unit.
"Oh dear." Your droid exclaims from behind you, making you jump. It hands you a pair of small but sharp scissors.
Your hands tremble slightly as you cut open first the side of his shirt, then his loose fitting pants almost down to the knee.
You knew his skin was red and black. He never took off his hood when he ate at your diner, but you'd caught enough glances. It was quite different to see ALL of that red and black. Red wasn't a common color for a Zabrak, outside of some high fashion holos you'd seen. Nor was the stark black of his markings, the zabraks you'd met personally leaning towards brown on brown, or perhaps browns over more muted oranges and yellows. This was... well, 'STRIKING' didn't quite do it justice.
You scold yourself. The man was bleeding from multiple shrapnel wounds, and you couldn't stop the tingling flush you can feel rising in your cheeks from seeing so much of his skin.
So much of his muscle. You had known he was fit, under that cloak. Something about the way he moved... gliding through your diner to his regular booth. It made something in your baser instincts warn 'predator!'. You'd learned to ignore that fear reaction, after a couple of years. Lots of people in the lower levels were like that. Kinda rough, kinda dangerous. But they very, very rarely came to your establishment looking for anything other than a meal.
So, you wondered... what in the hells could hurt a man that your instincts told you was plenty dangerous in his own right??
🔥🔥🔥 reblog with your chapter! 🔥🔥🔥
ao3 link in the comments
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ellekhen · 4 months
Hand, Hearth, and Home
Chapter 49 - Blood for Blood - II
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Chapter Summary: The adventurers have successfully infiltrated Moonrise Towers, but as easy as it is to walk right in, far more unexpected trials await them inside.
Pairing(s): Astarion x Male Tav (Main); Past OC x Male Tav Rating: Explicit Length: 252K+ words; Chapters 49/70 (Master Post)
Excerpt below:
“And what exactly will you do with the blood you keep?” Church asks her warily.
“Research, naturally. A little experimentation, perhaps — I have an innate curiosity for all things sanguine,” she purrs.
“Sounds… interesting,” Church hesitates. “Well, we really should be on our…”
“Oh come on, darling — it’s just blood,” Astarion lilts into his mind. “You give it away all the time! Let’s see what this drow can cook up for us. It could be quite a boon.”
“I don’t like her,” Church grumbles.
“Nor do I, but I do like…”
“...power,” Church sighs. “I know.”
“You seem to be uncertain,” Araj notices with amusement. “Perhaps I could tempt you further. You are a… sorcerous sort, are you not? Your aura is positively electric with magic…” she sniffs unnervingly deeply. “...and something… else. Hmm.”
She gives Church another beguiling smile, but something in her eyes looks strange. 
“Oh. Splendid,” she croons. “Your blood could lead to a significant breakthrough in my research. How about I… sweeten the offer?”
She gestures grandly towards another workbench laden with all manner of herbs, resins, salts, and more.. 
“In addition to this potion, I shall offer you any two items from my little shop here — free of charge,” she says magnanimously. “I have quite a collection of potions, toxins, and alchemical components… as well as some truly unique, enchanted items. All worthy of a True Soul such as yourself.”
The Weave does thrum curiously around the crates, and Church can feel Gale’s curiosity piqued at the edge of his mind.  
“She must… really want that blood,” Shadowheart remarks dryly. 
“Please tell me I’m not the only one who thinks this is a terrible idea!” Karlach groans into their minds.
“On the contrary, if Church must fight without his magic, then perhaps we should get every boon we can,” Gale suggests pragmatically.
“For once I agree with the wizard,” Astarion admits. “You don’t have to like her to like the product.”
“Gods,” Karlach sighs. “Look… whatever helps, I suppose. But it’s up to you, Soldier.”
Church’s stomach squirms. They do have a point. He… supposes losing a little blood in exchange for a sketchy potion and sketchier research is a better alternative to losing his soul to the shadows.
“Alright,” Church relents, rolling up a sleeve as he eyes the syringe already in the drow’s hand. “Let’s do it.”
Araj smiles beatifically back at him. “Splendid! Your companions may go on ahead and peruse my wares as they wait.”
Church follows the drow to take a seat nearby, grateful of the fact that Astarion remains close behind him. Gale, Karlach, and Shadowheart’s eyes also remain ever-watchful, even as they pretend to sort through the trader’s wares.
With clinical precision, the drow carefully wraps a leather strap around his arm as a tourniquet before tapping and swabbing upon his skin. 
“Just a little prick… and it’ll be over soon,” she says soothingly. 
But the grip of her delicate hands upon the tiefling’s arm is like iron.
“While we are here, perhaps there’s one more thing we could discuss,” Araj says conversationally. “Your vampiric friend here.”
“‘Vampiric?’” Church tries to sound puzzled. “I don’t know what you’re—”
He grunts as the needle burns into his skin.
“Please,” Araj chuckles. “You think someone in my line of work wouldn’t recognize a vampire spawn when they see one?” She smirks, eyes flitting meaningfully down to Church’s neck. “Or his marks.”
She leers at Astarion, who recovers hastily from his visible trepidation with a winning smile.
“Oh don’t worry, we’re all friends under the Absolute!” he reassures her airily. “I won’t bite.”
“Oh, but I’d prefer if you did,” Araj tells him breathily. She turns back to Church, still gripping his arm as the blood flows through the tubing and into her vial. 
“I assume he belongs to you?” she asks him brusquely.
“Excuse me?” Church scoffs, wincing against her grip. “He’s not… mine. He’s his own person.”
Araj gives him a simpering smile as her hand tightens upon his draining arm.
“I’m sure he really believes that,” she titters. “How utterly adorable.”
She again addresses Astarion — sharply. “Do you have a name, spawn?”
“A-Astarion,” the elf stutters hastily, throwing up his hands to stall her. “But hold on—!”
“Good,” she croons, finally withdrawing her needle from Church and pressing a pad of cotton to the puncture site. “Now, Astarion, I’ve dreamt of being bitten by a vampire since I was a young girl.”
“Um — I’m… sorry?” Astarion scoffs in disbelief. “You want to be bitten?”
“To feel your life’s blood slipping away? To dance on the edge between life and death?” she muses dreamily. She looks back at the spawn, nodding solemnly. “Yes, I want it.”
Church feels nauseous, and not just from having his blood drawn. 
“Let’s go, love,” he urges Astarion. 
“But…” Astarion’s thoughts seem strangely faint. “Your… potion?”
Araj continues, excitedly. 
“I’ll even compensate you — a potion of legendary power that forever increases the strength of the one who consumes it. It’s not for sale, but it’s yours…” she smiles hungrily at the spawn. “...if you bite me.”
“Fuck the potion!” Church replies to him furiously, yanking off the tourniquet. 
But Astarion doesn’t seem to hear him as he recoils from the blood trader’s gaze, an uncomfortable smile still perched upon his face. 
“I… will have to decline,” he says cordially.
“Excuse me?” Araj seems taken aback, still smiling stiffly as her eyes narrow. “This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and you’re squandering it.”
“I gave you my answer!” Astarion hisses through gritted teeth, his forced smile dropping in an instant. 
Araj scoffs, turning to beseech his companion instead. “Can you talk some sense into your obstinate charge?”
“He said ‘no,’” Church tells her shortly, standing up a bit too fast. “There’s nothing more to discuss.”
Alongside the lightness in his head, he is fighting to keep his rage to a simmer. 
“How very disappointing,” Araj says coldly. 
But then she sighs, scowling down at the vial of blood. “Well, at least this meeting wasn’t completely fruitless.”
She turns back to her workbench, working quickly as she adds Church’s blood to a flask. 
“Let’s get out of here,” Church tells his party hastily.
“Bitch gives me the creeps,” Karlach growls.
Araj then returns, holding out the bottle to Church, her eyes still fixed hungrily upon Astarion. “There we are. All of your best traits — in a bottle.” She smiles, although it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “Use it well!”
Church looks down at it, trying his damndest to keep his hands from trembling even as he takes it from the drow’s grasp.
“Ahem,” Gale pipes up, barely wilting under the drow’s glare. “Will you still permit us to look through this lovely inventory of yours…?”
Almost simultaneously, the wizard speaks urgently into Church and Astarion’s minds alone. “Go get some air. Now.”
“I’m fine, I’m…” Church begins to say.
“NOW, Church!” 
Astarion smiles loftily as he pulls Church away, leaving Gale, Shadowheart, and a reluctant Karlach together to peruse. But that smile fades quickly as the elf watches the tiefling shove open the door to the ramparts. It’s only outside that he finally gets to take in the sight of Church’s literally smoldering, seething fury. 
“Oh come on, darling! Pull yourself together!” Astarion hisses aloud to him. 
Church shakes himself, taking a deep, bracing breath as the last of his smoke diffuses into the chilly air. “Sorry. I just… the absolute fucking gall,” he spits, glaring down at the bottle gripped in his hand. 
He’s tempted to hurl it over the edge of the ramparts, or better yet break the bottle upon the ground before driving the shards into that presumptuous drow over and over and—!
He’s surprised that between the two of them, he seems to be far more furious than Astarion. 
“Well, do keep that potion,” the spawn shrugs, plucking it from Church’s shaking, clenched hand. “We may as well have gotten something from that dreadful interaction.”
The warlock still says nothing, and the rogue groans exasperatedly to himself. 
“Stay in control, darling,” Astarion mutters to him, stowing the potion away in the tiefling’s pack. “Don’t show your hand. Not yet.”
Read from the beginning
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sailtomarina · 11 months
Hate you
“That is not what Professor Vector meant, and you know it!” Hermione snarled, slamming her hands down on top of the desk so hard their ink bottles threatened to fall off.
It was with quick reflexes that Malfoy snatched them away from the edge and slid them back to safety. For what had to be the millionth time that term, Hermione hated herself for appreciating anything about the blonde git.
Why, oh, why, did he have to be her partner in Advanced Arithmancy?
She cursed her duties as Head Girl and the rest of their classmates for leaving the seat next to Malfoy open when she came waltzing into the room late. She had no choice but to sit next to him on that first day.
She couldn’t just say no when Professor Vector announced their seat mates would be their partners for the rest of the school term. Hermione had an example to set. She not only had to put forward the first foot towards inter-house unity, she also knew how important it was to show others that forgiveness was a living, breathing thing. 
She couldn’t just preach the gospel of healing post-war; she had to live it.
So, she accepted the assignment without complaint.
She’d nodded at the announcement as if it was only natural that she partner with the boy who’d bullied her since childhood, who’d taught her all about blood purity, who’d let murderers into their school, who’d seen her scream and bleed, and who had now returned along with scant few others to re-do their final year.
She hated him. She also pitied him. More importantly, she hated him.
Today, he’d had the nerve to try and correct her part of their current project.
He took a deep breath before replying. “You can’t just assume that Scranton’s Formula applies in this instance. There are additional variable to consider—”
“I am not assuming!” she protested. “Scranton fits too perfectly to not be correct and whatever ‘other variables’ might exist don’t matter when the answer is obvious.”
She knew she was right. She couldn’t not be right, particularly with Malfoy thinking otherwise.
“Does that mean you’re already aware of Livingston’s Theorem?”
Hermione sputtered at the term, “Of course I’m aware of it! Livingston is not applicable here, or anywhere, really—”
“Why not?” Malfoy sat down and she absolutely hated that he did. It was like he expected their argument to take a long time.
“Livingston was a quack! Anyone who takes Divination into account like he does obviously knows nothing worth my time.” She refused to sit. She was right and there was nothing else to discuss.
“You are aware Arithmancy and Divination are related fields, right?” he pressed.
“They were such that Arithmancy evolved to include actual facts and data, rendering Divination completely useless.” She’d concede at least that much.
The few students still remaining behind in the classroom looked warily over at them almost like they were worried the two would break into a fight. Hermione wanted to roll her eyes at their unnecessary concern. 
“Why don’t we both submit our findings and we’ll allow Vector to decide who’s correct?” Malfoy suggested.
“Professor Vector.”
He looked amused at her correction, and it was that smug twitch of his lips that sent Hermione over the edge.
“God, I hate you,” she muttered.
All traces of a smile faded from his face, replaced with a grimace that vanished nearly as quickly as it had appeared. Hermione had the distinct feeling she was looking at a mask that only pretended to be Draco Malfoy.
“You’re welcome to write whatever you want, Granger. I’ll still include my own research and we can make it clear that our opinions and findings differ. Professor Vector should appreciate the additional viewpoints even if I’m wrong,” he said stiffly.
Before Hermione could respond, he gathered his belongings and walked away.
Hermione didn’t think she owed him an apology for snapping at him as she had, but she did feel a little hollow at the way he’d just taken it. Their arguments always seemed to end that way—she’d inevitably get so wound up that she’d say something cutting, something true, and he’d just…accept.
She wanted to feel satisfaction at turning the tables on the git, but instead all she felt was a lingering sense of incompleteness. Did she want to keep punishing him? Did she resent his presence at Hogwarts? Did she regret testifying for him?
No. Her answer to all three was ‘no’.
So then why did she keep acting the way she did towards him?
“I hate him,” she repeated quietly.
As she walked towards the doorway, she paused by the bookshelf lining the wall. In a moss green cover, title glinting silver, was Walter Livingston’s Reinterpretations on Arithmancy. She stared at it, chewing her lip, mind rapidly rehashing the details of her research.
She sighed and slid the book into her bag.
WC 821
Twitter prompt from DramionePrompts
Cross posted on Tumblr and AO3
I've missed writing Dramione shorts! I've been so wrapped up in larger projects with the fests I've signed up on, that I've neglected keeping up with the snippets I like. This one doesn't have much romance, but there is a hint of something...more...if you squint hard enough :P maybe acceptance? maybe someday friendship?
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makerofmadness · 8 months
hey y'all can you STOP spreading misinformation about people online just because it's been deemed morally acceptable?
you know the post going around saying "Scott cawthon supports Israel" yeah that post is literally the only evidence of this you can look it up right now I did it myself when I saw it and NOTHING COMES UP SAYING HE'S MADE ANY STATEMENTS ABOUT ISRAEL AT ALL. And OP hasn't even acknowledged my addition to their post either. People keep spreading the misinformation though and now people are trying to say we should treat fnaf like it's the terfwizard books or something.
and basically no one else seeing that post except in the replies even BOTHERS to fact check they all just BELIEVE IT and keep spreading it around???????? And I saw some people in the replies say that even when they found NO EVIDENCE, they would believe it anyway just because "he's evangelical/republican"
no. If we get to the point where we just spread and believe disinformation about people unchallenged, that will be weaponized against people who are undeniably good. This is why we stand up against stuff like this no matter how much the target may or may not "deserve it:" to have a fair world, no one can deserve something like this. It's cheap
Yeah OP's silence on the post to my response and refusal to provide evidence is what I'm taking as confirmation that it's entirely fabricated. If you see a post saying Scott supports Israel: do your own research, for the love of God. Stop believing random tumblr users on everything. (I know, I know, rich coming from a random tumblr user, but still-)
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springstarfangirl · 1 year
Hiya! I'm trying to write a Jewish character, can I have some help please? I really want to make her good positive representation
Sure thing! Though do keep in mind that I am only one girl from one stream of a religion that has itself a history of over three millennia, so I can only speak for what I know, that being Orthodox Judaism.
(also this is getting quite long, but I don't know what I expected- the rest is going under the cut.)
So one thing to keep in mind is that Judaism is more than just a religion. It's also a culture, and even just being raised around it- even if your character is secular (doesn't perform the commandments) or atheist/agnostic (doesn't believe God exists/doesn't know if God exists)- it will very much affect your character's mindset and possibly show up in their life in other ways.
In fact, the reason why I separated secular from atheist/agnostic is part of that- Judaism, due to putting more emphasis on the doing than the believing, doesn't really care if you actually believe in God. There are people who very much perform Judaism as a cultural ritual more than as a religion, and they are just as valid as the people who believe that God is there in every corner.
Okay, so what kind of cultural mentalities can you add?
For instance, the idea of proselytizing is forbidden in Judaism. So the way charity differs from tzedaka can be huge. Tzedaka comes from the root word tzedek, justice, and is seen as a way to help someone who's down on their luck to get back on their feet. Not an opportunity to convince them to join your religion. *stares angrily at American charity orgs*
This has a massive effect on how Jewish people see the world. Giving to and helping other people makes us happy, and that in itself is reward enough.
On the more cultural aspect, the menorahs you always see on TV shows? Inaccurate. Those are specific to one holiday, Chanukkah, which is not only a rather minor holiday but is also sometimes viewed as the "Jewish Christmas" when it really isn't. Instead, what any Jewish household would really have is books, and lots of them. The way we view the Tanach is very different from how a lot of Christians view the Bible- it's rarely literal- and so often you'll find a lot of books about Jewish law hanging around. Also, prayer books and candlesticks. Adult Jewish men are supposed to pray three times a day, so someone is bound to leave their prayer book lying around. And the candlesticks are from the "ceremony" (I say, struggling to find a better word) where we welcome Shabbat on Friday just before sunset. A lot of families keep them out all week.
Food is also massively important. Do your research on what's kosher and what's not (though if your character is Reform this may not apply as much- again, I speak from my own experience only) and try to stick to that. That might involve a Jewish character avoiding eating outside the house unless it's a packaged item (which they might check for kashrut symbols), or whispering a blessing before they eat. Kosher meat and cheese are both very hard to find outside of places with a lot of Jews, so they might be vegetarian.
I can't think of anything else right now, so I'll tag @unbidden-yidden because as a convert, they have much more experience with the mindset distinctions between Christianity and Judaism.
Jumblr, feel free to throw all your additions at this post- I need all the help I can get.
I hope this helped at least a little!
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rwprincess · 1 year
Blinded Me With Science (Part 5)
Word Count: 1.2k
Synopsis: Teasing toes the line into flirting; You and Fred have an argument about Dungeons and Dragons
CW: mild language, flustered nerd flirting, talk of germs
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“I can’t believe you’d even entertain the thought of playing a game with so much math again. Traitor.” Fred spit his joke at you as you collaborated on your article regarding germs-by-class. You made the unfortunate mistake of bringing up The Hellfire Club’s generous contribution and all you observed that night.
“I’ve told you before, I can do addition and subtraction,” you rolled your eyes at his accusation. “Besides, that guy..uh, Gareth, was there to help me figure out what number to put where.”
“Oh yes. Can’t forget about Gareth,” he said in a sardonic tone.
“What is that even supposed to mean?” You asked, completely oblivious to what he could be getting at.
“Nothing.” He said with a slight smirk but when you continued looking at him with confusion, he dropped his shoulders and tried to push it aside. “Really. Nevermind.”
You wrestled with asking a follow up or demanding to know, as he had somewhat piqued your curiosity. However, you also knew that Fred was stubborn and probably wouldn’t crack easily, so maybe it was best to just let it go. “Anyway…” you tried to pivot the subject back to what you were initially talking about, “the results are in from the experiment.”
“The hypothesis wasn’t right on the money, but the freshmen definitely had the dirtiest--most scientifically bacteria-filled, I should say--hands.”
“Well of course,” Fred snorted back, “not much surprise there, right? That’s why it was the hypothesis. It’s the obvious conclusion from observing the unwashed masses.”
You pursed your lips, trying not to give in and smile at his jab. You were still trying to act as professional as possible. You had assured him that you would approach this without judgment, as a scientist, when he was worried about contributing his own sample. You couldn’t go back on that and ruin the facade now. “Right. But, surprisingly, age did not equal maturity and the seniors were in second place.”
“So you’re telling me that it’s the little kids and Eddie Munson and his cohorts? Color me shocked.” He barely raised an eyebrow in response, flatly and sardonically taking another jab.
“Fine. Fine! Yes, you could draw those conclusions from this study, but remember: it’s a small sample size, so it doesn’t really justify your bias.”
“Me? Biased? Whatever gave you that idea?” He asked, playfully, so you responded in kind.
“Oh, just your strong opinions about, y’know, everything.”
“Hey, I’ll have you know that those ‘opinions’ come from hefty research.”
“Oh, do they now?”
“Yes,” he insisted and you were more amused with his straight-laced demeanor, knowing he didn’t particularly mean it, “they’re not just some baseless ideas I come up with on my own. They’re logical deductions from facts and data. What do you take me for?”
“Me, apparently. God, I’m rubbing off on you. ‘Facts and data,’” you quoted him with a scoff.
“And what would be so bad about that?” He asked, “To have you rub off on me.”
You hadn’t noticed how incredibly close he was standing until now. The playful banter had made you unaware, and now you were mere inches apart. The realization flustered you and you almost automatically leaped back, out of self-preservation. Instead, you tried to play it cool and took a slight step away from him, nervous to alert him to how he truly made you feel. “Yeah, I guess…I mean, I don’t know,” you muttered a half-baked answer to his rhetorical question, then quickly covered it up with, “If we start talking about data, we might actually begin valuing numbers and then that is a slippery slope to liking math, I bet. Can’t have that,” you joked.
“No, can’t have that,” he said, and his agreement put you more at ease, thinking that the awkwardness had passed and that you could move on to something else. But then he looked at you strangely, an emotion you couldn’t read flashed behind his eyes as they lingered on you just a bit too long.
Despite Fred’s ribbing, you agreed to another session of Dungeons and Dragons, or ‘D&D,’ as Eddie insisted was the ‘cool’ way to refer to it. “You can come along again, if you want,” you posited to him when he mildly objected to you going again a couple weeks after your initial game.
“I know I said anytime you wanted to scope out a Satanic cult, Y/N but c’mon, you can’t be serious. It doesn’t have that much appeal.”
“You only think that because you didn’t actually play, Mr. ‘Conscientious Observer.’ Maybe if you take off your little reporter’s cap and join us, you might have a little fun.”
“Good lord, Y/N. Whatever made you think I was interested in fun?” He gave you that signature deadpan look you’d become accustomed to and secretly favored.
“Fine,” you shrugged, “I don’t mind going by myself.”
“Or…” he drew out the one-syllable word far longer than it needed to be, “you could just not go.”
“I’m not really doing anything better.” 
“We could, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, study for math. That would be better.” 
You raised your hand to his forehead with fake alarm, “Are you ill? I can’t believe Fred Benson of all people would say such a thing. I’m not so sure you’re my Fred.”
‘My Fred’ echoed in his head and caused a dull ache in his chest. He wanted to be nothing more, and hearing you say that out loud made him weak in the knees. He lost himself for a moment and then, in an effort to save face and pull himself back to reality, swatted your hand away. “That’s my point. That’s just how bad this is and how much I wouldn’t want to go.”
“Oh my gosh, then don’t!” You had become exasperated at this point. You had offered to have him join because you liked his company, but didn’t need him to go, and he was putting up one hell of a fight. “They were all plenty nice last time. I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
That jogged his memory, causing him to relive the way Gareth looked at you and talked to you. Maybe he needed to insert himself as a barrier after all. But he couldn’t look like he was worried about that, so he pretended to acquiesce to you instead. “Jeez, if you’re gonna get all bent out of shape and mad about it, I guess I could come. If it means that much to you.”
“It doesn’t. You’re free to do whatever you want. I don’t want to put you out and make you bored.” You weren’t sure what he could possibly want at this point and he was hurt that you were willing to go without him,that you could just forget about him that easily.
“I…ugh, I’ll think about it,” he finally offered. He felt like this was a compromise: he could save face and appease you at the same time. You, however, worried about trapping him somewhere he didn’t want to be; but the argument was over, for now.
Tags (aka Fred-lovers)
@wowthisisastupidblog @kendallmm @its-the-autism-innit-luv @yeaimchloe @waiting-to-stop-fixating @pineaplesoooodaaaaa @toastnfrostedflakes @jade-04 @executethyself35 @losersclub848 @rem-e-jea @teeth-boy @anxious-runes @bighe4rtt
@antique-whiskey @frog-cultist @wormrw @sincerely-a-terry-apologist @xxblossombunnyxx @chipycookie @carnivalsofsilverfish @itcomesback @yhs-headcannons @velvet-ames @silkcherubs @guilloween @drizzlingminds
@slut4boomerang @schoolrumor @firey-phoenixs @foggypkryptonite @evanpetersissohot
@trashfireambrose @goldstarsoup 
~If you’d like to be on the Fred Benson taglist, let me know with a comment or an ask/direct message! (Same if I’ve falsely tagged you and you’d like to be removed)~
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lizardleech-bogmummy · 2 months
@korblez just saw your tag uhhh Anteros time. And his sick ass arm
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In Greek mythology Anteros is the god of requited love/avenger of unrequited lovers, who carries a quiver of lead arrows, and is one of the erotes. Considering he views himself as unloved, that kinda paints the picture
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I know I posted it already but I'm reposting the picture to be side by side with the Jojo picture I snagged the composition/initial designs of him and Enyo from (should maybe remake this one since it's oooold and i know I'm better at art now, or maybe should just make new takes on him artistically other than him getting backshots)
Anyway he has pathetically small biotic potential that once the innate weakness of it is discovered, his parents consider him a lost cause for advancement of the family legacy. So, adopting his brother Enyo who has significantly more potential, he ends up taking a back seat. Not willingly, of course, and in a continuous fool's errand to prove he's worth something erodes away at himself. A common theme with him is his real talents don't involve being the person he wants to become, and also that he does not have the power he wishes he had.
During the particularly brutal training he was sent on, he other than becoming even more skilled in deception and manipulation refined his weak biotics with fine control, eventually able to use them to destabilize biotic fields and guide projectiles, allowing him to seemingly have the devil's luck through extreme effort. For example of these problems he makes for himself: At one point during his first deployment (ironically with his younger brother as the officer) he, overconfident and enraged, baited the stronger turian into a fight. He successfully destabilized the mass effect fields that would have made the fist flying towards his face particularly dangerous, but did still have a fist flying towards his face. Not ideal. He at least got to drag Enyo down with him for attacking a subordinate, but the beating did put him in a hospital and require him to get reconstructive surgery on his mandibles.
Eventually, after years of research on the physics and biology surrounding biotics, experimentation with drugs such as red sand, etc, he saw the power Saren had augmented by geth (reaper) technology and thought he discovered a new way forward. Fast forward several years and he's getting an experimental operation performed on him involving pieces of Sovereign, several dragon's teeth, and a lot of redacted documentation.
When he woke up from the profane surgery wielding biotics strong enough to crush small ships and biology that could rapidly recover given proper "fuel," the first thing he did was kill everyone else that knew anything useful about the project. Eventually his brother was made to stop him, and his courage and talent were enough to not just beat him down again but also irreparably damage the part of him that made him so strong, disabling the more powerful regenerative abilities and the strong biotics. So, sensing his own demise, he feigned that the reaper tech drove him insane and that his brother, the only person who loved him and target of all his scorn, saved him from it. Reports on what happened were sparse, too, as an additional mercy. After questioning and examination was released to return to military service, albeit under supervision. Completely back at square one, all of it still for nothing.
There's a few ways things go from there, but kind of his core gimmick is that he's tenacious, charismatic. He refuses to give up, going in the face of insurmountable odds, he embodies the turian maxim of winning at any cost, and does what it takes to get there. But, repeatedly holding all these qualities of a hero, failed to become one.
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Also he's a short bottom
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Dio is a huge inspiration for him, and red Prince intro was used as pose ref for a couple of these pre-surgery antes
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andalon-historian · 2 months
When Morgan was around 10, Sister Marian had all the girls of Morgan's age present to the class the story of their Biblical namesake. The idea was to deliver the moral of each of these characters, and to vow to live up to it. 
Ruth talked about how she would always be there for her family, no matter what she had to sacrifice. 
Sarah talked about how she would trust what God said no matter how surprising it may seem. 
Leah wanted to talk about how she would sneak in at the last second and steal her sister’s man, but she didn’t dare say that to Sister Marian, so instead she said something about being obedient even when you aren't happy.  
All three Marys got together and argued at length over who would get to be Jesus’s mom, and who would have to be Martha’s sister or the Magdalene. In the end, they could only stop arguing if nobody got to be Jesus’s mom, and the third one of them had to settle for the woman Paul meets in Romans 16. 
A few of the girls had to do some research with the priest’s help. Judith discovered that she was named for Esau’s wife; Anna for a prophetess in Luke; Gabriella for the angel Gabriel (though perhaps that one shouldn’t have been difficult to figure out).
And of course a few kids here and there had names that weren’t originally from the Bible. Christina got to speak of being Christian, and Arabella got to speak of being “given in prayer.” Lillian, Viola, and Rosa got to share a presentation about flowers and nature. 
In other words, everyone else in Morgan’s class had a name that was either in Latin or right out of the Bible. They all had names they could learn about, that they could recognize, that came from an acceptable culture. This was an elite noble convent after all, for the third daughters of important men with more to gain from currying favor with the church than currying favor with another noble. She was the king’s step-daughter, after all. 
But “Morgan” was not a Latin name-- and it wasn’t a Bible name either. It was a Breton name. She was named by her mother, duchess of Cornwall and princess of Avalon. Her sister was going to be queen of Lothian. While she didn’t know it yet, she herself was going to be queen of Wales. This was Britain; she had a Breton name, not some importation from the French or the Romans. She would eventually learn to take pride in that. 
But she was not taking pride then, as a ten year old student of a nunnery, completely alone and unable to explain the origins of her own name. She was excused from the presentation, and instead got to give a brief talk on any Biblical woman of her choice, and she chose Delilah. She chose Delilah because she liked the story of a woman taking initiative and not always being kind and honest, but then she was the only girl talking about a woman you shouldn’t imitate in addition to all the other ways she was standing out. 
A while after that, her sister was married to the King of Lothian; she was 21, and he was 24. An extremely lucky pairing for her, all things considered. Morgan had leave to go visit for the wedding, and while they were alone, she asked her sister if she knew where her name came from. 
Morgause laughed. Her laugh was always so high-pitched, but crisp and clear and never shrill. 
“They didn’t know?,” she said. 
“Everybody else was named for a saint or something,” Morgan said shyly.
“Well you certainly aren’t that,” Morgause said gleefully. “You were named for the mary-morgans!”
Morgan stared, unsure.
“The mari-morgans. The drowner spirits! The merrow, the sirens, the children of dead Dahut?” She put her arm around little Morgan and pulled her in close. “You’re named for the dread enchantresses who live in the sea, who draw out sailors and dash them against the rocks. You are powerful, and magical, and alluring, and deadly. And just like the mari-morgans, you are going to rule the world from your throne in the sea, and anyone who tries to take on Morgan the Fairy will drown.” She kissed the top of her little sister's head.
Morgan hated that nickname, but when Morgause said it, it sounded like a complement. Something to be proud of. She clung to that feeling and buried her head in her sister’s chest. It had been so long.
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luunare · 7 months
Can dreams about the future be a sign from the gods?
Hey there!~
Though you asked me, I want to make it very clear that this is my personal opinion. You, Anon, as well as anybody else reading this, are allowed to disagree with me. I'm not an expert in this field! Just a young person who found comfort in this faith
Dreams are interesting, and they've been the topic of a lot of religious, spiritual, and philosophical debate for what feels like forever.
The Oneiroi, daimones I think you may be interested in looking into, were spirits or personifications of dreams. Emerging each night from Erebos, they fly through one of two gates - one which is the source of prophetic, god-sent dreams, and one which is the source of false, meaningless dreams.
Theoi.com is such a good place to start your research into the Oneiroi, but from there alone we are given some ancient myths and sources referring to the Oneiroi as sending revealing or prophetic dreams to people. However literally you decide to take any of this, we can see that prophetic dreams are not unheard of as a concept in ancient times.
I'm only beginning my own research into the topic, as I begin my reading about Hypnos and Somnus as well, so I don't have much to say. Personally, I believe that the gods can communicate in many ways, dreams absolutely being one of them. However, I tend to consider that sometimes, things are just mundane. Dreams can just be dreams, and what we interpret as signs may just be things happening around us.
Ultimately, though, I think that this is really up to your own discernment. I'm not you, and I don't have the context in which this ask was sent. I don't know the dream or your perception of it, or even your relationship to the gods. I think this requires personal thought, and maybe even communication in some form with the gods whom you feel may be sending a sign.
I hope you find your answer x
feel free to chime in with any additional information or thoughts regarding the topic x
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heart-forge · 2 years
wow i did not even think about the logistics of ice cream in a post-apocalyptic scenario. now i'm curious about other things like sunscreen and coughdrops. do they make their own sunscreen? i'm assuming it didn't all spontaneously combust with the collapse of society, but where do they find it? it's kind of necessary for pale people because i spend like 15 minutes in the sun and end up burned.. and there are other things like what do they do for periods? just free bleed? cloth pads?
and also are they just relying on clothes and fabric they find? eventually they will run out, yes? are there settlements that spin cotton into thread, then weave the thread into fabric? actually is there trade between settlements? like milk for wool or something??? do they give each other advice? i know like with our settlement and roaches people, they hate each other and people are assholes sometimes, but i feel like some people must have realized it's easier to live if we don't hate each other
are there groups of people that are nomadic? or is it generally agreed that it's better to settle in one place and defend it really well? what did the farm that zed came from look like?? was it defended? did zed and their guardian just assume that everyone else assumed it was abandoned, or that there weren't enough people nearby for it to be a problem? was the farm chosen carefully or was it like whatever this is fine?? what were they doing there, just surviving and maintaining the farm??
also does zeds guardian talk to plants also? i'm assuming yes but i don't know if thats been stated. i'm going to go ahead and assume the farm was super far from other people because a giant wall or something doesn't make sense to me and if there was a giant wall around something near my house i would die to get in so that feels counter-intuitive. also if there are more zeds out there i feel like people would like kidnap them or something to use their powers because people are shitty and that--
--feels like something they would do, or like.. shoot them. so it would make sense for them to be isolated too, so there must be more zeds on more farms with more guardians somewhere, assuming there are more zeds. were the people that raided the farm hunting zeds???? mysteries. anyway i hope you enjoy the four additional asks about zed and the hybrid world.
sorry that cut off so abruptly my thoughts did that too
jfdsjk that's fine that's usually how I generate lore in the first place.
I swear to GOD that I've literally talked way too much about the sunblock thing but searching "sun" "block" "sunblock" and "sunscreen" gave me nothing but a man doesn't just FORGET researching ancient egyptian skin protection, because there was a thing in there about skin bleaching so I left that ingredient out when I talked about it because it had no bearing on the actual recipe.
But the gist of it is that industry invented itself within the past two centuries, so there was a period immediately post-apocalypse where shit was a real mess, but at this point settlements can either produce or trade for things like sun block, wool, dairy products (depending on how close they are to the settlement to trade), all kinds of stuff.
As far as clothes and pads go, that has a lot to do with the right now. Right now, you can look up how to make your own cloth pads that are reusable. Right now, there's so much textile waste that's 100% overproduced clothing being thrown out at the retail level instead of actually circulated once it fails to sell. Clothing and fabric are pretty easy to get a hold of, and they're still able to make stuff like yarn from wool and stuff. Hybrid takes place in a post post apocalypse: the delicate Fallout question of who knows if who is where and when and if they're willing to share resources is something that's already gone through an initial stage of confrontation. Like you said, people can be assholes, especially if they feel like they have power or resources that someone else doesn't: but it wouldn't be unusual for a settlement to have trade routes set up along honestly pretty old routes.
Nomadic people definitely exist, especially those that come from a historically nomadic culture. A lot of video games do a very coy wink and wiggle towards nomadic Romani traditions, various groups of indigenous peoples across the world, stray lore picked up from early Hebrew tradition, all kinds of groups (for better or worse, yikes)! I feel fairly confident that given the opportunity to wander in groups without the interference of people throwing a fit over whether or not you can stay, for how long, and what you can do while you're there, I'm sure more than just the people with a rich history of nomadic lifestyles would jump at the chance. Wandering groups of #vanlife people, plus like, just regular people who were relieved that passports and cops stopped existing.
I've never explicitly stated that anyone but Zed can canonically communicate with plants (yet), but that was definitely a big part of keeping the farm hidden. "The Farm" also doesn't necessarily imply much land at all: it was self sustaining, but my parents do that every summer with a corner of the fields cordoned off for a garden. Realistically their "farm" is a very small parcel of land surrounded by plants who think the weird little guy who lives there is? Pretty chill.
And I did like answering this! Thank-you 💚💚💚💚
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Welcome to my Witchy Blog!
Here are some links to the pages or speicific post of any speicific thing your looking for :D [I'll post the links once I have them]
About me -> Read!
P.s: I am working on a fictional story, most media I enjoy had influence from real witches/research into Wicca/Paganism. All posts here are for self-gain, research purposes only. So take ALL my posts with a grain of salt. And put a circle around yourself ;P
Index: Introduction: Book of Shadows/Grimoire | Wiccan Rede | Baby witch first steps.  Symbols For Protection-many Others. Pagan/Wiccan/Witch |  what's the diff? | The Founder Fathers of Howarts- I mean Wicca as we know it. [Link to their misdeeds] More in depth about the problems of Wicca [Might need to make a seperate page into cultural appropriation of Wicca. Wicca/Witch History | Do/Don'ts of Wicca: Appropriation List.   Coven Hierarchies. Left Hand Path. Widdershins |
Tree of Life |  Triple Goddess  | Horned God  |  Morgan Le fey |  After Life: Return to the Cauldron | The THREE Cauldrons | After Life: SummerLands | Tree People | Shadow people | Triquetra/Relation to Triple Goddess | Lambton Worm Myth
Witch Tools:
Cast a circle/Pentacle [Protection circle before you cast] Elements | Consecrate your Tools. | Altar  | Cauldron  |  Chalice  | Athame | Wand | Boline |  Witch's Bell |Besom/Broom | Witch's Ladder |  
Additional Witches Tools:
Candles|  Crystals  - Cleansing VS Charging | Flowers | Herbs |
Divination Tools:
Ouija | Seance | Pendulum | Runes | Scrying Mirror | Dowsing Rod | "Hag Stones."/Wishbone/jack o lantern | Tarot | Angel numbers | Oracle Cards | Call/invoking a spirit |
Year Calendar\Wheel of the year Weeks |  Astrology | Retrograde | Moon Rituals | Moon Phases | Moon Phases through the year| Moon Water / Moon Bath | Moon Glyphs |
Deities |Christian hierchies|   Animals as omens/Familiars |  Chakra | Meditation | Milk Bath | Lucid Dreaming | Astral Projection |
Spells and others:
Witch Tips |  Spells |  Witch bag/bottle | Evil Eye | Seashells | Feathers | Witches Alphabet | Faerie Circle/Faerie ring |  Circle Bridge\Devil Bridge | HandFasting
Artistic expression in Wicca:
Using Arts and Crafts in Wicca Wiccan Fashion history | Wiccan Fashion Modern | Occult in Media | Occult in Literature | Occult in Anime |
The good the bad and the Ugly In Wicca
Since I'm a casual observer with no skin in the game, and prefer the media/artistic side of witchery in doing research for my own media ideas I don't want to make mistakes. So here is additional pages I was going to do last, but ugh Wicca should just be chucked in the bin, I've never felt more irritated and wanted to delete this whole blog by this research [and people online who assume everyone KNOWS this stuff and think whats common knowledge to them isn't new information to anybody else. Esp since its not someones social circle/not on the internet much and has my own life etc so thats annoying] And so- Here are going to be Page Links once it's done of-
Symbols in Wicca that are also affiliated with HATE Symbols Like nazisim. -> Problematic Symbols. Individuals in Wicca and their Problematic History. -> History Page. Closed Practices/speicific rituals that are closed -> Closed List. Why Lilith is Closed Explaination -> Source Divided Opinions: When two people are divided if something 'like Chakra' is problematic. I've seen a lot say it's okay- it's not okay etc. So I'll post the 'unsure' stuff here.
The problem with Sabbats -> Blog Post bear in mine OP made a mistake stating that British forced ireland into catholic conversion which wasn't true that was st patrick- the comments/reblogs explain it better. Wheel of the Year in depth information -> [Source]
Closed/Open Practices -> [Post]
Sourced Sites:
[Wiccan Websites here once I've posted all my ducks in a row before I shoot them] Everything Under The Moon -> Source
*Also I WILL Post on my blogs where I got the Info from. Such as sited/sourcing everything and if I took it online/pinterest/tumblr as well as books I've also sourced. I'll post the book/author chapter page etc. Source : Witch
7 notes · View notes
destielshippingnews · 2 years
Edvard's Supernatural Guide: 2x08 Crossroad Blues
Spoilers up to 15x18
Supernatural’s 30th episode is an important one in the lore of the show, introducing the ideas of hellhounds, demonic deals, and humans being dragged to hell. Moreover it reveals where John ended up after his own deal with Azazel in 2x01 In My Time of Dying: on a torturer’s rack in hell. Or rather, a crossroads demon tells Dean where it wants him to believe John is. The veracity of the demon’s claim is never substantiated, but more on that later.
After a handful of frankly pretty dull episodes, 2x08 Crossroad Blues stands out for a number of reasons. Other than the new story elements mentioned above, it tells a solid story which progresses the plot of series two, reveals more of the depths of Dean’s despair than the ‘Dark Dean Arc’ from 2x02 to 2x04, and it is based on American folklore rather than European myths and legends. Not only is it American folklore, but it is black Americans’ folklore. As discussed in 1x08 Bugs and 1x19 Provenance for example, there is nothing whatsoever inherently wrong, prejudiced, or discriminatory about a story focusing on characters from one demographic, but given the show is supposed to be American horror taking place in America in the early 21st century and based on American folklore, one often wonders why there is so little from First Nations peoples’ myths and legends, and why black American folklore is in absentia.
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A lot of people would cite racism as the reason, but rather than active hateful racism, ignorance and an aversion to risk-taking seem satisfactory explanations to me. European fairy tales, folklore, legends, and myths are embedded in Anglophone cultures in a way that other ones simply are not. Executives do not like taking risks, and the writers did not have all the time in the world to research monsters and creatures from cultures foreign to them well enough to write about them in a way which would not offend people. They could not even research European lore properly: Loki is not Odin’s son, but rather his blood-brother: ‘samhain’ is pronounced ‘sowen’ and is a festival, not a demonic entity, and ‘vanir’ describes a Norse deity about as well as calling me European describes me. The cultural imperialism and Abrahamic chauvinism is on full display in 5x20 Hammer of the Gods, and this applies to European deities as well as African and Indian. The few occasions they ventured out into African, Indian, or Asian deities and creatures, they butchered them, and more often than not they butchered European ones, too.
Enough rambling: this episode includes actual American folklore from a marginalised demographic. Or rather, about a marginalised demographic: whether or not the real Robert Johnson performed a hoodoo ritual or what, the Mephisto-like deal could well be apocryphal additions from a European tradition. The real Robert Johnson made no claim to having made any deal or having performed a ritual to summon a devil and exchange his soul for musical talent:
"If you want to learn how to make songs yourself, you take your guitar and you go to where the road crosses that way, where a crossroads is. Get there, be sure to get there just a little 'fore 12 that night so you know you'll be there. You have your guitar and be playing a piece there by yourself...A big black man will walk up there and take your guitar and he'll tune it. And then he'll play a piece and hand it back to you. That's the way I learned to play anything I want."
From 'Tommy Johnson' by David Evans (London: Studio Vista, 1971) . Quote from Luckymojo.com
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People from a mainstream western Christian background will probably find practices such as hoodoo and voodoo ominous and sinister, but as an atheist with friends who are buddhist, ásatru, chaos witch, and whatever else, I can attest that most of it is no weirder than rituals practised in a church.
Think about it: believers convene in a sacred place before a deity’s altar, listen to a wise man recite some meaningful words, invoke the deity’s help, protection, guidance, and wisdom through formulaic chants (perhaps whilst holding the deity’s symbol or fetish), then partake of ritual food and drink. If one among them is ailing in body or spirit, the other believers will invoke divine forces through ritual to aid their fellow believer.
Anyway, the tale is that Robert Johnson suddenly gained extraordinary guitar-playing skills overnight after ‘selling his soul’ to a ‘devil’ at a crossroads in 1930. Eight years later, he dropped dead of unknown causes (explanations include Marfan syndrome and syphilis), whence come the stories of having sold his soul to Satan. Supernatural ran with this idea, and it became a cornerstone of the show’s own mythology for the next 14 years. According to the show, he made a deal with a crossroads demon in 1930 to become a talented musician in exchange for his soul, and the deal came due in 1938, whereupon he died muttering about ‘black dogs’.
People who have already watched the show will notice a few things strange about the cold open where Robert is supposedly killed by hellhounds: his deal came due in eight years, not the usual ten, and there was no apparent physical harm done to his body by canine claws and teeth. In fact, his death looks more like poisoning or a horrific seizure morphing into something else: even in this episode, hellhounds are shown to inflict physical violence on their prey. This raises the question of whether or not Robert in the show actually did make any kind of deal at all, whether the standard deal was for eight years in the 1930s, or whether the hellhounds worked differently back then. Curious also is the focus on the woman’s gold crucifix before Robert dies.
Whatever the case, similar deaths grab Dean and Sam’s attention whilst they are looking for more work in a café. As if to prove my earlier statement about butchering European lore, Sam uses Fenrir as an example of a hellhound or a ‘spectral spirit’, whereupon my palm collided with my brow in a gesture of exasperation: Fenris is more like a direwolf of divine proportions, and he is one of Loki’s children with Angrbodha. The coin-shith (Dogs of the Otherworld) from Scots Gaelic folklore, the Cŵn Annwn (Dogs of Antumnos/the Otherworld), or Kerberos/Cerberus would be a better example of hellhounds. Regardless, Dean’s comment that ‘[Fenrir] could hump the crap outta your left’ is hilarious because it is true, and definitely deserved a laugh.
What did not deserve a laugh was Dean not knowing what MySpace was, because that was clearly Sera Gamble insisting Dean is computer illiterate. The same man who at this point is a 27 year old in 2006 who has been researching demons on the internet for YEARS. My eyes hurt from rolling. Dean has no friends so has no real use for social media like Facebook, Bebo, Myspace, or whatever, but not knowing? I know what TikTok is and I have no interest in using the damn platform.
Speaking of laughs, Sam is in his usual Dean-is-a-stupid-embarrassment mode right at the beginning of the episode as he chastises Dean’s blasé attitude towards his own criminal record. You know, the criminal record Sam is responsible for after he had the shapeshifter’s murders pinned on Dean in 1x06 Skin, which Sam smirked at him for. That criminal record. If his ‘criminal record’ was ‘not funny’ because it ‘makes our job harder’, perhaps Sam could have prevented his friend scapegoating Dean in that episode. And as for Sam’s comment about ‘demonic pitbulls’: why pitbulls, Sam? What did pitbulls ever do to you? Bad dogs do not exist, just bad owners.
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The report of an architect who apparently died by suicide after making comments about ‘black dogs’ leads Dean and the Hairy One to said engineer’s work partner, played by the same actor who played Dean’s childhood hero Gunnar (the Scandiwegian version of Günther) the wrestler about ten years later. Their discussion reveals that the dead architect (named Seán Boyd) suddenly became a master in his field ten years earlier, which leads Dean to enquire at the vets about reports of black dogs over the last few months. This in turn leads them to somebody named Silvia (or rather her neighbour) who claims to have reported black dogs before going missing. Like Seán, Silvia had become a master in her field a decade earlier and risen to become the youngest chief surgeon at her hospital. This happened shortly after she visited a place called Lloyd’s Bar, which really is more of a shack than a pub.
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Outside the shack is a crossroads, and here Dean reveals that his passive knowledge of magic, witchcraft, and the otherworld is extensive: he recognises the yarrow plant (presumably unusual in Mississippi but hardly noteworthy in Finland) which is used in summoning, he knows the significance of crossroads, and knows without hesitating exactly where the box would be buried: right in the centre. Given John’s recent expiration, it is possible to conclude Dean may well have undergone recent research of his own into demonic deals to help him understand what happened, or even to try to summon a demon himself, as he wastes no time in doing later in the episode. As has been well-established at this point, Dean suffers both survivor’s guilt and suicidal ideations, first made clear in 1x12 Faith. Add to that the bereavement of his (abusive) father, and you have a perfect storm for Dean wanting to trade his soul for somebody else.
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Dean’s willingness to do just this is made explicit at the end of the episode: Dean’s refusal to answer Sam’s question about whether or not Dean considered making a deal to save John was answer enough, and turning the music up confirmed it. I have seen more than one person call Dean a hypocrite for his attitudes to demonic deals and trading one’s life to save another, when he is so ‘willing’ to do it himself, and indeed does do so in 2x22 All Hell Breaks Loose Pat 2. However, criticism like this gives me flashbacks to that whole ‘Dean never wipes his arse’ and ‘Dean is a paedophile’ nonsense which apparently passes as analysis.
As with people wondering ‘how can John know about demons etc in The Winchesters when in Supernatural we’re told John didn’t know about that stuff until after Mary’s death’, I am stupified by the apparent lack of cognitive capabilities of some people. The slightest bit of understanding of the human condition mixed with a little empathy is all you need to know why Dean thinks and does what he does.
After John’s death, he is the one left behind to deal with the loss and knowledge of John’s sacrifice. After Sam’s death, Dean is the one bereaved by untimely death: his conditioning to be his brother’s keeper, to sacrifice himself for Sam’s well-being, and his suicidal ideations and survivor’s guilt make his decision in 2x22 completely understandable. It was the natural end result of his being groomed for almost three decades to look out for Sammy.
But Dean’s anger at others for making demonic deals – especially to resurrect or save loved ones – is not applied to himself in the same way because Dean does not classify himself in the same manner he does other people. Since 1x12 Faith, Dean has believed he deserves to be dead and that his being alive is a problem which needs redress. The gay teacher (whose heart Dean still has) and Layla died while Dean lived. Dean sees himself as the person who has been resurrected and left to live with the loss of other people (whom be believes to be inherently better than him): his life is worthless, so it means nothing to him to throw it away to save others. It is not even his to begin with. Paula R Stiles wrote something similar:
Others in the show get angry with Dean and call him a hypocrite for saying deal-making is bad, but Dean doesn’t see it that way. For one thing, he feels his deal was a very bad idea (even if he doesn’t regret the result). For another, he doesn’t count himself as highly as others, so he doesn’t see his trading his soul as such a terrible thing as it would be for a “normal” human. He feels that he would be dead, were it not for John’s deal, so he is only balancing the scales (an idea the Crossroad Demon fosters in “Crossroad Blues”).
Even as late as season six, Death’s assertion that he only created further chaos with his deal is puzzling to Dean. Why would his deal be so bad? How is he different from the little girl in “Appointment in Samarra“? Shouldn’t he be dead, too? Shouldn’t he be in Hell? How is that not rebalancing the scales? The fact that it’s not remains an issue that the show continues to dance around rather than address head-on. It is a central issue for Dean – what about him requires that he live while others die, go to Heaven while others are damned, prevail while others fall? That quality remains obscure to him and partly to us.
This is also not the last time Dean will have to lose somebody because of a demon deal. Pay attention to what Dean says while talking to Evan, and then think of Dean on the floor after Cas’s death in 15x18 The Truth.
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This scene at the crossroads is intercut with Silvia (the doctor) hiding in a motel room and acting like somebody having serious withdrawal symptoms, and the scene ends with a hellhound breaking in through the window and presumably killing her. Given what happens to Dean in 3x16 No Rest for the Wicked, we can assume her death was savage and brutal. The same is presumably true of every person who makes a demonic deal, though it is never explicitly stated.
The fate of these people is also to be tortured ad infinitum unless they agree to become the torturer, and thereby become demons themselves. Ruby will reveal this to Dean in 3x09 Malleus Maleficarum. This is a significant departure from Abrahamic lore wherein demons have nothing to do with human souls being tortured. That said, the beliefs of many modern Christians and even the general public conception of what Christians believe has been profoundly influenced by John Milton’s Paradise Lost to such a degree that most people do not seem to know which is which. People know the story of Lucifer’s rebellion and fall from grace (which Supernatural will adopt into its lore), but how many people actually know that is not a biblical story? That is taken from Paradise Lost, but it has almost become an accepted part of many Christians’ cosmology.
Discovering the box of sinister-sounding spell components in the middle of the crossroads leads Dean and Sam to investigate the bar, and takes them to a middle-aged black man named George. The scene introduces the idea of goofer dust to keep hellhounds at bay, an idea which will be completely abandoned until episode 8x14 Trial and Error, after which it will vanish completely from Supernatural. The goofer dust might have been useful some time during series three, but whatever, Show. You do you.
George is exhausted and waiting to die. He summoned the crossroads demon a decade earlier outside Lloyd’s Bar to make a trade for artistic talent, but he neglected to ask for fame (like the figure in Greek mythology who gained eternal life but not eternal youth, and was doomed to age and wither away forever). As such, George is poor, lonely, and unknown. He is about to go to Hell and has only himself to blame. A rational but unfair assessment, but he seems to believe he deserves nothing less, blaming himself as he does for the others in Lloyd’s Bar making deals of their own and damning themselves to Hell in the process. This being the case, he is tired of the guilt and wants to die.
One would almost think the writers planned this in advance, so much does George sound like Dean. Dean himself will utter similar sentiments in 2x09 Croatoan, but coming from Dean’s mouth they sound more suicidal than fatalistic. Dean’s callous attitude towards him at the start of their encounter ( [You’re in trouble] that you got yourself into.) is indeed harsh and insensitive to a man about to die, but even more so when considering how Dean almost definitely tells himself similar things: you deserve to die because you couldn’t save John, or Layla, or the gay teacher. They all died for you, but you don’t deserve it. Bear that in mind in series three.
Bear in mind also that George and Evan are John mirrors in this episode, especially Evan, and Dean’s anger at them is also anger at John. His judgementalism and aversion to helping them perhaps says a lot about his feelings towards John. Dean’s anger is little alleviated by learning Evan traded his soul to save his wife who was dying of terminal cancer, though Jensen’s facial expressions suggest understanding and empathy for Evan’s plight. He ‘I think you [saved her] for yourself so you wouldn’t have to live without her. Well guess what? She has to live without you, now.’
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The episode also makes it clear that Dean would have seriously considered trading his soul for John, but I do not see any real conflict here: both of those things can exist in one person at the same time. We will just hurry past the fact the show has paralleled Dean and John with a romantic couple once again and skip to the scene with the crossroads demon.
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But before that, note that Sam is reactive and rather passive in this episode. The demon in 1x04 Phantom Traveler said that Jess was in Hell, and here Sam is presented with an opportunity to bring her back, but if the notion even crossed his mind, he made no mention of it whatsoever. Given the chance, I cannot say I would reject the opportunity to switch places with a friend who died almost six years ago, but Sam’s possibly-pregnant-almost-fiancé died little over a year ago and he has apparently forgotten her.
In her discussion of this episode, Paula R. Stiles called Sam predictable and Dean the opposite. Her reasoning is that Sam follows a moral code placed on him by other people, whereas Dean mostly follows his own unpredictable moral code. Sam will do what other peoples’ moral code tell s him is the right thing to do, and if he has to bend or break the code, he will justify it by referring to the moral code, e.g. doing something for the greater good. Somebody in his position would predictably reject selling his soul to bring back the dead because ‘it’s wrong’, but Dean has his own sense of right and wrong. Of course at the beginning of the show he often followed John’s orders and codes, but John himself subjected Dean to two conflicting directives: ‘kill Sam if he goes dark’, and ‘look out for Sammy’. He has to work things out for himself here and has no outward code of conduct to guide him. Consequently, one can never tell what Dean is going to do, but one can tell that Dean is unpredictable. ...Or at least he was until the writers kept making him repeat storylines, but that is a discussion for another time.
The scene with the crossroads demon is a fitting example of how Dean does not do the predictable thing. He goes to trap the crossroads demon (or so he says) to get it to call the hounds off Evan, but whether or not this is all a means to an end is left to the viewer to decide. I do not believe Dean would have callously let Evan die regardless of how much he thought he deserved it, but as angry as Dean is at John, John is still one of the people Dean has been groomed into sacrificing himself for. After Dean’s first attempt at ensnaring the demon in a devil’s trap fails, it almost instantly switches from discussing Evan to discussing John.
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Demons in the Superverse are generally stupid, including Crowley who started off intelligent, but the more besotted with Dean he became the longer he spent on the show, the dumber he got until eventually he was barely distinguishable from any other demon. However, they do talk and know things as the crossroads demon itself reveals when it first appears to Dean and recognises him and his name. Whether it guessed the ‘real’ reason for Dean’s summoning it, or was gifted with especial perception, it hit very close to the mark in offering Dean ten years with John in exchange for Dean’s soul.
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As for the desperation to win Dean’s soul, he is one of the seals on Lucifer’s prison. ‘A righteous man shedding blood in Hell’ or something to that effect if the first in a series of events which must occur, and Lilith wants Dean to be that righteous man.
Why precisely it need be a Winchester rather than any other righteous man (remember ‘man’ used to mean exclusively ‘adult human’ or ‘human in general’, so it could have been a righteous woman or child) is a twofold issue: Lucifer and Michael need to have their apocalyptic showdown, and Dean and Sam are the vessels they need in order to have their battle. Angels have been manipulating the Winchesters’ and Campbells’ bloodlines for generations in order to bring Dean and Sam into being for their purposes. The angels know what has to happen, and are perfectly content to let the demons do what they are doing as long as it serves Michael’s purpose of bringing about Armageddon.
Perhaps the demon deals are Team Lucifer’s way of trying to find the righteous man to spill blood in Hell. This does of course swell the demons’ ranks, but the senior angels want the final battle between Heaven and Hell to apocalyptic: apocalypse means ‘the revelation’, as in the revelation of God, and they want God to come back. The more demons there are to kill, the more destruction the angels get to wreak.
The other issue is that God is writing this story to try to work through his own issues with his ‘sister’ Amara. God is driving these events, and the story is not about Dean and Sam at all, nor even Michael and Lucifer. It is about God and Amara, or Creation and Destruction, Order and Chaos, Light and Dark. Supernatural is not ‘about the brothers’, and it never was. It was therapy for a God. All Dean and Sam were was tools, ‘vessels’ for God to relive his past trauma to try to make them have a better ending. The entirety of series fifteen is the characters dealing with this truth and trying to break free of God’s control.
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Apropos Lucifer, only Supernatural could take such a character as the source of all evil and strip him of all presence and threat to the point where he is a mere nuisance, irritation, and vexation. When one hears that Lucifer is going to be on a television show, one’s reaction should not be Not THAT guy again!
Returning to the crossroads demon in question, it is indeed stupid and allows itself to get caught instead of being extra cautious. ‘Once bitten, twice shy’ does not apply to demons in this show: they all have to be snarky bad-asses whose barks are bigger than their bites. After Dean had almost tricked it into being trapped in the car, it should have thought twice before following him under the water tower, but whatever. It was smart of Dean to feint the demon as he did.
It is never made clear whether or not the demon was telling the truth about John’s torture. He almost definitely was tortured, but was he still being tortured when the demon spoke to Dean? Later in the show, the viewer will find out that Dean was tortured for thirty years in Hell, after which his strength broke and he became the torturer for ten years. If the four Earth months Dean was dead equated to four decades in Hell, John has been in Hell for a similar length of time at this point in the show. Sure we are told that John held out for a century of torture, whereas weak little Dean broke after thirty years. We are told that, but we are never shown any evidence that this is the truth.
Unless I am mistaken, it was Alistair who told Dean this in 4x16 On the Head of a Pin, and he did so to hurt Dean. Either John did hold out for a century (unlikely), or he picked up the torturer’s blade the same as Dean and all the demons did. In fact, the demons’ attempts to trade Dean’s soul for John’s (presumably with Lilith’s approval) suggests John might indeed have been snapped early and revealed himself to not be the righteous man. Surely a man who withstood torture in Hell for a century would seem like a righteous man indeed, at which point Lilith et al should have doubled down on their efforts to get him to snap.
Alas, this is all speculation, and the show will never give us clarity on this. Dean, however, seems to completely believe the crossroad demon’s tale that John is still being tortured. During the scene itself we can be forgiven for believing he is pretending in order to lure her into a trap, but even after having watched it several times I am unsure as to how to interpret dean’s behaviour in the scene. Maybe that was the point of Jensen’s acting choices.
The demon eventually agrees to release Evan from his contract in exchange for its own freedom, and seals the deal by noisily pressing the opening of its vessel’s gastric tract against Dean’s without his consent. ‘I like to be warned before I’m violated with demon tongue’ is Dean’s response afterwards, which induces shudders when remembering all the other times Dean has made references to being ‘violated’, or indeed shown being violated as in 1x20 Dead Man’s Blood.
But as stated above, Dean’s refusal to answer Sam’s question about whether or not Dean seriously considered the trade is all the answer I need. The ‘Dark Dean Arc’ might be over, but ‘Dark Dean’ is just getting started.
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