#in a sappy pred mood
I expect you feel like I enjoy eating you because I get a big, filling meal out of it. I certainly won't deny that I love having you squirming about in there doesn't feel delightful, but that's far from the only reason.
I love having you close, keeping you safe and secure inside me. I want to hold you with my entire being, let you relax and be comfortable and warm. It's like a hug, but with my whole body.
I know you know that my stomach becomes more audible when I spend a lot of time with you, and truthfully when we're apart for a while I start feeling particularly hungry. Not the kind of hunger that I can just eat to be rid of, it's more like... emptiness, I suppose. And that emptiness vanishes when we finally meet again and I swallow you. Feeling you curl up in my belly sends a warmth through my whole body, and I finally feel full again.
I suppose the best way to explain the feeling is that when I eat you, you not only fill my stomach, you also fill my heart too.
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use this to talk about soft vore?
i wanna know how it can be soft or comforting pls tell me
oh my god my first anon
yes! yes i will! im actually kinda in the mood for soft comforting stuff rn so this is perfect
btw warning you now this is gonna be incredibly self indulgent (hope its not too much lol)
also i wrote this w/ g/t in mind
AAAHHH i love soft preds… maybe the prey’s having a rough day and just wants to chill, so the pred picks them up in a hand, peppering their small body with kisses, humming at their taste.. they just wanna make their prey happy! they get all squirmy, asking to be eaten so they can rest, so the pred slips them into their mouth, softly biting and tasting them, pushing them oh so softly around with their tongue, just savoring them and hoping the soft pressure calms the prey down. maybe they sit there for a bit, soaking up the nice feelings and the warmth of their pred’s mouth, comforting in ways they can't express. they lay on the pred’s soft tongue, feeling drool pile up around them, signaling the need to swallow.
hesitantly but sure the pred carefully presses the prey up to the top of their mouth, swallowing their drool that tastes like their friend, then the prey themselves.. the prey just melts at the touch, slowly making it down the pred’s throat, pressing into their body like a reassuring, full-body hug.. they savor every feeling, trying not to squirm and risk it being too much for their partner, finally slipping into the stomach. there they stretch out(hearing the pred hum in delight at the feeling), getting comfy and curling up against the so, so soft stomach walls like a cat. the prey feels saliva sticking to their clothes and hair, something that would usually be gross if it wasn't a reminder of how much they are cared for, how much they are loved, to be as close to someone as they ever could be. the prey lets a smile creep onto their features, hearing the pred mumble something about how perfect they taste, how wonderful they feel inside, how ethereal their movements feel, how fucking amazing and loved they are.. the prey digs a hand into the folds of the pred’s stomach, rubbing back in a non-verbal way of saying yes, of thank you, of i love you. maybe the pred purrs- they really needed this too, didn't they? the pred’s stomach churns around them softly, another feeling reminiscent of a hug that just makes the prey’s face go all warm. they hear their friend’s heart beat softly in time with their own, the comforting sound of their breaths luring them to a drowsy, half asleep state, the temperature reminding them of fresh blankets just out of the dryer or a nice warm bath. the soft gurgles around them only comfort them instead of worry them, knowing that their pred would never ever dream of hurting them, knowing they only want them to feel better- which has definitely been accomplished by now. the prey drifts off to the sound of quiet praise and the feeling of belly rubs from the inside, too tired to keep doing it themself, feeling so goddamn loved.
maybe later the prey gets a mini bath in the sink once they're out, pred washing them off with soap, making sure everything’s out of their hair and clothes, wrapping them up in a warm washcloth and holding them in their hand or on the pred’s chest, staring down at the prey with adoration obvious in their features. they can tell everything they did helped both parties, already planning when they could both do it again some time.
AAAHHH SORRY I GOT REALLY SAPPY THERE… platonic and romantic vore just gets me… im a sucker for soft shit like this, its what got me into vore in the first place lol- the soft touches and nonverbal reassurance is just so sweet to me, its such a show of how much ppl care abt one another, to keep someone safe INSIDE OF THEM, WHERE THEY’RE AS CLOSE AS THEY CAN BE TO EACH OTHER??? HOW IS THAT NOT ADORABLE.
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