#in a plotline where lila is clearly being set up to become the next main villain
chatonnoir · 2 years
Oh I KNOW I'm not seeing people reblogging a lu/ka/nette stan's Adrien hate post on my dashboard because I really thought that in this the year 2022 people would not be calling themselves Adrien fans while still not understanding his core character traits and the naiveté and desire to see good in people that were the whole reason Marinette fell for him in the first fucking place?
I know I'm not seeing people who claim to love the umbrella scene/Origins proving they didn't even comprehend what the umbrella scene was showing us to begin with? That they somehow can't comprehend why Adrien would be inclined to wanting to forgive and assuming the best and wanting to see the good in bullies who definitely don't deserve it? Not to mention the fact that he literally doesn't know about the full extent of what said bullies have said/done because he's not fucking omniscient? I thought self-proclaimed Adrien lovers would understand why he would be inclined to give another character, who is new in class and clearly wants to make friends, the benefit of the doubt about her compulsive lying rather than choosing to humiliate her, because he himself was in that same position as the "new kid who wants friends but has no clue how to make friends and ends up upsetting people" once? And would acknowledge the fact that once said character's lies went too far he did put his foot down? And thus Not think him doing these things is BaD wRiTinG or a bad message from the writers, as if the writers are saying you should take whatever bullies do to you and only ever be nice and forgiving in return uwu, when its actually the writers literally just staying true to the core of this specific character who they established in the origin story to be naive and too trusting and unsure in social situations, rather than pandering and bending their character to the wants of some self-projecting fans?
I really thought that people who cry out for Gabriel to die and for Adrien to be free of his abuse would understand how said abuse and isolation he went through under aforementioned villain's roof inform the choices he makes and interactions he has with other characters? But apparently not?
Apparently I'm really seeing so-called Adrien lovers putting a lu/ka/nette stan's oh so funneee Adrien hating post on my dashboard with my own two eyes because y'all still don't understand this character and y'alls annoyance with abuse victims not easily acting the way you want them to overpowers any common sense that might've told you to perhaps not show support for a fucking hate post about a character and ship you claim to love
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