#in a pack they are tiny demons sent straight from hell to drive all of us to an early retirement
oak-and-hurricane · 8 months
head in hands some of my kids are so. they are So.
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youare-mysonshine · 5 years
funhouse || oscar diaz
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Summary: reader convinces Oscar to go ghost hunting with her in an abandoned house and it’s both hilarious and terrifying.
Requested: yes! @varzling
Pairing: Oscar Diaz x reader, Jamal Turner x reader (platonic)
Warnings: cussing as per usual
Word Count: 4.9k
A/N: I loved this so much lmao I was born one week before halloween and I was obsessed with scary movies and spooky shit before I could even properly talk. I had the Chucky doll and my uncle called me Chucky because I was obsessed with that movie. This was one of my favorites to write because paranormal and horror stuff is my fav! This is me, I am reader lmao this was fun to write! I also did this in second person pov rather than third person which is what i normally do. let me know if you prefer this or if you prefer third person.
“Baby, come on! Please?”
It had all started when Jamal had mentioned in passing that there was an abandoned house only a few blocks away from where you lived. An abandoned house that people assumed was haunted. He had mentioned that he wanted to go ghost hunting with some equipment that he had bought but had been wary of it because he didn’t want to go alone.
You loved that stuff. Paranormal shit was your absolute favorite, so naturally, you agreed to go with Jamal. You were absolutely buzzing with excitement, and you had put it in your mind to convince Oscar to go with you two - but you knew that it wouldn’t be an easy feat.
You knew Oscar better than anyone and you knew just how jumpy and how fearful he was of paranormal stuff, which you found rather amusing given just how much of an intimidating man he was. Shit, people called him Spooky. You always took the time to tease him about it - you’d sneak up behind him wrapped in a white sheet (like a ghost) just to scare him, which he certainly didn’t appreciate it, but you found absolutely hilarious.
So getting him to agree to go with you and Jamal to ghost hunt was certainly a mission.
“Nah. I ain’t going.” He said, taking a drag from the cigarette he was smoking. You stood in front of him, holding his free hand and giving him those puppy dog eyes that he couldn’t resist. That would be why he wouldn’t meet your eyes, why he was looking everywhere but you, because he knew damn well he’d give in if he looked at you. You had him wrapped around your little finger.
“Oscar, please!” You dragged the word out, jutting your bottom lip out. “It’ll be fun!” That was when he finally looked at you, raising one of his perfectly arched eyebrows, a look that said ‘fun? Yeah right.’ “No, I’m serious. It’ll be fun. It’s like.. a cool, adventurous date night. When’s the last time we went out on an actual date together?”
“Jamal is going. I don’t think it’d be a date night if that travieso is going.”
“Okay, date night plus one. Baby, please come on. I want you to go. You don’t have to be scared. I’m sure it’s not haunted. Jamal said it was just rumors, and rumors are almost always just that - rumors. People see an abandoned creepy house and automatically assume that it’s haunted when it’s probably not.” You said, interlocking your fingers with his own. His fingers immediately tightened around your own, giving your hand a small squeeze. He took in another drag, those dark eyes you loved so much staring right into your own. The setting sun was hitting him just right, giving his eyes a honey colored look. Under the glow of the setting sun, he almost looked ethereal. Perfect.
“I ain’t scared.” He spoke, voice deep and gruff. You scoffed, giving him a tiny smirk.
“Really? Then prove it. Come with us tonight. You can protect me if I get scared. My big, scary Santo. My Spooky.” You walked forward, closing the already small space between the two of you, settling between his legs. Given he was sitting and you were standing, he was left looking up at you, you looking down at him. Your arms wrapped around his neck, fingers drawing random little shapes on his tan skin. You leaned your head down, your y/h/c/ hair falling from behind your shoulders. The tattooed man reached one hand up and tucked some of your hair behind your ear, but instead of removing his hand, he kept it there and instead used it to pull your head down further and further until there was nothing but a few mere centimeters between your lips.
You could feel his lips ghosting over your own, you could practically taste the cigarette he was smoking, the Red Bull he was drinking. It was entirely Oscar and you loved it. Closing your eyes, you finally closed the gap and connected your lips to his. Each kiss with Oscar felt as if it were the first one you shared. It never failed to take your breath away. As cliche as it was, it gave you butterflies. It sent tingles throughout your entire body. And you hoped that feeling would never fade away.
The hand that was cradling your cheek/head slid down your body until it came upon your ass, where Oscar grabbed a handful of supple skin and gave it a squeeze. You let out a small giggle against his lips and pulled away, eyes opening, lips slightly wet with saliva. You gave him the look, that small little smile on your eyes, eyes shining bright. Your man let out a deep sigh. He looked up at the sky, as if he were pondering and asking god why the hell he could never say no to you.
“Alright. Fine. I’ll go. But we ain’t staying long.” You gave him a grin, leaning down to kiss his lips once more.
“Yes! It’s gonna be fun, papas!”
And nighttime came sooner than Oscar would’ve liked. He didn’t outwardly admit it, but he was low-key nervous about going to this supposed haunted house. He was entirely and completely afraid, but he fully believed that there were ghosts, spirits, demons, things of that sort and he never wanted to dabble into that kind of shit for fear of being haunted or possessed. He was more afraid of the enemy that he couldn’t see than the enemy he could.
You and Oscar had climbed into his cherry red impala and went on your way to pick Jamal up at his house and no less than a second after you had arrived, the boy had come bounding out dressed in all black, carrying a backpack.
“I’m gonna regret this.” Oscar said as he caught sight of Jamal’s grinning face. You opened up the passenger side door and scooted over so that you were in the middle and Jamal could sit down. The young teen climbed into the car, shut the door and set his backpack down on the car floor.
“Spooky. Lady Spooky.” He greeted you both. You laughed softly at the name, meanwhile Oscar just stared straight ahead, putting the car into drive and pulling away from Jamal’s house.
“Hey Jamal.” You greeted, giving him a friendly smile. Despite the age difference, you genuinely loved and cared for all of Cesar’s friends. After all the shit that they had been through, you just wanted to try and alleviate some of the pressure and stress, you wanted them to feel like they weren’t alone. Maybe that’s also why you were so keen on accompanying Jamal on his ghost hunting journey.
After Oscar had asked for the directions of this supposed haunted house, with Jamal reiterating that lots of people had said it was haunted so it had to be true, he gave the direction and you three were on your way. You were actually buzzing with a nervous excitement. You had never done anything of the sort before, even if you’d always wanted to. But you were definitely nervous of what you’d find.
“What’s in the backpack?” You asked, nodding down at the black backpack that looked full to the brim with things. The over excited teenager gave a triumphant grin as he leaned down ever so slightly and scooped it up. He dropped it down onto your lap, the opening facing his direction, and you let out a little ‘oof’.
“I thought you’d never ask. Okay so, after finding out about this abandoned/ haunted house, I decided to create a ghost hunting pack. I ordered some stuff online. Let’s see..” He unzipped the backpack and began pulling things out one by one.
“I got this spirit box. This shit was not cheap either so it better work.” He pulled out this relatively large contraption that you probably didn’t know how to use.
“What’s that for?” Oscar piped in, taking his eyes off the road for a few seconds to glance over at what Jamal was holding.
“This is basically for whatever entity or spirit is present to communicate with us. We just turn this on, ask questions and wait for someone to talk back to us.” He set the spirit box down on his lap and then rummaged around the backpack again.
“A flashlight. I seriously doubt that janky place has functioning electricity. We’ll definitely need this. Also got us some walkie talkies incase we need to split up and cover some more ground.” You were genuinely amazed at how much stuff this kid could fit into a single backpack. And how seriously he seemed to be taking this entire thing.
“I also got this Digital thermometer to tell when the temperature has dropped. Apparently when there is an entity present, shit gets cold real fast. Let’s see… Oh! I also have holy water! And I brought the Bible. And a ouija board.”
“You fucking what?” You asked, lifting the backpack open to reveal that there was indeed a ouija board, a bible and holy water sitting inside.
“Oh hell nah. You ain’t using the ouija board up in there. You about to make us get a ghost.” Oscar said.
“And, don’t you think that if we used the ouija board while having these religious artifacts, we could potentially let something.. I don’t know, demonic in and make it angry?” You added.
“Okay first off, get a ghost? What the hell? How do you get a ghost? Do you purchase it? Is there a ghost store that I don’t know about?” He shot his words at Oscar, face twisted up in confusion. Oscar’s face had annoyance written all over it. You rested your hand on his hand and gave it a small squeeze. “Second of all, that is why I brought the holy water and the Bible, woman! You two are amateurs, seriously. If we were to potentially let something demonic in, we’d fend it off with holy water while reciting words from the Bible. Besides, Oscar has the cross necklace and the cross tattoo. No ghost or demon is fucking with him. Although, I did hear that demons usually tend to possess people who are angry, upset, vulnerable. Not that Oscar is vulnerable, but he looks like he’s about to pop a vein half the time. He’s ground zero for a demonic possession.”
The car went dead silent. You bit your lip to keep from laughing or snickering. Jamal went silent because he thought Oscar would boot him out of the moving car. And Oscar went silent because he was now genuinely pondering if he’d get possessed. He saw The Conjuring, he saw what that shit did.
“Jamal.. maybe you shouldn’t say that to someone when we’re about to go and investigate a potentially haunted house.” You said, glancing over at him, clapping a hand on his shoulder. The young teen, eyes wide, mouth in a nervous smile, nodded his head rapidly.
“Yeah, yeah. I mean just forget what I said, seriously. It’s probably factually incorrect. Besides, they’re just rumors, about the house being haunted and all. Although, the rumors and speculation have come from many people so I don’t think all those people would be making that shit up-“
“Jamal! Zip it!” You quickly said, not wanting Oscar to back out and end the ghost hunting trip before it even began.
“Yeah okay, shutting up.”
The drive to the house lasted about four to six minutes more. Soon, the impala came to a stop in front a decrepit, creepy two story house that had grass and weeds growing wild all over the place. The fence that was probably once white was now rusted. The house itself had paint that had chipped away overtime. Graffiti decorated the walls. Some gang tagging, some random names, random drawings, stuff of the sort. It was just as creepy as everyone had said. You couldn’t imagine what the inside was like.
“Okay, let’s do this, team.” Jamal opened the passenger side door, his backpack repacked with all of his supplies situated on his back. You turned and looked over at Oscar to find him with an apprehensive look on his face. You gave him a small smile.
“You’re seriously not afraid, are you? Everything will be fine. Come on.” You leaned in and pecked his lips before climbing out of the car. You shut the door behind you, the driver’s side door following suit. Oscar came up next to you and you immediately took his hand into your own and laced your fingers together. With Jamal leading the way, the two of you followed behind him past the rusted gates, up the dirt and overgrown grass covered path that led up the rickety front steps.
“Okay, how are we doing this? Are we splitting up? Sticking together?” You asked.
“We ain’t splittin’ up. We’re stickin’ together.” Oscar interjected before Jamal could say anything. Jamal suddenly whipped around, coming to a stop in front of you and Oscar. He shone the bright light into your faces and you and your boyfriend recoiled from the bright light. You held your hand up, pushing the flashlight away. The teen then held the flashlight underneath his chin, illuminating his face.
“I think we should split up. That way we could cover more ground.” He said, still illuminating his face. Oscar on the other hand, was not relenting, and you knew that even though he had said yes to you, it didn’t mean he’d agree to split up.
“This is non negotiable. We ain’t splittin’ up. You didn’t even bring enough flashlights for us, genius.” The older male pointed. Jamal switched the flashlight off and nodded his head.
“Okay good point. Fine, we’ll stick together.” He quickly pulled his backpack off and rummaged around, pulling out three items. “You, hold that.” He thrust the Bible into your hands. “And you, take this.” He handed Oscar the holy water. “Just in case. We need to be fully prepared and take precaution in case there already is some sort of demonic infestation.” He spoke, all the while pulling out the Digital thermometer and switching it on. Once he had it in hand, he situated the backpack on his back again, picked his flashlight up and switched it on.
“Let the ghost hunting commence.” Finally descending up the porch steps, Jamal came to a stop in front of the front door and you could see that the boy was actually starting to get nervous now. With his flashlight nestled between his arm and his side, he slowly twisted the doorknob with his hand and for a few seconds, you thought that it might’ve been locked, but the door opened. A few creaks were heard and it had the hairs on the back of your neck standing.
Jamal stepped into the house first. “Hello ghostly spirits that inhabit this home. We mean you no harm. We come in peace!” He belted out, announcing your presence.
“Oh fuck this. I ain’t goin’ in.” Oscar suddenly said, letting go of your hand, refusing to set foot inside the house. You and Jamal whirled around to face your skittish boyfriend.
“Are you serious? Are you really scared right now? Your name is Spooky! You run a gang but you’re scared of ghosts? Invisible beings?” Jamal asked, incredulously. Oscar clenched his jaw, eyebrows furrowing.
“Hey, this shit is scary! My tio from my mom’s side of the family got a ghost when he was two years old and he was never the same again. After that, he only walked backwards!”
“He was two! Maybe he just liked walking backwards!”
You shook your head at the bickering, a breathless chuckle leaving your lips - Oscar had told you countless time about his uncle that only walked backwards after he had been supposedly possessed, but each time you still found it amusing. Deciding not to waste time listening to the bickering of your boyfriend and actual teenager, you pushed past Jamal and into the house, taking the flashlight from him in the process.

“What the- What the hell? I am the appointed leader of this ghost hunting trio, I hold the flashlight and the thermometer.” Jamal finally snapped back to reality at your actions and he snatched the item back from you.
“Well, leader, if you and Oscar would stop fighting, maybe we could actually get some shit done. If something is here, I’m sure you two just woke it up with your loud ass voices.” You commented, shooting Oscar a look. “Baby, you promised.” You held your hand out, the hand not holding the Bible, out to him and he reluctantly took it, stepping into the house that would fuel his nightmares for days to come no doubt.
“See? That wasn’t so bad was it, Spooky? You walked into the house and did anything jump out at you or possess you? No!” Jamal sassed, pointing the flashlight at your seething but definitely frightened boyfriend. With teeth clenched, he looked at Jamal.
“If I get possessed, the first one I’m coming after is you.” He said. Jamal gaped, mouth open like a fish.
“Okay, okay! Stop, children. Let’s do this. Come on.” You snapped you fingers, lightly smacking Jamal with the Bible in your grip.
“Okay, yes. Let’s not get distracted from the mission.” Jamal whipped around, flashlight scanning around the empty but dusty, dirty room which appeared to be a living room. The entire house gave you eerie vibes. Despite the bickering going on mere moments ago, the hair on the back of your neck stood up, you could feel goosebumps rising on your skin.
“The temperature is the same. Oh wait, it dropped. Oh my god it dropped like one degree. Okay, something is definitely with us. We need to whip out the spirit box”
“Jamal, I don’t think that really tells us that anything is here.” You said, looping your arm through Oscar’s, finding comfort in the warmth he provided.
“You’re right. Let’s keep looking. Let’s go in here.” All three of you walked into what you assumed to be the living room, scanning around. The moonlight was creeping in from the busted windows, not leaving you entirely submerged in the dark which you appreciated.
“I’m gonna whip out the spirit box and see if we can make some contact.” Jamal kneeled down, rummaging through the backpack until he pulled out the spirit box. He set the thermometer down in the meantime, firing up the spirit box instead. It emitted this loud noise, almost like white noise you hear on a television when nothing is playing. Except it was loud and it definitely gave you the chills and the creeps.
“Hello spirits that may be present. I’m Jamal. That’s Oscar and Y/N.” He introduced.
“Why in the fuck are you using our names? What if they find us or some shit? I aint trynna have a ghost that knows my name.”
“Ignore the angry man. He’s terrified right now.” Jamal said, shooting a pointed look at Oscar. You gave his arm a squeeze glancing up at him.
“Relax baby. Everything is gonna be okay. Even if there is something here, I highly doubt that it’s bad.” You said, resting your head on his shoulder. He said nothing, just leaned down and kissed your temple.
“Is there anything or anyone here right now?” He asked. All three of you remained quiet, waiting with baited breath, waiting to hear if something actually responded back. But nothing came. And you didn’t know if you were relieved or disappointed.
“Is there anyone in the room with us?” Again nothing. “Is there anyone in this house besides us?”
“Up.” The three of you stood taller, eyes wide and alert, hearts hammering in your chest. At least your heart was beating erratically at that point, shocked that something actually responded.
“Uh.. can you.. can you say that again please..” Jamal’s voice quivered as he spoke, and mere seconds after he said it, the distorted, monotone voice was heard again.
“Up? Up.. What do you mean up?”
“Oh my god. Oh my god. It said doll. What the freak..” Jamal exclaimed, eyes wide.
“It said up and it said doll. It probably wants us to go upstairs. Come on.” You let go of Oscar’s arm, despite his protests, and rushed over to where the stairs were, using the moonlight as a guide. You hid behind the wall and listened as rushed footsteps hurried closer to you, Jamal murmuring about how you all agreed to stick together.
“Bebe, don’t fuckin’ go off like that in a house like this-“ But neither of the guys finished what they were saying, ranting, about. As soon as they had both rounded the corner, you jumped out from your hiding position and screamed, scaring them both.
Jamal let out a shrill yell, jumping back, while Oscar let out a very loud and audible fuck while jumping back as well. Meanwhile, you were laughing, hands on your knees, lips pulled back into a wide grin.
“Got ya asses! Pendejos.” You exclaimed, still laughing. Jamal was calming down, and Oscar looked just that bit more freaked out, glaring at you.
“Christ on a cracker woman! What the shit was that? You just can’t be sneaking up on people like that! Shit!” He exclaimed.
“I’ma get you back, just watch.” Oscar spoke. But of course, you didn’t take his threat seriously, and it wasn’t like you were actually scared. You knew he’d never hurt you, and he had been scared by you enough times to be used to it. But it never failed to make you laugh.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I had to. I wish I had a damn camera to take a picture of that.” You said, calming down. “So, are we going upstairs or what?” You asked, looking at the guys, hands on your hips.
“We are going up the stairs. And you, missy, better watch yourself.” He pointed his index and middle fingers at you before pushing past you to walk up the dusty stairs. You stood by Oscar’s side, wrapping an arm around him.
“Don’t be mad at me, babe. I had to do it. It was priceless.” You said. “I’ll make it up to you later.” You said in a softer voice.
“You fuckin’ better, Chiquita.”
With Jamal up ahead of you, he opened up the first door he came upon, shining the flashlight in the dark and decrepit room.
“Uh, guys.. I think I found the doll..” He spoke, creeping a little further into the room. You and Oscar followed behind Jamal, eyes wide and searching the empty room. Strewn on the floor, illuminated by the flashlight was a raggedy ann doll. It was torn up and covered in dust and dirt. The fact that it was just laying there was creepy as hell.
“I’m not liking this shit. Not one bit.” Jamal murmured, still pointing the flashlight at the doll, almost as if he were waiting for it to jump up. You sighed, removing your arm from around Oscar to walk closer to the doll.
“Jamal, this thing isn’t Chucky. It’s not gonna come to life and jump out at you.” You knelt down and picked the dirty doll up. One of the eyes was missing and the face was just as dirty as the rest of it. A sense of dread filled you when you did that.
“Uh.. Y/N, I wouldn’t do that if I were you. The original Annabelle doll, the one the movie is based off of, was a raggedy ann doll just like that one.” Fear had crept into Jamal’s voice.
“Hey, shh. Be quiet.” Oscar suddenly spoke up. The three of you went silent and listened. Coming from down below sounded like footsteps, like someone was walking around the house. They weren’t loud, but they were still audible. Goosebumps creeped up over your skin and you immediately let go of the doll, gravitating towards Oscar’s side. Sure, it was all fun and games until you actually started hearing shit.
“Someone’s here.” Your boyfriend said, on high alert now.
“Someone.. or something..” Jamal said. “Okay let’s go one last session with the spirit box and then get the hell out of here.” He said, firing up the box once more.
“How about we get the hell out of here now. I been on these streets a long time and I ain’t gonna die in this sucia ass house.” Oscar said, hands balled up, antsy and anxious to leave.
“You are not gonna die, Jesus Christ. Would you take a chill pill?” Jamal said. “Spirit, ghost, demon - whatever you are. We came upstairs and we found the doll. Are you here with us?”
“Jamal.” It said.
“Oh shit.” The boy in question said.
“Y/N.. Oscar.. Out.”
“Out.. it said out.”
None of you had the chance to say anything else because coming from what seemed like the next room over was a loud crash that sent the three of you jumping and reeling backwards.
“Okay, I know I scared you guys earlier but that wasn’t me. Holy shit, that was not me. What the fuck was that?” You asked, your voice taking on a more frightened tone, you hands clutching at Oscar’s arm.
“Fuck this.” Oscar reached into the waistband of his pants and pulled out a black gun he had tucked in there, for safety.
“You brought a gun?!” You and Jamal both said at the same time, both looking at your boyfriend incredulously. Oscar clutched the gun in his hand, looking over at the door as if he were expecting someone to burst in.
“I sure as fuck wasn’t comin’ out here naked.” He said, voice deep and husky.
“Well shit, what in the hell are bullets gonna do against a ghost? Nothing! Nada! There’s no use in that! You should’ve brought a water gun! Filled with holy water! I even supplied the holy water and you’re holding it!”
“Then maybe you should’ve brought the god damn water gun if you’re so-“ Oscar was cut off by the spirit box, which was still turned on, letting out a distorted ‘Get.. out..’ Which was promptly followed by a loud bang that sounded much closer. You and Jamal let out screams, and Oscar put the gun away and reached out to grab you, urgency in his movements. Meanwhile you reached out to Jamal, grabbing his arm and pulling him along with you.
“Okay, we’re leaving. Now!” Neither you or Jamal protested. Instead the three of you hightailed it the fuck down those stairs as if your asses were on fire, the three of you too freaked out to even consider staying any longer. When you reached the bottom level of the house, there was no sign of anyone being down there. It wasn’t like there was many places a person could hide given the minimal amount of furniture.
Once at the bottom of the stairs, another loud crash which sounded a lot like a door slamming shut, came from above, prompting you all to run even faster towards the front door. Oscar pulled it open, the door slamming and bouncing against the wall from the sheer force of your boyfriend’s actions. The three of you ran down the porch steps, down the path and to his car.
You pulled the door open and practically flew inside the car while Jamal and Oscar quickly followed suit and climbed in. There wasn’t a second’s hesitation as Oscar turned the key in the ignition and started the vehicle, making quick work and pulling away from the curb and driving away from the house.
His hands were clenching the steering wheel so tight you could see his skin s starting to turn white. Meanwhile your heart was thundering so loud in your chest you could hear it in your ears and you wouldn’t be surprised if Oscar and Jamal could hear it too. The boy beside you was panting, breathing heavily, eyes wide.
“Holy shit balls.” He finally broke the silence that had fallen the three of you as Oscar went well past over the speed limit to try and get away from that house. “There are ghosts in that house. It is haunted. There is something there. And we witnessed it. Holy shit, team. We did it!” He exclaimed, looking at you and Oscar.
“Yeah we did. We probably got a fucking ghost.” Oscar said, briefly looking at Jamal.
“Well.. my money’s on Y/N. She’s the one that picked up the doll after all.” This time it was your turn to glare at Jamal.
“Jamal! Callate!” You said. Oscar, from beside you, let out a deep laugh.
“Come on baby. Don’t be scared.” You knew he teasing you, you could just hear it in his voice. And when you looked back at him, he wore that damn smirk on his face. You scowled at your boyfriend, arms crossing over your chest. “Don’t be scared. You wanted to come and ghost hunt.” He said, driving to Jamal’s house to drop him off. “Keep that same energy.”
“Just like you said to Jamal - if I get possessed, the first one I’m coming after is you, mi amor.” You threw at him, a sickly sweet smile on your face.
“Okay in all seriousness - I heard that there was another supposedly haunted house a few miles from here. When do you guys wanna go and explore that one? Next week? Friday? Satur-“
“How about never. We ain’t doin’ that shit again. You can go by yourself next time, homie.”
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sohin-ace · 4 years
Mista - By the Silvery Moon
Werewolf Mista and his vampire girlfriend.
I wanted some soft spice so I made my own food.
You laid peacefully upon your boyfriend on his bed, bodies pressing deliciously against each other with the odd feeling of your temperature difference.
Somehow, never was it unpleasant for you to snuggle on the overbearing warmth of your favourite wolf and neither was it for him to feel the ice of your skin, refreshing on his furry skin.
It was basically a routine by now. You both could only see each other at night time, and Mista was busy as ever. Loyal as he was to his team he always did his best to be present for them at all times, even though it meant not having as much quality time to spend with his lovely girlfriend as he would like.
Tonight was one of those rare nights. He laid lazily on his bed and you would always come lay on top of him, showering him with affection and his most favourite belly rubs and head pats.
You both stayed in comfortable silence. Sometimes, you'd strike some casual mindless conversations, and it was those small moments that made your nights together so precious. Just being close to each other, regardless of species.
In the mondane vampire society that you belonged in, you'd be damned to not marry a man of your rank and class, and Mista would be equally damned to not mate with a proper omega from his own pack. But both of you couldn't care less for these old out-dated traditions. Nobody hardly followed those strict rules anyways nowadays, except for the most conservative of people.
Who cared if a vampire girl and a werewolf boy had fallen in love? Who would even stop you? You found each other and nothing could ever change that.
You were laying your head on Mista's broad chest and caressed the bits of skin on his exposed stomach, making the male shudder delightfully as he held your small frame flush against him.
He never got tired of rubbing your cold back, wondering how you could live with such skin of ice. He also never got tired of touching your hair, the scent of you even more prominent in it, driving him absolutely crazy.
You carefully lifted yourself up to stare at your lover who looked blankly up into nothing in particular on the ceiling, but instantly shot you a lazy and handsome smile as your eyes met. Gosh, he was so cute.
"Hello beautiful." He playfully called out and you grinned at his uncalled spontaneous cheesiness.
"Hi sexy~" You giggled and you could feel his torso spasm under you with his deep chuckle.
You moved to climb up just enough to get impossibly closer to his face and he let you do as you pleased, spreading his legs wider to ease your access and loosening his strong grip around you.
You looked over him with a fondness that was reserved for him only, and he knew there was nothing else in this eternal world of yours that you looked at with the same adoration in your eyes.
"Woah..." He breathed out through a lopsided grin "Girl, your eyes always make me feel some kind of way, dang... Shooting fucking bullets with those red eyes, somebody arrest you before you kill someone!"
"Oh shush, pup." You teased at his dorkiness and booped his nose. He hated it when you treated him submissively, but he never stopped you either.
"Hey, don't call me that! You freaky bloodsucker." He glared at you.
Ignoring his thoughtless offense you made yourself more comfortable on him, your personal mattress for the night, and proceeded to smooth your hands over his 3-days beard, caressing his cheeks and admiring his chiseled face.
You did remember Bucciarati convincing him to shave more often because of how fast Mista's facial hair grew. Funny advice coming from a Mothman who was half covered in fluff himself.
You had to resist the urge to peck Mista's very inviting lips as you hovered over him, propping yourself on your elbows at each side of his head. As sweet as you looked and as cute as you were in his eyes, the poor werewolf could not be immune to your intimidating and pressuring natural vampiric aura.
It was always a blurry thing, the natural hierarchy of monsters and humans. People fought everyday to make this unfair discrimination and hierarchy disappear, but no one could deny the strong overpowering aura some species had over others without even controlling it. Vampires, demons, sirens, titans among many others. Species that could make anyone else falter underneath them with just one look, one word, one step.
He trusted you with absolution to never do him harm and he was confident in his physical strength and power to counter anything, but truly, the intoxicating anxiety your glowy red eyes could put him through sometimes, prompting him to sweat and tightening his throat...
That was hot as hell.
"Come on..." He murmured more to himself than to you, but seeing his hungry gaze on your blood red lips so close to his, it was more than obvious what he wanted from you.
And you obliged. First, pecking his lips in a million tiny blooming kisses, almost too cutely for his own likings. Your sugary little smooches way too innocent for his current needs.
Fortunately for him, you were quick to catch on, or maybe it was on purpose that you teased him, he couldn't guess. Your shy fluttering pecks soon turned much longer, slower and more languorous with time, much to Mista's appreciation.
He couldn't help his big clawed hands from roaming along your back, eager to having you pressed even harder against him if that was possible, never getting enough of you.
Mista was the vocal type. You knew it wouldn't be long until he started making noises that would either alert the neighbours, or alert the most sensitive bugfolks that would most likely come check the commotion and maybe try to bask in some nice lamp light too while they were at it.
So, before he could ask for more, which he was eagerly expecting, you moved your lips to kiss along the corner of his mouth, to his prickly cheeks, then traveled down to his jaw and neck.
He released a low and animalistic growl at your defiance and lack of cooperation.
"... What do you think you're doing?" He asked lowly, his voice deep and gruff as you showered his neck with some sweet loving.
"Nothing," you muffled against his skin and he shivered from your cold lips and breath on his sensitive skin as you sighed, "You smell so good..."
"You... You wanted blood?" He scoffed and clicked his tongue, "You could have just asked... You damn vampires..." Mista did not hide his disappointment, thinking you'd initiate in some hot make out session only to stop cruelly and feed on him.
That wasn't the case though. You didn't like to use your boyfriend for blood, and surely, it wasn't a procedure you took lightly either.
There were plenty of volunteers for that service anyways, and you preferred the person be both physically and mentally ready for you rather than just randomly partake in some unrequited violent neck biting. You wouldn't waste the short and precious moments with Mista on such trivial and unnecessary reasons.
"No, no, I don't want to draw blood from you. I don't need it, I'll just satisfy myself with your scent." You buried your face deeper into him, taking in the smell of his blood, coming strong, fresh and vibrant under his tan skin of musk. "Plus I wouldn't dare bite you with no preparations. That's unfair."
"You're too cute." Mista snorted and wrapped his long and sturdy arms around you, squeezing you hard and lovingly.
Godamnit, he wanted to be mad at you but you were so adorable and sweet, he couldn't help but feel so lucky and privileged to have you. Not everyone could brag about having such a kind-hearted, hot and brilliant vampire girlfriend.
But he could.
"I love you princess. But really, you can take from me anytime you want. We've talked about this already, cara."
You moved to look back up at him, your gaze soft. "No, it's fine. Not now. For now I want to make the most of the little time we have together before the sunrise."
He laid his head back in contemplation. That was right. You'd have to go back home at least 30 minutes before dawn to prepare for bed without being in danger. Nights were too short and Mista's weeks of work were too long.
"My poor little babe will be blood deprived..." He cooed half jokingly and caressed your soft hair, sympathizing with your struggles.
"It's fine. I get less and less hungry when I smell your delicious, sweet virgin blood."
"Vi-.... VIRGIN?!" He shot up, almost shaking you up, "Who said I was a virgin?!"
You laughed at his outburst and his eyes were horrified and wide as saucers on you as you tried to calm your fit of laughter.
"Hehehe hahaha! I can smell it! It's so obvious! Please keep it that way, it tastes great too. Very nutritious and easy to digest~" You commented, giggling behind your hands.
The poor male blushed, unable to counter attack truthful and straight facts. "Nooo...." he whined, his wolf ears flattening down against his head in defeat.
"Don't be down, amorino." You cooed and gently caressed his face, "You know I'm just teasing~. Let me make it up to you."
And as you said that, you snaked your finger in his curly hair, slowly massaging his scalp and eliciting a groany sigh from the male. That was his biggest weakness, besides you, of course. Gentle head scritches. No werewolf could ever stay indifferent.
Just having your long nails rake so pleasurably along his scalp and dancing around and behind his wolf ears sent him to a pure state of bliss.
"A-ah, Y-Y/N... Aah thanks... Feels g-great hehe..."
"So polite. What a good boy."
Subconsciously, Mista's tail bonked loudly the side of the bed repeatedly with excitement, like a natural response to the praise.
It was cute, you thought, how much he could act like a puppy sometimes. Even though he hated to hear it from you, and rathered appear strong, dominant and protective for you, because he could be just that for you, and keep you safe.
You kissed him again and he instantly caged you back in his arms, planting his claws on your back and shoulders possessively. He was so crazy in love for you and the realization that he'd be gone for another long mission without seeing you hit him suddenly, which prompted him to tighten his legs around your hips and effectively emprisoning you with his limbs.
With his mind filled with thoughts of you only, and feeling your body pressed so delighfully against him, he kissed you even harder, giving you all his passion as he was getting drunk off your ministrations and intoxicating scent, both fruity and metallic.
"Hmph Guido..." You moaned on his lips and he could swear you did it on purpose. "Slow down."
"You're testing my limits babe, I don't like that."
"Hmm... It's 5 A.M." You whined softly between his insistant kisses and love bites.
"So what? I don't see your point. Let me have you." He mumbled huskily and you had to push him down to let yourself speak without interruption.
"I have to go, the sun is about to rise."
He groaned in annoyance and went limp under you, defeated. You chuckled at his reaction and propped yourself back on your hands as he released you.
"Fuck... Already? We barely did anything..." He huffed, beaten by time itself which was stealing his girlfriend away from him.
"We did a lot actually. I fed you, we played games, gossiped a bit and cuddled for like... 2 hours."
"We had a tickle fight too. Can't forget about my victory..." He proudly added before smirking, "... And your cute little noises."
"Shut up!" You slapped his arm as you sat up. Oh no, he was going to rub it in again, you knew it.
"Kyaaaah~ stop it! Guido not there aaaah~! AAAAAHHH~" He obnoxiously wailed and moaned exaggeratedly with an awful girly voice.
"SHUT UP! I didn't even say that! I don't even sound like that! You're gross!"
After a few more, well-deserved slaps from you and a fit of laughter from him, you eventually got off of the boy and fixed your clothes, walking away from the bed as he joined you.
"Aww but really babe," He wrapped his long arms around your waist from behind and buried his nose in your hair "I'll miss you..."
"It's okay sweetheart," You craned your neck and reached behind you to hold his face, "5 days fly by fast. And Bruno is kind, he'll give you a vacation if you ask him nicely."
Mista sighed, nuzzling into your hand and relishing in your soft hold. He was probably being dramatic in your eyes, acting like each day was the last one, but he wasn't completely wrong. His work field was more dangerous than he'd ever let you know, and even if you did know, he was well aware that you weren't even close to being afraid of death as he was. Vampires were immortal, after all, werewolves were not.
"Guido..." You called out, voice careful and airy.
"Don't be scared."
The male pulled away from you and stared at you with wide eyes. Scared? Was your kind really that sensitive to other's emotions?
His heart raced and he stuttered. "Huh? What- How did you-"
"I can smell it Guido, your hormones are strong." You turned to face him and grabbed his huge clawed hands in your ice cold ones, looking tenderly into his eyes. "You know I would never let you die."
Mista gulped. You knew. Of course you'd have guessed, you were so perceptive. He was dense to believe he could hide anything from you. There was nothing he could say when you read him like an open book and pinned him into place with your confident stance and fierce eyes.
"I..." He huffed heavily, avoiding your gaze "I can never be sure, Y/N. I didn't tell you everything about my work...."
"I know." You brought his hands up to your face and pressed a gentle kiss on his knuckles, his fur soft against your lips. "But don't forget my abilities. I'll turn you into a vampire without hesitation if anything were to happen. If I'm not here, Giorno will do it, we've already established this."
Mista's eyes widened at this revelation. You talked with Giorno? Even though the blonde was only half-vampire, he did have strong healing abilities, but the werewolf wouldn't have expected the vampires would ever work together to actually revive any of the team members in worst case scenarios. Thinking about it, it may even have been Bruno's idea.
Mista scoffed, unbelieving. "You sly bastards... You guys know the implications of turning people into hybrids, right?"
"I don't care. I want you safe and to stop worrying." You smiled and pulled him closer to you. "We'll talk about this later. Now kiss me."
Pushing his worry and melancholy to the side, the male obeyed and bent down to capture your lips hungrily again, hugging you almost uncomfortably hard. Mista wasn't really one to hold back much, and only you could either handle him, or put him back to place.
"Get home safe babe. Call me when you arrive." He murmured, still craddling your face close and you matched his whispers.
"Will do. Sleep tight, cuore mio."
Not quite wanting to separate from each other, you hesitated to move and had to use all your willpower to actually start walking towards the window, Mista still holding your hand and following close behind.
He opened the window for you and helped you hop on the frame, the moonlight long gone to leave space for dawn.
You shot one last look to your lover and blew him a kiss, making him grin goofily, "Bye bye Guido."
"Love ya, Y/N."
And with those sweet words, you jumped out the window, only to transform into your bat form and flying off into the early morning sky, your presence and your scent still remaining in Mista's room, on his skin and on his clothes.
Certainly, he had nothing to worry about.
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The Wick Family AD: New Kid
Here you go, the continuation of New Kid. Hope you all like it. (Image found on Google)
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“Sup boys?” The three of them look up from the table as Celestial sets her tray down and slides in beside Peter. James merely nods at her before looking back down at his book. Peter grins and begins to speak but Alex cuts him off. 
“Finally. Now the Queen has arrived we can hold court.” Alex grins and brushes his messy brown hair out of his eyes. 
Celestial chuckles, mostly at the glare Peter shoots Alex across the table. “And what are we holding court on today?” The door at the end of the cafeteria opens and some of the Jock Pack walk in, Steve in the lead. He catches Celestial’s gaze as she glances over and gives her a little wave, which she returns, and continues his current conversation with the boy next to him. The kid sticks out in the group like a sore thumb in his preppy navy cardigan and dress pants compared to most of the jocks who are sporting jeans and their varsity jackets. Celestial studies the boy, taking note of his new backpack, his hair that’s been carefully styled to not look styled, and the way he’s fidgeting with his backpack strap. He’s clearly nervous and she definitely hasn’t seen him before. “Hey,” She holds up a hand to Alex and Peter, stalling their explanation that she wasn’t listening too. “Who’s the new kid over there with Steve?” 
Peter rolls his eyes, Alex sighs and ruffles his hair, and James looks up from his book, amused. “That’s what they were just trying to tell you about, princess.” James quietly answers her, his Russian accent becoming more pronounced on the term of endearment. “Apparently he was supposed to be here this morning but he didn’t show up for class.” 
Alex nods, jumping in. “Yea. A black car dropped him off about twenty minutes ago. Jamie says he had a scary looking bodyguard with him.” The whole group follows Steve and the new kid with their eyes as they go through the lunch line. 
“So who is he? Anyone got a name?” She asks. The boys all look at each other and shake their heads. 
“Didn’t catch a name. All we know is he was late to school today, has a bodyguard, and got dropped off in a nondescript fancy car. And Steve volunteered to show him around ‘cause he was in the office at the time.” Peter says with a shrug. 
Celestial turns to him, eyebrows raised in surprise. “Wait. Steve was in the office? Why?” 
Peter shrugs again. “I don’t know. I don’t keep tabs on your boyfriend.” 
Celestial blushes and elbows him. “Steve is not my boyfriend and you know it.” Peter rubs his ribs, grinning. 
“I think one of his siblings is sick.” Alex pipes up. “I thought I heard him say something like that in the hall this morning.” 
“His little sister. Has the flu. Her teacher sent her homework to the office this morning so Steve could take it home today.” James clarifies. 
Alex looks over at him, astounded. “How do you know all that?” 
“I’m a better listener than you.” James shrugs. 
“Eavesdropper you mean.” Peter says with a raised eyebrow. 
James shrugs again. “I see no difference.” 
Celestial shakes her head and returns her attention to Steve and the new kid. They had just sat down at the jock table. The new kid hesitating before sitting down beside Steve. Celestial takes note of the ways he’s sitting with his back straight and how he fidgets with his sleeves as Steve is pointing out people at the table, making introductions. “He looks super uncomfy.” The boys turn to look as well. Three of the cheerleaders stand up from the table beside the jocks and make their way over to Steve and the new kid, making some of the jocks move down to make room for them. “Oh hell no. That’s not gunna happen.” Celestial stands up and begins to make her way across the room. 
Peter rolls his eyes and Alex grins at him. “Told you.” 
James nods. “She can’t resist picking up strays. I think she’s starting to collect us.” 
Cheer lakie number one, who is sitting in the middle right now, glances over as Celestial walks up. “Ew. What does she want?” The small group of five turns to look as Celestial stops beside the table. 
“Probably wants to bore us to death.” Queen Demon Becka says from her seat on the edge of the table, glaring at Celestial, who rolls her eyes. “Why don’t you go perform your demonic sacrifices somewhere else?” 
“Becka.” Steve frowns at her from across the table. 
“I would Thomston, but I’m afraid the demon I’d summon would be you. And you don’t have much use.” Celestial snips back, hand on her hip. Steve turns his frown on her and she shrugs. “Thomston started it.” 
“She can end it to.” Lakie number two speaks up, earning her a glare from Becka. 
“Hush Courtney.” Becka turns back to Celestial. “What do you want, weirdo?” 
“From you? Nothing.” She turns her back to the cheerleaders and leans against the table. “I heard Steve was showing a new guy around the school and I wanted to say hi.” 
Steve looks at the new kid. “Neo, this is Celestial. Celestial, this is Neo. He got here a little bit ago.” 
Celestial holds out her hand to shake and Neo accepts it. “Nice to meet you Neo.” 
“Likewise.” The boy says, voice quiet and nervous. 
Celestial crosses her arms. “This place can be a bit overwhelming the first time you’re here. Do you want to sit somewhere with less people? Give you a chance to process everything?” 
“Um.” Neo looks at Steve, not wanting to be rude. 
Steve gives him an encouraging smile. “Don’t worry. Celestial will take care of you and her friends are nice. And quieter then this group. You’re not hurting anyone’s feelings either.” Steve gives Neo a little nudge with his elbow. 
Neo nods and looks back at Celestial. “Uh, sure.” She gives his a bright smile and picks up his tray as he stands. 
“Great. It’s this way.” She waits for him to grab his bag and leads him through the tables back to the boys. 
Becka glares at Steve. “You just let that freak take the new kid away like that?” 
Steve looks at Becka sternly. “Celestial is not a freak, Becka. She’s actually very nice. And Neo needed a break from so many people. We were overwhelming him. That’s why she came over in the first place. Besides,” He looks over to Celestial’s table. “I think he’ll fit in with them better than he would with us.” Becka scoffs and crosses her arms, pouting. 
Celestial sets Neo’s tray down beside hers and slides into her seat. She introduces the boys in turn. “Boys, this is Neo. Neo, this is Peter, the gentleman.” Peter nods. “Alex, the goofball.” Alex grins and waves. “And James, the bookworm.” 
James sets his book down and nods. “Nice to meet you.” He says pleasantly, his accent evident. 
Neo waves as he sits down. “Nice to meet you too.” 
Celestial picks up her fork and begins to eat her lunch. “So, James. What’s the book of the week?” 
James picks it up and shows the cover. “It’s a collection of Grimm's Fairy Tales. It’s wonderfully dark.” They continue talking about the book and Neo looks at them all confused. 
Alex notices the look and gives Neo a grin. “Something wrong, Neo?” They all turn to look at him. 
He frowns. “Are you all not going to bombard me with questions? People have been doing it all day.” 
Celestial shrugs. “Nah. I brought you over here to give you a break from that. We’ll have time to get to know you later. Enjoy your lunch.” She gives him a bright smile which he returns gratefully. 
He picks up his fork and begins to eat, joining in the book conversation. He relaxes for the first time that day. 
~ ~ ~ 
“So.” Peter puts his car in park in front of Celestial’s house. “Neo. We keeping him?” 
Celestial nods. “Oh definitely. There's no way I'm letting Becka get her talons in him and ruin such a nice person." 
"Agreed." Peter holds up a fist and Celestial bumps knuckles with him. 
She grabs her backpack and opens the door. "See you later, Prince." 
"Later Queen Bee" He gives her a small wave as she shuts the car door. He watches as she rounds the car and walks up to her front door. They wave one last time as she disappears inside. Peter puts his car in drive and pulls away from the curve. "That makes five. That's a good number. A solid number. Then again, I said the same thing when we added James and again with Alex so I guess we'll see. What do you think?" He reaches up and taps the tiny hula girl on his dash, making her dance. "Yea. Me too." He turns onto the main road to head home. 
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26.08. Universe Alterations
Digimon OTP Week Part 13
Ratings: General Audiences Additional Info: Crack Pairing: Taichi/Koushirou Words: 1479
In which Taichi and Koushirou are chased by one of the evilest Digimon and have to escape in a wild cross country roadtrip.
A black sports car pulled up in the Izumi’s drive way and the driver honked impatiently. Confused, Koushirou looked out of the window and saw Taichi behind the wheel, waving him out.
“Get in here, Kou, quick!” he shouted, revving up the engine. Koushirou was not entirely sure why he should do this, but as he had learned long ago: it was usually better to follow Taichi’s instructions and question afterwards why they were actually necessary.
“And bring Tentomon!” Taichi added as an afterthought. “Okay, so where are we going? And where, in the name of the Holy Binary Code, did you get this car from?”, Koushirou only dared to asked now that they had left the crowded streets of Tokyo behind and were on the motorway where the risk of accidents had decreased. But only slightly as Taichi was travelling with a break neck speed, dodging cars on the lanes and leaving angry honks in his wake.
“Lilithmon is on my tail, or better say, on Agumon’s tail. He crashed a conference of the Seven Great Demon Lords and looted most of their food. I had to hide him in the trunk.” Taichi answered with his eyes straight on the asphalt. At least he didn’t think himself that excellent of a driver that he could look at Koushirou while driving.
“The Seven Great Demon Lords? Are you kidding me?” Koushirou leaned forward to shout at the trunk. “Agumon, you were aware that this has been one hell of a kamikaze mission, weren’t you?”
He only heard a disgruntled mumble but he took that as an admission of guilt.
“But you haven’t answered my other question yet. Where did you swipe up this super car?”
“I didn’t swipe it up anywhere. A friend of mine runs a car rental, he lent it to me when I promised to bring it back to him by the end of the day.”
“And you are confident that we will make it until then?”
Taichi flashed him a toothy smile. “We will surely make it. We only have to lure Lilithmon out to the country side, pick up an equivalent worth of the buffet and await her with it. Then we should be good.”
Koushirou shot him a look. “How do you intend to acquire this? And where is she actually?”
“Huh? Oh, I don’t know exactly. But probably quite close to us. I’m not too sure how fast evil Digimon can go. Regarding the food, I’ve already made some calls. Sora and Mimi are currently rotating in the kitchen in Sora’s apartment. We agreed upon meeting them in fifteen minutes.”
Koushirou’s eyes widened. “Fifteen minutes? You know that we’re still twenty miles away from them.”
“That’s why I picked this car, honey” Taichi replied and pushed the pedal down.
A cloud of dust was rising in front of them, looking strangely solid, blocking their way.
“What is this? I don’t think it’s simple dirt” Koushirou observed. “Hang on a second.” He pulled out his tablet and typed quickly. He went pale.
Taichi noticed it in the corner of his eye. “What is it?”
“Well, that seems to be an attack of Lilithmon. I beg you to not drive straight into it! Taichi, are you listening to me?”
Taichi muttered something that sounded suspiciously like “Oh shit”, then made a sudden swerve. Koushirou yelped. The tires screeched when Taichi left the asphalt road and slid over the grass before he regained his grip and sped on. Koushirou grasped the door handle and saw how the dust wall extended with the same speed as Taichi was driving.
“How do you want to get past this?” Koushirou screamed.
Taichi made a shushing sound, flicked a lever on his steering wheel, and suddenly loud music started playing. Accelerating along to the rhythm, Taichi zipped through the grass, gaze flickering into the right side-mirror, and he smiled.
“Hold tight” was the only warning he gave Koushirou before he slammed hard on the breaks, making an abrupt turn with the aid of the handbrake. Koushirou was too frightened to shriek this time. He just pressed deep into his seat and sent a short fervent prayer up to the skies.
When they didn’t immediately feel a collision with Lilithmon’s attack, Koushirou popped one eye open. There was no dust wall anymore, instead they had plunged into the woods, bumping far too fast over a sandy path.
“Where’s Lilithmon?” he asked in a very small voice.
“Probably right behind us. You see, she just moved the wall adjusted to our speed, it wasn’t an extending wall. So, I just lunged backwards, instead of trying to outrun it. This way here is a shortcut to Sora’s place. I’m still certain that we will make it in time.”
Koushirou snorted, a very uncharacteristic thing for him, and leaned back in the seat. “That is all fine and dandy, but why did you make me part of your suicide squad?”
Taichi smirked. “I thought you would never ask. Well, I will drop you off at Sora’s the second we get there, and while you collect all the food I will lure Lilithmon to a safe place somewhere in the open country. You and Kabuterimon will then follow me and we can present our offerings to the Demon Lords and beg for forgiveness.”
Koushirou’s sigh came from deep within, making Taichi only grin wider. They stopped with screeching brakes in front of Sora’s apartment building and Taichi shouted “Out, out!”, nearly pushing Koushirou and Tentomon out. He hadn’t quite closed the door yet when Taichi already raced away. Tentomon pointed upwards where a blurred shadow flew over them, following the sports car that now was only a little dot at the end of the street. Before Koushirou could ring the bell, the door buzzed open. He hurried up the stairs – why had Sora have to live on the sixth floor? – and reached the door completely out of breath.
“Kou!” Mimi cried from out of the open door and pulled him in a tight hug before dragging him into the apartment. She led him to the living room where Sora packed the box full of prepared meals.
“We thought Kabuterimon could take off here on the balcony” she explained while she sealed the box.
Koushirou could only pant but nodded, because what choice did he have? He took out his DigiVice and looked expectantly at his partner. “You ready?” he asked, his voice still shaky.
Tentomon nodded before he disappeared in a white haze: “Tentomon digivolves to…Kabuterimon!”
When the huge blue beetle digimon had emerged among them Sora gave him the box in one claw, and he took Koushirou in the other. Then they flew into the direction that Taichi had sped off; Koushirou was still not sure where they would meet Taichi but as he knew him, he certainly just had to follow the line of destruction he would have surely left.
As Koushirou had predicted, Taichi’s trail was unmistakable. Cars that had to evade him stood every which way at the sidelines and angry drivers were ranting heatedly. Somewhere on the horizon clouds of fume were rising in regular intervals.
“Is this Taichi sending us smoke signals?” Kabuterimon asked in his sonorous voice.
“That…might be actually possible” Koushirou admitted bewildered and with a knitted brow. They flew towards the column of smoke. At the base of it Taichi was waving, but not at them, they realized. Just a little ahead of them Lilithmon levitated over Taichi, pinching him down with a merciless gaze.
Koushirou took pity on Taichi, so he called out “Taichi, we have the food!”
Even though he didn’t turn, he gave them a thumbs-up. They were close enough now to hear him yell “I have the food, Lilithmon, I have it. Please, just look in the box my friend Kabuterimon is carrying!”
Lilithmon’s gaze flickered to them and she floated over. Koushirou shivered, and he felt Kabuterimon’s unease but they both straightened because they suspected that Lilithmon was feasting on their fear.
“Here, please take it and, please, leave Agumon and Taichi unharmed!”
Lilithmon raised an arm. The box slipped out of Kabuterimon’s claw and glided over to her. It opened in front of her and the meals flew out. She eyed them for a very long time. Taichi, Agumon, Koushirou and Kabuterimon held their breath for what seemed an eternity before the digimon looked up again and gave them a tiny nod.
“Very well, that all looks rather charming. After long consideration I grant you, Agumon, forgiveness for your offense. However, if you shall ever attract my displeasure again, I will certainly not be so generous. Now, out of my sight!”
Her voice was sharp like an ice dagger which made them immediately obey. Taichi scrambled off to the hem of the forest, and Kabuterimon flew quickly after him.
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mycasandstarrs · 6 years
SPN 8x21: “The Great Escapist”
THEN: Cas takes the angel tablet and runs. Naomi. The three trials to close the Gates of Hell. After each completed trial, Sam seems to be doing worse. Kevin’s convinced Crowley knows where he is. Now he’s in the wind.
Back at Fizzles Folly??
Ahh, ok, HERE are demon Sam and Dean.
“You forgot the knock. What's the point of a secret knock if you don't use it?” And that’s when Kevin knew...but he played along.
Why that face thoo.
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“We got a tip that Crowley was moving his earth-side operations, so we, uh, laid ourselves an awesome trap.”
“So, uh, Special K, you keep your nose to the God-stone, we're gonna drive out and make a lotta noise a long way from here, keep the safeboat safe for you.”
Yeah, this is definitely not Sam and Dean.
“You. Fake Sam. If you're gonna tip our hand, I'll have to scrub Kevin's short-term memory again. And that's risky, so watch the patois in there.”
“Your slang. Special K, nose to the God-stone, that's the way Dean speaks. Sam is... more basic, more sincere.”
Crowley has a good read on Sam and Dean tho.
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“Alright, here we go. John Winchester's famous cure-all kitchen sink stew. There you go. Enough cayenne pepper in there to burn your lips off, just like Dad used to make.”
Nurse Dean.
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“The bloody handkerchiefs, the fever, the shaky legs... this is not good.”
“Well, I'm not good. And I'm not going to be good until we can start moving again. Until I can start the third trial.”
Was that supposed to make Dean feel better?
So Crowley definitely sent this message, right?
“Sam, Dean. I've set up this message with some software on a remote server so it'd send itself to you if I didn't reset it with a command once a week. Which means I didn't reset it this week. And there's only one reason I wouldn't. Which means if you're watching this, then I... then I— I'm dead. I'm dead, you bastards! So screw you, screw God and everybody in between!...Crowley must've gotten to me. And the one thing I know is that I won't break this time. Not sure how I know, but— but I do. I've been uploading all my notes, the translations, I'm sending you the links so you can get all of it. You guys are gonna have to try to figure out the rest. I'm sorry. I know it was my job, but I— but I couldn't...I'm sorry.”
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That’s about as well as Dean takes Kevin’s real death.
“Garth still MIA?”
Garth is officially MIA aka officially a werewolf. 
“How about the other prophets in line? I mean if Kevin is, uh... is dead, then won't one of them be activated?”
“Nothing, no, not a peep.”
There's your clueee.
“We should've moved him here.” Yeah, that’s a great idea! Do it when you get him back.
Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Cas looks so strung out.
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“Uh, I'm sorry, mister, but you're gonna have to order more than coffee if you wanna keep the table.”
“Of— of course, um. I'll have the smart-heart beer-battered tempura tempters.”
That actually sounds good.
“They're getting closer.” Time to go.
Ion. An interesting name.
Palm Bay, Florida. Denver, Colorado. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Portland, Oregon. St. Louis, Missouri...so on and so forth.
“He's using a clever tactic. It's a restaurant called Biggerson's. The humans have built hundreds of them, almost exactly alike....Castiel is using it against us. Now, we try to orient ourselves, but it's as if we're in every Biggerson's at once— Trapped in a quantum superposition. Now, he chooses which to go to next—That's what's giving him the edge.”
That’s an amazing strategy.
“Very well. You say he can't be caught? Then we will simply have to make him stop.”
Sam took a humanities course at Stanford.
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“This one belonged to a tiny tribe in Colorado, more of a— a clan, really. It says here they held on to their scrap of mountains when all the other tribes fell to the white men. So this glyph was a territorial marker—closest translation: ‘messenger of God’.” Sam’s got it.
“Messenger of God—Dean, we have to go there!....I'm only gonna get worse. I mean, until we get back to the real job, until we find the third trial—we're out of prophets! We're not gonna figure out what Kevin couldn't! I'd say we go to this messenger of God who wrote it in the first place!” I know he’s right, but Sam looks and sounds off his rocker.
“And you think this Metatron is hiding out in the mountains with a bunch of Indians.”
“Yeah! Yeah, I do....You're not— you're not really supposed to say Indians, it's... We should go.”
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This is one of the worst things Naomi has done, and that’s saying something.
RIP people at Biggerson’s. Killed by angels.
Cas wanted to heal her. :(
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Route 34, Colorado.
Sam can hear something Dean can not.
RIP Kara, Cas’ waitress. Killed by Naomi.
“How— how many times have you torn into my head and washed it clean?”
“Frankly? Too damn many.”
Oh yeah sure, brag about your brainwashing. That’ll make you look good.
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“Honestly, I think you came off the line with a crack in your chassis. You have never done what you were told. Not completely. You don't even die right, do you?”
“Where is the angel tablet, Castiel?”
“In the words of a— good friend... bite me.”
“Go. Search all these Biggerson's. He must have hidden it along the way.” DId he now?
“I can barely see. I need food.”
“Alright, uh, barbecue ribs, mashed potatoes...”
“Garlic mashed potatoes.”
“Garlic mashed potatoes, mixed greens with... baby lettuce, cornbread, and, uh, Pad Thai?”
“Garth says there's a good little place on the other side of town.”
Kevin took complete advantage of these demons, bless his heart. 
“If I wasn't running everything, I could've played Dean myself.”
“Oh, you would've made a great Dean, sir.”
I actually agree.
Winchester stories!
“Hey, you remember when uh... when Dad took us to the bottom of the Grand Canyon, on that pack-mule ride?”
“The what?”
“And you're, uh... your mule kept farting, just— l-letting go, like, gale force?”
“Dude, you were like, four years old. I barely remember that.”
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“I'm gonna— I'm gonna, uh. I'm gonna follow the hotel manager, D-Dr. Scowley-scowl. He's like a villain from Scooby-Doo.” Why are you so precious, Sammy?
“No, hey, uh, little big man? You should get some rest.”
“Yeah, I can do that too.”
“What did the great spirit's sacred messenger ask for?”
“Stories. He asked the people to tell him stories.”
Sam finds the boxes of books...then passes out trying to call Dean. 
“I'm just going to have to pull you apart, aren't I?” That would’ve worked.
RIP angel. Killed by Crowley.
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“Found you on the floor, passed out, your temperature was a 107. I had to force it down or you were toast.”
Metatron is definitely there.
“I had my R&D people melt down one of your angel blades, cast it into bullets. Seems to do the trick.” Huh, AU!Bobby discovers that little trick too.
“That's right, Cas. I got me an angel on the payroll.” Wow, Ion.
“You guys were right, I— I do need the other half of the tablet to get the trial. It's not too far from here.”
“Awesome. Uh, what's the 10-20?”
Fake!Dean got the lingo right, at least.
“I've been getting regular updates from my expensive friend here.” What did it take to buy Ion out?
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“Spanish Flea” by Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass.  
“The kid told us where the other half was, but it... wasn't. Dab of crap tricked us, sent us into some kind of Hunter mousetrap.”
Kevin has style.
Dean used to read to Sam! I’m telling you, I love learning the smallest details about characters.
“Knights of the Round Table. Had all of King Arthur's knights, and they were all on the quest for the Holy Grail. And I remember looking at this picture of Sir Galahad, and, and, and he was kneeling, and— and light streaming over his face, and— I remember... thinking, uh, I could never go on a quest like that. Because I'm not clean. I mean, I w— I was just a little kid. You think... maybe I knew? I mean, deep down, that— I had... demon blood in me, and about the evil of it, and that I'm— wasn't pure?”
H O W could a young child ever think that?????
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Again, I know he’s right but he doesn’t come off as convincing.
Look at all those books! What a dream room.
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Hello Metatron, you fcikgn worm.
“What, you really haven't heard of us? What kind of angel are you, we're— we're the freaking Winchesters.” lmao Sam.
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Cas swallowed the damn angel tablet AND pulled a bullet out of him. My hero.
“You little prat. Having fun yet?”
“Screw you.”
Fuck yeah, Kevin!
“It started when they forgot the secret knock. But really, it— it was the way they acted.”
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“So... my demons were too polite?”
“What about Gabriel? And Raphael?”
Half right at the time.
(Irrelevant-ish question, but what happened to the Words of God in the Apocalypse AU?)
“You soldiers, down in the garrison, at least they let you believe the lie. Upstairs, working for Naomi, working in intelligence, we had no option but to live in the dirt. She never reset me completely. I always knew too much, I had to— I had to do my job.” Ion’s last words.
“Ion...shut up.”
RIP Ion. Killed by Cas.
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“That is the true flower of free will. At least as you've mastered it so far. When you create stories, you become gods, of tiny, intricate dimensions unto themselves. So many worlds!”
One thing I have in common with Metatron: our love of storytelling.
“You know what? Pull the frigging trigger.”
“Pull the freaking trigger, you cowardly piece of garbage.”
Okay, Sam, hold on.
“You want a story? Try Kevin Tran's story. He was just a kid. He was a good, straight-A kid, and then he got sucked in to all of this— this angel crap. He became a prophet, of the Word of God. Your prophet. Now, you should've been looking out for him, but no! Instead, you're here, holed up, reading books.”
“He’s dead now. Because of you.”
I don't know about that. At least, not yet.
“You have no idea what's on this demon tablet. Right, the power you could have gotten with this, if you weren't running around like a chicken with his head cut off.”
“You think I can't make you tell?”
“I know you can’t. And you do too.”
Kevin was so resilient when he wanted to be.
The power of Metatron compels you!
Metatron saved and healed Kevin.
“You really intend on closing the doors of Hell?”
“Seems like the thing to do, don't it?”
“It's your choice. And that's what this has all been about, the choices your kind make. But you're gonna have to weigh that choice. Ask yourself: what is it going to take to do this, and what will the world be like after it's done?”
Oh boy.
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Trial #3. Cure a demon.
Holy mother of god.
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“A little help here?”
Team Free Will reunion.
0 notes
sodalitefully · 5 years
This is the result of me being a slut for demon AUs, and also for Slash’s ridiculously pretty face.  I wasn’t planning to write this 'cause uh it’s definitely got similarities to some of my other ideas and also because I’m not really satisfied with the characterization, but it wouldn’t leave me alone so here it is:
Summary: Slash is a pretty lil incubus who escapes from Hell. He gets roughed up a little on the way out, and Duff finds him lost and hurt on the street in LA. He helps Slash, takes him home, cleans him up, and hears him out. Duff lets Slash stay the night, and he can already tell that he’s going to let Slash stay as long as he wants. Slash latches on to Duff immediately, he’s convinced that Duff is the kindest, most beautiful being that could possibly exist and he absolutely adores him. Duff is crushing hard on Slash, but he can’t fathom why Slash likes him so much, he’s not pretty or exceptional while Slash is stunningly, inhumanly gorgeous. But Duff is compassionate as hell, and he does his best to ease Slash into life in the mortal plane.
Duff finds Slash on his way home from work on a Friday night, Slash looks completely lost and he’s bleeding a little and he’s not completely dressed.  Everyone else is avoiding him in case he’s tripping or crazy or something, but Duff goes up to him cause he seems to be dressed like a rocker (no shirt or shoes, just tight leather pants and some jewelry) so like, solidarity from one wasted rocker to another.  
Duff goes up to him, notices that he’s like, insanely hot but decides not to say anything about it, and asks if he’s lost or something.  Slash shies away and eyes him suspiciously, he’s not used to people freely offering help.  But then something comes running at them from down the street, at first Duff thinks it’s a dog but as it gets closer it’s obviously not a dog, not any kind of animal he recognizes, so he kicks it as hard as he can into a wall and it vanishes on impact in a puff of sour smelling smoke.  That’s fucking weird so Duff looks around to see if anyone else saw that, but the people around them don’t seem to notice anything unusual.  Instead, Duff spots a pack of four more creatures coming towards them.  Slash sees them too, and he changes his mind about trusting Duff – he looks up at him and tugs on his arm, “Please help me!”  
So Duff basically scoops Slash up (he’s way too skinny) and sprints for his car around the block.  He throws Slash in the passenger seat and guns it.  “What the fuck are those things?!” (classic action movie line).  Slash explains that they’re hellhounds, vermin of the underworld, they followed him here.  There’s a lot to unpack there, but Duff starts with the most important question: “Are they going to keep coming after us?”  “Well, they can’t pass between planes on their own, so either we lose them or we get rid of them.”  “How do we get – Oh shit!” The hellhounds are suddenly right in front of the car, half a block away.  “Just hit them! They’ll re-spawn in Hell and they won’t be able to get back!” So Duff braces himself and drives straight through the pack, they disintegrate just like the first one did.
“Holy fucking shit.  Was that all of them?”  Slash affirms, and Duff pulls off the road next to a sketchy little park that’s mostly empty at this time in the evening.  He and Slash get out of the car, and Duff is on the verge of panic, nearly yelling as he questions Slash about what the fuck just happened.  He stops dead when he realizes that Slash looks scared (all big eyes and quivering pout and hugging himself defensively and damn if it doesn’t yank Duff’s heartstrings more than any sad puppy ever has), and immediately backtracks, apologizing and asking more gently for Slash to explain what happened.  
So Slash does, he introduces himself and explains that the hounds won’t come back, they followed him here when he escaped from Hell.  Slash is a demon and they spend a few minutes establishing this fact (he probably proves it by demonstrating that he can shapeshift).  Duff asks if there’s a chance that more will come after him, Slash says he doubts it, he’s a little embarrassed as he admits he’s just an incubus, there’s a million others like him, no one will come looking now that he’s gone.  Duff has a hard time imaging that anyone else like Slash exists in the world.  He asks why Slash escaped and Slash explains that Hell is the worst, he just gets kicked around by more powerful demons (who treat low-level incubi like funny little pets because they’re not very powerful and they look mostly like humans instead of like terrifying demons) and sent off to seduce humans (he’s sick of it: shifting into their ideal, tempting them with whatever sick fantasies they have and then basically drugging them with his demonic power of irresistibility; it’s all-around terrible sex really, they act like they’re in a trance and he doesn’t get any say in what they do).  It occurs to Duff eventually that Slash is basically telling him he had a demon pimp.  
“So... you’re not going to try to steal my soul or something?”  “I don’t make deals, just tempt people.  And I don’t want to do that anymore, I don’t… I don’t really like hurting people.” He whispers the last bit like it’s some terrible secret.  “It’s so violent in Hell, I just want to be left alone…"
“What are you going to do now that you’re on Earth?” Duff asks.  He knows where he’s going with this, and he knows it’s a bad idea – inviting a demon into his own home?? It’s a recipe for disaster, but Slash seems so sincere and Duff rationalizes that he should be fine as long as he doesn’t ask for or agree to any sex.  Easier said than done, because Slash is the most stunning being that Duff has ever encountered in his life and just being around him scrambles his mind a little.  
But Slash looks so lost and uncertain when he admits that he doesn’t know much about the mortal plane and he has nowhere to go, and he lights up with a combination of relief and genuine shock and awe when Duff offers to take him home with him.  
So they get back in the car and drive home, where Duff runs Slash a bath, helps clean up the blood and soot (sure, Slash could probably handle it himself but Duff is firmly in mother hen mode), gives him some comfortable clothes to wear (seeing Slash wearing his softest t-shirt and a pair of tiny shorts is almost too much for Duff) and something warm to eat (as an immortal demon, Slash has never eaten real food before and frankly it’s life-changing – this tastes so much better than dick. He might cry. Duff now understands why he’s so thin).  
When it’s time to go to bed, Slash is uncertain.  He’s been in people’s beds before, though he’s never actually slept in one.  In Hell he had a little place to sleep but nothing like the homes that humans have.  Duff offers Slash the options of the bed and the couch.  Slash cautiously clarifies that Duff doesn’t want to have sex with him? “Oh no, I couldn’t.”  Slash looks confused and a little uncomfortable.  “I mean, of course I think you’re attractive, shit you’re the most beautiful – Uh, but you said earlier that you didn’t want to do that anymore, I would never ask you to.  I didn’t offer to help because I wanted something in return.”  
Slash stares at him.  “Duff, you must have the kindest soul in this realm.”  Duff tries to deflect (of course he doesn’t have the kindest soul that’s ridiculous, all he did was offer a little help, anyone could have), but Slash just looks at him affectionately.  “And the prettiest face.  I might be done with seduction, but with you, I wouldn’t mind.”  Duff can’t even comprehend that Slash of all people could find him beautiful with his scars and his terrible dye job and all the other things he’s secretly insecure about. Instead he focuses on the last thing Slash said, “I wouldn’t mind” isn’t exactly an enthusiastic come on so Duff will stand by his vow not to fuck Slash.  
Duff helps Slash make a little nest of blankets on the couch and then they both go to bed.  In the morning, Duff wakes up first, so he tries to very quietly put together breakfast without waking Slash in the tiny apartment.  They spend the rest of the weekend trying to acclimate Slash to living with mortals – it’s quite a learning curve.  Slash needs lots of help with things, but Duff doesn’t mind at all, and by the time Monday comes around, he feels confident that Slash can mind himself in the apartment for a while when Duff is at work.  Slash is very impressed that Duff has a job and earns money, but he’s also a little nervous to be alone – he wakes up early to send Duff off with a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and Duff is entirely distracted through his whole shift.  
When Duff gets home, Slash announces that he missed him, then starts excitedly telling Duff about his day: It was so quiet, he’s never experienced that before! There were animals on the TV for a while before it changed to people talking about things! He looked out the window for two hours and at one point he saw a man drop his sandwich across the street and it reminded him of Hell!
Over the course of that week, Slash has no trouble keeping himself entertained when Duff is out.  He systematically attacks Duff’s music collection, takes up guitar, starts writing down notes about humanity in a little notebook (Duff finds it open one day, and reads a couple hilariously endearing entries).  He also discovers porn, and is immediately obsessed with it.  So many ways to have sex, and he gets to choose what to watch or look at whenever he wants!  Duff soon learns that Slash has very diverse and somewhat unusual tastes in erotica.
But when Duff comes home, all of Slash’s attention is on him.  He loves to tell Duff about his day, and is completely engrossed in whatever Duff has to say in return.  He continues to candidly compliment Duff, usually something along the lines of being extremely kind and intelligent and beautiful, and Duff continues to deflect cover up his insecurity.  Slash is completely open about his adoration of Duff, but Duff can’t even begin to accept it, so he just pretends it doesn’t exist.  Meanwhile Duff is at least a bit in love with Slash but still convinced that he’s not ever going to do anything about it.
Eventually, Duff’s friends are wondering why they haven’t seem him for almost a week.  Duff brings Slash along to the bar and introduces him to Axl, Izzy, and Steven.  The guys all give Duff a look when they meet Slash – How did one of us ever manage to land someone like that?  Slash gets along well with Duff’s friends; he’s still working on the whole acting-like-a-human thing and they can tell when his behavior is a little off, but they trust Duff’s judgement so they try to be welcoming.  
Duff, however, is not having a good time.  Sure, it’s nice to see Slash doing so well, but all of the insecurities he’s been repressing over the past week are resurfacing all at once.  Just standing next to Slash in public is stressing him out, he can’t stop imagining that everyone around them is judging him, thinking that Slash is way out of his league.  He’s certain he wouldn’t mind so much if he wasn’t so helplessly gone for Slash – now he’s also worried that Slash will realize that there’s plenty of people in the world who are way better than Duff.
Duff excuses himself to the restroom, and a minute later Axl follows and corners him by the sinks.  “Where the everliving fuck did you find this kid? And why the fuck are you just sitting there like a stiff corpse when he’s all over you??”  Axl has always been a confidant for him, so Duff starts to explain how he’s been feeling over the past week, leaving out the bit about demons and hellhounds.  “Duff, you dumb fuck, it’s obvious to anyone with two working brain cells that Slash thinks you’re God.  Enough of this you-don’t-deserve-it bullshit, just make your move!"
They return to the table, where the rest have paid off their tabs and gotten ready to move on to the next bar of the night. “Sorry for keeping you waiting,” Duff says, ostensibly to the group but mostly to Slash.  Then, with his heart pounding and palms sweating, he leans in to give Slash a completely casual peck on the cheek.  
Slash lights up like the sun and immediately latches on to Duff’s arm and leans his head on his shoulder.  He doesn’t let go for even a second as they hit the next bar, and the one after that, and then finally head home and curl up together on the couch.
(holy shit that was way longer than I thought it would be. tagging @fan-with-issues. have a good night folks.)
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