Episode 5: Walking Distance
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I think this episode is The Spiral
Iā€™m tired rn so Iā€™m not gonna explain the plot but you can find a quick description here (its jusr the wikipedia page lol, I think theres one for every episode)
this one is the the spiral to me because the guy the story is focusing on wonders if hes crazy at first and everyone else thinks hes insane. Plus everything just seeming wrong because he doesnā€™t realize hes in the past. basically the whole ā€œmind is lying to youā€ and ā€œthe world you know is wrongā€ aspects of the spiral.
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My guilty pleasure right now is watching luxury hotel reviews and I found this british guy who keeps accidentally clipping into the backrooms.
He's unintentionally making the best liminal horror content on youtube
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Episode 4: The Sixteen Milliliter Shrine
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I decided on on The Stranger for this one
This episode centers on a Barbra Jean Trenton. She was big move star in her youth, but she has grown older and now spends every day in her theater room, watching her old movies and reminiscing. Her agent arranges for a part in an upcoming movie but she refuses as it is the role of a mother, and the director says she is living in the past and this would be charity. After spending days in the theater room without coming out, her agent gets an old co-star to visit. She gets upset when she sees he is old, and learns he has retired from acting and now runs a supermarket chain. In the end, the maid finds Trenton not in her chair but somehow in the screen. She wished so hard for the past and now sheā€™s with all her friends and never has to grow old.
this one was harder for me to place, id love to get other perspectives! I said the stranger because of how it manifests in theaters and performances. Also, the way the plot progressed and the ending. It seemed like something was off, especially in the end, and the way she ends up in the screen feels uncanny and like it would fall in with the stranger.
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Episode 3: Mr. Denton on Doomsday
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This one is The Desolation in my opinion
Al Denton used to be a excellent marksman until he killed a 16 year old in a duel and is now an alcoholic. He finds a gun that makes him regain his talent, but he knows that with his reputation back he will be forced to duel more men who challenge him. After a terrible practice, he wants to skip town, but a salesman named Henry J. Fate gives him a potion that will make him be able to hit any target. Then, the other man shows up with the same potion, and they shoot each other in the hand. Denton ends by telling him he is blessed because he will never shoot out of anger again.
This is one where Iā€™m focusing on the fear of the characters rather than what makes it scary to the audience. I would say desolation for this one, focusing on the fear of senseless loss and destruction of potential. Denton stopped originally because he killed someone so young who hadnā€™t lived yet, and he shot the other man in the hand so he wouldnā€™t go down the same path he did.
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he walked so cecil gershwin palmer could run. tbh
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Mister Alfredo Linguini. A man who has found himself in a world of elegance and class he has never had the opportunity nor the ambition to pursue. The meteoric rise of this star in the culinary world has given him everything he has ever wished for: a woman who he loves, a business which thrives. It will all come tumbling down with a single secret. A secret which Mister Linguini believes he has kept under his hat. Your dinner reservations are set. Tonight you dine in the Twilight Zone.
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Episode 2: One For the Angels
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I think this episode belongs to The End
in this episode, Mr. Bookman, a street peddler popular amongst the children, is visited by Mr. Death and is told that heā€™s going to die at midnight that night. He gives himself extra time by claiming that he has unfinished business, heā€™s always wanted to make a big, successful pitch. But in return, Mr. Death has to take the life of someone else at midnight, and a little girl he was fond of gets hit by a car. In the end, he successfully trades his life back by stalling Mr. Death with a grand pitch until heā€™s missed his ā€œappointment,ā€ and is taken instead.
this is one of the episodes thatā€™s more fantastical than it is scary, but I think this one is very focused on the end of life and not being able to have done everything you wanted to.
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exclusive interview šŸŽ¤
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Damn, sam is really traveling through another dimension right now. A dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination.
hes really traveling to a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. Possible a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge
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Episode 1: Where is Everybody?
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This episode is obviously The Lonely.
mike ferris has found himself in a completely empty town. Everywhere he goes, thereā€™s no one. Eventually he starts breaking down after finding a mannequin, picking up a phone only to find he canā€™t contact anyone, finding a the last man on earth book, etc, etc. Eventually itā€™s revealed that the entire time he was in an isolation booth, a test to see if he could survive a trip to the moon alone. He had been in that booth for 484, and it caused him to hallucinate.
so yeah this guy is hallucinating because hes been completely isolated for over two weeks, and the scene he imagines is a terrifying scene that makes him feel completely alone, definitely a lonely episode
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I love The Twilight Zone, and I love The Magnus Archives, so Iā€™m re-watching the entire show and assigning one of the 15 fears to each episode! my main blog is @soph-the-podcast-nerd.
this is just for fun, I might be wrong about a couple of them because Iā€™m not a professional physiologist or anything lol
the 15 fears: (from the magnus wiki)
The Buried
The fear of small spaces, suffocating, drowning, being buried alive. Fear of everything crashing down around/on oneself. Fear of being trapped without enough space.
Manifests as caves, dirt, financial issues, heavy rain, underground transport, tight spaces such as coffins
The Corruption
The fear of corruption, disease, filth. Fear of the feelings of disgust, revulsion and the things or beings that might evoke such feelings.
Manifests as mould, bugs, rot, decay, infection, the feeling of one's skin crawling. Can also manifest as unhealthy love and companionship.
The Dark
The primal fear of the dark, of the unseen, and the creatures hiding from our view.
Manifests as creatures hidden in the dark, shadow figures and monsters, blindness, coldness, dark water.
The Desolation
The fear of pain, loss, burning, and destruction, especially with a senseless cause.
Manifests as fire, wax, heat, burns, destruction of potential.
Followers are enriched by destroying the lives of people who had things to live for, and destroying things before their potential is realised.
The End
The fear of death itselfā€”ā uncaring and unstoppable, the fear that everything ends eventually.
Manifests as bones, various forms of the dead (skeletons, mummies, zombies, etc.). Also has close ties to dreams and can manifest through them.
The Eye
The fear of being watched, exposed, followed, having secrets exposed. Can also pertain to the drive to know and understand, even if your discoveries might destroy you.
Manifests as eyes, security cameras, a creature or figure that keeps constant watch. Often manifests in libraries and books.
The Flesh
Born from the fear held by animals bred for meat, and in the human realisation that we are just animated meat and bones.
Manifests as meat, corpses, blood, bones, butchers, meat-related industry. Often manifests as strange bodiesā€”bodies being unnaturally twisted, reshaped, and butchered.
The Hunt
The animalistic fear of being chased or hunted; the primal fear of being prey.
Manifests as predators, predatory monsters, animal instincts, animalistic traits.
Takes hold of apparently "normal" people after they are exposed to the need for The Hunt. Self-proclaimed monster hunters might become 'Hunters' and proceed to develop a need to hunt and kill monsters.
The Lonely
The fear of isolation, of being completely cut off and alone or disconnected from the rest of society.
Manifests as fog, large rooms, silence, suburbs, empty rooms, crowds of faceless people.
The Slaughter
The fear of pure, unpredictable, unmotivated violence. The fear of pain coming at sudden, random moments
Manifests as people driven "mad with Slaughter," soldiers, music that either induces Slaughter or warns that Slaughter is coming. Often manifests in imagery of war or murder, and can appear wild like a frenzied killer or calm and regimented like soldiers firing on the battlefield.
The Spiral
The fear of madness, that the world you know is wrong, that your mind is lying to you. Fear of deception, lying, deceiving of the mind and senses.
The Spiral appears with imagery of spirals, patterns and fractals, and often manifests as hallucinations or illusions.
The Stranger
The fear of the unknown, the uncanny, the unfamiliar. The creeping sense that something is not right.
Manifests as beings and aspects of beings that provoke an "uncanny valley"[33]Ā response: human and other being-adjacent forms, such as mannequins, wax figures, masks, and taxidermy. Often manifests in theatres and performances.
The Vast
The fear of heights, falling, and large open spaces including sky, space, and deep water. More broadly: the human fear of insignificance and meaninglessness, of losing oneself in too much space.
Manifests as void, wide-open spaces, vertigo, falling, the transformation of something that should have a limit into something infinite.
The Web
The fear of being controlled or trapped, especially being unaware of one's own entrapment. The fear of being forced to do things against one's own will, of being manipulated. Also the fear of spiders.
Manifests as spiders, spider webs, web-like patterns, puppets.
The Extinction
The fear of catastrophic change, destruction of nature, destruction of human skin and tissue, the destruction of humanity itself and its replacement by something different; all of this especially via mankind's own causing.
Manifests through human technology such as computers, code, and radio, and seems to present horrifying visions of what humans could become, or what could become of humans.
For the twilight zone, ive noticed there are two kinds of episodes: episodes that target a specific fear, especially during that time period, that are meant to be more frightening, and episodes that are more fantastical and is not meant to be as scary. For the first kind, Iā€™ll be assigning based on the fear it targets, and for the second kind Iā€™ll assign based off the characterā€™s fear/view or the premise.
Also, i give a summary, but it is brief and I highly recommend checking out the episode. The twilight zone really revolutionized science fiction and its just. Aaa its so good please watch it.
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