savemefromtoxic · 1 year
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🥰 If some people think you are too much? Simply ask them, to go find less. Rick dC @SaveMeFromToxic #truthbomb #toomuch #findless #motivationalquotes #motivation #theyretoomuch #imtoomuch #todaysquotes #quotes #lovequote https://www.instagram.com/p/Co-YmBrPFNC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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seasonalsoap · 2 years
She told me her neighbour gave her some pears, like... 14 months ago? Hurrah for sharing.
Sometimes - just sometimes - not taking criticism to heart is entirely okay.
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hypotonicspermwhale · 5 years
Idk it just really feels like everything I touch turns into rubble and crumbles in my hands
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darlenebtheauthor · 5 years
This I how I act when someone likes my writing AND my characters! Happy Saturday Fam 😎 #imtoomuch #spiceadams #funnyvideo #writer #humble #thankful #author #allfacetsofdarlenebtheauthor https://www.instagram.com/p/B1jneCrFMll/?igshid=1mtqhipzh31ff
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An illusion of me looking somewhat decent; this isn’t real life, I’m an actual ugly species that quietly moves throughout society, going unnoticed - living in peace #imtoomuch #thisistrue #selfie #species #ugly #mug https://www.instagram.com/p/BpaeSS_nReJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jvv7eppv0dhu
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I'm sorry
I'm sorry I was born. That I hurt people even when I don't want to. That I talk too little or too much. I'm sorry I forget things all the time. That I get so emotional and can't control it. I'm sorry I get passionate about things and can't let it go. That I make everyone's life harder. I'm sorry I focus too much on myself. That I get depressed and stop taking care of anything. That my anxiety stops me from doing even simple things. Im sorry that I'm not agood enough. That I can't get organized. That I can't stop being impulsive. I'm sorry I exist.
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iambrittneee · 4 years
Sagittarius Sun, Leo Moon, Sagittarius Rising
Path 11
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1estherrose1 · 7 years
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You have to catch me first! #youcant #tryit #imtoomuch
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out-of-the-cage · 5 years
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“The past & present wilt—I have fill'd them, emptied them. And proceed to fill my next fold of the future. * Listener up there! what have you to confide to me? Look in my face while I snuff the sidle of evening, (Talk honestly, no one else hears you, & I stay only a minute longer.) * Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.) * I concentrate toward them that are nigh, I wait on the door-slab. * Who has done his day's work? who will soonest be through with his supper? Who wishes to walk with me? * Will you speak before I am gone? will you prove already too late?” - Walt Whitman: Song Of Myself, Part 51 #toomuch #IContainMultitudes #radicalselfacceptance * Shout out to Myilan at @salonyuriy for always knowing how to work those shears & renew my tresses. You are a #goddess #newhairs #blondtipsredlipssofthips #waltwhitman #songofmyself #songofmyselfie #teamplatinum #fillmynextfoldofmyfuture #iamlarge #iamlargeicontainmultitudes #imtoomuch #toomuchisjustenough #theperfectamountofself #allornothing #burn #shine #sunshine #noshame (at Salon Yuriy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz9POBjJGnr4skpsIMPtI3WvwxUksJNqbdFYIc0/?igshid=b86yl10llq1r
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ciarameghan · 5 years
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#bet #idontplay #isyouworthy #iguessnot #imtoomuch https://www.instagram.com/p/BzHOPrYA9MQ/?igshid=n003b6by90br
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thesol99 · 7 years
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Go tell your friends about it
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dxxx666 · 5 years
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Venice, ca
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entermomosmind · 4 years
life simulation
Have you ever had a moment in your life where you can see each of the choices in front of you play it out if you were to choose one over the other? Similar to choosing an avatar in a role-playing game, the choices you make add to your personal story in an endearing way. For instance, choosing who to hang out with. Maybe you want to hang out with person A, a donut maker, and end up learning the where the perfect donut shop is. Or you hang out with person B, a trekker, where you learn all the hidden cool spots in the trails around you. Possibly person C, a music lover, teaches you all the different class of music and how the industry works. It’s like seeing into an alternate universe of what could have been (perhaps is from a different angle). 
Seeing it so clearly that maybe whatever option you choose doesn’t make a real difference? Because at the end of the day, no matter who you choose to surround yourself with, activities you participate in, are all leading to the same learning experience. Eventually, you will catch them all. All the learning experiences that create you, the aesthetically unique mind. They all lead to you. 
The most recent addition of seeing through what each path could have taken me just adds another layer to my onion. I can now sit back and take it all in; let everything be.
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fatboygangstalove · 5 years
#yaboi out here #fuckinwithpeople #typicalday #mylife #lmfao #ctfu my whole fam is pretty good sports... #imtoomuch #imtoosoberforthisshit aye @jellyroll615 .. J is it too soon for #casamigos ... asking for a friend lmfao (at Topeka, Kansas) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwe2RBrFw6x/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=oftbfvbcd4zo
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trublood86 · 6 years
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My new phone case arrived #imtoomuch #unicorn #phonecase https://www.instagram.com/p/BqerVmKHmm0w-TCzkJArTm57GKvIl_5_wmipLc0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1m7juez41xclj
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theclinty25 · 6 years
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Just got done making these for a party this weekend. 😍. #JelloShots #Rainbow #Crafty #LookAtWhatICanDo #Gay #GayAF #InstaGay #Homo #YesHomo #HomoSayWhat #TeamFag #BigGayCouchParade #Pride #Part #PartyTime #GetDown #MarthaStewart #Itslit #WhiteGirlWasted #SundayFunday #Pretty #Extravagant #Extra #ImTooMuch #DontGetItTwisted #DontTalkShitAboutTotal (at Easy E Ranch)
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