#impressionable to their own whims and to dopamine abuse and to anything a person who doesnt introspect enough is impressionable to
I love how we've reached the point in typology theorizing where the basic ability to perceive nuance and mental complexity is considered a trait unique to 6 and 9. saying "it depends on the situation", aka something any non-arrogant human being aware of what they don't know about a given topic will say, makes you a 6-9 stem. because everyone else is so infantile and delusional that they go into everything with a total self-assured arrogance. nuke this community.
#they only say that shit so they can keep those two types available as dumps for anyone who challenges them#cult leaders fear nothing more than “it depends on the situation”#because that opens up the door for criticism to their rigid yet enticing systems#we also need to nuke 4 cult leaders false securitying to 1#lmao#the rashness of 4 wants to say “THIS IS WHAT IT IS! accept and move on” with no questions asked.#so they absolutely REEEEEEEEEEEE when one says “it depends on the situation”#and they hate-type it as the type they think is most shameful and lame (6-9 the normies)#in reality#everyone who isnt a retarded 4 talking about their cult ideology will tell you it depends on the situation#especially 8s and 7s#who see how multidimensional reality is because they live such chaotic lives without any framework whatsoever#when i first discovered typology#everyone except the 8s and 7s I knew was rash to type me#this 8 girl I knew was like it all depends on your upbringing you may not look like this type but you probably are#8s and 7s are extremely impressionable as assertive types#impressionable to their own whims and to dopamine abuse and to anything a person who doesnt introspect enough is impressionable to#so these types understand the impact that the environment has on someone and are hence SO “it depends“ when typing ppl#the only people who cant seem to integrate “it depends” into their psyche are 4s#because that would involve admitting you are part of the world and are impacted by the world#oh no we cant have that
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