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craigtowens · 8 months ago
Still Maturing
Sometimes people think that their Christianity matures to a point where they no long have to face difficulties. Actually, the difficulties are bringing a greater maturity and fruitfulness in that Christian’s life that could be realized in no other way.
Listen to the podcast of this post by clicking on the player below, and you can also subscribe on Apple, Spotify, or Audible.  https://craigtowens.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/still-maturing.mp3 Have you ever said to yourself…  …I should have known better?   …why I am going through this again?   …I thought I was over this hurdle?  …you would think I would have matured enough by now to not…
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letmeillustrate · 9 months ago
Especially note great Volf quote toward end
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spiritsoulandbody · 2 years ago
#DailyDevotion When Times Are Tough Have Hope & Praise God
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#DailyDevotion When Times Are Tough Have Hope & Praise God Psalm 71 13May those who accuse me come to a shameful end, and those who are out to harm me be covered with disgrace and humiliation. It must be really tough being king. Reading the Psalms you might think he never had a day of peace. However, the Scriptures usually report when things are happening and those things are bad. But when they are bad, it's bad. This psalm has many elements making us think it is when David is old, pointing us to the time of Absalom. So people are accusing David and they are out to harm him. When we pray these curses, he is simply praying what God has in store for them if they do not repent. They will not get away with harming God's anointed. In similar fashion, Jesus had His detractors as well, namely the Pharisees, Scribes and Priests. Before He was ever even arrested, they were spreading lies about Him and accusing Him of things because of their jealousy. Eventually they started to plan to kill Him. They did have Jesus crucified. They could not kill Him though. Jesus is the one who gave up His spirit at the appropriate time. Those who did not repent of this met a bad end. You too, because Christ's sufferings overflow into your life (2 Cor. 1) may experience people who falsely accuse you. This probably happens mostly at work but it can happen in neighborhoods and even churches. Be comforted these sufferings have been sanctified by the suffering of Jesus and they are making you holy and preparing you for glory (2 Cor. 4). If they do not repent, they will not end up in a good place. 14But I will always have hope and praise You more and more. 15I will tell how righteous You are, about Your saving deeds every day, although they’re more than I can number. I like to say, if you will praise God later, you might as well praise Him now. David speaks how he will always have hope and praise the LORD more and more. While a lot of the psalms with nothing but praises come much later, even the psalms where everything is going wrong are peppered with praises of God, like this one. God has sure and certain promises. Because we know God will do what He says He is going to do, we may always have hope. Our hope is the resurrection to eternal life and the inheritance of the world to come. Some people keep a gratitude can/box. They put in there all the things they are thankful for and take it out and read them when things are bad. When David tells of the righteousness of the LORD and His saving deeds, he is pulling from the Scriptures all that God has done to save Israel and all the things He has done for David. We too should praise God for all His righteous deeds and salvific acts for His people in the Scriptures. We too should recount the saving deeds of Jesus which have been testified in sacred scripture. But we should also recall all the saving deeds God has done for us in our lives. Keeping a box with them written in or maybe a journal might not be a bad thing to do so when you are having a bad day and despairing of hope, you can read them to see Jesus has not abandoned you in the past. He has delivered and provided for you in the past. Recalling them, you can then have hope in the present and for the future, He will provide His saving deeds here as well. Heavenly Father, when we experience the participation of the sufferings of Christ in our lives, grant us hope in Your righteousness and Your savings deeds in the past, so we may praise You for them now and praise and thank You for what You have promised to do. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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pharmaciacatholica · 3 months ago
I still remember the first (and only) time I went to a gynecologist and told her about the stuff you shared on hormonal birth control and how my friend is a pharmacist and she just went "is he a pharmacist or does he just *work* at a pharmacy" and when I said "he just graduated pharmacy school and passed his board exam" in a monotone she just goldfished and then said something about how just because there are adverse effects doesn't mean I will have the adverse effects
yea it’s totally sick and twisted and as soon as you have any rudimentary understanding of this stuff you can see right through them
i have yet to publish my actual fatwa against these people but it is coming and i will start a nonprofit dedicated to their downfall
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fierysword · 5 days ago
My reaction when I prove I was sexually harassed repeatedly & the cofounder allows the predator in a position of power saying “he said he’s changed and we are trying hard to believe it, so I hope you can put this in gods hands and let him handle it”
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greater-than-the-sword · 1 year ago
Imprecatory psalms: I mean, Ham's descendants were cursed for his disobedience, Canaanite infants and toddlers' deaths were ordered for the wickedness of their peoples, David's infant son died for his sin. The Bible does not seem to have the issues we do with punishing people, even children, for the wrongdoing of others.
Don't get me wrong, i don't like it either, and i would love to find an explanation that shows it's not what it sounds like, but i'm not sure there is one, least not this side of Heaven.
The thing is, it is quite one thing for God to do as he will, even up to taking away a child as a punishment for someone's sin or to choose their line to become the enemies of God, (and also we know very well that Ham's descendants were quite wicked in their own right) BUT to me it feels like a quite different thing to suggest that this is an acceptable thing for humans at any point in time to wish for or get involved in.
It is known the character of God does not change; so those explanations are ruled out.
Just read Ezekiel 18.
My way of reconciling this with the statements in Exodus was that God was there saying that the sin of the fathers will have consequences for a long time, even generational consequences within their family, and this is something you can even directly observe in life commonly.
To me this leaves the human-involved cases like Psalms and so forth to be the outliers and more difficult to explain.
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psalmonesermons · 1 year ago
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Can the God of the Old Testament be described as loving? Part 2
The imprecatory Psalms
How can we match up these curses from the imprecatory Psalms with the God of Love described in the New Testament?
Here are some examples of approaches where apologists have tried to reconcile these two quite different pictures of God’s character. The imprecatory psalms cannot be attributed to a single psalmist but rather the list of such including David, Asaph, and other unidentified authors.
A solution to our conundrum in explaining these difficult psalms is the assertion that they are not invoking a desire for the doom of the wicked but rather are predicting such.
However this is not supported by such psalms that are really prayers such as in Psalm 55:9 Destroy O Lord and divide their tongues. There is a good case that the psalmists were actually praying in the texts of the imprecatory psalms.
So it seems likely that the imprecatory psalms had some measure of the doom of the wicked in view and therefore were not merely predictive of their future doom.
Christian dispensationalists who split history into seven distinct periods want to put the Psalms into the dispensation of the law not to the later dispensation of grace. This allows the Old Testament believers to call down divine judgement on their enemies as in the imprecatory psalms. However this would be unacceptable behaviour by New Testament believers living in the dispensation of grace. The main problem with this point of view is that seems to give scripture contradicting scripture. It is also of note that a number of the imprecatory psalms are referred to in the New Testament (e.g. in Acts 1:20 reference is made to Psalm 69:26 in reference to Judas Iscariot).
C. S. Lewis rightly asserted: ‘The ferocious parts of the Psalms serve as a reminder that there is in the world such a thing as wickedness and that . . . is hateful to God [1]. However the suggestion by Lewis that the imprecatory psalms are due to ‘human qualities’ because scripture merely carries the Word of God [2] appears to contradict the New Testament teaching on the doctrine of inspiration [3] and thus cannot give a full explanation of the imprecations.
It should also be noted that the psalmist King David is portrayed as a significantly merciful man who prayed for his enemies and spared Saul’s life when it was in his power to harm him. So it seems likely that David’s imprecatory psalms did not come from a vengeful and violent man.
Frederika Pronk [4] has proposed that most people make two basic wrong assumptions when trying to reconcile the imprecatory psalms with the God of the New Testament. The first assumption is that ‘the welfare of man is the chief end of man’ and the second assumption is that ‘God is only merciful and not also righteous and just to punish the guilty.’
The first assumption is a humanistic view and contrary to the sovereignty of God. As the Shorter Westminster catechism taught…’The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.’
The second assumption fails to consider the integrity of God’s character.
[1] Reflections on the Psalms (1958) p. 33 by C S Lewis.
[2] Reflections on the Psalms (1958) pp.87 and 112 by C S Lewis.
[3] See 2 Timothy 3:16.
[4} The Outlook (1981) The imprecatory Psalms: Christian Library by Frederika Pronk.
In Part 3 we find a better answer to our conundrum in considering the character of God.
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granonine · 1 year ago
Imprecatory Psalm
Psalm 109:2-3. For the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful are opened against me: they have spoken against me with a lying tongue. They compassed me about also with words of hatred; and fought against me without a cause. The joy and praise of Psalm 108 seems to be forgotten in this psalm, which invokes dreadful things on David’s enemies. I will leave it to you to read the entire…
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biblebloodhound · 1 year ago
Confronting Spiritual and Emotional Pain (Psalm 79)
Never underestimate the power of empathy and solidarity. To feel alone and bereft of help is an awful feeling.
The Scream, by Edvard Munch, (1863-1944) God! Barbarians have broken into your home,    violated your holy temple,    left Jerusalem a pile of rubble!They’ve served up the corpses of your servants    as carrion food for birds of prey,Threw the bones of your holy people    out to the wild animals to gnaw on.They dumped out their blood    like buckets of water.All around Jerusalem, their…
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jkoessler · 2 years ago
Managing Our Angry Prayers
Sometimes when we pray, we are angry with other people. On other occasions, we pray because we are angry with God. How should we manage our angry prayers?
Sometimes when we pray, we are angry with other people. On other occasions, we pray because we are angry with God. When Jonah prayed, it was both. After delivering what may be the shortest and most successful sermon in preaching history, Jonah prayed an angry prayer in which he took God to task for his mercy and then begged for death.   You might think that Jonah would be happy. Instead, the…
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Disclaimer: Before I say anything, I wanna make something clear: I’m not a theologian or a Bible scholar or a philosopher. I’m not any of these things, only in aspiration. I am just an amateur in the French sense: I am a lover. Of Jesus. But I have no schooling and am just a teenager. *shrugs*
With that out of the way, a few things: forgiveness is not supposed to be easy so if it seems difficult or impossible (like a dead man rising from the dead) it’s probably definitely the right thing to do.
Now, I think that if you have forgiven the offender, you are in a better space emotionally/mentally/spiritually to help them process their grief and pain. Not so that you can get them to a place of forgiveness, but to get them to a place of healing. Forgiveness is but a part of that process — but it is a vitally important part because if they can’t forgive, it’s cause they’re not healed yet. So as for the offended, our focus should be on helping them heal, not trying to force them to forgive.
If you find yourself struggling to forgive someone who hurt your loved one… I will try not to prescribe motivations but I think it’s because you’re also hurt. Which, to be clear, is not selfish or conceited even tho it might feel that way. If someone hurt someone you love, your hurt to because you love them. You have every right to be hurt and until you’re healed you can’t really try to heal them. You can only mourn with those who mourn, as Jacob said.
So, how do you practice radical forgiveness when it is not your hurt to forgive? It is your hurt and you need to let yourself grieve too.
Forgive when the hurt party is still aching is the only way to actually help them heal (unless you’re a professional. I would say therapists and etc are exempt from this.)
We're meant to forgive a thousand times over but it isn’t meant to be easy and we aren’t meant to stop being upset about it. Or to suddenly invite a bigot to your tea party. You can forgive and end the relationship
Finally, you don’t have to voice to the hurt person that you forgiven them; that hardly seems like it would assist the situation anyway. You just need to forgive them for yourself. And because if you’re still hurting, it encumbers your ability to help them
Idk if I helped at all, if I haven’t I’m sorry.
trying to summarize the concept of forgiveness in any sort of short yet meaningful manner is literally as hard as the labors of heracles. i’m going insane.
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craigtowens · 10 months ago
Our Safe Healing Place
David knew the release and healing that would come after he poured out his complaint in God’s presence.
I cry out with my voice to the Lord; with my voice I implore the Lord for compassion. I pour out my complaint before Him; I declare my trouble before Him. (Psalm 142:2) David knew the release and healing that would come after he poured out his complaint in God’s presence. The injuries others have done to us afflict our thoughts and emotions, and we need a safe place to get that poison out of our…
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forever-1895 · 1 year ago
Waking up from nightmares
Great Things from Since I First Saw Your Face by Stavia Scott Grayson (@artemisastarte) pt.1
When Watson has screaming nightmares about the war in Afghanistan in the early days of his and Holmes' association, and Holmes tries to wake him and comfort him 😋 it's even better when you know that Holmes is not one who expresses concern over someone so easily...
His dreams came in the darkest hour, before dawn. I poured brandy into two glasses, and stole upstairs with them, setting them, and my candle, down outside his door. He was murmuring, confused, agitated, the words indecipherable, a broken flurry of pleading, imprecatory snarls, moaning. I knocked, thrice, but there was no answer, so I entered. He was thrashing in a loose cocoon of sheet and blanket, his face flushed, sweat pouring from his brow. His eyes were open, but he was asleep and dreaming hard, still moaning pleas and curses. ‘Watson, rouse up, man.’ I called. I did not seek to woo him from sleep, but command him, and it might have gone well, for he stilled a moment, had I not made the mistake of reaching for his shoulder. I meant only a consoling grasp, but his dream-blurred mind interpreted it as a threat, and he sprang at me, his hands going to my throat. I warded him off, then submitted as he grappled me, knowing I was in grave danger if he thought me a threat, for weak as he was, he was trained to kill. I continued to call him, more softly now, to try and break his dream. ‘Watson, wake, it’s Holmes. You were dreaming, old fellow, there’s no threat. Wake, Watson, it’s a dream. I only sought to wake you, come now, Watson, it’s only I. Wake up, Watson, you were dreaming.’ I knew the instant he became aware, for he released me, and flung away, his breath heaving. He cowered there, his hands to his face, and I was broken, for I had harmed where I sought to heal, and all because of my own stupidity. I scrambled off the bed, went to the door to retrieve the brandy glasses, and approached him slowly, giving him time to recover a little. ‘I’m terribly sorry, Watson, believe me. I only sought to wake you, you sounded so distressed in your dream. I brought brandy; will you take a glass? And forgive me my clumsiness, I meant only to rouse you, since you sounded in such pain. I sleep badly and have nightmares myself, so I know what it is like to be caught in their toils,’ I added, for I did not want him to think he was alone in his torments. ‘Watson, do take the brandy, old fellow. I am so terribly sorry. Let me give you this, and I’ll leave you alone. We need never mention it, and I won’t ever again try to wake you.’ He held out a shaking hand, his face still turned from me, and I placed the glass within it. He trembled so much that I had to put my hand over his and guide it to his lips. I could not think what to say to the man – I had meant so well, and done so ill. Once he was steadier, and sipping the brandy, I would have released his hand, and moved away, but he detained me. ‘Sit down,’ he said, motioning to the chair. ‘Wait, Holmes. Do not go.’
Read more of this gem:
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spiritsoulandbody · 2 years ago
#DailyDevotion You Blaspheme God When You Say He Is Too Busy For You
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#DailyDevotion You Blaspheme God When You Say He Is Too Busy For You Psalm 55 19May God who sits on His ancient throne hear and put them down (Music) because they never change and don't fear God. 20Each lays hands on his friends and violates his pledge. 21His talk is smoother than butter, but he means to fight; his words are softer than oil, but they are like drawn swords. When we pray these sections of imprecatory psalms (cursing) we should remember we are praying what is God's will. This is the judgment against those who sin impenitently against the LORD. The LORD does hear and He will put them down. He hears our cries for help. He hears their evil plans. God's judgment will indeed come upon them if they never change and if the continue to have no fear of God. Since they do not fear God, he writes what they do in that state. They are so wicked they lay hands on their own friends. Their friends are not safe from their evil deeds. They do what they want no matter who it hurts. They violate their pledges. You cannot trust them to keep their word. They make pledges and promises to get what they want. No doubt they will hold you to your pledge and your promise. If it serves their purposes they will break theirs. Such people sound good. They talk a good game. They even know Scripture, book, chapter and verse and can quote it to you. It is all a ruse. While talking in friendly terms to lure you in, but they indeed to do you harm. Their words sound soft. They are manipulative and intend to do you harm using them. Such is the way of those who do not change and don't fear God. In modern parlance, you may know these people as abusers. 22Throw your burden on the LORD, and He will support you. He will never let the righteous fail. 23But You, O God, will throw the others down into a deep grave. Men who murder and deceive will not live out half their days. But I'm trusting You. So this is what you are called to do. You are to throw your burdens on the LORD and He will support you. I don't understand the thinking of not wanting to bother God because He is too busy with more important things. That thinking is blasphemy, speaking evil against God. God is never too busy for whatever is burdening you. You are never a bother to God. For God to be God, He wants to shoulder your burdens, no matter how trivial you think they are. They are never trivial if it is a burden to you. As Jesus says, “You are worth more than many birds.” If your trust is in the LORD, He will support you. David promises here, He will never let the righteous fail. The righteous are those who trust in the LORD for help. You will receive salvation. You will be raised to eternal life and enter the City of God on the last day. Those who do not and will not trust the LORD Jesus Christ, they will be thrown down into the deep grave. That is the second death, the Lake of Fire. People who live by murder and lies will not live out half their days. Their own destruction follows them. Judgment is always on their heels. You can depend on that. David says, “But I'm trusting You.” Are you trusting God? Do you believe you are worth more to Him than many birds? Do you trust the LORD Jesus Christ with all your burdens and troubles? If you ever have any doubt God cares for you, look at the cross and know the Father sent His Son to die for you, so you could inherit eternal life. If He is willing to do this big thing, He is most certainly willing to do the small thing. Merciful God and Father, grant us faith to cast all our burdens on You for the sake of Your Son Jesus Christ, that You may be glorified when You answer our prayers. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Read the full article
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rorygilmoreclown · 2 years ago
A start
Healer!reader x Nikolai Lanstov
Summary: The reader, who is a healer, was caught by drüskelle and then escaped their ship in a storm and then was rescued by Nikolai as Sturmhond and than slowly fall for each other and one day Nikolai sees reader hit on by someone else and gets jealous and sort of confesses. (I'm sorry I suck at summaries, also i changed the plot a bit so im sorry about that sorry sorry )
A/n: I took my sweet time, didn't I. Anyways, here it is, apologies for all the changes and this crappy writing. Might make a pt2, that's why the ending.
Warnings: None, except for this smirky smirky sunshine babygorl.
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As you rouse from your slumber, a jarring realisation dawns upon you: you are no longer on your mission’s base. The scent of salt and brine pervades your nostrils, and the rhythmic groans and creaks of timber assault your ears. It takes only a moment to recall why you are in this predicament, and an acrid churning stirs within your gut.
You are a prisoner aboard the drüskelle vessel, trussed and bound, being ferried to their fortress to face their uncompromising brand of justice. The harsh squawks of the drüskelle assault your ears, censuring you for your supposed offences, their eyes brimming with nothing but antipathy and scorn for your Grisha talents. You strive to maintain your composure, reminding yourself of your mettle, but their venomous invective feels like barbs upon your flesh.
As the tempest rages on, you sense the ship pitching and yawing, at the mercy of the storm's capricious whims. Then, a deafening crack reverberates throughout the vessel, and you are flung forward, your head colliding with the bars of your cell. You hear the splintering of wood and the screams of the drüskelle, but all you can focus on is the pulsating throb in your head.
But then, a fortuitous miracle transpires. The cell confining you snaps free from its moorings and is hurled into the tumultuous waters. You acted quickly to save yourself, your appendages flailing as you struggled to stay afloat amidst the mayhem. Somehow, you manage to make it to the shore, gasping for air and quivering from the chill.
As you survey your surroundings, a colossal ship looms in the distance, and optimism swells within you, and so does dread. You remember that you are still clad in your kefta, and it may be your sole chance at survival, or another reason for a capture. As the ship draws closer, you discern a figure emerging from it, and your heart braces itself for either a negotiation or a fight. His eyes widen in astonishment as he espies you, a solitary survivor on the shore. He strides towards you, his voice ringing out like a sunbeam amidst the tempest. 
Greetings madam, I am Sturmhond, the legendary privateer and captain of the vessel. 
Are you injured, we have a medik on our ship? He paused, as if he said something humorous as well as imprecatory. Apologies for asking that question, is it offensive to ask a healer if they require medical assistance? 
That was the first time you saw that stupid smirk followed by a loud yet comforting laughter. It sounded true, as if you weren’t on some abandoned island, about to ask for an abode from a stranger, and you feel a lump form in your throat as tears threaten to spill over. And that’s how you boarded the The Volkvolny. 
You stare at Sturmhond in disbelief as he proposes his deal. Safety in exchange of your healing help. The words are hard to process, and your heart feels like it's in your throat. The thought of being safe from the Ravkans and drüskelle fills you with relief, but the idea of being on a ship with a stranger is daunting.
You take a deep breath and consider his offer, recalling the events that led you to this point. The Ravkan court, a place that was supposed to be safe and secure, turned into a nightmare when you were assaulted by one of its members. The thought of staying there was unbearable, and none of the other court members did anything to help you. You had to escape, and now you are at the mercy of a privateer captain.
But there is something about Sturmhond that feels different. His eyes are kind and understanding, and you get the sense that he genuinely cares about your well-being. You decide to take a chance, and nod your head in agreement.
He smiles at you, his eyes crinkling at the corners. Excellent. You won't regret it, I promise. And just to be clear, you will be safe from any Ravkans or drüskelle on my ship. You have my word.
As the ship sets sail, you find yourself growing more and more comfortable in your new surroundings. You observe the crew, their different backgrounds and stories, and feel a sense of belonging that you haven't felt in a long time. You start to let your guard down around Sturmhond, telling him about your past and your hopes for the future. He listens to you with empathy and understanding, and you feel like you can truly be yourself around him.
As a part-Shu, you find yourself forming a close bond with Tamar and Tolya aboard Sturmhond's ship. Tolya is a flirt, and he often directs his playful advances towards you. Sturmhond notices and becomes increasingly snippy, trying to interrupt your conversations with Tolya. But Tolya persists, sometimes just to get a rise out of Sturmhond.
One day, as you're assisting the ship's healer with her duties, Tolya comes up beside you and leans in close. Are you a healer? he whispers. Because you just cured my loneliness. You can't help but laugh at his audacity, but you know it's all in good fun.
In another scene, you're practising some Grisha skills with Tamar when Tolya approaches. Are you a Corporalki? he asks, grinning. Because you just made my heart skip a beat. Tamar rolls her eyes at Tolya's antics, and you can't help but chuckle at his attempt at humour.
A few days later, as you and Tolya are chatting on the deck, he looks at you intently. Are you a healer like me? he asks. Because I'm feeling a strong connection between us. You can't help but feel a small flutter in your chest at his words, but you know it's just Tolya being Tolya.
As the journey goes on, you appreciate Tolya's sense of humour and his easy going nature. You come to see him as a good friend and confidant, and you value the bond you share. One night, as the two of you are sitting alone on the deck, Tolya looks at you with a tender expression. Are you a Bonesmith? he asks softly. Because you just mended my broken heart. You smile at his words, but you know that you don't feel anything more than friendship for him. Unfortunately, Sturmhond takes these positive affirmations as an indicator of your interest in Tolya. As Tolya departs to attend to some task, you're left feeling grateful for the friendship you share and the camaraderie of your journey aboard Sturmhond's ship. 
As time passes on, the tension between you and the captain grows, being very transparent for everyone but you two. The night was alive with laughter and music as Sturmhond's crew celebrated their latest successful mission. You were enjoying the festivities, chatting with Tamar and Tolya when a Ravkan nobleman approached you. He looked at you with a smirk on his lips, his eyes scanning your body. Well, well, well. What do we have here? A part-Shu healer? You must be quite the exotic beauty.
You felt uncomfortable under his gaze and tried to step back, but the nobleman grabbed your arm tightly. Tolya and Tamar shot him a sharp look, but he ignored them. Just as you were about to say something, Sturmhond appeared by your side, his arm wrapped around your waist possessively. There you are, my love. I've been searching for you everywhere.
The Ravkan nobleman's eyes widened in surprise at Sturmhond's sudden appearance. Oh, I didn't know you had a lover. Sturmhond gave a charming smile, his grip on your waist tightening ever so slightly. Yes, she's quite dear to me. Now, if you'll excuse us.
He guided you away from the nobleman, leading you to a quieter corner of the room. You could feel his eyes on you, watching your reaction to the incident. Are you all right? he asked, his tone laced with concern. You nodded, grateful for his intervention. Thank you, Sturmhond. I was getting a little uncomfortable there.
He gave you a small smile, his hand still resting on your waist. I won't let anyone make you feel uncomfortable. After a boyish smirk that broke on his face, indicating of his crooked humour slipping through this serious situation, you knew it was to make the mood lighter. Afterall, the deal was to protect you from the Ravkans.
As the night wore on, you found yourself drawn to Sturmhond's protectiveness, his easy charm making your heart race. And as the party came to an end, you couldn't help but wonder if maybe, just maybe, there was something more between the two of you. Although you were a little disappointed as he mentioned protecting you only due to the deal. 
After Sturmhond rescued you from the trespasser at the party, he dragged you to the higher part of the ship. Your heart was pounding with anticipation, wondering what he wanted to tell you. As he looked at you with his piercing blue eyes, you couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and safety in his presence. You couldn't help but notice how he kept looking at you with that intense gaze of his. Was he jealous of the other man who was flirting with you earlier? Did he really have feelings for you?
Suddenly, Sturmhond broke the silence with a joke, So, I'm guessing we're officially boyfriend and girlfriend now? You couldn't help but chuckle at his playful tone. He couldn't believe he had just made that joke. He had been wanting to confess his feelings to you for so long but was too afraid of rejection. Was he being too subtle? Did she even get the hint?
Feeling bold, you responded with a joke of your own, I don't know, Sturmhond. You'll have to take me on a proper date first. You couldn't resist teasing him a little. After all, he had been flirting with you all night. As you both laughed at your playful banter, Sturmhond reached out and gently took your hand in his. He held his breath as he waited for your response. Did he really just confess his love to you? Was he about to get his heart broken? You couldn't believe it. The person you had been crushing on for so long felt the same way. Was this really happening?
As Sturmhond leaned in for a kiss, you closed your eyes and let yourself be swept away in the moment. All of your doubts and worries faded away as you realised that you had found the person who made your heart feel whole. As he kissed you, he felt a sense of relief wash over him. He had finally told you how he felt, and you had reciprocated. This was the start of something new, and he couldn't wait to see where it would take them. 
Word Count: 1.8k 
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fierysword · 1 year ago
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Source: Swallow's Nest: A Feminine Reading of the Psalms
1 Blessed is the woman who ignores the advice of the wicked, who avoids all the ways of sinners, who refuses to sit with the scornful. 2 She delights instead in the will of God. She muses on God's word day and night. 3 She is like a tree planted by rivers of water, fruitful in season, with unwithered leaves. She prospers in everything she does. 4 But the wicked are nothing like her. They are like chaff which the wind blows away. 5 They cannot stand in the face of judgment; they cannot remain among the righteous. 6 Shaddai establishes the ways of the just, but the way of the unjust shall surely perish
Possible uses of this psalm:
Diminish the strength of the enemy
Protection from those who wish to harm you (pray over a purple candle each morning)
Turn from harmful associations (bad company, books, drugs, language, films, etc)
For a safe pregnancy (don't use in place of conventional medical care)
Prayer for blessings (v3)
Imprecatory prayer (v6)
1-3 are sourced from Power of the Psalms by Anna Riva, 4 from My New Everyday Prayer Book by Brother ADA
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