#import export logistics
nihaologistics · 1 year
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hiiem · 1 year
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ghoulhusband · 5 months
actually speaking of throuples. no one else can see my like 25 draft posts about the benny/carla/kitty throuple. devastating that in my mind it’s the love affair that reshapes new vegas but in post form i just mentioned one time that i did it for the bit and then got attached. but do you see what i mean
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transjetcargo · 2 months
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Transform your logistics with Transjet Cargo reliable service! We connect every step from start to finish, ensuring your deliveries arrive on time and often go beyond what’s expected in the industry.
For all business inquiries call us now at 1800-632-1760
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yuetpo · 7 months
Hongkong Yuetpo Logistics Company Limited
WeChat ID: michael-fungko
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We Provide Total Logistics
We at transvision, aim to provide flexible logistics for every shipment with diverse cargo. Shipments are planned considering the overall type, movement & condition of cargo.
> Sea Freight
Around 70% of global trade are carried by sea & we are proud to be contributing towards it. We are specialized in ocean freights with vast port networks & customized shipments with complete transparency. Our expert team manages every process of shipping from booking to operations & documentation with ease.
> Land Freight
Land freights are considered economical for some cargos but the process can be tedious. We are backed with local & regional professionals striving to carry out every movement efficiently & with integrity. We offer customized services depending on the customer needs.
> Air Freight
Logistics keeps growing with constantly changing customer needs & requirements. Air freight is a comprehensive solution for faster & reliable shipment.We at transvision, aim to provide flexible logistics for every shipment with diverse cargo. Shipments are planned considering the overall type, movement & condition of cargo.Depending on the cargo & customer needs, we arrange for smooth & hassle free air freights.
Shipment can be done in COC/Forwarding way when our presence is not available in some sector
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enterprisewired · 1 year
Wind-powered cargo ship sets sail in a move to make shipping greener
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This month saw the debut of Pyxis Ocean, a huge red cargo ship. But unlike the majority of those that came before it, this one is partly powered by wind.
Two WindWings, massive steel sails that are 37.5 meters (123 feet) tall and were created by industry partner Yara Marine Technologies, were retrofitted onto the ship that is contracted by US cargo corporation Cargill.
It is anticipated that the wings will reduce emissions by up to 30%. The savings would be considerably greater, according to developers, if utilized in conjunction with alternative fuels.
The journey, which started in China and is currently traveling to Brazil, will test the technology.
Cargo ship sets sail to test wind power at sea
New wind-assisted propulsion methods
Every year, the shipping sector emits more than one billion tonnes of carbon dioxide or about 3% of all emissions in the world that are caused by people. The industry promised in July to reach net zero in terms of global warming pollution “by or around 2050.” One method for achieving this is the utilization of wind. New wind-assisted propulsion methods have emerged recently, however, the idea is not new—sailing ships have been in use for more than 5,000 years.
On cargo ships, enormous kites and rotor technologies have been tested in an effort to lessen their reliance on diesel. However, the International Windship Association estimates that there are now only about 20 big commercial vessels using wind power.
The entry of Cargill, one of the biggest agricultural traders in the world that moves about 225 million tonnes of goods annually, might have a significant impact. According to John Cooper, CEO of BAR Technologies, the company’s involvement has been crucial in helping WindWings gain traction. He claims, “They show the way, and others respect what they’re doing.”
Cost of wind-assisted technologies comparable to the fuel savings
According to Cargill, the wings not only assist in lowering cargo ship emissions but also enable owners of vessels to comply with new industry standards for energy efficiency and save money by reducing fuel usage. According to the business, WindWings can save 1.5 metric tonnes of fuel per wing per day on an average worldwide route, with the potential for even greater fuel savings for transoceanic flights. This, according to the company, might become even more crucial when using more expensive, future greener fuels (such as ammonia and methanol).
The cost of wind-assisted technologies must be comparable to the fuel savings they offer in order for them to become widely used, according to experts. In order to make adjustments to the design before it is produced at scale, the performance of the wings will be closely evaluated along the journey.
Cooper claims that BAR Technologies already has other contracts in the works, including one for a cargo ship chartered by Vale that will depart from Shanghai in September and be outfitted with four WindWings. We anticipate assisting the global shipping sector as it makes the switch to cleaner, greener propulsion, according to him.
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abhigroup1 · 1 year
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Let's unite, shoulder to shoulder, as one nation, one army, standing strong and resolute. We Abhi Group of companies Wishing you a day full of energy, strength, and pride !
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vnpost24h · 1 year
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Ngày nay, ngành giao thông vận tải không ngừng phát triển nhằm giúp người dân đi lại thuận tiện, di chuyển dễ dàng hơn, Xã hội phát triển thì tương ứng với nó là nhu cầu du lịch của con người cũng tăng cao, cơ hội việc làm ở các thành phố lớn như Tp Hà Nội, Tp Đà Nẵng, Tp Hồ Chí Minh cũng rộng mở. Khi bạn đi du lịch hay di chuyển, thay đổi chỗ làm đến các thành phố lớn kéo theo việc phải vận chuyển theo phương tiện và đồ đạc cá nhân, nắm bắt được nhu cầu đó, Công ty vận tải Bắc Nam của chúng tôi xin giới thiệu cho bạn hình thức vận chuyển xe máy bằng đường sắt
Vì sao nên lựa chọn vận chuyển xe máy bằng đường sắt ?
Hiện nay, vận chuyển xe máy bằng đường sắt là một trong những loại hình vận chuyển được nhiều cá nhân, tổ chức, doanh nghiệp lựa chọn nhiều nhất trong cả nước
Tàu hỏa là một trong những phương tiện vận chuyển hàng hóa vô cùng an toàn và nhanh chóng do tính chất đặc thù riêng biệt của nó. Chính vì vậy, đa số khách hàng lựa chọn tàu hỏa là phương tiện vận chuyển xe máy từ bắc vào nam. Đối với tàu hỏa, thời gian vận chuyển xe là 3-5 ngày. Hơn thế nữa, độ an toàn và đảm bảo cho xe tuyệt đối, tàu hỏa đi trên đường ray ổn định, sẽ không bị xóc và gặp những chướng ngại trên đường như vận tải đường bộ, nên xe máy sẽ được vận chuyển an toàn, không bị va đập, không bị trầy xước, tỷ lệ tai nạn của vận tải đường sắt rất nhỏ so với vận tải đường bộ, do lợi thế di chuyển từ đầu hành trình liền mạch đến cuối hành trình không bị mất nhiều thời gian cho việc kiểm tra của các cơ quan chức năng dọc đường nên thời gian vận chuyển xe rất ổn định. Đường sắt Bắc Nam là tuyến đường huyết mạch quan trọng của cả nước, trong đó đủ toa tàu chuyên dùng cho việc chuyên chở xe máy với các sức chứa khác nhau phù hơp với mọi loại xe như xe số, xe tay ga, xe motor nên ngành vận tải đường sắt đảm bảo mức giá thấp hơn so với các hình thức vận chuyển khác . Đây cũng là lý do bạn nên chọn tàu hỏa để vận chuyển chiếc xe của mình, để chiếc xe được di chuyển một cách an toàn, tiết kiệm và nhanh chóng. Gửi xe máy bằng tàu hỏa luôn luôn đảm bảo các tiêu chí:
Nhận xe tại địa điểm khách hàng yêu cầu giao xe tại địa điểm người nhận yêu cầu
Nhận xe tại ga, bãi, giao xe tại bãi xe, ga tàu
Nhận xe tại kho, bãi, giao xe tại địa điểm khách hàng yêu cầu
Nhận xe tại địa điểm khách hàng yêu cầu, giao xe tại bãi, ga tàu.
Có hợp đồng, hoá đơn, biên bản giao nhận hàng rõ ràng, chính xác, đầy đủ.
Thời gian vận chuyển nhanh chóng hơn đường thủy, đường bộ
Giá cả rẻ hơn phương thức vận chuyển bằng máy bay, đường bộ
Miễn phí mọi chi phí liên quan đến lưu kho, xếp dỡ xe máy trên toa tàu
Linh hoạt về số lượng xe vận chuyển
Đóng bọc kĩ càng cho xe, đảm bảo và cam kết không hỏng hóc chầy xước
Bảo hiểm và bồi thường mọi hư hỏng của xe nếu có
Đáp ứng đầy đủ mọi yêu cầu của khách hàng
Các Bước khi gửi xe máy bằng tàu hỏa :
Bước 1 : Hãy gọi cho chúng tôi hoặc để lại số điện thoại của quý khách để báo loại xe cần gửi của quý khách, nhân viên của chúng tôi sẽ báo giá và thông báo thời gian địa điểm nhận xe ngay lập tức
Bước 2 : Trước khi mang xe ra Ga để gửi hoặc trước khi ô tô của chúng tôi đến địa chỉ mà quý khách yêu cầu để nhận xe, xin hãy chuẩn bị giấy tờ xe hoặc chứng minh thư của quý khách, nếu quý khách không kịp photo giấy tờ thì nhân viên của chúng tôi sẽ chụp lại giấy tờ xe hoặc chứng minh thư của quý khách để làm căn cứ đi đường cho xe
Bước 3 : Sau khi đã gửi được xe, quý khách hãy kiểm tra kĩ thông tin trên biên bản đã chính xác trước khi ra về, quý khách có quyền yêu cầu nhân viên làm lại biên bản giao nhận xe khi thấy biên bản của quý khách sai với thực tế xe gửi, sau khi hoàn thiện thông tin biên bản, quý khách hãy nhận biên bản và ra về chờ ngày nhận xe!
Quý khách có nhu cầu muốn biết giá cước vận chuyển từng loại xe xin hãy vào mục ” Bảng Giá Cước Vận Chuyển Xe Máy ” của Vnpost24h
Các tuyến nhận gửi xe máy bằng tàu hỏa:
Hà Nội - Đà Nẵng
Hà Nội - TP Hồ Chí Minh
TP Hồ Chí Minh - Đà Nẵng
Và Các Tỉnh Thành Khác Trong Nước
■ Tel: 0933246226 – 0962496288 – 0914109345
■ Website: https://Vnpost24h.vn/
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pakistancargo4u · 2 years
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We make your transportation as easy as a-b-c. From UK to Pakistan Contact Us. 02085209346
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nihaologistics · 1 year
The Customs Clearance Process in India: A Comprehensive Guide
Understanding Customs Clearance
Customs clearance refers to the procedure of ensuring that goods entering or leaving a country's borders comply with all the necessary legal and regulatory requirements. In India, the process involves several steps, each of which is crucial for a smooth and efficient flow of goods.
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Key Steps in the Customs Clearance Process in India
Documentation: The procedure starts with the right paperwork. The commercial invoice, bill of lading, packing list, certificate of origin, and any applicable licenses or permissions are among the documentation that importers and exporters must present. To calculate the proper customs duty and streamline the assessment procedure, accurate paperwork is crucial.
Assessment of Customs Duty: A tax on imported and, in some situations, exported products, customs duty is applied. The Harmonized System (HS) code is used by the customs officials to classify the items and determine their worth. The appropriate duty rates and any other taxes or fees are determined by this code.
Declaration & Inspection: Depending which of the products are being imported or exported, importers must submit a bill of entry or shipping bill. These declarations include thorough details on the items, their cost, and the tariffs that apply. Customs officers may occasionally physically inspect products to confirm the information declared.
Risk Assessment and Clearance: Customs officials evaluate risks based on a range of variables, including the nature of the commodities, the nation of origin, previous compliance, and more. Low-risk shipments are given green channel clearance, allowing them to move forward without additional inspection. Clearances on the yellow and red channels are subject to stricter inspection.
Payment of Duties and Taxes: Following completion of the assessment, importers are responsible for paying all relevant customs duties, taxes, and other fees. The Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) technology is typically used to make this payment.
Release of items: Following a transaction's successful completion, customs officials issue a "Let Export" or "Let Import" order, enabling the items to leave the customs area. This is subject to final inspections for imported products, which may entail confirming the items' amount, quality, and other pertinent factors.
Challenges and Tips for a Smooth Customs Clearance
Here are some tips to Navigating the customs clearance process in India.
Accurate Documentation: Ensure that the necessary documentation is correct and comprehensive. Errors or missing data may result in delays and fines.
Proper Valuation: Declare the right value for the items and make sure that the criteria for valuation are followed to prevent disagreements.
Keep Up to Date: Regulations and practices for customs might change. To guarantee compliance, stay up to date on the newest developments.
Engage Customs Brokers: Make use of the knowledge of customs clearing agents or brokers who are familiar with the procedure and can help with paperwork and formalities.
Conclusion: An essential component of foreign trade in India is the customs clearance procedure, which guarantees that commodities pass legally and compliantly across borders. Importers and exporters may manage this procedure effectively, lowering the danger of delays and issues, by being aware of the essential processes and hurdles. A good customs clearance process requires constant knowledge, correct paperwork, and the request of expert help as required.
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saxafimedianetwork · 22 hours
Ethiopian Government Considers Berbera Port for Fuel Imports as Djibouti Depot Faces Capacity Declines
#Ethiopia considers #Somaliland's #BerberaPort for #Fuel imports due to capacity declines at #Djibouti's #HorizonOilStorageDepot. The move aims to address fuel supply chain disruptions & ensure a consistent supply. #Energy
Continue reading Ethiopian Government Considers Berbera Port for Fuel Imports as Djibouti Depot Faces Capacity Declines
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mubarakmg · 8 days
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ior-services · 9 days
How to Select the Right Importer of Record in Malaysia?
In the intricate world of international trade, the role of an Importer of Record (IoR) is pivotal. An IoR is the entity or individual responsible for ensuring that imported goods comply with the destination country's regulations and legal requirements. Selecting the right Importer of Record in Malaysia is crucial for navigating the complex landscape of customs regulations, avoiding penalties, and ensuring smooth operations. This guide delves into the essential factors to consider when choosing the ideal IoR for your business needs in Malaysia.
Understanding the Importer of Record Function
Definition and Key Responsibilities of an IoR
An Importer of Record (IoR) acts as a legally responsible party for the importation of goods into a country. The IoR’s responsibilities include ensuring compliance with local laws, paying duties and taxes, and managing customs documentation. In Malaysia, this role involves adherence to specific regulations governed by the Royal Malaysian Customs Department, including the submission of import declarations and the payment of applicable tariffs.
Benefits of Having a Competent IoR in Malaysia
Engaging a competent Importer of Record in Malaysia offers several advantages. A proficient IoR ensures seamless customs clearance, minimizes the risk of compliance issues, and provides valuable guidance on local regulations. Their expertise can prevent costly delays and penalties, thereby enhancing the efficiency of your import operations.
Evaluating Expertise and Experience
Assessing the IoR’s Knowledge of Malaysian Customs Regulations
When selecting an IoR, it is essential to evaluate their understanding of Malaysian customs regulations. A knowledgeable IoR should be well-versed in the Malaysian Customs Act, HS Code classification, and import restrictions. Their expertise should extend to navigating local practices and staying updated with any regulatory changes that might affect your shipments.
Importance of Proven Track Record and Industry Experience
Experience is a critical factor in choosing an IoR. An established IoR with a proven track record of handling various import scenarios will likely manage your imports more effectively. Assess their history of successful customs clearances and their familiarity with handling goods similar to yours, ensuring they have the requisite industry experience to support your needs.
Assessing Compliance and Risk Management
Ensuring Regulatory Compliance and Avoiding Penalties
A key responsibility of an IoR is to ensure full regulatory compliance. Verify that the IoR follows stringent procedures to meet all legal requirements and avoid compliance pitfalls. This includes accurate filing of import documentation, adherence to local laws, and timely payment of duties and taxes. An IoR with robust compliance practices will help mitigate risks associated with penalties and legal issues.
Evaluating Risk Management Practices and Procedures
Effective risk management is vital for mitigating potential disruptions in the import process. Assess the IoR’s risk management strategies, including their approach to handling unexpected issues such as customs disputes or shipment delays. A proactive IoR will have established procedures to manage these risks and ensure continuity in your import operations.
Examining Technological Capabilities
Importance of Digital Tools and Platforms
In today’s digital age, the technological capabilities of an IoR can greatly impact the efficiency of your import process. Evaluate whether the IoR utilizes advanced digital tools and platforms, such as customs management software and electronic data interchange (EDI) systems. These technologies can streamline customs procedures, enhance accuracy, and provide real-time tracking of shipments.
How Technology Enhances Efficiency in Import Processes
Technology plays a crucial role in optimizing import operations. An IoR with sophisticated technological infrastructure can offer automated solutions that reduce manual errors, speed up processing times, and improve overall operational efficiency. Ensure that the IoR you select leverages technology to its fullest potential to benefit your import activities.
Reviewing Client Testimonials and References
Gathering Feedback from Existing and Past Clients
Client testimonials and references provide valuable insights into the performance of an IoR. Seek feedback from current and previous clients to gauge their satisfaction with the IoR’s services. Positive testimonials and strong recommendations can indicate a reliable and effective IoR.
Analyzing Case Studies and Success Stories
Review case studies and success stories to understand how the IoR has handled various import scenarios. These examples can highlight their problem-solving capabilities, industry expertise, and ability to deliver results. Analyzing such cases will help you assess whether the IoR is equipped to meet your specific requirements.
Considering Cost and Fee Structures
Understanding Different Pricing Models and Structures
Cost is a significant consideration when selecting an IoR. Understand the different pricing models and fee structures offered by potential IOR Services in Malaysia. This may include flat fees, per shipment costs, or percentage-based charges. Ensure you have a clear understanding of how fees are calculated and what services are included.
Comparing Costs vs. Value in IOR Services
While cost is important, it should be weighed against the value provided by the IoR. Consider the quality of service, expertise, and benefits offered in relation to the fees charged. A more expensive IoR may provide greater value through enhanced services and risk management, which could ultimately save you money in the long run.
Evaluating Communication and Customer Support
Importance of Effective Communication Channels
Effective communication is vital for a successful partnership with an IoR. Evaluate how the IoR manages communication, including their responsiveness and clarity. Ensure they offer reliable communication channels and are accessible for addressing queries and resolving issues promptly.
Assessing the Quality of Customer Service and Support
High-quality customer service and support are essential for addressing any challenges that arise during the import process. Assess the IoR’s commitment to providing excellent support, including their approach to problem resolution and their willingness to offer assistance when needed.
Selecting the right Importer of Record in Malaysia involves a comprehensive evaluation of several critical factors. By understanding the IoR’s function, assessing their expertise and compliance practices, examining technological capabilities, and considering cost and support, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your business needs. Ensuring that your IoR meets these criteria will contribute to smoother, more efficient import operations and help you navigate the complexities of Malaysian customs regulations effectively.
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plglobal · 19 days
Import Procedure: A Step-by-Step Guide to Success
For any business involved in international trade, a well-executed import procedure is crucial for maintaining a smooth supply chain, minimizing costs, and ensuring compliance with regulations. Importing involves several important steps, from selecting the right suppliers and managing documentation to navigating customs clearance and arranging transportation. Each stage plays a critical role in determining the efficiency and success of your import operations.
Understanding these steps, anticipating potential challenges, and applying best practices can help you optimize your importing process and gain a competitive edge in the global market.
Master the essentials of a successful import procedure!
Dive in now!
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The Making of Transvision Shipping
Transvision Shipping Pvt. Ltd. was established in the year 2010 with its head office in Mumbai (formerly Bombay) in India. Started operation from Ex-Nhava Sheva, which is one of the busiest markets in India and caters more than 50% of total export and import movement. We are well groomed in various shipping fields. We see every aspect of shipping work in a different angle as in the way of progress and get ourselves into 100% involvement to show our credibility and outstanding performance.
We manage our operations and services with honesty, efficiency and reliability. TSV stands for hallmark of Quality service to the customers with perfect Vision by movement of cargo. We benchmark ourselves to be consistently progressive in the shipping industry. We are successful when you are.
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