#impmon x antibody
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alphagodith · 6 months ago
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impromptu birthday doodle for @rooks-gallery of their impmon x, shade
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pearlyetoile · 2 years ago
Fir the digimon suggestions.. maybe x antibody impmon or a guilomon? :]
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Somethings familiar abt this guy!!
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laxmon · 2 years ago
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Digimon Evolution Lines 1/∞
The X-Antibody variants of Impmon and its main evolutionary family.
Stages: LV3: Impmon X LV4: Wizarmon X LV5: Baalmon X LV6: Beelzebumon X
Artwork by Nakano Haito, Kenji Watanabe, Hisashi Fujiwara, and sasasi, respectively, from the Digimon Card Game.
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the-abandoned-digital-city · 11 months ago
Welcome to a Digital World!
You are a Beta Tester Human tasked in taking care of Digimon, think of this blog as a tamagotchi mixed with an ask blog!
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Any commands or actions outside of these will be Discarded, especially any that break the game. If any textures that are not in the files it will crash the game
If you need help please don’t be afraid to touch the hints button! I’m here for you after all!
-Ichika Satō
Current Digimon Count: 8
Your Digimon are down Below
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digimon-smashorpass · 5 months ago
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otakween · 8 months ago
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Digital Monster X-evolution
If those janky Digimon World cutscenes were a whole movie, it'd be this. To be fair, I think outdated CGI has a lot more charm than a lot of the higher quality but soulless stuff they put out nowadays. Plot-wise it was nothing special, we've seen this plot a zillion times by now. They just injected it with some new gimmicks. I did find the main character charming enough. I honestly wouldn't mind seeing another attempt at an all-CGI movie as long as that didn't become the new default (slippery slope lol).
Although the plot of this film was really simple they managed to add some convoluted lore anyways...because Digimon. Just when I was thinking "that was confusing" I saw that this wiki has a 900 page long (not really lol) explanation/play-by-play. Maybe I'll read it when it's not my bed time: https://wikimon.net/Digital_Monster_X-evolution
Of course they had to open the movie with Leomon dying (really?) Why is that a thing? I've never felt emotional seeing any Leomon die tbh lol
I think Dorumon and his digivolutions have really strong designs. His rookie form kinda looks like a furry version of Monodramon. I've been playing Digimon RPG (the MMO) and just by chance ended up with him as my partner (I actually thought I was getting Impmon lol). Fate!
Not a lot of levity here, the script took itself very seriously and the characters spent most of the film just being existential and talking about the meaning of life. Kinda heavy for a silly little monster battle film.
Legit got a little emotional when Dorumon was being bullied, but it's really easy to feel sad for a furry little creature
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The CGI actually held up better than I thought it would for the most part, the mecha digimon especially looked awesome. The only "AH! KILL IT WITH FIRE!" moment was Andromon -shudder-
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(Of course, Andromon is ugly in any form, but this is definitely his worst).
Weird seeing Omegamon vs. WarGreymon. I was also surprised to see Magnamon in the Royal Knights. He just seems more beast-like to me than the other knights.
Tokomon was one of those "is it cute or is it annoying?" baby characters. I'm leaning more towards cute, but there were moments where I was like "alright, that's enough of him" loi
Dorugamon kinda reminded me of Toothless. I wanna pet his big nose :3c
They just couldn't resist, they had to call something in this franchise "Yggradsil" didn't they
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(They also used other Norse names, the same ones used in Ah! My Goddess).
The funky X-forms of digimon were fun, very angular. It reminds me of the newer Pokemon games how they keep adding new gimmicky forms. I'm sure we'll be seeing more of these. I guess in a way, this is a more realistic "evolution" since it has to do with the digimon reacting to their environment by developing antibodies.
I saw people complaining that Frontier only had two Royal Knights, well I guess they made up for it a bit here. Are they always gonna be working for the villain side? I wanna see a series where they're the heroes!
It was neat seeing Silphymon again. I get excited when 02 characters show up cuz it's kind of the underdog season in my mind.
The villain digimon (aside from the royal knights) weren't very well explained they just kinda showed up, caused havoc, then went away. The only reason why I have a name for any of them is cuz I read the wiki. I guess it would be hard to naturally fit in all the names...
The name "Alphamon" was kind of an eyeroll. They're running out of epic names lol. (Also, it just makes me think of alpha bros nowadays). The design is nice tho, it's got the black w/ gold highlights thing that I liked in Frontier.
Lots of badass cape shots in this (see my final screenshot above)
At the end of the movie the digital world was destroyed and then restored (Frontier much?) It wasn't really clear what that meant for the digimon. Did they all just resurrect via digiegg? Were they recreated exactly as they were before the world's destruction? -shrug-
Pretty sad that this movie never got any love in the states. I wonder if there's a fandub out there somewhere.
Apparently Digimon World 4 is related to this movie so I'll be playing that next!
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nukitan · 10 months ago
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I absolutely adore the new Impmon line. Apparently so much so I wrote a wall of text gushing about it, but I'll put that under the cut to spare those who don't care's dash.
Where do I start, there's so much to love about this gift. The punk and reptilian ascetic blends perfectly into Beelzemon with his biker look and his lizard tail/claws so if you didn't want to go with the Megidramon mega you can swap in Beelzemon just fine. I honestly like it better thematically than the Wizardmon -> Baalmon line, (even though Baalmon is cooler aesthetically) it always bothered me that Wizardmon felt tacked on and slightly out of place since it wasn't a virus. I know the X antibody forms helped fold them together more design wise, and they're an awesome line, but that still doesn't fix the non-x line for me... not that all digimon need a clean and clear through line persay, but you know.
I've seen people call it "Just a recolor" and I feel like it's so much more than that. I've always liked the regional variants in Pokémon becuase they breathe new life into old designs while still making a unique feeling creature. It's the same principle here.
And while it's sad we didn't get a full canon Beelstarmon line, I like this so much more. And I feel like Impmon -> Witchmon -> LadyDevimon already fits Beelstarmon just as much as Wizardmon/Baalmon fits Beelzemon, so I don't really feel the need for a full new Fem line for Beelstarmon.
And the connections to Guilmom are just... chef's kiss. People have pointed out that Guilmon has a good sorcer line with FlareWizardmon -> Mistymon -> MedievalDukemon that matches up well with Impmon's Wizardmon line so Impmon getting a reptilian line to match up with Guilmon is just so cool. And it makes it all the cooler that Impmon was originally going to be Takato's partner, apparently.
I feel like I'm rambling, I just wanted to gush about the Punk Growlmon. After years of the Impmon line feeling rocky and incomplete on some levels, I feel like all is finally right with the world and my ocd with its line can finally rest. I don't like remembering the dark days where the best line we had was Meramon -> Skull/DeathMeramon -> Beelzemon. It gives me war flashbacks.
Now I need a Galletmon/Dukemon and Beelzemon jogress. Give it to me Bandai.
Okay I'll actually shut up now. Thank you for reading my pointless rant.
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Impmon (X Antibody)
BT12-073, Across Time, Nakano Haito
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comradeyurika · 2 years ago
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Happy 26th anniversary to the release of the Digital Monster ver 1 V-pet, and to the Digimon franchise as a whole. This series has meant so much to me since I was a kid, and it has been there for me through a lot of ups and downs in my life.
To commemorate this anniversary it was only appropriate to make a countdown of some of my favorite Digimon related things:
Top 26 favorite Digimon (at this exact moment in time; this list could look very different next week):
26. Tukaimon:
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Yes, a recolor, but I've always thought Tukaimon was cooler than Patamon. I'm a sucker for a nice evil version of a classic Digimon, and Tukaimon just has such a cool color scheme in my opinion. Definitely a Digimon that I wish had more of a prominent place in the franchise.
25. Wizarmon
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A classic, iconic Digimon who has the iconic death in the anime's history. Wizarmon has such an amazing design, and his sacrifice in Digimon Adventure is a scene that I rewatch time and time again and always tear up. Even outside of the anime, Wizarmon has always been super cool, and the Witchelny is such a neat setting that I hope to see explored more in the future.
24. Mienumon
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Probably my favorite overall design from Appmon, Mienumon was such an iconic villain in that series, and it was such a shame that she didn't stick around longer. I really like the design, and I hope that when we eventually see the Appmon integrated more fully with the rest of the franchise in future games that Mienumon makes her triumphant return.
23. Culumon
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The cutest Digimon ever. Culumon was such a delightful presence in Digimon Tamers, and a digimon who I always want to see show up again even if it doesn't always make sense. We can make it work, just have the Digi-Entelechy show up again for some reason.
22. Jellymon
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Jellymon-sama was one of the best parts of Digimon Survive, and a really strong new Digimon design. I love pretty much the whole look, and it's such an inspired way to make a jellyfish based Digimon really work.
21. Ogremon
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A classic design that I don't think I need to say much more about. Ogremon has been a presence in Digimon since the earliest days of the franchise, and was really cool in the original Digimon Adventure. I'm happy that they're a Digimon that shows up so frequently, because they really are awesome.
20. Ranamon
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Without a doubt the best of Digimon Frontier's villains, and just a really cute design. It's a real shame that we have not seen her make much in the way of appearances in recent years, and I hope that eventually changes.
19. Impmon
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A nice simple design, and a great role in Digimon Tamers. Impmon really straddles the line between cute and cool a lot, and is a nice representation of mischievous type Digimon, who are one of the kinds that I really like.
18. Craniummon
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Craniummon has a super cool design, and I loved how they were portrayed in Digimon Savers. They felt like the most dynamic of the Royal Knights in that series to me, and I'm always happy when they get to play a role in the story of a Digimon thing. I especially love the color scheme, and just look at Claiomh Solais. That thing is so cool.
17. DORUmon
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One of the cutest Digimon, and one of the best representatives of the X-Antibody line in general, which is an era of Digimon that I feel is criminally overlooked. DORUmon was an excellent protagonist for the X-Evolution movie, and remains among my favorite Digimon to get in new games.
16. Fairimon
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A nice and stylish design, and the best Digimon in Digimon Frontier. It is such a shame that Fairimon, just like everyone aside from Takuya and Kouji, was criminally underused in the second half. Also a special shoutout to Shutumon who also has a really awesome design.
15. Guilmon
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Is there anything more I even need to say about Guilmon. He's one of the most popular Digimon of all time for a reason, and when you combine being the protagonist Digimon of the best anime and having such a cool design, it's easy to see why.
14. Imperialdramon Dragon Mode
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I have so much nostalgia for downloading the clip of Paildramon first evolving into Imperialdramon around Christmas in 2000, so Imperialdramon has always held a special place in my heart. While the Fighter Mode and Paladin Mode are both cool, there's something just really special about the original Dragon Mode, especially because it's not the type of design we usually see for the main character's partner
13. Gazimon
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Probably one of the oddest inclusions on my list, but when I was a kid, Gazimon was my absolute favorite Digimon (perhaps the color purple has always been something I like in Digimon designs looking over a lot of the Digimon on this list). While it no longer occupies that place, it still has a strong place in my heart, and I'm always happy when I see Gazimon.
12. Shoutmon X7
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An amazing design, and an amazing insert song that always plays. I quite enjoyed Digimon Xros Wars as a series, and X7 was a great Digimon to build up to as you saw all of the protagonist Digimon coming together to form a champion for them all.
11. Renamon
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Cool and elegant. There's not much more to say about Renamon. I feel like if you even remotely know what Digimon is, you know about Renamon.
10. Dark Knightmon
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A villain so iconic that he has been brought back multiple times already, which is pretty rare for Digimon of that era. A super cool design, and a big part of why Xros Wars was so good. Please put him in the next Story game so I can play as him.
9. Bancho Lilimon
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Criminally underused, and such a cool design. I would love for her to become the default Ultimate for Lilimon instead of Rosemon, not that I don't like Rosemon a lot. Honestly, her whole design is goals.
8. Lopmon
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Definitely the cuter of the two siblings. I just love Lopmon's design so much; they're just so precious. I also think the extra horns work really well on their design. I don't want to knock on Terriermon, who is still neat, but Lopmon is just an incredible Digimon design.
7. Lilithmon
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Beautiful and stylish. Lilithmon has always been a favorite of mine, so I was really excited when she showed up in Xros Wars and had a big role.
6. Bancho Leomon
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One of the coolest Digimon designs of all time. We've had a lot of Leomon variants over the years, but none of them even approach Bancho Leomon's aesthetic. I loved his role in Digimon Savers, and I just love everything about this Digimon.
5. Vamdemon
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The iconic Digimon villain. There's a reason almost every Adventure sequel has found some way to cram Vamdemon in in some fashion. He's just such an iconic and menacing villain, and his design is both spooky and stylish. I just love that cape.
4. Alphamon
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A super cool member of the Royal Knights with an amazing cape and a great design. Alphamon has a fairly different color scheme for a protagonist Digimon, which is quite refreshing.
3. Dukemon
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The best of the Royal Knights without a doubt. The design and weapons are both great, and Masako Nozawa has done such a great job making Dukemon sound cool across multiple different incarnations, although obviously Tamers is the biggest one. The Dukemon vs Beelzebumon fight is one of my favorite moments in any Digimon anime.
2. Beelzebumon Blast Mode
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And speaking of Beelzebumon, I have to really shout out Blast Mode. Beelzebumon is super cool on his own, and would have probably made the list if I was okay with having two different modes of the same Digimon both on the list, but Blast Mode takes the design even further. Without a doubt the coolest Digimon in existence.
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Lilimon is the cutest Digimon of all time, and my personal favorite Digimon. I love her design so much, and she's been such an inspiration to me over the years. Even though she's cute, she's also a fierce fighter, and my now and forever favorite Digimon.
Top Vocal Digimon songs:
26. Sora Mau Yuusha X5 by Koji Wada (Digimon Xros Wars insert song)
25. Ashita wa atashi no kaze ga fuku by AiM (Digimon Adventure 02 Ending 1)
24. Target ~Akai Shougeki by Koji Wada (Digimon Adventure 02 Opening)
23. Believer by IKUO (Digimon Savers insert song)
22. Innocent ~ Mujaki na Mama de by Koji Wada (Digimon Frontier Ending 1)
21. Accentier by Eir Aoi (Digimon World: Next Order Opening)
20. Never Give Up! by Sonar Pocket (Digimon Xros Wars Opening 1)
19. Hirari by Koji Wada (Digimon Savers Opening 2)
18. Evolution & Digixros ver. Taiki by Koji Wada and Takayoshi Tanimoto (Digimon Xros Wars Insert song)
17. Days ~ Aijou to Nichijou~ by AiM (Digimon Tamers Ending 2)
16. Beat Hit by Ayumi Miyazaki (Digimon Adventure 02 insert song)
15. We Are Xros Heart by Koji Wada (Digimon Xros Wars insert song)
14. Keep On by Ai Maeda (Digimon Adventure Ending 2)
13. X4B The Guardian by Koji Wada (Digimon Xros Wars insert song)
12. an endless tale by Koji Wada and AiM (Digimon Frontier Ending 2)
11. Brave Heart by Ayumi Miyazaki (Digimon Adventure insert song)
10. New World by Twill (Digimon Xros Wars Opening 2)
9. Itsumo itsudemo by AiM (Digmon Adventure 02 Ending 2)
8. GOUing! Going! My Soul!! by Dynmaite Shu (Digimon Xros Wars Opening 1)
7. I wish by Ai Maeda (Digimon Adventure Ending 1)
6. FIRE!! by Koji Wada (Digimon Frontier Opening)
5. One Vision by Takayoshi Tanimoto (Digimon Tamers insert song)
4. My Tomorrow by AiM (Digimon Tamers Ending 1)
3. Butter-fly by Koji Wada (Digimon Adventure Opening)
2. We Are Xros Heart ver X7 by Koji Wada, Takayoshi Tanimoto and Ayumi Miyazaki (Digimon Xros Wars Insert song)
The Biggest Dreamer by Koji Wada (Digimon Tamers Opening)
Thank you so much to everyone involved in making Digimon what it has been over the past 26 years, including Volcano Ota, Kenji Watanabe, Hiroyuki Kakudou, Yukio Kaizawa, as'maria, Kazumasu Habu, Koji Wada (RIP), Ai Maeda, Takayoshi Tanimoto, Ayumi Miyazaki, and everyone else involved. Here's to 26 more years.
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digi-dest-stories · 2 months ago
i got my take for the digi partners for each of the tf2 mercs:
soldier: kamemon (evoline: poyomon - bukamon - kamemon - gwappamon - shawjamon - jumbo gamemon);
heavy: bearmon and/or gulimon (evolines: bearmon: punimon - tsunomon - bearmon - grizzlymon - monzaemon - shin monzaemon; gulimon: jyarimon - gigimon - guilmon - growlmon - wargrowlmon - gallantmon/megidramon);
medic: ((both his partners have "maniac" tendencies like him)) biyomon (female) and/or sorcermon (male) (evolines: biyomon: puwamon - pinamon - biyomon -saberdramon - crowmon - varodurumon; sorcermon: pichimon - pagumon (white with blue eyes) - gomamon - sorcermon - baalmon/wisemon - beelzemon/belphemon/seraphimon);
sniper: loogamon ((his loyal hunting and spycheck "doggy")) (evoline: fusamon - bowmon - loogamon - loogarmon - soloogarmon - fenrilloogamon);
engineer: kotemon and/or fanbeemon (evoline: kotemon: metal koromon - kapurimon - kotemon - gladimon - knightmon - leopardmon; fanbeemon: pupumon - puromon - fanbeemon - waspmon - cannonbeemon - tigerwaspmon);
demoman: mushroomon ((he also loves explosions, but when he is in his mega form he also has drunk tendencies when with his tamer)) (evoline: yuramon - budmon - mushroomon - cherrymon - puppetmon);
pyro: flame wizardmon ((he has pyromaniac tendencies too, and sometimes if he is seen in pyro vision not only him but also the other mercs partners would look like cute fully harmless tamagothi creatures versions of themselves)) (evoline: mokumon - demi meramon - impmon - wizardmon/wizardmon x antibody/flame wizardmon - mistymon/baalmon x - dynasmon/gallantmon x/beelzemon x)
spy: mikemon ((his "kitty" who is also his precious "princess")) (evoline: yukimi botamon - nyaromon (with a tortoiseshell tabby like coloration) - mikemon - bastemon - lilithmon/magnadramon);
scout: terriermon and/or angoramon (evolines: terriermon: zerimon - gummymon - terriermon - gargomon - rapidmon/rapidmon (armor) - mega gargomon/black mega gargomon; angoramon: pyonmon - bosamon - angoramon - symbare angoramon - lamortmon - diarbbitmon);
ms. pauling: lunamon and/or lopmon ((like scout with ms. pauling, his respective partners also are in love with them (terriermon with lunamon and angoramon with lopmon)) (evolines: lunamon: pafumon - moonmon - lunamon - lekismon - crescemon - dianamon; lopmon: conomon - kokomon - lopmon - turuiemon/wendigomon/prariemon - antylamon (good) - cherubimon (good/virtue)/cherubimon (evil/vice)
how would be like the scenario of them first meeting their partners after a bunch mysterious looking eggs were left abandoned on RED base?
Oooooo those are all some interesting picks!
Gonna be honest with you - I'd imagine they'd try to eat it at first. Soldier would at least, maybe roping Demo (probably drunk) into helping him
No one stops them either. The worst they'll do is set the kitchen on fire and make a bunch of mess with the eggs. That's not too crazy
How very wrong they were
The eggs - All at once, as Soldier was prepared to crack them - hatched and there was just a bunch of Baby Digimon everywhere
The mercenaries are all trying to catch these giggly and slippery little guys, maybe shooting at them along the way. It's very chaotic, paired with a lot of yelling and maybe comedically girlish screams
The only ones who are dealing with this calmly are probably Spy, Engineer, and Pyro. Spy and Engineer are mostly calm because the little guys aren't really hurting anyone, just being annoying by causing chaos. Pyro is calm because they like the Digimon a lot
No one knows what Digimon are because there's no media about it (googled to check if they would have come out when TF2 is set - They did not)
Pauling is contacted eventually to help. When she gets there, she is promptly jumped by all the babies, who use her as a shield to hide from the Mercs
Some are hanging out with Pyro instead, using their presence as a shield
Eventually, all of them are caught and things are settled. It's very difficult to keep it settled, but yeah. More help on the battlefield :D
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arcthebreeder · 9 months ago
06/10/2024, 11:55 (GMT-5)
Before anything.
Getting back to business!
During this week, I've been working with Tyutyumon on helping Andromon and MegaloGrowmon evolve, since Tyutyumon has a lot more means and knowledge than me on the field of upgrading mechanical Digimon.
Recently, some digimon have been discovered through an investigation some hackers have been pulling up since 2020, this investigation has given us some new information before, like the existence of an X-Antibody variant of the Virus-Type Greymon, however, this time, this investigation reached a server of the Digital World dubbed LACUNA, a it's unknown when or why this place was created, but inside it, new species like the the Pteromon and Shoemon lines, digimon that I've encountered before but didn't know where technically imported from this LACUNA place. What does this have to do with my digimon you ask? Well, a new digimon line has been found, related to Impmon and Guilmon, it's some kind of adaptation of the Guilmon line that has been affected by the data of punk-rock culture, one of this digimon is a Perfect level called Loudmon, that reminisces MegaloGrowmon, and Tyutyumon and I have speculated that if MegaloGrowmon can slide evolve between the two perfect stages it could help him evolve into Ultimate faster! Kinda like what Helloogarmon did, sliding from said digimon to Soloogarmon when the situation required it, tho due to the similarities between MegaloGrowmon and Loudmon I think this hypothetical slide evolution could be more of a power diversification than an actual field advantage, like the first two.
On Andromon's side his evolutionary path has already been decided by Tyutyumon, HiAndromon is the best option to evolve into, since it is a more advanced and powerful version of the Andromon we all know.
Regarding my less mechanical digimon, they've been training in case something happens with the army, they've been awfully quiet lately and I speculate that it may be due to a plan they could be arranging, the other four people I know that breed digimon could help get me some information, specifically Bit, who I recently discovered, lives near her city's equivalent to The Fourth Brigade, the place that leads the military in my city.
I won't ask her to charge at them for no reason, since her digimon aren't used to fighting, but any help she can provide is more than useful. In the meantime, I'll start helping Canoweissmon with his training, he's been giving everything he has to become stronger along with Rasenmon and the rest! I'll help them once I'm done running the last tests Tyutyumon and I have to do on MegaloGrowmon to see if he can start slide evolving, which we'll do tomorrow in the morning!
Lastly I've also got some personal news.
I got into college! I was accepted a few days ago and tomorrow I'll do all the legal stuff I have to do to have my info in order before I enter, I'll do everything after I'm done with MegaloGrowmon's tests. I'll start classes in August, but fear not, my schedule for doing digimon related stuff will still suck, so the blog will probably be unaffected by this, it'll even get better I'd say since there's a chance more Tamers wander around my campus! So I'll maybe get some more people to run these errands with!, but only time will tell!
And even once I'm done with college, I'll keep you updated!
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alphagodith · 2 years ago
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for @frolis-maneuver of their impmon (x antibody), spike! i headcanon that the purple part of impmon is not their body but a costume they wear. thanks for letting me illustrate spike that way, frolis! (bonus 'critter under the suit' view below)
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aviculor · 7 months ago
Trying my hand at making full lines for other armor evolutions
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Lighdramon is classified as a beast, so I'm not actually sure it's even supposed to look so reptilian. That might just be V-mon shining through a little too well. At any rate, Qinglongmon has a very similar mask and even has the lightning horn, so it's a pretty natural connection. Tyilinmon is a lightning-powered dragon/mammal with a horn, so while it's not the ideal visual match, it's a lot more acceptable than what I just did to Hawkmon.
Armadimon/Sepikmon get Makuramon and KingEtemon because monkey. There aren't exactly that many options for a racial caricature, after all. I guess Gokuwmon would also work in Makuramon's place. But KingEtemon's colors actually play off Armadimon so I do kind of like that.
Patamon/Stegomon get Triceramon and Spinomon. Very simple reasoning in that it's a dinosaur covered in blades. As a happy accident, Spinomon is orange like Patamon too. Digimon Savers even connected Stegomon and Spinomon by making Ivan turn into variants of both of them.
Tailmon/Bitmon is simple. Pink rabbit with blades? Crescemon and Dianamon. Andiramon and Cherubimon Virtue also work.
Wormmon/Togemogumon is a little more complicated. Blastmon plays off it visually even though it's made of diamond and not ice. Then Panjyamon X-Antibody creates an interesting bridge in that it's an ice-themed mammal that's blue and white, and it's also bipedal and wearing a cape. You could also draw something between Panjyamon X's mane and Blastmon's crystals.
Hawkmon needs to end in FrosVelgrmon no matter what, even though Rinkmon is a "blade" one and not "ice" one. I think I've mentioned before how the friendship armors are really all over the place, right? Anyway, I'm not in love with it, but a humanoid with blades on its feet calls Matadrmon to mind and I don't have a better idea. If you squint, Matadrmon kind of plays off Hawkmon's color scheme and wings.
Looking back at the KarnEX video on this subject, he had the same idea for both Sepikmon and Stegomon. He chose RaijiLudomon to bridge Lighdramon and Qinglongmon, and CrysPaledramon to bridge Rinkmon and FrosVelgrmon. His idea for Togemogumon was Frozomon and AncientMegatheriummon which I can see, and he played with Blizzarmon as the perfect level which I did too at first. In fact, while I like what I ended up with, I am a little shocked AncientMegatheriummon didn't even cross my mind. His idea for Bitmon was Kyukimon and Cherubimon, which is fair but I do like the Dianamon line more.
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As for the misfits of Thunderbirmon and Kenkimon:
Karn's idea of Loudmon and Heavymetaldramon works great if Impmon is Thunderbirmon's child stage. It has the same mask as Lighdramon and Qinglongmon, but I'm not 100% on what could bridge it with Qinglongmon. And it's boring to have dupes.
LoaderLiomon and HeavyLeomon carry Kenkimon's construction machinery theme. Karn suggested Valvemon and Breakdramon which is very respectable too, especially if you're not a fan of it turning into a Voltron.
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simplyreiartblog · 2 years ago
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Got another commission done, and i’m fully done with all of them. Its a Impmon sona with the x antibody form~
Feel free to DM if you want some art from me~
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star-vessel1237 · 2 years ago
Did you know that Wizardmon and Baalmon have X-Antibody variations? And Baal!Yuu does have Impmon X for a Rookie form...
Oh... I didn't realize that Wizardmon and Baalmon have X-Antibody variants. Maybe these can be seen as a weird power boost caused by Twisted Wonderland's magic?
Although, maybe an in universe answer that Baal!Yuu has Impmon X as their rookie form is because they have a weak version of the X-Antibody in their coding and it only shows in their weakest and strongest forms, so that's why they have Impmon X as their rookie form and possibly Beelzebumon X as their mega form.
One more thought, both Wizardmon X and Baalmon X could be good design inspiration for an Overblot. : )
(That's all for now. Hope you enjoyed.)
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thelaughingmerman · 2 years ago
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Got some booster packs and was blessed. Some faves from the Digimon packs (super excited about the Impmon X Antibody. And both pokemon packs had cool pulls. Holos and some fancy boys. The koraidon doesn't show up well but it's very sparkly.
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