#implying both that the OG design is forgettable and that yours will be so much better in one sitting
ilikekidsshows · 2 years
Fashion is very personal and culture dependent. I've seen a video of someone criticizing miraculous fashion while wearing something I wouldn't consider at all. I'm not going to tell them I dislike their fashion sense because what someone wears is up to them. But people criticizing Marinette not wearing different outfits is also ignoring the 3d medium of the show and the cost. people don't know/ignore restrictions of official shows while critiquing. btw I think Gabe's new outfit is a vibe XD
You, Anon, get it!
Like, whenever I criticize this fandom about a common trend, like calling Adrien an idiot or complaining about the outfits, I solely refer to people who unironically (meaning they aren’t just memeing), fully believe that their personal opinions are some kind of universal truth that has to be spouted at everybody no matter what that person's opinion on the topic is. I've seen the "Gabriel's look is so ugly" people spam people who also aren't big on the design (meaning people who agree with them) in addition to creeping into the notes of every person saying anything vaguely positive about the new look. Fan redesigns also almost without fail get comments along the lines of: “this is better than canon!” It’s one thing to have an opinion, it’s a wholly another to keep telling everyone about it.
Every single one of my beefs with the Miraculous fandom always seems to come down to fan entitlement. Entitled fans are people who are convinced that their opinion is the only right one and they'll scream their opinion at everyone until no dissenting opinion can be heard. That's annoying and exhausting. It's why I aim to keep any of my show-specific gripes out of the main tags and why I don't bother with posts that are clearly viewing the show really differently from me. Other people have a right to have opinions just like I do and, since I don't like having certain opinions shoved into my face, I try to give others the same consideration of being able to avoid mine.
The reason I try to stay clear of the Miraculous Youtube vid scene is specifically because those videos so often ooze entitlement and self-importance. Like, they can tell me what their perspective is and what angle they're approaching the show from, but if they try to tell me that their opinion is the most correct one or that the PAID PROFESSIONALS can't do their jobs because they have personal gripes with it, I nope out instantly. And all the "critical" approaches to the show veer into this territory at least halfway through if they don't outright start there.
Like, honesty hour? There's this one person who makes videos about their redesigns for the characters, and they're always so over-designed and they talk over their video how they'd "fix" the canon stories for these characters and I just end up hating the designs both because they aren't to my tastes, but also because of their entitlement. They tell me these designs are better than canon and that they can also write better than the staff? I instantly dislike them as a person, and then they give me designs that wouldn't actually work in the show due to being over-designed and hard to animate in CG (or 2D to be honest) and also that just don't fit the characters thematically and I just end up hating them with such a burning passion that just seeing a thumbnail of a recommended video where I recognize their style makes me make the most UGH face imaginable.
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I always quickly look for something palatable to watch to get rid of the feeling. Usually an actual analysis of a storytelling device will do the trick.
Also, the entire point of a superhero or supervillain costume is to be a vibe, so I consider your comment a winning endorsement. Superhero and supervillain designs should tell you the basic premise of a character with a glance, the point is to have a strong "vibe".
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