popmour · 1 year
Gosta de mendigar atenção e implorar querer ser bonita.
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eufoniasdelarteemm · 2 years
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cupcek · 2 months
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۫⁎ . 👞⁺ ˳ ۫⁎ . ♫⁺ ˳ ۫⁎ . 🎬⁺ ˳
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suspirocotidiano · 2 years
Uma filha não Deveria ter que Implorar ao pai Por um relacionamento
Outros Jeitos de Usar a Boca – Rupi Kaur
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graciereadshannigram · 6 months
hey fam, welcome to the March roundup of the best hannigram fics i've read this past month! i read close to 60 fics total, and these were the cream of the crop.
as a reminder: the ingredients for a five star rating typically (but not always!!) include some combination of a.) believable characterizations of both Hannibal and Will, b.) compelling plot and/or character arcs, and c.) high quality smut.
that being said, my judgment of the aforementioned ingredients is powered almost exclusively by vibes and as such, is incredibly subjective.
and if you have any recs of your own for me, PLEASE SHARE.
(Inaugural roundup can be found here)
anyway, in no particular order, let's go!
Title: Bones of My Bones (& Flesh of My Flesh) by everyday_forever Word Count: 15,759 Summary: When Will & Hannibal reunite in Italy at last, Will doesn't fear becoming Hannibal. He knows he already is Hannibal. However, Will feels as if he's a derivative of Hannibal, made in Hannibal's image, from Hannibal's own raw material. He doesn't feel like he's Hannibal's natural equal. Will thinks the only way he can forgive Hannibal is by claiming a piece of Hannibal in return, and choosing to make it a part of himself. He has to eat him. And Hannibal is all to happy to let him.
As far as I'm concerned, this IS canon. Truly some of the best canon-compliant characterizations of them that I've read. This is absolutely what would have happened if Will hadn't tried to kill Hannibal after leaving the Uffizi Gallery. It was perfect. And so them. And obviously, mutual cannibalism. *chefs kiss*
Title: Do you feel the hunger, does it howl inside? by merrythoughts and ReallyMissCoffee Word Count: 261,929 Summary: It's been weeks since the Fall. Since Will had leaned against him, the wild scent of blood thick and cloying on the air, and had taken them from the top of the cliffs. And for every second of every day since, Hannibal has been calmly dealing with the fallout of his decision that night: Life over death. Will had intended them to die, had allowed himself a moment of weakness, of desperation. Perhaps the last act of an exhausted soul. Yet Hannibal had denied him.
I am being dead serious when I say that this fic changed my brain chemistry and managed to do something that several years of therapy had not. I wanted this to go on forever (there IS a sequel!) and did my very best to savor it instead of plowing through the entire thing in a single day. Check the author notes if you're unfamiliar with these two writers–the format took me a couple chapters to get used to, but clearly it wasn't a big deal for me.
Title: Sensational by bigfootghostdick Word Count: 39,607 Summary: Franklyn’s obsession with Hannibal Lecter truly knows no bounds. His obsession only grows worse after being fired as Dr.Lecter’s patient. Feeling slighted by Hannibal's rejection, Franklyn follows him home one evening only to stumble upon something that he never expected to see. Who’s that dark-haired man locking lips with Hannibal right outside his front door? Overcome with jealousy, Franklyn decides to seek revenge on his tenth psychiatrist. How? By selling the photos he took of them to Freddie Lounds.
Listen. I love a good jealous!Franklyn, especially when Hanni and Will firmly put him in his place. Sue me.
Title: The Stress-Sex Connection by shotgun_sinner Word Count: 48,090 Summary: When Will gets out of the BSHCI, he resumes therapy with Hannibal Lecter. His stress levels are through the roof, and Hannibal makes an offer that Will doesn't turn down. Hannibal assumes he's going to take Will to bed and make love to a fragile man, shy and delicate. Will enjoys taking Hannibal to bed, and proving him wrong. OR the story where Hannibal is shocked to find out that Will is a profiler in the streets, but a demon in the sheets.
I was sold on the last line of the summary, "Will is a profiler in the streets, but a demon in the sheets" because it actually got a good cackle out of me, and then who would have guessed! Essentially porn with feelings, but I loved.
Title: hold me, kiss me, rip out my tongue by multifandom_fanfic_writer Word Count: 18,005 Summary: Will notices things. He notices a lot of things, can’t turn it off. Some of these things are about Doctor Hannibal Lecter. He watches Hannibal watching him eat. He watches the touch on his elbow lingering, possessive. He watches Hannibal's eyes darken when Will pulls his hair and fucks his throat hard.
Okay, so I'm realizing that a lot of my five star fics this month were pretty smutty, but I make no apologies. That being said, I did find the characterizations of both Will and Hannibal to be very compelling, and it had the added bonus of Will getting to rub it in Alana's face that Hannibal chose him not her.
Title: Ligare by InfiniteCrisis Word Count: 8,280 Summary: Will's never gone down on a man before and is feeling nervous about it. His solution: tie Hannibal up first. Hannibal has no complaints.
Initially shied away from this one because Will essentially drugs Hannibal to knock him out and fuck him for the first time, but I PROMISE Hannibal knew exactly what Will was doing and allowed it. However, if that isn't your thing, this won't be for you.
THAT BEING SAID, my honest reaction after this was, "fuck fuck fuck, dom!Will might be my new favorite." Bonus points for it being the first in a series, and the rest is equally good!
Title: Oboedire, Implorare, Vovere by InfiniteCrisis Word Count: 18,715 Summary: At the end of Ligare, Hannibal said Will should "test" his willingness to submit to him. Will takes him up on that, and the results are more than either of them expected.
As I said, the rest of the series was SO GOOD. This was basically off the charts hot.
Title: To the Devil His Due (His Due is You) by everyday_forever Word Count: 26,3319 Summary: Will Graham is in the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane, courtesy of one Hannibal Lecter. And Will wants payback. He threatens Hannibal with a reckoning. And then Will has a terrible and wonderful idea- he opts to get back at Hannibal and make him jealous by pursuing a sexual relationship with Dr. Frederick Chilton. Feeling emboldened, Chilton sends the audio recordings of him and Will together to Hannibal to boast of the new development in Will's 'therapy.' Hannibal knows at once Will is the mastermind behind it all. Hannibal is most displeased with his manipulative albeit cunning boy. Chaos ensues. Will continues to manipulate both Chilton and Hannibal in order to make Hannibal jealous. Will has entered into a dance with the Devil after poking Hannibal's beast and Hannibal is eager to teach Will a lesson and remind him who he belongs to...
HEAR ME OUT. Prior to this fic, I had never considered Will/Chilton. Ever. Let alone reading a fic where most of the on paper smut is ChilWill. And yet here we are. Hannibal was just so present through it all, given that Will was only screwing Chilton to get at Hannibal (although, I liked that there was some genuine affection between Chilton and Will, it wasn't completely callous), and it just all combined to be an excellent fic. Sue me.
Title: Trope: Fake Date (Hannigram AU) by TigerPrawn Word Count: 4,207 Summary: Will's possible promotion is relying on his superiors thinking better of him. One way to do that is to take his omega to the upcoming cocktail party. Only problem is, he doesn't have one, having to rely on one sent by an agency. He wasn't quite expecting Doctor Hannibal Lecter.
Fluffy first meeting AU, nothing more nothing less. I just love seeing them happy!! (sometimes, lmao)
And that's a wrap on this month! See ya next time!!!
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irene23world · 8 months
niente che devi implorare vale davvero la pena
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mostro-rotto · 1 year
La mia psicologa mi ha spiegato che: nelle persone che soffrono d'ansia, quando questa si manifesta come un dolore al petto o sensazione di soffocamento, solitamente è dovuta a dei traumi legati all'implorare di essere amati e al non sentirsi ascoltati. II tuo corpo registra il dolore emotivo come dolore fisico intrappolato dentro di te.
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ldh0000 · 2 months
22:11 | mandei um ngc no gc das bestie e to nervosabakskdkdf @lucuslavigne @hyunjungjae @cheolcam RESPONDAM PFFFFF!!!!!!
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Sto implorando il mio corpo di reagire agli input, perché a volte non ricorda come stare vivo: non si riconosce se non lo faccio impazzire. Se non provo dolore. Sto implorando la gola mia, di non arrendersi. Ai miei occhi di socchiudersi quando mi sveglio, al mio sesso di rispondere quando lo sfiorano. 
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haemosexuality · 2 years
oh my god its sunday we got fucking. presidential elections in a few hours
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anditwentlikethis · 2 years
aviso com antecedência que não me responsabilizo pela pessoa em que me poderei tornar a partir das 18h deste domingo 
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strwberieswsugar · 2 years
mas ele foi meter o leão num jogo destes para quê
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adaptingwatchmaker · 1 year
caralho eu to sendo tratado tao bem q to ate meio em choque
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bat-the-misfit · 2 years
acabei de descobrir que meu filho também vai aparecer numa das one-shots da edição 18 portanto vou poder dormir em paz por dois meses
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carentizando · 7 months
Quando uma pessoa te ama de verdade, ela faz questão da sua presença, da sua companhia e você não precisa lutar por isso, você não precisa pedir pra entrar, ela vai te dar a chave e te convidar. Se você está em um lugar, onde tem que insistir pra estar lá, sugiro que dê meia volta e se retire, esse lugar não é seu. Acredite, quando é pra ser, as coisas fluem e você não precisa pedir e muito menos implorar por isso. Nos lugares certos, você consegue perceber nitidamente a sua importância.
Caren B.
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mostro-rotto · 3 months
Io odio il prossimo. Gli altri mi fanno paura. Persone che amavo, persone di cui mi fidavo, hanno dato il peggio di loro stesse con me. Però poi ci sono persone intorno a noi ed è un impresa trovarle è raro persone che non riesce ad odiare è impossibile poi fare qualunque cosa ti accettano e non ti abbandonano. Anche se avrebbero tutti i motivi per farlo ma non lo fanno anche se tu le preghi e le implori di andarsene. Voglio sapere perché? Perché provano sentimenti per me che io non conosco
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