#implied naughties
skzstoryvault · 4 months
Pastel Crimes (fluff, comfort)
F!Reader x Chan
Chan and his wife attend the wedding of someone in her family.
This is in no way connected or meant to be a reflection of the real person Bang Chan.
This is pure fantasy. Everyone would envy whoever married Bang Chan, no matter who they were. I thought this would be a very juicy, satisfying scenario.
Since it's a white people wedding, expect some micro-aggressions and boomer racism. Reader's family is misogynistic towards her.
The story stops right as the smut starts.
The "you" used here is not generic, I'm using it to allow myself some immersion on later re-reads. I know that's selfish but isn't all the writing advice telling us to write what we want to read? If you still find something in here to like, all the better - I hope you enjoy it and have a good time.
Please be kind.
Please do not report this post. If it's not your thing, just scroll away.
If you're underage, please scroll on, there is nothing for you here.
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“Your old aunt called me an oriental,” Chan says, causing a shiver of dread to go down your spine.
“She what now?!” You splutter. “Fuck me, she hit the bottle again, because when she’s sober she at least keeps her mouth shut. I’m really sorry, Channie. I… There’s really nothing that excuses it.” “You have nothing to apologise for. Old white people are racist and have no filter, but I knew that. I’ve been called worse.” “And at a wedding, too. See? This is why I never go to these things. I mean, on top of all of my family insisting that I’m gay and unemployed despite all evidence pointing to the contrary. Every time we all meet it’s just… this shit.” “Hey, you’re doing great navigating this. And I’m having fun. The food is great, there’s some nice folks our age around and the bride and groom are lovely.” He says, amused. He’s a way better, classier person than you are, because you are ready to go out there and start a fight. “Besides, it’s nice to not be the centre of attention for a bit." "You know, calling me oriental the way people refer to those skinny long cats who pile together and meow your head off… that was kind of cute.” Chan carries on. “She saw us playing with the flower girls earlier and she asked me why I hadn’t put a couple of those in you yet. And why we’re married, if not to fuck with impunity. Something your sister and BIL also asked, in a less direct way. I guess they do believe you’re gay and I’m somehow just a very charitable friend who agreed to be your full time beard?” Mortification steals your breath, you want to say so much and nothing seems an adequate first reaction so you just gasp and hiss. “Channie- “ You start, feeling on the brink of tears. This is why you are low, low contact with your family. They openly told you you could do better, way better than your husband. He’s not tall enough. Not pretty enough, not rich enough, not white, and they just know all your kids would look fully Asian because the Korean gene would totally drown out the white one. You, on the other hand, know there is no better husband than Chan. He’s hot as all hell, is fiercely protective of you and, most importantly, he loves and genuinely sees an equal in you. You’re best friends and support each other through everything, and you genuinely enjoy each other’s company even ten years after getting married. The name thing is also a point of contention. You both kept your own surnames, since in Korea women don’t take the husband’s family name. But to your family, that’s just further proof you’re just married for the tax break and to dispel all allegations of you being gay. 
“I think it’s grand,” Chan continues. “They just don’t know you and never bothered to, and I think for that crime, they deserve to never be taken off the low information diet. You’d think that for being an only child, you’d be more loved. Like Hyunjin. His parents worship the ground he walks on.” “Hyunjin was a wanted child. And notably, a boy.” You say, sighing. “I’ve been justifying my existence since I was plopped out onto this Earth. Always asking for permission and apologising for daring to exist and wanting to do anything.” 
“You’re the treasure beneath my exploded church,” Chan says, referencing a book you gave him around the beginning of your relationship. Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist. “I’m so happy I got to know you and had the exceptional wisdom to make you my wife. Your family doesn't deserve you.” 
Family. This was a big theme all along the eleven years you’ve known each other. Chan having the seven members and viewing them as his actual children because he was and still is responsible for them. Them seeing him as their dad and cheekily testing his authority, but never his love. 
You somehow ending up not as a mom figure, but acting as a consigliere to Chan, like in a mafia hierarchy. His members now respect and love you just as much as they do their leader. 
“You and the members are my family. And I don’t care that we’re atypical and not the usual dad, mom and bio kids deal.” You say. “All of my older relatives and even my parents, they’ve been married for a lifetime but they can’t stand each other. They are just too scared to leave because divorce is lawyers and court and hassle and for the women, poverty. So they do not get to judge our relationship or you.” 
“Come here, baby. Real close.” Chan whispers, opening his arms. “Channie’s gonna make it all good.” 
You blush. Even after all this time, his comforting voice and freely offered hugs work on you like a charm. 
He enfolds you in his arms and brings you even closer to him, glueing you to his front and guiding your head to one of his shoulders, placing a dry kiss to your neck and sighing. It’s from this close that you feel it- “Chris? What’s the occasion?” You ask, lifting your head to look into his eyes. What could have given him a hard-on right now? It can’t have been the racism or the dysfunctional family interactions. 
“Uh- I-” He starts, folding an arm up and scratching the back of his neck. It’s one of his tells for when he’s nervous or embarrassed. “I haven’t told you just how hot you look in this dress. I’ve been managing a semi all day.” “Never change. God, please never change.” You say, shifting so you can kiss him. “You look smoking hot in the three piece suit too. Been wanting to tear you out of it in one of the upstairs bedrooms.”
You know he doesn’t believe you when you say he looks beautiful and hot in any outfit he puts on. But he’s grateful you’re always thinking of having your way with him, despite his lingering insecurities. Those aren’t just easily dissolved with a compliment or two. And it’s honest every time. He insisted you straighten his hair and he styled it the way company stylists used to for going on stage. He wore thin gold rim glasses instead of contacts to be comfortable and the suit he got matches with your dress. Both suit and dress are a vibrant chicory blue and he wore a white shirt with the first two buttons open and a midnight blue and gold pocket square. In your eyes, he outshone the groom, and the bride too, although you both fit into the dress code. But he cannot help being the hottest man at every gathering because he’s your husband and everyone is always drawn to him. Which is why you’re always thanking your luckiest stars for him. “You look amazing in the suit. And you looked even better when you took off the jacket to play with the kids. I was drooling watching you, and my sister thought I was looking at the kids and wanting some. I didn’t have the heart to tell her what I was thinking at the time.” You say, amused at the memory. “I wish she would get off your back. Other than your old aunt with no filter, everyone else is giving me zero stress about kids. It’s not fair you get all the pressure and I get none. But I get why.” 
“Eh. In one ear, out the other.” You say. “I’ve been wanting to get you out of this suit all day.” He’s already undressing, careful but still hurrying. "Don't rush, baby, that's Valentino." You say, unzipping your dress and letting it fall to the floor, which leaves you in just a tiny string panty. “We do have the time.” He says, looking very affected by the sight of you. “By the time anyone misses us, we’ll be back.” “Don’t sell yourself short, Channie. You know I’m never done with you and you can go on for ages.”  “Yeah, good point. Well, I hope they don’t come looking for us then.” 
"It wouldn't be the worst if they did." You point out, taking his hand and pulling him close. "Might put those gay allegations to rest." He giggles. "According to Andrew Tate it's gay to have sex with your wife any time it doesn't result in a baby." Chan scoffs, clutching invisible pearls in mock- outrage. "Oh no! Turns out we were both gay this whole time!" He says, right before you two exchange a look and dissolve into giggles.
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naughtyservant · 8 months
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CW: Bones / S/kull
Philip is a voracious predator that won't doubt shove a cute boy down his throat and crunch him to feed his powerful muscles >:3
Maybe you already realized it, but this low angle is a HUGE turn on and I love to draw it sdkljgjklgsd
Philip belongs to @izznts. Thanks you sooooooooo very much for your support with this pic my friend! <3
*There is also an extra belly rub hands version on Twitter in the case you want to take a look ;3
Don't forget like, reblog and follow me for more sexy preds OwO)~
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scrumptiouspie · 7 months
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Just an angel enjoying his giant peach. But still quite naughty, hence the cut. Watercolours and ink.
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gabapple · 1 year
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VW doodle from last night
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powerupcomicstonight · 5 months
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misc-obeyme · 6 months
Oh dear extra mouths and teeth, huh?
Here is the link for easy access!
And since it's a part two, here's part one as well!
Honestly my biggest upset is the Solomon as a zombie one 😭
I didn't think I was into extra mouths and such but then I watched JJK and Sukuna changed my entire opinion on the subject. (There may also have been some people sharing fan art with me that are to blame for fueling this newfound interest you know who you are.)
Anyway, I definitely like to think about the possibilities of the demons having more demonic forms and Beel having extra mouths does make sense! And uh... well... you know, it's not like he would be able to restrain himself from using them for things other than food. Especially if you were into it lol.
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naughtyservant · 3 months
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A wonderful new pic of this sweet couple having fun at the lockers. Y'know, the usual think. A good f/uck, being vored by a huge c-ock and then churned into sweet thick c/um~
James (Pred) belongs to James The Beast (That I also designed his human/kemonomimi version in a previous commission :P)
Malus (Prey) belongs to Malus
A very huge thanks for your support with this pic!
Uncensor version on my A/ryion and T/witter as always
Don't forget like, reblog and follow me for more sweet couple moments with vore endings UwU)r
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constantron · 2 years
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Home again, home again, whoop-dee shit
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lemonluvgirl · 2 years
peeta giving katniss bedroom eyes just alllll day and like randomly going up behind her and saying filthy things in her ear and katniss trying to keep her calm around haymitch but she’s rlly just throbbing
His breath was hot against the nape of her neck as he leaned into her space where she was trying to load up a plate of leftovers for Haymitch. She had escaped to the kitchen for a brief respite from the covert looks Peeta had been sending her all throughout dinner. Looks that had sent her pulse racing and heat pooling in her stomach in anticipation of the moment Haymitch would go home and leave them alone for the night.
Katniss had never known until this past summer that Peeta's beautiful blue eyes could promise so much mischief with just a glance. But then again, there were a lot of things she had learned about Peeta this past summer. Even more, she learned about herself. She now knew many things about what she liked and didn't like in the bedroom. She also knew that Peeta was the only person she could ever feel comfortable exploring these things with. He was the only one she could stand to see how flustered she got when she thought of his broad, strong body. How wet her panties got from all his teasing.
Peeta braced one hand on her hip and with the other took the spoon from her under the guise of helping, seeing as how she simply stirred the gravy around in concentric circles instead of actually depositing it on the plate. She was very distracted tonight. When he saw her shiver at his touch he pressed fully against her back, lighting up so many points of contact, forcing her to bite back a moan.
"One of these days you're going to have to get better at hiding how turned on I get you." Peeta's warm voice rumbled against her ear before he leaned in and placed a single, featherlight kiss against the sensitive shell.
It made something deep inside her clench whenever he used that voice on her. The one that promised her things. Naked and wonderful and sometimes filthy things. If she let it that voice would make her melt and lose all control.
"Well maybe if you'd stop looking at me like you'd rather have me for dinner--" Katniss began to reply, annoyed and flustered.
"I would. I'd spread you out on our kitchen table and gorge myself between your legs if we didn't have company. You know that, sweetheart." Peeta told her, low and slow, words dragging and dripping with emphasis.
It made her growl with impatience. She hurriedly took the plate from his hands and piled more food haphazardly on top of it before covering it with a kitchen towel and depositing it hurriedly in a small basket.
"Here." She hissed, before grabbing the remainder of the bottle of wine they had opened for dinner and shoving it in the basket alongside the plate. "Tell him to take it and go."
"Haymitch will spot the bribe a mile away," Peeta warned, an amused smirk playing across his handsome features as he took the basket from her.
"I don't care as long as he goes home," Katniss replied, defiantly. Peeta chuckled smugly and nodded before he turned to walk back to the dining room.
"When I come back here I expect you to be waiting for me on top of that table." He said over his shoulder. The tone in his voice made goosebumps break out across her skin.
She nodded, already moving to comply with his instructions. "And lose the underwear sweetheart. I want you dripping freely for me." He added before walking away completely.
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anyway, hope you liked it :) my take on Peeta with slightly Dom feels.
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s-dei · 11 months
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a moment of self-irony
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I redid it kinda and found the screen caps that originally inspired it!
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thekrows-nest · 1 year
What if I call Krow daddy, what kind of reaction should I expect?
He would pause a moment, before getting this real flirtatious expression on his face, approach you slowly and reach up to stroke you're cheek. It's gentle, loving, but you almost feel like you're in danger. Almost.
"A-are you saying I-I should become a f-father, Dove? I would L-LOVE n-nothing more. A-are you willing to h-help me?"
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redfish-blu · 1 year
*listening to music from before the year 2009*
I understand completely what they are talking about and have had this experience in my life!!
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naughtyservant · 6 months
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A is for Aiden Flynn~
The chef of the camp needs help in the kitchen. The problem seems to be campers are not that strong enough to survive the coookig melting time~
Drop your suggestions for B!
Uncensor version on my A/ryion and T/witter as always
Don't forget like, reblog and follow me for more sexy cheft preds OvO)r
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fstbmp-a · 1 year
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...Rosalin is a monsterlover. Rosalin has multiple accounts all named the same on fic sites and is a Hugely Popular ReaderXMonster writer. She's. She wants to smooch the horrors, okay? We aren't talking, like, "oh a werewolf that's just a big dude" (she does like werewolves tho) we're talking Eldritch Horrors beyond comprehension sort of stuff. Flesh monsters with no proper form sorta vibes.
It shouldn't surprise me that she's into Rosy the scarier she gets girl is. A little weird--
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yumenosakiacademy · 1 year
ngl USUM was on2 smth where they made it so all the villains succeeded. like, considering some of them r mass genociders n stuff had they won. thts insane. not in a bad way jus a like “...whoa.” way bc they bring them in from timelines where these men hav literally committed mass murder n destroyed places. it jus feels metal as hell. 
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