#implied ably x newt
weepinglavenders · 2 months
Staying Put is now on A03!
(It has fancy chapter names now too)
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weepinglavenders · 2 months
Staying Put, PT 3:
He woke up in a white room, padded aside from the steel door that had a small window at the top and a hatch at the bottom for food. Like he was a god damn hamster, he sat up against the wall, staring at the door, wanting to laugh as he thought about what had happened. He really was crazy, absolutely insane. He shot two people, one more human than the other, and he’d enjoyed it. The rush of power and vengeance that came with them falling to the ground, crying in pain as their bones were snapped through.
He wanted to do it again, wanted every one of these so called scientists to burn in hell. His eyes then locked on to the words above the door and had to fight the urge to break the window.
WCKD is good
“If you all are so bloody good then you shanks should really make your hostages cells a bit more homey.”
He called out, staring pointedly at a corner in the ceiling, something telling him that there was at least a camera there. The sound of a buzzer came through the room and the door opened, a women with blonde hair and a mask stepped in, her eyes squinted like she was smiling.
“Hello Newt. It’s been awhile. I’m Chancellor Paige and you are not a hostage, you’re our guest.”
Her voice was calm and for some reason it made him angry, made him want to scream. He stood and looked at her.
“A guest? I thought we were past the whole trials, lying test thing.”
“We are, this is not a trial or a variable, this is an invitation.”
“An invitation?”
“To help us.”
“Then I decline.”
He crossed his arms and Paige sighed, pulling out a gun and pointing it at his chest.
“Then this is a threat. You are going to help us. You and Thomas.”
Newt did start laughing then, despite the weapon pointed at him, he laughed. The Chancellor lowered her arm slightly in surprise, eyebrows furrowing.
“You’re threatening me with that? God you people are so fucking stupid!”
He grins at her.
“Do it. Shoot me. It would be a bloody blessing and a better outcome then helping you cowards.”
“Your answer truly saddens me Newt.”
Paige sighed, shooting the gun and Newt didn’t have the time to even curse as the jet of electricity hit him in the chest and wrapped around him like a giant spider, forcing him to the ground as his body quaked. Newt would’ve said it was the worst pain he’d ever felt but he had thrown himself off of the maze walls and also watched his best friend and lover kill himself so being electrocuted was more like being given a shot of straight vodka.
He was taken to a room after the bolt of electricity stopped trying to kiss his heart and then set on a medical bed, staring up at the familiar mask with sharp objects hanging off it.
The swipe. They were going to fuck with his memories again. He went to move and quickly realized they had temporarily numbed him, particularly paralyzed.
“Relax Newton, we’re just starting where we had to leave off last time you were here. Your friends already removed their own Swipes in Denver and you won’t be much use to any of us if you still can’t remember your past.”
Paige smiled at him and then he was put under anesthesia and the mask was placed on him.
He woke up in the same room, a bandage wrapped around his head which was pounding. Newt groaned, sitting up again and flipping off the tray of food that was left by the door. His tongue felt like a lead weight, not even able to curse at WCKD for their shitty looking food. He leaned against the wall and gasped, a rush of images hitting him.
He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to focus on one of them, landing on a memory of him, Ably, Minho, Thomas and Teresa in a closet, a maintenance closet. They had stolen some food during dinner and brought it with them, the five of them talking. They were all about 11 to 12 years old, making useless plans for when a cure is made, Newt listening intently as Thomas talked about living in a house by the beach near all of them.
It filled Newt with hope that was slowly crushed as he looked at Teresa and her love filled eyes. She always looked at Thomas like that and he never noticed, or at least he didn’t seem to notice. Ably never seemed to notice how Newt looked at him too and he felt pity for Teresa.
Newt snapped out of the memory, shaking slightly. Tears brimmed his eyes and he stared at the door. He needed to get out of here.
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