#imperator auctor
fieriframes · 2 years
Dans la béatitude sans cesse. Dans les cieux dans son royaume. Dans son règne sans cesse. Pour toujours dans la béatitude. Dans la gloire en une infinité. Dans la béatitude à perpétuité. En une infinité pour toujours. Dans la béatitude irrévocablement. Dans son royaume sans cesse. Pour toujours dans la béatitude. Dans la félicité à tout jamais. Dans la béatitude un monde sans fin éternellement à perpétuité. Dans son royaume dans son règne. (?)
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[Misericors magnus. Illustrator immortalis. Redemptor arbiter. Dominus omnipotens. Aeternus deus. Incompraehensibilis pacificus. Aeternus imperator. Rex dominus. Conctipotens conseruator. Imperator sempiternus. Optimus deus. Incompraehensibilis immortalis. Imperator auctor.]
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warsofasoiaf · 3 years
Apologies, Roman emperor anon here. I misphrased my query. I meant, what year might the avg Roman man have realised that they no longer had a Republic, but instead had an almighty emperor?
I suppose that depends on the Roman. During the Principate, a skeptical Roman citizen might not believe Augustus’s justifications that they were simply the primus inter pares among the Senate and citizenry, in that case the ascension of Octavian is the death of the Republic. Others might have been soothed by the commonwealth trappings until Vespasian, since now the princeps was not established through auctoritis but rather through being designated the heir by the current Emperor, which might have rankled anyone who bought in to the Roman idea that kingdoms were evil and that the Roman meritocracy was what saved Rome from falling back into the hated days of the Roman Kingdom. Others might have believed the Republican trappings and that the designation  of co-emperor was a formal declaration of merit, until the term dominus and servi kept being thrown around, it’s hard to believe that you’re in a Republic when the imperator is the dominus (master) and you are the servi (slave). But if you believed all of that, Diocletian would put an end to that, because he was an explicit autocrat.
Thanks for the question, Anon.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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invictest-blog · 7 years
This is a testing ask.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer sit amet elit vehicula, rhoncus mauris ut, efficitur nulla. Curabitur eu urna pulvinar, accumsan velit ut, fermentum urna. Morbi varius augue orci, at ullamcorper est molestie quis. Donec odio elit, aliquet id aliquet a, auctor at urna. Pellentesque et arcu ligula. Curabitur hendrerit efficitur sagittis. Quisque massa urna, facilisis non egestas sed, fringilla ut tellus.Mauris porttitor tempor nunc, ac mattis dui. Maecenas eget tincidunt lectus.Aenean accumsan, nibh non semper eleifend, magna ex luctus elit, quis gravida orci tortor et tellus. Vestibulum molestie nibh condimentum, malesuada ante in, fermentum dolor. 
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imtalkingbackatyou · 6 years
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a slash was just assed to the header of imtalkingatyou, so someone checked for the page imtalkingatyou.tumblr.com/here (the binary is “imstillhere”) and found a page that looks like this
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with the numbers being
and one of the numbers being a link to imtalkingatyou.tumblr.com/mycat which looks like this
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Sapientissimus conseruator Optimus gloriosus Auctor illustrator Piissimus sempiternus Redemptor optimus Deus misericors Dominus piissimus Imperator sempiternus Magnus pacificus Arbiter deus Redemptor
when run through this decoder the text decoded to “ISHOULDNTHAUEDONETHAT“
we have yet to decode the numbers on /here so if you are able to please tell us!
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languagerp · 7 years
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THE LEGION – LEGIO IX, known commonly as L9, is the standing army and peacekeeping force of Irminsul. Originally an expeditionary league from Earth, they were formed as a failsafe and diplomatic chokehold by Earth against the rising might of the corporate-- a plan which, upon Imperator Stone's betrayal and subsequent ousting of loyal Earth forces on the station, backfired horrifically. It is said that when she and her forces appeared at the side of the nascent rulers of Irminsul, a young, rather fanciful officer remarked that they were "like the lost legion of Roman myth, come across time and space-- specters in black armor and holographic crests, formidable, fearsome, an unspoken threat. The blood drained from the face of Earth's negotiator." Though influential throughout much of its history, L9 rose to great prominence for its brutally efficient quelling of the Artifex uprising, when the imperator and L9 destroyed much of the insurgent robot forces and sent the rest into hiding, where they are now hunted by Gestirn inquisitors. L9 forces also serve to inhibit and crush Handler-sympathetic sentiment. In recent years, the imperator has begun to chafe under the restrictions of the Council, who fear that L9 has become too powerful under the imperator's control. This, however, is only the beginning...
JOINING: For many of Irminsul's poor, joining on as a legionary represents one of the few opportunities they have for gainful employment and moving up the social ladder. However, L9's tolerance does not necessarily translate to equality; though the playing field is significantly more level than the city at large, class disparities manifest themselves in ways both subtle and not. Often those who are centurions-- that is, the leader of a lance-- are, for example, are the children of wealthy families, many of whom attended the highly regarded Irminsul Academy, where they receive both an advanced education and are immersed in the cult-like spirit of loyalty and solidarity encouraged among L9's members. Several prominent military families fund the school alongside the Council, and it is said that all but one Imperator in L9's history has been appointed from among their bloodlines. Thanks to this abundance of resources, the Academy allows a small number of gifted students who would otherwise be unable to afford to attend to learn with the rest of the student body, and many have gone on to serve with distinction in various branches of L9-- the most famous being Imperator Stone herself, who graduated with with one of the first classes. CULTURE: To serve in L9 as one of its legionaries, for the majority of its members, is an honor-- or at the very least, a way to make something of oneself. As previously mentioned, much of the upper echelons of L9 brass are alumni of the Irminsul Academy and as such, share many of the same experiences from their school days, thus creating an intensely insular and proud sense of brotherhood among the officers. The high rate of intermarriage among L9 members and the families that commonly produce them only contributes to this. There is a social distinction between wealthier members, and the much larger part of L9 that consists of the rank-and-file legionaries, though the disparity is much, much smaller than that of Irminsul’s society at large. As such, the two parts of L9 do tend to keep more to their own; given the nature of their work and formation, however, close bonds can and do form between officers and their men. Above all, however, most legionaries are fiercely loyal to the current imperator, who is more or less regarded as a hero of the city and a living legend, having been credited with EQUIPMENT/TECH: Standard wear consists of a suit of durable and matte black armor, hard to the touch but flexible due to the plates which connect across the softer material underneath, and lightweight to boot. The advancement of military technology has allowed this style to offer a hefty amount of protection; standard bullets will not penetrate it, though as of late L9 has been on high alert due to the proliferation of armor-penetrating bullets and melee weapons on the black market. At the head the suit ends, extending to partially cover the jaw and chin and framing the face. Typically, one wears a detachable helmet over the head, which has a visor which, though tinted on the outside, holds a HUD which provides a high level of analysis and information and can be used for tasks such as routing legionaries, detect heat signatures, receive messages from command, and more. The standard set is also equipped with holographic detailing-- the helmet is capable of displaying a crest reminiscent of a Roman galea for patrol and parade purposes, and lances will often display their number on one hand, and callsign (or a symbol of their lance) on the other. Additionally, it is not unheard of for legionaries to modify their armor for decorative purposes (Imperator Stone was known to have red holographs instead of the standard blue), though the cost comes out of their own pocket and thus is found more among those in positions of authority or fame. It is common for legionaries heading into combat situations or reconnaissance missions to wear equipment suited to the objective-- for example, the former may don an exoskeleton for reinforced physical capabilities (jumping higher, being able to hit harder and be hit harder, etc), though the quartermasters of L9 are quite strict about requests, given the high cost of developing and producing said special equipment. Weaponry encompasses a wide range of both standard issue items like pistols and rifles to more advanced (though not neccessarily uncommon) inventions like the Legion Arcus, a rifle which utilizes laser beams rather than ammunition, and the Legion Gladius, which is a retractable energy blade outfitted to one's glove. It is not unheard of for unique (whether cosmetically or functionally) weapons to make their way onto the field, particularly in more specialized roles. AUCTORITA: In recent years L9 has also conducted multiple trials on the development of augmented humans-- genetically modified for powers (known as "auctors") which bring to mind the superheroes of comic books long forgotten. Said experiments are conducted in utter secrecy, and produce much more failures than successes. Auctorics-- that is, those with these experimental powers-- often are subject to extreme physical and mental trauma, something which as one might expect, debilitates and leaves permanently affected even the hardiest of people, especially since auctorita as a field is still in its early stages and success is defined as simply surviving with their new auctors. Very few people withstand the process, and those that do are generally legionaries, since they are selected with care and only augmented following numerous trials with (often unwilling) prisoners and other easy to erase civilians. Auctorics are outfitted with a kill switch within their bodies, a precaution mandated by those overseeing the scientists performing the procedures-- not only to ensure their loyalty (and therefore a return on the exorbitant sums invested in them) but because a rogue auctoric could potentially wreak great havoc in Irminsul. THE IRMINSUL ACADEMY: Created in the early years of Irminsul, the Irminsul Academy began as an outpost for the forces accompanying colonists-- but as the years went on, and new facilities were constructed for L9’s forces, the sector was remodeled to house recruits and training installations. Today, the Academy (as it is so known) is one of the premier places of education on Irminsul, having produced every single imperator to date, along with numerous decorated officers and a smaller number of politicians and scientists-- though it remains heavily military-oriented. The Academy formally educates students at age 18, following a rigorous series of entrance examinations testing for both physical and mental capability, as well as soundness of character (though, for those underperforming from traditionally military or otherwise powerful and wealthy families, exceptions can and are often made). Students are assigned to units of five based on a balance of aptitudes discerned from the entrance exams. These are known as lances, and they train, eat, sleep, and often attend classes with for the duration of their four years at the Academy. Each lance is given a name from an established pool which will be unique to them for the duration of their education, and each member is then assigned a number within the lance, with the exception of the appointed head, who is referred to as lead. It is not uncommon for the lead of a lance to change multiple times in the early stages of one’s education at the Academy, as they are more or less appointed by consensus of the other members (or force of personality), a marked difference from actual military practice. Lances that have members that die (as sometimes happens due to the nature of the education they are undertaking, but is relatively uncommon) or fail out/are expelled may be reformed-- that is, disbanded or otherwise given new members, if there are enough people, but there have been occasions where lances have been forced to continue on with fewer members. Upon graduation, lances will dissolve, in order to encourage loyalty to more than just one’s schoolmates, as well as to provide educated and highly trained officers for those who enter directly into the legion without attending the Academy, as is the case with a majority of L9’s members. It is not unusual for former members to end up working in the same lances, but it is highly unlikely that the lance will ever have its entire original roster. RANKS: L9 prides itself on its flexible structure, based more on small, close-knit units known as lances. Unlike the lances of the Academy, L9 lances do not have a set number of members, though typically they range from four to seven. Different lances have different specialties. Some, for example, may be distinguished in covert operations, while others are meant for open combat, while others still may be assigned most often to patrol. While all lances are expected to be ready for typical combat deployment, their rosters tend to reflect their specializations; a general combat/patrol lance, for example, usually has a legionary who is or has had training as a medic. Imperator - The head of L9 and its face. The imperator reports directly to the Council of Gestirn and is one of two consuls, but in recent days this position has become more and more independent of the authority of the Council at large-- thus raising the tension between them. Legate - Serving directly as members of the imperator’s lance (known always by the callsign Omega), these officers also serve as command for lances of different prefectures-- the imperator (Omega-Lead) and Omega-One generally manage Kyo lances, Omega-Two and Three oversee Herz, and Omega-Four and Five are in charge of Beine. They are handpicked by the imperator to serve, though the choice in of itself can be political, as is oft the nature of such high-profile positions. Centurion - The leader of a lance. Centurions are responsible for reporting to their legate, and are responsible for the lives and safety of their lance. Though required to more or less follow orders, they do have leeway in the execution of said orders, and are in fact expected to be able to improvise in the field as necessary. Legionary - A member of a lance, though this is also used to refer to any member of L9 in general. Legionaries who do not undergo training at the Academy instead are given a much faster basic training lasting several weeks (starting as soon as age 18), from which many will be weeded out, whether for health or lack of aptitude. From there, those who show particular talent for a field will then enter further training for that field, and eventually all those who remain are assigned to a lance. Legionaries who are unsouled are offered, like in other corporate positions, a chance to earn soul.
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Publica Duma Ipsum in cultura: movie "Matilda" non offendit animos fidelium. Duis a Alexei Uchitel "Matilda" non materia contumelia, religionis affectus, dixit in constitutionis edita in website de re publica Duma Ipsum in iaculis. Specialis protegendo enim sodales cursus Ipsum in jovis fuit dispositum est ab Studio "Petra" per Alexei Uchitel. Secundum legati, duis probatur esse "laetus, interesting et munere sumptum,", eius remissionis in theatris erit interest ad historiam de Russia. Auctores illud notandum est, quod imago futuri Imperatoris Nicolaus II ostendit "amorem et reverentiam". In movendi nihil est, quod esset contra Russian leges. Cultura Ipsum etiam illustraverat quod censuram et praeiudicio in artis libertas est inconveniens. Movie "Matilda" narrat ballerina Matilda Kschessinska, et cecidit in amore cum futura Imperator Nicolaus II. Diu ante accumsan elit causatur a clamor. Superius Prorex publica Duma a "Civitatum Russia", Natalia Poklonskaya dixit quod repraesentativa omnibus Duma factiones convenit, ut re-mittere ad petitionem Accusatore Generalis cum precibus ad ban duis a Alexei Uchitel "Matilda", ut, in eius sententiam, facit ut sursum religionis odium, et offendit animos fidelium
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